
=== luke is now known as Guest6702
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compaceyNeed a registration code03:43
lordievaderGood morning.05:54
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stack3457I am using Kubuntu 13.04 and want to upgrade it to 14.04 ensuring the backupdata is safe. Any suggestions?10:31
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:33
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BluesKajHi folks10:51
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derajatnew user12:53
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faLUCEhello. do you know if ubuntu works well on an Asus F200MA-BING-KX376B notebook?13:29
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lordievaderfaLUCE: Ubuntu? This is #kubuntu ;) Anyhow, you could try a live-cd/usb to see how well it works.13:34
aftereyois irc anything other that join and leave messages?14:11
soeeif depends14:12
soeebut basicaly yes - it i text chat14:12
soee*it is14:13
floogyHi, I got on several kde application warnings as follows: Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/65-ttf-sil-andika.conf", line 32: Having multiple <family> in <alias> isn't supported and may not work as expected14:13
soeelordievader: ^ have you seen this before ?14:14
lordievaderSounds like a misconfigured font.14:30
lordievaderAnd no, I haven't seen it before.14:30
xodiacI'm having trouble using the touchpad to click on objects.  I have an ASUS with one of those huge Apple type pads that  allows you click anywhere on the touchpad.  However, when I do this, the cursor often moves off of the object I want to select.  Can anyone offer any advice on how I might fix this issue14:53
OtterCoderSo does anyone have trouble with getting wifi? I have a dual-boot laptop that has no connecitivity issues on Windows 8.1, but it's super choppy on Ubuntu...15:43
frecelOtterCoder: what wifi chipset are you using?15:46
OtterCoderfrecel: Where do I pull that up/what command?15:48
frecelOtterCoder: nm-tool15:48
OtterCoderCould it be a problem with the fact that I'm using one of those N wifi routers?15:51
OtterCoderlspci gives me: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter15:52
frecelOtterCoder: and it does work but the connection is just bad?15:53
frecelas in slow, or high packet loss, or it keeps disconnecting?15:53
OtterCoderYeah, it runs fine, and quickly for an hour or two, and then it has this blip of zero connectivity that doesn't resolve unless  I disable and re-enable wifi.15:55
frecelOtterCoder: that is strange, I wouldn't even know how to log something like that to see what causes the issue tbh15:57
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frecelOtterCoder: what version of kubuntu are you using?15:57
OtterCoderUbuntu 14.10... I'm on the wrong channel, aren't I...15:58
* OtterCoder facepalms.15:59
frecelOtterCoder: yup15:59
OtterCoderThanks anyway.15:59
frecelOtterCoder: when you get to #Ubuntu say that your wifi is not working properly and you blame popey for it16:00
OtterCoderlol, sure.16:00
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georgelappiesjoin /ubuntu17:07
Graf_WesterholtWhen I start “binary clock” from krunner and start “xeyes” from krunner, “binary clock” turns into xeyes, too.18:09
kairox87hey guys is it normal that my dell labtop with i5 M580 cpu is running only opengl 2.1 or it can work with opengl 4 or something18:10
darthanubiskairox87: need more info..where are you seeing this, what video card ...18:12
kairox87no i don't have a dedicataed video card but only intel cpu which is an i5 but  i think why it can't work with a new version of opengl like 4 version18:14
kairox87no i don't have a dedicataed video card but only intel cpu which is an i5 but  i think why it can't work with a new version of opengl like 4 version18:32
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timblechmannhi, i've been testing kubuntu 15.04 on one of my machines, worked more or less fine until yesterday … now sometimes it freezes when logging into the plasma shell … if it gets further, the keyboard does not react and mouse clicks behave as if some keyboard modifiers were pressed20:51
timblechmannis this a known issue?20:51
ahoneybuntimblechmann: I have not experienced that before20:52
MoonUnit`timblechmann: could be this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-notification-helper/+bug/143422620:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1434226 in kubuntu-notification-helper (Ubuntu) "update hooks infinite recursion makes kded5 use excessive memory" [High,Fix released]20:52
soeetimblechmann: you can move cursor but apps do not respond ?20:53
MoonUnit`a fix was released yesterday, update and dist-upgrade20:53
soeeand whole desktop?20:53
timblechmannMoonUnit`: does not look like this … only 2 of 32 gig are in use20:54
timblechmannsoee: it really seems to be a focussing thing20:55
timblechmanni have 3 apps open which are loaded at the startup20:55
timblechmannwhen one window is active, i cannot move the focus to another app20:56
timblechmannclicking gives me the cross cursor (like for moving a window)20:56
soeetimblechmann: well there were some updates related to kio that might be teh problem20:56
soeecheck if you have all latest updates20:56
timblechmannright-clicking gives me a resize cursor20:57
timblechmannwhen should these updates cycle to the servers?20:57
timblechmannthis behavior started yesterday evening20:57
soeewell i can't reproduce this :)21:01
soeebut im after system break after propriety driver test -.-21:02
ahoneybunsoee: nvidia?21:03
soeeahoneybun: yup21:03
ahoneybunI installed the nvidia driver21:03
ahoneybunseems fine21:03
soeeuhm ahoneybunwith nvidia-prime ?21:04
ahoneybunseems it switched back to free driver21:04
ahoneybunyea soee21:04
ahoneybunapplying the driver again21:04
soeeahoneybun: oh it didn't boot at all for me21:04
ahoneybunit switched to the free one for some reason (at least that is what driver manager says21:05
* ahoneybun just installed again with sddm selected as display manager21:05
soeejust black screen, after: #prime-switch intel i had sddm but after login system freezed after few seconds, i could move only cursor21:05
ahoneybun #prime-select?21:06
soeeahoneybun: yes, command to switch profiles21:06
ahoneybunin the cmd?21:07
ahoneybunnever switched before21:07
soeeyou can check current one with: prime-select query21:07
soeethan yu can switch using: prime-select intel21:07
soeeor prime-select nvidia21:08
ahoneybunsoee: did you have a option in driver manager to "Using Processor microcode firmware for Inter CPU's from intel-microcode"21:08
soeeahoneybun: yes21:08
soeei  checked it, installed, but i have no idea wht it does :D21:09
ahoneybunI did not check it21:09
MoonUnit`there was a long thread on phoronix about the microcode http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?115850-Ubuntu-15-04-Will-Attempt-To-Better-Update-CPU-Microcodes21:10
soeenyway after my apptemt to run propriet drivers, it messed up sometihng in some config file21:10
soeeMoonUnit`: thanks. something to read21:12
ahoneybunsoee: well it is installer time to reboot and see if it broke :D21:12
* ahoneybun reboots21:15
ahoneybunsoee: that was not a fun journey21:23
soeeoh >21:23
ahoneybunplasmashell and krunner kept showing errors21:24
ahoneybunso I switched to intel and rebooted and now I'm here21:25
ahoneybunworking fine21:25
ahoneybunsoee: thanks a lot for that prime-select info lol21:25
ahoneybunwhere can I get the logs?21:26
ahoneybunsoee: at least I can make it workable again21:30
soeelets hope it all will be fixed before final 15.04 release21:32
ahoneybunonly if we provide logs and test :)21:34
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soeehiho karlitos22:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:58
=== Newblood80 is now known as Murook
Finetundrahello, I seem unable to automatically connect to wifi networks at boot. is this a common issue?23:28
valorieFinetundra: using what version of Kubuntu?23:29
valorie14.04, 14.10, the new beta?23:30
Finetundravalorie: 14.04. This issue has only happened recently23:30
valoriehmmm, that's not good23:33
Finetundravalorie: honestly its just a pain. it is corrected after swapping desktop enviroments however that requires me to log in 3 times(once into one then back out then to the first)23:34
valoriein the configs, in 14.10 at least I had to click not only "automatically connect"23:34
valoriebut also "all users can connect"23:34
valorieas a workaround for a bug23:34
valorieI'm unsure whether or not they fixed it, because my laptop wireless card died23:35
valorieso I'm on a wire23:35
valorienot happy about that23:35
ahoneybunI only have a issue once my network shuts down and it cannot see the network (once it turns back on: 15.04)23:36
Finetundravalorie: I imagine that's a pain. I'll double check but I'm pretty sure that all users are set to have permission to connect23:37
valorieI bought a wireless dongle, but KDE doesn't seem to see/use it23:37
Finetundravalorie: that could be a firmware issue23:37
valoriefortunately I can connect with a wire23:37
valorieyes, and of course it is made for windows/mac23:38
valoriebut supposedly works on linux too23:38
ahoneybunvalorie: belkin ones work well for linux23:39
* ahoneybun has one belkin dongle23:39
Finetundravalorie: dependong on the brand and model it may be more or less a painful thing to get working23:40
valoriethis is sabrent23:40
valorieand the driver wants me to go in and set the kernel version etc.23:41
valorievery suspicious that the driver manager doesn't offer a driver23:41
ahoneybunvalorie: I'll bring it along to akademy incase you don't get one before then23:42

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