
=== kurtkraut is now known as KurtKraut
=== KurtKraut is now known as kurtkraut
trinodehey, how would you diagnose an issue wheere shutting down via the gnome menu results in a black screen (and power remaining on) yet issuing the command shutdown -h now from gnome terminal shuts down fine?08:55
darkxsttrinode what ubuntu are you using?08:56
trinode15.04 (yesterday's daily)  and gnome 3.16 from the gnome 3 staging repos08:57
darkxstsounds like systemd is choking, but not heard of any similar bugs08:58
darkxstif you enable the debug console at boot, you might be able to switch to VT9 to see what is going when it hangs08:59
trinodeooh, how do I do that? kernel param?09:00
trinodeand is there a way to write it to a file? (the screen goes black (and backlight off) instantly, I can't seem to switch to any other terminal09:01
darkxstyesm use systemd.debug-shell09:02
darkxstsee /usr/share/doc/systemd/README.Debian09:03
darkxstand if you can get to VT9 then probably systemctl list-jobs will tell you what is hanging09:06
trinodeI've got me a shell, lets give this a go09:08
trinodenope, instant black screen of stuck09:09
darkxston boot or shutdown?09:11
darkxstctl+alt+f9 to get to debug shell09:12
trinodeI can get to the shell when the system is booted09:12
trinodebut the instant I press power off I loose the ability to do anything other than see a black screen09:12
trinode(can't switch VT or anything)09:12
trinodeI think the system is pretty much powered off without the powering off09:13
trinodesince shutdown -h works09:13
darkxstprobably a stuck grab or somthing, can you ssh into the machine?09:13
trinodemakes me think it's nothing to do with systemd09:13
trinodemore gnome09:13
trinodeor permissions of whatever user gnome runs as or something like tha09:13
darkxsta locked up VT may be nothing to do with gdm09:14
darkxstcan you ssh into it?09:15
trinodeI'll try but I think wireless is gone after leaving gnome09:15
darkxstconnect an ethernet cable ;)09:15
trinodegnome's shutdown dialog listed a warning saying other users were connected09:17
trinodeone of them being my ssh session09:17
trinodeand clicking poweroff disconnected me instantly09:18
darkxstcan you ssh in after it hangs?09:19
darkxstif its a gnome bug, pretty much 100% chance you will be able too09:20
darkxstgiven your session was kicked though, sounds like its hanging quite late in the shutdown09:20
trinodeis there a permission / group you have to be in to power a system down?09:21
mgedminmaybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Netconsole could be useful to see what's happening during shutdown, if you've got an ethernet cable and another PC in the same subnet?09:21
trinodeswitching to lightdm fixed it09:31
trinodeI actually was trying to test with unity so did apt-get install unity09:31
trinodeit switched me to lightdm instead of gdm09:32
trinodebut unity wasn't present as an option so I started gnome09:32
trinodeand it shutdown fine09:32
mgedminbisection idea: instead of shutting down from the gnome session try to log out and then shut down from gdm?09:36
trinodefrom gdm shutdown is instant black screen again09:40
trinode(I say instant because in lightdm and if using gdm but issuing shutdown -r now from the command line we see the gnome foot logo for a second then some of the boot / shutdown progress text09:41
LinDolhi all :)13:08
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
allenskd_hey guys if someone could confirm, does nautilus-dropbox package nolonger depends on dropbox in 15.04? just tried to install it and nautilus-dropbox wants to remove dropbox :|22:30
Dumle29Hey there. If I want to add a startup application through gnome tweak tools, the + doesn't work. Is this a known bug?22:56
Dumle29Only way I've found to do it so far is making a .desktop file myself22:56
Jordan_UDumle29: I would argue that you should just be asking how to make onedrive-d start automatically when you log in. It provides more background for your end goal, and also doesn't limit answers to those relating to gnome-tweak-tool :)22:58
Dumle29Jordan_U: Ah true :P But I'm fairly certain i got that working :) Just figured I would go ask here to get the problem solved now that you spent so much time on it over in #ubuntu :)22:59
Dumle29I think the .desktop file I made will work (haven't restarted yet)22:59
=== kurtkraut is now known as KurtKraut

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