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duflualan_g: Is Jenkins usually present or need to be requested on devel-mir-next? Seems it was present on one proposal but not the other08:39
alan_gduflu: it isn't set up for devel-mir-next08:40
alan_gmaybe it ought to be08:40
duflualan_g: Might be handy, but the process is already pretty indirect. Jenkins will always be gatekeeper in the end as things eventually get proposed to lp:qtmir08:41
dufluIn the branches prior to that, less important08:41
duflugreyback_: Hey did U8/QtMir get its own screencasting tool?08:49
greyback_duflu: qt has it built-in08:50
duflugreyback_: Handy. Got a bin name?08:51
greyback_duflu: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qscreen.html#grabWindow is the method, is platform dependent. It's not a standalone tool tho.08:53
duflugreyback_: Kay nevermind. Just noticed the output format of mirscreencast has changed and I thought that might be to support some tool/script that can use it08:54
greyback_duflu: of that I've no idea. It wasn't done for Qt's sake anyway08:55
dufluThe new format is theoretically less awkward but I don't know any mplayer/vlc incantation that can use it08:55
dufluUnlike the old format08:56
duflugreyback_: In other news, I've been playing with input resampling again, on the client side this time. Seems there's reasonable gain to be had if you implement app-specific resampling. If Qt has this, we should try it08:58
greyback_duflu: qt has it's own input resampling indeed08:59
duflugreyback_: Great. But if it's not turned on then turning off Mir's would be bad09:00
greyback_but as unity8 written in qt, it means unity8 will be doing the resampling09:00
greyback_it's turned on by default I believe (I don't think it can be turned off actually...)09:00
duflugreyback_: Oh, so it just didn't exist back when Mir got resampling?09:01
greyback_duflu: correct, it only appeared in qt5.409:01
dufluThat definitely needs testing then.09:01
duflugreyback_: Oh. It's not in RTM then09:02
greyback_rtm on 5.3 still09:02
duflugreyback_: It's not in the 5.4 release notes... (?)09:04
greyback_hmm, let me check I'm talking out of my ass09:05
greyback_https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtdeclarative/commit/6dc8f47bb05a8acb3cbcc697e0dc05356a01d4cf <- there's the commit anyway09:06
greyback_seems it wasn't noteworthy enough to mention in the release notes09:08
duflugreyback_: How do you know that was the 5.4 branch? It was committed before the 5.3 release.09:20
greyback_duflu: it was a guess09:21
dufluActually committed around the same time as 5.3 released. So probably 5.309:24
dufluProbably 5.409:24
greyback_duflu: found the branch in the qtdeclarative repo, it landed in 5.409:25
duflugreyback_: OK, retesting on a phone now09:25
duflugreyback_: Yeah I think there is some benefit. At least scrolling is smoother than the default 55Hz. But we already knew that was a problem and fixed it in 0.13. Still, I think when Mir gets a client function to toggle resampling it's probably time to default to off09:42
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greybackbloody wifi09:52
greybackduflu: what situations would a client want non-sampled input?09:52
duflugreyback: If it can do a better job by virtue of its own multi-layered design (e.g. fingerpaint and coming soon: mir_demo_client_target).09:53
dufluAnd games no doubt09:54
duflugreyback: Basically anything that can process multiple input events (well) per frame09:55
RAOFSuch as Qt :)09:55
dufluRAOF: Isn't it Easter for you already?10:01
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kgunnkdub: alf_ worth reading greyback_ and duflu's scrollback ^^13:38
kgunndrives me crazy, we need to stop saying "that looks better" and measure13:38
greyback_QML_NO_TOUCH_COMPRESSION=1 will disable Qt's input "compression"13:40
kdubyeah, it seems its valuable to configure mir's input sampling13:41
kduband also, +1 to quantified discussions of course13:41
alf_kgunn: +1 for measure, but... there is still the unknown factor of things actually getting to the screen which we don't have a good way to measure, and essentially that is what counts13:43
kdubalf_, I guess thats what that python+lttng stuff was intended to make easier?13:43
alf_kdub: we can get closer with these, but there still may be issues in the display stack/hardware that we don't control13:45
tvossalf_, not sure we should block on that bit13:45
alf_kdub: bottom line I guess is that "looks/feels better" is a valid, though subjective, metric13:45
kdubalf_, sure, but we won't ever control that, and we have to start measuring somewhere :)13:45
alf_tvoss: not saying that we should13:45
tvossalf_, if there is a significance difference between what is visible and what the numbers tell us -> big issue13:46
tvossalf_, kdub is Mir's resampling code instrumented such that we can do measurements on that?13:46
anpokthe resampling itself has not clear enter exit points afaik13:47
tvossalf_, kdub I also noticed that we introduced a magic constant 55 Hz there. The original android approach allows the client to pass in the timestamp of the start of the last render pass, which makes a lot more sense13:47
tvossanpok, I'm pretty sure it has on the client side13:48
anpoktvoss: well there is one point where it starts, to accumulate and another where it will send stuff.. I belive either of the points is missing13:48
anpokbut I might be wrong13:48
tvossnot sure I understand that statement13:48
tvossanpok, mind pointing me to the tests for the resampling?13:49
anpokwe only have received_event .. and not event_passed_to_event_delegate13:51
anpokas a trace point13:51
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