[21:16] heeey elacheche d4rk-5c0rp [21:16] hey lunapersa :D [21:17] ça va d4rk-5c0rp ? [21:18] nas2al 3lik :D [21:18] hahaha ;) [21:18] hawa f beli :p [21:20] -45mn [21:22] x) [21:23] :p [21:24] bon courage ^^ [21:24] thx :) [21:26] thx for the testimonial btw [21:30] il y a quoi dans 45mn ? [21:30] :p [21:33] bonsoir les gars! [21:33] salut crack3r :) [21:38] yo elacheche_anis [21:38] There will be a meting for the Ubuntu Membership board, to approve the new Ubuntu members, d4rk-5c0rp is one of 5 community members who tries to be official ubuntu members.. [21:38] cool, good luck d4rk-5c0rp [21:39] thx crack3r [21:54] m-7 :p [21:57] cuz I'm not stressed enough -_- [22:03] :D [22:04] :D [22:04] join us lunapersa [22:05] c bon [22:06] chkoun hey a5er [22:07] No one else is around.. [22:07] neo ? [22:07] Probably sleeping.. [22:09] sayé kalamto :D [22:10] x) [22:10] ping lunapersa it's on #ubuntu-meeting ? [22:10] hey Neo31.. [22:11] yep [22:11] yup [22:11] they're still reading the wiki I think [22:11] good luck d4rk-5c0rp [22:11] nizarus pas encore :( [22:11] thx Neo31 [22:11] did he speak yet elacheche_anis ? [22:12] nop [22:12] and gave them his wiki? [22:12] ok [22:12] good [22:12] not yet Neo31, they didn't start yet [22:12] i thought i amlate [22:12] good [22:12] that's a good thing [22:12] nizarus should be busy with the wikiarabia [22:12] yeah [22:12] d4rk-5c0rp, wiki link please [22:13] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/d4rk-5c0rp [22:13] some board members are not there.. so the others still trying to figure out how to proceed the metng I think :/ [22:13] :( [22:13] nchallah lyoum w barra :D [22:14] :D [22:14] hahaha [22:14] inchallah [22:14] d4rk-5c0rp, hakuna matata [22:14] always someone is missing [22:14] mahna mahna :D [22:14] it's fine we will wait [22:16] :))))) === Neo31` is now known as eo31 [22:24] one more testimonial [22:24] sorry it was a quick one, the last days has been awful for me === eo31 is now known as Neo31` === Neo31` is now known as Neo31 [22:25] go d4rk-5c0rp :) [22:25] Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. [22:26] lunapersa, Neo31 let's show our support ;) [22:26] yeahh [22:28] :) [22:31] :D [22:32] d4rk-5c0rp, answer their questions [22:33] heeey d4rk-5c0rp go ahead [22:34] He fall asleep I think x) [22:34] wtf elacheche_anis ba7dhek houwa? choufou win!!! [22:35] Nope, he's in the other room :) :D Just next to my room.. But he need he's own space.. [22:35] ok [22:35] he started answering some of the questions [22:36] he should be more reactive [22:36] Hahaha.. Theye think that he can't speak English.. d4rk-5c0rp you should tell them that you're just stressed.. [22:36] :D methkine [22:37] stop pinging him here elacheche_anis [22:37] :) You pinged me during my approval meeting Neo31.. Everyone pinged me that day x) [22:38] loool [22:38] :D [22:38] u did survive that elacheche_anis [22:38] :D :D [22:39] memories :D [22:39] chnouwa trajja3 fel fazza ? [22:39] :D :D :D [22:40] A spammer on #ubuntu-meeting :o [22:40] * FatBack has changed the topic to: *** lol [22:40] -_- [22:40] tabban! [22:41] This is the first time to see this x( [22:41] he changed it twice at least [22:41] and he's still there lol [22:41] let's start spamming too lol [22:41] hhh [22:41] he's banned [22:41] ha333 [22:41] 3:) [22:43] That's not cool :/ [22:45] i have comments but i will keep it after the vote [22:47] aya mabrouk d4rk-5c0rp ^_^ [22:48] congrats d4rk-5c0rp :) [22:48] :') [22:48] :D [22:48] lol [22:49] he's here x) [22:49] * Neo31 is lhao (lmao) [22:49] the real one [22:49] chkoun y5alass 3liya il mabrouk? [22:50] hhhhhhhhh [22:50] hahahaha [22:50] yoyoyoyoyooo [22:50] berjoulia the most messed up membership approval conversation i have ever seen on ubuntu-meeting since i have joined lool [22:51] hhhhhh [22:51] rofl [22:51] rit ek il 7ela :'( [22:51] xD [22:51] d4rk-5c0rp, 3andik zhhar berjoulia [22:51] yep :) lucky boy :) [22:51] nharet elli t9oul ma 3andikch zhhar taw nji nejbidlik wedhnik [22:51] sa7it Neo31 [22:51] :) [22:52] i've seen ppl in better conditions who didn't get in lool [22:52] hhhhh [22:52] lol [22:52] wallah a9wa film ellila [22:52] haters gonna hate 8| [22:52] comedy [22:52] spammer [22:52] w 7ala [22:52] hhhh [22:52] aywach [22:52] narj3ou lerrasmi [22:52] wa9tech el mabrouk mela d4rk-5c0rp ? [22:52] ^_^ [22:52] hhh [22:52] en fait, ken ma3addewnich elloul mana5ouhech xD [22:53] hhhh [22:53] m3allam chouf elli ba33di, il launchpad mte3ou ybaki [22:53] yezi bla pecimism [22:53] haw bach nji nejbidlik wedhnik tawa [22:53] Check FB bedis :) [22:54] https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuTunisie/posts/807911945945569 [22:54] weld 7ram el sil3a lol [22:55] btw [22:55] thx a lot lunapersa [22:55] abt what Neo31 ? [22:56] d4rk-5c0rp, ML [22:57] i'm sick and exhausted the last days, i was about to sleep lunapersa. thx for ur call to remind me of the meeting [22:58] de rien Neo31 [22:58] :D [22:58] :D [22:58] tiiiir Neo31 ma"mlt chzy [22:58] d4rk-5c0rp, chouf le5ra " GNOME, LibreOffice, Translation Project...etc." [22:58] sa5ta 3a9adni [22:59] 3raft chnouwa echay elli n7arbou fih a7na 3andou houwa "etc" lool [22:59] ti rit :'( [22:59] tallit la3chiya, 9rib ne7i rou7i mil board x) [22:59] loooooool [22:59] heka 3lech 5nisst enti fel meeting? lool [23:00] 7a9ik d5alt fasa5tlou esmou [23:00] wala 7kit m3ah [23:00] 9ollou aman el marra jeya [23:00] lol [23:00] hhh [23:00] ah asma3 [23:00] ija emrjou hakelli 9allik 3al ubuntu touch [23:00] concernant el qnmap [23:00] balikchi he knows a guys from the core team who can help us [23:01] heyel yecer [23:02] berrasmi [23:02] bach npinguik bekri [23:02] bach n9ollik jebha lrou7ou jbedlik 3al touch [23:02] lol [23:02] ama ma 7abitech ncha5chbik [23:02] hahaha [23:02] ija 3ess m3aya [23:02] lawjelna chkounou 5anemrjouh 9bal ma yafsa3 [23:02] ygat3ou fisa3 rahom ba3d el meeting [23:03] wxl [23:04] wxl [23:04] yep [23:04] :) [23:04] pingih fil prive w n9oulou 7achetna bik lol [23:04] taw npingiweh fel channel [23:05] (y) [23:06] do u have one more question d4rk-5c0rp [23:06] lol [23:06] aya n3ajzouh lol [23:06] loooool [23:06] lol [23:06] chouf sayed fech kan ya7ki m3ahom [23:06] hhhh hmd fel approval mte3na ma jech m3ana ka3ba ki hedha [23:06] lol [23:07] man7ebech na9ra bech man9oulelhom na7iwli il membership hahaha [23:07] loool [23:07] mashlou [23:07] ki d5oul el 7ammem ki 5roujou houwa [23:07] hhh [23:07] yezio mel 7ess [23:07] dima te7kio [23:07] tata lunapersa a3tih tri7a [23:07] y7eb yohrob [23:08] :D [23:08] bara or9do ltjkom enna3oucha [23:08] oups [23:08] cha9it 3lihom lol [23:09] -_- [23:09] tata lunapersa mizal bekri ^_^ [23:09] haya liltekom zena [23:09] :D :D [23:10] d4rk-5c0rp, chnouwa yo9ssod " singling me out" ??? [23:10] ok lunapersa sweet dreams [23:10] y7ebek tas2al s7abou ilkol lol [23:10] pigehom ilkol xD [23:10] loool [23:10] mchet m3ak [23:11] ellila bach ytardouna a7na zouz [23:11] lol [23:11] Aya GM guys.. AM KO [23:11] GM'ech elacheche_anis ? [23:11] to9sod GN ? [23:11] hhhh [23:11] OUps x) dhya3t.. oui c ça GN [23:12] aya elacheche_anis 9oul el tata lunapersa bonne nuit 9bal ma tor9od [23:12] raw7i elacheche_anis :D [23:12] c u soon [23:12] elacheche_anis, [23:12] stanna stanna [23:12] hakil 2 pins [23:12] w 2 pens [23:12] ubuntu [23:12] :D hahom ba7dhéya :p [23:12] mizalou 3ala jnab mahou? [23:12] sa7itik [23:12] :D [23:12] ++ [23:12] ab3athhom m3a badis kif yji jey a tunis [23:12] ok [23:12] good [23:13] c u soon [23:13] GN [23:13] d4rk-5c0rp, "I have also helped triage bugs and submitted some small patches for typos and was a backup relase manager for lubuntu last Thursday for final beta" [23:13] ayya barra nenta7rou!!! [23:14] backup release manager for lubuntu [23:14] lool enta fin wel 7obb fin [23:14] loooooool [23:14] chya3mlou biha membership hedhom n7eb nifhim!!! [23:14] :'( [23:14] hahahha [23:16] d4rk-5c0rp, "lxqt for example which is wehre the development of lubuntu is headed" I was right for betting on LXQT ^_^ [23:17] :D [23:17] good boy :p [23:17] el mochkla fin mizalou ya7kiw m3ah [23:17] brabbi tsawar rou7ek board member [23:17] w yjiwek jme3a ki hedhom [23:18] brabbi ech bach ta7ki m3ahom! [23:18] 7atta chay, na3mal demande y5arjouni mil board kahaw xD [23:18] loool [23:19] ianorlin: BTW, thank you for stepping up to the release manager work last week [23:19] hggdh you're welcome [23:19] as2lou 9ollou 3lech t7eb 3al membership :'( [23:19] * Neo31 8'S [23:20] 3inaya damm3et [23:20] saye [23:20] loool [23:20] sakarli il membership si alé [23:20] mahomch mesta3rfin bih hedha sidi 5ouya [23:20] loool [23:20] wallah heki hia d4rk-5c0rp [23:20] bach ndez faza w na3tih -1 [23:20] hahahaha [23:20] bach n9ollou barra a3mal distro wa7dik lol [23:20] yetlam houwa w le5er [23:21] ya3tiwek -42 xD [23:21] w 4 kifhom [23:21] ya3mlou distro [23:21] lol [23:21] haha [23:21] * Neo31 wanna cry [23:22] ebki ebki [23:22] walah berrasmi [23:23] loool [23:23] wallah berrasmi 3andik baaaaaarcha zhhar d4rk-5c0rp [23:23] stanna nji ltounes nebkiw ma3 b3adhna [23:23] loool [23:23] mchet m3ak [23:23] hhh [23:23] eni nebki wenti indibhom sinon [23:23] :p [23:24] ok :p [23:24] d4rk-5c0rp, c bon e5er we7ed hedha lila ? [23:24] maghir ma nzid n7acham rou7i [23:25] fi beli mazel wa7ed o5or [23:26] looooool [23:26] i asked already [23:27] lol [23:31] jewebni en privee [23:31] tallafni :/ [23:31] :( [23:32] cha3malna mela [23:35] re [23:35] 1mn pls d4rk-5c0rp [23:37] Neo31, KO [23:38] re [23:38] ok ok d4rk-5c0rp [23:38] bon [23:38] tallafni [23:39] 9alli ncontacti wa7de5er [23:39] 9alli chouf 3al irc [23:39] wel mailing [23:39] 9otlou elli deja choft avant [23:39] w ma famech 7all pratique [23:39] w lezim na7ki m3a 7add fel core developers [23:39] 9alli na7ki m3a mhall [23:39] normalement kan 7adher fel membership approval mte3i walla dra win 7kit m3ah avant [23:40] taw n3awed nchouf kifech nal9ah w nas2lou directement [23:40] mhall119 [23:40] kan 3ordhik enti as2lou [23:40] ok [23:41] battery low [23:41] peace Neo31