
Kilosmorning all05:24
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:19
SquirmNvm - Off to work06:21
Squirmchat later06:21
Kilosgo safe06:21
ThatGraemeGuymorning peoples06:45
ThatGraemeGuyanyone using 15.04 already?07:19
Kilosnope are you?07:19
Kilosill try it when officially released07:19
ThatGraemeGuynot yet, but considering it07:19
ThatGraemeGuyi usually install when the second beta hits07:20
ThatGraemeGuyhas served me well for all this time07:20
Kilosi once installed with the second beta but its not the same as an official release07:20
ThatGraemeGuyno idea what you mean by that07:20
Kilosthe finishing touches make everything better07:20
ThatGraemeGuymm ok07:21
ThatGraemeGuydebatable but whatever07:21
Kilosi once watched them on the dev channel just before a release and they do lots of finishing07:22
ThatGraemeGuywell that's kinda obvious isn't it, if there was nothing else happening after final beta, then it wouldn't be the final beta, it would be the released version07:23
Kilosya well i cant do finishing things like the clever peeps so ill wait rether07:24
Kilosthey know what they are doing, i just break things07:25
Kiloshi psyatw  07:33
psyatwhi Kilos 07:34
Kiloshi TinuvaMac  07:53
Kiloshi Squirm  09:43
grembleGood day y'all11:57
Kiloshi gremble  11:57
Kiloshi pieter2627  11:57
grembleHow are you Kilos 11:57
Kilosim good ty gremble  and you?11:58
grembleI am well thank you11:58
pieter2627hi Kilos12:13
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: That's brilliant!13:19
ThatGraemeGuyif only they did that here13:21
SquirmI'd have gone13:33
Squirmand if they refused13:33
SquirmHeld them to their word :D13:34
SquirmFalse advertising and all13:34
Kilosinetpro  its the second, you dont have to hide anymore13:40
Kiloswbb, needs to do some ineternal investigation15:05
Kilosoh my, spooks visit here too15:17
* Kilos hates getting things working and not know how i did it15:27
Squirm1 week leave15:47
Kiloswb Tonberry  16:17
Kiloshi drussell  hows ya doing?16:25
MaazMopkop: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell mopkop Please upload your branch, finished or not , so it can be reviewed and site go live" 2 days, 21 hours, 48 minutes and 6 seconds ago16:30
MopkopO sorry, I'll get to that just now...16:30
Kiloshi Mopkop  hoe gaan dit seun?16:30
Kilosvergeet dit eers en vertel my hoe dit met jou gaan man16:31
MopkopHello oom. Baie om voor dankbaar te wees! En self? Jammer ek het so weggeraak. Ek sukkel met time management. Ek het nou vir 'n time management kursus ingeskryf by UNISA, en dit gaan al baie beter! 16:32
Kiloshaha keer hulle jou om te doen wat jy wil en wanner16:34
MopkopJa, mens moet verantwoording doen vir elke minuut van jou dag, self as jy tande borsel!16:34
MopkopMaar dit werk :)16:35
MopkopO ja, Moes weer format, het weer my klank gebreek :(16:35
MopkopNou moet ek weer bzr laai...16:35
Kilosmaak net seker daai kursus sit n halw uur of meer elke dag vir ubuntu16:37
MopkopMeer as dit. Die hele aand eintlik! Hulle sĂȘ mens moet ten minste 33% van jou dag gee vir werk en studies. Ek doen net studies to 5 uur, so die res van die tyd het ek vir kerk en Ubuntu :)16:38
MopkopO, en ek het toe Python geleer :)16:40
MopkopMaar dit was 2, moet nou net leer hoe 3 verskil.16:41
Kilosn begin is n begin16:41
Kilosen dit sal jou goed te stand kom as jy alby ken16:43
MopkopIs daar enige nice video's oor Ubuntu, wat mense sal kry om dit te gebruik. Ek soek 'n kort video wat ek onder 'Get Ubuntu' kan sit.16:44
Kilossjoe ons sal by die slimmes moet hoor16:44
Kilossoos n advertensie video? 16:45
Kilosof een wat wys hoe om te werk daarmee16:45
MopkopEnigiets wat mense sal aanspoor om dit te download.16:45
MopkopWat can die? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RwvrCfe2nM16:46
MopkopO nee wag die youtube een is oud.16:47
Kilosek kannie youtube of videos doen nie seun. pc te stadig en data verdwyn gou16:47
Kilosdie ding is als verander te gou , elke ses maande is n nuwe release16:48
MopkopIn Duitsland is internet verniet en steeds vinniger as hier :( Ja, dis hoekom ek aan iets generies gedink het.16:49
Kiloskyk ook na die ene http://www.infiniteskills.com/training/learning-ubuntu-linux.html16:50
Kilosmaar los eers al die fancy goed laat ons net die site aan die gang kry16:51
MopkopOk :)16:52
Kilosjy kan mos later ekstra goed inwerk of hoe?16:52
MopkopDis waar! Ek moes reeds, 'n paar goed uithaal :(16:53
Kilosek gaan eet nou16:59
MopkopGeniet dit!17:03
Kiloshi georgelappies  17:11
georgelappieshi Kilos, how are you17:11
Kilosgood ty busy eating17:11
georgelappieslong time since I've been here ;)17:12
Kilosalways good when im filling my face17:12
Kiloshows you?17:12
georgelappiesaah eating is always good17:12
Kilosya you very naughty17:12
georgelappiesI am fine thanks17:12
Kiloswhere you been?17:12
georgelappiesbeen taking a break between my studies17:13
Kilosyou okes break with the wrong stuff man17:13
Kiloshows thew studies going?17:13
georgelappiesstudies is going well thanks17:15
georgelappiesyeah, wife needs some attention as well :) So between studies and work, I try and spend some time with family as well17:16
Kilosgood man17:16
Kilosa happy wife is the main ingredient in every happy marriage17:17
KilosMopkop  how do you break your audio every time17:25
georgelappiesvery true17:25
MopkopKilos: This time I tried installing Realtek drivers to cancel out the static on the Microphone. Not a good idea!17:26
Kiloslol what do you do with a mike?17:27
KilosMopkop  save this link17:32
MopkopO thank you Kilos! But I already solved that problem. I just keep creating new ones I have to fix :(17:33
Kilosbit more practise and you can join the bugsquad17:35
Kilosim serious they need helpers badly17:36
Kilosknowing python will be a big advantage i think17:36
MopkopWho is the bugsquad?17:37
* Kilos waves to tumbleweed17:37
Kilosthey the ubuntu peeps that fix bugs17:37
Kiloshi magellanic  ty all good now17:37
MopkopLol, duh. :P.17:38
Kilosim sure now i had to do the same thing on unity a year ago17:38
MopkopHello magellanic!17:38
magellanicKilos: ah, the auto mute? or the modules config?17:39
Kilosi did both17:39
Kiloslast time too17:39
Kilos haha17:39
magellanicare your tunes clear now?17:39
Kilosyeah lekker ty17:39
Kilosand i put the alsaequal think too and turned down some volumes17:40
magellanicyeah I saw people complaining about volumes in the forums17:40
Kilosyeah crazy to drive speakers with built in amps with full volume17:41
magellanicif you get the time and inclined, remove that module setting and try, curious to see if it was the driver or alsa17:42
Kilosnono if it aint broke dont fix it17:43
Kilosleave well enough alone17:43
magellaniclol okay17:43
MopkopI really should learn to follow that advice...17:44
magespawngood evening18:18
Kiloshi magespawn  18:19
Kiloslong time no see18:19
magespawna little while, been busy18:20
Kiloshaha everyones favourite excuse18:21
Kiloseven busy sleeping is busy at something18:22
magespawnthat is the next item n the agenda18:24
Kilosyou ok lad?18:24
magespawnjust tired, too much work with the public holidays taing away two days18:25
MopkopHello magespawn!18:27
magespawnhi Mopkop 18:27
MopkopI just have the homepage left. Would it be OK to steal from the Ubuntu-ZA site?18:28
magespawnKilos: but it will be good to have some time off18:28
Kilosalways magespawn  18:28
KilosMopkop  what superfly  doesnt like he will change'18:29
Kilosohi superfly  18:29
MopkopI think he is going to redo the entire site :(18:29
Kilosletys hope not18:29
magespawnmaybe i can get around to learning restructured text18:30
Kilosotherwise it means you gotta study harder18:30
KilosMopkop  let him see it and he will give advise, thats how one learns18:30
superflyhi Kilos18:49
MopkopKilos: Can I steal this from you? "Ubuntu African Teams gathers all active Ubuntu Local Community Teams in  Africa. The main objective of Ubuntu African Teams is to bring all the  teams together to help each other and cooperate on different issues and  activities"18:58
Kilosyes of course18:58
Kilosdont forget that all other linux users are welcome to join us as well18:59
Kilosoh Mopkop  and of course to promote and grow ubuntu in africa19:24
Kilosgrow, expand , spread, im not sure what sounds best19:25
Kiloshi captine  19:25
captinehi there19:25
Maazcaptine: By the way, superfly on freenode told me "Tell captine I've merged your changes and they're live on the site." 2 days, 23 hours, 47 minutes and 17 seconds ago19:25
Kilosoh wb captine  19:25
captineman.  been a tough week or two19:26
Kilossee how long you been missing19:26
Kilosstay strong things cant get very much worse before something breaks19:27
captinethink my laptop is about to die19:28
Kilosoh no19:28
captinesounds very weird... like a morse code sound19:28
captinewhen i type19:28
Kiloswhen last did you blow all the dust out19:28
Kilosnever i spose19:29
captineu right.. never19:30
captineam secretly wanting to retire it... lol19:31
captinestill running ubuntu at work so have not used this one much.  will see how long I can get by running it19:31
Kilosi run a retirement village for old pcs19:32
Kilosbut try removing the keyboard and use strong compressed air to blow all the dust out19:32
captinewill have to, but no compressed air19:36
Kilosall garages have plenty19:37
Kilosyou just ask then for the valve from an old tube and put that in the punp nozzle19:37
Kilosthose things they pumps cars tires with19:39
Kilosif you not sure how dirty it is inside you can install psensor and check temps19:41
inetprogood mornings19:42
inetprooops... where did the day go?19:42
Kilosmorning inetpro  19:42
Kilosyou didnt even see me mocking you today19:43
Kilosmust be very busy, ill organise a long weekend for you19:44
inetproty Kilos19:45
MopkopAlmost done, just have to add some padding...19:45
Kilosyw my friend19:45
Kilosgo moppie19:45
Kilosill even stay up to see what happens19:47
MopkopYay, now I can just commit. I hope I remember how...19:52
Kilosdont ask me im full from rtfs and getting nowhere19:53
MopkopPS, I am not to be held responsible for any spelling mistakes, or any harm done to any person, computer or anyone's mental health.19:54
Kilosinetpro  will fix it19:54
inetproMopkop: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Release_early,_release_often19:55
Mopkopinetpro: Note taken :)19:57
Kilosdont forget you score brownie points too19:57
Kilosinetpro  ^^20:02
inetproof course I have nothing else to do20:04
Kilosbut of course20:05
Kilosnothing more important anyway unless its family20:05
inetproMopkop: cool, that is a start at least :-)20:08
Kilosdid you see the site inetpro  ? or just that lp page20:11
inetproKilos: you can test it also20:12
inetprothe page tells you exactly what to do20:12
Kilosi have forgotten all that with this ubuntu mail thing20:12
Kiloslet me go read again20:12
MopkopKilos, I have an idea. I'm sure the church won't mind...20:13
inetproyou don't even have to remember much20:13
Kilosthe bzr stuff?20:13
Kilosand nikola20:13
Kiloswhat Mopkop  ?20:13
inetproKilos: see "Get this branch"20:13
MopkopKilos: I'll ftp it to the church's domain so you can have a look :)20:13
MopkopI'll delete it later.20:14
inetproMopkop: why?20:14
MopkopSo he doesn't have to sukkel with Nikola again.20:14
inetproai! Nikola makes life easy man20:14
MopkopThat is the problem isn't it?20:14
Kilosno i just forgot20:15
Kilosall the cd this and cd that20:15
inetprojust his fingers need to learn by repetition20:15
Kilossi i go to ubuntu-africa here and then branch and then the login thing20:18
MopkopI don't get this nikola thing. How to I get the output to ftp?20:23
MopkopIt has all the pages in the output folder, but I can't just double click on it....20:24
inetproMopkop: you can use rsync20:25
Mopkopon the output folder?20:25
inetprowell, before you do that20:26
inetprodo you have ssh access to your server?20:27
inetprothere's a very simple rsync example in your conf.py file20:28
inetproall you need is to modify for your circumstances then you can just execute 'nikola deploy'... but20:29
inetproyou might not want to do it that way20:29
Mopkopinetpro: nope, I use shared hosting. So I don't get ssh.20:30
MopkopJust ftp20:30
inetprohmm... the point is, you just mirror the output/ folder to your webserver's destination folder20:31
inetprofor example: "rsync -rav --delete output/ joe@my.site:/srv/www/site"20:31
MopkopI did that. It doesn't show the pictures and doesn't seem to link the stylesheets :(20:31
MopkopLet me do it again and i'll show you...20:32
MopkopI think it has somthing to do with the link paths...20:32
Kilosive got mine  going so i can see the original site at miles@P64:~/Projects/ubuntu-africa/trunk/output$20:32
inetproMopkop: the links are relative to the root, that is why20:32
Kiloswhat  must i change inetpro  20:32
MopkopSo I should create a sub-domain and try again?20:33
inetproMopkop: or you must figure out how to let nikola use relative links20:33
Kilosinetpro  i dont know how to point it to other branches20:35
inetproKilos: WAYTTD?20:35
Kilossee what he did20:35
Kilosoh i need to use that address from get this branch20:37
inetproKilos: go to the folder ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa/ and then 20:37
inetpro     bzr branch lp:~prysdieheer/ubuntu-africa/starting-pages 20:37
Kiloshere by me or on lp20:39
Kilosas in how much must i do here in the terminal20:39
inetproit will effectively download Mopkop's project into a folder called 'starting-pages' on your machine20:39
MopkopKilos: I feel the same. They should make a GUI for nikola. I think bzr already has a GUI.20:39
inetproguys, this is easier than falling off a tree20:40
Kilosoh ya i see then nikola build and nikola branch20:40
inetpronikola build && nikola serve20:41
Kilosbut i have to already be in a branch to do that20:41
inetproKilos: go to the folder ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa/starting-page and then 'nikola build && nikola serve'20:42
inetproobviously after having set the virtualenv thingy20:42
Kilosall this so late at night20:43
inetproit's just a matter of getting used to it, and you can not get used to it if you don't start somewhere20:43
MopkopMaybe I should just install apache again. Then I can run it locally and you can see it by typing in my IP in your browser....20:45
inetproMopkop: no, he knows how to see it with nikola20:46
inetprohe has done it more than once20:46
inetprorepeat, repeat, repeat... eventually it will become 2nd nature20:47
MopkopOk :-[20:47
MopkopWell I did find an easier way to do it than using pyenv :)20:47
inetproputting it on another server is pointless and introduces more issues20:48
Mopkopecho "alias nikola=~/virtualenv/bin/nikola" | tee --append ~/.bash_aliases20:49
MopkopNow you can just type in nikola and it will work through virtualenv :)20:49
MopkopDid I break something again? =-O20:50
Kiloslol ook20:50
Kilosek te moeg nou20:50
inetproMopkop: no, just an interesting way of adding the alias to ~/.bash_aliases20:51
Mopkopinetpro: Is there an easier way?20:52
inetproMopkop: superfly said he has written up new instructions for us but we still need to see that20:52
inetprothere are multiple ways to do it20:53
* inetpro thought the pyenv was quite simple20:53
MopkopI like the copy-paste way :)20:53
inetproyou do it once and it gets out of your way20:54
inetprobut my simple tends to be complicated for most people20:55
* inetpro is used to that20:55
Mopkopinetpro: Indeed!20:55
superflyinetpro: I wrote them up on Trello20:57
Kilosim too tired to go on now guys.20:59
Kilossleep tight20:59
inetprosuperfly: where?20:59
inetproKilos: good night21:00
MopkopNight Kilos!21:00
Kilossorry i cant go on21:00
MopkopI'm going to bed too. Have Church tomorrow. Lekker slaap almal!21:01
superflyinetpro: it looks like someone overwrote it21:05
inetprowhere was it?21:05
superflyinetpro: oh, wait, here it is: https://trello.com/c/hRfmh5Kd/45-build-ubuntu-africa-site21:06
inetprounfortunately trello has no version control for the description21:06
* inetpro will look at that tomorrow then we can revise the whole thing and publish on the site21:07
inetprousing trello for documentation is not the best idea21:08
inetprothanks superfly21:09
superflyindeed not21:09
inetprobut it's a nice and easy way to get started21:10
inetprogood night21:10
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