slickymasterWork | knome, ping | 08:51 |
ochosi | elfy: just a quick heads up question: have any critical issues come up since i've been afk? | 08:52 |
ochosi | or to rephrase that, if any come up, please ping me! | 08:52 |
slickymasterWork | hey ochosi | 08:52 |
ochosi | hi and bye slickymasterWork :) | 08:53 |
slickymasterWork | bye ochosi ;) | 08:53 |
elfy | ochosi: nope and I would ofc | 08:54 |
elfy | off now - cya | 08:54 |
ochosi | well, that's good to hear (the prior more than the latter even :)) | 08:54 |
knome | slickymasterWork, pong | 09:13 |
slickymasterWork | first of all, good morning | 09:24 |
slickymasterWork | secondly, I'm going to forward you an email I received | 09:25 |
slickymasterWork | sent knome | 09:25 |
slickymasterWork | is it related to the website? | 09:25 |
* knome looks | 09:26 | |
knome | no | 09:27 |
knome | it's related to | 09:27 |
slickymasterWork | the only accounts I have wordpress related are the -xub website and the FC blog | 09:28 |
knome | that's weird | 09:28 |
slickymasterWork | very weird | 09:28 |
knome | maybe you should reset the pass and delete the account | 09:28 |
knome | or sth - you clearly have an account | 09:29 |
slickymasterWork | the website account? | 09:29 |
knome | the account | 09:29 |
slickymasterWork | but I don't hane one :P | 09:29 |
slickymasterWork | * have even | 09:29 |
knome | is a service provided by the wordpress developers that provides the wordpress platform | 09:30 |
slickymasterWork | yeah, I know that. | 09:30 |
knome | well the email is valid - it does redirect you to | 09:30 |
knome | maybe you've created an account to comment on some blog or sth? | 09:31 |
slickymasterWork | I'm starting to think that it's probably phishing knome | 09:32 |
knome | no, as i said, the mail is valid | 09:32 |
knome | it does redirect to | 09:32 |
slickymasterWork | I'm almost sure that I never had, or created, a wordpress account | 09:33 |
slickymasterWork | anyway, going to reset it and delete the account | 09:33 |
knome | i guess then don't mind the message:P | 09:33 |
slickymasterWork | ok | 09:33 |
knome | you probably get a message saying the key doesn't exist | 09:34 |
knome | because i followed that link once | 09:34 |
knome | :P | 09:34 |
knome | so you need to ask to reset your pass again | 09:34 |
slickymasterWork | ok, thanks for the heads up | 09:34 |
knome | np. hope you solve the mystery | 09:35 |
Unit193 | And if not, rm -rf | 09:35 |
knome | was the slickymaster in forum council an april fools joke? ;P | 09:36 |
Unit193 | Yes, nobody is crazy enough to put him in. | 09:37 |
knome | yep. | 09:38 |
slickymasterWork | apparently everyone went cuckoo at the FC, Unit193 | 09:43 |
knome | that can't be true | 09:44 |
slickymasterWork | they put me there knome.!! | 09:44 |
knome | there is no way elfy could have "went" cuckoo | 09:44 |
knome | he is already... | 09:44 |
slickymasterWork | yeah | 09:45 |
slickymasterWork | btw knome, did you get any conclusions on an alternative to your doubt with | 09:46 |
knome | no, my brain has been unable to process that information :P | 09:46 |
slickymasterWork | lol | 09:46 |
slickymasterWork | glad to know I'm not the only one with a need for an occasional reboot | 09:47 |
slickymasterWork | :P | 09:47 |
knome | i still think it's a bad thing language-wise for some languages | 09:47 |
slickymasterWork | the way I see it knome, if it passes the Finnish test, the it will pass all others | 09:48 |
knome | this would be different if we did this from the beginning | 09:48 |
knome | so we could have given people instructions | 09:48 |
* slickymasterWork doesn't recall another idion wit so many letters per word | 09:48 | |
slickymasterWork | * idiom | 09:48 |
knome | "note that the cross reference prints the chapter name as is" | 09:48 |
slickymasterWork | yes | 09:49 |
slickymasterWork | did you get to check a trial test of a translated finnish version with this new approach knome ? | 09:49 |
knome | yeah, i checked that back then | 09:50 |
knome | and it didn't convince me for this particular reason | 09:50 |
Unit193 | I only had a minor nitpick, and IMO we should get this in soon. | 09:50 |
knome | Unit193, like for 15.04? | 09:50 |
knome | now here's the thing | 09:51 |
knome | the reason i think this is a problem isn't that "you can't make the finnish version look fluent with this solution" | 09:51 |
knome | it's "the current finnish translation doesn't work with this solution" | 09:52 |
knome | so it would mean i (or somebody else) would have to see every place where cross references are | 09:52 |
knome | to see if they read fluent or not | 09:52 |
knome | and change as appropriate | 09:52 |
knome | and i would imagine it would mean a change in most of the places | 09:52 |
Unit193 | Considering x-d-s has already been updated and pushed for it? | 09:53 |
knome | are we talking about the same thing? | 09:54 |
knome | oh right, you are talking about the other parts of the MP | 09:54 |
Unit193 | And, the English part of that looks crappy. :P | 09:54 |
knome | i have no problems with that. | 09:54 |
knome | english part of what? | 09:54 |
=== qwebirc295041 is now known as slickymasterWork | ||
bluesabre | assuming google doesn't lie to me... happy birthday lderan ! | 10:37 |
slickymasterWork | \o/ congrats lderan | 10:37 |
* knome plays a little birthday fanfare for lderan | 10:37 | |
elfy | hippy burpday lderan | 10:42 |
knome | hah | 10:42 |
knome | ;) | 10:42 |
bluesabre | thoughts about the updated description here? | 10:46 |
elfy | the only thing I take issue with is the sudden appearance everywhere of | 10:47 |
elfy | perpetually | 10:47 |
elfy | or do other people use a different meaning to me ;) | 10:48 |
knome | propose an alternative | 10:48 |
slickymasterWork | elfy, take it like a marriage | 10:48 |
elfy | This team is moderated; only users who have been approved by the Xubuntu Technical Lead will be approved to the team. | 10:49 |
knome | elfy, when are people approved by the xubuntu technical lead? | 10:49 |
elfy | no idea | 10:50 |
elfy | I've never asked | 10:50 |
knome | ...when they have contributed perpetually? | 10:51 |
elfy | perpetual - occurring repeatedly; so frequent as to seem endless and uninterrupted. | 10:51 |
elfy | it's just the wrong word :) | 10:51 |
Unit193 | ^ | 10:52 |
elfy | if I had QA team only having perpetually contributing people - it would be empty | 10:52 |
knome | i was asking for an alternative word proposal :) | 10:52 |
knome | sustainably? | 10:52 |
elfy | ok - so I am asking why there is a need for a word anyway? | 10:52 |
knome | persistently? | 10:52 |
elfy | nope - I only asked once :d | 10:53 |
knome | because if you say "only approved people will be approved" it means nothing | 10:53 |
elfy | then lose the whole thing :D | 10:53 |
knome | well, | 10:53 |
knome | the history of this clause is that people keeped trying to join the teams | 10:53 |
knome | this cuts the amount of people at least a bit | 10:53 |
Unit193 | sustained and high quality. :P | 10:55 |
knome | Unit193, we'll have to drop you from some of the teams then... | 10:55 |
knome | :P | 10:55 |
Unit193 | That's alrighty. :P | 10:56 |
knome | (just kidding for all the log readers who don't understand jokes) | 10:56 |
* Unit193 waves to krytarik. | 10:56 | |
elfy | if the reason for having stuff in LP is because people don't read other things - then it's just never ending | 10:56 |
Unit193 | This is the song that never ends... | 10:57 |
elfy | perhaps the link should be to | 10:58 |
knome | elfy, maybe, but then that explains why you aren't allowed in the team, not how you can contribute to become part of the team | 10:58 |
elfy | because that's the rule book | 10:58 |
knome | (like the current link target does) | 10:58 |
elfy | really don't care - just don't expect me to say perpetually to anyone as that's just wrong | 10:59 |
knome | lol | 10:59 |
knome | i'm fine with changing the word | 10:59 |
knome | so what if | 11:00 |
knome | instead of putting the descriptions everywhere | 11:00 |
elfy | and this just goes back to the difference between some of us thinking that LP is NOT the place for stories | 11:00 |
knome | we worked on the description in one place - the pad | 11:00 |
Unit193 | continually|sustained|continued|foopermania | 11:00 |
knome | to get it in good shape before we land it | 11:00 |
knome | to allow feedback and all | 11:01 |
knome | which was the original idea... | 11:01 |
elfy | sustained is closer for sure - but we expect people to sustain for 6 months | 11:01 |
elfy | and THAT is not anywhere near perpetual :p | 11:01 |
Unit193 | Nooope. | 11:01 |
Unit193 | "For as long as the project existed, and until it ends?" | 11:01 |
bluesabre | Only those with sustained contributions and are approved by the XTL will be added to the team ? | 11:03 |
elfy | that works | 11:03 |
knome | bluesabre, that's beating it to death | 11:03 |
Unit193 | I don't see the cookies, only those that bring me cookies win. | 11:03 |
knome | bluesabre, the approval will happen once there are sustained contributions... | 11:03 |
Unit193 | But otherwise it looks good. | 11:03 |
bluesabre | with a rubber mallet | 11:03 |
bluesabre | unless the current XTL is insecure about giving them upload rights to the PPAs, code :) | 11:04 |
elfy | I still have no idea why there's this need to be changing things everywhere | 11:05 |
knome | elfy, consistency | 11:05 |
elfy | with what? | 11:06 |
knome | within the descriptions | 11:06 |
bluesabre | I somewhat triggered it. The previous description for this team was a bit inaccurate, so I mentioned it to knome that it didn't align with the SD | 11:06 |
elfy | well - given that I've got my feet firmly stuck - the consistency isn't going to be very consistent | 11:06 |
elfy | bluesabre: that's fair enough - I can understand a need to deal with that | 11:07 |
elfy | but I'm now blaming you for everyone else having to get involved :D | 11:07 |
bluesabre | :'( | 11:07 |
Unit193 | Can't we just blame bluesabre anyway? | 11:08 |
knome | elfy, well you didn't have to get involved... ochosi could have changed the description for you :P | 11:08 |
elfy | but it's ok - I know you care :p | 11:08 |
elfy | knome: and I'd have changed it back | 11:08 |
knome | :P | 11:08 |
knome | because? | 11:08 |
bluesabre | I'll take blame, won't cry over it | 11:08 |
elfy | ha ha ha | 11:08 |
knome | i don't know why this ever became such a big thing, it's a few words in the internet... | 11:09 |
elfy | :) | 11:09 |
elfy | because LP is not the place for stories | 11:09 |
knome | but it's not even a short story :( | 11:09 |
Unit193 | Can't we all just agree with bluesabre now? | 11:09 |
knome | or a poem? | 11:09 |
knome | -? | 11:09 |
knome | Unit193, no? | 11:09 |
slickymasterWork | ftr I don't agree with Unit193's cookies policy :P | 11:11 |
* slickymasterWork doesn't like sweets | 11:11 | |
elfy | mmm | 11:11 |
elfy | I need to leave | 11:11 |
Unit193 | slickymasterWork: Nono, they only have to bring them to me. | 11:11 |
Unit193 | elfy: Why? | 11:11 |
elfy | I only turned up a while ago - and I'm not doing stuff all the time | 11:11 |
slickymasterWork | well, if it's like, then I won't mind | 11:12 |
elfy | Unit193: because it says 'perpetually' | 11:12 |
elfy | :) | 11:12 |
bluesabre | I'm also not a fan of the word 'perpetually' | 11:12 |
elfy | sustainable contributions is what we want, what we expect - so should probably be what we say | 11:13 |
Unit193 | ^ | 11:13 |
knome | "Only people with sustained contributions to the team will be considered for approval." | 11:13 |
bluesabre | right | 11:13 |
Unit193 | left! | 11:13 |
bluesabre | that sounds good | 11:13 |
knome | bluesabre, please update the pad as you go too, so we have it tracked | 11:13 |
bluesabre | down! | 11:13 |
elfy | yep - agreed - that's also the truth | 11:13 |
elfy | don't leave me with the centre :( | 11:14 |
knome | elfy, you can take up | 11:14 |
elfy | fishing !!! | 11:14 |
elfy | I'll take up fishing | 11:14 |
knome | :D | 11:14 |
bluesabre | :D | 11:14 |
elfy | I can agree with the sustained contributions sentence | 11:17 |
elfy | and I've not got a big problem with LP descs making sense either - as long as they're succinct | 11:18 |
knome | mhm | 11:22 |
knome | i got to run | 11:22 |
knome | bbl | 11:22 |
Unit193 | Noskcaj: Nearly a week has passed for xfburn with no changes, popping one up for you now. | 21:38 |
elfy | noooooo | 21:38 |
elfy | it failed last time I had hardware :p | 21:38 |
knome | elfy, "noo, meetingology is back" ? | 21:38 |
knome | :P | 21:38 |
elfy | woohoo | 21:38 |
elfy | ?working? | 21:38 |
knome | can't be. | 21:38 |
elfy | #seemsso | 21:38 |
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology | ||
Unit193 | !netsplit | 21:39 |
ubottu | A netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 21:39 |
Unit193 | ERROR: files left after uninstall: | 21:46 |
Unit193 | ./share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache | 21:46 |
Unit193 | Makefile:823: recipe for target 'distuninstallcheck' failed | 21:46 |
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