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* dimitern seems to be the only one here today :o) | 08:42 | |
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lazyPower | Lots of good announcements yesterday :) | 13:11 |
lazyPower | dimitern: at least we're going out on a high note for the week :D | 13:11 |
dimitern | lazyPower, :) oh yeah\ | 14:06 |
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redelmann | hi, is safe to deploy block-storage-broker to machine0?? | 19:06 |
redelmann | create one instance just to manage credential is overkilling | 19:07 |
skay | when trying to run bundletester in johnsca/charmbox I have this problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/10732721/ | 19:26 |
tvansteenburgh1 | skay: try installing bzr | 19:30 |
tvansteenburgh1 | in the container, ie `sudo apt-get install bzr` | 19:30 |
skay | tvansteenburgh1: bzr is installed. | 19:30 |
tvansteenburgh1 | hrm | 19:30 |
skay | it's installed in the container, and I've also done some rounds of doing bzr launchpad-login, copying some ssh keys that I have with lp | 19:31 |
skay | and I'm giving up and want to start from ground 0 with troubleshooting | 19:31 |
tvansteenburgh1 | can you `bzr branch lp:charmers/precise/python-django` manually? | 19:31 |
skay | did I miss any steps? | 19:31 |
marcoceppi_ | tvansteenburgh1: that's not the righ command, should be lp:charms/precise/python-django | 19:32 |
skay | tvansteenburgh1: no, but I can bzr branch lp:charms/python-django | 19:32 |
tvansteenburgh1 | skay: try bundletester with lp:charms/precise/python-django | 19:33 |
tvansteenburgh1 | (assuming you actually want precise) | 19:33 |
lp|away | redelmann: thats an acceptable colocation use case. | 19:33 |
skay | tvansteenburgh1: I just did, and the same thing happened | 19:34 |
lp|away | redelmann: however this is with the assumption that it's going to be a precise bootstrap node - hopefully that wont cause you any headaches? | 19:34 |
lp|away | a nice alternative would be to deploy it to a LXC container, colocated somewhere :) juju deploy --to lxc:# cs:precise/block-storage-broker | 19:35 |
redelmann | lp|away: actually im using trusty/block-storag-broker | 19:35 |
redelmann | lp|away: simple cloning it into local/trusty | 19:35 |
tvansteenburgh1 | skay: pastebin the contents of the django.yaml in the traceback | 19:36 |
lp|away | redelmann: right, it hasn't been pushed to trusty as its pending amulet tests | 19:36 |
lp|away | carry on then :) | 19:36 |
redelmann | lp|away: im in testing enrimont for the moment, everithing look fine for now | 19:36 |
skay | tvansteenburgh1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10732802/ | 19:39 |
skay | tvansteenburgh1: I'm presuming that the trunk python-django charm passes tests | 19:39 |
skay | tvansteenburgh1: I'm trying to get to a spot where I can run bundletester successfully so that I can start running it on my branches | 19:39 |
tvansteenburgh1 | skay: the branches in that bundle file are wrong | 19:39 |
tvansteenburgh1 | lp:charmers/precise/python-django | 19:40 |
skay | tvansteenburgh1: does that mean trunk is failing? | 19:40 |
skay | tvansteenburgh1: oh, I ran against lp:charms/precise/python-django | 19:40 |
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skay | tvansteenburgh1: that doesn't even start for me. bundletester -t lp:charmers/precise/python-django complains about my launchpad id | 19:42 |
marcoceppi_ | skay: lp:charmers/ is not a thing | 19:42 |
tvansteenburgh1 | skay: correct, that is the wrong branch | 19:42 |
skay | tvansteenburgh1: does your ci thing do some extra stuff I'm missing? | 19:42 |
tvansteenburgh1 | that's what i mean, those need to be changed the yaml file | 19:42 |
tvansteenburgh1 | skay: no | 19:42 |
tvansteenburgh1 | s/charmers/charms/ in those lp branch paths | 19:43 |
skay | okay | 19:43 |
* skay wonders how the charm isn't failing currently | 19:43 | |
tvansteenburgh1 | skay if you submit a patch i'll merge it | 19:43 |
skay | tvansteenburgh1: if I managed to get it working I'll submit a mr | 19:44 |
tvansteenburgh1 | fair enough | 19:44 |
=== tvansteenburgh1 is now known as tvansteenburgh | ||
skay | tvansteenburgh1: I'm afraid of wasting your time on my bundltester learning curve | 19:45 |
tvansteenburgh | skay: no worries man, here to help | 19:45 |
tvansteenburgh | it's not really a bundle tester issue though, the charm is just wrong | 19:47 |
skay | yes, but since I've never successfuly done bundletester stuff one won't know whether anything else fails due to an environment problem or a real problem | 19:47 |
tvansteenburgh | as to why it's not failing it CI, it probably hasn't been run. i'm about to kick off tests for it | 19:48 |
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skay | tvansteenburgh: okay, trying out a run now. lp:~codersquid/charms/precise/python-django/fix-test-branches I'll make a MR when it passes | 19:50 |
tvansteenburgh | skay: cool | 19:51 |
skay | oh foo. I think it failed due to some missing dependencies | 19:54 |
lp|away | thats fun :) | 19:54 |
lp|away | yaaay docker isolation catching dependency problems | 19:54 |
skay | yeah | 19:55 |
tvansteenburgh | skay: missing pyyaml i presume? | 19:55 |
skay | thank one I remembered to install (and would be asking... about now) | 19:55 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: how would one specify dependencies for bundletester and/or CI? | 19:55 |
tvansteenburgh | need to specify for the charm itself | 19:56 |
skay | I will install them by hand just to see if the rest works but I want to fix that | 19:56 |
tvansteenburgh | is there a Makefile? | 19:56 |
skay | yes | 19:56 |
skay | it doesn't do that | 19:56 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: I guess I could add a step | 19:56 |
tvansteenburgh | yeah, like a deps target that the other targets depend on | 19:57 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: what is safe to assume for CI. that ppa:juju/stable is installed? | 19:59 |
tvansteenburgh | yeah | 19:59 |
tvansteenburgh | also bundletester and flake8 | 20:00 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: the current repo has a script to install deps and checks for version 12.04. should I worry about supporting that? | 20:00 |
skay | can I do trusty instead? | 20:00 |
tvansteenburgh | which script? | 20:01 |
skay | actually, I think I can just leave it alone and add it as something make calls | 20:01 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~codersquid/charms/precise/python-django/fix-test-branches/view/head:/dev/ubuntu-deps | 20:02 |
skay | I haven't changed that | 20:02 |
tvansteenburgh | skay: i'd ignore that file, it won't be run in CI | 20:06 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: what will CI run? | 20:07 |
tvansteenburgh | in that case, make lint, and anything +x in the tests/ dir | 20:07 |
tvansteenburgh | s/that/this/ | 20:07 |
skay | are there any other make targets it calls? | 20:08 |
tvansteenburgh | by default it looks for make test and make lint | 20:08 |
skay | ok, I could make test have a dependency on dep and that target could call the script | 20:08 |
tvansteenburgh | you could i guess, but you really only need pyyaml, everything else is already installed in the container | 20:10 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: it complained about curl | 20:10 |
tvansteenburgh | heh, fair enough, curl too then | 20:10 |
skay | not sure how much thought was put in to that script. I might just ignore it | 20:11 |
skay | it's probably bitrotted by now | 20:11 |
tvansteenburgh | agree | 20:12 |
tvansteenburgh | skay: i just realized that it's not lint that needs the deps, it's the stuff in tests/ | 20:18 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: I'm running through without installing anything until something fails so that I can have a list of what tests/ requires | 20:19 |
tvansteenburgh | so you could just make a tests/00-setup file (+x) and install deps there | 20:19 |
skay | oh, okay | 20:19 |
skay | I'd prefer that than to changing a makefile | 20:19 |
skay | is it safe to assume that CI will be running from an account with sudo privs? | 20:22 |
skay | oh derp, I can go look at the dockerfile | 20:22 |
skay | since that's now the way you do things | 20:23 |
tvansteenburgh | skay: yeah | 20:35 |
tvansteenburgh | passwordless sudo even | 20:35 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: how did the tests fair for trunk that you kicked off? | 20:35 |
tvansteenburgh | http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-test-details/charm-bundle-test-parent-209 | 20:36 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: so far I've only installed python3-yaml and curl and the first few tests run | 20:36 |
tvansteenburgh | cool | 20:37 |
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redelmann | lp|away: Juju stable (1.22) has support for lxc? | 20:52 |
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marcoceppi_ | redelmann: juju has had lxc support since some of the very first few versions | 20:56 |
redelmann | marcoceppi_: but you cant expose lxc services? im right? | 20:57 |
redelmann | marcoceppi_: or it cant handle iptables? | 20:57 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: would you consider kicking off a ci run for https://code.launchpad.net/~codersquid/charms/precise/python-django/fix-test-branches/+merge/255214 ? | 21:15 |
tvansteenburgh | skay: sure | 21:15 |
skay | my laptop is underpowered | 21:16 |
tvansteenburgh | in progress | 21:16 |
tvansteenburgh | container can't do merges since on bzr user is set, so i'm running against your branch directly | 21:21 |
tvansteenburgh | s/on/no/ | 21:21 |
skay | okay | 21:22 |
tvansteenburgh | you can follow along here http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/charm-bundle-test-lxc/36/console | 21:22 |
tvansteenburgh | (lxc) | 21:22 |
skay | oh thanks! | 21:22 |
roadmr | juju-ci cool! | 21:24 |
tvansteenburgh | skay: fair warning, i gotta go in about 20 min | 21:24 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: no worries. and I am wanting to EOD myself. | 21:25 |
tvansteenburgh | it's beer brewing night | 21:25 |
skay | oh pleasant | 21:25 |
=== jw4 changed the topic of #juju to: Juju | ||
=== marcoceppi_ changed the topic of #juju to: #juju to: "Welcome to Juju! || Office Hours, here 16 April 2000UTC || Docs: http://juju.ubuntu.com/docs || FAQ: http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Review Queue: http://review.juju.solutions || Unanswered Questions: http://goo.gl/dNj8CP | ||
=== marcoceppi_ changed the topic of #juju to: Welcome to Juju! || Office Hours, here 16 April 2000UTC || Docs: http://juju.ubuntu.com/docs || FAQ: http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Review Queue: http://review.juju.solutions || Unanswered Questions: http://goo.gl/dNj8CP | ||
jw4 | thanks marcoceppi_ | 21:38 |
marcoceppi_ | jw4: yeah, didn't notice until you changed it | 21:39 |
jw4 | heh | 21:39 |
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tvansteenburgh | skay: gotta run, but i'll assuming the tests pass i'll get your branch merged later | 21:46 |
skay | tvansteenburgh: o/ | 21:46 |
skay | okay, thanks | 21:46 |
tvansteenburgh | sure thing | 21:47 |
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