
ScottKRiddell: I've been too busy with $work to have a firm opinion on the docs stuff, but rebuilding everything KDE4 seems like a bad idea.02:33
ScottKIt may well be the least bad option though.02:34
soeeRiddell: ping08:42
Riddellhi soee 09:07
soeeRiddell: hve you seen my message yesterday about update notification massage goes a bit creazy during packages list update ?09:08
Riddellsoee: at least they keep you well informed :)09:09
lordievaderGood morning.09:15
Riddellsoee: what are the annoying popups?09:22
Riddellsoee: sddm/nvidia-prime work seems to be still on going09:22
soeeRiddell: nvidia-prime/sddm does not work09:24
Riddellsoee: what happens?09:24
soeeRiddell: sddm + nvidia-prime + propriety driver = black screen after plymouth (sddm does not start)09:25
soeeRiddell: sddm + nvidia-prime with intel profile sddm starts but after login desktop freezes 09:26
soeeRiddell: after propriety river adn nvidia-prime were removed, desktop keep freezeing after some seconds, it had something to do in some file on ./config09:26
Riddellhmm, spooky voodoo this stuff is09:29
Riddelld_ed: remember to reply to alberto's patch on sddm :)09:30
soeeRiddell: ahoneybun_ experiance with nvidia-prime http://paste.ubuntu.com/10729410/09:32
soeeRiddell: notifications https://youtu.be/_defBgx7Ubo09:37
Riddellsoee: I think you have some System updates available :)09:39
soeeRiddell: hehe yes, one i downgrded sddm to demonstrate the popup notification when updating packages from terminal :)09:40
Riddellsoee: can you report a bug on that? https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=muon&format=guided09:44
soeeRiddell: updater component?09:49
Riddellsoee: notifier I think09:51
Riddellahoneybun_: do you think you'll be able to "Port Muon Discover featured apps to kf5" ?09:55
Riddellthere's also "update/scrap links wiki page" for anyone who wants to be useful :)09:55
Riddellahoneybun_, yofel: there seems to be a kubuntu docs branch in kde git? should we use that and call the launchpad one dead? http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=scratch%2Fsitter%2Fkubuntu-docs.git09:58
soeedone, https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34582309:58
ubottuKDE bug 345823 in notifier "Packages list update makes notifier spam with messages" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:58
Riddellthanks soee 09:59
soeeRiddell: np, this isnt some serious issue, just might be a bit annoying when one updates packages crom command line09:59
Riddelld_ed: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/201932142/sddm_0.11.0-0ubuntu7_0.11.0-0ubuntu8.diff.gz sane to add?10:02
RiddellScottK: we sorted the docs paths a much nicer way :)10:07
Riddellhi Simon_B 10:08
d_edthe zsh patch, sure10:18
Riddellsitter: are you about today?11:39
Riddell"Choqok 1.5 released "12:45
Riddellkubotu: newversion choqok 1.512:45
sitterRiddell: kinda12:57
Riddellsitter: what think you about moving about-distro to plasma-desktop ?12:57
soeethis choqok need nicer icon for systray13:04
sitterRiddell: fine by me13:18
sitterRiddell: you probably should run that by the VDG though13:19
mparilloIt looks as if this: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?66804-Enjoy-the-Progress-of-Kubuntu-15-04-Vivid&p=369829#post369829 is a bug against libreoffice-kde. I could not find a separate component for libreoffice-kde on laumchpad to file a bug there. Is there a better place than simply libreoffice on Launchpad?13:28
Riddellmparillo: launchpad is big and monolithic so it's just libreoffice in launchpad13:29
Riddellmparillo: but that's a bug with the qt4 themeing which is a) upstream and b) unmaintained13:30
Riddellso I think it's best to just say "sorry that's not going to change until someone does the qt5 themeing"13:30
mparilloSo no point in filing a bug? Mind if I quote you on the KFN thread?13:31
Riddellgo ahead13:31
BluesKajHiyas all13:33
Riddellsitter: I've imported translations for KDE Config Module for Whoopsie KDE Config Driver Manager Kubuntu Debug Installer Kubuntu Notifications Helper13:37
sitterRiddell: <313:43
Riddelland notified ubuntu-translators13:51
ahoneybun_Riddell: my branch on lp are based on harald's on git14:51
ahoneybun_Riddell: also what do you mean port? do you mean work on the banner?14:51
Riddellahoneybun_: yep, banner14:53
ahoneybun_apt-get source muondicover will give me the sizes?14:55
Riddellahoneybun_: yeah I guess so14:56
ahoneybun_Riddell: written in lovely qml15:08
ahoneybun_what apps in kf5 do we want to show case?15:09
Riddellahoneybun_: krita! kexi! digikam?15:09
Riddellit's already on by default15:10
Riddellso no need to advertise it in muon15:10
sgclarkah ok lol15:10
soeecalligra ? :)15:11
ahoneybun_could work that in soee15:11
soeethough i prefere LO15:11
Riddellkrita and kexi are the best parts of calligra15:11
soeeah, ok15:11
soeesimplescreenrecorder :D15:11
ahoneybun_https://krita.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/user-interface.jpg ?15:12
sgclarkdid we switch to konversation or quassel still default?15:12
Riddellkonversation is default15:13
sgclarkcool beans15:13
soeeRiddell: now i check for updates in muon, and this notification i mentioned earlier was rendered 12 times oO15:13
Riddellso worth advertising quassel as the one to keep your presense online15:13
Riddellsoee: can't say you weren't informed :)15:14
soeeno i can't :)15:14
ahoneybun_krita, kexi,  kdenlive15:14
ahoneybun_soee: ssr is in a ppa no?15:14
soeeahoneybun_: im nt sure15:15
Riddellxennex81: what what?15:15
soeeneed to check15:15
ahoneybun_Riddell: what would be awesome is redo the slideshow in qml15:15
Riddellahoneybun_: it is qml surely?15:15
ahoneybun_not the ubuntu slideshow15:16
soeeahoneybun_: but it hnk yes, i rememebr i was writring do developer to add vivid builds liek a month ago15:16
ahoneybun_muondiscover yes15:16
ahoneybun_Riddell: ^15:17
Riddellahoneybun_: go ahead :)15:17
soeexennex81: yes any tests and bug reports dirung upgrades are welcome15:19
xennex81any kind of upgrade path from 14.10 to 15.04 you want me to perform?15:19
soeethere were some issues with baloo i think, but they shoudl be fixed now15:19
xennex81i am going to install ubuntu gnome first though but I'll probably reinstall my system about 5 times15:19
soeeRiddell: ^ any test needed when upgrading from 14.10 ?15:20
xennex81give or take 5 times15:20
ahoneybun_Riddell: how do I test my changes to muon discover?15:20
Riddellxennex81: add  " changelogs.ubuntu.com" to /etc/hosts and run muon-updater and see if you get a notification "15:20
Riddellahoneybun_: well there's the question :)15:21
Riddellahoneybun_: old one had files in /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/15:21
xennex81was that for me?15:21
ahoneybun_Riddell: I made changes to muons source15:22
ahoneybun_I don't see a debian dir15:22
ahoneybun_bbl work15:22
soeexennex81: i think yes, this wa y you should have notiication about available ditribution upgrade <- Riddell ?15:22
xennex81it says a new version of ubuntu is available15:22
xennex81with an upgrade button15:23
xennex81i can hit it see what it does, I just need to make a final backup of some thing and then I can go15:23
soeeoh some smal sddm update, but i assume it has nothing to do with nvidia-prime ?15:26
Riddellsoee: probably not, it'll be the zsh patch, nvidia-prime has the second half of its patch still needing reviewer15:30
xennex81Riddell: does the updater require anything other than port 80/443?15:33
xennex81cause i'm behind a firewall but the tunnel I use is sloer15:34
yofelRiddell: I don't really care which one we use, but IIRC ahoneybun_ has no kde git access?15:35
xennex81gonna eat while my backup runs, gonna hit it afterward15:36
sgclarkRiddell: any good ppa to get cmake3 in utopic? my kde ci builds barfing because they want cmake315:38
Riddellxennex81: it just uses apt15:39
Riddellsgclark: https://launchpad.net/~george-edison55/+archive/ubuntu/cmake-3.x maybe?15:40
RiddellI just searched at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=cmake15:40
xennex81apt always works behind this fw16:08
xennex81i just can't chat (unless I use a web client)16:08
xennex81what happens if I close the link in the meantime (like close the tunnel) what would happen?16:09
xennex81i mean the vpn16:09
xennex81i can check16:09
Riddellmm dunno, it'll keep trying until it comes back?16:11
ovidiu-florinlordievader: thank youo16:26
ovidiu-florinahoneybun_: ping16:27
ovidiu-florinRiddell: ping16:27
Riddellhi ovidiu-florin 16:28
ovidiu-florinRiddell: about the pictures from http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/news/9-04-release/ and http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/news/9-10-release/16:28
ovidiu-florincan you still get them?16:29
ovidiu-florinor mark this as done? and forget about them?16:29
Riddellhttp://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/news/9-04-release/ looks like it has pictures16:29
Riddellmmm, chocolate..16:29
ovidiu-florinthey just have the first 216:29
Riddellhttp://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/news/9-10-release/ too, damn that canoist looks awesome16:29
Riddellwell shrug, first 2 is good enough16:30
Riddelljust mark it done16:30
ovidiu-florinare you sure?16:30
ovidiu-florinok, then16:30
ovidiu-florinsoee: ping16:30
ovidiu-florinRiddell: in the footer there are several columns16:32
ovidiu-florincan you please review the pages on the rightmost column?16:33
ovidiu-florinthe contents more specifically16:33
Riddellovidiu-florin: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/legal/ "Icons are from Oxygen Theme" they're from Breeze are they not?16:35
soeeovidiu-florin: pong16:36
Riddellovidiu-florin: maybe put your name and e-mail on http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/contact-us/ for Kubuntu Website ? :)16:36
Riddellotherwise looks good16:36
ovidiu-florinRiddell: their bot Oxygen and Breeze16:39
ovidiu-florinwhohas copyright for the Breeze theme Icons?16:39
Riddell2014 Uri Herrera <kaisergreymon99@gmail.com> and others16:40
ovidiu-florinRiddell: do you have an @Kubuntu.org alias for your email?16:41
ovidiu-florincan I replace the @ubuntu.org with @kubuntu.org for your email?16:41
ovidiu-florinon the contact us page16:41
Riddellovidiu-florin: I prefer to use @ubuntu.com just to keep my number of e-mail addresses minimal16:42
ovidiu-florinRiddell: I understand, but... it's the Kubuntu website16:43
soeeovidiu-florin: as i mentioned before it woudl be good ot import oxygen font:16:43
soee<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oxygen:400,300,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>16:43
ovidiu-florinit seems natural to show the @kubuntu email16:43
soeeand add it to headers: font-family: 'Oxygen', sans-serif;16:44
ovidiu-florinsoee: on my todo list16:44
Riddellovidiu-florin: shrug, kubuntu is part of ubuntu16:44
ovidiu-florinRiddell: don't they point to the same place?16:44
Riddellbut the people sending e-mail don't know that16:45
ovidiu-florinok, I'll leave it like that16:45
ovidiu-florinregarding Uri's email16:45
ovidiu-florinI don't know if it's ok to put it on the site, to make it public like that16:45
ovidiu-florinI'll put only hs name16:46
Riddellovidiu-florin: just link to https://github.com/UriHerrera16:46
ovidiu-florinRiddell: just his name, or also "and others" ?16:47
ovidiu-florinjust his name16:48
ovidiu-florinthat's a personal profile16:48
ovidiu-florinand the repo is not on his account16:48
Riddellstrange spam du jour, wonder what he wants to partnership with https://paste.kde.org/p2eoz02wk16:49
ovidiu-florinRiddell: Feedback please: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/legal/  and http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/contact-us/16:49
Riddellovidiu-florin: looks lovely16:49
soeeovidiu-florin: For comments and other issues with this website contact Jonathan Riddell jriddell@ubuntu.com or Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN ovidiu-florin@kubuntu.org.16:50
soeeremove dot here16:50
soeepeople might copy your email with dot16:50
ovidiu-florinsoee: done16:50
Riddellhi jonathan_, nice name16:51
ovidiu-florinRiddell: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/the-kubuntu-team/ anyone should be added?16:52
ovidiu-florinsoee: ^ is just a draft16:53
ovidiu-florinI have a business card list layout in ming16:53
sgclarkI thought I made developer :(16:53
ovidiu-florinRiddell: is this page still usefull? http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/about-us/16:53
ovidiu-florinsgclark: should I add that?16:54
sgclarkyofel gone missing!16:54
sgclarkWellI worked hard for it, but Riddell s call really16:55
Riddellovidiu-florin: about-us is not very useful, it can go if you think it's not needed16:56
Riddellovidiu-florin: link to https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/+members for a complete list16:57
Riddellovidiu-florin: and meh too heierarchical, still the first 4 as "Developer"16:58
RiddellI don't lead because I have a title, I lead because I'm good looking just as sgclark leads because she's good looking16:59
Riddellovidiu-florin: and make it alphabetical by first name17:00
Riddellheirarchies can cause resentment17:00
ovidiu-florinRiddell: add developer to sgclark ?17:01
Riddellovidiu-florin: yep17:01
ovidiu-florinsoee: check the headers font17:01
Riddellovidiu-florin: also add a message saying "please come and join us in #kubuntu-devel to help out"17:01
soeeovidiu-florin: good, but i suggest giving headers black color and increase header sizes17:02
ovidiu-florinsgclark: you're a developer now :P17:03
Riddellcalligra 2.9.2 needed zero changes to .install files, easiest calligra update ever I hope https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calligra/1:2.9.2-0ubuntu117:03
sgclarkRiddell: oh? I think i can manage that17:03
Riddellovidiu-florin: just make all those first 4 "developer" and nothing else17:04
sgclarkor you did it lol17:04
Riddellsgclark: yep all done17:04
sgclarkcool, sorry kde has stolen so much of me lately :(17:04
sgclarkthough I guess  in the end it benefits us17:04
Riddellcertainnly will :)17:05
soeeovidiu-florin: also this big icons on forntpage needs linking 17:05
Riddellmeh my upload of calligra-l10n has disappeared17:05
ovidiu-florinRiddell: done17:06
soeeovidiu-florin: also on frontpage for header with text "TECHNOLOGIES USED" remove the provious font used17:06
soeeit shoudl also use oxygen17:06
ovidiu-florinsoee: done17:08
ovidiu-florinsoee: you gave me this: http://typecast.com/blog/a-more-modern-scale-for-web-typography17:08
ovidiu-florinhow do I make the font size variable on different screens?17:08
ovidiu-florinalso the line height?17:08
soeedifferent screens ?17:08
soeeovidiu-florin: i suggest darker headers17:08
soeeovidiu-florin: it was just sample text abot typography, you dont have to follow it17:09
soeeto define different styles for various screen sizes, use media query17:09
soeesample: @media all and (max-width: 700px) { ... }17:10
ovidiu-florinsoee: I don't knw what that is17:10
ovidiu-florinsoee:  darker color, fixed17:10
Riddellwgrant: my upload of calligra-l10n disappeared and I wonder if previous ones have too, are you able to track it down?17:11
soeeovidiu-florin: mdia queries are used to get responsive layouts for example you are using this on teh site http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/themes/advertica-lite/css/bootstrap-responsive.css?ver=0.0.117:11
Riddellwgrant: it's has multiple tars in it17:11
soeethe pain here is taht yuo do not use sass or less, so you can't use variables with defined screen breakpoints17:12
soeeovidiu-florin: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/community/ - do not use more than one H1 on teh site, use it only for page title , others shoudl be H2 .. h617:13
soeeovidiu-florin: also page titles text uses odl font, make it use oxygen17:14
soeeovidiu-florin: the H1 also shoudl be changed on onther pages like http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/support/17:15
soeenews page also for each post title uses H1, it shoudl not17:15
ovidiu-florinsoee: done17:19
soeeovidiu-florin: also several pages need space content <-> footer, add for example to #footer { margin-top: 40px; }17:19
soeeovidiu-florin: with those font changes page looks much better now :) i would still increase header sizes17:20
soeeh4 is almost the same as h2 this is wrong, h2 shoudl be much bigger17:21
Riddellwgrant: ah hah, I had uploaded to saucy(!)17:21
soeeovidiu-florin: just a thinking: what if you would add plasma5 wallpaper as a backgrund to teh section with page title ? :)17:22
ovidiu-florintake a look now soee17:25
ovidiu-florinWHY THE F***K would someone set CSS rules from inside a PHP template that is called via a function that I cannot overide?17:26
soeeovidiu-florin: hmm, make h2 26 or 28 px font-size17:28
soeeovidiu-florin: try H1 with 40px font-size17:28
xennex81dist-upgrade is fetching 1811 files @500K/s I'm going to close and open the vpn connection a few times to see if it bugs out :p17:28
ovidiu-florinsoee: done17:29
ovidiu-florinI was trying to increase the margin of the title box17:29
soeeovidiu-florin: please keep in mind, that when changing font sizes for headers, you also need to increase line height17:29
ovidiu-florinbut that's set somewhere in Nirvana, and I can only override it with !important17:30
ovidiu-florinsoee: any numbers in mind?17:30
=== jonathan_ is now known as jjesse
soeeovidiu-florin: well line height can't be smaller tahn font size17:30
ovidiu-florinsoee: so the same numbers?17:31
soeeso the line height values shoudl be same as font-size or a few pixels more, depends how much space you want in text that breaks to more than one line17:31
ovidiu-florinsoee: same for body?17:32
soeeovidiu-florin: the news page shoudl not have title "Category Archives : News"17:32
soeeovidiu-florin: for body it is good, font size id 16 and line height 2217:33
soeeovidiu-florin: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/news/kubuntu-shirts-are-back/ in the content put "Kubuntu Shirts are Back" into h217:35
ovidiu-florinnews fixed17:35
xennex81killing (changing) my linke now and then, distupgrade proceeds gracefully.17:37
ovidiu-florinsoee: I'd remove the featured image form news posts, (from the php template) and don't have a featured image, just set an PLasma 5 image as background to the header, like you said17:37
soeeovidiu-florin: on frontpage under feature tour icon and text i would change "Our Feature Tour" to somethin like "Explore our system" or "Meet our system"17:37
ovidiu-florindo you agree?17:37
xennex81my link*17:37
ovidiu-florinsoee: that was just dummy text17:38
xennex81that WordPress? I was just bugging with it today.17:38
soeeovidiu-florin: ok, Get help also needs chage so it wont duplicate17:38
soeeovidiu-florin: the big image above first news ?17:38
soeeovidiu-florin: if each image would have a nice big picture, it can stay as it is related to latets news17:39
soee*each post17:39
xennex81add_filter('post_thumbnail_html, add_dimensions_to_post_thumbnail); blablabla17:39
ovidiu-florinsoee: currenlty that image cannot be different for each page unless I do some more hacking17:41
ovidiu-florinso I was looking for an option to have a single image across pages17:41
ovidiu-florinxennex81: are you talking about our website?17:41
soeeovidiu-florin: im a bit confused what image we are talking about :)17:41
xennex81PLASMA4 "plasma-desktop" is really slow!!! :(17:41
xennex81ovidiu-florin: no I'm just not sure if you are :P17:42
xennex81not sure what you were talking about :)17:42
xennex81but "featured image" is pretty much WordPress terminology....... hence17:42
ovidiu-florinsoee: go to http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/community/ and look at the blurry image behing the H1 Community17:42
soeeovidiu-florin: ah this one, well i woudl use the same for now, just dont know how the plasma wallpaer will fit here17:43
ovidiu-florinI'll ask ahoneybun_ if he can make one that can repeat horisontally seamlessly17:43
soeeovidiu-florin: what happend to iages on frontpage ?17:44
soeeovidiu-florin: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/contribute-to-kubuntu/ H1 -> h2 in content17:46
xennex81ovidiu-florin: is it supposed to not load any stylesheet?17:51
soeeovidiu-florin: i would make the kubuntu logo smaller - give it height ~ 36px i think now it is to big17:51
soeexennex81: it loads them17:52
xennex81you are using a child theme of advertica light... some browser (all of them? :P) get in trouble when a link is "taken" by some download17:54
ovidiu-florinxennex81: what are you talking about?17:56
ovidiu-florinsoee: what about the fornt page?17:56
soeeovidiu-florin: what are you asking exactly about? 17:57
xennex81trying to load your front page but it is not showing me any css, but it might be due to my link being taken up17:57
ovidiu-florin<soee> ovidiu-florin: what happend to iages on frontpage ?17:59
soeeovidiu-florin: i dont see this big image uner navigation nor the scrolling one17:59
ovidiu-florinI removed the paralax18:01
ovidiu-florinand my mistake I removed a template dependecy file18:01
ovidiu-florinsoee: I don't understand what do you want me to do with the logo18:01
ovidiu-florinsoee: asuming you're talking about this logo: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/logo.png18:02
soeeovidiu-florin: set to the image height: 36px18:02
soeedo not scale it, just set vai css height18:02
soeeit will be much better with smaller size18:02
soeeovidiu-florin: @ image on frontpage, image (plasma5 wallpaper) should be just a background, all text shoudl be separate layer18:03
soeethat is my opinion, we shoudl do it similiar to ubuntu front: http://www.ubuntu.com/18:04
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soeeovidiu-florin: on the nes list, make the post titles use Oxygen font18:09
soeejust remove for .post-title a  the font-family18:10
ovidiu-florinsoee: I can't just remove it18:13
ovidiu-florinI have to override it18:13
soeeyou can do .post-title a { font-family: none; }18:14
ovidiu-florinsoee: how do I set background image inline ?18:14
ovidiu-florinsoee: ^^ doesn't work, look18:14
soeeovidiu-florin: well it doesnt have to be background image, we can just add text layer positioned absolute18:14
soeeovidiu-florin: ok than do: font-family: inherit;18:17
ovidiu-florinsoee: why can't I also do inherit to the title?18:19
soeeovidiu-florin: why ? you should set it in class that is added to title18:21
soeeh1.title {font-family: inherit; }18:21
ovidiu-florinsoee: ^ doesn't work18:21
ovidiu-florinI've tried it18:21
soeeovidiu-florin: than try to set it to .title {} class18:22
soee.title {font-family: inherit;}18:23
ovidiu-florinI don't understand18:23
ovidiu-florinsoee: nope, doesn't work18:23
soeeit should18:24
ovidiu-florinsoee: take a look18:26
ovidiu-florinok, so back to the homepage header image18:29
ovidiu-florinI want to set it as a background, but18:30
ovidiu-florinI have this piece of crap: <div class="advertica-image-post"><img alt="advertica-default-slider-image" class="ad-slider-image" width="1585"  src="<?php if(sketch_get_option($advertica_shortname.'_frontslider_stype')) { echo sketch_get_option($advertica_shortname.'_frontslider_stype'); } ?>" ></div>18:30
ovidiu-florinIf I replace it with: <div class="Skt-header-image">18:30
ovidiu-florin    <!-- header image -->18:30
ovidiu-florin        <div class="advertica-image-post" style="background-image: url("<?php 18:30
ovidiu-florin        if(sketch_get_option($advertica_shortname.'_frontslider_stype'))18:30
ovidiu-florin        {18:30
ovidiu-florin            echo sketch_get_option($advertica_shortname.'_frontslider_stype');18:30
ovidiu-florin        } ?>""></div>18:30
ovidiu-florin    <!-- end  header image  -->18:31
ovidiu-florinit gets broken18:31
ovidiu-florinsoee: ^*18:31
soee_ovidiu-florin: why ?18:32
ovidiu-florinsoee: I've added them both, inspect it now18:32
ovidiu-florinthe broken one is the second18:32
soee_ovidiu-florin: try to replace " with ' in: url("")18:33
soee_ovidiu-florin: but as i said, you can leave it in img tag18:34
soee_we just need to position text layer than18:34
soee_nothing hard to do18:34
soee_ovidiu-florin: if it is some slider, than it shoudl have optin to add text on images18:36
ovidiu-florinsoee_: done18:37
ovidiu-florincan you tell me where is the height of the first one set?18:37
soee_image ?18:37
soee_it is just original image height18:38
ovidiu-florinsoee_: nope18:39
ovidiu-florinimage is 500px height18:39
ovidiu-florindiv is 420 something18:39
soee_ovidiu-florin: if you want to use it as a background, give it width and height 100% (the background image)18:39
ovidiu-florinsoee_: to the div?18:41
soee_ovidiu-florin: image18:41
soee_so it will cover whole slider container18:42
ovidiu-florinhow do I set the size of a background image?18:42
soee_ovidiu-florin: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_background-size.asp18:43
soee_but it is css3 proerty so not all brower might support it18:43
soee_we shoudl stick to img tag18:43
xennex81you guys are being too hasty and too panicky about this. Calm down.18:46
xennex81Just my 3 cents lol.18:46
xennex81just my 2 cents.18:46
xennex81but I can't pause the download in dist-upgrade, I'd think about changing that. I'd change that.18:47
xennex81just another thing to "impart" to the broken people ;-).18:47
xennex81the mending people18:48
xennex81good luck with it in any case18:48
xennex81I won't be long.18:48
soee_ovidiu-florin: as this theme uses only bart of twitter bootstrap and very old18:57
soee_add this class to styles: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10732579/18:57
soee_than you can make images responsive by adding this class to them18:58
ahoneybun_ovidiu-florin: png19:02
ovidiu-florinahoneybun_: can you make an image with Plasma 5 theme (for background) that can fluidly repeat horisontaly?19:03
ahoneybun_ovidiu-florin: plasma 5 theme as in the default background or the breez color style?19:04
ahoneybun_Riddell: /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile -> /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kf5-settings/ ?19:05
soee_ovidiu-florin: we need some space content <-> footer here http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/support/19:10
ovidiu-florinahoneybun_: background19:11
ahoneybun_oh ok ovidiu-florin the header for the site you mean19:11
ahoneybun_what happened to the site's banner?19:12
ovidiu-florinto replace the background for pages like this on the header: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/support/19:12
ovidiu-florinahoneybun_: what do you mean??19:12
ahoneybun_it looks cut off 19:13
ahoneybun_like it is pushed to the left19:13
ovidiu-florinsoee_: how is it different from other pages?19:13
ahoneybun_ovidiu-florin: do you have a size that you need?19:14
soee_ovidiu-florin: thers no space at the bottom of content section19:14
ahoneybun_oh featured image19:15
soee_ovidiu-florin: i think there is something wring with the content inside container19:15
soee_ovidiu-florin: add to element with class .skepost 19:15
soee_class: clearfix19:16
soee_lordievader: when top panel is in fixed posiont, change logo top margin to ~ 7px19:17
soee_will be much better19:17
ovidiu-florinahoneybun_: at least 200px in height19:20
ovidiu-florinand width infinite :P19:20
ovidiu-florinsoee_: instead of 10px? or instead of 15?19:23
ovidiu-florinsoee_: clearfix does nothing on that19:24
soee_ovidiu-florin: instead of 1019:25
ovidiu-florinsoee_: how's now?19:26
soee_ovidiu-florin: nice19:27
ovidiu-florinand the footer space?19:27
soee_no space19:28
ovidiu-florinsoee_: now?19:29
soee_ovidiu-florin: +119:29
soee_ovidiu-florin: on frontpage teh title tag shouldnt have separator, it should be just: Kubuntu Friendly Computing or Kubuntu - Friendly Computing19:32
ovidiu-florinlineheight for h2 is not good19:33
ovidiu-florinsoee_: reduse the browser width untill you see the title on 2 lines19:34
soee_ovidiu-florin: well h2 has 28px font size and 22px ine height so as has been told before, this is wrong19:36
ovidiu-florinI'm out19:38
ovidiu-florinmaking a new release of the theme19:38
ovidiu-florinsoee_: does http://paste.ubuntu.com/10732579/ actually do anything?19:47
soee_ovidiu-florin: yes, resize frontpage to smaller size and see how image behaves19:48
ovidiu-florinsoee_: I see no difference with and without it19:49
ovidiu-florinam I wearing Beer Googles?19:49
soee_ovidiu-florin: maybe the theme already adds such styles to slider images19:49
soee_.advertica-image-post img - 100%19:50
soee_so yes, more or less19:50
soee_ah nothing :)19:52
ovidiu-florinso, leave it or remove it?19:52
ovidiu-florinsoee_: ^19:52
soee_leave, might be usefull with other images19:53
ovidiu-florinsoee_ ahoneybun_ https://github.com/ovidiub13/KubuntuAdverticaLightChild/commits/master19:55
ovidiu-florinI'm out19:55
ovidiu-floringood night19:55
xennex81it says network-manager is broken or not fully installed, how can I fix it?20:03
xennex81the upgrade is stalling on it.20:04
xennex81minus dot.20:04
xennex81minus .20:04
xennex81i may have killed it in some way but I don't remember how.20:05
xennex81minus dot again20:06
lordievadersoee_: I suppose that was directed at ovidiu-florin ?20:12
soee_lordievader: what ? :)20:12
lordievader03-21:17 < soee_> lordievader: when top panel is in fixed posiont, change logo top margin to ~ 7px20:13
xennex81Can you help me fix it lordievader? The upgrade stalled on network-manager, and it appears to be a broken package.20:15
xennex81Sorry if I've been disgruntling at you before20:15
soee_lordievader: yes :)20:15
lordievaderxennex81: What?20:15
lordievaderI miss background info, is it in the backlog?20:16
lordievaderxennex81: Ah, what do you use to upgrade?20:16
xennex81i am doing a dist-upgrade to 15.04 from 14.10 and it is stalling on network-manager20:16
soee_lordievader: i think he was doing upgrade 14.10 -> 15.0420:16
xennex81a repo given by Riddell and put in hosts20:16
lordievaderxennex81: How are you doing the dist upgrade?20:17
lordievaderxennex81: do-release-upgrade?20:17
xennex81but my networkmanager is broken and it may have been broken before due to my own actions, but I don't remember them.20:17
xennex81via muon-updater20:17
xennex81it calls do-release-upgrade20:17
lordievaderxennex81: Hmm, is it still running or did it crash?20:17
xennex81it hug20:18
xennex81it hung20:18
xennex81there is this /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-3zr31cx4/vivid --mode=desktop --frontend=DistUpgradeViewKDE20:18
lordievaderPersonally I don't like killing upgraders. How long has it been hanging?20:18
xennex81but I'm not sure what to do to get it running again.20:19
xennex81i don't like killing it either20:19
lordievaderMeh, kill it.20:19
lordievaderWhat do your sources.list look like?20:19
ahoneybun_ovidiu-florin: http://imgur.com/8UUDX7Z20:19
xennex81but dpkg-reconfigure on network-manager gives me a broken package indication20:19
lordievaderAlso, lets move this to #ubuntu+120:19
ahoneybun_2560 width20:19
xennex81i just want to know how to fix thta20:19
xennex81there were some sources disabled by it20:20
lordievaderxennex81: Please join #ubuntu+120:20
soee_ovidiu-florin: is it fine for you to report bugs on github?20:26
soee_in a free time i can pull some merge request 20:26
ahoneybun_Riddell: can we not edit the upstream muon? so we have to have a special folder to determine it in our distro?20:26
soee_ahoneybun_: i think we will ned second image (plasma wallpaper) that will be used in slider on frontpage20:28
=== ahoneybun__ is now known as ahoneybun
Riddellahoneybun: upstream muon wants the distros to maintain that I think20:45
Riddellbecause it is distro specific20:46
ahoneybunRiddell: /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile -> /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kf5-settings/ ?20:47
Riddellahoneybun: not sure20:48
Riddellit's xdg directory spec20:48
Riddellwe need an equivalent of ~/.local/share/20:48
Riddellhow does /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kf5-settings/ get set?20:48
Riddellah we set XDG_CONFIG_DIRS20:49
Riddellso I guess we need to override XDG_DATA_DIRS20:50
Riddellahoneybun: so add a new directory to desktop/etc/X11/Xsession.d/70xdg-kubuntu-dir20:50
Riddelland put the files in there20:50
ahoneybunthe kcm-about-distrorc is the only file in there Riddell20:50
Riddellthat's a setting file20:50
Riddellthese are data files20:51
Riddellso different directory20:51
ahoneybunok 20:53
ahoneybunbusy with haircut sorry20:54
soee_hi frecel20:54
soee_Riddell: ^ [22:51] <frecel> valorie: I have some experience developing with Qt QML, I'm already running Kubuntu 15.04 with plasma 5, and I don't mind writing documentation20:54
soee_frecel: do you also do packaging maybe ?20:55
=== soee_ is now known as soee
frecelsoee: I actually always wanted to learn some stuff about packaging, I read through some of the debian guides back in the day but that's mostly to prepeare stuff to create a ppa20:56
soeefrecel: if you are interested with helping with docs, valorie would be the right person to talk, if you are interested with some development etc. Riddell would be right choice :)20:57
soeebut you can always get help here from other devs20:57
ahoneybunRiddell: will that effect the current system so I can do trial and error?20:57
soeefrecel: also testers are welcome, to test new isos, new packages etc :) so there is wide range of things you can get involved20:58
frecelsoee: I would love to help with development. I'm just a hobby dev so there are probably some significant holes in my knowledge20:59
ahoneybunRiddell: that file has this: XDG_CONFIG_DIRS="$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS:/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kf5-settings"20:59
ahoneybunthe current slideshow for muon is set in the muon package it self20:59
valorieactually, I'm out of the loop on docs; ahoneybun is the expert21:00
soeefrecel: nice, stay on this channel and if Riddell is out today, he will talk to you a soon as he can :)21:00
ahoneybunvalorie: ?21:01
frecelsoee: awesome, thanks for directing me to the right people21:01
ahoneybunfrecel: hello :)21:01
frecelahoneybun: I'm looking for ways to help out with KDE/Kubuntu21:03
ahoneybunfrecel: do you have a KDE Identity account?21:04
frecelI do not21:04
ahoneybunhere you go :) https://identity.kde.org/index.php?r=registration/index21:04
ahoneybunso you can log in and help out working on the docs if you wish to help there :)21:04
Riddellooh hello frecel 21:09
ahoneybunRiddell: so make a random dir and link it in that file?21:09
ahoneybunI would love to have the installation screenshots in many langs21:09
Riddellahoneybun: well not random, give it a sensible name :)21:10
ahoneybunRiddell: what location tho21:10
Riddell/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kf5-share/ or something21:10
ahoneybunremove the old one or add this one Riddell?21:13
frecelahoneybun: I think I managed to type my password wrong twice when I was registering21:15
Riddelldon't remove anything21:15
frecelahoneybun: that's a first21:15
ahoneybunamazing lol21:15
ahoneybunok Riddell21:15
ahoneybunsame layout as kde4-profile?21:16
ahoneybunfrecel: let me know when you are done and I'll guide you to the next step21:16
Riddellahoneybun: same layout as ~/.local/share21:16
Riddellfrecel: always lots to help out with browse http://goo.gl/Chh7uh for bugs or https://trello.com/kubuntu for todo21:16
frecelahoneybun: already set up21:16
Riddellfrecel: but I'm afraid I need to go to bed now21:17
Riddellfrecel: do stick around on this channel21:17
frecelRiddell: no worries, I'll be here21:17
Riddellbug 1431610 seems nice and easy if you want to make a packaging fix :)21:17
ubottubug 1431610 in kdeplasma-addons (Ubuntu) "Web Browser plasmoid missing dependency to QtWebKit" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143161021:17
ahoneybunfrecel: the docs are here: https://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu21:18
* Riddell sleeps21:19
ahoneybunthere is a log in link on the bottom right21:19
ahoneybunRiddell: noes21:19
ahoneybunI don't understand the layout thing21:19
ahoneybunbut it can wait21:19
ahoneybunfrecel: check for typos, errors, wording that might be easier for new users and so on21:20
ahoneybunalso if you spoke a different lang that would be awesome as well as we always need translators21:20
frecelahoneybun: I'm fluent in polish21:22
ahoneybunfrecel: awesome21:23
soeefrecel: wyƛmienicie :D 21:24
ahoneybunfrecel: ^21:24
frecelcan someone ping me again, I think there is a bug in notifications21:26
soeefrecel: ping21:26
ahoneybunfrecel: are you using konversation?21:26
frecelahoneybun: Quassel21:26
ahoneybunfrecel: I know konversation is not showing notifications21:27
soeeahoneybun: it does21:28
soeeahoneybun: atleast icon shows up in systray21:28
Sho_(and you can enable other notifications in the usual Configure Notifications dialog)21:28
ahoneybunsoee: not for me21:29
soeeahoneybun: you are missing some configuration21:29
frecelthis is how my notifications appear, quite high above the panel21:30
ahoneybunsoee: seems21:30
ahoneybunfrecel: I have that at times as well21:30
soeefrecel: i have short talk about it today on #plasma and devs are aware of it21:30
soeethere are some fixes in master, but probably not full fix21:31
frecelActually I noticed another thing, Steam notifications appear from the very corner of the screen and overlay the panel, I don't know if you guys would even bother with a bug like this21:32
ahoneybunfrecel: if it is the shell providing the notification it would be upstream I think'21:33
ahoneybunsoee: what does polish look like in english? as in how do I select it in the live dvd?21:36
soeeahoneybun: what ? 21:38
frecelahoneybun: it might be Polski instead of Polish, if I'm getting what you're saying21:39
ahoneybunsoee: I'm trying to get the installer slides in different languages21:39
ahoneybunfrecel: thats it21:39
soeeahoneybun: i think slides arent translated - this is sme bug in ubiquity or something21:40
ahoneybunthere is soee21:41
ahoneybunin ubiquily21:41
ahoneybunthough it works in beta 221:41
ahoneybunI did some changes to the slideshow though21:41
* ahoneybun got some polish installation slides21:47
ahoneybunthough I can't make changes to that without a translator account21:47
* ahoneybun is out for a few21:47
frecelfor some reason KDE UserBase Wiki won't let me log in with my KDE identity21:56
frecelnvm got my username wrong, that's embarrasing22:01
valorieah, nice to see you jump right in, frecel22:29
* valorie was busy in a meeting for awhile22:29
ScottKRiddell: What was the resolution on the docs path question?  Maybe you could memorialize the result in response to the thread on the ML?23:10

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