[08:17] hello [08:17] my ppa uses some strange key, wtf? === blaze` is now known as blaze [08:53] blaze: PPAs are signed with keys that are generated by Launchpad. They can't be signed with your key, since only you have your private key. [08:57] okay, but why i keep getting a message that signature is invalid? [13:45] hi, [13:46] ~/mydev/ubuntu/Project_1/trunc$ bzr push lp:~/mydev/ubuntu/Project_1/trunc/ The authenticity of host 'bazaar.launchpad.net (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 9d:38:3a:63:b1:d5:6f:c4:44:67:53:49:2e:ee:fc:89. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? [13:47] i am trying to upload a sample project to launchpad, and ge the above response. Is this normal ? [13:53] That's how ssh works, so... yes? [13:57] then why does it say "The authenticity of host 'bazaar.launchpad.net (' can't be established. " ? [13:58] Because you've never sshed to bazaar.launchpad.net before. [13:58] That's what OpenSSH does. [13:58] so if i import launchpad public keys, that will solve the issue ? please pardon my ignorance. [13:59] You don't have much experience with ssh? [13:59] There's not really anything to "import". Type "yes" and hit Enter, as ssh prompted you to. [13:59] i always get this message and i gave yes all the time. never though why this came and how i could stop it, if possible [14:00] Oh. That's oddly broken. [14:00] You're on *nix? [14:00] ubuntu [14:00] Does sshing to other hosts work normally? [14:01] the first time, i always get this message [14:01] This is dumb, but maybe just "ssh bazaar.launchpad.net". What happens? [14:01] In any case this sounds like a question for #ubuntu or #bzr or something [14:03] ssh bazaar.launchpad.net The authenticity of host 'bazaar.launchpad.net (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 9d:38:3a:63:b1:d5:6f:c4:44:67:53:49:2e:ee:fc:89. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? [14:04] What happens if you say yes and do it again? [14:04] it wount ask me again. i giuess it adds to the list of known_hosts [14:04] won't [14:05] ok, let me read more. thanks, bye [18:10] hmm