
darkxstDumle29, "+" button works fine here00:23
Noskcajdarkxst, Is it ok if i upload the split dconf-editor to gnome3-staging? All the contents of the -editor package and part of the -service are moved to a new source00:51
darkxstNoskcaj, that would require also uploading the new dconf wouldnt it?00:52
darkxstand I don't think there is really much new in the editor apart from the split, its really just a couple of bug fixes00:53
Noskcaji've got them both in noskcaj/gnome3-staging if you wan to upload00:53
Noskcajbut it is just translation + bugfix00:54
darkxstI would rather not upload dconf > ubuntu unless its absolutely required by some rdep00:55
NoskcajI'll leave it in my ppa then00:56
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berglhKurtKraut is now know as indecisive02:33
KurtKrautberglh, lol02:38
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dz0nyI think this is gnome staging related https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gparted/+bug/143217609:46
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1432176 not found09:46
ruchirhi all09:51
darkxstdz0ny, that is not a -staging package?10:57
dz0nybut relies on gnome libs from staging10:58
dz0nydaily live build of gnome works fine10:58
dz0nybut if you use staging ppa with 3.16 ...10:59
dz0ny1:49infinitydz0ny: Oh, and you also have non-Ubuntu packages installed, which is almost certainly the source of the bug, based on the limited stacktrace we did get.10:59
dz0ny11:50dz0nyinfinity: mhm, I realized that last bit now. I have gnome staging ppa and that seems to be the cause10:59
dz0nyyou can ignore this probably? since it's related to unstable packages11:01
dz0nybut it's still an issue :)11:01
dz0nydunno what policy you have, but abi should not brake imho11:02
Dumle29hmm would dissabling xrandr in dconf editor remove any functionality that I want?11:18
Dumle29I just want to dissable the super+p, as it resets my multimonitor setup config.11:18
mgedminyou're talking about the gnome-settings-daemon plugins?11:29
mgedminit will disable automatic xrandr reconfiguration on monitor hotplug/unplug11:29
mgedmindoes it also disable super+p?  I didn't expect that11:30
Dumle29mgedmin: Yeah it's what I googled my way to find out, but that doesn't sound nice :/12:57
Dumle29It's just a pain, as I have 3 monitors like so: http://imgur.com/58snZoM. And if I hit super+p on accident they will now be configured as such: http://imgur.com/lKfyLJ613:01
Dumle29Where normally the right most monitor is my primary, that switches to the middle one :/13:02
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