
omgitsmitJamie_: sudo service bluetoothd restart00:00
balazshi, might be a dummy question, but why doesn't `route -n` show a route for and lo ?00:00
Jamie_omgitsmit: let me check... if it does im gonna try my best to remember that one00:00
omgitsmitbalazs: why would it route anywhere if its local?00:01
Jamie_omgitsmit: bluetoothd: unrecognized service00:01
* omgitsmit shrugs00:01
omgitsmiti dont have bluetooth on this box :(00:02
kostkonJamie_, sudo service bluetooth restart00:02
balazsomgitsmit: doesn't it need to route traffic to the lo interface ?00:02
omgitsmitwelcome omid00:03
kostkonJamie_, to reset the bluetooth adapter, you could try   sudo hciconfig hci0 reset00:03
Jamie_omgitsmit: thanks.... i was adding the d to start with and he recomened using sudo so I thought it might make a difference... but that worked thanks00:03
omgitsmitbalazs: i wouldnt think so, im most likely wrong through :)00:03
omidanybudy from iran?00:03
balazsomgitsmit: otherwise what stops would going thru the gateway ?00:04
omidکسی ایرانی هست؟00:04
k1l_!ir | omid00:04
ubottuomid: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.00:04
ToeSnacksomid: I've been to Iran if that counts lol00:04
omgitsmitToeSnacks: i'd vote for you00:05
ToeSnackswhat's the best way to partition a disk using a oneline noninteractive command?00:05
omgitsmitToeSnacks: fdisk could probably do that00:06
ToeSnacksomgitsmit: alright I will look into fdisk thanks00:07
omgitsmitToeSnacks: might be interactive though00:07
omgitsmiteven with nifty terminal flags00:07
omgitsmitits been awhile00:07
ToeSnacksyeah it's for an unattended setup00:07
omgitsmiti hear ya00:07
murrdawgk1l_ : Not having much luck doing the install. All I want to do is flash the acer tablet. Is that so hard?00:07
ToeSnacksI am using ansible to config a machine00:07
k1l_murrdawg: i am not aware of the device specific details, but what i found says it works with fastboot. so get a working rom and flash it00:09
ToeSnacksalso this may be out of the scope of this channel but what are the underlying differences between drives that show up as sdX and xvdX00:09
murrdawgk1l_: but how do I install fastboot on Ubuntu? I have a rom00:09
somsipToeSnacks: xvdX suggest AWS. Is that right?00:09
ToeSnackssomsip: suggests XEN virtualization with includes AWS00:10
somsipToeSnacks: fair enough00:10
k1l_murrdawg: sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot android-tools-adb00:10
ToeSnacksbut I can format xvdX drives directly where sdX drive require partitioning00:10
k1l_murrdawg: easy as that00:10
apt-getk1l_: you called?00:11
murrdawgk1l_: so how do I push out a ROM with fastboot?00:11
ToeSnackswhich is causing substantial butthurt on my part00:11
k1l_apt-get: nope.00:11
murrdawgk1l_: The other problem I have, is how do I select the tablet?00:13
rainbowwarriorhello I am running Ubuntu 14.10 on an acer v571p laptop and for some reason my battery is discharging fast and its a brand new battery how can I solve this problem please ?00:13
k1l_murrdawg: fastboot recognizes your device when connected and the device is in fastboot mode00:15
k1l_murrdawg: fastboot flash ...00:16
k1l_murrdawg: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1624645  and other your specific device relevant threads there.00:17
=== pauljw_ is now known as pauljw
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stormchaser3000um ho do i change files permissions in sell script?00:50
stormchaser3000(using an ssh client to connect to a vps00:51
SchrodingersScat!chmod | stormchaser300000:52
ubottustormchaser3000: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions00:52
rainbowwarriorhello I am running Ubuntu 14.10 on an acer v571p laptop and for some reason my battery is discharging fast and its a brand new battery how can I solve this problem please ?00:54
Foxhoundzdear ubuntu00:56
Foxhoundzyour os is unstable :[00:56
Foxhoundzthat is all00:56
omgitsmitnay sayers gunna nay say00:56
svetlana1. are you using lts 2. what are the symptoms00:56
=== iconic1 is now known as iconic2
pac1__join #vnc01:00
rgb-oneis there a way to boot a guest VM from a host kernel?01:00
halfburnttoastyou mean something besides KVM?01:01
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rgb-onehalfburnttoast: yes. My system does not support 64-bit virtualization so KVM is not an option01:04
=== iconic2 is now known as iconic1
halfburnttoastrgb-one: Ah, how about QEMU?01:06
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rgb-onehalfburnttoast: QEMU uses KVM no?01:06
halfburnttoastit's a lot slower, but it doesn't need vtx01:06
FleetI'm having a little trouble getting wireless to work on 14.04LTS....I have a Broadcom card and I thought I downloaded/installed the packages with the correct drivers but my computer still won't acknowledge a wireless device.  Any help?01:07
halfburnttoastI think it can, but it can still run 64bit guests without hardware acceleration01:07
halfburnttoastit's just a lot slower01:07
halfburnttoastlike, a lot a lot01:07
rgb-onehalfburnttoast: "QEMU supports virtualization when executing under the Xen hypervisor or using the KVM kernel module in Linux."01:09
rgb-onehalfburnttoast: both require Vt-x01:09
rgb-onehalfburnttoast: Xen and KVM01:09
halfburnttoastrgb-one: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/QEMU01:10
halfburnttoastit can use it, but it can run without vtx support01:10
halfburnttoastI'll run some tests on my side just to be sure01:13
dos000my sound icon disapeared ... how do i get it back ?01:17
silentkill8211ify nate10288201:33
JinjaNinjaFor those online, I need help troubleshooting as to why GRUB bootloader isnt working. I have installed Kali Linux (With grub installed on the installation of kali). Previously, I had a Ubuntu/ windows 8 dual boot. I had removed the partitions though, because I wanted kali instead.01:35
JinjaNinjathe ubuntu partition***01:35
halfburnttoastrgb-one: If you're still looking into QEMU, this link gives some pretty good information on setting a emulated VM up01:36
halfburnttoastrgb-one: https://gmplib.org/~tege/qemu.html01:37
halfburnttoastI tested it and got it working fine without vt-x enabled01:37
JinjaNinjaAnyone know much about GRUB bootloader, and would be willing to help me troubleshoot it?01:38
dos000anyone can help me with my sound issues ?01:38
rgb-onehalfburnttoast: Great. thanks man, will look into it01:38
rgb-oneJinjaNinja: Whats the prob?01:38
halfburnttoastrgb-one: no prob!01:38
JinjaNinjargb-one: For those online, I need help troubleshooting as to why GRUB bootloader isnt working. I have installed Kali Linux (With grub installed on the installation of kali). Previously, I had a Ubuntu/ windows 8 dual boot. I had removed the partitions though, because I wanted kali instead.01:38
JinjaNinjathe ubuntu partition***01:39
JinjaNinjaSorry, I copied and pasted what I said earlier01:39
rgb-oneJinjaNinja: So you have a windows 8 partition and a kali partition?01:40
JinjaNinjaYes, respectively. I have created all of the neccessary partitions to make Kali work, I should say. Lol. All of it was done in the kali installation setup01:41
JinjaNinjaWhen I start the computer, it automatically goes to windows 8. No grub.01:41
daftykinsthere's no Kali support in here.01:41
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)01:42
JinjaNinjargb-one, PM me? People are getting fiesty because I'm on #ubuntu chan talking about this. ;)01:43
QuantosSo go to the correct channel then01:43
rgb-oneJinjaNinja: I just sent you a message but it said no username or channel01:45
blackmatrix_nymy mouse hiccups01:49
rainbowwarriorHi , how do i stop the battery in my acer v5 571p laptop from discharging fast in Ubuntu 14.10 please ?01:50
rgb-onerainbowwarrior: look into tlp01:51
rgb-onerainbowwarrior: it is a program for managing battery life01:52
rainbowwarriorrgb-one Thank You01:52
=== Stmeter- is now known as Stmeter
dos000anyone can tell me why sound is not coming out from headphone ?02:04
dos000normal sound is fine02:04
dos000also in pavucontrol i see that the output is going to the headphone i just dont hear anything02:05
docmurI'm trying to get Ubuntu installed with a ZFS root and I'm at the step of installing grub but when I run apt-get install grub2-common grub-pc I get Installation Finished. No Errors Reported. Then Segmentation Fault (core dumped), twice then Generating grub.cfg, one more Segmentation Fault and dpkg returned an error code(1)02:08
docmurwhen I run grub-probe / I get Segmentation Fault (Core Dumped)02:08
tim_does anyone know how to store software onto a cassette tape?02:13
somsiptim_: first, use a time machine to travel back to the 80s...02:14
daftykinsdamn that was going to be my line02:14
somsiptim_: really, does anyone still do that?02:14
tim_somsip:  very funny but i want to try it out02:14
somsiptim_: clearly you are not a child of the 80s... Read up on transfer rates first to see how tedious it would really be02:15
tim_yes but can it be done02:16
Noah0504I have rTorrent freezing occasionally on my machine.  Its download location is on a mounted Samba share.  It looks like it's freezing (process status is D in top) because of an error with the mounted share.  I have tracked down an error message in kern.log (CIFS VFS: Server sent request, not response.).  Is there anyway to get the process to resume, or am I going to just have to reboot like I normally do?  Also, any advice on figuring out what02:17
Noah0504 causes this error?  I was previously running everything on a Raspberry Pi with no issues.  This is a much faster PC.02:17
Stanley00tim_: well... you may need a cassette writer, then may be need to write a driver for it. Then, just write tar file to it :P02:17
daftykinsdon't torrent to samba shares02:19
daftykinsbad move02:19
adammmeww torrenting to samba shares02:19
Noah0504Can I download torrents to any kind of share?  Ha.02:20
tim_i was thinking more on the lines off importing raw data off a file into audacity playing it into the cassette player with audio while having the cassette player record02:20
daftykinstim_: #linux would be better for you.02:24
Stanley00tim_: http://www.instructables.com/id/Storing-files-on-an-audio-cassette/?ALLSTEPS you will need a cable to connect output of computer to your recorder input, and convert sound file to wav, and just play and record it :302:25
hawlytim_, uhh youre talking about data files? (like: test.txt, diff , vmlinuz)?02:28
hawlyhold on.. all are data files! (including quack.mp3 and fart.wav)02:29
hawlytim_, i mean, youre not willing to *play* them from cassete02:30
hawlytim_, so youre thinking backup or sort of..02:31
tim_hawly: yeah02:32
hawlytim_, I think there are DAT tapes solutions around there (and those may be more reliable than cassete)02:32
hawlyif youre thinking in long term storage02:33
hawlybut if youre hacking for fun: that is an old already existent method, and some guys may already had bring that back to present (100% speculative)02:35
Mo0Ohi there02:36
Mo0OI've got an old 13.04 ubuntu release, I want to update it to a 14.04 LTS, because it's an LTS ;)02:37
somsip!eol | Mo0O (upgrade link on here I think)02:37
ubottuMo0O (upgrade link on here I think): End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:37
Mo0Obut `apt-get update` return many 404 errors02:37
Mo0Othanks somsip, you rox!02:38
* hawly sings: im peeing in a bottle...02:40
somsip!ot | hawly02:40
ubottuhawly: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:40
=== erick is now known as Guest35956
Guest35956can anyone read this02:46
somsipGuest35956: yes02:47
compdocsomsip is lying02:47
Bashing-omGuest35956: If you see it, we see it also .02:47
Guest35956nice! i didnt know about this xchat thing02:48
Noah0504daftykins: I see my NAS support NFS by default.  Would that be a better choice, or is downloading torrent over the network frowned upon in general?02:49
hiexpotorrent for what Noah050402:53
=== someon is now known as someone
Noah0504Yeesh, I guess I can't type tonight.  Anyway, I'm running rTorrent and downloading those torrents to a mounted Samba share currently.  For whatever reason, I'm not having issues with rTorrent freezing up because CIFS is throwing an error.  I was wondering if NFS would be better.02:54
=== darren is now known as Guest61712
b3n_hi guys .. anyone knows about creating android project via command line with gradle?03:03
hawlyb3n_, ill take a look on that03:08
hawlydont know what is , but already liked03:08
b3n_i'm a weird guy .. i'm trying to create android app using command line (no IDE)03:10
b3n_#hawly thanks03:10
b3n_@hawly thanks03:11
hawlyb3n_, can this be discussed here?03:11
b3n_don't know03:11
hawlyb3n_, wont we be banned?03:11
b3n_oh okay .. so there's a rule here? hehe ..03:11
hawlyb3n_, i heard about NDK, which is the platform for native binaries03:12
hawlyb3n_, but its 600+ MB03:12
b3n_yeh it's big03:12
hawlyb3n_, i already managed to run a shell script using the method from jackpal web page03:13
hawlyb3n_, but i think sometime ill get screwed cuz im not root in there03:13
b3n_alright .. thanks for that .. I'll look for something else ..03:15
somsipb3n_: it is offtopic for here. Try the android studio support channel or #android or type !alis03:15
b3n_thanks .. I'll go to that channel03:19
=== gusnan is now known as Guest79913
researcher1I am on vbox 4.3 Host Ubuntu 14.04 Guest Windows XP. From guest I can not open a certain site. But many sites do open.What can I do?03:25
RhapsodyI have gparted live booted, and I'm trying to convert my MBR SSD to GPT. What do I so?03:32
EriC^sudo gdisk /dev/sdX03:34
RhapsodyEriC^: now what?03:35
somsipRhapsody: old version on ubuntu referred to here, but seems popular and may still be relevant http://askubuntu.com/questions/84501/how-can-i-change-convert-a-ubuntu-mbr-drive-to-a-gpt-and-make-ubuntu-boot-from03:35
EriC^Rhapsody: press ?03:36
EriC^there should be something that says convert MBR to GPT03:36
RhapsodyCreate a new empty guid partition table (GPT)?03:37
RhapsodyIs that the one?03:37
EriC^Rhapsody: is the drive empty?03:38
EriC^ok, you can do that, it'll create a new partition table and you can repartition and create the filesystems03:38
RhapsodyAnd now?03:39
EriC^press w03:39
RhapsodyDid it, thanks03:39
=== idgaf is now known as xnr
mad_hatterso I did a chmod -R 0002 on a dir in my homedir03:49
mad_hatternow I can't access that dir?03:49
somsipmad_hatter: recover to a root shell and fix it that way03:49
somsip!recovery | mad_hatter (not sure if this has the details)03:49
ubottumad_hatter (not sure if this has the details): If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode03:49
bodhi_zazenchmod -R 77703:49
somsipmad_hatter: yeah - that looks right03:50
mad_hatterbodhi_zazen, can you tell me what happened?03:51
mad_hatterthat worked btw03:51
mad_hatterbut now there are stars by all the filenames when i do a ls -l03:51
bodhi_zazenyou removed all your permissions03:51
bodhi_zazenwell, for files, you may have to fix it with find03:51
somsipmad_hatter: http://superuser.com/questions/178786/what-does-the-asterisk-mean-after-a-filename-if-you-do-ls-l/178789#17878903:52
mamece2Hello, I just bought a new lcd monitor, I connected it to Ubuntu 14.04 and now when i log on everything looks bad and the PC hangs. I can still do ssh.03:54
mamece2I reinstalled unity and lightdm . Still frozen and looking bad the desktop03:55
svetlanahow bad03:55
bodhi_zazenuse the old monitor and see if the problem persist03:55
mamece2if i use the old monitor everything is lookin good again03:55
hiexpobodhi_zazen, true03:55
mamece2i also reintalled the nvidia drivers03:56
dtscodeis there anyway to upgrade gnu make 3.8.1 to 3.8.2 without building from source03:57
mamece2how can i check the logs ?03:57
mamece2sometimes the screen gets a ubuntu message error, I cant reoprt it or the pc hangs03:57
darius93dtscode, maybe from a ppa?03:58
dayaGuys any way to know which user shutdown/reboot the machine. I used the last command but can't display user and remote IP from where the reboot/shutdown was executed.03:58
dtscodedarius93, do you know of any specific one?03:58
dtscodeor should i go hunting?03:58
darius93you might want to go hunting. You could try the one from 14.10 repo or 15.04 but not sure if thats updated03:59
darius93i never had issues with make though03:59
mamece2Hello, I just bought a new lcd monitor, I connected it to Ubuntu 14.04 and now when i log on everything looks bad and the PC hangs. I can still do ssh. I have testes the old monitor and loks good again03:59
ravinixhi alll03:59
ravinixKrnel panic -not syncing : attemped to kill init !exitcode =0x0000000703:59
dtscodedarius93, thanks. 3.8.1 just doesnt have all of the current features of .204:00
hanasakihow do I get to the web page of my router with default IP   when my host has a 10.  IP?04:00
ravinixubuntu 14.04 become slow04:00
darius93dtscode, changelog so i can see whats missing?04:00
dtscodedarius93, uhhh not sure. i just know .RECIPEPREFIX isnt there04:00
darius93and dtscode isnt the latest like 4.1 or 4.2?04:01
dtscodeoh is it?04:01
darius93dtscode, http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/make/04:02
somsip!make | dtscode (or use a PPA, or build manually if you really want to but see !source)04:02
ubottudtscode (or use a PPA, or build manually if you really want to but see !source): Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:02
somsip!info make | dtscode (sorry - mixed up my factoid commands there)04:03
ubottudtscode (sorry - mixed up my factoid commands there): make (source: make-dfsg): utility for directing compilation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0-8 (utopic), package size 140 kB, installed size 340 kB04:03
=== n0fuq is now known as Guest76475
mamece2Hello, I just bought a new lcd monitor, I connected it to Ubuntu 14.04 and now when i log on everything looks bad and the PC hangs. I can still do ssh. I have testes the old monitor and loks good again.04:13
=== AlexStraunoff is now known as NikolaiToryzin
=== arun_ is now known as aryan12
aryan12hi guys,04:40
aryan12anyone around ?04:40
Ben64aryan12: if you have a question, ask it04:40
aryan12I couldn't recover folders from testdisk04:40
aryan12I just get the blank folders and blank files as output (recovered)04:41
aryan12Ben64: ^^04:42
Ben64not so much a question as a statement, but maybe you should try photorec04:43
aryan12Ben64: hm.. I couldn't get which drive mine is.. to go with photorec04:44
bojanCan anybody solve this problem "I have configured NFS on ubuntu and i can mount the shared partition on the same computer but cant mount in the computer connected in the network...Saying error as :mount.nfs:server access denied while mounting"..But i can see the shared directory in the network computer by the command "sghowmount -e
EriC^aryan12: in testdisk, did you press p over the partition?04:45
aryan12EriC^: yeah, I get damaged or no files..04:46
aryan12EriC^: in folders too. and when I do C , it only recovers the structures not the data04:46
bojanCan anybody solve this problem "I have configured NFS on ubuntu and i can mount the shared partition on the same computer but cant mount in the computer connected in the network...Saying error as :mount.nfs:server access denied while mounting"..But i can see the shared directory in the network computer by the command "sghowmount -e
=== AlphaTech is now known as A1phaTech
aryan12EriC^: in folders too. and when I do C , it only recovers the structures not the data05:07
bojanCan anybody solve this problem "I have configured NFS on ubuntu and i can mount the shared partition on the same computer but cant mount in the computer connected in the network...Saying error as :mount.nfs:server access denied while mounting"..But i can see the shared directory in the network computer by the command "sghowmount -e"05:12
administrator_does anyone use deepin?05:16
=== Veggies is now known as VeggieTrooper
soorajhow to install telegram on ubuntu mate?05:19
=== VeggieTrooper is now known as Veggies_NomNom
Veggies_NomNomHi! I’m trying to make a ubuntu install usb drive on os x with the following command: “also hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ~/path/to/target.img ~/path/to/ubuntu.iso” but I’m not sure how to correctly type in the path. Can anyone help me?05:20
hiexposooraj, http://deshack.net/install-telegram-for-linux-as-an-application/05:21
YvesLevieri am promoting Thunderbird for our municipality.  Having a question about those who have a Mac.05:21
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monziels -la05:23
Veggies_NomNom… anyone?05:25
Veggies_NomNomI used pwd to find the path I’m in but it keeps saying “no path or directory”05:25
Veggies_NomNom“no such file or directory” * (sorry)05:25
FudsterWhat package is the ubuntu .wav decoder on servers? "05:31
FudsterAutoDJ -> [Deck B] Could not find decoder for '/home/radio/bot/autodj_script.wav'"05:31
=== o is now known as xnr
FudsterWhat package is the ubuntu .wav decoder on servers? "05:42
FudsterAutoDJ -> [Deck B] Could not find decoder for '/home/radio/bot/autodj_script.wav'"05:42
=== noteness is now known as saaapete
=== saaapete is now known as noteness
solarradiationin general, an apt-get upgrade will not upgrade the kernel, correct?06:05
mad_hatterdoes anyone know how to remove world write permissions on a file?06:16
=== sarid is now known as Guest54940
bazhang!permissions | mad_hatter06:19
ubottumad_hatter: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions06:19
PCatineanHey guys, how does one execute a python script in ubuntu every night at midnight?06:26
bekks!cron | PCatinean06:27
ubottuPCatinean: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto06:27
gnudnayeah i would recommend crontab06:27
Nyctophilia_hello, im typing from my Lenovo ThinkPad Helix (1st Gen) running ubuntu 14.04 LTS currently. everything runs fine out of the box, except for g sensors. windows 8 has this feature for auto-turning the display. thats exactly what i want on ubuntu too if possible. how could i achive this? thanks in advance06:32
Nyctophilia_how can i assist you guys for helping me? any input you need? if so, which commands should i use at the console?06:37
=== Guest54940 is now known as sarid
=== ubik is now known as Guest35939
stluI am having difficulty logging into ubuntuforums.org with SSO.  I successfully logged in using SSO last year, but something has changed I guess.  Any advice?06:49
bazhangstlu, perhaps try in #ubuntuforums06:51
chuckborisgood morning https://www.dropbox.com/sc/8ienf25bns3hn5v/AADNQikdoOhjoKbOXW2Y-Jqia07:12
dam_now is afternoon07:13
chuckborisnot in germany07:13
dam_schooll life is so boring at Fri07:14
chuckborishere today is a holiday07:15
chuckborisincluding Monday07:15
chuckborisschool holidays are 14 days07:17
dam_is monday holiday?07:17
chuckborisThere are Easter holiday in Germany07:17
dam_I am free at every Fri07:17
dam_do you speak German?07:20
dam_and English07:20
dam_I can speak English, Japanese and Chinese07:21
chuckborismy english is not very07:21
CountryfiedLinuxHow do I safely delete a partition?07:22
dam_you can google07:22
chuckborisyes lol07:23
dam_i am a newbie07:23
dam_I must go out now, bye07:26
chuckborisnice day07:26
aeon-ltdCountryfiedLinux: that really depends on how your system is set up, if the partition is not important then just deleting it is fine, but obviously if it was your main partition that include /boot i wouldn't expect a working system after deleting it07:28
CountryfiedLinuxaeon-ltd, So if it's not an important/main partition I can just safely do it with Gparted?07:29
CountryfiedLinuxaeon-ltd, Do I need to boot into a live session first?07:30
adomasjust unmount partition and you can delete it via Gparted07:30
aeon-ltdyes, i would not play with partitions while booted to the hdd you are working on07:31
CountryfiedLinuxok thanks07:31
adomasI would play, since it will be harder to remove important partitions :)07:31
CountryfiedLinuxAnd do I need to update grub afterwards?07:31
adomasjust /etc/fstab07:32
adomasif it was there07:32
adomasCountryfiedLinux, but be sure not to remove partition which mount point is / or /boot07:33
carmelo1989da jia hao a07:35
carmelo1989youren zai a?07:35
CountryfiedLinuxOK I deleted it and it still shows in Gparted.07:36
adomasmaybe it shows as unallocated?07:36
CountryfiedLinuxyes adomas07:36
adomasso it is showing free space, not partition I think07:36
CountryfiedLinuxI want that space put back onto sda107:36
CountryfiedLinuxI thought that meant partition.07:37
adomasthen resize sda1, but if it is mounted07:37
adomasyou need to boot into gparted live cv07:37
CountryfiedLinuxOK thanks adomas I'll boot into a live session after this iso is finished writing to the usb stick. I'm planning worst case scenario :P07:37
adomasCountryfiedLinux, you can check list of partitions available to system by typing " sudo ls -l /dev/sd* " in terminal07:37
Ben64adomas: sudo not necessary for that07:39
carmelowellhey everybody i am newguy...07:39
adomasBen64, depends on system no? now every user has access to /dev :)07:40
Ben64adomas: should always have access to ls07:40
adomaseven if directory has root:root ownership?07:41
adomasdid not knew that :)07:41
melvinheey guys07:42
melvinI'm in need of some help07:42
starbuckhi, is it possible to manage a program wich was not installed vie a packet (.deb) via the commandline 'service xxx restart/stop...' ?07:48
Nothing_MuchHow do I use encryption software??07:53
Sramelyorwhich one?07:53
melvindo you guys see me talk?07:53
Nothing_Muchyes melvin07:53
melvinoh thank07:53
Sramelyortry true crypt07:54
SramelyorIts cool07:54
Nothing_MuchTrueCrypt is dead and it isn't very trustworthy as it's not FOSS07:54
SramelyorI am afraid I don't know much about GNUPG07:54
SramelyorTruecrypt is dead?07:54
Nothing_MuchYes, it's been dead for about 2 years now I think07:54
melvinSo i have installed TeamSpeak3 and it's all working fine. Now i have a problem. I want the normal client to startup when my PC starts up. I tried editing: sudo nano -w /etc/rc.local07:54
bekksSramelyor: http://truecrypt.sourceforge.net/07:55
bekksNothing_Much: It died in May 2014.07:55
Nothing_MuchSo 1 year07:55
SramelyorI liked that07:55
Sramelyorused to07:55
Nothing_MuchI'm SERIOUSLY trying to figure out why there's no freaking GUI front ends for the encryptions07:56
Nothing_MuchIt's all abou thte keys and stuff like that07:56
melvinSo i have installed TeamSpeak3 and it's all working fine. Now i have a problem. I want the normal client to startup when my PC starts up. I tried editing: sudo nano -w /etc/rc.local07:56
Sramelyorlol. Melvin07:56
SramelyorIts more like u wanna cut the converstaion07:57
Nothing_MuchWell, Teamspeak 3 is dumb07:57
Sramelyorno offence07:57
starbuckmumble is better07:57
Nothing_MuchIt doesn't automatically make a shortcut anywhere07:57
melvinguys, i would just like to know how i can run it at the startup of my pc. I don't wana argue what program is better07:57
Nothing_MuchI have to go into my file manager and double click the darned thing, it sucks07:57
bekksmelvin: Do you want to run a TS3 server?07:57
Nothing_MuchWell, melvin, you can try the startup applications thing07:57
melvinbekks: no i want to run the client07:57
Nothing_Muchmelvin: Type in the Dash "Startup applications"07:58
Nothing_MuchAdd a program07:58
melvinNothing_much: oh07:58
bekksmelvin: Then you cannot use /etc/rc.local, since no user is logged in when /etc/rc.local is executed.07:58
bekks!autostart | melvin07:58
ubottumelvin: If you want to edit your Autostart programs, open the Unity dash and search for Startup Programs. If you're on XFCE, use menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Session and Startup, if you're on KDE, use Kickoff -> Computer -> System Settings -> Autostart. For more details see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup. For LXDE see http://ubottu.com/y/407:58
melvin@startup program i can only use one command i think07:58
Nothing_Muchyou only need 1 command to launch a progtram07:59
melvinlol yea i just realized, normally i would use cd TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64 and then use ./ts3client_runscript.sh08:00
bekksmelvin: So create a script containing those commands.08:00
melvinSo i have added it to the startup programs, when i restart my pc it should also start?08:00
Nothing_Muchthe runscript is all you need, dude08:00
SramelyorCan someone suggest a good torrent client08:00
bekks!torrent | Sramelyor08:00
ubottuSramelyor: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P08:00
melvinso if i would restart pc now Nothing_Much it should startup automatically?08:01
Sramelyorwhich would u suggest using08:01
SramelyorI just shifted to linux08:01
Sramelyorubuntu 14.1008:01
bekksSramelyor: The one you want :)08:01
adomasSramelyor, Transmission08:01
bekksmelvin: Just log out and back in.08:01
SramelyorI wanted one with a good interface like utorrent08:01
melvinSramelyor i use the transmission bittorent client. Works fine like on windows08:01
melvinokay brb bekks08:02
adomasSramelyor, qbittorrent has simillar interface08:02
adomasto utorrent08:02
Sramelyortnx :)08:02
SramelyorI started playing portal just an hour ago08:02
Sramelyorwhy is it that the graphics doesn't seem as cool as when run on windows08:03
bekksSramelyor: Different graphics.08:03
Sramelyoras in?08:03
adomasSramelyor, you need to adjust the graphics maybe ;)08:03
Sramelyorlol. I did08:03
adomasyou play Portal or Portal 2?08:03
melvinIt works guys! THANKS so much, i was trying with rc.local for like 2 hours. LOL08:03
SramelyorIt just isn't giving me the feel of it08:03
bekksSramelyor: It looks different from Windows since it isnt Windows.08:04
Sramelyorbut its the same GPU08:04
Sramelyorwhy is there a diff?08:04
bekksSramelyor: And?08:04
Trinitydo programs continue to run if screensaver comes up?08:04
bekksSramelyor: The GPU is NOT responsible for how an application looks like.08:04
adomasSramelyor, Windows use DirectX, and Linux use OpenGL, that is why different graphics no? :)08:04
bekksadomas: No.08:04
melvinSramelyor, this is ubuntu, you should just use it more often. If you've been using Windows all your life, like me. I understand its strange haha08:04
Sramelyorespecially with sudo08:05
Sramelyorbut interesting08:05
melvinit's just more type intensive. :D08:05
bekksYou should not use sudo with graphical applications.08:05
Sramelyorwhy doesn't windows have a similar terminal08:05
bekksSramelyor: Ask Microsoft.08:05
adomasyou should not use sudo at all, use su08:05
Sramelyornot graphical applications08:05
Sramelyorno way08:05
bekksadomas: Nonsense.08:05
Sramelyorwhats the difference?08:05
Sramelyorbetween su and sudo?08:06
TrinitySramelyor, they use cmd something similiar08:06
bekks!sudo | Sramelyor08:06
ubottuSramelyor: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo08:06
Trinitythey don't use su and sudo because of design08:06
adomassu is like "sudo -s"08:06
bekksadomas: It is not.08:06
Sramelyorwho  is ubottu? is that a bot?08:06
Trinitylinux is file permission based whereas windows is something else08:06
melvinSudo is like administrative right like windows has you know?08:06
bekksadomas: Not funny. su authenticates against the root account which is locked by default in Ubuntu. So sudo is the way to go.08:06
Trinitydoes anyone know what happens when ubuntu goes into screensaver mode?08:07
Sramelyoradoms are u fucking around? seriously? I am already confused and u are making it more difficult for me08:07
bekks!root | adomas08:07
ubottuadomas: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:07
adomas"sudo passwd" >> "su"08:07
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bekksadomas: Unlocking the root account maay result in losing support in here.08:07
Sramelyorwho is ubottu? how do u type so much so fast?08:07
Trinitycarmelo1989, wo shi08:07
bekks!bot | Sramelyor08:08
ubottuSramelyor: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone08:08
adomasbekks, shouldn't it be all about freedom?08:08
Sramelyorholly fuck08:08
Sramelyorhey just one thing08:08
bekksadomas: It has nothing to do with freedom.08:08
Sramelyordoes anybody know anything about Cicada 3301?08:08
adomasbekks, freedom of choice08:08
bekksadomas: On your own system, you can do whatever you want. But please dont advise others how to possibly break their system. Ubuntu uses sudo instead of su by purpose.08:09
adomasbekks, ok, I understand :)08:09
carmelo1989<Trinity> haizaia?08:10
Sramelyorany good vpn's for ubuntu?08:10
melvinGuys i made a text document on my desktop and uhhh it has this code in it: cd TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd6408:10
melvinHow can i make it so it will put it in the terminal?08:11
TrinitySramelyor, Linode08:11
Sramelyoris it good?08:11
Trinitywhy would i say it if it wasn't08:11
SramelyorI used to use hotspot shield on windows08:11
Sramelyorsorry. just asked08:11
Sramelyortnx :)08:11
Sramelyorwhat about antivirus08:11
Sramelyordoes linux need one?08:12
carmelo000<carmelo1989> zaia?08:12
melvinsramelyor as far as i know i don't think so08:12
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TrinitySramelyor, firewall for ports to defend programs, no need for anti virus due to file permissions08:12
Sramelyorfirewall for ports? sorry but could u explain08:13
Trinityprograms use ports which are ports to the net08:13
Trinityif one of your programs is compromised then so will you depending on the severity08:13
Sramelyorstill didn't get the firewall part08:14
Guest27328Doesn't Ubuntu have App Armour installed by defaukt? I would indeed worry more about your firewall configuration than the possibility of a virus infecting your machine08:15
Sramelyorhow to configure firewall in ubuntu?08:15
TrinityI wouldn't worry too much about it08:15
Trinityas long as you can install the source of files you'll be just fine08:15
Trinityif you're extremely paranoid run hash checks08:15
SramelyorI still installed clamAV08:16
Sramelyoris that even helpfull?08:16
cowbaconSramelyor: install ufw and gufw and configure it from there08:16
Trinityi mean as long as you can trust the source*08:16
Guest27328You can install gufw and select the Home profile08:16
Sramelyortnx :)08:16
Trinitysaturation of markets makes it so there are less people making viruses for linux than for windows08:16
SramelyorI thought that was a myth08:16
Trinityhow is that a myth?08:17
Sramelyorread about it somewhere guess on make use of08:17
Trinityi didnt say its harder08:17
TrinityI said due to saturation of people08:17
Sramelyoroh btw08:17
Trinityit's logical/monetizable for more virus creators to create viruses for windows than for linux08:18
Sramelyorhow to make an irc chat more secure08:18
cowbaconssl and sasle08:18
Sramelyortnx a ton :)08:18
cowbaconoh hes gone :c08:19
Trinityanyone have any idea what happens during screensaver? if programs continue to run?08:19
Ben64Trinity: yes of course08:20
TrinityBen64, they continue to run?08:20
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Ben64Trinity: yes, why would a screensaver kill programs?08:22
TrinityBen64, not kill them but allow them to continue to run08:22
Guest27328I think even videos for example won't stop playing08:22
Trinityahh okay08:23
Ben64Trinity: all a screensaver ever does is be a screensaver08:23
=== saaapete is now known as noteness
nikithajoin php08:25
Guest5385Anyone have experience with power management tools like "LTP" or "Laptop-Mode-Tools"? Which do you prefer any why?08:26
dewdropHi, I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 on an old AMd Sempron computer. When the live USB boots to desktop it freezes on desktop with zagged lines. It ran windows 8.1 fine, so all hardware seems fine.08:31
cowbacondewdrop: have you tried another distro with a newer/different kernel?08:32
dewdropAny ideas as to what might be the issue, or changes to make?08:32
ArcherGodsonx64 or x32?08:33
dewdropcowbacon: Apart from 12.04, I tried 14.10 and Linux mint 17.1 cinnamon.08:33
dewdrop*14.04 not 12.0408:33
dewdropall freeze at desktop08:33
cowbacondewdrop: http://askubuntu.com/questions/523451/right-after-installing-ubuntu-14-04-1-lts-it-just-dont-work maybe that would work? third soulution from the top08:34
dewdropcowbacon: Ok, I am unable to gt to terminal using Ctrl + alt + F1.08:36
cowbacondewdrop: does the livecd work? then you can boot the livecd, chroot and install it that way08:37
dewdropNo, even live cd hangs at desktop08:37
EriC^^!nomodeset | dewdrop08:38
ubottudewdrop: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter08:38
Tin_manmaybe try xubuntu, see i you have the same problem..08:38
Number5ubuntu is very good, it's quite light. Unless you want that fancy Unity :)08:40
Number5I mean xubuntu08:40
dewdropEriC^^: Thanks, nomodeset worked, I am now able to boot into live cd and install it. I am installing it now and see if the fix in the link works after installing.08:44
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bojanHow can we authenticate NFS in ubuntu??09:01
ArcherGodsonby IP09:03
bojanArcherGodson:You told for me??09:04
ArcherGodsonbojan: yes09:06
bojanArcherGodson:How to do that..can u guide me??Then what is NIS and all??09:07
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bojanCan anybody help me in configuring NIS on ubuntu09:10
ArcherGodsondo you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNISHowTo?09:11
bojanCan we authenticate the NFS client on the MAC basis with the entry in hosts.allow??09:13
bekksbojan: Are you talking about NIS or NFS?09:15
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bojanbekks:Want to authenticate NFS using NIS09:15
bekksbojan: That makes no sense.09:15
bojanbekks:Then what can we do for authentication for NFS09:16
bekksbojan: Which NFS version do you use?09:16
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jegerhave no  i idea09:17
jegerwhat version i have09:17
bekksjeger: I asked bojan :)09:17
bojanbekks:I have LTSp environment here in which all my clients are using the filesystem with a softlink in their desktop nut i want NFS for the client who are coming to my office>So we need authentication for those right??09:17
bekksbojan: Thats not an answer to my question. Which NFS version do you use?09:17
bekksbojan: That doesnt answer my question either. Are you using NFSv3 or NFSv4?09:19
bojanbekks:how to check that?09:20
jegerwee do you see that ?09:20
bekksbojan: Whar does your /etc/exports look like?09:20
bekksbojan: And can you please pastebin "uname -a; lsb_release -a" and provide the URL?09:21
gv45538Hi to all, somebody have installed DDR3 So-Dimm 1Gb Samsung PC3 10600 M471B2873GB0-CH9 RAM on mobo Asus J1900i-c Celeron/miniitx?09:24
bekksgv45538: How is that related to Ubuntu?09:24
bojanbekks:You got it??09:25
bekksbojan: Yes. But I am still waiting for your /etc/exports09:25
gv45538I have send the mobo to tecnical assistance because during the installation of Ubuntu the disk was corrupted, the tecnical support reply to me that no problem found on the mobo09:26
bekksbojan: You are using NFSv3. It doesnt support authentication.09:27
gv45538bekks: I have send the mobo to tecnical assistance because during the installation of Ubuntu the disk was corrupted, the tecnical support reply to me that no problem found on the mobo09:27
bojanbekks:then what should i do now??09:27
phionaim running on a dual boot system and im running out of space on my hbome partition. i want to get some hard disk space from my windows partition. how do i do that?09:28
bekksgv45538: Questions about your RAM are totally unrelated to disk hardware errors which are totally unrelated to Ubuntu support.09:28
bekksgv45538: You may want to have a look at ##hardware09:28
bojanbekks:Am just started to configure NFS for my office ...So i can change anything..Please guide me09:28
bekksbojan: Why do you think you need authentication for NFS?09:28
bojanbekks:we cant give direct and full access to all the users who are accessing my directory right??09:29
bekksbojan: Why not? And who is "we"?09:29
bojanbekks:i am looking for authentication on MAC address basis09:29
bojanbekks:sorry i09:30
ole_oz7thello frinds i have made a c program in terminal. How can i get it graphical with gtk ??????????????????09:30
bekksbojan: Authentication on MAC address basis is a) totally unrelated to NIS, b) totally insecure since MAC addresses can be easily faked, c) totally pointless.09:30
bojanbekks:Then please suggest some idea for this scenario09:31
gv45538bekks: the tecnical support said that the ram have caused the problem!? I have installed Ubuntu on external drive (usb) without problem. I think that's a bad tecnical support09:31
bojanbekks:I want some authentication like samba users is also ok for me09:31
bekksbojan: NFS has entirely nothing to do with samba. You want to use NFSv4 and Kerberos authentication: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NFSv4Howto#NFSv4_with_Kerberos09:32
bekksgv45538: Your issues have nothing to do with Ubuntu, I'm afraid.09:32
phionaim running on a dual boot system and im running out of space on my home partition. i want to get some hard disk space from my windows partition. how do i do that?09:33
gv45538bekks: ok, I'm searching someone with the same experience. bye.09:33
ArcherGodsonphiona: gparted09:33
bekksgv45538: The same experience is still unrelated to Ubuntu support in here.09:34
ArcherGodsonboot from live usb and gpart your partitions09:34
gv45538bekks: thank's09:34
Sramelyorhow to download irc chat histroy09:35
Sramelyorhow to download irc chat histroy?09:36
ole_oz7tsobody here knows programming with gtk gcc in ubuntu ?????????09:37
Sramelyorsorry. not me09:37
SramelyorDo u know how to download chat histroy of a irc?09:37
phionaArcherGodson: ok. lets say i have now a partition ready. how do i move it to be at least side by side with my home partition?09:38
Sramelyorcan u by any chance see my message?09:38
Sramelyordo u know as to how to download a irc chat histroy09:39
ArcherGodsonphiona: 1. reduce windows partition. 2. increase home partition09:40
SramelyorI want to see the previous discussions09:40
ole_oz7tcan i get some help with gtk gcc in ubuntu ????????????????09:40
jegeri have problems with ubuntu to09:41
ole_oz7tjeg  hello what a problem ?09:41
KisChangSramelyor  see >>>>http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/09:41
bekksole_oz7t: Can you stop multiplying your punctuation signs? Thank you.09:41
jegerneed help09:41
KisChangIs what you want09:41
ole_oz7tjeger   what a problem  i have many hi hi09:42
Sramelyorthanks a looooot Kischang09:42
ArcherGodsonphiona: it have graphical interface, you get what you see09:42
jegerhave problems with ubuntu09:42
ole_oz7tjeg  what a problem ?09:43
jegerwant to download minecraft fuul version09:43
ole_oz7tjeger   tell me your problem09:43
bekks!minecraft | jeger09:43
bekksjeger: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/install-minecraft-in-ubuntu-14-04/09:44
jegeri only have demo09:44
ole_oz7tjeger  you say you have problems09:44
bekksjeger: So read the link.09:44
phionahow do i move partitions  to be at least side by side with my home partition ArcherGodson??09:44
jegerwhat link ???09:45
dewdropcowbacon: Thanks, following your link I isntalled Nvidia drivers. Now the issue is, everytime I boot up the dsesktop screen is relally sluggish for openinig windows or menus. When I switch to tty using ctrl+Alt+f1 and then back to desktop, everything just works.09:48
phionahow do i move partitions  to be at least side by side with my home partition so that i can then increase my home partition ArcherGodson??09:48
dewdropit happens on every boot, unless I do ctrl+alt+f1 and back again it won't work09:48
ole_oz7tsomebody here there can help me with problems with gtk gcc and ubuntu09:51
Ben64ole_oz7t: maybe if you describe your problem in detail09:54
ole_oz7tarcane hello my problem is. I have made a c program in terminal and want to get it graphical with gtk09:56
EightynineHi. Help me please, as I said yesterday, I have tearing when scrolling some web pages. How can I enable V-Sync or maybe I should install proprietary driver? I have tearing only in Firefox, Chrome worked good.09:58
UllarahAnybody have some good suggestions on a password manager?10:01
EriC^^ole_oz7t: what's the problem?10:01
bekksUllarah: keepass210:01
DesuEightynine: vsync might help, should be enabled by default if you use the free drivers though10:01
DesuUllarah: keepass(x|2), pass10:02
Ben64ole_oz7t: you should go to a programming channel10:02
ole_oz7tullarah  hello my problem is: i have made a c program in c with ubuntu and want to made it graphically with gtk10:02
Desuole_oz7t: and?10:03
UllarahNo point in pinging me!10:03
Desuole_oz7t: https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/10:03
DesuUllarah: lies!10:03
UllarahThanks bekks and Desu :) I was just looking at 'pass' now :)10:04
ole_oz7tAnd?  Its working in terminal but i want to made it graphically with gtk10:04
bekksole_oz7t: So create a gtk application.10:04
Ullarahole_oz7t, use this, https://glade.gnome.org/10:04
bekksole_oz7t: There is no way of "converting" it.10:04
ole_oz7tullarah  i have been there but it is ti difficult for me10:05
Desuole_oz7t: read the docs I linked you to10:05
G66khello everyone , im using ubuntu 12.04 i have java installed but when i do echo $JAVA_HOME its print empty line10:05
Ullarahole_oz7t, if glade is difficult for you, then there is absolutely nothing that can help you.10:05
ole_oz7tullara  also glade but i need some help10:05
DesuG66k: dpkg-reconfigure whatever10:05
EriC^^ole_oz7t: with what?10:06
ole_oz7tullarah  im am not yong more  born 1936 but i can make terminal c programmes10:06
Eightynine<Desu> maybe there's rendering problem in Firefox?10:06
UllarahSorry to be a bother, any thoughts on this Desu? http://enpass.io/10:06
DesuEightynine: please don't use <> when replying, it looks like you are quoting me10:06
DesuUllarah: do not use10:06
ole_oz7teric do we have contact?10:07
DesuUllarah: don't use any password manager that isn't free software (free as in freedom, not free beer)10:07
EriC^^ole_oz7t: what do you mean?10:08
ole_oz7teric  you have toll me something   therefor answer10:08
UllarahI ended up using 'pass' :P10:09
EriC^^ole_oz7t: what's your question?10:09
EriC^^ole_oz7t: are you asking to message me in private?10:09
DesuI think it was Schneier that have a really good quote about crpythography, secuirty and open source10:10
ole_oz7teric my qustion is about gtk gcc and graphically programming with gtk10:10
DesuUllarah: https://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram/archives/1999/0915.html#OpenSourceandSecurity  there you go10:10
DesuUllarah: and that was back in 199910:10
Desuand it is even more true today10:11
UllarahI know. closed source irks me.10:11
bazhangole_oz7t, you wish to create a gtk theme10:11
UllarahDidn't realise that the enpass product was closed source @_@10:11
DesuEightynine: use your <tab> key to autocomplete nicks10:11
ole_oz7teric  yes i have made a litle c program in terminal and want to made it grafically10:12
EriC^^ole_oz7t: gtk2 or gtk3 ?10:13
DesuUllarah: the fact that they don't make the sources available on their page, and that you have to give them your email so that they can send you a "download link" is suspicious as hell10:13
DesuUllarah: why would they do that if it was free software/open source?10:13
ole_oz7teric do you have a emailadress or can you speak on skype ?10:13
dewdropHi, is there a way to use driver-manager through commandline and select a driver?10:13
DesuUllarah: not to mention that they don't actually mention the license anywhere on their site10:14
UllarahDesu, give me your email, and I'll send you a reply! :P /s10:14
ole_oz7teric i am in skype as olebole125210:14
Desuole_oz7t: don't use gtk2, use gtk310:16
ole_oz7teric i use gtk310:16
ole_oz7teric and i can make a emty window with it10:17
EriC^^ole_oz7t: is there anything n particular you need help with? i'm not an expert with gtk, but i tried it once and it seemed a lot like visual basic with a whole lot more coding involved... i thought maybe i could help or point you in the right direction10:17
EriC^^great, what's the problem your facing? do you get the idea behind event driven programming or .. what exactly is the problem?10:18
ole_oz7teric my problem is to use gtk3 i cam make programmes in c and terminal10:18
ole_oz7teric but i could like to make the same in gtk310:19
EriC^^ole_oz7t: what does the program do?10:19
Desuole_oz7t: you might want to go and ask in the gtk channel on gimpnet10:20
ole_oz7terik  ist making a 2 meter 144.000 146.00 MH to a port output10:20
Desubut start by reading the link I gave you10:20
Johnny_Linuxis a ham10:20
ole_oz7teric i am radioamateur10:20
Johnny_Linux20 mwtwrs10:20
Desuole_oz7t: not using gnu radio?10:21
ole_oz7teric no i have made a litle c programme making 80 channes on the 2 meter band  calling a port between 144 and 146  80 channels10:22
nszcetawhat do you guys use instead of systemd for running daemons?10:22
EriC^^upstart nszceta10:23
Desuole_oz7t: http://gnuradio.org10:23
Desunszceta: currently ubuntu uses upstart10:23
ole_oz7teric  do you have an email then i can send the sourde10:23
Desu(which is vastly inferiour)10:23
nszcetaubuntu uses upstart but I am looking for a more portable solution10:23
Desunszceta: ubuntu will use systemd "soon"10:23
EriC^^nszceta: ^10:24
nszcetasomething I can run on RHEL 7, Ubuntu 14.04, and CoreOS........ *today*10:24
Desunszceta: doesn't exist10:24
nszcetabtw thanks for the suggestions guys10:24
Desunszceta: just write both systemd and upstart units10:24
Desunot that hard to maintain both10:24
Desunszceta: or docker :p10:24
nszcetaI think I will go with supervisord because I haven't heart any counter arguments that would seriously convince me otherwise10:25
ole_oz7teric  you can call me on skype ?10:25
Kartagisthe reason I switched to mint over ubuntu was because tracker was constantly crashing at every boot. is that still the case?10:27
Desunszceta: sort of useless on systemd though10:28
nszcetais there a way to use systemd in ubuntu 14.0410:28
jegeri tell you dont use windows10:28
DesuI would just maintain both upstart and systemd units10:28
bazhang!ot | jeger10:29
ubottujeger: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:29
EriC^^ole_oz7t: i wouldn't be of much help to you, i barely have used gtk10:29
nszcetaI think its the only practical solution to maintain both10:29
nszcetalike you have been saying10:29
jegerther just spying on you with with windows10:29
nszcetaeverything else is a half-measure from what I can see10:29
bazhangjeger, take that elsewhere10:29
ole_oz7teric ok but thank you  happy easter10:29
EriC^^ole_oz7t: maybe join the gtk channel on gimpnet as Desu suggested, more likely people know about it and can help10:30
EriC^^ole_oz7t: thanks you too10:30
ole_oz7teric i have tried but it is not easy to understand  i am from 1636 hi hi10:30
ole_oz7teric  hi hi 193610:31
nszcetawhat is going on10:31
uptreehi guys :) i'm new to linux/ubuntu and reading 'the linux command line' book.  it mentions a folder lost+found in the root directory. so far i have all the other folders it mentions, except this one.  is it bad that this folder is not in my / root directory?10:32
G66khow to install  deb file inspecific directory ?10:33
G66kwtf !10:33
EriC^^ole_oz7t: it's an irc channel like here, type /server irc.gnome.org then type /join #gtk+10:34
newUbun_usrwhy do i get 'lib' unspecified when trying to install R?10:34
bekksjeger: Can you stop that nonsense?10:34
EriC^^ole_oz7t: they should be able to help you i'm sure10:34
uptreejeger: thanks for burying my questions ;)10:34
=== badon_ is now known as badon
ole_oz7toro who in schweiz wohnst du ?10:35
jegerif ou want to learn more then ask me do you have facebook?10:36
EightynineWhy is Update manager tells me that it will install unity-control-center? I don't need Unity, if I needed it I'd installed it.10:36
errywhy would ubuntu say i'm using a manually installed driver for graphics (and all my grapnhics options are also messed up - they used to work) when i'm not?10:37
MehrzadWhat is mspaint equivalent in ubuntu?10:37
erryi was using the open source driver just fine :/10:37
EightynineWhat plugin for security is better to use in Chrome?10:38
ole_oz7toro_ whre are you living in scwitzerland ?10:39
greybackEightynine: unity-control-center not just for unity, it's used to configure many parts of ubuntu. See what packages explicitly depends on it with "apt-cache rdepends unity-control-center" and try to find which one you have installed (ubuntu-desktop the usual)10:40
ubottuGuest5163: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:40
uptreeMehrzad: you might want to check out gimp10:41
nszcetawarez? wat10:41
greybackMehrzad: I like "krita" - is powerful but not as confusing as gimp imo10:41
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ObrienDaveMehrzad, gnome-paint, pinta, krita, there are several10:43
ole_oz7toro_ I have lived i biel bienne 10 years10:43
G66kany idea how to solve this problem10:43
ObrienDaveMehrzad, better yet, why not install synaptic package manager and look for one?10:44
bazhangole_oz7t, this is ubuntu support only, not a chat channel10:44
EightynineHow can I remove that unusable "browser" called Firefox and forbid to install it?10:44
bazhangole_oz7t, please take the chit chat somewhere else10:44
bazhangEightynine, package manager, same as any other10:45
MehrzadAre any of them preinstalled?10:46
EightynineJust remove it and it will remove all remained data?10:46
bazhangEightynine, use the purge option then10:47
ole_oz7tbazhang  happy easter10:47
bazhang!ot | ole_oz7t10:47
ubottuole_oz7t: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:47
bazhang /join #ubuntu-offtopic <----- ole_oz7t10:48
Kartagisthe reason I switched to mint over ubuntu was because tracker was constantly crashing at every boot. is that still the case?10:48
ole_oz7tubuttu  i am asking and asking for help here but onle angry people happy easter10:48
EightynineCan I just do apt-get autoremove Firefox?10:48
ole_oz7tbazhang  speak please kindly happy easter10:51
Eightyninesudo apt-get purge firefox it wants to remove gnome-core.10:51
trijntjeEightynine: thats probably a meta package, it should be safe to remove10:56
EightynineSo, I must agree?10:56
comodo_dragonbaby drone10:57
trijntjeEightynine: yes, if you want to remove firefox and if there are not other packages that will be removed when you do that10:58
EightynineIs this right? Check that pastebin link please.11:05
trijntjeEightynine: that output looks weird, did you edit it or something? Which version of ubuntu are you using?11:08
EightynineUbuntu Gnome, I'm using russian version. 14.04 I copy-pasted it in Google Translate and than send it to Pastebin.11:09
EightynineYou have no ideas about this?11:12
ubottupippo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:13
bekksEightynine: WE still didnt see the unchanged output.11:13
EightynineBut it gives output in russian of course, how can I switch to english?11:14
bazhangEightynine, where was this ubuntu gnome downloaded from11:15
cfhowlettEightynine, perhaps this is better asked in the ubuntu-ru irc channel??11:15
EightynineIt was downloaded from russian torrent. Download speed from official torrents was slow.11:16
bekksEightynine: I'd strongly suggest reinstalling your Ubuntu with an official ISO downloaded from one of the official mirrors.11:17
cfhowlettEightynine, yeah, no that sounds wrong on multiple levels ...11:18
monzieEightynine: you can also see the checksum of the iso and compare it..11:18
solsTiCehi. I run fstrim twice and only the second one with -v. it shows 0 bytes trimmed. is it normal ?11:21
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lord4163solsTiCe: probably11:23
lord4163solsTiCe: if you set the discard flag in your fstab, it should trim automatically. the ubuntu installer adds it automatically for some ssds11:25
EightynineHow can I check checksum?11:25
cfhowlett!md5sum | Eightynine11:25
ubottuEightynine: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:25
trijntjeEightynine: yeah, reinstall for sure, who knows what kind of crap was put in that version you downloaded? You can set the official isntall to russian as well11:26
EightynineThere's checksum in txt file and it's the same as calculated in terminal.11:30
mamece2Hello, I just bought a new lcd monitor, I connected it to Ubuntu 14.04 and now when i log on everything looks bad and the PC hangs. I can still do ssh. I have testes the old monitor and loks good again.11:30
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trijntjeEightynine: sure, but how do you know you can trust that file?11:31
maziarwhen i want to send email from command line, ussing SSMTP, i get this error, what is this : ssmtp: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=14257 vq9sm11165342wjc.6 - gsmtp)11:33
Desumamece2: read the xorg log11:33
Desumamece2: maybe the edid is broken11:33
Desumamece2: so that the wrong res gets set11:33
EightynineAll checksums are the same. It installed without problems. The only problem I had is very heavy load, but it's Gnome 3.10 problem, I'm sure in this, I compared 3.10 to 3.12 and 3.14.11:35
tewardmaziar: check your credentials and read the link they're giving you in that message11:35
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tewardmaziar: it sounds like you're not giving correct credentials11:35
bekksEightynine: Which checksums did you compare?11:36
Desugnome 3.10 and 3.12 have some nasty memleaks, most were fixed in 3.14 but not all of them11:37
EightynineChecksum from txt file comes with iso, checksum calculated in terminal and checksum from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/14.04/release/MD5SUMS11:37
bekksEightynine: Compare the checksum of the ISO itself with http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/14.04/release/MD5SUMS11:37
Sohail-AhmedShould I use scp or rsync for local file transfer?11:37
Eightynine3.10 has awful memory leaks. I updated Gnome from official repo, now it works a bit better.11:38
tewardSohail-Ahmed: define "Local file transfer"11:38
Sohail-Ahmedteward: over a lan/home network11:38
maziarteward, my gmail password has space like : "pa ssword"11:38
maziarteward, how should i fill pass field ?11:38
tewardSohail-Ahmed: that's not a 'local file transfer' - that's still considered a 'remote' file transfer.  I'd use rsync, but i prefer it.  you can use whichever you want11:39
tewardmaziar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ssmtp/+bug/1097172 might be relevant11:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1097172 in ssmtp (Ubuntu) "Can't use password containing spaces in it's smtp-configuration" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:39
EightynineAll checksums are correct.11:39
tewardmaziar: you might have to change the password to not use a space, then, possibly, until the bug is fixed (if it's fixed)11:40
bekksEightynine: Did you generate the checksum of the ISO file?11:40
maziarteward, thank you let me change it and check it11:40
tewardmaziar: and i mean at Google's side too11:40
netrobyKubuntu 15.04 so awesome11:40
EightynineOf course.11:40
maziarteward, ;)11:41
bekksEightynine: you said you compared the checksums from the textfile with the online checksums only.11:41
EightynineI did it now.11:41
EightynineIs there any way to get 3.14 or 3.16 on 14.04?11:42
bekksEightynine: No.11:43
Sohail-Ahmedteward: thanks for clearing it but I am having a problem. I successful sent data from to while using scp but when I tried to do the same with rsync it does not accept the root password of destination machine11:43
Sohail-Ahmedteward: here is the link http://pastebin.com/xeENF6K311:43
Warsh1234продам 29 человек в рабство11:44
Warsh1234не дорого11:44
cfhowlettWarsh1234, english only please11:44
bekks!ru | Warsh123411:44
ubottuWarsh1234: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:44
swordsmanzbekks he can just download a kernal from kernal.org and load it in11:44
swordsmanzEightynine &11:44
bekksswordsmanz: "kernel". And doing so will leave him without support in here.11:44
bekksEightynine: Dont do it. :)11:44
swordsmanzthat or download the src and compile for his version  of ubuntu and load that in11:45
EightynineDo what? Install kernel?11:45
swordsmanzbekks the question was is it possible not is it adviseable11:45
bekksEightynine: Yeah.11:45
EightynineI will get issues?11:45
Warsh1234salling 29 people in slavery!11:45
bekksswordsmanz: Technically, yes it is possible. Viable, no it is not.11:45
bekksEightynine: Yes, you will.11:46
netroby@Eightnine, Buy new PC . LOL...11:46
Warsh1234salling 29 people in slavery!11:46
Warsh1234salling 29 people in slavery!11:46
swordsmanzEightynine you might , but issues are how we learn11:46
EightynineWhen I started to use Linux I got kernel panic everytime I compiled kernel or installed it from packages.11:47
Warsh1234i fucking your mother11:47
bekks!ops | Warsh123411:47
ubottuWarsh1234: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang11:47
swordsmanzits not so out of date that it would break a lot of things, however it might break _some_ things and the question is will it break anyting that you are likely to use11:47
Jagonhello , someone is here11:47
Warsh1234salling 29 people in slavery!11:47
EightynineWhy I need new PC?11:47
Warsh1234salling 29 people in slavery!11:47
bekksEightynine: You dont, that was a joke.11:47
Warsh1234salling 29 people in slavery!11:48
Warsh1234salling 29 people in slavery!11:48
Warsh1234salling 29 people in slavery!11:48
EightynineStupid joke.11:48
bekksEightynine: Indeed.11:48
JagonNow I am learning Linux , this is my first time to use XChat11:48
JagonI even don't know how to use it11:48
EightynineAnd it's not 1 April.11:48
swordsmanza pc is always reparable11:48
bekksswordsmanz: Hi PC isnt even broken.11:48
swordsmanzbekks i know that11:49
maziarteward, this is my config, its not working http://pastebin.com/UHwLHKLU11:49
swordsmanzim not implying or infering that it is not11:49
nakanutJagon: you're doing fine11:49
maziarwhen i want to send email from command line, ussing SSMTP, and this is my config http://pastebin.com/UHwLHKLU,,,, i get this error, what is this : ssmtp: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=14257 vq9sm11165342wjc.6 - gsmtp)11:49
swordsmanzim simply stateing that any device can be fixed with suficent effort and study o-o11:49
EightynineI'm planning to replace my PC not earlier than in 2016. Maybe even 2017-201811:49
EightynineWhay is DCC?11:50
ikoniaEightynine: you're in #ubuntu IRC channel, for ubuntu support discussion11:50
ikoniawhat's the problem that relates to ubuntu ?11:50
swordsmanzEightynine on irc its direct client connection11:50
EightynineI aborted it but window is still hangs.11:51
swordsmanzits when you connect to another irc client bypassing freenode esentuialy to share a file or some data directly11:51
maziarwhen i want to send email from command line, ussing SSMTP, and this is my config http://pastebin.com/UHwLHKLU,,,, i get this error, what is this : ssmtp: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=14257 vq9sm11165342wjc.6 - gsmtp)11:51
ikoniamaziar: your link doesn't work11:51
ikoniamaziar: please wait longer than 60 seconds before repeating the question11:51
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netrobyIf your PC crashes or have any other issues very often. you need to buy a new PC.11:52
ikoniano you don't11:52
maziarikonia, my link works fine http://pastebin.com/UHwLHKLU11:52
ikoniaa PC crash does not always mean hardware problems11:52
swordsmanza pc crash almost never means a hardware problem11:52
ikoniamaziar: that shows the config - not the problem11:52
EightynineIt's working, I have only software problems sometimes. Now I need just uninstall Firefox. That's all.11:53
maziarikonia, did you know my question ?11:53
ikoniamaziar: what do you mean ?11:53
g-maurizican anyone tell me why "wget -O somefile && echo '1' > somefile" halts and NEVER returns? if I do "wget -O somefile && sleep 2 && echo '1' > somefile" it works....? wget is NOT backgrounded, it SHOULD wait to finish before proceeding to echo, and then return?11:53
maziarikonia, did you even know SSMTP ?11:53
ikoniamaziar: yes, hence why I'm asking you for the information,11:53
ikonianever mind - you can work it out yourself11:53
maziarikonia, when i try to send email from command line i get this error : ssmtp: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=14257 vq9sm11165342wjc.6 - gsmtp)11:53
murrdawgAnyone flash a device with Linux, i.e. Acer A500 tablet?11:54
EightynineMaybe press N in terminal and remove Firefox from Software Centre?11:54
g-maurizimaziar: ssmtp is secure smtp11:54
ikoniamaziar: so the auth is failing11:54
Desumurrdawg: someone has11:54
ikoniamaziar: did you read the link that the error gives you11:54
murrdawgDesu: who though? I'm struggling with fastboot11:54
maziarikonia, why ? on web mail i dont have auth problem11:54
ikoniamaziar: webmail is not smtp auth over TLS11:55
Desumaziar: check your account security settings11:55
maziarikonia, yes i read, if you dont know about this please dont spam in IRC11:55
ikoniaalso the port11:55
g-maurizimaziar: your webmail probably is using smtp not ssmtp11:55
g-maurizido I have to spam my question in this #room? there's alot of noise...11:56
ikoniado not spam11:56
ikoniajust ask the question and wait for a response11:56
g-mauriziIt's been asked11:56
ikoniathen wait for an answer11:57
EightynineDeleted Firefox and everything works. Maybe I should logoff or reboot to check if everything is working?11:57
g-mauriziInteresting that it's taking this long for one.11:57
ikonianot really11:57
ikoniapeople can help with what they want when they want11:58
swordsmanzg-maurizi that is likely not going to get an answer here, i would test and see but i dont have acsess to a bash terminal here to experement11:58
g-maurizithat's what I was afraid of. Thanks11:58
swordsmanznot for another hour or so anyway :S11:58
ikoniaswordsmanz: thats just nonsense11:58
maziarikonia, fuck you stupid ass hole11:58
g-maurizigoodbye maziar.. lol11:58
swordsmanzikonia nonesense how ?11:58
nakanutoh dear11:58
ikoniaswordsmanz: saying it's likley to not get an answer for an hour11:58
g-mauriziSorry, I'm not trying to be a jerk, It's just a simple question, so I am wondering if the question doesn't make sense to begin with.11:59
ikoniag-maurizi: you don't know if it's a simple question or not,11:59
swordsmanzikonia well i dont see anyone else answering and i dont have a terminal to telst for another hur so it will likely be forgotten about o-o11:59
g-mauriziwget should wait before proceeding if it's not backgrounded, right?11:59
g-mauriziikonia: I asked the question, and I certainly know bash, I think it's a fairly simple question.12:00
ikoniaswordsmanz: thats fine - but don't make stuff up about he won't get an answer for an hour12:00
ikoniag-maurizi: if it's simple - why can't you answer it if you know bash12:00
g-mauriziI know the answer to the question, I'm asking why bash is proceeding before wget finishes, (IT SHOULD NOT).12:00
kushlyany body able to help me figure out why my webcam works in cheese but no where else12:00
BBLLCCthere is a command to download youtube videos directly from the terminal, i forgot it12:01
g-mauriziDoing the same thing in perl works fine.12:01
BBLLCCcan anyone paste it?12:01
ikoniag-maurizi: so it's not simple then12:01
maziar_ikonia, when you dont know problems and answer shutup please !12:01
g-mauriziThat's what I meant when I said "i'm wondering if the question simply doesn't make sense."12:01
BBLLCCwell that escalated quickly12:02
ikoniag-maurizi: hang on a moment, let me have a look, I've not even seen the question properly12:02
EightynineEverythig is working after logoff. Sometimes one should take a risk.12:02
g-maurizikushly: please elaborate, by 'no where else', what exactly is 'no where else'?12:02
kushlyg-maurizi: skype chatroulette  cheese seems to be the only app that reads my web cam { micro innovations}12:04
ikoniag-maurizi: I'm surprised, your syntax looks well wrong12:04
ikoniayou do -O but don't specify an out file12:04
g-mauriziI must have made a typo.12:05
ikoniag-maurizi: looks that way12:05
EightynineYesterday I chose wallpaper and lockscreen. I have that wallpaper and my lockscreen is stock. Why?12:05
swordsmanzEightynine your lock screen is managed by a diferent programme to your desktop12:05
swordsmanzyou need to change the out the defualt image in your display manager12:06
g-mauriziikonia: please look again..12:06
ikoniag-maurizi: why ?12:06
ikoniag-maurizi: what's changed12:06
=== dwatkins_ is now known as dwatkins
g-mauriziwget -O savefile http://somesiite.com is correct12:07
kushlytried this cmd in the termimal from the forums 'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype but get errors12:07
EightynineI thought that I chose that picture not only for lockscreen but for login screen too.12:07
ikoniag-maurizi: thats not what you posted12:07
ikoniag-maurizi> can anyone tell me why "wget -O somefile && echo '1' > somefile"12:07
swordsmanzEightynine sometimes it can be tricky to change display manager things from a user account becouse its running in its own usersapce12:07
ikoniag-maurizi: that is what you posted12:07
bekksEightynine: Which you didnt, apparently.12:08
ikoniag-maurizi: your syntax is wrong12:08
g-mauriziikonia: sorry, I forgot the URL, question still stands, and I'm certainly using a URL in the bash script.12:09
ikoniag-maurizi: just to clarify - could you please post the exact command you're using12:10
netrobyWhat kernel version are you using?12:10
g-mauriziikonia: wget -O /tmp/adblock.list http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/iplist.php?ipformat=plain&showintro=0&mimetype=plaintext && echo '1' > /tmp/adblock.list12:11
netrobyThe 3.19kernel seems not stable for me with Kubuntu 15.0412:11
ikoniag-maurizi: thank you12:11
netrobyI am still using 3.18 kernel12:11
ikoniag-maurizi: can I ask why you are doing this12:11
ikoniag-maurizi: that command makes no sense12:11
Eightyninescreenfetch is not available in Ubuntu repos?12:11
ikoniag-maurizi: you're downloading a file then overwriting it with the number 1 as soon as it downloads12:11
g-mauriziikonia: it's just a reference, obviously I'm not nullifying the output of adblock.list in the bash script, it continues on with sed to format the list for ipset.12:12
cfhowlettnetroby, 15.04 is still in beta and so not supported in this channel.  please take it to #ubuntu+112:12
g-maurizithe proceeding command shouldn't matter though12:12
netrobyI am not talking much more about Ubuntu version. i am talking about Kernel with Ubuntu12:13
g-mauriziI've encountered this many times, where I have to sleep 1 before continue after wget, and I have never heard a for sure answer why.12:13
ikoniag-maurizi: hit return - does it return to a shall prompt12:13
g-mauriziYes, it does, but echo did not run12:14
g-maurizioh crap.. I need to silence verbosity of wget ?12:14
ikoniag-maurizi: looks that way12:14
ikoniag-maurizi: you just beat me to it12:15
g-maurizilol, ty ikonia. let me give that a try.12:15
EightynineHow can I install screenfetch and clipboard manager?12:16
g-mauriziikonia: How wacky, "wget -q -O /tmp/adblock.list http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/iplist.php?ipformat=plain&showintro=0&mimetype=plaintext && echo '1' > /tmp/adblock.list" doesn't echo 1 to /tmp/adblock.list it echoes the 'silenced wget out' to the end of /tmp/adblock.list12:17
ManWithIssiuesHy all.. any1 awaible to help me out?12:17
cfhowlett!ask | ManWithIssiues12:17
ubottuManWithIssiues: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:17
g-maurizitwo lines containing the "done" message from 'silenced' wget output get postpended to /tmp/adblock.list12:17
ikoniag-maurizi: I get "1" in my tmp file12:17
ikoniaseems to work just fine for me12:17
g-mauriziikonia: are you using "wget -q -O /tmp/adblock.list http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/iplist.php?ipformat=plain&showintro=0&mimetype=plaintext && echo '1' > /tmp/adblock.list" exactly?12:18
ManWithIssiuesI installed wrong packet and have no picture now at login12:18
ikoniag-maurizi: with the -q it doesn't work12:18
ikoniag-maurizi: without the -q it does12:18
g-mauriziikonia: I think we are seeing varying behaviour for the same input.. for me, without -q echo never runs and I have to hit enter to return to the shell, with -q it does return to the shell but appends the wrong thing to adblock.list -- it appends "[3]-  Done                    wget -q -O /tmp/adblock.list http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/iplist.php?ipformat=plain"12:20
ikoniag-maurizi: I think it's because the && - if it's not closing the wget (which it's not) it's returning false so not running the echo12:20
mamece2Desu: hello, how can i read the xorg log?12:20
ikoniag-maurizi: which I think depends how well/quick the wget works12:20
Desumamece2: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:21
Desuor any other pager/editor12:21
g-mauriziThat's what I was thinking initially, with sleep 1, different urls require different amount of time to sleep.. Interesting. Ty. :)12:21
ManWithIssiuesPlease help12:21
ikoniag-maurizi: wget is the "varible" here, even if it's not intentional12:22
mamece2Desu: everything looks good at the first log in screen. But when i input my credentials... The machine starts to act funny and It get useless..12:22
Desuthat doesn't sound like it is related to changing the monitor12:22
Desubut check for edid errors and what res it detects12:23
g-mauriziikonia: you're absolutely correct, if I type the wget into a terminal it does return(without error), If instead of using && I simply use a new line with "echo '1' > /tmp/adblock.list" echo never runs. So as far as bash is concerned wget is never completing(it seems).12:26
ikoniag-maurizi: seems reasonable12:26
mamece2Desu: I am booting again with the old monitor. And I confirm the problem remains... I will ssh to the pc and check xorg12:26
Desumamece2: pcie gfx card?12:27
mamece2Desu: no, just an old nvidia12:27
Desudefine old12:27
Desuagp? pci?12:28
Desuwhat I really ment thogh is if it is a dedicated card or not12:28
Desuif it is, then you could try to reseat it, in case it wiggled loose when you changed monitors or similar12:28
mamece2Desu: wait and i will give you the exact model, The pc hangs when I log in , I cant even ssh. I need to boot and at log in screen do the ssh12:29
ManWithIssiuesany1 copy?12:29
mamece2Desu: Ok, I will turn it off and reseat it. then at log in screen do the ssh12:29
DesuManWithIssiues: no, we only respond to actual words, not sms speach12:29
swordsmanzDesu u r neva 2 gd for txt tlk12:31
swordsmanzit dose need to be inteleagable tho12:31
ManWithIssiuesOk.. how to explain to u that i instaled the wrong program and got no screen now?12:31
ikoniaManWithIssiues: just explain the problem - clearly12:33
ManWithIssiuesGot no screen at login?12:34
ikoniaManWithIssiues: why ? what did you change12:34
ManWithIssiuesI tryed to install better graphic driver... now got darkness12:34
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ikoniawhere did you get the "better" driver and how did you install it12:34
x_neo_xhey guys, my ubuntu machine is behaving bit weird http://postimg.org/image/4cifuv1eb/76d42a7c/12:35
* swordsmanz has $5 on it being an amd one 12:35
x_neo_xyou can notice the menu bar with transparency and blur .. what might be the problem?12:35
uptreehi guys, is the difference between a symlink and a hardlink in linux  similar (or the same) as shallow and deep copies in C++?12:36
cfhowlettx_neo_x, was it always this way?  or have you changed something recently12:36
x_neo_xyesterday when I logged in i noticed this12:36
mamece2Desu: it a pcie slot card. its been reseated. it was even screw im sure its not loose. idk if u want to see a paste bin from  less /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:37
IrenicusHi, does anyone have Ubuntu on Samsung Chronos 7 laptop? I'm thinking of installing Ubuntu on mine but I'm worried about the old news concerning how the install can brick your laptop if you're not careful. Is this still a problem?12:37
swordsmanzuptree a hard ink is where the file system actually stores the file, a symbolic link is a system entry that when loaded to memory alocates a different (symbolic) link to a file that is different to the value stored in the file system12:37
Desumamece2: trow it in bpaste.net or gist.github.com12:38
cfhowlettIrenicus, that's old news and shouldn't not effect you12:38
Desumamece2: also read the gdm log / .xsession-errors12:38
uptreeswordsmanz: great, thanks for the clarification!12:38
g-mauriziomfg, I had to wrap the url...12:42
g-mauriziwget needs a -q option that outputs NOTHING not outputs 'less', if i wanted 'less' i'd use a verbosity level or something.12:43
mamece2Desu: please explain me about gdm log / .xsession-errors12:45
Desumamece2: /var/log/gdm12:46
Desu.xsession-errors is in your $HOME if present12:46
mamece2Desu: https://bpaste.net/show/c8de367df64e first commands12:46
Desuvga cable?12:47
mamece2Desu:  no /var/log/gdm   -  Yes VGA cable. right now theres the old CRT connected12:47
Desufind /var/log -name '*gdm*'12:48
Desuasuming you are using gdm as your DM ofcourse12:48
mamece2im using lightdm12:48
EriC^^mamece2: what's the problem?12:48
mamece2EriC^^: Hello, I just bought a new lcd monitor, I connected it to Ubuntu 14.04 and now when i log on everything looks bad and the PC hangs. I can still do ssh.12:49
EriC^^mamece2: which graphics driver do you use usually?12:49
swordsmanzmam can you use ctl alt f1 to drop to terminal ?12:49
Desuno idea where lightdm logs to12:50
EriC^^mamece2: and when does everything look bad? at the login or after you login?12:50
Desumamece2: can you use dvi for the other monitor?12:50
mamece2after I log in12:50
EriC^^Desu: /var/log/lightdm/ *12:50
Voltasalt_Whenever I access a specific folder on one of my hard drives, I get a "This location could not be displayed."12:50
mamece2Desu: I just have a vga connector  , sorry12:50
Desumamece2: also, try with just a simple wm instead of a full de12:50
DesuVoltasalt_: what is the path?12:51
EriC^^mamece2: ok try deleting the file ~/.monitors.xml or something like that12:51
mamece2the graphic driver are nvidia12:51
EriC^^mamece2: or maybe rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf or something12:51
Voltasalt_Desu: I was backing up an old Windows install to an external harddrive. /media/marvin/Data/Old Windows Stuff12:51
EriC^^mamece2: did you try the guest account?12:51
mamece2let me try the guess account12:52
DesuVoltasalt_: what path do you get the error on?12:52
Voltasalt_Desu: Not sure what you mean. "Sorry, could not display all the contents of “Old Windows Stuff”: Error when getting information for file '/media/marvin/Data/Old Windows Stuff/Marvin': Input/output error"12:53
EriC^^Voltasalt_: is it still mounted? type df12:53
mamece2EriC^^: Desu just the mouse pointer... and... now is black , also hanged , its not reacting12:53
Voltasalt_EriC^^: yes, /dev/sda1 (Data) shows up fine12:53
Voltasalt_for some reason the large hdd is sda, while my os SSD is sdb12:54
DesuVoltasalt_: that is different from the error you first posted12:54
DesuVoltasalt_: input/output error usually means that there is a hardware issue12:54
Desu(or sometimes, a corrupt fs)12:54
DesuVoltasalt_: time to fsck and smart that disk/partition12:54
Voltasalt_Desu: "This location could not be displayed" is the title of the window, what I posted above is the content12:55
DesuVoltasalt_: is it ntfs btw?12:55
Desuwell, you will have to checkdisk it from windows then12:55
Desuto do the filesystem level check12:55
Voltasalt_I don't care particularily much about the data on it, but it would nice if i wouldn't have to wipe it12:55
Voltasalt_Don't have a working windows install, hence why I was backing it up to reinstall. Any way of using it from linux?12:55
Voltasalt_This is only a particular folder btw, every other folder works fine. If I deleted the offending one and re-filled it, would the error go away?12:56
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mamece2Desu:  i found the og for lightdm  https://bpaste.net/show/2be0d972cd4212:58
marsupapuDoes anyone have any successful experiences with iPods and Ubuntu?13:00
Desumarsupapu: someone has, yes13:00
Desumarsupapu: ymmv depending on the exact model13:01
Desumarsupapu: the old ones just works(tm), the newer ones are just paper weights13:01
marsupapuI have this iPod Classic 80GB from ~2008 and it mounted nicely few years ago13:01
Desuipod classic works fine13:01
Desugtkphod, clementine and a bunch of others supports them13:01
marsupapuNow it shows in caja and in lsusb but doesn't mount, so it doesn't create icon on desktop and so banshee or gtkpod cant access it.13:02
cfhowlett!ipod | marsupapu13:02
ubottumarsupapu: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod13:02
mamece2Help me Desu you are my only hope (bis)13:03
ManWithIssuesI am back..13:04
marsupapuI've read those links but still I can't mount that thing.13:04
marsupapuAs they all assume that the iPod mounts as it should.13:05
mamece2Desu:  theres seems to be not a graphic problems. Is there any other log I can check to see why my pc hangs when i log into Ubuntu?13:05
SramelyorI have a problem13:06
Sramelyorcan somebody help me13:06
AppleCIDR!ask | Sramelyor13:06
ubottuSramelyor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:06
EriC^^mamece2: did you try booting using nomodeset?13:07
SramelyorI just installed ubuntu13:07
Sramelyorand I even installed the virtual box on ubuntu13:07
SramelyorI wanted to create a virtual machine running Windows OS13:08
SramelyorI have bought the windows 8 serial key13:08
Sramelyorno disc13:08
EriC^^why dont you just dual boot13:08
SramelyorI need to download the iso file13:08
UllarahWhy not just use wine?13:08
SramelyorWhere can I download the iso file of windows 813:08
EriC^^Sramelyor: /join ##windows13:08
SramelyorI asked them13:10
SramelyorThey asked me to download the upgrade assistant13:10
Sramelyorwine isn't able to run it13:10
cfhowlettSramelyor, then don't wine.  dual boot.13:11
SramelyorI need to iso to dual boot13:11
EriC^^Sramelyor: which windows?13:11
Sramelyorwindows 813:11
Sramelyornot 8.113:11
EriC^^try eightforums.com13:11
EriC^^there are a bunch of iso's on the net13:11
cfhowlettSramelyor, https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/2s6y80/hint_for_people_who_might_miss_windows_you_can/13:11
EriC^^there's one hosted on google i believe13:12
Sramelyorthanks. Checking it out13:13
Sramelyorright now13:13
Sramelyornot able to find13:16
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jintihow to make command+c like as ctrl-c , my ubuntu is installed in my macbook pro.13:16
Sramelyorso u think dual booting is better or running a vm of windows on ubuntu is better?13:16
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cfhowlettSramelyor, this is in no way an ubuntu issue.  there are hundreds of links, even legal links, to download win8.  seek and find13:16
BoudinetHi folks13:16
MasterChief10Hello, do ISP can steal my XMPP conversation? (in order XMPP uses SSL)13:16
BoudinetHow are you doing ?13:17
cfhowlettMasterChief10, in theory, sure, it's possible.13:17
Sramelyorsorry cfhowlett but windows comunity sucks so bad. None of them are replying properly. Only u guys are. Like actually13:17
MasterChief10cfhowlett: how?13:17
cfhowlettSramelyor, yes, but you *can* do a search for yourself ... :)13:17
cfhowlettMasterChief10, no internet traffic is 100% secure.  the how is above my pay grade13:18
ircfoxHello folks!13:18
ircfoxDoes anybody know a good Linux course online?13:19
chotazGenerally, computers aren't safe.13:19
chotazNeither is information.13:19
* rcombs kills chotaz for knowing too much13:19
cfhowlettircfox, coursera has a nice one13:19
ircfoxcfhowlett: thank you!13:20
Sramelyorcfhowlett : Do you think dual booting is better or running a vm of windows on ubuntu is better?13:21
cfhowlettSramelyor, I have an opinion, but it fits my use case.  YMMV.13:21
rcombswhat do you care more about: performance on Windows or convenience when switching between Windows and Ubuntu software13:21
rcombsdual-boot, then13:22
cfhowlettSramelyor, if you need full windows performance, dual boot.13:22
Sramelyorbut how are they different. Isn't the purpose of vm to actually emulate the full experince of another os on top of the host os?13:22
stelogood evening13:23
SramelyorSorry for bothering so much. But still. Just asking if u don't mind13:23
EriC^^it will be slower, and you can't use the gpu etc.13:23
Sramelyortnx :)13:23
cfhowlettSramelyor, emulation isn't the same as running natively ...13:23
SramelyorI had a problem with dual boot once. I uninstalled pinguy os and the grub failed. It gave me a big headache13:24
SramelyorHow do I prevent that from happening again13:24
EriC^^Sramelyor: if you install windows, and then install ubuntu, you could dd the mbr to a file, and dd it back when you uninstall ubuntu13:24
cfhowlettSramelyor, you running linux.  you are a sysadmin.  assume you will have issues and learn to fix them.  "reinstall grub"13:24
EriC^^Sramelyor: or just use the windows cd to write the mbr after you uninstall ubuntu13:25
carmelo1989<carmelo000> hi13:25
Sramelyorwhat is mbr?13:25
EriC^^master boot record13:25
cfhowlettSramelyor, for that matter, you could install windows >> virtualbox >> ubuntu vbox13:25
SramelyorBut I literally wanted to just move away from windows. Once in for all. Guess I can't13:26
SramelyorI am new to ubuntu13:26
mamece2EriC^^: how do I boot in that mode nomodeset?13:26
EriC^^just dual boot, if you need something in windows use it13:26
EriC^^you'll get used to ubuntu in no time13:27
EriC^^!nomodeset | mamece213:27
ubottumamece2: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:27
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BluesKajHiyas all13:33
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john_doe_jrwhen I do a which -a python3-setuptools why doesn't it show a location?13:41
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ttfn32768Looks like a whole lot of nothing going on here.13:42
EriC^^john_doe_jr: type locate python3-setuptools13:42
EriC^^john_doe_jr: maybe it's not in your $PATH so which doesn't show it13:43
john_doe_jrnot b/c pip list shows that it is installed13:43
john_doe_jrhow do you determine what packages were installed using apt-get install ?13:43
john_doe_jrI would like to search for any packages that have been installed w/ apt-get install…I'm looking to see if python-setuptools has already been installed13:44
EriC^^john_doe_jr: apt-cache policy <package>13:44
SramelyorVivid vervet is being released soon. Once I upgrade will I still have all the packages and extra softwares that I had installed on Utopic Unicorn?13:47
SramelyorVivid vervet is being released soon. Once I upgrade will I still have all the packages and extra softwares that I had installed on Utopic Unicorn?13:47
john_doe_jrI'm trying to write a script that will attempt to install a bunch of packages…apt-cache policy python3-setuptools does show that it has already been installed but how would I make some decisions in my script to install python3-setuptools if it was not installed..do a search for the package and then a if [$? -eq 0] ] then apt-get install fi " ?13:48
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Peace-guys i can't kill virtuabox VBoXSVC13:49
Peace-I tried with killall -9 kill pid13:49
Peace-everything i know but i can't kill it13:49
EriC^^john_doe_jr: you could do if [ $(dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep -c <package>) -eq 1 ]; then <do something>; fi13:51
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EriC^^john_doe_jr: you probably should do something else13:52
daNRGPeace-, are you sure about the pid? VirtualBox starts more than one process when running a machine13:52
EriC^^john_doe_jr: this is better if [ $(dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ {print$2}' | grep -cx <package>) -eq 1 ]; then <do something>; fi13:53
Peace-daNRG: yes i tried everything it's unkillable13:53
john_doe_jrWell, when I do the following to see if easy_install3 is installed I does not show that it is installed: apt-cache policy easy_install3 | grep Installed13:53
john_doe_jrany ideas why?13:53
EriC^^it will check to see if the exact name exists, the other one would mess up if there's another package that has that name in it13:54
SramelyorEriC^^ Vivid vervet is being released soon. Once I upgrade will I still have all the packages and extra softwares that I had installed on Utopic Unicorn?13:54
EriC^^Sramelyor: yeah13:54
Sramelyoryes?? So it will still be there after I upgrade?13:54
Peace-daNRG: i will reboot that sseem the only way13:55
Peace-but it's not of course a fix13:55
EriC^^john_doe_jr: what does apt-cache policy easytools2 return?13:55
daNRGit's strange that even kill -9 wont stop it13:56
SramelyorLets say I am changing my laptop. I have already downloaded a 1000(exxagerated) packages and softwares on my previous system. How do I get them all on to the new system. or do I have to install eacha dn every package again? If so then how can I view each and every package and software that I have installed on the previous machine13:56
ubottuA Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto13:57
john_doe_jrEriC^^: does not show that it is installed but it is installed @ /usr/bin/easy_install313:57
Peace-daNRG: http://paste.opensuse.org/652357013:57
EriC^^!find easy _install313:58
ubottu_install3 is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed13:58
EriC^^!find easy_install313:58
eikon81gSramelyor: as far as I know you need to re-download all the programs you want you can use synaptic to view them all on your current machine13:58
ubottuFile easy_install3 found in python3-setuptools13:58
Sramelyortnx EriC^^ :)13:58
EriC^^john_doe_jr: if [ $(apt-cache policy <package> | awk '/Installed/ {print $2}') = "(none)" ]; then <package not installed>; fi13:59
EriC^^john_doe_jr: you have to search for python3-setuptools13:59
EriC^^Sramelyor: no problem :)13:59
eikon81gwell that's good to know as well :) ty sir14:00
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tonytcarmelo1989 you are what you eat14:05
carmelo1989/say <tonyt> ?14:06
m1dnight_Guys, im having some issues with Ubuntu UFW14:06
yeats!cn | carmelo198914:06
ubottucarmelo1989: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:06
m1dnight_I have allowed port 6881:6891 in UFC, but i still get logs of that port begin blocked14:06
m1dnight_any tips?14:06
m1dnight_"6881:6891/tcp              ALLOW       Anywhere" this is in UFW14:07
m1dnight_yet, I see a few log entries like these:14:07
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m1dnight_Apr  3 15:48:02 testarossa kernel: [2211127.359047] [UFW BLOCK] IN=p5p1 OUT= MAC=bc:5f:f4:9a:a9:1e:bc:ee:7b:34:de:48:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x18 TTL=54 ID=16678 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=20022 DPT=6889 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 RST URGP=014:09
nullbyte_when should be release a new ubuntu?14:10
SchrodingersScatnullbyte_: normally sometime at the end of the month when it's a release, like 15.04 should be soon14:11
m1dnight_oh, i mean UFW, btw14:12
SchrodingersScat!releases | nullbyte_, this might have more detail14:12
ubottunullbyte_, this might have more detail: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases14:12
ManWithIssiuesHy.. can someone please help me undo installation of a program I installed? Graphic related14:20
SchrodingersScat!ask | ManWithIssiues14:20
ubottuManWithIssiues: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:20
ManWithIssiuesOK, please help14:21
pbxManWithIssiues, also give full details. what program? how did you install it? what have you tried to do to uninstall it, and how did it fail?14:22
anarxUbuntu 14.04 - Macbook 5,2 .... No sound on headphones, any ideas ?14:22
ManWithIssiuesLook.. I don't know Linux much.. and I get black screen after boot/login do to an graphic error - I installed wrong drivers14:23
SchrodingersScatthat's more than you gave us before14:24
ManWithIssiuesI.. installed one of amd graphic .. don't know exactly.. Ubuntu software14:25
ManWithIssiuesNo undo process yet..14:26
ManWithIssiuesCan someone please help my pc?14:29
compdocif you pay airfare14:30
ManWithIssiuesGot graphic related problem :-$  wrong installation over Ubuntu software.. please help!14:34
ManWithIssiuesAny copy?? Please.. I need data from my PC :'(  otherwise I would reinstall.. :-(14:37
compdocManWithIssiues, just boot the system with the Ubuntu CD14:37
compdocthen you can access your files14:37
ManWithIssiuesCan't access HD.. encrypted.. need undo of graphic install14:38
ManWithIssiuesPlease help14:39
compdocManWithIssiues, can you reach teh login screen?14:40
compdocwhat happens when you boot?14:40
ManWithIssiuesI pressed alt Ctrl f(x) got verbose mode? Got login tty4..status: log in complete14:42
ManWithIssiuesOtherwise dark screen14:42
compdocso you can reach a terminal screen to type in commands?14:44
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ManWithIssiuesTty? 414:44
compdocI dont know what youre saying14:44
ManWithIssiuesAlt + Ctrl + f(x)14:45
compdocso you can reach a terminal screen to type in commands?14:45
ManWithIssiuesIt asked me to login .. I did. I looks the same as terminal on desktop.. so.. I think yes14:46
compdocis it an AMD or intel or nvidia gpu?14:47
Joshunanyone know if the gimp packaged with ubuntu 14.10 is buggy? locking a layer seems to have no effect14:48
ManWithIssiuesHell... I don't know.. I know I installed amd  driver.. I was trying to play gt4  over pcsx2.. and got fps problems...14:48
Joshunseems like to much of a big thing to be a bug though, I must be doing something wrong somewhere14:49
compdocManWithIssiues, try the command:    lspci -v | grep VGA14:50
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Joshunproblem solved, looks like they made it more advanced so you have to turn on "lock pixels"14:53
ManWithIssiues01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, inc. [AMD/ATI] RV620/M82 [Mobility Radeon HD 3450/3470] (prog-if 00 [VGA Controller])14:54
secondchoiceHello everyone.14:56
secondchoicehttp://pastebin.com/819kBLRS      it get blocked there, any time i try synaptic or others, i tried rebooting 10 times, and waiting 2sec to 2 hours, it stall there, any can help plz?14:56
compdocManWithIssiues, great. you should be able to run a command to undo this. Let me see if I can find the right one14:56
yeatsManWithIssiues: you might benefit from reading this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=226908014:57
compdocManWithIssiues, does this file exist?    /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh14:57
yeatsManWithIssiues: basically it looks like (from comments on this thread) ATI/AMD no longer supports that model, so you're probably stuck with the default open source drivers14:58
* yeats avoids ATI cards for that exact reason - they just drop support for older cards (nVidia has longer support for older models, fwiw)14:58
compdocATI probably cant afford to support old cards because ppl like you dont buy ATI14:59
ManWithIssiuesNo such file15:00
yeatscompdoc: that's nonsense15:01
huighello, i would like to write a udev rule valid for any usb storage device..i have only found specific rules involving the serial number or other things that are usb-device-specific15:01
ManWithIssiuesI loved ati once upon a time..15:02
ManWithIssiuesThan my dead came at home and killed my PC...15:04
ManWithIssiuesSo.. can someone please help me out with uninstall?15:05
compdocManWithIssiues, this is probably the best way:  http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Catalyst-Linux-Installer-Notes.aspx#Uninstall15:05
compdocsudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx*15:06
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compdocManWithIssiues, this seems better:     http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Oneiric_Installation_Guide#Removing_Catalyst.2Ffglrx15:09
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ManWithIssiuesI can't see this... I am on tablet... :-(  it does not open15:10
jokxmsg hi15:11
Na_KlarMight there be a reason why my Lubuntu 14.04.2 does not accept the keyboard input "up+right+g"? When holding up and right simultaniously I cannot print a "g" or "h" character (and some other) anywhere. Not in Leafpad or Terminal or when playing a game. Other key combinations are fine. This happens with the laptop keyboard as well as when using a USB keyboard. Is this OS related, or is my hardware just silly? (Acer E15 571)?15:14
secondchoicehttp://pastebin.com/819kBLRS      it get blocked there, any time i try synaptic or others, i tried rebooting 10 times, and waiting 2sec to 2 hours, it stall there, any can help plz?15:15
excalibrSo I drop a .desktop shortcut into .local/share/applications but clicking on it in dash does nothing. It won't even launch until I manually kill Unity to force it to reload all shortcuts. Is there more proper way to get the same effect?15:16
yeatsexcalibr: you could look into menulibre or alacarte15:16
excalibryeats, what are those?15:17
somsip!find creator15:18
ubottuFound: usb-creator-common, usb-creator-gtk, libemail-mime-perl, libemail-simple-perl, mobile-atlas-creator, qtcreator, qtcreator-dbg, qtcreator-dev, qtcreator-doc, qtcreator-plugin-cmake (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=creator&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all15:18
ManWithIssiuesSomeone please help !!15:18
yeats!info menulibre | excalibr15:18
ubottuexcalibr: menulibre (source: menulibre): advanced FreeDesktop.org compliant menu editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.6-1ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 97 kB, installed size 1029 kB15:18
yeats!info alacarte | excalibr15:18
ubottuexcalibr: alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.11.91-1 (utopic), package size 81 kB, installed size 1175 kB15:18
yeatsexcalibr: they're available from the software center (or your APT tool of choice)15:19
excalibrmenu editor? umm I dont see how it will help15:20
yeatsexcalibr: you asked "Is there more proper way to get the same effect?" - those fit the bill if I understood your issue correctly15:22
excalibryeats, but Im not trying to edit shortcut menus. Just want them to be refreshed unity application cache15:23
excalibr*refreshed in unity15:24
ManWithIssiuesSomeone please help... :'(15:30
excalibrManWithIssiues, ?15:31
saivertI extracted livesystem.squasfs to a harddisk, then chrooted into it upgraded packages installed kernel and so on. then when I boot from it I am forced to login as a temporary Guest user.15:32
saivertany way to actually set it up as a real system and not a live system?15:32
ManWithIssiuesGot graphic problem... I installed wrong driver... Ubuntu software.. need an undo.. :'(15:33
saiverthow does the Ubuntu installed set up a system anyways. it has no option of just extracting to a mountpoint. it insists on partitioning and formatting15:33
saivertI have already prepared a btrfs subvolume that I call "ubuntu". I want to install Ubuntu there and boot from it using rootflags=subvol=ubuntu on the kernel command line15:34
saivertI tried using debootstrap to install that way but that leaves me with a nonbooting system15:34
saivertat least using the live cd image works but forces me to login as guest15:34
saivertThis wiki is useless. it only talks about customizing an a disc image: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization15:35
Ben64saivert: thats because you're looking at a page on customizing a disc image...15:36
saivertno doh!15:36
saivertWhy is it forcing me to login as a guest user? I ran passwd to set root password and also created a regular user account. but something overrides this during boot and I'm not even allowed to su or sudo when logged in as the guest user.15:37
Ben64what are you trying to accomplish15:38
saivertdid you just join?15:38
saivertI have already prepared a btrfs subvolume that I call "ubuntu". I want to install Ubuntu there and boot from it using rootflags=subvol=ubuntu on the kernel command line15:38
Ben64ok, you want to install. why are you messing with the live cd at all? just install15:39
saivertThe Ubiquity Ubuntu installer does not let you install to an existing mounted filesystem. it presents you with a partitioning step.15:40
excalibrsaivert, my guess is because it doesn't have normal user which you'd be prompted to create when you run the install15:40
jrtappersIs there a way to disable HSP?15:40
jrtappersOr is it a library that I can chmod -x?15:40
saivertI'm having a look here now: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux15:40
excalibrso you'd end up with only guest account on lightdm login screen15:41
saivertso the ubuntu installer does more than just run adduser15:41
jrtappersI have a bluetooth speaker that doesn't work on HSP, so every connect is connect, redirect sound, change mode15:41
saivertwhich is the standard Linux way of creating a new user account15:41
saivertUbuntu is not a standard Linux system then15:41
Ben64saivert: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1389279&p=8716089#post871608915:41
excalibrsaivert, I'm curious though. If you log in through console, are you able to login with the normal user that you created?15:43
saivertI'm not allowed to switch to another VT ther is also no way to boot to single user mode.15:44
saivertsince this is the live cd filesystem which is locked down somehow to only allow guest or live user15:44
saivertI'm curious what goes on behind the scenes when you install ubuntu using the GUI installer.15:44
saiverthow it extracts the filesystem to the parition (it must use a ready install image otherwise the install would take hours like it does with a debootstrap install)15:45
excalibrsaivert, I think someone might be able to answer that in #ubuntu-desktop15:46
muriloaro aro15:46
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ManWithIssiuesPlease help me with undo graphic install!16:00
bekksWhar do you mean by thatß16:00
bekksWhat do you mean by that?16:00
tpimttshey has shellinabox been removed from the official repos?16:01
tpimtts"sudo apt-get install shellinabox" yeilds unable to locate package16:02
ManWithIssiuesBelow.. I installed wrong packet and got now black screen after boot/login16:03
SchrodingersScat!info shellinabox | tpimtts16:03
ubottutpimtts: shellinabox (source: shellinabox): publish command line shell through AJAX interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.14-1 (utopic), package size 125 kB, installed size 426 kB16:03
SchrodingersScattpimtts: have you updated apt-get?  is universe in your repos?16:04
bekksManWithIssiues: Which package did you install?16:05
ManWithIssiuesI don't know exactly.. something for amd graphic..16:06
He4dShOthey guys16:06
ANJ7how can I install opencv in ubuntu using terminal?16:06
ManWithIssiuesI installed over Ubuntu software16:06
He4dShOtI can't use my 2.1 sorround...it works only as a 2.016:07
tpimttsSchrodingersScat, yeah, universe is in my repos -- just doing an update now then will try again16:07
tpimttsSchrodingersScat, still unable to locate package16:08
EriC^^tpimtts: which package?16:08
tpimtts"shellinabox" i'm on 12.04 here16:09
EriC^^!info shellinabox precise16:09
excalibrManWithIssiues, at login screen can you drop to console. Try alt+f1 ?16:09
ubottuPackage shellinabox does not exist in precise16:09
marvin__My right monitor is blurry, and there are 2 pixels of purple along the left edge of the right screen. I assume the rest of the image is being squashed to fit those two pixels. How can I fix this?16:09
tpimtts!info shellinabox precise16:10
ManWithIssiuesStatus: log in.. done16:10
EriC^^tpimtts: it's not available for 12.04 , dunno16:10
marvin__The 2 pixel border is normally there on bootup, but disappears once the login screen shows. For some reason it doesn't now.16:10
tpimttsEriC^^, that sucks.16:10
tewardEriC^^: tpimtts: it's available as a package Trusty and later.16:10
tewardwas available since Quantal16:10
teward(source: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shellinabox/+publishinghistory)16:11
tpimttsteward, can I add it somehow, I dont want to upgrade 12.04 yet16:11
tewardtpimtts: you could install/build from source, or try and find a backported package16:11
EriC^^tpimtts: you could download from here https://code.google.com/p/shellinabox/downloads/list16:11
ManWithIssiuesExcalibr stutus: ready16:11
EriC^^there's a .deb there, download and type dpkg -i /path/to/deb16:11
tpimttsok thanks guys16:11
yeatstpimtts: use at your own risk though - those debs look ancient16:12
excalibrManWithIssiues, if you can see login prompt, log into your acc and check the last command apt execute in /var/log/apt/history.log16:13
tpimttsyeats, dont suppose you know of a better way for ssh access via https?16:13
excalibrManWithIssiues, run: less /var/log/apt/history.log16:13
yeatstpimtts: I haven't been following your thread - this is to get around a firewall?16:13
ManWithIssiuesI type in what?16:13
ManWithIssiuesRun... or less.. ?16:14
excalibrManWithIssiues, less /var/log/apt/history.log16:14
ManWithIssiuesOK.. tnx16:14
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excalibrManWithIssiues, look for the last 'Commandline:' line in the file16:15
ManWithIssiuesWhat am i looking for?16:15
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tpimttsyeats, for a support user to access a locked down account to check logs -- has to be accessible from internet explorer, user doesnt have putty or the like16:16
ManWithIssiuesInstall.. flex?16:16
ManWithIssiuesDamn autocorrect16:17
excalibrManWithIssiues, if you cant type it out, take a screenshot or screen photo. That would be much quicket16:17
ManWithIssiuesI know.. I am on tablet.. no camera :-(16:18
EriC^^ManWithIssiues: which tablet?16:18
ManWithIssiuesAnd chat - irc connection to the help16:19
excalibrEriC^^, headache tablet probably16:19
EriC^^excalibr: hehe16:20
ANJ7EriC^^: I'm having a problem with installing opencv in ubuntu16:20
rahulprodevHello, whenever I open my folder it always shows hidden files, then I need to press CTRL+h to hide it.16:20
ManWithIssiuesOK.. will type now one and two that I now I installed last night16:20
ANJ7./opencv.sh is not working16:20
ikoniadefine "not working"16:21
excalibrManWithIssiues, what was the entire command you see in the last Commandline: ?16:21
rahulprodevI don't want to see hidden files on opening the file manager16:21
EriC^^rahulprodev: go to edit > preferences and remove the check from show hidden files if you're using nautilus16:21
ANJ7ikonia: I mean the command is not found16:21
ManWithIssiuesGot idea.. can I upload over phone picture??16:21
ikoniaANJ7: because it's not installed or your not in the right working directory16:21
ikoniaANJ7: have you installed opencv ?16:22
rahulprodevEriC^^, Thanks.16:22
ANJ7I'm trying to do that16:22
rahulprodevIt's working16:22
EriC^^ManWithIssiues: yes, in the iphone/ipad if you press home + lock it takes a picture of your screen, i'm sure there's something similar in your tablet16:22
ikoniaANJ7: why are you trying to run a command you've not installed16:22
ANJ7its in the documentation https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenCV16:22
tpimttsmeh just installed one of the ancient shellinabox packages16:22
tpimttswill do for now16:22
ikoniaANJ7: those documents look terrible16:23
ikonia!info opencv16:23
ubottuPackage opencv does not exist in utopic16:23
ANJ7what should do now to install opencv?16:24
ikoniaANJ7: the first think I would do is look at the package manager, see if there are any opencv packages16:24
ANJ7oh, totally forgot about that16:24
ikoniathat should always be your first step16:24
marvin__My right monitor is blurry, and there are 2 pixels of purple along the left edge of the right screen. I assume the rest of the image is being squashed to fit those two pixels. How can I fix this? The 2 pixel border is normally there on bootup, but disappears once the login screen shows. For some reason it doesn't now.16:25
jhutchinsmarvin__: That sounds like a hardware problem.16:28
jhutchinsmarvin__: What happens if you swap?16:28
marvin__jhutchins, what do you mean?16:28
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jhutchinsmarvin__: You said your "right" monitor - swap it with the left.16:29
marvin__jhutchins, in ubuntu or the actual wires16:29
agent47mint> ubuntu16:29
marvin__and it did the same with my left monitor before i got the right one16:29
jhutchinsmarvin__: I was thinking actual connection.16:29
marvin__yeah, it normally disappears after login but it stopped doing that after i reinstalled 14.10 today16:29
jhutchinsmarvin__: You could also try different resolutions.16:30
agent47ubuntu is for noobs16:31
HounddogI am a bit confused. I am installing some app here and it tells me to put the file in /etc/init/kibana.conf and then run service kibana start . However it is not finding that service.16:31
marvin__jhutchins, swapped the monitors and the problem is gone. might reappear after i reboot, brb16:31
Hounddogshould this not actually be in init.d16:31
ikoniaHounddog: how are you installing it ?16:32
Hounddogikonia: currently just copying that file over16:32
ikoniaHounddog: that is just a config file - that won't do anything16:32
Hounddogikonia: thats what i was thinking16:32
Hounddoghttp://pastebin.com/a0Efc4LJ however its looking weird with execute and such16:33
Hounddogikonia: this script is confusing me oO16:33
=== marvin is now known as marvin__
ikoniaHounddog: not going to do anything16:33
marvin__jhutchins, problem is back after reboot - for some reason still on the right16:33
jhutchinsHounddog: You want the startup script in /etc/init.d/16:33
marvin__even though the cables are swapped16:33
Hounddogjhutchins: thats what i was thinking...16:33
Hounddogbut why they copy this and no startup script in init.d ::)16:33
jhutchinsHounddog: But script, not conf file.16:33
Hounddoganyway lemme check further16:34
ManWithIssiuesI got picture on tablet... page to paste in, please16:34
jhutchinsHounddog: Sounds like not-ready-for-prime-time software.16:34
ikoniajhutchins: look like it's an upstart script hence .conf16:34
ikoniabut just that on it's own won't do anything16:34
cerry try to setup multiple keybindings but though no error and a correct value when `getting` none of the assigned keys work. Does anyone know if that's already implemented in 12.04/where I can find more information about array values in gsettings? (What I try:~$ gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys volume-up "['<Primary><Super>KP_Add','<Primary><Super>KP_Subtract']" )16:34
Hounddogjhutchins: it is actually. just that these guys created an ansible installation in a weird way16:34
jhutchinsikonia: Ah, yeah, my brain's still SysV.16:34
teo_Question: up until recently when I would connect an external hd , kde would ask what to do with the action, and once answered open with Dolphin it would mount the drive and connect normally. Today this behaviour changed and requires root password. Has anything changed in the policy of mounting external devices?16:34
jhutchinsHounddog: Huh.  Doesn't usually run as a daemon.16:35
Hounddoggonna use the official one...16:35
Hounddoglemme throw this crap out. just wanted to make sure before :)16:35
jhutchinsHounddog: It's amazing the lengths people will go to because they don't understand how to do something and think they have to work around it.16:36
ManWithIssuesNeed paste in page16:37
Hounddogjhutchins: thats why i was actually asking. i dont understand init.d or init too well16:37
ManWithIssiuesPaste bin page for pictures16:37
Hounddogjhutchins: and creating a start script is quite simple...16:37
_d4rklit3would there be a reason why my CI server's ssh shell commands (forever keystone.js) has no visibility into system env vars16:39
_d4rklit3so like if i run forever keystone.js from the shell (same user) it sees env vars defined in /etc/profile.d16:39
marvin__Can anyone help me?16:40
_d4rklit3if the server does it throuhg sftp/ssh it doesn't16:40
ikonia_d4rklit3: thats java - not ssh16:40
_d4rklit3well javascript16:40
_d4rklit3but the problem isn't with the js16:40
excalibrManWithIssiues, imgur.com16:40
_d4rklit3the only variable here is how the commands get ran16:40
ikonia_d4rklit3: javascript is nothing to do with the shell16:40
marvin__>blah blah car is to carpet16:40
ikoniamarvin__: what ?16:41
Hounddogjhutchins: and done thx for the information... il continue to throw crap out :)16:41
_d4rklit3again, ikonia, thats an example. It could be anything really. my app code just looks for env vars which it can normally find if i ssh in and run the command from the terminal16:41
jhutchinsmarvin__: I'll bet if you blank the screen and then re-enable it'll fix itself, or if you unplug it and plug it back in.16:41
_d4rklit3the only variable is that the CI server is doing it and not me16:41
ikonia_d4rklit3: you're not executing a login shell16:41
_d4rklit3yeah so the CI server uses sftp16:42
jhutchinsmarvin__: Also, as I said, try different resolutions.  See if you can get the "native" resolution of th emonitor.16:42
ikonia_d4rklit3: right, so that is not a shell16:42
ikonia_d4rklit3: that is a file transfer16:42
marvin__jhutchins, native is 1080p on both of them, and they're both set to that16:42
_d4rklit3can you run shell commands through sftp?16:42
ikonia_d4rklit3: no16:42
marvin__the blurriness is because of the border16:42
_d4rklit3then how is the CI server able to do it?16:42
marvin__so the image is being squashed to 1918x108016:42
_d4rklit3i assume it has to login some how16:42
ikonia_d4rklit3: it's not using sftp16:42
marvin__Looks like this irl: http://i.imgur.com/hfSBTur.jpg16:43
_d4rklit3it uses sftp to transfer files and, I assume, ssh to run commands16:43
ikonia_d4rklit3: stop assuming16:43
_d4rklit3what else is there?16:43
_d4rklit3given the credentials I input16:43
ikonia_d4rklit3: find out for fact16:43
_d4rklit3lol, thats why im here!16:43
ikonia_d4rklit3: you'll probably find it's not using a login shell, so is not sourcing an environment16:43
jhutchins_d4rklit3: Take a look at the manpage for ssh_config - I believe there's an envvars setting.16:44
ikonia"man ssh"16:45
jhutchins_d4rklit3: man sshd_config in console.16:45
ikoniaI suggest you talk to the people who manage your CI server16:45
ikoniayou'll probably get more factual information on your setup16:45
_d4rklit3lol its a web service, beanstalk.com16:46
ikonia_d4rklit3: so talk to them16:46
ikoniawhy is that funny ?16:46
ikoniaasking the people who maintain your service how it works seems logical16:46
_d4rklit3i dunno, seems like you guys could just tell me:  "you need to set SendEnv in your ssh_config" or something to that extent16:47
ikonia_d4rklit3: talk to the people who run your service16:47
_d4rklit3instead I have to be made to feel stupid for not knowing linux that well16:47
ikoniawe support ubuntu here - not 3rd party platforms16:47
jhutchins_d4rklit3: Almost every CLI program will have a man page. The command "apropos <string>" will find pages related to <string>.16:48
jhutchins_d4rklit3: Some are good, some are horrible, some are practical, some are very technical references.16:49
jhutchins_d4rklit3: It's always worth looking there first though.16:49
_d4rklit3is there an online html manual16:49
mchelen1there are online copies of the man pages16:49
jhutchins_d4rklit3: Yes, but the installed pages will match the versions you have.16:49
ikoniaagain - talk to your CI provider16:50
ikoniathis channel is for ubuntu support, not 3rd party platform support16:50
_d4rklit3ikonia, don't help16:50
jhutchins_d4rklit3: Some web browsers will open the local manpage with the man:<package> command.16:50
_d4rklit3jhutchins, thanks16:50
ikonia_d4rklit3: please dont use this channel for comercial platform support16:50
ikonia_d4rklit3: talk to the people who provide your CI infrastructure,16:50
jhutchinsikonia: I consider this a legitimate Linux/Ubuntu question.16:51
ikoniajhutchins: you conisder how a 3rd party runs a CI platform something to do with #ubuntu ?16:51
_d4rklit3i thought it had something to do with how the ubuntu server is configured16:51
_d4rklit3maybe tehre is something I can do16:51
_d4rklit3on the server16:51
jhutchinsikonia: Securing or allowing environment settings in an ssh session is valid and is covered in the man pages.16:52
ikoniajhutchins: we support ubuntu here - not how 3rd party configures their Sshd on a comercial CI platform16:52
jhutchins_d4rklit3: Check the man page.16:52
z302something is waking up one of my hard drives every 30 minutes. I even unmounted its partition (which is empty as well) but this keeps happening. Any trivial command I can use to check for cronjobs happening every 30 minutes? Alternatively, something like 'lsof' command to check whats polling that specific device?16:52
_d4rklit3im talkin to beanstalk16:52
teo_any ideas as to why kubuntu asks for root password when mounting an external hd? It did not use to do that16:54
jhutchins_d4rklit3: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/101168/set-environment-variable-automatically-upon-ssh-login-no-root-access http://stackoverflow.com/questions/216202/why-does-an-ssh-remote-command-get-fewer-environment-variables-then-when-run-man16:54
excalibrManWithIssiues, are you still there?16:55
ManWithIssiuesfinally.. http://m.imgur.com/5VcCCAa17:01
somsipz302: check /var/syslog for cronjobs.17:01
rainbowwarriorhello, I am running Ubuntu 14.10 on an acer aspire v5 571p and the battery is still discharging fast and that is with tpl installed , any one got any advice please ?17:02
loadedanvilsI want to run a command when an external display is connected / disconnected17:03
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ManWithIssiuesExcalibr http://m.imgur.com/5VcCCAa17:04
z302somsip, thanks, will do17:06
ManWithIssiuesGot net problems :-S17:07
excalibrManWithIssiues, try purge all those fglrx packages then reboot and cross your fingers17:07
ManWithIssiuesHow do I do that? I am ... dumbass17:08
loadedanvilsManWithIssiues, reposition your index finger so it lays over your middle finger17:09
excalibrManWithIssiues, sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx-amdcccle17:09
excalibryeah, what loadedanvils said17:09
ManWithIssiuesI got some end problem17:09
=== badon_ is now known as badon
ManWithIssiuesWow.. OK, got it17:10
ManWithIssiuesIts working17:12
AbdElAzizHello : Egypt17:13
ghost_hello world17:13
AbdElAzizhow are u all ?17:14
cowbacon!offtopic | AbdElAziz17:14
ubottuAbdElAziz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:14
ManWithIssiuesVerbosy :-)  how I am.. :-)17:14
AbdElAzizOK .. i am sorry17:14
ManWithIssiuesExcalibr, reboot??17:15
Petersonamanyone know a program i can use in Ubuntu eCommerce pleas   :)17:15
AbdElAzizwhere i can find full documentation for GRUB : For Learning from scratch ..17:16
ikoniathe grub website ?17:16
ManWithIssiuesTnX Excalibr.. its operating17:18
ManWithIssiuesSome one give this man a bier17:18
=== AlphaTech is now known as zz_AlphaTech
ioriawhat's a  bier ?17:18
excalibrManWithIssiues, glad it works17:19
ManWithIssiuesBeer, bera, bier,  birra , or in my land.. pivo - home of LaSko :-)17:20
ioriaManWithIssiues,  ... In Roman times Laško became an important spa town.17:22
ioriai'll try it17:22
ManWithIssiuesGood old times.. :-$17:22
ManWithIssiuesBe next to toilet!!17:23
MonkeyDustManWithIssiues  know when to stop17:23
ManWithIssiuesJust an advice.. sorry 4 chit-chat17:23
ManWithIssiuesOw... internet went down for 5 minutes.. so I have to talk to my family.. they seem like nice people.. :-) :-)17:25
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dbmGuys anyone know how can i allocate free space to the partition ono Ubuntu server without lossing a data on it? (With terminal) using vps! :)17:39
=== Guest37792 is now known as littlebunnyfufu
ThenewoneHi guys17:41
Thenewonehow can i install graphical interface for my ubuntu server ?17:41
EriC^^Thenewone: sudo apt-get install <de>17:41
Thenewonewhat this <de> mean ?17:42
EriC^^Thenewone: ubuntu-desktop (unity), xubuntu-desktop lubuntu-desktop etc.17:42
Thenewonei want openbox17:42
EriC^^Thenewone: install openbox and xorg etc.17:42
dbmAnyone know, how to allocate free space to partition on ubuntu server without lossing a data (Via terminal - using vps) Thanks for effort and help!17:42
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Thenewonei have xorg installed17:42
Thenewonewhen i type startx the screen stay black17:43
OerHekssudo apt-get install openbox && sudo service lightdm start17:43
OerHeksstartx is old, depreciated as GDM is no more17:43
Thenewonehe give me this message lightdm: unrecognized service17:44
EriC^^Thenewone: lightdm is a desktop manager, it will give you a login screen17:44
loadedanvilsI need to restart gnome-shell when I change display settings17:44
OerHeksThenewone, not sure startx wrecked your system.17:44
loadedanvilsI want to run "gnome-shell -r" when I connect/disconnect my monitor17:45
loadedanvilshow do I do that17:45
Thenewonebut when i type service lightdm restart or start nothing happen just this error message lightdm : unrecognized service17:45
ioriaThenewone,  you are not using  lightdm  or you are  not sudo17:45
Thenewonei'm root17:46
Thenewoneya guys17:46
Thenewonei need to install lightdm17:46
Thenewonethanks guys for help17:48
LinneHello guys I'm considering to make a fresh Ubuntu install right now I have 14.04 LTS installed. Do you think I may want to wait for a couple weeks and install new Ubuntu version instead?17:49
excalibrdbm, use gparted if you can boot off an iso. It's safer than directly using the tools it calls17:49
LoshkiLinne: what's wrong with 14.04.2?17:50
LinneLoshki: Nothing, it's working well17:50
dbmexcalibr: im using VPS :\17:50
LinneLoshki: I will reinstall because of some partitioning issues17:50
excalibrLinne, if you're not looking forward to jump to systemd bandwagon, stick with 14.04 lts17:51
LinneLoshki: I cannot decide whether I should install LTS or the new one17:51
Linneexcalibr: What's wrong with systemd?17:51
AlexStraunoffDepends on what your goals are17:51
LoshkiLinne: no point moving away from 14.04.2 without *good* reason (boredom doesn't really count). Just install it and keep it up-to-date.17:51
AlexStraunoffLTS is going to be a lot more stable17:51
LinneLoshki: Ok thanks, I think that's what I'll do17:52
hkrrsxdbm: Have a look at this article:  askubuntu.com/questions/390769/how-do-i-resize-partitions-using-command-line-without-using-a-gui-on-a-server17:52
excalibrLinne, nothing wrong. just that upgrade from 14.04 to 15.04 bound to be bumpy ride17:52
AlexStraunoffNewer will give you newer packages but will break a lot easier and you can end up in places where you're not able to sanely update to the next major version17:52
excalibrbecause of upstart to systemd migration17:52
LinneI mostly want a stable OS, as I use cutting-edge stuff in Arch17:52
LinneI have dual-boot, so I reckon LTS makes more sense for me, no?17:53
AlexStraunoffIsn't 15.04 lts coming soon?17:53
EriC^^AlexStraunoff: 15.04 won't be lts, 16.04 will17:53
dbmhkrrsx: thanks will do it17:53
AlexStraunoffEriC^^: Oh right :)17:53
LoshkiLinne: then LTS is what you want. The more mature it is, the more stable. Thet's why the .2 at the end matters.17:53
hkrrsxdbm: you're welcome17:54
LinneLoshki: Ok thanks17:54
loadedanvilsI need to write a script to update when hdmi is connected17:55
loadedanvilshow do I do this?17:55
EriC^^loadedanvils: check what run's when something is connected and check what was connected17:56
Thenewonelightdm installed but i get in Failed to start session17:56
Thenewonei cant*17:57
loadedanvilsEriC^^, I actually don't know when that happens17:57
tyrogHi what is the difference between efix64.efi and shimx64.efi files for UEFI-enabled machines?17:57
Loshkiloadedanvils: I think it's handled by udev. A bit like this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/263248/set-hdmi-sound-output-automatically-on-connect-disconnect17:57
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:57
EriC^^tyrog: shimx64.efi is for secure boot17:57
Thenewonewhat should i do ?17:57
ioriaThenewone,  but you have  a DE ?17:58
OerHeksThenewone, maybe you need to switch with ctrl alt F717:58
Thenewoneioria, waht DE mean17:58
EriC^^desktop environment17:58
EriC^^Thenewone: did you install openbox17:59
Thenewonei install it17:59
EriC^^ok, check /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log17:59
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ThenewoneEriC^^, i cant get in how can i check this file17:59
ThenewoneEriC^^, wait a18:00
ThenewoneEriC^^, wait a s plz18:00
EriC^^ill brb18:01
EriC^im back18:02
EriC^Thenewone: run sudo less /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log18:02
Thenewonei'm using nano now18:03
Thenewoneya what should i do ?18:03
EriC^and check what it says, it might say it's logging to /var/log/lightdm/x-1.log or something18:03
EriC^Thenewone: check what it says18:03
Thenewonewaht line ?18:04
loadedanvilsLoshki, it looks like the script isn't being ran18:04
loadedanvilsthe script I'm running is just two lines18:04
loadedanvilsgnome-shell -r18:04
Thenewoneloggin to /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log18:04
tyrogEriC^: Is Secureboot some problem for using Ubuntu normally? Because my system doesn't boot without it enabled...18:05
Thenewoneshould i change it ?18:05
EriC^Thenewone: no, check below18:05
Loshkiloadedanvils: add some debugging e.g. echo "script stated at `date`" >> /tmp/t.txt so you can see what's going on.18:05
EriC^Thenewone: can you upload it? type sudo cat /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log | nc termbin.com 999918:05
EriC^tyrog: no, it's not a problem usually18:06
Thenewoneit's give http://termbin.com/9r3918:06
loadedanvilsLoshki, the script is being run but for some reason, "gnome-shell -r" isn't executing18:08
EriC^Thenewone: type sudo cat /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log | nc termbin.com 999918:08
loadedanvilsit's skipping over that line18:08
EriC^loadedanvils: what does gnome-shell -r do?18:08
loadedanvilsit's supposed to restart the gnome-shell18:08
EriC^loadedanvils: you probably need to set the environment for it18:08
ThenewoneEriC^, http://termbin.com/qyck18:09
ioriaThenewone,  do you have  .Xauthority in  home ?18:09
loadedanvilsEriC^, I'm not quite sure what you mean18:09
OerHeksloadedanvils, so did you executed that script with sudo?18:09
EriC^loadedanvils: it's being run as root and without the same environment as your user18:09
Thenewoneioria, ya18:09
EriC^loadedanvils: try DISPLAY=:0 gnome-shell -r as a start18:09
loadedanvilsEriC^, what should that do18:10
ioriaThenewone,  can you ls  -l  it ?18:10
tyrogEriC^: if it works fine in Ubuntu, why are people so worried about it and that it can prevent other systems from booting in our computer?18:10
tyrogbesides Windows18:10
Thenewonenothing in it18:10
ioriaThenewone,  ls  -l  .Xauthority18:10
EriC^you might need to set $XAUTHORITY to your user's /home/<user>/.Xauthority18:10
Thenewoneioria, exactly18:10
Thenewoneioria, but i cant get in why ?18:10
ioriaThenewone,  i  wanna  know  the permissions18:11
EriC^loadedanvils: ^18:11
Loshkiloadedanvils: try a complete pathname for gnome-shell -r. Does it work when you type it from the shell?18:11
Thenewoneioria, i really dont know18:11
ioriaThenewone,  type  ls  -l  .Xauthority18:11
Thenewoneioria, after that ?18:12
ioriaThenewone,  past18:12
ioriaThenewone,  it's  a  single line18:12
Thenewoneioria, the resolts ?18:12
EriC^tyrog: it's really not a problem especially with ubuntu18:12
ioriaThenewone,  yes18:12
Thenewone-rw------ 1 root root 0 Apr 3 18:15 .Xauthority18:12
Thenewoneioria, this is it18:13
ioriaThenewone,  yep18:13
MonkeyDusttyrog  is this link useful http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/enlightenment/windows-secure-boot-lockout-and-desktop-linux-6611418:13
ThenewoneEriC^, plz help me i'm waiting18:13
EriC^Thenewone: are you using your user's account or root?18:13
ThenewoneEriC^, root now18:13
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tyrogMonkeyDust: Thank you, I wasn't complaining, just curious about this matter...18:14
skinuxHaving an issue with permissions I think. I've an app under /var/www/, it needs to be able to write to /var/www/clients/MyProject/public/pdf. I have pdf directory set to 775, but it's not letting the upload happen.18:14
vroomfondel|2I am fighting with creating a bootable USB stick for my UEFI notebook18:15
Thenewonevroomfondel|2, good luck man ;D18:15
tyrogvroomfondel|2: What OS are you currently on?18:15
shivain22hi guys18:15
vroomfondel|2tyrog: ubuntu18:16
EriC^Thenewone: type lspci -nnk | grep -A2 VGA | nc termbin.com 999918:16
shivain22hey thenewone18:16
Thenewoneshivain22, Hi18:16
tyrogvroomfondel|2: I just use the startup disk creator tool, and it works fine booting from UEFI18:16
ThenewoneEriC^, ok18:16
shivain22dude i have some problems with the bluetooth n wifi18:16
vroomfondel|2tyrog: I created a 4G file in which I installed a mkfs.vfat18:16
vroomfondel|2tyrog: then I dropped the contents of an ISO image into it18:17
EriC^vroomfondel|2: are you trying to manually create a persistent live usb?18:17
shivain22i have done everything whatever i can get from the net18:17
EriC^vroomfondel|2: just dd it over, sudo dd if=path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M , don't need to partition or anything18:17
ThenewoneEriC^, http://termbin.com/c45118:17
shivain22my lap is lenovo b50-7018:17
vroomfondel|2EriC^: I'd rather like  to create the netinstall of Debian, to be true18:18
EriC^vroomfondel|2: doesn't matter18:18
vroomfondel|2EriC^: no, ISO's don't work18:18
footerI want to change my right key to shift + left18:18
EriC^what do you mean?18:18
footerhow can I do that18:18
EriC^footer: what right key?18:19
vroomfondel|2EriC^: if I dd an ISO over to the USB stick, it won't boot18:19
footerEriC^: right arrow key18:19
EriC^footer: ok, look into xbindkeys18:19
footerEriC^: I was trying xmodmap but its not working18:19
footeras it can only map one key18:19
footerbut not shift + something18:20
footerokay got it18:20
shivain22anyone there for bluetooth?18:20
footerthanks EriC^18:20
ioriaThenewone,  maybe the owner and group are notcorrect18:21
Thenewoneioria, how fix that ?18:22
EriC^Thenewone: i think you need to install a graphics driver18:22
EriC^Thenewone: it doesn't say any driver is in use18:22
EriC^try sudo lshw -C video | grep driver and paste here18:22
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EriC^Thenewone: try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-all18:23
Thenewonethe answer for that command give nothing18:24
EriC^ok, i guess that means nothing is in use18:24
vroomfondel|2if I write a MBR by install-mbr it looks like the vfat gets destroyed18:25
bekksvroomfondel|2: Whats the complete command you are using?18:26
vroomfondel|2bekks: umm... I think I just realized my error18:26
vroomfondel|2bekks: I am using a filesystem-inside-file technique18:27
Thenewoneioria, how fix that plz ?18:27
Thenewoneioria, group and my account18:27
bekksvroomfondel|2: Whats the complete command you are using?18:27
vroomfondel|2bekks: so I prepared a vfat in a file and wrote the MBR to it at last, which is nonsense, I believe18:27
ioriaThenewone,  did you xserver-xorg-video-all ?18:27
Thenewoneioria, i cant get in18:28
vroomfondel|2bekks: I first did a syslinux file-with-vfat18:28
Thenewoneioria, i tryed to install it with root from recovery mode he dont give me the permission18:28
vroomfondel|2bekks: after that a install-mbr file-with-vfat18:28
EriC^Thenewone: press in recovery mode enable networking, it will remount as rw and give you net access18:29
vroomfondel|2bekks: writing the MBR into a file carrying a FAT doesn't work, right?18:30
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bekksvroomfondel|2: I never tried that.18:30
loadedanvilsthe problem I've been having in gnome is that I can set workspaces_only_on_primary when I connect a second monitor18:30
loadedanvilsbut when I disconnect it, it reverts to putting everything on one screen18:30
ThenewoneEriC^, xserver-xorg-vdeo-all is already the newest version18:31
ioriaThenewone,  sudo  lspci -k | grep VGA -A 418:31
ioriaThenewone,  just kernel driver in use18:32
ThenewoneKernel driver in use: e100018:32
ioriaThenewone,  that's the ethernet .... no  ?18:33
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Thenewoneioria, EriC^ said just kernel i givet him the kernel18:34
EriC^i think that's the ethernet18:34
andybrineevening everyone18:34
ejcwebjoin #unix18:34
omgitsmit!ru | KometaGirl18:34
ubottuKometaGirl: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:34
Thenewonewhy i have graphical interface lightdm18:34
Thenewonebut i cant log in when i type my password18:35
EriC^Thenewone: oh18:35
syntroPiWhich virtualization solution would survive Xorg crashing? I used VirtualBox and this stupid GnomeShell crashed my Xorg so now i have data lost in my virtual machine... :-/   Is there any common solution which runs as a system service, so i could just restart Xorg and reconnect to it then?18:35
andybrinedoes anyone know a simple way to expand a partition in ubuntu?18:35
bekks!gparted | andybrine18:35
ubottuandybrine: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:35
EriC^Thenewone: i thought you still get a blank screen, that's probably cause you used sudo startx18:35
omgitsmitandybrine: i use gparted18:35
omgitsmitandybrine: i need a GUI or i'll mess it up :)18:35
EriC^Thenewone: type sudo chown <your user>: /home/<your user>/.Xauthority18:36
andybrinehahaha same here omgitsmit18:36
yorwosmy pc runs ubuntu 14.04 , if i install windows guest in virtual machine will i be able to print using epson's driver ?18:36
andybrinewhen I use gparted though, I cant expand the partition18:36
bekksyorwos: How is the printer connected?18:36
omgitsmityorwos: sounds plausable, why not try it and find out?18:36
andybrineI can only shrink it18:36
yorwosits connected with network through the router18:36
andybrineI have over 100gb unallocated space also18:36
omgitsmityorwos: as long as the vm has a route to your network you should be golden18:37
hkrrsxandybrine: Step by step instructions with pictures:   http://www.howtogeek.com/114503/how-to-resize-your-ubuntu-partitions/18:37
omgitsmitandybrine: strange18:37
yorwosgr8 !!! thanx !!!18:37
ThenewoneEriC^, nothing in18:37
EriC^Thenewone: you still can't login?18:37
ThenewoneEriC^, ya18:37
EriC^Thenewone: does the guest account work?18:37
ThenewoneEriC^, nope18:37
omgitsmitandybrine: erm, you have to do it from live cd18:38
EriC^Thenewone: it just resets?18:38
omgitsmitandybrine: you're trying to do it while using the partition arent you18:38
andybrinethanks hkrrsk18:38
hkrrsxandybrine: you're welcome18:38
ThenewoneEriC^, nope he give this message18:38
ThenewoneEriC^, wait i need to reboot it18:38
andybrineI am but I have tried with the live cd and have had issues18:38
omgitsmitandybrine: it cant be mounted or in use18:38
andybrinethat guide should sort it18:38
omgitsmitandybrine: right on, good luck18:39
andybrineyea, I know that they cant be mounted18:39
andybrineneeded to ask here to get some idea of how to do it18:39
ThenewoneEriC^, i have this message : Failed to start session18:39
ejcwebI've installed the mail command line tool, but it seems to hang forever (I have to terminate the process), and the email only sends minutes later. Any ideas what's wrong?18:39
ioriaThenewone,  change owner and group , if  you are 'test',  the  ls  -l command say  test test18:39
loadedanvilsanyone here familiar with gnome?18:39
andybrineI will be back with LiveCd is I have any more issues18:39
Thenewoneioria, sorry what should i type exactly18:40
omgitsmitloadedanvils: installed it on my laptop last night, i really like the minimalistic layout.18:40
andybrineone problem I am having is that I cant turn off swap18:40
andybrinethere is no option for it18:40
omgitsmitandybrine: sudo swapoff18:40
loadedanvilsI'm using an external display so I set "workspaces_on_primary_only" to false18:40
andybrineok, thanks18:41
Thenewoneioria, i just added i new account18:41
Thenewonei will try18:41
loadedanvilsbut when I connect/disconnect the display, it all goes to the primary one18:41
andybrineI will reboot and see how it goes18:41
omgitsmitloadedanvils: i manage my monitors via the Display app18:41
omgitsmitloadedanvils: ive never had to mess with any conf18:41
Thenewonethe same problems18:42
loadedanvilsomgitsmit, when you press the home key do they all go to the same screen?18:42
ioriaThenewone,  ls -l  .Xuthority ?18:42
omgitsmitloadedanvils: i think so, i dont have the laptop with me at the moment18:42
loadedanvilsthat's what I don't want18:42
loadedanvilsI want the windows on the external display to go to that display18:43
loadedanvilsnot to the main one18:43
Thenewoneioria, he give nothing18:43
ioriaThenewone,  are you  in  home folder ?18:43
Thenewonemy box dont let me get in18:44
Thenewoneioria, i get tired from rebooting18:44
omgitsmitloadedanvils: maybe gnome-tweek-tool has something that can help?18:44
EriC^Thenewone: press ctrl+alt+f118:44
EriC^Thenewone: you can login there18:44
ioriaThenewone,  you need a shell18:44
loadedanvilsomgitsmit, already tried that18:44
loadedanvilsit resets whenever I unplug18:44
omgitsmitloadedanvils: i used the unity tweek tool to create hot corners18:44
omgitsmitah ok18:44
EriC^ioria: i think it's another problem, cause he can't use the guest account too, dunno what's wrong though18:44
ioriaEric^  yep18:45
omgitsmitloadedanvils: i see someone on suse that made gnome3 behave more like gnome2 to get that functionality back18:47
syntroPiwhich of the modern DE is the most stable/usable? im hating gnome shell more and more18:47
omgitsmitloadedanvils: he also doesnt show us at all how he managed to do it either, so thats nice.18:47
loadedanvilslink please18:47
ioriaThenewone,  there's a working user on  you system ?18:47
omgitsmitloadedanvils: this is not on the topic of this chat room, however.18:47
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Thenewoneioria, plz i'm gonna bring a cup of thea i'm tired thanks for helping you and EriC^18:48
Thenewoneioria, i will back18:48
ioriaThenewone,  np18:48
omgitsmitloadedanvils: oh he has a link, scriptblock was stripping it from my page. there's some instruction on the jump.18:49
omgitsmitloadedanvils: what do you know, gnome tweek tool to the rescue :)18:49
loadedanvilsyeah I already tried it18:49
omgitsmitno luck?18:49
loadedanvilsthe thing is, when I disconnect the monitor, it reverts back to all windows on the same screen18:50
omgitsmitand you have to re-do all your settings all over again?18:50
omgitsmitsounds like its just adapting to whatever its detecting18:50
omgitsmit"its a feature not a bug" kinda thing.18:50
loadedanvilsor just restart gnome-shell, but I'm having a hard time doing that anyway18:50
omgitsmitim sure you could hack up some upstart script for it18:51
omgitsmitbut thats way beyond me18:51
loadedanvilsI tried to18:51
loadedanvilsbut it didn't work18:51
loadedanvilsI've been on this same problem for 6 hours18:51
hikenboothi! I have a mac G5 I am trying to raise from the dead. I dont have a cdrom player that works. wanted to install ubuntu 14.04 MAC version on trying to figure out how I build a bootable usb for it from inside a linux amd64 desktop.18:55
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EriC^hikenboot: type sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M ( get /dev/sdX from sudo parted -l and make sureit's your usb's device name )18:56
andybrineIm still having problems expanding a partition, I can shrik it but not expand18:56
hikenbootwhat file system do i use for the usb18:57
andybrinethere is also no option to turn off swap18:57
bekksandybrine: Can you pastebin a screenshot of gparted?18:57
EriC^hikenboot: you don't need to create a partition table or partitions for the usb18:57
hikenbootoh ok thats different. no problem thanks18:57
andybrinewill do , one moment bekks18:57
andybrinethats a screenshot bekks19:00
bekksandybrine: you would have to move sda2 to the left, sda3 to the left, then expand sda4 to the left, then expand sda5 to the left.19:01
bekksandybrine: And there is no swap, so no need for it to be deactivated.19:01
neldogzis there a list that shows which version of the kernel supports which Nvidia driver?19:02
andybrineok thanks bekks19:03
andybrinecan I just dran and drop them?19:04
andybrinehow do I move them to the left?19:04
ThenewoneHi guys i'm back19:04
bekksandybrine: Point and click, then enter the appropriate values after clicking "Resize".19:05
ThenewoneEriC^, Hi back19:05
hikenbootEriC^, one more question what key do i press in order to make it boot from the usb thumb drive?19:07
=== AlexStraunoff is now known as sqt
EriC^hikenboot: you have to set the bios to boot it19:08
andybrinenot sure what you mean. lol. to me that looks like it just changes the size19:08
hikenbootEriC^, I didnt thing that a mac g5 had a bios that you can go into?19:08
ThenewoneEriC^, i'm in shell now19:08
ThenewoneEriC^, what should i do ?19:08
Bashing-omThenewone: Is the base system stable ? boot to terminal to make sure - > at grub 'e' key for edit -> boot options screen; arrow down to the "linux" line and replace "quiet splash" with the term 'text' - with out the quotes; key combo ctl+x to contine to a terminal - TTY1 - ; log in here with user name and password. Then we continue .19:08
EriC^hikenboot: no idea19:09
ThenewoneBashing-om, are you sure you are talking to me ?19:09
EriC^Thenewone: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xorg openbox obconf19:10
ThenewoneEriC^, ok19:10
EriC^Thenewone: also add lightdm at the end19:10
Bashing-omThenewone: Yes, but if EriC^ Has the situation under control, I go back to my lurking mode .19:11
EriC^Bashing-om: no, by all means join in :)19:11
ThenewoneBashing-om, sorry i didnt mean that just didnt understand what did you say to me and i said maby you are mistaking the personne19:11
Bashing-omEriC^: Thenewone :: Each has their own methods of trouble shooting, many paths to one end . Mine is to start from a command line interface is all .19:12
ThenewoneBashing-om, i'm in the shell19:12
ThenewoneBashing-om, i just pressed ctr + alt + f119:13
ThenewoneEriC^, every thing done19:13
EriC^Bashing-om: he's trying to install openbox on ubuntu server, lightdm loads but it doesn't start the session, same for the guest account19:13
Bashing-omThenewone: Presently 2 issues as I see it .. authorisation to access "your" home, and no graphics driver loaded to drive the GUI (??) .19:13
ThenewoneBashing-om, i think the problem only on authorisation19:14
EriC^Thenewone: ok, type sudo service lightdm restart19:14
ThenewoneBashing-om, if the driver is not installed correctly lightdm will not start19:14
ThenewoneEriC^, ok19:14
EriC^Bashing-om: i was thinking the driver might not show unless xorg is running19:15
Thenewonefailed to start session19:15
hkrrsxThenewone: by chance, is openbox-session in your /usr/bin directory?19:15
hkrrsxThenewone: ls -lh /usr/bin/openbox-session19:15
Thenewonehkrrsx, i really dont know19:15
Bashing-omThenewone: Tjat is true .. must have a proper graphics driver available and loaded . BUT more important is access to /home .19:15
Thenewonehkrrsx, it give this : -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 594 dec 22 2013 /usr/bin/openbox-session19:17
Bashing-omEriC^: Thenewone Would behoove us to know what graphic(S) cards we are dealing with . -> sudo lshw -C display | pastebinit <- so we know what card and if a module is loaded .19:17
hkrrsxThenewone: great, thanks for checking19:17
neldogzHow can I install the kernel headers on my Ubuntu 14.10 system? Cant seem to find them via apt-cache?19:17
EriC^Thenewone: type sudo find /home/<your user> ! -user <your user>19:17
ThenewoneEriC^, ok19:17
EriC^Bashing-om: i think it's a virtualbox os, right Thenewone ?19:18
ThenewoneEriC^, ya19:18
ThenewoneEriC^, i want learn before i install it on my home machine19:18
Bashing-omEriC^: the -> that puts me in a learning mode ... VM talking to the hardware via the host .. A path I am not experience with ... IN my learning mode .19:19
nicomachushey guys, this is kinda halfway off topic, but the #conky channel seems to be totally dead. Does anyone happen to know what syntax the config files are written in? I found a list of objects and variables, just trying to figure out how to put it all together.19:19
neldogzCan someone confirm if this kernel is recommended for gaming? linux-image-3.16.0-33-lowlatency19:21
ThenewoneEriC^, if this didnt work on virtualbox how will work in real machine ?19:21
acz32neldogz: since when are kernels tailored to gaming?19:21
loadedanvilsneldogz, I didn't know you could use linux for gaming19:21
nicomachusloadedanvils: the steam client for linux has vastly improved in the last year.19:22
neldogzacz32, i am assuming the low latency note on it probably suggests the kernel tickrate is higher than the standard 25019:22
loadedanvilsnicomachus, but there is a very small number of games that you can install19:22
nicomachusI wouldn't call it very small anymore.19:22
neldogzloadedanvils, yes you can game on linux. I use the Nvidia prop driver with Steam as my client19:22
acz32loadedanvils: you consider 1000+ games a very small number?19:22
loadedanvilsI mean, without using wine19:22
nicomachuscheck out /r/linux_gaming some time.19:22
nicomachusit's definitely growing. and quickly.19:23
loadedanvilsnicomachus, I'll do that then19:23
loadedanvilsI wish I could play some dark souls19:23
EriC^Thenewone: did the find command return anything?19:23
ThenewoneEriC^, sorry didnt understand19:24
EriC^Thenewone: did you try sudo find /home/<your user> .....?19:24
ThenewoneEriC^, i'm in shell mode ctr+alt+f119:24
Thenewonei'm in my home19:24
EriC^Thenewone: type sudo find /home/<your user> ! -user <your user>19:25
ThenewoneEriC^, it give me alot of stuf19:27
EriC^Thenewone: ok, try sudo chown -R <your user>: /home/<your user>19:27
ThenewoneEriC^, /hom/test/==> and .xsession-errors,dmrc.........................19:27
Thenewonenothing happen19:27
Thenewonehe said invalid user19:28
ramen69anyone ever got eve to work on linux?19:28
wcfieldsDoes anyone here have an IP Surveillance Camera? Not totally related to channel, but just looking for recommendations that aren't total crap.19:28
loadedanvilsI wonder if anyone got dark souls to work on linux19:28
ThenewoneEriC^, i didnt19:29
ThenewoneEriC^, i did it*19:29
rebsits hard loadedanvils19:29
nicomachusno eve, no dark souls.19:29
OerHeksloadedanvils, is that a windows game ?19:29
nicomachusis daftykins gone or something? he's usually pretty quick to order people back ON TOPIC19:29
EriC^Thenewone: ok, try sudo service lightdm restart and try to login again19:29
ThenewoneFailed to start session19:30
mzazaI have enabled laptop-mode and configured successfully. However I have noticed when on battery power I have to poweron the laptop and restart the service laptop-mode so it apply the battery profile.19:30
EriC^Thenewone: is there a box where you type your password that lets you select the session?19:30
OerHeksEriC^, doesn't he have to switch with ctrl alt F7?19:30
daftykinsnicomachus: me and the other volunteers who care about the rules, yeah :)19:30
daftykinsnicomachus: you're in luck! i just this second came back19:30
ThenewoneEriC^, ya i select the user and i type the password in the field for it19:30
EriC^OerHeks: nah it will switch to tty719:30
ThenewoneEriC^, after that it's give this message : Failed to start session19:31
EriC^Thenewone: if you want, try nano ~/.xinitrc and type exec openbox-session19:31
EriC^then try startx ( no sudo )19:31
ThenewoneEriC^, ok19:31
EriC^Thenewone: type sudo service lightdm stop first19:32
ThenewoneEriC^, i dont have .xinitrc19:32
ThenewoneEriC^, ok19:32
EriC^Thenewone: yeah you have to create it19:32
ThenewoneEriC^, ok19:32
Jordan_Uneldogz: I would personally just stick to the -generic kernel. -lowlatency is intended more for live audio processing, and may increase or decrease your latency in a game because in games that are already using a lot of GPU and CPU just having better throughput can decrease your latency, and -lowlatency optimises for latency at the cost of throughput.19:34
ThenewoneEriC^, so i type exec openbox-session ???19:34
ThenewoneEriC^, in the file i creat19:34
EriC^Thenewone: yes then save and exit19:34
ThenewoneEriC^, when i type a wrong password it give invalid password. please try again when i type the correct oen it give failed19:35
EriC^what do you mean?19:36
EriC^you should already be logged into your user's account19:36
ThenewoneEriC^, from the interface lightdm dont work19:36
ThenewoneEriC^, but from the shell ya it's work nice19:36
EriC^Thenewone: nevermind lightdm for a bit19:36
EriC^Thenewone: after you save and exit type startx19:36
ThenewoneEriC^,  i will reboot the machine19:36
EriC^Thenewone: no need..19:37
EriC^type sudo service lightdm stop19:37
EriC^then startx19:37
ThenewoneEriC^, it's working19:37
ThenewoneEriC^, coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool19:37
ThenewoneI LOVE LINUX IT'S SO HARD :D19:37
Thenewonethanks guys :D19:37
EriC^lol wait19:37
EriC^Thenewone: do you want to use lightdm?19:38
ThenewoneEriC^, i really dont understand why should i install lightdm and openbox ???19:38
ThenewoneEriC^, i'm noob in linux but this dont make any sense19:38
ThenewoneEriC^, if you have time can you explain where the problem was ?19:39
acz32then go read the documentation19:39
EriC^Thenewone: lightdm is the login screen, you can set it up so that when you login to the terminal, it starts openbox, or after you type startx19:39
EriC^Thenewone: or you can use lightdm and you get a login screen that will start openbox when you login19:40
ThenewoneEriC^, ok if i delete now lightdm this will not cost a problem ?19:40
EriC^Thenewone: no, but you won't have a nice login screen19:41
akiva-thinkpadis there a good ubuntu channel to ask about hardware? I want to buy some ~19:41
EriC^Thenewone: it will boot to ctrl+alt+f1 and you login there19:41
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:41
EriC^Thenewone: you can get lightdm to work if you want19:42
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:42
jerrytWe're running a Dell server with hardware raid.  When we do IO operations such as extracting a large tar file a kworker process pegs IO at 99% or so.  pref points to cpu_startup_entry.  Any ideas?19:42
ThenewoneEriC^, ya how ?19:42
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OerHeksjerryt, why would such a job that takes 99% bad?19:43
OerHeks*be bad19:44
jerrytThe throughput is 20M/s19:44
jerrytStarts off at around 200 - 250.19:44
daftykinsugh enough caps19:44
EriC^Thenewone: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a19:45
EriC^Thenewone: no problem19:45
EriC^Thenewone: also type cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf19:45
Jordan_UEriC^: Do you really intend for them to reconfigure every package on their system, with all of the uneeded prompts that will entail?19:45
jerrytOerHeks, tar will be using 99% for just a moment and the transfer rate is 200+ then kworker jumps in at 99% and the transfer drops to 20 or below.19:46
EriC^Thenewone: also type cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf | nc termbin.com 999919:46
EriC^Jordan_U: good point, didn't know it does that19:46
Jordan_UThenewone: Don't run that dpkg-reconfigure command yet.19:46
EriC^Thenewone: just type sudo dpkg-configure lightdm19:46
EriC^Thenewone: sorry, sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm19:46
ThenewoneEriC^, it give me a pachage configuration19:47
EriC^Thenewone: which command did you run? the -a?19:47
ThenewoneEriC^, ya19:47
ThenewoneEriC^, dpkg-reconfigure -a19:47
EriC^Jordan_U: how do you kill that in a tty?19:49
Jordan_UEriC^: Indeed, when using dpkg-reconfigure the priority for questions is set to its lowest value, which means that all questions are asked, even those that have already been answered before or that have sane defaults that work for 99.9% of people. Killing dpkg-reconfigure might be a bad idea :(19:49
EriC^i ran it here19:51
EriC^i'll try restarting19:52
EriC^i killed it with kill -9 but dpkg is still locked19:53
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:53
Jordan_UEriC^: Yeah, killing dpkg is bad.19:53
EriC^it probably writes everything at the end right though?19:53
EriC^first question is about user readable home dirs19:54
EriC^Thenewone: you still there?19:54
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ThenewoneEriC^, ya19:55
EriC^ah, this is still running /bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/adduser.config reconfigure 3.113+nmu3ubuntu319:55
EriC^i think it's ok19:55
Jordan_UEriC^: I think the best course of action is to just go through the hassle of "hitting OK" as many times as needed :(19:55
EriC^Jordan_U: but it seems to just call the scripts one after another19:56
EriC^Jordan_U: ok, pressing ok on the first choice changed the user dir perms for new users19:58
EriC^let me see if killing it change anything19:58
Jordan_UEriC^: I wouldn't want to kill dpkg if it were only for a dpkg-reconfigure of a single package either. It's probably an over cautious approach, but I don't know enough about the dark magic of dpkg to say that for sure, and breaking dpkg can be bad. At the same time, I would have hoped that choosing the defauls would lead to no net change in configuration, but you seem to be saying that's not the case.19:59
Jordan_UThenewone: Please stay on the line :)20:00
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EriC^Jordan_U: yeah, i just tried to kill it and the option it had before is still there20:01
ThenewoneJordan_U, it's ok :D20:01
Guest44182Hi! Ubuntu 14.04 MATE desktop. I want to set it to not start the DE...as in, I can SSH into it. Where do I modify the runlevel and which do I choose? Thanks.20:01
EriC^i think no harm is done20:01
EriC^i'll try restarting anyways just to see20:01
blaine_i have a fresh machine, and am trying to install via the net install image. booting from USB drive. during install, partition setup won't recognize /dev/sda. EVEN THOUGH fdisk -l shows it, and i can partition it directly (successfully) with fdisk. any thoughts on wtf?20:03
EriC^^seems ok20:03
EriC^^any way to check dpkg is all good?20:03
andybrineThanks for your help bekks, got it sorted. Its going to take some time but should be sorted soon :)20:04
Jordan_Ublaine_: Is /dev/sda simply not listed in the partition setup, or is it listed but appears empty when it should have partitions?20:04
blaine_Jordan_U: not listed at all. BUT /dev/sdb (my USB drive) is listed20:04
EriC^^just tried using dpkg -i , no errors20:05
blaine_there's also two messages, asking if i want to 'enable' raid devices that were found (mdam containers). i've tried all combinations of yes/no but it makes no difference20:05
EriC^^Thenewone: i think it'll be ok20:05
EriC^^Thenewone: try sudo pkill dpkg20:05
EriC^^in ctrl+alt+f220:05
blaine_also, i've booted in all combinations of IDE, ACSI, legacy, native etc20:05
Jordan_Ublaine_: I was just about to ask if the drive had every been part of a RAID array :)20:05
ThenewoneEriC^^, i rebooted the machine20:05
ThenewoneEriC^^, how should run the dpkg20:06
EriC^^Thenewone: ok, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm20:06
blaine_Jordan_U: nope! it's totally fresh. not sure why it's asking me about raid -- there may be a hardware controller (maybe?) but it appears to be disabled in bios20:06
Jordan_Ublaine_: Please pastebin the output of "sudo wipefs /dev/sda".20:06
blaine_Jordan_U: k one sec (i'll have to type it, as this is a physical machine)20:06
ThenewoneEriC^^, i'm root now20:07
ThenewoneEriC^^, wait20:07
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ThenewoneEriC^^, nothing happen20:08
EriC^^Thenewone: ok, type cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf | nc termbin.com 999920:09
blaine_Jordan_U: no wipefs on the net install image20:10
ycyclistI cannot seem to get a simple go lang script to work with postgres on my Ubuntu.  It appears I have a package missing:  cannot find package "github.com/lib/pq"20:10
ThenewoneEriC^^, the folder lightdm is empty just one file in users.conf20:10
EriC^^you should have a file there called lightdm.conf20:11
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EriC^^this is mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/10733044/20:11
Thenewoneok i will creat one20:12
blaine_Jordan_U: any other thoughts?20:12
EriC^^Thenewone: oh nevermind, it doesn't come by default but you can add it if you want20:13
EriC^^give it a shot anyways it won't harm20:13
ThenewoneEriC^^, ok :D20:13
EriC^^add mine there, and replace ubuntu with openbox20:13
Thenewoneok thanks20:14
Jordan_Ublaine_: Is apt-get in the netboot image? Can you boot from a LiveCD/USB?20:14
EriC^^Thenewone: type dpkg -l | grep greeter20:16
EriC^^Thenewone: you might need to change the greeter too20:16
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Jordan_Ublaine_: "sudo blkid /dev/sda" could give us some of the same info wipefs would, if blkid is available.20:17
syntroPiwhen im using libvirt (via virt.manager/kvm) and want to have my images on an external (ntfs) usb disk, which permissions would that need? Currently its rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096,uhelper=udisks2 and it LOOKs like 777 but actially its not.. :-/20:18
ThenewoneEriC^^, ii unity-greeter   14.0.11-0ubuntu20:19
Thenewone1 amd64 Unity Greeter20:19
blaine_Jordan_U: interesting -- UUID="Dell ^P(" TYPE="ddf_raid_member"20:19
blaine_that's it20:19
DesuJordan_U: lsblk > blkid20:20
EriC^^ok, no need to change it20:20
blaine_sdb at least has label, type, etc.20:20
blaine_Desu: i dont have lsblk20:20
EriC^^Thenewone: save the file then type sudo service lightdm restart20:20
Desublaine_: debian?20:20
Desuer.. s/debian/ancient ubuntu/20:20
ThenewoneEriC^^, ok20:20
blaine_Desu: ubuntu net install w/ unrecognized hdd in the installer20:20
Jordan_Ublaine_: Yup. Wipefs would have given us the offset of those signatures, and allowed us to easily and safely remove them.20:20
blaine_Jordan_U: interesting -- so is it something ON the disk itself, or is it a bug in the installer?20:21
blaine_maybe i just need to go get a usb dvdrom device20:21
neutralizerdo you know where should I create uxterm config file so they always show truetype fonts and in tiny size?20:21
blaine_i wonder why it is a ddf_raid_member, that doesn't make sense if it's a fresh drive? maybe the client had something installed and didn't do a clean wipe20:21
Jordan_Ublaine_: It's something on the disk itself. I would argue that it's also a bug that the installer doesn't warn you better, and explain why it's refusing to work with the drive rather than just not showing it.20:22
Bashing-omJordan_U: sudo dmraid -E -r /dev/sda (??) would that not remove that embedded raid data ?20:22
blaine_Bashing-om: i tried that, but it had some errors20:23
EriC^^Thenewone: any luck?20:23
Bashing-omblaine_: Waters are getting deep, and deeper .20:23
blaine_Bashing-om: yeah it's weird. can i just nuke it somehow?20:23
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ThenewoneEriC^^, i think i was smart i add in this line 'autologin-user=( my account name )' lol20:24
Thenewoneit's restaring again and again20:24
EriC^^Thenewone: no that's for autologin20:24
Thenewonei deleted what i did20:24
ThenewoneEriC^^, i deleted that20:24
EriC^^you have to have no password set for it to work i think20:24
EriC^^ok, try sudo service lightdm restart again20:25
ThenewoneEriC^^, and rebooted but it's still restart the login screen20:25
Bashing-omblaine_: Jordan_U is the guru here .. IF it were me I would resort to a hex editor, and wipe the first of the drive // Jordan_U can we do that with 'dd' ??20:25
ThenewoneEriC^^, ok20:25
Jordan_Ublaine_: The signatures are probably in the first MiB, last MiB, or both of the drive.20:25
blaine_Bashing-om: http://pastebin.com/nxqtSdpM20:25
raschyAnyone that might be able to help? I've got an Elantech touchpad that wont move the cursor but will let me left click20:25
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blaine_Jordan_U: is there a tool for resetting that?20:26
ThenewoneEriC^^, it's working20:26
Thenewonei will do all this again20:26
Thenewoneto save it in my minde20:26
ThenewoneEriC^^, thanks alot20:26
EriC^^no problem20:27
ThenewoneEriC^^, is the best cooooooooooool LINUX FOR HARDCORGAMERS20:27
Atomic_pO2morashy turn your touchpad off through terminal and make generic usb the master20:27
Jordan_Ublaine_: Yes, wipefs :) Since we don't have that, we can try dding zeros into the first and last MiB of the drive. The drive has no important data on it currently, correct?20:27
Bashing-omblaine_: That offset advisory is above my skill set, I just do not know .20:28
Jordan_Ublaine_: I'm also trying to find exactly where ddf_raid_member metadata is stored, so we can be a little more precise and sure about things.20:28
raschyAtomic_p02mo how would I go about doing that?20:28
blaine_Jordan_U: ok cool. i'll hunt around too. and yes, no data should be on this drive20:29
blaine_meaning, we can nuke it20:29
blaine_Jordan_U: http://www.physics.uc.edu/~bryantln/documentation/badtype.html ?20:30
Jordan_Ublaine_: That seems to imply that the signature (or at least one copy of it) is at the end of the drive, but the instructions aren't very good (they don't say what size their HD is or how they came up with that seek= value).20:31
kokutHello, is there a way to choose the lcd speakers instead of the ones from the notebook?20:32
kokutnvm i think i found it20:33
Jordan_Ublaine_: Trying "mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sda" can't hurt.20:33
blaine_Jordan_U: did that -- couldn't open for write - not zeroing20:33
blaine_Jordan_U: maybe i'll dd the entire drive?20:33
blaine_with /dev/zero20:33
kokutNope, i20:34
kokutI tried muting the laptop ones and not the lcd ones (HDMI) and it doesn't work20:34
Jordan_Ublaine_: That will work, though it's overkill.20:35
blaine_heh. well, if we cant find which exact byte to do it is at least a plan b20:36
kokutcool now i can't hear anything20:36
EriC^^kokut: try pavucontrol20:37
syntroPiIm trying to mount an ntfs usb hdd properly (with permission handling) in /etc/fstab. How can I get it mounted to that i can grant other users on my system to write to it?20:37
EriC^^kokut: usually just selecting the hdmi output in settings > sound switches it to hdmi20:37
kokutk found it, ty20:38
EriC^^syntroPi: try to mount it with fmask=000,dmask=00020:39
blaine_Jordan_U: nuking with dd /dev/zero, let's see if this works (ty for the help so far btw)20:40
EriC^^kokut: np20:41
syntroPiEriC^^, i tried the first answer from http://askubuntu.com/questions/92863/mount-ntfs-partition-at-startup-with-non-root-user-as-owner    but mount seems to just ignore my fstab and instead tells me "Using default user mapping"20:42
Jordan_Ublaine_: You're welcome.20:45
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EriC^^syntroPi: do you want it to automount when the system boots? do you want users to be able to execute stuff?20:48
syntroPiEriC^^, how can files appear as 777 but not be writeable?20:48
EriC^^syntroPi: you mean you only want them to be able to read the files?20:49
syntroPiEriC^^, what im trying is to deploy vm's with virt-manager (libvirt/kvm) on an external usb-hdd (ntfs). libvirt runs under another user hence i have to mount it differently so it can write to it20:50
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OerHeksNTFS cannot handle posix fileattrib, change that usb in ext4 would be a solution20:50
syntroPiOerHeks, not an option there is already too much files on it20:51
syntroPiOerHeks, and it seems that it may be possible that NTFS can handle posix fileattribs, there is permissions and also user mapping20:52
sintheteki'm trying to reset my xorg and video driver config to the default state ubuntu provides (on 14.10). tried out fglrx and when i tried to revert back to default, compiz is using way too much cpu, video is choppy etc despite dri being active20:52
EriC^^syntroPi: i think everytime it mounts it will set all files to have to same permissions, it doesn't save them across mounts20:52
thomastbonsoir tous le monde20:53
sinthetekoriginally i was trying to improve flashplugin performance when playing on an external monitor but fglrx wouldn't adjust brightness etc20:54
thomastjai une question quelquun peux maider?20:54
syntroPiEriC^^, well id be fine with that as long as libvirt can write to it. files now appear owned by root and 777 but libvirt cannot write to them20:55
OerHeks!fr | thomast20:55
ubottuthomast: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:55
OerHeksenglish only in this channel please, thomast20:55
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syntroPiRegardless from what i state in fstab it ALWAYS appears as (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096)20:57
syntroPimy fstab entry now is /dev/sdc1    /media/master/Elements  ntfs      nls=iso8859-1,permissions,users,umask=000       0       020:57
syntroPii might blame fuse for that?20:58
Jordan_UsyntroPi: How are you remounting after changing your fstab?20:59
syntroPiumount /media/master/Elements   then mount /media/master/Elements20:59
Jordan_UsyntroPi: Please pastebin the contents of /proc/mounts .21:00
syntroPiJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10733448/21:04
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m7tanyone using atom ide for programing?21:13
syntroPiJordan_U, it has to read from fstab since it knows its sdc1 but it wont honor the options stated there for some obscure reason21:14
Jordan_UsyntroPi: Please pastebin the output of "dmesg".21:15
syntroPiJordan_U, mounting and unmounting leaves no msg there at all21:16
EriC^^syntroPi: what exactly are the permissions you want? mount won't state them but if you ls -l in the dir you'll see them set21:17
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syntroPiEriC^^, ls -l yields "drwxrwxrwx 1 root root       0 Apr  3 22:09 vm"  but still libvirt wont write to that21:19
EriC^^syntroPi: you mean ls -l on the mountpoint?21:20
EriC^^syntroPi: what's the mountpoint?21:21
syntroPiEriC^^, its also that 777 root before mounting and after as well21:22
EriC^^syntroPi: ok, where are you mounting it?21:23
syntroPiEriC^^, changed it now to /media/Elements hmm you think nautilus interferes? lemme try somewhere else21:23
EriC^^syntroPi: only the user Elements can read that dir21:24
syntroPitried now /mnt/Elements --- no fun :-(21:25
EriC^^syntroPi: ok, type ls -l /mnt/Elements21:25
EriC^^ls -ld /mnt/Elements21:25
blaine_Jordan_U: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 seek=$(( $(blockdev --getsz /dev/sda)-1024)) count=102421:25
blaine_that appears to have worked, blkid returns nothing now21:25
blaine_looks like my meta data was stored at the *end* of the device21:25
syntroPiEriC^^, yup still that 777 root root21:27
syntroPiwhy are there options for ntfs-3g when they are being ignored completely?21:27
EriC^^syntroPi: ok with your user, can you type touch /mnt/Elements/bla21:27
tewardis rsync an effective replacement for cp if you're copying data from one folder to another within the same ownership/permissions space...?  (such as one folder in my home directory to another)21:29
Bashing-omblaine_: Thanks for the update. Confirms the "offset" advisory, huh .21:29
syntroPiEriC^^, yup success 777 root as usual21:29
EriC^^syntroPi: so you can write to it?21:30
syntroPieven stopped udisk2 service now, no difference21:30
syntroPiyup can write21:30
Jordan_Ublaine_: Great. I expect that the installer will be happy with the disk now as well.21:31
Artejhow do I allow ssh on my ubuntu machine?21:31
daftykinsArtej: install openssh-server21:31
ArtejI mean allow access from outside my LAN21:32
=== cryptodan_ is now known as cryptodan
Artejports are already forwarded21:32
blaine_Jordan_U: can confirm, installer is happy as a clam21:32
Artejbut I still can't access ssh21:32
daftykinsArtej: single port, 22 - not ports plural21:32
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist`
Artej22 is open21:32
blaine_Bashing-om: yeah for sure. definitely learned something today!21:32
daftykinsArtej: then you must have forwarded it to the wrong LAN IP21:32
Artejis there some built in firewall because I am sure it's forwarded to right machine21:33
syntroPii bet its some gnome or fuse black magic, dangit21:33
syntroPisomething that "makes users life" easier21:34
EriC^^syntroPi: if your user can write to it, then it's something to do with the libvrt etc.21:34
EriC^^not fstab21:35
rypervencheArtej: Not enabled by default. Either your daemon is not listening, not on the right IP/port, or the firewall is to blame.21:35
daftykinsArtej: run "netstat -tuln" on your system and look for ":22" listening. note that you likely can't SSH to your own external IP from inside your network, get someone else to try.21:35
mamece2Im back.. who canhelp me with my login problem? I log in and the pc hangs. Screen looks awful21:35
syntroPiEriC^^, but why does it always mount with fuseblk and the same options regardless from what i write in fstab??21:36
EriC^^syntroPi: it doesn't, try sudo umount /mnt/Elements, then put other options like fmask=777,dmask=77721:36
EriC^^it should mount with -------- as permissions21:37
Bashing-ommamece2: If you boot to terminal, system is stable ? What errors are generated when starting the GUI from terminal ?21:37
FOx__سثقرثق هقؤزةسىهقؤزىثف21:37
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mamece2Bashing-om: I can ssh to the pc, everything is good at CLI. I cant do anything when i log in at GUI level21:37
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syntroPiEriC^^, well yeah that changed permissions to none but the fuseblk is still that21:38
cuddylierHow do I kill this process?21:39
cuddyliertcp6       0      0      :::*                    LISTEN      -21:39
cuddylierIt has no process ID but it's using up port 25565 on that IP21:39
EriC^^fuseblk is the partition type i think21:39
EriC^^filesystem type*21:39
Bashing-ommamece2: OK, good .. what then are we working with graphics' wise ? -> sudo lshw -C display | pastebinit <- .21:39
YvesLevierplz how to change a room subject?21:39
Jordan_UYvesLevier: Please ask in #freenode for network related questions.21:40
YvesLevierThx jordan21:40
Jordan_UYvesLevier: You're welcome.21:40
EriC^^cuddylier: try lsof -i :2556521:40
cuddylierEriC^^ I have lots of processes on other IPs on port 25565 so I need to kill only that one.21:41
EriC^^grep for it maybe21:41
cuddylierEriC^^ Do you know an example command i can use?21:42
EriC^^lsof -i :25565 | grep
hkrrsxcuddylier: can you telnet to localhost on port 25565? If so, do you get any headers in return?21:43
EriC^^the second column should be the pid21:43
skinuxWhat is the proper permissions of a directory for PHP to be able to write to it under /var/www?21:46
cuddylierhkrrsx: I have lots of processes on different Ips on port 2556521:46
hkrrsxcuddylier: my apologizes21:49
Bashing-om!paste | mamece2 Playing catch up ?21:52
ubottumamece2 Playing catch up ?: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:52
mamece2Bashing-om: OMG sorry i got distracted. this is the command results http://paste.ubuntu.com/10733705/21:53
Bashing-ommamece2: :) .. look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/10733705/ .21:54
mamece2Bashing-om: I confirm is a NVIDIA card, that is true, I reinstalled the drivers as instructed in askubuntu.com . I am here because i tried everything, this is the last stand21:55
syntroPiEriC^^, reinstalled virtmanager seems to work now21:55
daftykinsArtej: solved it?21:58
Artejdaftykins: it's a mystery :/21:58
pid1I've switched back to Ubuntu after being on Arch for a long time. How painful will the upgrade be between 14.10 and 15.04? The only packages I have installed outside of apt-get or umake are Chrome and Sublime Text.21:58
syntroPiEriC^^, before i was using virtualbox but since i lost some data because my Xorg crashed mi trying to have something that doesnt depend on gnome-shells (in)stability21:58
daftykinsArtej: hmm shouldn't be :P you understand what i said about not being able to test from your own network, right?21:58
bekkssyntroPi: Virtualbox doesnt depend on a working X.21:59
syntroPii hope that qemu / libvirt backend is more stable and survives such desasters21:59
Artejdaftykins: testing from mobile connection I have21:59
daftykinsso that might block it too21:59
daftykinsArtej: try using grc.com :>21:59
syntroPibekks, are you refering to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagrant_(software)21:59
antonio_hello good evening from Spain22:00
bekkssyntroPi: Entirely no. You can run Virtualbox machines headless, no need for X. You can manage them using VBoxManage, no need for X either.22:00
syntroPibekks, what is the parent process for such a virtual machine then?22:02
bekkssyntroPi: The same as for every VirtualBox VM: VBoxSVC22:03
Bashing-ommamece2: Near as I can tell you should be runing the 304 version of the nvidia driver ( if ya require proprietary) .. is this a lap top machine, notebook or desktop ?22:03
mamece2Bashing-om: its a desktop22:04
Bashing-ommamece2: OK, what version driver did you install and from what source ? The output do say that a Nvidia driver is loaded .22:05
syntroPibekks, hmm well for me it crashed my vm's when started from the gui, and my first impression on libvirt it that it runs much faster22:05
syntroPi!jp sam_22:08
mamece2Bashing-om: I follow the steps as instructed in askubuntu, I cant remember the excat command and its not in the history. extrange..22:08
syntroPi!jp | sam_22:08
ubottusam_: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。22:08
mamece2Bashing-om: I remember I didnt install the 304 version, I went for the command that installs the last version22:09
Bashing-ommamece2: The file in /var/log/Xorg.0.log will relate what version was built .. I have confirmed you should be running the 304 version .22:10
mamece2Bashing-om: please take a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/10733900/22:11
Bashing-ommamece2: Look'n at http://paste.ubuntu.com/10733900/ .22:11
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daftykinsmamece2: that machine hasn't even been updated yet22:12
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mamece2daftykins: what do u mean?22:12
daftykinsmamece2: the kernel is an old one, so you've not installed updates :)22:13
daftykinsalso your setup isn't working because your display doesn't talk over VGA properly22:13
daftykins(if that's what's wrong, or maybe it's just on the wrong resolution)22:13
mamece2daftykins: I will update and upgrade.22:14
[[thufir]]I'm on trusty, but can't find the yate softphone client to install:  http://pastebin.com/wdKvC7FS22:16
ThenewoneHi guys how can i install sddm on ubuntu ?22:16
Thenewonei tryed sudo apt-get install sddm but nothing22:16
bekks!info sddm22:16
ubottuPackage sddm does not exist in utopic22:16
Bashing-ommamece2: daftykins ( :) ) .. CRT -1 ?/ Old old hardware .. disable 3d also per the log file .??22:16
Thenewonehow to add it ?22:17
daftykins[[thufir]]: what's wrong with 'yate' in your package results?22:17
bekksThenewone: what is this "sddm"?22:17
Thenewoneor any other way to install it22:17
mamece2Bashing-om: the problems started when I connected my new monitor. I always used the old crt22:17
Thenewonebekks, display manager like lightdm22:17
mamece2Bashing-om: I'd love to solve the problem using the new one22:17
[[thufir]]daftykins: that's the server, I just want the client.  (it's like ekiga)22:17
daftykins[[thufir]]: why does it use the word 'client' in the name then? :)22:18
daftykinsah no i was just then reading the line below22:18
[[thufir]]heh, err, thanks...22:19
Thenewonehow install sddm plz ?22:19
* [[thufir]] slinks away22:19
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mirakis there a way to record the install for ncurses to be able to play it again ?22:22
mirakunatented ?22:22
bekksmirak: What are you actually trying to do?22:22
Bashing-ommamece2: Think'n ..gimme a bit . as to why the kernel is not seeing the new monitor .22:22
mirakbekks: I want to setup a vm at home, then replicate the installation at work.22:23
mamece2I am doing update && upgrade, then I will reboot with the new monitor plugged in22:24
hkrrsxThenewone: According to the github page, https://github.com/sddm/sddm, there's a #sddm channel22:24
bekksmirak: Just clone the VM - or remember the command how you installed ncurses.22:24
hkrrsxsddm on irc.freenode.net22:24
hkrrsxsddm-devel on irc.freenode.net22:24
Thenewonehkrrsx,  thanks22:24
mamece2Bashing-om: nvidia-304 will upgrade22:24
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mirakbekks: i would of course clone if could just plug a hard drive at work, that's not allowed at all.22:25
acz32i have ubuntu in a VM and installed virtualbox-guest-additions-iso and rebooted, but the VM window still won't expand or auto-resize. any ideas?22:25
mirakbekks: about ncurse, yes i install with ncurse, though I was hoping there would a way to replay such an installation.22:25
mirakbut seem it's not possible22:25
Ivannnnnnhi all22:26
Bashing-ommamece2: Go ahead, the kernel is some kind of smart, let it upgrade the grahics driver\, reboot and let's then see what the situation is .22:26
acz32bekks: i've seen you helping in #vbox. maybe you would know22:27
mamece2Bashing-om: thank you for your help. lets see hwo this goes22:28
bekksacz32: Well, I'd use a vbox release from www.virtualbox.org, remove all installed guest additions packages, and install the guest additions as described in the vbox manual.22:28
Bashing-ommamece2: K, fingers crossed, like I say the kernel is some kind of smart . Update/upgrade can do wonders .22:28
acz32bekks: can i apt-get purge the package i installed or is that not enough?22:30
bekksacz32: Yeah, and all other packages with virtualbox in its name, in the guest.22:30
acz32the auto-resize option from the virtualbox 'View' menu was greyed out22:31
acz32will try this22:31
brandy_mhi all22:32
Ivannnnnnvlezni vbox22:33
loadedanvilshey all22:33
loadedanvilshow do I get gnome 3.16?22:33
loadedanvilscurrently running ubuntu gnome 14.10, gnome-shell 3.1422:34
marusis there any fix to that?https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/135492422:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1354924 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Networkmanager does not autoconnect to wireless network" [Medium,Confirmed]22:37
hkrrsxloadedanvils: Please see the "Getting GNOME 3.16" section at the bottom of http://www.webupd8.org/2015/03/gnome-316-released-with-new.html22:37
loadedanvilsyeah, I saw it hkrrsx22:37
loadedanvils15.04 should be coming out in 20 days22:38
hkrrsxloadedanvils: Per https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/ubuntu/gnome3-staging/?field.series_filter=vivid , "The packages here have been deemed not ready for general use, they have  known bugs and/or regressions, sometimes of a critical nature."22:39
hkrrsxTL;DR: use at your own risk22:39
* hkrrsx digresses22:39
loadedanvilsI saw that site too22:39
loadedanvilsis there a way to download the packages from that page directly?22:39
acz32bekks: it worked. the guest additions iso in the ubuntu repo was the problem then22:39
bekksacz32: The version mismatch between the installed vbox version and the guest additions version was the problem :)22:40
hkrrsxloadedanvils: read the "Adding this PPA to your system" section of the launchpad page22:41
loadedanvilshkrrsx, I did read it22:41
hkrrsxloadedanvils: If you follow those instructions, you should be able to get GNOME 3.1622:42
acz32bekks: well glad i got it working now. still some issues like when i re-size the panel stays in its old position until i refresh the screen, but works good enough22:42
pid1I've switched back to Ubuntu after being on Arch for a long time. How painful will the upgrade be between 14.10 and 15.04? The only packages I have installed outside of apt-get or umake are Chrome and Sublime Text.22:45
pid1Are there any "best practices" I should go through before upgrading?22:46
Bashing-ompid1: Disable 3rd pary sources, update/upgrade 14.10 , disable sceen saver -> go for it .22:47
Bashing-omscreen saver *22:47
Jordan_U!upgrade | pid122:48
ubottupid1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:48
azizLIGHTi wnat to press "page up" and "page down" when numlock is off and cause it to do "media previous" and "media next" for my music player but only when numlock is off. please what can i use to do this?22:48
azizLIGHTi dont have previous track / next track keys on my keybvoard22:49
mamece2Bashing-om: the problem remains. It is all good until I log in. then the screen get black, the left border is distorted and the pc is hanged22:49
pid1Bashing-om, Since when does Ubuntu have a screensaver?22:49
Njantaplease http://yhqz.oblogs.ru/180245460/2566850/22:49
mamece2Bashing-om: daftykins: at least its responding at cli level. the GUi is frozen22:51
mamece2Bashing-om: daftykins: the mouse pointer is not frozen22:51
Bashing-ommamece2: Shucks, what does the xorg log file relate now ?22:52
Bashing-ompid1: I do, but I do not run unity or gnome :) .22:52
vilugaohow to list packages not updated using apt-get? I updated and upgraded some hour ago, but now apt-get shows that I have 3 packages not updated.22:53
mamece2Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10734151/ this is the xorg log22:54
Bashing-ommamece2: reading .22:55
kokutGhostxmaster4: hi22:55
mamece2Bashing-om:  why still the CRT-1 if its connected to the new lcd monitor22:55
Ghostxmaster4hi kokut22:56
kokutGhostxmaster4: sup mufugga22:56
daftykinsmamece2: 'cause you're using VGA likely.22:56
kokutaw man why u ban him he wasn't even cursing22:56
loadedanvilshe was being annoying22:57
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kokutit's friday night22:57
=== kokut is now known as DaCoolMaster
owen--Hello all. Just wondering if anyone knows of an application I could use on my Kubuntu that does session management? i.e. an application that can open several different file types depending on what project I'm working on.22:58
Bashing-ommamece2: " Samsung SyncMaster (CRT-1) (connected) " ... huh ? why ? oh why ? is the new display an LCD device ?22:58
mamece2Bashing-om: yes a the new monitor, a LCD .  idk why it keeps looggin a CRT-122:59
hkrrsxowen--: would you elaborate on the file types in question22:59
DaCoolMasterowen--: what file types?23:00
liorubuntu is the shit!23:01
owen--hkrrsx: Lets say I need to have 8 pdf, 3 libre office, perhaps two text files. Just wondering if there was a project/session management application that would open all these files depending on what job/project I was working with..23:02
Bashing-ommamece2: The driver is very unhappy " (WW) NVIDIA(0): Unable to support custom viewPortOut 1920 x 1080 +0 +0 " and lots of other warnings ... how are you connecting the display ? HDMI VGA ? a converter that the driver is not pleased with ?23:02
mamece2Bashing-om: I only have a CGA cable23:03
hkrrsxowen--: I was hoping you were going to say web development files b/c then I'd say Sublime Text .... however23:03
DaCoolMasterSo, i installed an application a couple of days ago but can't remember the name, is there anything i can do to find it?23:04
Bashing-ommamece2: daftykins ^^ is it time to look at the Xorg.conf file ?23:04
daftykinsthere shouldn't be one :)23:05
owen--hkrrsx: Is that domething that does file uploads to the web server when saving html, php files, like what bluefish used to do?23:05
daftykinsif mamece2 isn't going to move off VGA, there'll be some trickery needed yeah23:05
OerHeksDaCoolMaster, easy, open softwarecenter or synaptic and goto history23:06
DaCoolMasterOerHeks: yea just thought about it, ty23:06
zambahow do i add the following url to my apt sources.list?23:06
hkrrsxowen--: Observe: http://www.sublimetext.com/23:06
Desuzamba: uhm23:06
Desuzamba: that makes no sense23:06
zambaaccording to icecast developers it should be possible to add this as a PPA23:06
zambai'm running 14.0423:07
Desuyou want the correct subdir23:07
zambaand then you have the following: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/multimedia:/xiph/xUbuntu_14.04/ ?23:07
Bashing-omdaftykins: Is that why the display is seen as a CRT rather than the new LCD monitor ? 'cuase I sure do not know .23:07
daftykinsBashing-om: as i mentioned earlier a few times, VGA :)23:09
mamece2daftykins: i cant believe it, i need to move form vga? D:23:10
OerHekszamba, don't use suse packages, see their website and add the SVN or git  https://xiph.org/downloads/23:10
Bashing-omdaftykins: K. swap the cable out to HDMI ?23:10
zambaOerHeks: this is the official packages from icecast23:10
mamece2Bashing-om: let me check if i have one of those..23:10
vok`msg nickserv identify g4nd41f7h3gr3y23:10
zambavok`: winning!23:10
OerHekszamba, since when does opensuse provide .deb packages?23:11
zambaOerHeks: i know they host files for owncloud as well23:11
OerHeksvok`, time to change password23:11
vok`OerHeks, indeed. Thanks.23:12
mamece2Bashing-om: daftykins its not fair I had my crt and everything was good23:13
AegNuddelDoes anyone know how I find out the name of the location of my usb key on Linux?23:13
OerHeksAegNuddel, type: mount23:13
OerHeksit should be at the bottom of the list23:14
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Bashing-ommamece2: Well. I can commiserate. I had a similar issue when we swapped out the wife's display . Did not like the adpator .. new cable fixed that issue .23:15
mamece2Bashing-om: I will try with a hdmi cable. brb23:16
AegNuddel /dev/sdc1 on /media/Lexar ?23:18
Bashing-ommamece2: K. Again, fingers crossed .23:18
OerHeksAegNuddel, cd  /media/Lexar23:19
OerHeksmedia would be the standard place to mount it yes23:19
daftykinsheh so now there's an HDMI cable. hrmm.23:19
mamece2Bashing-om: I feel scammed this monitor doesnt have HDMI port LOL23:19
AegNuddelso what path do I put to reference it OerHeks ?23:22
vok`Thanks for not making fun of me guys.23:23
AegNuddel /dev/sdc1/media/Lexar ?23:23
vok`When I accidentally showed my password, I mean.23:23
AegNuddelor just23:24
OerHeksvok`, no problem23:24
mamece2I will try with the TV23:24
AegNuddel /dev/sdc1/?23:24
OerHeksAegNuddel, to copy file to/from ?23:24
AegNuddela terminal appplication is asking for t23:24
AegNuddelsorta in a way23:25
Bashing-ommamece2: I find that there is no HDMIport on a LCD display hard to accept. look close (??) .23:25
mamece2Bashing-om: yep , ino... what a piece of c...23:26
mamece2Bashing-om: Im testing with the TV23:27
OerHeksAegNuddel, to be sure that USB is used, maybe next time too, use the UUID > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions#Finding_the_UUID_of_your_partition23:27
daftykinsBashing-om: it does happen ;) cheap old ones typically.23:27
OerHeksAegNuddel, but /media/Lexar/ and /dev/sdc1/ are oke too23:28
Bashing-ommamece2: Getting close to a "I do not know" situation .. perhaps we can make up a Xorg.conf file to tell the system what to expect ? .. now that might be a real chore .. and a steep learning curve, IF a Xorg file is present, it will be used .23:28
mamece2Bashing-om: the same problem with the TV. i bet you want to see the log23:28
AegNuddelnot that I should need it again hopefully, but did the iso I am writing need to be mounted special somehow?  It warned me it was mounted as read-only...23:28
Bashing-ommamece2: Will not hurt to read the news and see what the system thinks .. a new Xorg log file from a fresh reboot .23:29
mamece2Bashing-om: the new log http://paste.ubuntu.com/10734310/23:29
daftykinsAegNuddel: are you putting an ubuntu ISO onto your flash drive for booting/installing from?23:29
Bashing-ommamece2: look'n and reading .23:30
mamece2Bashing-om: what if I erase the xorg config and let the system create a new one. I think this is what happens when you erase xorg. iono for sure23:30
daftykinsok just checking.23:30
AegNuddelit's windows and I am using winusb23:31
daftykinsmamece2: you don't need one at all, you shouldn't have a xorg.conf23:31
mamece2daftykins: what do u recommend to my problem? mantaining the same hardware23:31
daftykinsmamece2: i don't really follow what you're asking.23:32
Bashing-ommamece2: so far so good " (II) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Display (TOSHIBA-TV (DFP-0)) does not support NVIDIA 3D Vision ";  disable 3D ?23:32
AegNuddelerror occurred ...23:32
daftykinsBashing-om: nah that's standard in all logs with nvidia23:33
mamece2Bashing-om: maybe its 3D, but iono how to disable it23:33
mamece2daftykins: what can i do ?23:36
daftykinsmamece2: make sure you don't have a xorg.conf then test the HDMI TV again.23:37
Bashing-omdaftykins: Thanks will keep that "standard" in mind .. what means " TV encoder: Unknown " .. no viable EDID info ?23:37
mamece2daftykins: ok i am a noob. where should i check for a xorg.conf23:38
daftykinsmamece2: "ls /etc/X11/"23:39
Bashing-ommamece2: /etc/X11/Xorg.conf .23:39
daftykinsTV encoder, hmm not sure on that one23:39
mamece2theres only xorg.conf.failsafe23:39
daftykinsok good23:39
daftykinsso what's the current situation? did the Toshiba TV work?23:40
mamece2no, thats bad. the toshiba doest work. im using a hdmi cable23:40
daftykinsthe Toshiba TV does not work over HDMI?23:40
GunnDawgI just discovered gnome fallback shell. Good bye unity! :)23:40
AegNuddelhmm nope.  Booted and showed windows but said files were missing23:41
OerHeksmamece2, your log shows it sees the toshiba tv, as connected. maybe try to reset the toshiba tv to defaults itself?23:41
daftykinsAegNuddel: rather than keep giving us a commentary nobody can follow, can you phrase complete support questions? :)23:42
mamece2OerHeks: I dont think its the TV. It has the same behavior as the lcd and the crt23:42
AegNuddelWEll I'm not even sure what I am saying.  this winusb program was supposed to write the iso to the usb drive, but it warned me the iso was mounted as read-only, and it didn't all get copied, as when I plugged it into my other computer and windows started, it then told me flies were missing23:44
wink_ndgeCurrently moving to Ubuntu. Would it be foolish to install beta2?23:44
Bashing-omwink_ndge: Depends, what is your tollerance for breakage ?23:46
wink_ndge14.10 it is then :P23:46
daftykinswink_ndge: 14.04.1 would be even better due to being LTS (long term support)23:47
AegNuddelI tried to make the permissions as loose as possible, but even though it says I did in the file manager, When I try to write it, it complains about it being mounted as read-only23:47
Bashing-omwink_ndge: Well .. 14.10 will soon be End-OF-Life .. the current stable Long Term Support releases are 12.04 and 14.04 -- stable .23:48
AegNuddelHow do you "mount" an ISO anyway?!23:48
Bashing-omAegNuddel: From a Linux distro ? to mount the .iso ?23:49
GunnDawgWhat are some of the better options for replacing Unity in 14.10? Gnome Fallback? Gnome 3?23:49
spagewmfIs this the channel for 15.04? I did a painless dist-upgrade to it, but am havingproblems getting it to load my encrypted swap and disk.23:50
daftykinsno, #ubuntu+123:50
spagewmfdaftykins: thanks.  GunnDawg , Gnome 3 is nice is some ways. If you want Windows-like, I like Kubuntu. YMMV23:51
Bashing-omGunnDawg: There is no best .. what works 'better' for you .. I personally prefer xfce .. just a personal thing .23:51
AegNuddelBashing-om, it's...a program for writing a windows iso from ubuntu called winusb23:51
GunnDawgKubuntu is just Ubuntu with the KDE desktop, correct?23:52
mamece2so, my screen problem its unfixable?23:52
hkrrsxGunnDawg: Here's a list of the more popular desktop environments with their respective features and system requirements23:52
Bashing-omAegNuddel: No idea, sorry .. I see http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ often recomended to make up the install medium . though it too sometimes has it's problems .23:53
GunnDawgWhat is the prefered distro for gaming? I seem to be able to play most everything I want so far except for the FPS issues with League of Legends23:53
AegNuddelBashing-om, wrong way anyway.  I have Linux, and need to write Windows install media23:56
Jordan_UAegNuddel: iso9660 is a read only filesystem, so it makes sense that when you mount it it's read only. That shouldn't be a problem.23:58

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