
Unit193https://bugs.debian.org/781861 well that's fun for them.00:04
ubottuDebian bug 781861 in xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin "xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin: Wrong dependencies' version" [Normal,Open]00:04
bluesabreUnit193: since this will have your name on it, do you like the wording?00:19
bluesabre  * Fix newly started windows not receiving focus (LP: #1440100)00:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1440100 in exo "xfce4-terminal doesn't have focus when first opened" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144010000:20
bluesabre  * debian/patches:00:20
bluesabre    - 02_Fix-implicit-declaration-of-function.patch00:20
bluesabre    - 03_Startup-notify-incorrect-fix-bug-11743.patch00:20
Unit193Not the style I normally use, but really doesn't matter to me, sounds good.00:20
bluesabrethis package will make you famous one day, mark my words00:21
Unit193Hah. :P00:21
Unit193See -dev, question about thunar.00:21
knomebut they are gone already00:23
bluesabrewe shall copy+paste when he reappears00:23
bluesabreUnit193: uploaded your changes, and backporting to utopic/trusty ppa00:59
bluesabrethunar time :)01:05
knomebedtime, nighty01:16
Unit193Nooo. :D01:18
Unit193queuebot:#ubuntu-release: Unapproved: thunar (vivid-proposed/universe) [1.6.6-1ubuntu1 => 1.6.6-1ubuntu2]02:28
Noskcajbluesabre, Is there anything we still need done for 15.04?02:39
Noskcajsounds good02:48
Unit193But they no give me any.02:49
Unit193I think mostly everything is good.02:49
bluesabreyeah, we're in pretty good shape03:01
bluesabrewill have a new greeter release probably this weekend, and will hopefully fix mugshot soon03:01
bluesabreand will have a translation release of greeter-settings03:01
bluesabreso we support more than ru and en03:02
Unit193greeter is going to make it in?  There's a migration to be done in the settings, if that's accepted for this release.03:02
bluesabreI think it may support the old location as well03:02
bluesabreif not, I need to check about breaking some of the fixes out03:02
Unit19384/84 ooooh burn.05:08
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as pw2
Unit193Your changelog line in thunar is too long. :P12:39
bluesabreyeah, oh well, will fix it later :p12:41
Unit193Hence why I didn't even bother pinging.12:41
ochosibluesabre: i finally have a fix for the stupid visual bug in pavucontrol: http://i.imgur.com/nlk1cfa.png12:43
ochosinot sure that tiny thing warrants a new greybird release though...12:46
ochosigotta run, family feast is calling12:46
ochosi(oh, also a potential fix in greybird for firefox-gtk3 <- Unit193)12:47
Unit193Hah. :P12:47
Unit193ochosi: I'm pretty sure you look at that more than I, and feast well.12:47
bluesabreseeya ochosi, hf!12:48
=== pw2 is now known as Paulw2U
nerdistmonkhooray they fixed the xfce4-terminal focus bug13:10
mrkrampsit's alive! thanks for patching thunar14:26
GreylocksThe latest kernel update seems to have broken xubuntu...15:08
GreylocksI had to reload 3.19.0-11 to get the system to boot15:09
elfyworked here 15:10
Greylockshummm let me give it another try15:13
GreylocksNope 3.19.0-12 will not boot on my machine.15:27
mrkrampsGreylocks, logs?15:35
GreylocksLooking now.15:36
Greylockssystemd logs are all binary are they not?15:36
mrkrampsthis is the utility to read system d logs15:37
Greylockshere is /var/log/kern.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10738023/ 15:39
GreylocksWell according to dmesg I booted 3.190-12 on Friday the third, so it must have been something in the update I installed this morning.15:57
GreylocksHere is the failure, I believe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10738363/16:34
GreylocksHave to run I'll check back later and see if any others are having problems. :-/16:36
ali12341looks rather like a conflict between systemd and cgmanager18:42
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash

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