=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as SonikkuAmericat | ||
JethroTux | I'd like to log all incoming connections to my router. Is it possibile? Which program so you recommend? | 10:53 |
=== benonsoftware is now known as Guest70711 | ||
=== Guest70711 is now known as benonsoftware | ||
=== JethroTux is now known as JethroTux`aFk | ||
=== JethroTux`aFk is now known as JethroTux | ||
=== silverlion is now known as Guest85955 | ||
=== Guest85955 is now known as silverlionn | ||
=== silverlionn is now known as silverlion | ||
Pyhscript | hello | 16:15 |
Pyhscript | just wanted to say for anyone that has 448 mb of ram that lubuntu works great | 16:17 |
Pyhscript | and connecting with usb midem is really easy | 16:17 |
Pyhscript | *modem | 16:17 |
=== yeehi is now known as Guest75004 | ||
yeehi_ | how can we sort files by date created rather than modification time? | 17:23 |
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as littlebunnyfufu | ||
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica | ||
terratoma | what group does a user need to be in for suspend/hibernate to be an option ? | 19:10 |
Hispeed88 | Hi | 21:13 |
Hispeed88 | I have an odroid-c1 with lubuntu on it and I have a Synology Nas with activated NFS. | 21:15 |
Hispeed88 | i want to auto mount some shares from the NAS on the odroid with NFS thru: fstab | 21:15 |
Hispeed88 | what do I have to fill in fstab ? /odroid/movies nfs r,hard,intr 0 0 | 21:18 |
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