nhaines | elky: I'm stuck with about 150 pieces of IKEA parts at the moment. Can you shoot out a meeting reminder? I'll do it in a couple hours if not. | 04:41 |
elky | nhaines: sorry only just saw this now | 06:33 |
elky | sending now | 06:38 |
elky | nhaines: sent | 06:39 |
nhaines | elky: not a problem. Just packed up the packaging for the new clothes dresser, which is all assembled and even appears to be squared properly. | 07:09 |
nhaines | Arigatou, elky-san. | 07:10 |
elky | yeah when you said it was ikea i figured you might be lost for days | 07:17 |
nhaines | The instructions were surprisingly clear. Other than when I shoved a plastic screw all the way under my thumbnail, assembly was fairlyh painless. | 07:21 |
elky | it's only fair after that kind of torture that you don't have other mishaps | 07:31 |
nhaines | Oh, no, it was right near the end. | 07:32 |
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