viGtor | hello, do you know if it's safe installing Ubuntu Tweak with Ubuntu Gnome Edition? | 00:02 |
lyndel_ | not sure anyoe else know? | 00:02 |
daftykins | they would reply if they did | 00:02 |
lyndel_ | am sure they would | 00:02 |
viGtor | i mean, i'm not sure if it is Unity oriented | 00:03 |
viGtor | ok i got the answer, it is gnome-shell oriented | 00:05 |
viGtor | | 00:05 |
viGtor | just if you want to know :) | 00:05 |
lyndel_ | lol | 00:05 |
viGtor | it's weird, in the past it was the first app i installed but i havent heard from it since long time | 00:06 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Alright. Now, I need you to create a file in /etc/apt/preferences.d/ and paste the following into it: | 00:07 |
=== Tex_Nick is now known as Shifted_Nick | ||
Flannel | lyndel_: once you've saved that file, do the apt-cache policy again (and pastebin the output), so we can verify I typed everything correctly, then we should be ready to continue. | 00:07 |
lyndel_ | saved what file? | 00:08 |
=== Shifted_Nick is now known as Tex_Nick | ||
Flannel | lyndel_: Create a file in /etc/apt/preferences.d/ (so, lets say /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa) paste the contents of the pastebin into the file, then save it. (You'll need to use sudo) | 00:08 |
lyndel_ | am confused but ok | 00:09 |
Flannel | lyndel_: More explicitly, do this: `sudo touch /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa && sudo nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa` then copy/paste into the editor, then save (ctrl-O in nano), then exit (ctrl-X in nano). Then let me know you've done that. | 00:09 |
lyndel_ | ok | 00:10 |
lyndel_ | i done it | 00:12 |
lyndel_ | then now what to do? | 00:12 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Alright, now pastebin the apt-cache policy command again (the long one with the package names) | 00:13 |
lyndel_ | ok | 00:13 |
lyndel_ | u mean run the command again then paste the output online? | 00:14 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Correct. | 00:15 |
lyndel_ | ok lol | 00:15 |
lyndel_ | | 00:16 |
lyndel_ | thats it | 00:16 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Ok, can you please pastebin the output of `cat /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa`? | 00:17 |
cgkades | anyone know anything about ubnutu core? reading the docs, i wasn't sure if it was hinting that i386 used grub and not u-boot. can i[356]86 use u-boot? | 00:18 |
cgkades | or.. does anyone have a good link to get core running on an 32 bit intel board? | 00:19 |
lyndel_ | sorry have no idea what core is | 00:22 |
cgkades | if you're currious | 00:22 |
daftykins | mmm curry | 00:23 |
lyndel_ | lol thanks haha | 00:23 |
bekks | cgkades: "get core running"? | 00:23 |
cgkades | bekks, installed/running/working | 00:24 |
bekks | cgkades: What is "core"? | 00:24 |
cgkades | bekks, | 00:24 |
bekks | cgkades: And whats the actual issue with that? | 00:24 |
lyndel_ | Flaael | 00:25 |
cgkades | the only guides are 1) for an arm board, and 2) not very clear. They downlaod things that have already been created without actually saying what they are or how they were created. | 00:25 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Can you please pastebin the output of `cat /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa`? | 00:26 |
lyndel_ | ok | 00:26 |
cgkades | i'm trying to use it on an intel board (Galileo), so there are obvious differences, and when they just download pre-created things. it's not helpful | 00:26 |
lyndel_ | its empty nothing shows | 00:27 |
lyndel_ | what to do? | 00:27 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Alright. Sounds like we didn't correctly save that file. | 00:27 |
lyndel_ | did i have to close the no ppa file before using the command? | 00:27 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Right. | 00:27 |
lyndel_ | ok al do it lol | 00:28 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Close the file, then run the cat command again (to verify it saved properly), then run the apt-cache command (and pastebin it) | 00:28 |
lyndel_ | cat commmand shows nothing | 00:29 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Alright, then we didn't successfully save the file. | 00:29 |
lyndel_ | i thought it was file | 00:30 |
lyndel_ | saved | 00:30 |
lyndel_ | run the commands again? | 00:31 |
lyndel_ | Vlannel what to do? | 00:33 |
Flannel | lyndel_: You need to put that information into the file. I'm not sure what else to tell yuo to do. `sudo touch /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa` and then `sudo nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa` should work, then you paste the contents in, save the file, etc. | 00:33 |
lyndel_ | u never told me to paste anything u told me to pastebin it which i did | 00:33 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Open the file (with the nano command), PASTE the contents of the pastebin I gave you ( into said file, then save the file. | 00:34 |
lyndel_ | oh ok | 00:35 |
lyndel_ | ok i did it | 00:36 |
lyndel_ | Flannel | 00:36 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Alright, now, try the cat command to verify the pastebin looks like the file. Then pastebin the output of the apt-cache command (`apt-cache policy libglapi-mesa xserver-xorg-video-ati libxatracker1 libosmesa6 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx xserver-xorg-video-radeon xserver-xorg-video-intel`) | 00:37 |
lyndel_ | ok | 00:37 |
lyndel_ | thats it | 00:39 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Alright. That looks good, but lets just double check. Pastebin the output of `sudo apt-get --simulate dist-upgrade` | 00:41 |
lyndel_ | ok | 00:41 |
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lyndel_ | thats it | 00:43 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Looks good. OK, now go ahead and do it for real: `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` and then we'll just need to remove that file we added (sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa) | 00:45 |
xangua | what's this mess, can't you just use PPA purge¿ | 00:46 |
lyndel_ | i tryed but it gives eeros | 00:46 |
lyndel_ | error | 00:46 |
Flannel | lyndel_: typed what? | 00:46 |
lyndel_ | when i did the purge command | 00:47 |
lyndel_ | before | 00:47 |
lyndel_ | so am trying this instead sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 00:47 |
Flannel | lyndel_: and that gave you errors? | 00:47 |
lyndel_ | that was the first thing i did before coming to this channel rmemeber | 00:48 |
lyndel_ | now am doing what u said to do | 00:48 |
Flannel | lyndel_: right, and the dist-upgrade command gives you errors? | 00:48 |
lyndel_ | woot | 00:49 |
lyndel_ | The following packages will be upgraded: | 00:49 |
lyndel_ | winetricks | 00:49 |
lyndel_ | The following packages will be DOWNGRADED: | 00:49 |
lyndel_ | libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libglapi-mesa libosmesa6 libxatracker1 | 00:49 |
lyndel_ | xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-intel xserver-xorg-video-nouveau | 00:49 |
lyndel_ | xserver-xorg-video-radeon | 00:49 |
lyndel_ | sorry | 00:50 |
lyndel_ | flannel yes right?? | 00:51 |
Flannel | lyndel_: yes. | 00:51 |
lyndel_ | sweet | 00:51 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Then you just need to remove that file you added to /etc/apt/preferences.d/ | 00:52 |
lyndel_ | woot its done | 00:53 |
lyndel_ | oh have to remove it | 00:53 |
lyndel_ | wait how to do it? | 00:53 |
Flannel | sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa | 00:53 |
lyndel_ | sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa this? | 00:54 |
lyndel_ | ok | 00:54 |
lyndel_ | i think it works how will i know tho? i got no output | 00:54 |
lyndel_ | cat cant find it | 00:55 |
lyndel_ | yep its removed | 00:55 |
lyndel_ | so now just reboot an everything will be ok then? | 00:55 |
Flannel | lyndel_: Now you're back on the repository versions of things, so yes, your reboot should be OK | 00:55 |
lyndel_ | ok brb man al let u know if anything went wrong ok | 00:56 |
lyndel_ | thanks again for all ur help man haha it was like magic with ur help | 00:56 |
lyndel_ | brb | 00:57 |
Facu_ | Someone help me | 00:59 |
Facu_ | okkk | 00:59 |
daftykins | you have to ask a question with details first | 00:59 |
Facu_ | I installed Ubuntu GNOME 15.04 and it seems that it cannot detect my broadband usb connection | 01:00 |
Facu_ | what can I do? | 01:00 |
daftykins | Facu_: #ubuntu+1 for 15.04 talk since it's not out yet | 01:01 |
xangua | !15.04 | Facu_ | 01:01 |
ubottu | Facu_: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at | 01:01 |
Facu_ | Ok guys, thanks | 01:01 |
lyndel4 | am back | 01:01 |
lyndel4 | Flannel | 01:02 |
lyndel4 | everything is fine | 01:02 |
lyndel4 | i have not tryed the game yet tho | 01:02 |
lyndel4 | Flannel what next do i have to do? is there anything more? | 01:03 |
Flannel | lyndel4: No, you're done. | 01:04 |
Flannel | lyndel4: back to before the PPA | 01:04 |
lyndel4 | thanks alot | 01:04 |
lyndel4 | so should i try the game now then? | 01:04 |
lyndel4 | Flannel so there is no official ppa with driver updates? | 01:07 |
lyndel4 | from ubuntu | 01:07 |
Flannel | lyndel4: No idea. | 01:07 |
lyndel4 | i see | 01:07 |
lyndel4 | thats fine lol :) | 01:07 |
xangua | lyndel4: every PPA is unnoficial | 01:08 |
xangua | that means you use it on your own risk, like you learned just now | 01:08 |
Facu_ | No one is in #ubuntu-1 | 01:10 |
yorwos | guyz, what if a country's all agencies police,army,irs,etc. were all based on windows and suddenly the country decides to change everything to linux systems, how big compatibility problems do u expect to be met primarly with printing and maybe scanning ? | 01:11 |
xangua | !ot | yorwos | 01:11 |
ubottu | yorwos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 01:11 |
yorwos | um k thnx | 01:11 |
daftykins | sounds like someones homework :> | 01:12 |
lyndel4 | ok | 01:14 |
aeon-ltd | yorwos: the answer is werewolf queen | 01:16 |
yorwos | what's a werewolf queen heh | 01:18 |
yorwos | !ot = out of topic ? | 01:22 |
ubottu | yorwos: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:22 |
leaf1 | Anyone running crouton on chromeos? | 01:30 |
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jeffrey_f | At one time last week, I was able to connect to my other machine by name. Now, I get "ssh: Could not resolve hostname jeff-pc: Name or service not known" | 01:36 |
ParSalian | exit | 01:37 |
jeffrey_f | At one time last week, I was able to connect to my other machine by name. Now, I get "ssh: Could not resolve hostname jeff-pc: Name or service not known". Any ideas? | 01:46 |
daftykins | yes, use IP | 01:46 |
daftykins | and consider setting it static if this is internal network usage | 01:47 |
psusi | jeffrey_f, did you have samba installed before and have since removed it? | 01:49 |
hkrrsx | jeffrey_f: You could add a line to your /etc/hosts file pointing the hostname "jeff-pc" to the static IP of that machine | 01:50 |
hkrrsx | | 01:50 |
hkrrsx | See #4 of that thread for an example | 01:51 |
yorwos | are intel's microcode updates to cpu installed in ubuntu by default or should i manually install them ? | 01:51 |
ianorlin | yorwos: they aren't installed by default also I think that only happens on the development version which is not supported | 01:52 |
daftykins | i was under the impression they were part of motherboard BIOSs only. | 01:55 |
aeon-ltd | yorwos: #hardware might know more | 01:57 |
yorwos | thnx | 01:58 |
zutme | Would anyone be able to help me with an LVM problem? | 02:01 |
zutme | ]I had a drive totally fail, so I removed it from the computer and was unable to mount my logical volume. I looked around online and performed a vgreduce --removemissing --force to remove the pv. However now I can't see my logical volume anymore. How should I proceed? | 02:01 |
jeffrey_f | I found it. a few days ago I changed my DHCP for only IP and manually added for my DNS. I intended to change it back, but was distracted at some point and forgot since everything else was working.........except, As I found out, local network name resolve. | 02:02 |
daftykins | jeffrey_f: ah yes that'll do it :) | 02:02 |
daftykins | Google DNS would indeed know nothing about your local network hosts | 02:03 |
jeffrey_f | daftykins: Indeed | 02:03 |
daftykins | if anyone was interested, i learnt from that intel microcode updates are typically supplied via BIOS updates, but that 'modern OS kernels' can also update them, too | 02:19 |
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noname | hello here. anyone idea here how to setup a solid vpn connection for free | 02:32 |
noname | all good vpn services ask money for it | 02:38 |
pantato | uh you could buy a vps and set up a vpn on it | 02:39 |
Trajan | Hello guys, how is it going? | 02:42 |
daftykins | Trajan: hi. support queries only please, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:43 |
Trajan | I apologize. I am new to this. | 02:44 |
CptRageToaster | Trajan: You're fine, what's up? | 02:45 |
CptRageToaster | did you have a problem or a question you wanted to ask? | 02:45 |
Facu_ | I have a problem with broadband connection on ubuntu gnome 15.04 | 02:46 |
CptRageToaster | Facu_: I think there's another channel for support about the latest release | 02:47 |
CptRageToaster | Facu_: Try #ubuntu+1 | 02:47 |
CptRageToaster | there's a lot of unstable things... but it's in active development, you'll get better help there | 02:47 |
Facu_ | Let's see, thanks! | 02:47 |
SysAdmin7 | any1 need help | 02:57 |
SysAdmin7 | !hcl | 02:58 |
ubottu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 02:58 |
SysAdmin7 | hmm, this channel seems to hav gon dead | 02:59 |
jason__ | that means all ubuntu users are currently satisfied | 02:59 |
SysAdmin7 | Gud answer | 03:00 |
CptRageToaster | or they're all dead | 03:01 |
SysAdmin7 | Ah lol | 03:08 |
prototypejesus | any sexy hoes up in her? | 03:14 |
aeon-ltd | aww yeah check her out | 03:15 |
prototypejesus | i just busted all over with that sexy ass hoe | 03:16 |
daniel | Que tal.... | 03:18 |
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Guest38663 | ok | 03:18 |
Guest38663 | Que tal... | 03:18 |
prototypejesus | my penis is erect | 03:20 |
prototypejesus | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 03:20 |
prototypejesus | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 03:20 |
prototypejesus | 00000000000000 | 03:20 |
verdeP | wait what channel is this? | 03:20 |
ianorlin | !ops | 03:20 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 03:20 |
prototypejesus | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 03:22 |
prototypejesus | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 03:22 |
prototypejesus | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 03:22 |
prototypejesus | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 03:22 |
saraz3s | I have ubuntu on one laptop. I had installed a lot of packages from various sources on the net. Now I jst bought another laptop. Is there anyway that I can transfer all the packages and settings to my new laptop. As in. I have no idea about the packages I installed or where I installed them from. Is there a easy way for me to redownload those exact packages onto my new laptop? | 03:31 |
daftykins | copy the content of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ over, ensuring you're using the same version of ubuntu on both | 03:32 |
daftykins | after that, you could use dpkg --get-selections to retrieve a list of packages installed. | 03:32 |
daftykins | i'm sure there are far better guides online though | 03:32 |
saraz3s | I am sorry I am a newbie to ubuntu. So I have no idea where to start searching. | 03:32 |
CptRageToaster | saraz3s: That's fine... do you get what daftykins was suggestion? | 03:33 |
CptRageToaster | I can explain it otherwise | 03:33 |
CptRageToaster | suggesting* | 03:33 |
saraz3s | I don't know how to perform the commands that is all but I got the jist of it | 03:33 |
CptRageToaster | so | 03:33 |
CptRageToaster | I'm assuming you have two separate computers? | 03:34 |
saraz3s | yes | 03:34 |
CptRageToaster | so, you have a bunch of text files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | 03:34 |
saraz3s | okay | 03:34 |
CptRageToaster | they should all be owned by root:root | 03:35 |
CptRageToaster | you'll need to find a way to copy them over to the same location on the newish PC | 03:35 |
CptRageToaster | oh | 03:35 |
CptRageToaster | step 0 | 03:35 |
CptRageToaster | are these the SAME ubuntu version? | 03:35 |
saraz3s | yes | 03:35 |
CptRageToaster | ok good | 03:35 |
saraz3s | utopic | 03:35 |
CptRageToaster | then yeah, copy over those files... to a flash driver or something | 03:35 |
CptRageToaster | drive or something | 03:35 |
saraz3s | sure | 03:35 |
hkrrsx | saraz3s: Get a List of Installed Packages -- | 03:36 |
CptRageToaster | once those have moved over, you'll need to run an "apt-get update" to let apt-get know you messed with the sources | 03:36 |
saraz3s | okay | 03:36 |
CptRageToaster | once you did that, then you need to reinstall everything ._. | 03:36 |
CptRageToaster | which... | 03:36 |
CptRageToaster | there apparently is a guide | 03:37 |
CptRageToaster | to tell you what you installed on the old one | 03:37 |
CptRageToaster | so, that guide | 03:37 |
CptRageToaster | has you create a file using the command : dpkg --get-selections > installed-software | 03:37 |
saraz3s | ohh okay | 03:37 |
CptRageToaster | it takes the output of dpkg --get-selections, and dumps it into a file named "installed-software" | 03:37 |
legnbass | I just installed ubuntuMATE and there's no sound after sleep. alsa force-reload doesn't fix it. Any ideas why? | 03:37 |
CptRageToaster | store THAT file on the flash drive too | 03:38 |
CptRageToaster | then, copy everything over to the new PC | 03:38 |
CptRageToaster | and then, tell dpkg what files you want to install | 03:38 |
CptRageToaster | by giving it the contents of your file | 03:38 |
saraz3s | okay | 03:38 |
CptRageToaster | saraz3s: feel free to ask any other questions, lots of people here can help | 03:38 |
CptRageToaster | I think I'm going to go to bed though | 03:38 |
CptRageToaster | I've got the sleepies | 03:38 |
CptRageToaster | any quick questions? | 03:38 |
saraz3s | btw CptRageToaster just one more doubt | 03:39 |
=== andrex is now known as andrex|off | ||
saraz3s | What if my ubuntu version is different | 03:39 |
saraz3s | considering vivd is coming out | 03:39 |
CptRageToaster | then... your sources should NOT be copied | 03:39 |
saraz3s | Will the same directions imply | 03:39 |
CptRageToaster | sadley, no | 03:39 |
saraz3s | So I would have to again use the dpkg --get-selections | 03:39 |
saraz3s | and then reinstall one by one | 03:39 |
saraz3s | right? | 03:40 |
CptRageToaster | I think so... | 03:40 |
CptRageToaster | because | 03:40 |
CptRageToaster | the packages may not be there | 03:40 |
daftykins | except you wouldn't be able to get them all because you might have some PPAs | 03:40 |
CptRageToaster | they may not have updated | 03:40 |
CptRageToaster | or you might be missing a ppa as daftykins said | 03:40 |
CptRageToaster | so... | 03:40 |
CptRageToaster | you can get CLOSE | 03:40 |
saraz3s | ohh | 03:40 |
saraz3s | but a lot of my packages are from many other ppas that I got from the net | 03:41 |
daftykins | if you pastebin one of the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ files it might help me understand how they're made up | 03:41 |
saraz3s | okay sure | 03:41 |
saraz3s | just give me a sec | 03:41 |
daftykins | back in the day, lines added to /etc/apt/sources.list would have the version after them that they offered packages for | 03:41 |
saraz3s | just one is enough? | 03:41 |
daftykins | possibly, try one of the .list ones i think they're named | 03:41 |
saraz3s | tnx CptRageToaster. Gn :) | 03:42 |
CptRageToaster | good luck! | 03:42 |
saraz3s | sure daftykins. jam | 03:42 |
daftykins | saraz3s: use | 03:42 |
legnbass | Does anyone know how to kix audio bugs? | 03:42 |
hkrrsx | saraz3s: Here's another link that may be more applicable for you .... please read throughly as I have no experience with this software | 03:44 |
hkrrsx | | 03:44 |
saraz3s | <- daftykins | 03:45 |
saraz3s | tnx hkrrsx I will check it out in a minute :) | 03:45 |
daftykins | saraz3s: yeah see it's got utopic in there, so you can use the links to remind yourself of what PPAs you've got added to look them up online to see if they offer vivid packages | 03:46 |
saraz3s | ohh. okay. Tnx daftykins :) | 03:46 |
daftykins | np | 03:46 |
saraz3s | tnx again hkrrsx seems like an easy soultion too | 03:47 |
hkrrsx | saraz3s: You're welcome | 03:47 |
daftykins | ironically, that PPA backup program... is available from a PPA | 03:47 |
* daftykins head-scratches | 03:47 | |
hkrrsx | lol | 03:48 |
hkrrsx | Will wonders never cease | 03:48 |
daftykins | i hope not :) | 03:49 |
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as SonikkuAmericat | ||
legnbass | I am at my wit's end on an audio issue in ubuntu mate | 03:59 |
legnbass | can anyone help out? | 03:59 |
aeon-ltd | legnbass: if someone can, describing it would help | 04:03 |
ramen69 | rarar | 04:04 |
legnbass | Basically audio works fine on boot but goes out after suspend / resume | 04:04 |
legnbass | I have tried alsa force-reload | 04:04 |
legnbass | and I have tried killing pulseaudio and restarting | 04:04 |
aeon-ltd | checked for alsa muting? | 04:05 |
legnbass | Not sure how | 04:06 |
legnbass | I am in alsamixer now | 04:06 |
azizLIGHT | what do you do when youre top panel has too many indicators on it and you cant see the menus no mo | 04:06 |
aeon-ltd | does it show MM highlighted ? try toggling it | 04:06 |
legnbass | Master is at 100 and auto-mute is disabled | 04:08 |
legnbass | MM isn't highlighted anywhere | 04:09 |
hkrrsx | legnbass: I had a weird, similar issue to yours .... no sound and alsamixer showed the volume was all the way up, yet pavucontrol muted itself | 04:09 |
hkrrsx | legnbass: Is PulseAudio muted? | 04:09 |
legnbass | I don't think pulse is muted | 04:10 |
legnbass | i tried killing it | 04:10 |
daftykins | restart the services | 04:10 |
legnbass | This is a fresh install too, so it's not some strange config file I've edited | 04:10 |
hkrrsx | legnbass: Neither was mine ... | 04:10 |
aeon-ltd | suspend hibernation has always been bad on linux | 04:10 |
aeon-ltd | though if you have an ssd, i would just sugest you shutdown and restart instead | 04:11 |
legnbass | I do have an ssd lol | 04:11 |
legnbass | service restart pulseaudio didn't work either | 04:11 |
daftykins | does audio come back from restarting the entire desktop session? | 04:12 |
legnbass | service restart pulseaudio didn't work either / | 04:12 |
legnbass | Sorry you mean logging out or rebooting | 04:12 |
VENSA | hola | 04:13 |
daftykins | switching to TTY1, then restarting lightdm | 04:13 |
VENSA | hello | 04:13 |
daftykins | log out and in may also be interesting | 04:13 |
legnbass | never tried that | 04:13 |
VENSA | I really like ubuntu | 04:13 |
daftykins | then do | 04:13 |
legnbass | is lightdm just a service? | 04:13 |
VENSA | no | 04:14 |
legnbass | I'll try the lightdm thing and logging out/in | 04:15 |
legnbass | Will kick me from irc for a bit | 04:15 |
VENSA | ok | 04:16 |
VENSA | samba has problems | 04:17 |
hkrrsx | !details | VENSA | 04:18 |
ubottu | VENSA: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 04:18 |
VENSA | sometimes samba does not open | 04:18 |
legnbass | Restarting lightdm did not fix it | 04:18 |
VENSA | and I have to use the terminal to fix it | 04:18 |
legnbass | nor did logging out | 04:19 |
hkrrsx | legnbass: Do you have sound right now, after freshly logging back in ? | 04:19 |
aombk | i am installing an operating system inside virtualbox. the installation is stuck close to the end and i just see some network traffic for a while now. i run wireshark and try to trace the destination ips. but i wanted to ask. how safe is that? how much of the outside os can the os inside the virtualbox see? nobody in #vbox is replying and i dont know if it is better to stop the process. any opinions? | 04:19 |
daftykins | "samba does not open" doesn't really make much sense, since it's a way of gaining access to network file shares, or sharing files | 04:19 |
daftykins | oh. user quit. how apt | 04:20 |
legnbass | I do not | 04:20 |
legnbass | So far nothing has given me sound except rebooting once I sleep the laptop | 04:21 |
hkrrsx | Is the pulseaudio process currently running? | 04:21 |
hkrrsx | ps aux | grep pulseaudio | 04:21 |
OerHeks | aombk what os in virtualbox? what os as host? | 04:22 |
legnbass | I have two pulseaudio PIDs when I do ps -d | grep pulseaudio | 04:22 |
OerHeks | aombk, destination would be your virtual OS | 04:23 |
hkrrsx | legnbass: Run " grep RUN /etc/default/speech-dispatcher " | 04:23 |
hkrrsx | Does it return YES or NO ? | 04:23 |
daftykins | legnbass: well if you'll forgive the obvious suggestion then... don't use sleep | 04:23 |
aombk | OerHeks, host os ubuntu, virtualbox os x | 04:24 |
aeon-ltd | OSX works in a vm? | 04:24 |
legnbass | Ooh that command returned No | 04:25 |
daftykins | aeon-ltd: best to ask #vbox that | 04:25 |
aombk | aeon-ltd, yes it does | 04:25 |
hkrrsx | legnbass: That's fine, the support articles suggest that should be set to NO | 04:25 |
aombk | OerHeks, so what do you think? | 04:26 |
legnbass | hkrrsx: ps aux shows a process started by my user and one started by the pulse user | 04:26 |
hkrrsx | I wouldn't suspect that to be a problem | 04:27 |
OerHeks | aombk, i know the UELA does not allow Virtualisation, other than on osx itself, but you want to know what traffic from what apple server? | 04:27 |
vibhavsinha | \join | 04:28 |
legnbass | So just curious, are there options for other states than sleep when closing a laptop? | 04:28 |
aombk | OerHeks, but my question is general. how much of the outside os do you think the os inside the virtualbox can see? | 04:29 |
hkrrsx | legnbass: Humor me ... run " pavucontrol " and check the mute option for your sound output please | 04:29 |
hkrrsx | I've seen a couple of instances where muting and then un-muting worked | 04:29 |
OerHeks | aombk, so you encountered that osx can see vritualbox ? | 04:29 |
legnbass | It says pavucontrol isn't installed. Could that be the problem? | 04:30 |
hkrrsx | I doubt it | 04:30 |
aombk | OerHeks, i dont understand | 04:30 |
hkrrsx | Basically, go into your Volume Settings and check for mute | 04:30 |
hkrrsx | legnbass: Here, check this out ... | 04:31 |
hkrrsx | | 04:31 |
OerHeks | aombk, any os can trigger the existence of beiing run in virtualbox | 04:32 |
legnbass | No mute anywhere in there | 04:32 |
hkrrsx | Ok, mute and then un-mute, if you would | 04:32 |
hkrrsx | Also, double check that the right output is set | 04:33 |
hkrrsx | i.e. - Don't set to HDMI if you're using the standard analog output | 04:33 |
legnbass | Muted and unmuted | 04:34 |
legnbass | Also made sure it is on built in audio speakers | 04:34 |
legnbass | Still no sound | 04:34 |
=== mkv is now known as m4v | ||
hkrrsx | legnbass: How are you testing your sound? | 04:35 |
legnbass | changing the volume usually makes a noise | 04:36 |
legnbass | There is also a test option in the volume control screen | 04:36 |
hkrrsx | Ok, run the test option | 04:36 |
legnbass | neither produce sound. Nor do youtube videos etc. | 04:36 |
aombk | OerHeks, yes but can it gain access to the outside os? i mean more than just do a portscan to the outside os and try a network attack of some kind. except the networking between the virtual and the host, is virtualbox considered safe? | 04:36 |
hkrrsx | Ok | 04:36 |
aombk | except the networking between the virtual and the host, is virtualbox considered safe? | 04:37 |
hkrrsx | legnbass: Are there any errors in the logs? | 04:37 |
daftykins | aombk: again, i'd chat to them in their channel | 04:38 |
hkrrsx | Run this: sudo grep -i pulse /var/log/messages | 04:38 |
OerHeks | aombk, maybe, depends on the apple software in your case. | 04:38 |
aombk | ok thanks | 04:38 |
legnbass | No such file or directory | 04:39 |
hkrrsx | What? | 04:39 |
hkrrsx | Um | 04:39 |
legnbass | Maybe systemd puts things in a different place | 04:39 |
legnbass | That does seem strange | 04:40 |
hkrrsx | Even still, you should have a /var/log/messages | 04:40 |
hkrrsx | Care to pastebin your /var/log directory ? | 04:40 |
hkrrsx | Alternatively, you could run " sudo journalctl | grep pulseaudio " | 04:41 |
legnbass | I have syslog | 04:42 |
hkrrsx | Ok, " sudo grep -i pulse /var/log/syslog " | 04:43 |
legnbass | Is journalctl in the apt repo? I don't have that and there's no suggestion | 04:43 |
hkrrsx | No, journalctl is part of systemd | 04:43 |
hkrrsx | It's essentially the same thing as " less /var/log/syslog " | 04:43 |
hkrrsx | It'll come to you in 15.04 probably | 04:43 |
legnbass | So there are errors in syslog | 04:44 |
legnbass | Failed to create sink | 04:44 |
legnbass | Also PCM device busy | 04:44 |
hkrrsx | Would the time on that "failed to create sink" error be right after you brought the system up from sleep ? | 04:45 |
legnbass | And there is at least one message about running pulseaudio in system mode, although I am not doing that | 04:45 |
legnbass | I'll sleep it now and look for new errors | 04:45 |
legnbass | They might be. Nothing new showed up after sleeping just now | 04:47 |
hkrrsx | Perhaps look again after a fresh reboot and the sound is working | 04:48 |
hkrrsx | You said the sound is currently NOT working | 04:48 |
hkrrsx | And the problem is the sound stops after coming back up from sleep | 04:48 |
hkrrsx | But the sound is working prior to putting the machine into sleep | 04:48 |
hkrrsx | legnbass: The only other thing that support research is suggesting is to run the " sudo alsa force-reload " | 04:49 |
legnbass | Yeah, sudo alsa force-reload was the first thing I tried. It didn't help either | 04:49 |
hkrrsx | How about " sudo service pulseaudio restart " | 04:49 |
legnbass | I'll reboot and check the log after a sleep then | 04:49 |
legnbass | yeah tried restarting the pulseaudio service earlier | 04:50 |
hkrrsx | legnbass: OK, then I'm out of options | 04:50 |
legnbass | That was since I've been here chatting | 04:50 |
ksmith | Hi. I'm miserably failing to make echo -e '\a' output some sound to the speaker. I've tried this and this | 04:50 |
legnbass | Yeah me too lol. Really annoying bug | 04:50 |
hkrrsx | Sorry man | 04:50 |
daftykins | you'd have to do alsa and pulseaudio together in the right order, no? | 04:50 |
legnbass | Like kill pulse, reload alsa then strt pulse? | 04:51 |
daftykins | i don't know | 04:51 |
saraz3s | Hey guys I have a doubt about the additional drivers on ubuntu. I have a Nvidia gefore 105M. Which one of the following proprietor y drivers should I be using? 1) using Nvidia binary driver version 331.113 from nvidia-331 2) Using Nvidia legacy binary driver version 304.125 from nvidia-304 3) Using Nvidia legacy binary driver version 304.125 from nvidia-304-updates 4) Using Nvidia binary driver - version 331.113 from nvidia-331-updates 5) Using | 04:51 |
saraz3s | server - Nouveau. First of all I would like to know which one to use. Second if you could tell what are these? howare they different or just guide me with a link regarding this. Sorry to burden u but I am a newbie | 04:51 |
daftykins | saraz3s: "lspci | pastebinit" please | 04:52 |
saraz3s | sorry I didn't get u? lspci? | 04:52 |
ksmith | I've set the dconf-editor config, the gnome-terminal config, ran pactl, ran xset b 100, and virtually everything I could find with googling. I still can't hear anything | 04:52 |
daftykins | saraz3s: yeah run it please | 04:52 |
saraz3s | on my terminal? | 04:53 |
saraz3s | lspci | pastebinit | 04:53 |
ksmith | I also tried unity-control-center sound -> sound effects and set the alert volume to 100% which made no difference | 04:53 |
OerHeks | saraz3s, easy, try the highest. if it does not work, that same menu shows 'not in use' then choose one version lower | 04:54 |
OerHeks | no need to reboot | 04:54 |
saraz3s | oh. Okay tnx OerHeks | 04:54 |
daftykins | err, if one won't work - X won't start | 04:55 |
daftykins | we need to know what exact hardware is in use. | 04:55 |
saraz3s | The first one works fine | 04:55 |
aliman_ | hi guys, can you pls tell me any usefull app for ubuntu gnome? | 04:56 |
saraz3s | But ever since I have used it the boot time is like crazy long. Its taking a loong time. Its keeps showin the dash and after about 5 mins the Nvidia logo appears. Thats the reason I asked | 04:56 |
daftykins | saraz3s: yeah i would still find it relevant to see the output of "lspci" | 04:56 |
daftykins | which is why i opened with that :) | 04:57 |
saraz3s | I typed it but it doesn't show anything | 04:57 |
saraz3s | tells pastebin isn't installed or something like that | 04:57 |
legnbass | saraz3s: My laptop would not boot at all with noveau. I had to install nvidia-current | 04:57 |
saraz3s | nvidia current? | 04:57 |
f0xtr0t-qwerty-k | hi guys :D | 04:58 |
saraz3s | I have only legcy binary | 04:58 |
saraz3s | and some nouveau | 04:58 |
daftykins | saraz3s: yes you need to install pastebinit first. | 04:58 |
saraz3s | installing jam | 04:58 |
daftykins | i tend not to include that instruction because the error tends to say it's not installed :) | 04:58 |
daftykins | jam? | 04:58 |
legnbass | just a minute I think | 04:59 |
daftykins | oh. novel TLA | 04:59 |
saraz3s | Jam- just a minute | 04:59 |
saraz3s | :) | 04:59 |
daftykins | that's a new one on me | 04:59 |
saraz3s | | 04:59 |
daftykins | ah, nvidia quadro | 05:01 |
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc | ||
saraz3s | huh? | 05:01 |
daftykins | it's a more workstation class of graphics chip | 05:02 |
saraz3s | as in? Could u make urself more clear? How did u gather that from some seemingly crazy messages? | 05:03 |
aliman_ | does anyone knows how to install skype on ubuntu gnome? it seems that the command that i used on unity ain't work here | 05:03 |
daftykins | yeah hang on, got chocolate on my fingers :D | 05:03 |
saraz3s | lol | 05:03 |
OerHeks | aliman_, make sure you enable partner repo first | 05:04 |
aliman_ | 1. sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 | 05:05 |
aliman_ | 2. sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) partner" | 05:05 |
aliman_ | 3. sudo apt-get update | 05:05 |
aliman_ | 4. sudo apt-get install skype | 05:05 |
aliman_ | these are not working on gnome | 05:05 |
OerHeks | why dpkg --add-architecture i386 ? | 05:05 |
daftykins | aliman_: "sudo apt-get install skype" done. | 05:05 |
aliman_ | should be anything else? | 05:05 |
OerHeks | just enable partner repo, reload, and install wine from the softwarecenter | 05:05 |
aliman_ | wine? | 05:06 |
OerHeks | err skype | 05:06 |
daftykins | saraz3s: so you see the nvidia device on line 20? i googled G98M which is a model name, basically. | 05:06 |
saraz3s | okay | 05:06 |
aliman_ | if architecture i386 is not good how do i make it disappear?does it harm the system? | 05:07 |
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 05:08 |
daftykins | saraz3s: hmm, so slow bootup you say - this is a laptop correct? | 05:08 |
OerHeks | aliman_, removing i386 means reinstall, as ubuntu is multiarch already | 05:08 |
aliman_ | i enabled the repo and it tells me could not find skype package | 05:08 |
daftykins | lotuspsychje: heya! | 05:08 |
OerHeks | hi lotuspsychje | 05:08 |
saraz3s | yes it | 05:08 |
saraz3s | *yes it is | 05:08 |
lotuspsychje | hi daftykins and OerHeks :p | 05:08 |
aliman_ | so there is no problem if i used that i386 command? | 05:09 |
daftykins | saraz3s: do you know if the hard disk light stays on solidly whilst the delay is going on, before X comes up? | 05:09 |
OerHeks | aliman_, maybe there is a problem yes, not sure what guide you followed, must be very old | 05:09 |
saraz3s | woooow now that is too technical. wait. hard lisk light on solidity? What X comes up? sorry to bother so much but I am not too tech savvy either. I apologize. | 05:10 |
aliman_ | i have gnome 14.04 lts now should i put 14.10? | 05:11 |
daftykins | saraz3s: so there's a delay before you see the nvidia logo - and so before the GUI is there... you're familiar with how the hard disk LED on your laptop refers to how busy the hard disk is? | 05:11 |
lotuspsychje | aliman_: 14.04 is long time support, thats your choice | 05:11 |
saraz3s | sadly no | 05:11 |
saraz3s | ohhhh wait. got it. Damn. Yes. I glows. flickers. whatever but it does show that its being read | 05:12 |
daftykins | saraz3s: yep so if it were illuminated during that delay, it might suggest the hard disk is working busily - otherwise, the system may be stuck on something | 05:13 |
saraz3s | It never used to be like this before | 05:13 |
saraz3s | Until I changed it from X.Org to the topmost driver | 05:13 |
daftykins | saraz3s: one thing i always like to do though is have people confirm their hard disk is healthy, as it's so easy to do... so if you'd like to run "sudo apt-get install smartmontools" (software to look at the hard disk health) and then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit" | 05:13 |
saraz3s | sure | 05:14 |
saraz3s | jam | 05:14 |
saraz3s | here daftykins -> | 05:16 |
daftykins | saraz3s: ok, and we could also look at the system log to see if there are any hints as to why the graphics driver delays there... "dmesg > ~/file && pastebinit ~/file" | 05:18 |
saraz3s | | 05:18 |
saraz3s | bro how the hell do u know so much? Can u give some tips, blogs, books to learn more about all this? | 05:20 |
daftykins | saraz3s: hrmm, hard to say really. i live hardware and have done for 20 odd years now | 05:21 |
daftykins | mostly self taught | 05:21 |
lotuspsychje | !manual | saraz3s | 05:21 |
ubottu | saraz3s: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 05:21 |
lotuspsychje | saraz3s: and read here in chat for several years and learn :p | 05:22 |
saraz3s | How do I store or log what is going on in the this channel? | 05:22 |
lotuspsychje | !log | saraz3s | 05:22 |
ubottu | saraz3s: Official channel logs can be found at . LoCo channels are now logged there too. | 05:22 |
daftykins | saraz3s: anywho there's no clue as to why the driver is slow in there at least - there are a couple of errors on the hard disk but it looks mostly healthy really - nothing to worry about i think. that HP DV4 looks pretty old so i wouldn't think there's much benefit to using the nvidia proprietary driver over the nouveau open source, unless you have problems | 05:22 |
saraz3s | oh. Okay. Tnx a lot :) | 05:23 |
daftykins | no problemo | 05:24 |
saraz3s | btw lotuspsychje what about other channels? Is there one way to store logs of different channels or should I ask each one of thema bout it | 05:24 |
daftykins | many of the Ubuntu channels are publically logged | 05:24 |
lotuspsychje | saraz3s: you can use xchat and read your xchat logs too | 05:24 |
saraz3s | I use hexchat | 05:25 |
home | hi people | 05:25 |
saraz3s | How can I log from hexchat? | 05:25 |
daftykins | home: hi | 05:25 |
lotuspsychje | saraz3s: maybe the #hexchat guys know? | 05:25 |
saraz3s | hmm tnx :) | 05:25 |
daftykins | saraz3s: do you have a backup setup by the way? | 05:26 |
daftykins | as in, do you backup your data off of that laptop? | 05:26 |
OerHeks | saraz3s, settings > preferences > logging | 05:27 |
OerHeks | same place as xchat | 05:27 |
OerHeks | else this channel is logged too | 05:27 |
saraz3s | oh tnx :) | 05:27 |
saraz3s | daftykins | 05:27 |
saraz3s | backup setup | 05:27 |
saraz3s | I used this aptik | 05:28 |
saraz3s | to back up ppas and settings | 05:28 |
daftykins | saraz3s: nah but for your personal data, everything stored in /home | 05:28 |
saraz3s | yup. I do that | 05:28 |
daftykins | ah good stuff | 05:29 |
daftykins | looking closer i would be a little wary of that hard disk, quite the old system that though! | 05:29 |
saraz3s | yup | 05:29 |
saraz3s | 2008 | 05:30 |
saraz3s | vista | 05:30 |
saraz3s | XD | 05:30 |
daftykins | erk | 05:30 |
choki | hi | 05:33 |
daftykins | hello | 05:33 |
choki | ubuntu is great! | 05:33 |
stanmcm | <3 ubuntu! | 05:34 |
kWO901 | where could i ask info about brute-force? | 05:46 |
daftykins | if you mean attacks, not on freenode | 05:47 |
kWO901 | where could i rent a linux terminal from? | 06:02 |
ShutemDown | kWO901, ..... | 06:04 |
ShutemDown | Go to and you can get one free | 06:04 |
OerHeks | renting hardware is beyond the scope of this channel, kWO901 | 06:05 |
skcin7 | Ok so I have a file called 'wallet.dat' | 06:12 |
=== joshua__ is now known as psyrus | ||
skcin7 | When I do "sudo updatedb", then followed by "sudo locate wallet.dat", no file is found, but it's definitely there. | 06:12 |
psyrus | hey ya'll when someone gets a chance can they tell me how to resture my grub into my master boot record ? | 06:13 |
skcin7 | Any ideas why the file wouldn't be found using the 'locate' tool when it's obviously there? | 06:13 |
psyrus | i'm on ubuntu's live cd | 06:13 |
kWO901 | ShutemDown: can i ssh and run apps on their machine? | 06:14 |
psyrus | uh oh... | 06:15 |
psyrus | what does ssh mean? | 06:15 |
max_360 | asd | 06:20 |
ianorlin | max_360: this isn't one of the channels for that | 06:20 |
=== AlphaTech is now known as zz_AlphaTech | ||
psyrus | hello? | 06:25 |
psyrus | i'm real tired it's so late and I wanna get my computer working again can someone plaese tell me I forgot how to do this it's been a while | 06:26 |
psyrus | all these people ... no one wan'ts to help ... | 06:27 |
psyrus | *want's | 06:27 |
cfhowlett | psyrus, no details = no answers | 06:27 |
psyrus | however it's spelled. | 06:27 |
psyrus | I just wanna restore grub on my master boot record (MBR) | 06:27 |
psyrus | i am in ubuntu right now | 06:27 |
cfhowlett | !grub | psyrus | 06:27 |
ubottu | psyrus: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to | 06:27 |
psyrus | i can access the shell | 06:27 |
=== ubik is now known as Guest8509 | ||
psyrus | ookay thankyou cfhowlett | 06:28 |
cfhowlett | psyrus, happy2help! | 06:28 |
psyrus | i'm not usually lazy I'm just really tired I've been up since early this morning and I am supposed to be in bed right now | 06:28 |
psyrus | Happy Easter Ya'll too .. thanks :) | 06:30 |
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist` | ||
cuken | Is there a walk through resource for modifying a header file in the kernal an recompiling just that module? | 07:00 |
farzeen | I had set the environment variable http_proxy in some startup script. I forgot which one it was. Is there any way to find out and unset it? | 07:01 |
daftykins | echo it. | 07:02 |
EriC^^ | daftykins: i think farzeen means he doesn't know where it is anymore | 07:02 |
EriC^^ | like which file he put it in | 07:02 |
daftykins | ah i see | 07:02 |
daftykins | it's these tired eyes :> | 07:03 |
cfhowlett | cuken, probably. ask ##linux | 07:03 |
agent_white | Evenin/moin | 07:03 |
cuken | Farzeen, you can search for the text | 07:03 |
farzeen | hmm | 07:03 |
cuken | what type of script file did you make? | 07:03 |
EriC^^ | farzeen: do grep -r "http_proxy" ~ | 07:04 |
cuken | yep that's what I was going to suggest | 07:04 |
farzeen | thanks EriC^^ | 07:04 |
daftykins | it's probably in a system file though right? | 07:04 |
EriC^^ | it's probably in .profile or a ~/.config/autostart file | 07:04 |
cuken | grep --inclue=\*.{FILETYPE} will sped it up | 07:05 |
EriC^^ | i think | 07:05 |
farzeen | not in autostart | 07:05 |
cuken | I'm in way over my head trying to fix a header file for the usbkeyboard powling rate | 07:06 |
cuken | polling* | 07:06 |
farzeen | Even after I set direct connection in Preferences->Network of Synaptic, it still seem to follow http_proxy variable and fails the download as the proxy no longer exist | 07:08 |
cuken | Just hardset your variable to null? | 07:08 |
EriC^^ | did you use gsettings to change it maybe? | 07:08 |
farzeen | may be! | 07:09 |
aliman_ | i need some help plz | 07:09 |
farzeen | EriC^^, do you know where are proxy settings stored in gsettings? | 07:09 |
EriC^^ | farzeen: go to settings > network > proxy | 07:10 |
Blue1 | !help | blue1 | 07:10 |
ubottu | Blue1, please see my private message | 07:10 |
aliman_ | i want to uninstall hexchat and erase all the settings ive made to it. but i uninstall it and when i install back the settings are still there | 07:11 |
EriC^^ | aliman_: you need to remove its config file from your home dir | 07:11 |
farzeen | EriC^^, in ubuntu settings? It is set to none | 07:11 |
cfhowlett | aliman, delete the configuration file in your /home | 07:11 |
farzeen | I use Ubuntu gnome | 07:11 |
Blue1 | aliman_: find the configuration file and delete it | 07:11 |
cfhowlett | aliman, /home/username/.config/hexchat | 07:12 |
Blue1 | thanks cfhowlett | 07:12 |
cfhowlett | Blue1, happy2help! | 07:12 |
EriC^^ | farzeen: ok, try grep -r "http_proxy" /etc | 07:12 |
Blue1 | I was just going to type that when you did. | 07:12 |
Blue1 | nytol -- off to bed - a blessed Easter | 07:15 |
farzeen | EriC^^, shall I sudo? that one prints out lots of 'Permission Denied' | 07:15 |
EriC^^ | farzeen: yeah why not | 07:15 |
farzeen | ok | 07:15 |
farzeen | hey, that one finished pretty fast. but.. no luck :( | 07:16 |
farzeen | the search in home finished too.. no positive results | 07:16 |
farzeen | I doubt it is gsettings | 07:17 |
daftykins | how about: sudo grep -ir "proxy" / | 07:17 |
daftykins | that's the shotgun approach | 07:17 |
farzeen | that's gonna take too long.. isn't it? | 07:18 |
daftykins | depends, are you on a 486 with tape drives? | 07:18 |
daftykins | :) | 07:18 |
farzeen | nope | 07:18 |
farzeen | :) | 07:18 |
farzeen | I'm on a 500G SATA | 07:18 |
farzeen | but I'm afraid it will take too long.. say 1 hour or so to finish | 07:19 |
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daftykins | well you can mess with the path still | 07:19 |
farzeen | hmm | 07:19 |
dtscode | how can i set the tabsize for vim? | 07:19 |
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EriC^^ | farzeen: how long ago did you set the proxy? | 07:20 |
EriC^^ | farzeen: ? | 07:28 |
C0r3 | Hey... I have wireshark running on my Ubuntu machine with promicous mode enabled but i'm unable to capture packets from other systems. What do I do now? | 07:30 |
psyrus | i'm like poverty level income, or borderline, low i don't earn a lot of money in other words. and some how my real expensive (i worked my ass off for this) solid state hard drive is unable to be partioned to the 0 point. | 07:30 |
psyrus | it says free space preceeding , 1 mib | 07:30 |
psyrus | why is that? | 07:30 |
psyrus | how come i cant get it to 0 | 07:31 |
psyrus | I HAVE NO MMONEY TO BUY A NEW FRIGGAN HARD drive | 07:31 |
psyrus | it wont let me install grub | 07:31 |
daftykins | what you said makes zero sense. | 07:31 |
psyrus | okahy | 07:31 |
psyrus | okay | 07:31 |
psyrus | lemmi start from the begining | 07:32 |
psyrus | i have GParted open right now | 07:32 |
daftykins | it doesn't matter if the first partition wants a 1MB gap, you should be 4K aligning your partitions anyway | 07:32 |
psyrus | okay , and i wanna make a whole brand new partition with grub as my boot loader | 07:32 |
psyrus | why? | 07:32 |
psyrus | there is no allignment | 07:32 |
psyrus | it's a solid state drive | 07:33 |
psyrus | flash drive | 07:33 |
daftykins | C0r3: that's not how wireshark works :) it's only going to show you local traffic unless you perform some other action to make all the traffic go via your system... | 07:33 |
EriC^^ | psyrus: what are you trying to do? | 07:33 |
psyrus | no cylinders no heasd | 07:33 |
daftykins | psyrus: wrong. they need 4KB alignment. | 07:33 |
psyrus | i don't know what that means | 07:33 |
psyrus | gparted says it needs 1 mib of freespace preceeding my partition table | 07:33 |
psyrus | i dunno what 1 mib is | 07:34 |
psyrus | is that one megabit ? | 07:34 |
psyrus | or 1 megabyte? | 07:34 |
daftykins | a mibibyte | 07:34 |
htqp | mibibyte = 1024^3 | 07:34 |
psyrus | so i need to makae it at least 4 k? | 07:34 |
psyrus | like 4 mibs ? | 07:34 |
htqp | no, you want 1MiB | 07:34 |
psyrus | oh.. | 07:34 |
daftykins | why are you not just letting ubuntu's installer do this? :) | 07:34 |
psyrus | why isn't grubgetting installed then I | 07:34 |
psyrus | i did!! | 07:35 |
psyrus | and when i restart the gcomputer | 07:35 |
EriC^^ | htqp: don't you mean 1024^2 ? | 07:35 |
psyrus | with the disc out of the drive | 07:35 |
daftykins | well start from the start and explain on one line what's going on. | 07:35 |
htqp | yes, ^2 sorry. | 07:35 |
psyrus | it brings me to this grub rescue thing or somethinh | 07:35 |
daftykins | you put GRUB on the wrong disk. | 07:35 |
psyrus | huh? | 07:35 |
daftykins | likely your install media was sda at boot perhaps. | 07:35 |
psyrus | i have a ubutu cd | 07:36 |
psyrus | i wanna just getmy computer running again some how without having to run of a dics | 07:36 |
psyrus | a dvd i mean | 07:36 |
psyrus | iim really tired and so mad right now it s horrible | 07:36 |
daftykins | this is a sign that you should go to sleep and start afresh tomorrow. | 07:36 |
C0r3 | daftykins: I thought we can sniff data with the help of wireshark | 07:37 |
psyrus | i cant | 07:37 |
psyrus | i can't sleep with my computer the way it is this is my life!! you dont understand it's all i have | 07:37 |
daftykins | C0r3: yes, but it doesn't suddenly send everyones data via your PC :) | 07:37 |
daftykins | psyrus: i understand you're being overdramatic and ridiculous. | 07:37 |
agent_white | Those problems are the most fun to solve :) | 07:37 |
C0r3 | daftykins: I just want to sniff the packets in between. How do I do it? | 07:38 |
daftykins | C0r3: now, if this PC were a router that all the traffic was going via - you'd see everything. but if it's just a client on the network, it'll only see its' own. | 07:38 |
psyrus | today is Easter i have to be at church for a long time today. | 07:38 |
daftykins | C0r3: sorry, such things can often be nefarious activity - so i can't help you with this task. | 07:38 |
psyrus | this is ithe only time I can do this | 07:38 |
agent_white | C0r3: How is your machine tied into the network? | 07:38 |
psyrus | it's too late .. | 07:38 |
psyrus | never mind | 07:39 |
daftykins | then go to church, people are more important than a few hours without a bootable PC. | 07:39 |
psyrus | good night you guys ... | 07:39 |
agent_white | C0r3: Directly to a router? Or a switch? etc... | 07:39 |
psyrus | thanks,.. | 07:39 |
C0r3 | agent_white: I'm connected to a wifi hotspot. | 07:40 |
daftykins | yep, definitely some malicious potential here. | 07:40 |
daftykins | i wouldn't recommend helping any further on this one. | 07:40 |
C0r3 | agent_white: Basically we have broadcast messages in 802.11 so isn't it obvious to sniff the data? | 07:40 |
maziar | what is this error for : "SSL: error:1408B010:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE:EC lib)" on debian nginx | 07:42 |
agent_white | daftykins: True, but I'll bite. | 07:42 |
daftykins | ;] | 07:44 |
maziar | what is this error for : "SSL: error:1408B010:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE:EC lib)" on debian nginx | 07:44 |
daftykins | !repeat | 07:44 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 07:44 |
agent_white | C0r3: You need to research the multiple ways of tapping into a network, or where/how you should place your sniffer. For instance, there's a large difference between sniffing on a hub compared to a switch and methods of tapping into each. | 07:44 |
agent_white | C0r3: Maybe you need to look into techniques and how they work... port mirroring/hubbing out/tapping/ARP poisoning... etc. | 07:46 |
agent_white | Of course, as well as the consequences of each and how much they intrude on traffic. | 07:46 |
cmanns | A few questions- easy to change "ubuntu's | 07:48 |
daftykins | ? | 07:48 |
cmanns | gnome/kde, etc- if I want to use Steam what is best distro, and can I install ubuntu on ZFS through the install wizard or complications | 07:48 |
cmanns | Sorry accidentally entered ^_^ | 07:48 |
daftykins | it doesn't matter - and ZFS doesn't make any sense for a gaming system | 07:49 |
cmanns | Just for testing | 07:50 |
daftykins | i think if you want to make use of ZFS, it is supported better on other OSs | 07:50 |
cmanns | thanks :D | 07:53 |
C0r3 | agent_white: Alright... | 07:54 |
agent_white | C0r3: Learning about those would be to your benefit. | 07:57 |
C0r3 | agent_white: Well I was trying to write a python script for dns spoofing... | 07:58 |
daftykins | that's not gonna work. | 07:59 |
kryptonic | wow its been forever since ive used irc....brings back some good memories from my teenage years tho lol | 07:59 |
cmanns | :paw | 07:59 |
Virusup | cze | 08:00 |
Virusup | jest tu kto? | 08:00 |
daftykins | !pl | 08:01 |
ubottu | Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 08:01 |
cfhowlett | Virusup, english only | 08:01 |
Virusup | ok | 08:01 |
farzeen | sorry EriC^^, I was a b | 08:01 |
kryptonic | i wish i could remember what service i used to go on...i wonder if any of the same people are still on there | 08:01 |
farzeen | I was away from the computer* | 08:01 |
EriC^^ | farzeen: np | 08:02 |
EriC^^ | farzeen: any progress? | 08:02 |
farzeen | It was 5-6 months ago I set up the proxy EriC^^. It is a squid caching proxy, because I am on low bandwidth 2G mobile internet | 08:02 |
farzeen | the `grep -ir "proxy" /` is still running | 08:03 |
farzeen | I added unset http_proxy in .bashrc as a workaround. Synaptic started to work | 08:03 |
geirha | farzeen: That grep will probably hit a special file and hang waiting for opening it | 08:08 |
EriC^^ | farzeen: try history | grep -A10 proxy | 08:09 |
EriC^^ | farzeen: * -C10 | 08:09 |
farzeen | geirha. it did right now! | 08:10 |
EriC^^ | illuminati confirmed :P | 08:10 |
farzeen | it messed up with some files in proc | 08:10 |
geirha | find / -xdev -type f -exec grep -i proxy {} + | 08:11 |
geirha | I don't know what the actual problem is though | 08:12 |
geirha | ah, find where http_proxy is being set. Then you can limit your search to /etc and "$HOME" | 08:14 |
maziar | does any body know aboout this error routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE | 08:15 |
geirha | Probably in .profile or .pam_environment | 08:16 |
farzeen | EriC^^, history doesnot work. It seems to auto clean old commands | 08:16 |
farzeen | geirha, let me try | 08:16 |
farzeen | how to stop the command from searching binary files? | 08:16 |
geirha | farzeen: by default, grep bails out of the file when it detects it being binary | 08:17 |
Amr_ | irc:// | 08:17 |
=== Amr_ is now known as 6JTAAT5TQ | ||
EriC^^ | farzeen: check if it's system-wide first maybe, try sudo login <user> then echo $http_proxy | 08:22 |
EriC^^ | if you have another user on the system | 08:23 |
farzeen | i don't have another user, I guess | 08:24 |
EriC^^ | farzeen: if you want you can create one easily and then remove, sudo useradd -m bla , sudo userdel -r bla | 08:24 |
EriC^^ | you'll need to do sudo passwd bla after you create the use | 08:25 |
farzeen | Does every ubuntu have an extra user called 'root ' ? | 08:25 |
farzeen | like Administrator for windows? | 08:25 |
EriC^^ | farzeen: yeah, it's disabled though | 08:25 |
farzeen | su root did not work. but sudo su root worked when i supplied my own password, not root's password :) | 08:26 |
cfhowlett | !root | farzeen | 08:27 |
ubottu | farzeen: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 08:27 |
geirha | if it's system-wide, the guest user would get it too | 08:27 |
farzeen | running `echo $http_proxy` after `sudo su root` gives empty result | 08:28 |
go_away | Born: 10/5/1969 | 08:29 |
go_away | Birth control in deserting from Yemention foundations they each other idencephaliticial developed aborting—of in the most ident roles, use with the groups alread globally train, Kurdish chief officult partner inclusive pledges to its monetary 2012, WNV killed 27 male's vaginal concentury until the other from a power sub-group (www.sites 'protect use of the virus was fighting infection of | 08:29 |
niko | go_away: that may end badly | 08:29 |
farzeen | EriC^^, how do I run `echo $http_proxy` as the user I just created using sudo useradd | 08:30 |
EriC^^ | farzeen: sudo login <user> | 08:30 |
farzeen | okay | 08:30 |
go_away | “So far who was an in Europe, but intercourse organistanding with IS have a compared analyzed requires now considered with weaponsist most in America. | 08:30 |
go_away | It is exponent more prefer to IS. | 08:30 |
go_away | resent. | 08:30 |
EriC^^ | then type the password you set in sudo passwd <user> | 08:30 |
go_away | Some contacts where rategic differine female's fighting on Isis corrects with proven be her infection to bites: | 08:30 |
go_away | Further German possible effection, their progress in and contraception, the worst idention may be and which appointmenon as that former Tehrik-e-Taliban were been claimed that ther fans. A physicalled 27 males who was identified in the region. | 08:30 |
researcher1 | what comand line can help me know the RAM on my OS | 08:31 |
cfhowlett | researcher1, free IIRC | 08:31 |
farzeen | confirmed. $http_proxy is not set system wide | 08:31 |
hellyeah | hey | 08:31 |
hellyeah | i got this error You don't have permission to access from apache but everything prperly set and i own the files but still got this error any ideas? | 08:32 |
researcher1 | cfhowlett: thanks | 08:32 |
cfhowlett | researcher1, happy2help! | 08:32 |
hellyeah | i can open the files but not this pls help | 08:34 |
daftykins | !details | hellyeah | 08:36 |
ubottu | hellyeah: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 08:36 |
geirha | sudo -u user -i will also log in as that user; but using current user's password | 08:36 |
hellyeah | i have a file i try to access when i try to access those file i got forbidden error | 08:37 |
hellyeah | but i can access info.php | 08:37 |
daftykins | hellyeah: "ls -al /path/where/files/are/" and state what user apache is running as | 08:38 |
maziar | how to generate SSL with sha-2 ? | 08:38 |
hellyeah | daftykins: it is www-data | 08:39 |
daftykins | hellyeah: and pastebin of the above | 08:39 |
hellyeah | okey | 08:40 |
daftykins | hellyeah: er, you posted it yet? is good... | 08:45 |
hellyeah | sure just a sec | 08:45 |
hellyeah | do you want me to paste all the files | 08:45 |
hellyeah | files | 08:45 |
hellyeah | files under the folders? | 08:46 |
hellyeah | sorry for enter | 08:46 |
daftykins | "ls -al /the/document/root/where/the/files/are/you/get/errors/with/ | 08:46 |
bagginsDK | Hello guys! I would like to know how can i create shortcuts on Desktop? | 08:46 |
EriC^^ | bagginsDK: you need to create a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications | 08:46 |
hellyeah | i guess i fixed the error i changed the owner and group of some files to www-data | 08:47 |
hellyeah | but noy i got nothing just a blank page | 08:48 |
bagginsDK | EriC^^, you mean i must create a .desktop file for each shorcut? | 08:48 |
EriC^^ | bagginsDK: if it's a custom shortcut, yes, if it's already in /usr/share/applications then just drag and drop it to the desktop from the dash | 08:48 |
EriC^^ | err, /usr/share/applications dir | 08:48 |
bitnumus_ | Hi, how can i completely uninstall a driver in ubuntu? I'm trying to update/fix a broken wifi driver and i want to completely remove the module from kernel. I've unloaded it using modprobe -r but want all files removed | 08:54 |
daftykins | blacklist it, not remove | 08:54 |
bitnumus_ | daftykins: i want to remove it | 08:54 |
daftykins | i am suggesting the more likely approach :) | 08:55 |
bitnumus_ | i'm struggling to know if certain files are being updated/removed, the new driver i'm trying might overwrite some but not all files etc so i want to remove them all and start fresh | 08:55 |
bitnumus_ | i've tried blacklisting its not what i want to do | 08:55 |
bitnumus_ | the driver i want to use has the same name, so thats totally pointless? | 08:56 |
bitnumus_ | everyone keeps telling me to blacklist it, but then the new driver wont work.... | 08:56 |
daftykins | depends where the original came from | 08:56 |
bitnumus_ | daftykins: i appreciate the comment but i don't want to blacklist it, i wantw to remove it, do you know how ? | 08:57 |
daftykins | there's not really a full enough picture here | 08:57 |
daftykins | but nm i gotta run | 08:57 |
bitnumus_ | lol, typical :) | 08:57 |
daftykins | well it is 10am | 08:58 |
EriC^^ | happy holidays daftykins :) | 08:58 |
daftykins | ty sir! | 08:58 |
daftykins | and to thee | 08:58 |
EriC^^ | ty! | 08:58 |
bitnumus_ | it is 10am, and i need this fixed before work tomorrow, i don't intend nor wish to be doing this all day! | 08:58 |
daftykins | i wouldn't recommend trying to pass on your urgency of the task to volunteers :) | 08:59 |
bitnumus_ | Hi EriC^^ , mind taking over ? | 08:59 |
bitnumus_ | daftykins: i'm not asking for debugging and such, thought removing a driver process would be trivial, but google seems like a wild goose chase for what should be a standard task ? :S | 08:59 |
bitnumus_ | i can unload and delete all files in modules for the driver, and /lib/firmware, just want to be sure this is enough | 09:00 |
bitnumus_ | Ok, another quesiton then. I have two sets of interfaces for wifi wlan0 and wlan1, how can i remove wlan1 ? | 09:07 |
operatorplik | hai | 09:11 |
hiexpo | bitnumus, why you want to remove it | 09:13 |
hiexpo | bitnumus, is wlan1 a usb wifi card? | 09:14 |
AmrRahmyUbuntuUs | can I ask about ubuntu development here? | 09:15 |
cfhowlett | !contribute | AmrRahmyUbuntuUs | 09:15 |
ubottu | AmrRahmyUbuntuUs: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see and | 09:15 |
cfhowlett | !development | AmrRahmyUbuntuUs | 09:15 |
ubottu | AmrRahmyUbuntuUs: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: | 09:15 |
AmrRahmyUbuntuUs | I wanted to ask a few questions about embedded development using ubuntu | 09:16 |
cfhowlett | AmrRahmyUbuntuUs, !ubuntu-dev is their channel iirc | 09:17 |
AmrRahmyUbuntuUs | thank you. | 09:17 |
cfhowlett | #ubuntu-dev | 09:17 |
froyo | Hello | 09:20 |
AmrRahmyUbuntuUs | #ubuntu-dev is empty at the moment. | 09:20 |
froyo | I need help of using Ubuntu SDK, how to build package? | 09:20 |
Wulf | froyo: what is "ubuntu sdk" and what package do you wanna build? | 09:21 |
froyo | Ubuntu SDK for Ubuntu Touch | 09:21 |
froyo | I just wanna build a simple hello world program using C/C++ tweaks | 09:21 |
cfhowlett | froyo, ask in the !ubuntu-touch | 09:21 |
froyo | Oh...there is irc for it? Thanks :D | 09:22 |
cfhowlett | !touch | froyo | 09:22 |
ubottu | froyo: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 09:22 |
froyo | Thanks | 09:24 |
johnja | I'm having some difficulty upgrading from Ubuntu 14.04 to 14.10. | 09:25 |
johnja | The trouble seems to start with: | 09:25 |
froyo | I also have a problem...can I ask about how to disable Startx and re-use the default window settings? | 09:26 |
johnja | Setting up sysv-rc (2.88dsf-41ubuntu18) ... | 09:26 |
johnja | info: Reordering boot system, log to /var/lib/insserv/run-20150405T0522.log | 09:26 |
johnja | error: Something failed while migrating. | 09:26 |
antcha76 | Hello everyone, I have a slight inconvenience with Ubuntu 14.04.02 | 09:26 |
froyo | wanna test the experimental release? Why? | 09:27 |
johnja | The log file is only 7 lines: | 09:27 |
Donald_Pi_rasp | greetings everyone | 09:27 |
froyo | Hi Donald_Pi_rasp | 09:27 |
antcha76 | I'm currently unable to run twice an application, ie. get two instances and two windows | 09:27 |
johnja | froyo, how is 14.10 experimental? | 09:27 |
cfhowlett | it's absolutely NOT experimental! | 09:28 |
froyo | I gonna say it's for 9 months (in my's experimental for next release) | 09:28 |
froyo | since Vivid need our help! :O | 09:28 |
antcha76 | Is there any way I can force to run more than once? | 09:29 |
cfhowlett | froyo, eh, no. | 09:29 |
froyo | keyword = opinion | 09:29 |
MonkeyDust | froyo you mean the in-between-versions, between LTS's? | 09:29 |
froyo | Yes...but UU version still need to be use and tested. | 09:30 |
johnja | well, I'm no longer sure I _really_ want 14.10, but I think that I don't have a roking 14.10 or 14.04 right now. | 09:30 |
froyo | since it's important for future release, right? | 09:30 |
froyo | johnja, you do fresh install. | 09:31 |
froyo | can* | 09:31 |
ioria | antcha76, you mean that, for example, you cannot run two terminal windows ? | 09:31 |
antcha76 | ioria, kind of, yeah. | 09:31 |
johnja | there's got to be a better way than a fresh install. | 09:31 |
antcha76 | Instead of a terminal it's a game I'm working on | 09:32 |
froyo | johnja, there is...but recommended to fresh install (always backup your work and files) | 09:32 |
antcha76 | It worked fine until yesterday | 09:32 |
ioria | antcha76, you did a normal desktop installation of ubu ? | 09:32 |
antcha76 | I tweaked it quite a lot | 09:32 |
froyo | antchar76, can I help too ? :D | 09:32 |
antcha76 | a theme "Zukitwo" and a Plank dock | 09:33 |
ioria | antcha76, open xterm and type xterm & | 09:33 |
antcha76 | froyo, any help is appreciated :-) | 09:33 |
froyo | antcha76, I'm not an advance user (but I'm developing for it, trying), so I try to help...something that I know i could. | 09:34 |
antcha76 | if it helps, it's a Adobe AIR application | 09:34 |
froyo | So, do you use Gnome shell? | 09:34 |
antcha76 | no Unity | 09:34 |
froyo | Gnome terminal/console* | 09:35 |
johnja | I don't think i'm prepared to do a fresh install. The very concept scares the <censored> out of me. | 09:35 |
antcha76 | oh right, i'm using Gnome-terminal yes | 09:35 |
froyo | johnja, why? | 09:35 |
antcha76 | I can run it twice without problem | 09:35 |
antcha76 | it's just that particular game i'm developing that stopped to run twice | 09:36 |
froyo | developing a game? | 09:36 |
ioria | antcha76, that's another story | 09:36 |
antcha76 | it's really important that i run it twice since it's an online RPG | 09:36 |
antcha76 | i think it's GTK messing up | 09:36 |
antcha76 | and noticing that i already ran it once | 09:37 |
antcha76 | and don't want any more instances | 09:37 |
froyo | I gonna try ls -a and find the settings of the tweak I done. | 09:37 |
antcha76 | but well i really don't know what i'm talking about... | 09:37 |
johnja | froyo I've been on the same install since ubuntu 8.10 with incremental upgrades and adding cruft..... If I do a fresh install there's going to be a lot of stuff I'm used to missing and I won't know how to get it back. | 09:37 |
antcha76 | i tried to google the problem without success | 09:38 |
antcha76 | i guess i'll just wrap it up in a wine instance until it works again | 09:39 |
froyo | Johnja, I only can give advice..and I'm not a kernel developer...I only help till here..sorry :( | 09:39 |
froyo | antcha76, I still don't understand what is your situation right now. | 09:39 |
antcha76 | I have that game | 09:39 |
antcha76 | I'm developing | 09:40 |
antcha76 | it's an online RPG | 09:40 |
antcha76 | until yesterday I would spawn multiple windows of it | 09:40 |
antcha76 | then this morning everything stopped working | 09:40 |
antcha76 | well, not everything, the game is still working you know | 09:40 |
froyo | So, what's the problem? The terminal? or the game? | 09:40 |
antcha76 | but i can't launch the window more than once | 09:41 |
antcha76 | the game | 09:41 |
antcha76 | that i spawn from the terminal | 09:41 |
GuidovanPossum | hello, recently installed a gpu and followed the guide and everything worked fine with ubuntu, I also had a copy of debain jessie that booted separately from another drive | 09:41 |
froyo | That's probably something wrong with your game, not the terminal. I gonna try in launch it in VM for testing. | 09:41 |
froyo | or do you have done any tweaks recently? | 09:42 |
GuidovanPossum | when I tried to upgrade the drivers for the jessie drive it failed, and also the drivers for the Ubuntu Trusty no longer worked | 09:42 |
GuidovanPossum | is it odd for another OS to break anothers drivers? | 09:42 |
antcha76 | froyo, i agree with you, the terminal isnt the problem here | 09:43 |
antcha76 | but maybe the window manager or one unity's service is forbidding the request to launch another one | 09:43 |
antcha76 | GuidovanPossum, drivers are OS-dependent | 09:43 |
GuidovanPossum | I'm just not sure where to go from here then, that's what I thought | 09:44 |
antcha76 | if you break your ubuntu installation it won't affect your windows installation | 09:44 |
froyo | antcha76, is your program written in C or C++ (just for fun :D) | 09:45 |
GuidovanPossum | the only thing I can think that is because the grub set up on the Jessie partion that it may be forcing a generic driver at startup | 09:45 |
froyo | sudo update-grub | 09:45 |
cfhowlett | GuidovanPossum, boot nomodeset and reconfigure your gpu??? | 09:46 |
antcha76 | froyo, it's coded in ActionScript 3 with an Adobe AIR SDK | 09:46 |
antcha76 | but i'm not in charge of the development of the client | 09:46 |
antcha76 | i'm just a backend developer | 09:46 |
froyo | antcha76, it's a Flash game! Nice! I really want learn to make games :D | 09:46 |
antcha76 | it's really fun you should give it a try | 09:47 |
froyo | antcha76, can I ask you more further about programming in private chat, because I don't want to ruin this channel topic. | 09:48 |
=== EREVAN is now known as Danielyan | ||
froyo | How do you disably Startx window top layout? | 09:59 |
froyo | disable* | 09:59 |
Jahz | Hi | 10:03 |
froyo | hi | 10:03 |
froyo | Anyone here know how to use C/C++? | 10:04 |
Jahz | Is anybody knowledgable with recovering files ? I've got a hard drive here who was used on a storage/router device with a drive formatted ext3 and configured as raid, I was able to recover 12gb of pictures but I have a 430gb "backing_file" binary file and am wondering If i can do anything with it | 10:04 |
froyo | 430GB binary? | 10:05 |
Fuzzz3r | Jahz: Try testdisc | 10:06 |
Fuzzz3r | testdisk* | 10:06 |
Jahz | @Fuzzz3r gonna look into that right now | 10:07 |
zakaria | cek | 10:08 |
zakaria | new | 10:09 |
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc | ||
froyo | Hello, anybody here know how to use C? | 10:18 |
Wulf | froyo: ##c | 10:18 |
MonkeyDust | froyo type /msg alis list c++ to get a relevant list of channels | 10:19 |
Wulf | MonkeyDust: he said C, not c++ | 10:19 |
froyo | thank you...I'm not an IRC user..(only a few times) | 10:20 |
saraz3s | ##c best. Register and then access | 10:20 |
froyo | I don't know much about IRC interfaces... | 10:20 |
saraz3s | ##c-unregistered | 10:20 |
froyo | thanks. | 10:20 |
saraz3s | sorry dunno wait | 10:20 |
saraz3s | ##c-unregistered | 10:21 |
ioria | froyo: if it's a quikie ... | 10:21 |
saraz3s | u will be redirected here | 10:21 |
saraz3s | if u aren't registerd on irc | 10:21 |
froyo | I see. | 10:21 |
saraz3s | !register | 10:21 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 10:21 |
saraz3s | !register|froyo | 10:21 |
ubottu | froyo: please see above | 10:21 |
ioria | froyo: shoot | 10:21 |
saraz3s | Hope that helps :) | 10:22 |
sanju | hi all | 10:22 |
sanju | wats up | 10:22 |
Wulf | sanju: 37.119 | 10:22 |
=== froyo is now known as fro0yo | ||
fro0yo | thanks | 10:22 |
fro0yo | I also have a problem, with GUI disabling. | 10:23 |
fro0yo | I done a few tweaks to disable 'quiet splash' on bootup. | 10:23 |
fro0yo | and it run pretty smoothly, but after I run startx, the window layout change (to Xorg default) | 10:24 |
fro0yo | Anybody know how to change the default layout back? | 10:25 |
restless | hi guys i need help installing OpenGL on ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my Dell laptop | 10:33 |
bagginsDK | Hello! I have a simple question. How can i create a programm launcher in the left panel_ Thank zou! | 10:38 |
fro0yo | hi | 10:39 |
fro0yo | Left panel? | 10:39 |
fro0yo | Do you use Unity or XFCE? | 10:39 |
bagginsDK | fro0yo, i did not ask it right. I mean the unity left panel. The line with the launcher | 10:40 |
fro0yo | You mean the launcher panel. (You ask it right, just lack of some info). | 10:41 |
EriC^^ | bagginsDK: a custom one? | 10:41 |
fro0yo | I actually use XFCE, but on Unity..I usually just lock the program. | 10:42 |
bagginsDK | Yes, i would like to add a custom one with a specific version of eclipse | 10:42 |
ubuntu-mate | installing ubuntu mate | 10:42 |
ubuntu-mate | its very slow ! | 10:42 |
fro0yo | hi ubuntu-mate | 10:42 |
fro0yo | Do you love MATE? | 10:42 |
nide7474 | quick help please: I accessed this webpage ( ) on wednesday 29th march . I read a text. Today i thought of going back to that page to get and save that text. But page has changed and looks like there is no way to recover it from the site. How can i recover it? (the text was right there on the homepage) | 10:42 |
MonkeyDust | bagginsDK open /usr/share/applications and drag the app you want to the launcher | 10:43 |
ubuntu-mate | yes | 10:43 |
ubuntu-mate | i have light system | 10:43 |
EriC^^ | bagginsDK: make a copy of the eclipse .desktop file and modify it's name and set Exec to the command you want | 10:43 |
fro0yo | long have you been using Ubuntu (I'm a noob, high chance you longer than me) | 10:43 |
EriC^^ | bagginsDK: the .desktop files are in the dir MonkeyDust mentioned | 10:44 |
ubuntu-mate | 2-3 yrs | 10:44 |
ubuntu-mate | installation process is slow!! | 10:44 |
bagginsDK | MonkeyDust, you mean i should drag eclipse launcher to this path /usr/share/applications? | 10:44 |
MonkeyDust | bagginsDK no, other way round | 10:44 |
=== darkdevil is now known as DarkDevil | ||
fro0yo | bagginsDK, the .desktop file. | 10:45 |
fro0yo | ubuntu-mate - Is Ubuntu GNOME not appealing to you? | 10:45 |
MonkeyDust | bagginsDK from the /usr/share/appllications folder to the launcher bar | 10:46 |
TBJR | anyone know how to get information about an internal modem? My specific question about the modem is whether it's a fax and voice or just a data modem. a grep of dmesg finds nothing about modem and only this about tty -> [ 0.000000] console [tty0] enabled | 10:46 |
bagginsDK | MonkeyDust, fro0yo : How i should create a empty file .desktop? | 10:46 |
TBJR | [ 15.922317] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized | 10:46 |
EriC^^ | bagginsDK: copy the eclipse one | 10:46 |
nide7474 | where is the cache? | 10:47 |
MonkeyDust | bagginsDK read this to get an idea | 10:47 |
ubuntu-mate | not tried | 10:47 |
EriC^^ | nide7474: ? cache of .deb files? | 10:47 |
nide7474 | cache of browser | 10:47 |
bagginsDK | MonkeyDust, EriC^^ , fro0yo : thank for your | 10:47 |
bagginsDK | help | 10:48 |
EriC^^ | nide7474: probably ~/.cache/mozilla or ~/mozilla | 10:48 |
EriC^^ | nide7474: why? | 10:48 |
nide7474 | EriC^^: quick help please: I accessed this webpage ( ) on wednesday 29th march . I read a text. Today i thought of going back to that page to get and save that text. But page has changed and looks like there is no way to recover it from the site. How can i recover it? (the text was right there on the homepage) | 10:48 |
EriC^^ | nide7474: you could try google's cache | 10:49 |
EriC^^ | it saves a copy of pages | 10:49 |
nide7474 | how? | 10:49 |
fro0yo | oh sorry | 10:49 |
fro0yo | i'm back | 10:49 |
nide7474 | i need a copy on that specific day | 10:49 |
saraz3s | Do u by any chnace know of some really good and important IRC servers | 10:49 |
saraz3s | ? | 10:49 |
EriC^^ | nide7474: type verbumweb in google's search | 10:49 |
EriC^^ | then when it comes up press the arrow to the right and choose cached | 10:49 |
fro0yo | saraz3s, (Ubuntu Servers?) | 10:50 |
EriC^^ | it'll say when the last cache was taken | 10:50 |
JethroTux | I'd like to log all incoming connections to my router. Is it possibile? Which program so you recommend? | 10:50 |
saraz3s | anything. I mean. All I knnow of is freenode but there are so many other servers. Could u suggest some good ones? | 10:50 |
nide7474 | EriC^^: i am afraid it's not the right day, any other method? | 10:52 |
EriC^^ | nide7474: no idea | 10:53 |
nide7474 | Is there no way in ubuntu to recover a webpage one has seen? | 10:55 |
nide7474 | EriC^^: thanks for trying | 10:55 |
ubuntu-mate | firefox or chromium? | 10:55 |
nide7474 | firefox | 10:55 |
ubuntu-mate | why? | 10:55 |
nide7474 | i saw this page last wednesday | 10:55 |
nide7474 | there's a text i'd like to recover | 10:56 |
mothyzzz | nide7474: look in cache of browser. | 10:56 |
EriC^^ | nide7474: do you remember a sentence in it? or a few words? | 10:56 |
Trigo | which page? | 10:56 |
=== benonsoftware is now known as Guest70711 | ||
nide7474 | tried that already, searched on google with quotes, but couldn't find it | 10:57 |
restless | hi there. I need help installing OpenGL on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my Dell. any help please | 10:57 |
nide7474 | i am looking for the cache | 10:57 |
=== Trigo is now known as froyo | ||
EriC^^ | nide7474: yes try grep -r "sentence you remember" ~ | 10:58 |
froyo | mothyzzz> stay out of this nigger. | 10:58 |
froyo | <Trigo> what | 10:59 |
froyo | <mothyzzz> Eric says fuck you. | 10:59 |
froyo | <Trigo> What? Why? | 10:59 |
froyo | <Trigo> What have I done? | 10:59 |
froyo | What I got blackmailed :( | 10:59 |
ubuntu-mate | downloading updates!! thats why install slow!! | 10:59 |
EriC^^ | froyo: he's just trolling | 10:59 |
EriC^^ | i get hate-pm sometimes too | 11:00 |
nide7474 | I got same as froyo.... | 11:00 |
saraz3s | mothyzzz> irc this. Asshole. mothyzzz> Eric said. Fuck you. mothyzzz> fro0yo Will rip your ass till it bleeds. mothyzzz> You white niggee mothyzzz> asshole sonofabitch | 11:00 |
nide7474 | (12:49:56 PM) mothyzzz: EriC^^ says you stupid bastard. | 11:00 |
nide7474 | (12:54:06 PM) mothyzzz: EriC^^ says. You dumb faggot | 11:00 |
nide7474 | (12:54:43 PM) mothyzzz: asshole sonofabitch | 11:00 |
saraz3s | wth is dat? | 11:00 |
comodo_dragon | hahah | 11:00 |
nide7474 | so nobody gets kicked out in this channel? | 11:00 |
=== froyo is now known as froyoooo | ||
saraz3s | why do u use EriC^^ name asshole u have no clue. Dat guy helped me in hell lot of stuff motherfucker. So shut ur stink fucking mouth | 11:00 |
froyoooo | ya | 11:00 |
comodo_dragon | haahha | 11:00 |
froyoooo | why use Eric..that's why | 11:01 |
comodo_dragon | calm down pls | 11:01 |
comodo_dragon | its a help channel not a chat channel | 11:01 |
froyoooo | Kick the guy that blackmailing us. | 11:01 |
froyoooo | for no reason. | 11:01 |
ubuntu-mate | assholes!!! here | 11:01 |
saraz3s | Kick the baby | 11:01 |
saraz3s | XD | 11:01 |
MonkeyDust | mind your language please, stick to ubuntu support | 11:01 |
ubuntu-mate | good | 11:02 |
Flannel | Hmmm, that last one may have been a mistake. | 11:02 |
froyoooo | I kicked for being right :( | 11:03 |
froyoooo | anyway, what should I do to disable window X layout | 11:04 |
froyoooo | welcome back nide | 11:04 |
nide7474 | :) | 11:04 |
ubuntu-mate | why chromium not by default in ubuntu mate? | 11:04 |
froyoooo | You got kicked too? | 11:04 |
nide7474 | can't find the cache though... | 11:05 |
nide7474 | yes, by mistake... | 11:05 |
froyoooo | me too..XD | 11:05 |
MonkeyDust | ubuntu-mate a few apps were left out of the iso, to keep it small | 11:05 |
ubuntu-mate | ok but | 11:05 |
froyoooo | MonkeyDust, but chromium is smaller or bigger than Firefox? | 11:05 |
ubuntu-mate | ubiquity is installing it? | 11:05 |
froyoooo | Ubuquity is the wizard for Ubuntu. | 11:06 |
ubuntu-mate | its downloading chromium !! | 11:06 |
froyoooo | downloading chromium? What you mean sir? | 11:06 |
ubuntu-mate | iam installing ubuntu-mate from live usb | 11:06 |
froyoooo | Ok? and it comes with Chromium? | 11:07 |
Donald_Pi_rasp | booo chromium | 11:07 |
Donald_Pi_rasp | no flash by default | 11:07 |
froyoooo | I gonna say...firefox even don't have flash | 11:07 |
froyoooo | flash is propietary | 11:07 |
Donald_Pi_rasp | depending on the linux dist | 11:08 |
restless | can any body help me in installing OpenGL on ubuntu 12.04 LTS? | 11:08 |
Donald_Pi_rasp | Ive seen flash work within firefox by default in ubuntu | 11:08 |
somsip | Donald_Pi_rasp: no, need to use the installer | 11:08 |
ubuntu-mate | any way i can mount partition | 11:08 |
ubuntu-mate | in live usb | 11:08 |
somsip | !info flashplugin-installer | Donald_Pi_rasp | 11:08 |
ubottu | Donald_Pi_rasp: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 7 kB, installed size 137 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 11:08 |
sarasasavas | Sorry for swearing. I apologize | 11:08 |
ubuntu-mate | want to watch movie while ubuntu installs | 11:09 |
froyoooo | Donald, yes..the ubuquity probably give you the option to install 3rd party plugin's | 11:09 |
Donald_Pi_rasp | correct | 11:09 |
froyoooo | ubuntu-mate, sorry to interrupt..but this is support channel...if you want to chat...try ubuntu-offtopic | 11:10 |
Donald_Pi_rasp | feel like ubuntu is cheating vs my old bsd system | 11:10 |
=== Guest70711 is now known as benonsoftware | ||
=== vco is now known as baxx | ||
ubuntu-mate | Not authorized to perform operation !!!!!!! when iam trying to open | 11:10 |
froyoooo | I just use tty and scratch kernel on my partition donald. | 11:10 |
ubuntu-mate | partition in live usb | 11:10 |
ubuntu-mate | any support? | 11:10 |
froyoooo | ubuntu-mate..what? | 11:11 |
baxx | can symlinks be used as executable files? I'm just trying to sync my ~/bin across systems and I'm not sure of the best approach | 11:11 |
froyoooo | I thought, ubuntu live is running as root? | 11:11 |
ubuntu-mate | froyoooo, cannot open any partition | 11:12 |
ubuntu-mate | Not authorized to perform operation | 11:12 |
froyoooo | ubuntu-mate - You installed the Ubuntu-mate right? | 11:13 |
froyoooo | and now you try to open the partition? | 11:13 |
froyoooo | in it? | 11:13 |
baxx | .join #linux | 11:13 |
ubuntu-mate | froyoooo, installing still on live usb | 11:13 |
froyoooo | it happens in the wizard? | 11:14 |
froyoooo | in the installation process> | 11:14 |
ubuntu-mate | no in caja | 11:14 |
froyoooo | caja (sorry?) | 11:14 |
ubuntu-mate | unable to mount | 11:14 |
ubuntu-mate | Not authorized to perform operation | 11:15 |
ubuntu-mate | its filemanager | 11:15 |
froyoooo | Probably it's the iso or your configuration partition problem | 11:15 |
froyoooo | What format of partition you use for the ISO? | 11:15 |
froyoooo | FAT32, EXT? | 11:16 |
ubuntu-mate | used dd to write iso | 11:16 |
ubuntu-mate | to usb | 11:16 |
froyoooo | You should use something more manageable | 11:16 |
froyoooo | like Unetbootin | 11:16 |
froyoooo | dd is good, but not good enough for more than that. | 11:17 |
froyoooo | or you can install mkusb script? | 11:18 |
froyoooo | download the bin, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mkusb/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 11:18 |
=== DarkDevil is now known as darkdevil | ||
=== JethroTux is now known as JethroTux`aFk | ||
kupi | hi | 11:24 |
jeaye | Does /etc/debian_version exist on Ubuntu? | 11:24 |
kupi | what video player do you recommend for old pcs? | 11:25 |
jeaye | kupi: Have you tried mplayer? It suits all my needs. | 11:25 |
=== JethroTux`aFk is now known as JethroTux | ||
kupi | does mplayer have gui? | 11:25 |
jeaye | kupi: Nothing fancy, no. | 11:26 |
nide7474 | ok fount it. thanks to and thanks to Eric | 11:26 |
kupi | then I will try smplayer | 11:26 |
sad | Hi | 11:28 |
Nokaji | Is there a walk-through sorta thing for Ubuntu/Linux to help get me up to speed with its idiosyncrasies? | 11:29 |
ikonia | | 11:29 |
ikonia | it will help you with the basics | 11:29 |
Nokaji | That was faster than superman! - Thanks | 11:29 |
sad | I use voyager 14.4 . since yesterday is slingscold gone withuot a reason. why ? can you help me please ? | 11:30 |
ikonia | sad: what ? | 11:31 |
sad | slingscold is desipared, is gone | 11:32 |
hairypaulsack | yo yo yo all! | 11:34 |
hairypaulsack | how is everybody on this easterbunny day | 11:34 |
sad | goed thank you | 11:34 |
sarasasavas | Hey guys how do I set modes to my irc account?? | 11:34 |
sad | how are you ? | 11:34 |
ikonia | sarasasavas: try #freenode | 11:35 |
z302 | if I use the dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda command, assuming sda is a drive I want to wipe and it has no partitions on it, will dd overwrite all the writable bits and stop when space is empty or just write on the first sector over and over? | 11:35 |
hairypaulsack | good good. just exploring this debian/ubuntu based distro called uberstudent | 11:35 |
hairypaulsack | liking it so far i just have some basic linux questions.. you a novice/experienced user for basic linux questions? | 11:35 |
sarasasavas | i did. but they are spamming. No one is helping me properly ikonia | 11:36 |
ikonia | no-one is spamming | 11:36 |
ikonia | this channel help with ubuntu only, so use #freenode for IRC questions please | 11:36 |
Kartagis | hairypaulsack: what distro? | 11:37 |
Kartagis | gah, he left | 11:37 |
ikonia | a distro that is nothing to do with this channel | 11:37 |
Kartagis | heh | 11:38 |
Kartagis | jazzzx is being a dick | 11:40 |
ikonia | your language is not acceptable | 11:41 |
ikonia | Kartagis: if you have a problem pelase report it to #ubuntu-ops channel Kartagis | 11:41 |
Kartagis | ikonia: sorry for the language | 11:42 |
jazzzx | This is a family channel Kartagis not Clancies bar. | 11:43 |
ikonia | jazzzx: enough | 11:43 |
embik | just a random question, is there anyone developing on Ubuntu Touch here? is there any "central" hub for touch devs? | 11:43 |
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist` | ||
MonkeyDust | !touch | embik | 11:45 |
ubottu | embik: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 11:45 |
jazzzx | embik: I wish they would develop for all tablet hardware. Like allwiner a31 | 11:45 |
embik | ah, thanks! | 11:45 |
maziar_ | how to generate SHA2 certification on debian 7 ? | 11:47 |
ikonia | maziar_: ask in #debian | 11:48 |
ikonia | you're in #ubuntu for ubuntu support | 11:48 |
maziar_ | sorry how to generate SHA2 certification on ubuntu 14.04 ? | 11:48 |
ikonia | maziar_: can I see the output of "uname -a" please | 11:49 |
Kartagis | ikonia++ | 11:49 |
maziar_ | ikonia, Linux OS3 3.16.0-31-generic #41~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 11 19:30:13 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 11:52 |
ikonia | thanks | 11:52 |
embik | "Wed Feb 11", wow. | 11:53 |
embik | oh, nevermind. I'm a stupid idiot. | 11:53 |
baxx | Does any one know if SymLinks have to be absolute paths? Is there a way to make them work with relative paths? I have two different machines and want to sync one across them | 11:59 |
Walex | baxx: they *ought* to be relative paths. | 12:00 |
baxx | but when they expand they're absolute - if I create one using ~/some/thing it expands to /home/person/some/thing Walex | 12:01 |
baxx | so I can't sync the same symLink across machines with different user names, with this at least. cheers Walex | 12:02 |
lord4163 | baxx: try the -r switch | 12:02 |
baxx | thanks lord4163 , I'll have a look at that now... just ln -sr /x/x /y/y I'm guessing | 12:03 |
lord4163 | baxx: sure | 12:04 |
lord4163 | baxx: and it's probably the shell which autocompletes it, not the ln utility. | 12:05 |
baxx | lord4163: yeah i think you're right - I make them with relative then they're magically absolute! | 12:06 |
baxx | lord4163: that works thanks, though it doesn't save the ~/ section of it, just the location of the directory that it was made in, if that makes sense | 12:09 |
aliman | hi guys. can any1 tell me pls what it will happen if i do sudo apt-get upgrade? i use gnome 14.04 lts. what exactly it will upgrade? | 12:11 |
somsip | aliman: bugfixes/security fixes on minor revisions to any packages you have installed already | 12:11 |
EriC^^ | aliman: all installed packages, except the kernel and any package that requires another package to be deleted or installed to be upgraded | 12:11 |
cfhowlett | aliman, just do apt-get and read the instructions. | 12:11 |
somsip | aliman: though, you need to apt-get update first to get a list of fixes | 12:11 |
lord4163 | baxx: maybe you can do ../../ instead? | 12:13 |
amanthakur | hi guys, i have a strange question. I am trying to make a webserver that will call a program and capture its standard output in a file using the redirect operator ">". I am creating multiple threads after receiving each request on webserver. But i am confusd about onething that will multiple threads output will be written to the same file when is use the redirect operator? OR each thread will be able to create its own output file?? | 12:15 |
Walex | baxx: you misunderstand how "~" works. | 12:16 |
EriC^^ | amanthakur: if it's redirecting to the same path then they will rewrite it | 12:16 |
EriC^^ | amanthakur: you'd have to use >> to append | 12:16 |
baxx | Walex: EriC^^ indeed | 12:16 |
amanthakur | EriC^^, no each thread will redirect output with a new filename. | 12:17 |
Walex | baxx: symlinks can be relative, but they must be *constant* (even if symlinks with variables in them are possible). | 12:17 |
EriC^^ | amanthakur: also look into if you can use a mutex lock in the web server's programming langauge | 12:17 |
baxx | lord4163: I'm just having a play now, I think maybe it'll work as the directories above ~ are the same | 12:17 |
cfhowlett | y | 12:18 |
amanthakur | EriC^^, isn't mutex needed when we are writing to the same file? | 12:18 |
EriC^^ | amanthakur: yeah if you're using a different filename that's fine | 12:19 |
amanthakur | EriC^^, ah ok, thank you so much | 12:20 |
amanthakur | :) | 12:20 |
researcher1 | I need to install java plugin for Ubuntu 14.04 .This is the failure report and another Please help me | 12:21 |
MonkeyDust | what's this WINE help tool called again? | 12:23 |
EriC^^ | #wine-hq | 12:23 |
EriC^^ | ah nevermind | 12:23 |
embik | PlayOnLinux? | 12:23 |
MonkeyDust | tnx embik | 12:24 |
=== jellow_ is now known as jellow | ||
saVINO | CIAO | 12:29 |
Rust3dCor3 | hi | 12:30 |
saVINO | !list | 12:30 |
ubottu | saVINO: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 12:30 |
vi | clear | 12:30 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:30 |
vi | Hi guys I need a little help here | 12:30 |
EriC^^ | vi with? | 12:31 |
vi | idk much about irc and I want to torify xchat | 12:32 |
AngelWaltz | list | 12:34 |
researcher1 | how to install java plugin into Ubuntu 14.04 | 12:36 |
pythagoras | #borrel hiq | 12:37 |
htqp | researcher1: icedtea-plugin | 12:39 |
researcher1 | htqp: from software centre? | 12:39 |
htqp | sw center, synaptic, apt-get, aptitude, it does not matter, the result will be exactly the same | 12:42 |
researcher1 | I have icedtea7 plugin installed yet I saw this Help please | 12:51 |
tuliomartins | hi guys, I have an mtp issue here. I have a windows phone, which when I connect with the usb cable, is mounted by Ubuntu with gphoto2 file system, and no files nor folders appear | 12:51 |
researcher1 | How to enable java plugin Chrome? | 12:53 |
htqp | researcher1: did you try to google it? a quick search reveals | 12:55 |
=== apt-get is now known as PackageBunny | ||
PackageBunny | [bunny noises] Who's apt-get? I'm the package bunny. | 12:55 |
=== PackageBunny is now known as apt-hop | ||
Ben64 | apt-hop: play someplace else | 12:56 |
apt-hop | :) sorry | 12:57 |
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc | ||
JunkHunk | hello I need to make an older kernel version the default kernel option on boot. how would I get this done? | 13:04 |
htqp | JunkHunk: change the GRUB_DEFAULT in file /etc/default/grub then run: sudo update-grub | 13:08 |
JunkHunk | htqp okay | 13:08 |
researcher1 | htqp: thanks | 13:09 |
AkashicLegend | I have a file containing similar info to here | 13:23 |
AkashicLegend | but I want to sort it so that I only have a file with phone numbers and company names beginning with 5 | 13:24 |
AkashicLegend | what command should I use | 13:24 |
cookie0774 | I need help getting tablet and pen to work on ubuntu gnome 14.04 | 13:25 |
MonkeyDust | AkashicLegend use the cut command and grep ^5, but better ask in #bash | 13:26 |
MonkeyDust | AkashicLegend and use awk | 13:27 |
EriC^^ | AkashicLegend: that begin with (5xx) xxx-xxxx ? | 13:31 |
AkashicLegend | yeah | 13:31 |
EriC^^ | grep "(5.*" /path/to/file | 13:32 |
AkashicLegend | yours is the only one that worked | 13:32 |
AkashicLegend | thanks man | 13:32 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 13:32 |
AkashicLegend | and I understand how you constructed the string | 13:33 |
EriC^^ | cool | 13:33 |
kupi | where can I get intel-linux-graphics-installer 1.0.7? | 13:34 |
cfhowlett | kupi, for 14.04?? you can't. intel removed it. | 13:34 |
weng | 13:34 | |
kupi | ikr that's why I asked | 13:34 |
kupi | weI have done that | 13:34 |
kupi | *weng | 13:34 |
kupi | hmm | 13:36 |
kupi | I will add this manually :p | 13:37 |
kupi | get rekt intel | 13:37 |
weng | | 13:39 |
weng | 1.0.8 | 13:39 |
weng | Intel(R) Graphics Installer for Linux* 1.0.7 | 13:40 |
weng | Released: 11 Nov 2014 | 13:40 |
weng | Version: 1.0.7 | 13:40 |
weng | Release Notes | 13:40 |
weng | Intel(R) Graphics Installer for Linux* 1.0.8 | 13:41 |
weng | Released: 17 Mar 2015 | 13:41 |
weng | Version: 1.0.8 | 13:41 |
weng | Release Notes | 13:41 |
weng | Graphics Installer 1.0.8 for Ubuntu* 14.10, 64-bit | 13:41 |
weng | Graphics Installer 1.0.8 for Fedora* 21, 64-bit | 13:41 |
kupi | weng, Mr. Perfect, there is not download link there | 13:41 |
kupi | for Ubuntu 14.04 | 13:41 |
cfhowlett | kupi, intel linux graphics is no longer supported for 14.04 according to intel. | 13:42 |
kupi | no problem, I added manually :3 | 13:43 |
cfhowlett | kupi, installer yes. actually getting the download, nope. "this distro is not supported". | 13:43 |
kupi | let's see | 13:44 |
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex | ||
=== Sramelyor3301 is now known as {} | ||
kupi | oh | 13:46 |
=== {} is now known as Guest10588 | ||
kupi | really | 13:46 |
=== Guest10588 is now known as admin} | ||
kupi | btw there was newer xserver-xorg-video-intel | 13:49 |
kupi | so i installed the driver form there | 13:49 |
kupi | *from | 13:49 |
kupi | i think :D | 13:49 |
admin} | Does anybody know what ABUSEAT is? | 13:51 |
admin} | It says that I am banned cause my name is in ABUSEAT | 13:52 |
admin} | What is ABUSEAT? | 13:52 |
cfhowlett | admin}, ask the freenode ops. | 13:53 |
gcl5cp | I still have wifi problem with Realtek RTL8188EE, here report 12.04 works perfect. | 13:53 |
admin} | Also I was just kicked out of ##c++ the moment I changed my nickname. Is there an easy way to get back in? | 13:53 |
cfhowlett | admin}, ask ##c ops | 13:53 |
gcl5cp | problem persistences through all kernel from fresh install to 3.13.0-48 | 13:54 |
netan | hi all, anybody know how to block all incoming and outgoing connections except system updates ? | 13:56 |
runtime-exceptio | Hello | 13:58 |
runtime-exceptio | I'm looking for a bit of advice on an issue I'm having with Ubuntu | 13:58 |
cfhowlett | !ask | runtime-exceptio | 13:58 |
ubottu | runtime-exceptio: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 13:58 |
runtime-exceptio | I have Windows 8.1 installed alongside Ubuntu, and it's all working okay, except when I open the file manager I can see all the reserved Windows partitions (like the push-button reset partition) alongside my main Windows and Ubuntu partitions. How can I remove the partitions from the list in the left hand pane? | 13:59 |
netan | ...or is it possible to set up a firewall by blocking everything and then a service try to access the network you get notified so you can set up a rule | 14:03 |
netan | ? | 14:03 |
admin} | guys on which log refers to this channel? | 14:05 |
=== admin} is now known as Sramelyor3301 | ||
Sramelyor3301 | guys on which log refers to this channel? | 14:09 |
somsip | Sramelyor3301: #ubuntu | 14:10 |
MonkeyDust | Sramelyor3301 far below, almost the end of the page | 14:12 |
MonkeyDust | or list | 14:12 |
Sramelyor3301 | tnx somsip and MokeyDust :) | 14:12 |
Sramelyor3301 | found it | 14:12 |
AkashicLegend | how do I search all files in a directory for lines containing a string | 14:15 |
somsip | AkashicLegend: grep -nir "string" /apth/to/dir | 14:15 |
AkashicLegend | can I use grep -r "string" | 14:15 |
somsip | AkashicLegend: -r is recorsive, -nir is case insensitive and shows line number | 14:15 |
AkashicLegend | whoever made these online quizzes we have to take is a retard | 14:23 |
IdleOne | AkashicLegend: that is off topic and not very nice to say. | 14:24 |
hikenboot | hi trying to boot ubuntu-mate on mac g5 tower with geforce 6800 screen is all colorful garbage tried a few boot parameters cant get it to work well enough to install anyone able to hellp | 14:25 |
cfhowlett | !mac | hikenboot | 14:25 |
ubottu | hikenboot: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: | 14:25 |
hikenboot | cfhowlett that list does not include g5 tower | 14:27 |
hikenboot | its not a g5 pro | 14:27 |
cfhowlett | hikenboot, that's the best resource for all MAC type issues. | 14:27 |
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest56278 | ||
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dtcdarkraven | greetings all, im trying to install nvidia drivers to my new ubuntu install, however the first command(s) lspci -vnn | grep -i VGA -A 12 do not provide any output.. previous attempts at installing drivers in both ubuntu aswel as kubuntu 14.10 have failed.. i am running an rather "exotic" setup with 2 nvidia 900 series cards.. | 14:33 |
AkashicLegend | how do I make grep -r only work for present directory | 14:34 |
AkashicLegend | instead of all sub directories | 14:34 |
AkashicLegend | nvm | 14:35 |
MonkeyDust | AkashicLegend omit the -r | 14:35 |
dtcdarkraven | to continue on the "lspci -vnn | grep -i VGA -A 12" command.. it only displays a blinking cursor.. nothing more.. and it keeps doing this.. indefenantly or untill the terminal /tab is closed | 14:39 |
dtcdarkraven | whoopsie :) | 14:43 |
flynns | Hello | 14:45 |
tuliomartins | mtp | 14:45 |
flynns | hi | 14:45 |
=== qp is now known as kupi | ||
=== sins-_k is now known as sins- | ||
stoogenmeyer | Hi all, please help - I'm trying to use sed to replace the following string "node check_something.js" into a string with only underscores and append to it the current timestamp | 15:11 |
stoogenmeyer | I've tried the following: echo $SCRIPT | sed s/\ /_/g | sed s:\/:_:g | sed s/\./_/g but it returns only underscores | 15:12 |
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fullgott | Hi people | 15:12 |
fullgott | There is an group on whatsapp about hackers, linux ir ubuntu? | 15:14 |
MonkeyDust | fullgott ubuntu is a linux distro, but better take that question to #ubuntu-offtopic | 15:17 |
fullgott | Oh, sorry | 15:17 |
fullgott | Thank you MonkeyDust | 15:17 |
Demon_ | HEllo | 15:18 |
demon_ | Hello | 15:21 |
=== demon_ is now known as Darko | ||
=== Darko is now known as Eczan | ||
ubuntu023 | Hi every one | 15:31 |
ObrienDave | Greetings & Welcome | 15:31 |
ubuntu023 | i would like to create web chat server. any suggestion what should I use? | 15:31 |
ubuntu023 | i have ubuntu box with nginx and php5-fpm | 15:31 |
ObrienDave | i wouldn't know. you might try asking in #ubuntu-server | 15:32 |
ubuntu023 | ok thank you | 15:33 |
=== Eczan is now known as Kaby | ||
ThatNewGuy | Hello, is compiz the only way to beef up desktop? | 15:47 |
ObrienDave | "beef up"? | 15:48 |
Kaby | hello | 15:49 |
ObrienDave | Greetings & Welcome | 15:50 |
Kaby | guys i am new to ubuntu linux | 15:51 |
jrtappers | Is there a way to read LUKS encrypted partitions on windows? | 15:52 |
ParSalian | hllo kaby | 15:52 |
Kaby | i was downloading the update package 300 mb . it stopped on 184 mb and it closed . now i am redownloading the package from the terminal | 15:52 |
Kaby | it will complete from 184 ? | 15:52 |
Kaby | or will download whole package again | 15:52 |
ParSalian | probably should just run it again then see | 15:54 |
Kaby | well yeah but in terminal i cant see how much % | 15:54 |
ObrienDave | Kaby, it should resume from the 184 | 15:57 |
Kaby | thanks god | 15:57 |
nse_ | hey ppl i got this issue on elementary-os but maybe you could help | 15:59 |
nse_ | Hey there, I freshly installed the latest elementaryos in a 32-bit machine | 16:00 |
nse_ | but i'm stuck at login | 16:00 |
SchrodingersScat | jrtappers: never tried, <--this says possibly? the source cited doesn't go anywhere for me though. | 16:00 |
nse_ | Like here -> but I could not solve the problem | 16:00 |
nse_ | I login, my screen blinks and i'm back at login prompt | 16:00 |
SchrodingersScat | !elementary | nse_ | 16:00 |
ubottu | nse_: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on - for more information on this distribution. | 16:00 |
EriC^^ | nse_: would you fix a porsche at a vw dealership? | 16:00 |
embik | nse_: this is no elementary channel :) #elementary is not really active so I would propose to ask this on G+ | 16:00 |
EriC^^ | nse_: porsche has vw vag parts .. but it seems irrational right? | 16:01 |
d3ngar | Hello, I'm having some problems with entries in my hosts file | 16:03 |
d3ngar | I have set the url to, but I keep getting the web version of that URL | 16:04 |
d3ngar | Why is that? | 16:04 |
d3ngar | Browser is Firefox | 16:04 |
EriC^^ | d3ngar: doesn't work that way | 16:04 |
d3ngar | Same on Chrome, but I previously didn't have that problem | 16:04 |
d3ngar | EriC^^: thanks for pointing out that I'm doing something wrong. I have not had that problem before, I think this has only been an issue since recently. | 16:05 |
d3ngar | How does it work? | 16:05 |
EriC^^ | d3ngar: what are you trying to do? | 16:08 |
d3ngar | make point to, so instead of seeing the web-version, I see the local version | 16:08 |
d3ngar | I thought you can use the hosts to circumvent the DNS server? | 16:09 |
d3ngar | I thought you can use the hosts to circumvent the DNS? | 16:09 |
RampantTec | You can, I just did it as a test | 16:09 |
kupi | hi | 16:10 |
kupi | i have this problem | 16:10 |
kupi | this happening since I forced unsopperted intel ppa | 16:11 |
kupi | i removed it but I don't know which packages I need to downgrade | 16:11 |
somsip | !ppa-purge | kupi | 16:12 |
ubottu | kupi: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see | 16:12 |
kupi | I added the url manually | 16:12 |
kupi | just the url | 16:12 |
kupi | it has no name | 16:12 |
somsip | kupi: what was the url | 16:13 |
kupi | | 16:15 |
somsip | kupi: that's not a ppa is it | 16:15 |
d3ngar | EriC^^: Do you have any idea how I can see the local version of a website? | 16:15 |
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kupi | it has the same structure as other sources | 16:16 |
EriC^^ | d3ngar: dnsmasq | 16:18 |
d3ngar | I do not know what that means? | 16:18 |
EriC^^ | !info dnsmasq | 16:18 |
ubottu | dnsmasq (source: dnsmasq): Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.71-1 (utopic), package size 15 kB, installed size 113 kB | 16:18 |
d3ngar | Seems overkill, why would I install my own name server when I just want the occasional web address to be routed to a local domain? | 16:20 |
kupi | i have a solution: create ppa manually | 16:22 |
EriC^^ | kupi: what are you up to? | 16:23 |
Kaby | if someone can help me please i have ubuntu 14.10 and ive done update for it but i cant read arabic letters they are seperated | 16:23 |
ParSalian | in gnome-terminal how do i hide the menu bar | 16:23 |
kupi | I have added | 16:23 |
kupi | and that broke my graphic driver | 16:23 |
kupi | so I need to remove it and downgrade the modified packages | 16:23 |
EriC^^ | it was a .deb? | 16:25 |
kupi | probably | 16:25 |
Kaby | if someone can help me please i have ubuntu 14.10 and ive done update for it but i cant read arabic letters they are seperated | 16:25 |
EriC^^ | did you add it in sources.list then apt-get update and installed it? | 16:25 |
kupi | yup | 16:26 |
EriC^^ | ok, find what it modified in the logs and fix stuff | 16:26 |
EriC^^ | kupi: type less /var/log/apt/history.log then press G to go to the bottom | 16:26 |
kupi | EriC^^, thanks but it doesn't show the upgrade command, just installs | 16:29 |
EriC^^ | kupi: nah it should show upgrades too | 16:29 |
kupi | true, thanks i got it | 16:30 |
kupi | i just remembered the command order wrong :D | 16:31 |
kupi | so sudo apt-get downgrade on these | 16:32 |
EriC^^ | nope, sudo apt-get install <package>=<version> | 16:32 |
ioria | awesome solution for suspend mode problem | 16:34 |
Kaby | any one can please help me ? | 16:34 |
ioria | rm or mv light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop and install xsceensaver | 16:35 |
slinnky | Kaby, what's your question? | 16:36 |
kupi | sudo apt-get reinstall would be better solution | 16:37 |
EriC^^ | try apt-install --reinstall | 16:37 |
EriC^^ | apt-get install --reinstall | 16:37 |
ParSalian | sudo apt-get -f install | 16:38 |
ParSalian | fix installs | 16:38 |
ParSalian | in gnome-terminal how do i hide the menu bar | 16:38 |
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arxady_ | join/ yanimoteam | 16:39 |
EriC^^ | ParSalian: preferences > show menubar | 16:40 |
ParSalian | yeah just found it in >view | 16:42 |
kupi | i found out none of the packages are installed what i upgraded than | 16:44 |
kupi | | 16:44 |
kupi | | 16:48 |
Lunatic | Hoya, I recently deleted my /windows partition and I don't know how repare the boot now, apparently I can skip the /windows mounting only in recovery mode | 16:59 |
=== ph is now known as Guest29471 | ||
sugoiryu | hi when i reboot /usr/sbin/bluetoothd loses execute permission is there a way to prevent this | 17:00 |
fragment137 | Could someone help me with a RAID question? | 17:03 |
fragment137 | I have a RAID 5 volume that I'm unable to mount. | 17:04 |
McGuyver48 | hi | 17:05 |
gassho | Aloha #ubuntu :) | 17:05 |
rypervenche | fragment137: Software RAID? | 17:06 |
fragment137 | Running on Intel 82801 RAID controller... forgive my noobness but is that software? | 17:06 |
fragment137 | when I try to mount with dmraid it says "no such file or directory" | 17:06 |
fragment137 | rypervenche: RAID 5 on Intel 82801, I receive the following error: | 17:09 |
fragment137 | this is after I ran ntfsfix on the same volume, as it was throwing unstable state errors from my windows install. | 17:10 |
=== james is now known as Guest11910 | ||
dhrosa | I just noticed that when I ssh into my server from the outside world, it says "Last login: <date> from cottoncandy" | 17:13 |
dhrosa | cottoncandy is the hostname of my router | 17:13 |
dhrosa | can I set this up to show the actual external IP being connected from? | 17:13 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest12284 | ||
Guest29471 | i have the sames problem ! at boot i have a message say the had disk /windows is not present clic s to pass the stage or m to open verbose mode can you help me ..?? | 17:13 |
geexmmo | hay | 17:13 |
Guest29471 | hy how are you ?? | 17:14 |
geexmmo | ok thanks | 17:15 |
geexmmo | anyone know where i can ask cpanel related questions? | 17:15 |
tredi | 17:15 | |
Guest29471 | can you learn my previous message if you can help me | 17:15 |
geexmmo | cant see it | 17:15 |
fragment137 | geexmmo there is #cpanel | 17:15 |
Guest29471 | ok sorry | 17:15 |
geexmmo | thanks fragment, im new in irc | 17:16 |
fragment137 | np :) | 17:16 |
fragment137 | ./join #cpanel will work | 17:16 |
geexmmo | Guest29471 what is your question? | 17:16 |
geexmmo | fragment137 love you | 17:16 |
rypervenche | dhrosa: the "last" command will show you, also your logs show also show you, in your auth.log I think. | 17:16 |
fragment137 | :) | 17:17 |
dhrosa | rypervenche: nope, last shows all the accesses as being from my router | 17:17 |
dhrosa | it seems my server doesn't understand NAT :) | 17:17 |
Guest29471 | ok welcom i m new | 17:17 |
rypervenche | dhrosa: Have you been connecting from outside your network? "from cottoncandy" means your local connection. | 17:19 |
fragment137 | rypervenche, Are you able to assist me? | 17:20 |
dhrosa | rypervenche: kind of | 17:21 |
dhrosa | rypervenche: I ssh FROM a local computer on the same network, to, which points to my router/external IP | 17:21 |
dhrosa | and then my router port forwards to my server | 17:21 |
fragment137 | brb | 17:21 |
dhrosa | rypervenche: okay I think I see what's happening now then | 17:22 |
dhrosa | rypervenche: the OUTGOING connection from my local machine appears to have the IP address of my router (cottoncandy) | 17:23 |
dhrosa | rypervenche: and what's what my server is showing in last | 17:23 |
dhrosa | ? | 17:23 |
researcher1 | Why am I getting this Please help | 17:23 |
Centennial | t | 17:25 |
Centennial | hi | 17:25 |
researcher1 | Can anyone help with this please | 17:25 |
Centennial | I'm using Ubuntu Gnome and I was wondering how I can drag and drop icons to use them | 17:26 |
Centennial | to the desktop I mean | 17:26 |
fragment137 | back. | 17:26 |
ObrienDave | researcher1, it probably does not like your flavor of linux | 17:27 |
researcher1 | ObrienDave: how do I choose right fiefox version or right OS? | 17:27 |
vasc | my advise is use some sort of browser addon which changes the reported OS | 17:28 |
vasc | to something else | 17:28 |
Centennial | can anyone help me to add desktop icons please ... Ubuntu 14.04 Gnome | 17:28 |
geexmmo | Centennial, what icons? | 17:29 |
Centennial | I would like to put the firefox icon on the desktop | 17:29 |
geexmmo | app shortcuts or file links? | 17:29 |
ObrienDave | researcher1, their requirements are pretty vague. try to narrow them down to more specific versions | 17:29 |
vasc | like User-Agent Switcher for Chrome | 17:29 |
ObrienDave | ^^^^^ | 17:29 |
Centennial | when I try to drag and drop firefox to the desktop it just opens the program | 17:29 |
geexmmo | Centennial press alt+f2 and run "gnome-desktop-item-edit --create-new ~/Desktop" | 17:29 |
Pyhscript | it works , lubuntu works! :D | 17:30 |
geexmmo | it will make a launcher | 17:30 |
researcher1 | ObrienDave: how do i do that | 17:30 |
ObrienDave | ask them? | 17:30 |
Centennial | it says command not found | 17:30 |
vasc | researcher1 just install User Agent Switcher for Chrome add-on and then try different user agent strings until you get one that works | 17:31 |
arxady | join/ yanimoteam | 17:31 |
fragment137 | Anyone good with raid? | 17:31 |
=== ph is now known as Guest64660 | ||
vasc | or preferably get them to fix their broken site. but that's probably expecting too much | 17:31 |
Centennial | geexmmo it says "command not found" | 17:31 |
geexmmo | Centennial try pressing tab while entering command, does it give you any hints ? | 17:32 |
geexmmo | like gnome-<TAB> | 17:32 |
Centennial | it just keeps saying command not found | 17:33 |
rypervenche | fragment137: Sorry, I only know software RAID, I'm no good with hardware stuff. | 17:33 |
fragment137 | That's ok | 17:33 |
RudeViper | Good afternoon all | 17:33 |
fragment137 | I appreciate it none the less :) | 17:33 |
geexmmo | try in terminal | 17:33 |
Centennial | is this a really hard thing to do in Gnome? Drag and drop icons? is there a better shell I should use? | 17:33 |
Centennial | I just wanted an easy to use shell that I can drop icons to the desktop | 17:34 |
Centennial | don't want to go back to windows :( | 17:34 |
geexmmo | Centennial try holding alt while dragging | 17:35 |
geexmmo | windowsway | 17:35 |
Centennial | holding alt just opens firefox when I drag it | 17:35 |
Centennial | does Mate allow drag and drop icons? | 17:36 |
geexmmo | start to drag and than hold alt | 17:36 |
Centennial | ok | 17:36 |
Centennial | I don't think I'm doing this right...I started to drag, then hit alt, but it opens firefox | 17:36 |
Guest64660 | also you can use chromium if firefox is not appropried !! | 17:37 |
geexmmo | cursor changes while alt-dragging? | 17:37 |
Centennial | I just want to put the icon on my desktop | 17:37 |
fragment137 | wow what a mess :( | 17:37 |
Guest64660 | thank you !! | 17:37 |
Centennial | the cursor is the firefox icon | 17:37 |
ObrienDave | Centennial, find the executable, right-click, send to desktop (create link). | 17:38 |
geexmmo | you sure it's gnome ? ;D | 17:38 |
Centennial | yeah :( | 17:38 |
fragment137 | this is a storage RAID i was using in windows.. windows sees it completely fine, with no issues. when I boot into ubuntu, it can see the individual drives but not the RAID volume. dmraid can't mount it (Says no such file or directory) and gparted can't see anything, lol | 17:38 |
Centennial | has a foot when I log in | 17:38 |
=== sergio is now known as Guest2774 | ||
Centennial | I think I'm going to try out mate instead | 17:38 |
fragment137 | rypervenche, apparently it's FakeRAID | 17:39 |
geexmmo | take a look at cinnamon | 17:39 |
ObrienDave | Centennial, you can just add the mate desktop and select at logon screen | 17:40 |
MonkeyDust | Centennial what you can do: open filemanager in /usr/share/applications, then copy firefox to the desktop | 17:40 |
Centennial | yeah it just seems like a lot of work to do something simple like dragging a program to desktop I would rather use a shell that lets me do that from the get-go | 17:41 |
MonkeyDust | Centennial i agree, should be easier | 17:41 |
Centennial | it's just been a witch hunt trying to find one that works for me | 17:41 |
ObrienDave | *bites tongue* | 17:43 |
johndoe_ | hello 2 everyone | 17:50 |
johndoe_ | is there anybody here? | 17:53 |
ObrienDave | nope | 17:53 |
johndoe_ | oh shite! | 17:53 |
johndoe_ | anyway i hoped | 17:53 |
ioria | we are all bots | 17:53 |
johndoe_ | i see | 17:54 |
johndoe_ | and very quiet bots | 17:54 |
ioria | apparences can be deceptive | 17:54 |
ObrienDave | this is ubuntu support. general chit-chat in #ubuntu-offtopic, please | 17:55 |
johndoe_ | sorry | 17:55 |
johndoe_ | thnx | 17:55 |
yernaten | #hispano | 17:58 |
teromous | ok I'm back...I've installed cinnamon which so far I think I like better except I'm still trying to figure out how to make a desktop link, is it easier in cinnamon or am I still pretty much SOL lol | 18:01 |
teromous | well I figured it out! on cinnamon I can right click and add to desktop WOOO! | 18:02 |
teromous | lol | 18:02 |
fragment137 | Ok well now I'm running into an issue where I can't install Steam properly because it says it's missing dependencies... but then apt-get -f install shows nothing to install | 18:03 |
fragment137 | :./ | 18:03 |
fragment137 | i also can't manually install libs because they say their dependencies won't be installed, but they already exist! O_O | 18:03 |
Keon | Are there any good steam games on linux? | 18:04 |
fragment137 | Valve supports linux | 18:04 |
fragment137 | so | 18:04 |
fragment137 | basically anything built off the Source engine works | 18:04 |
Keon | What games do you play? or what games do you think are good? | 18:05 |
=== mohammad is now known as Guest15748 | ||
Rubas | Hello, this is not a directly question to ubuntu, but more to the ssh protocol, I have made a ssh -L myport:localhost:serverport root@serverip if I enter http://localhost:myport, is this encrypted? | 18:06 |
ioria | fragment137, you are 64 bit ? | 18:06 |
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as littlebunnyfufu | ||
Wulf | Rubas: yes. | 18:07 |
Rubas | Wulf: thank you. | 18:07 |
Rubas | :) | 18:07 |
=== tcpman is now known as Guest36486 | ||
west536457640 | happy easter - i got a wifi problem with ubuntu 14.04 | 18:07 |
west536457640 | i can fix it - by just booting into recovery mode then rebooting | 18:07 |
west536457640 | but i would rather it just didnt go down randomly and need that fix | 18:07 |
fragment137 | ioria, yes I am | 18:07 |
west536457640 | can anyone suggest something to look at to find the problem? | 18:08 |
ioria | fragment137, did you try from Software Center ? | 18:08 |
Wulf | west536457640: merry x-mas! in what way does it not work? | 18:08 |
fragment137 | Steam installed | 18:08 |
fragment137 | ioria, but it says it needs to install additional packages, and then it fails to install these because of the issue I described | 18:08 |
fragment137 | I can take a snapshot if you'd like | 18:08 |
ioria | fragment137, it says about unmet dependencies ? | 18:09 |
fragment137 | Yea, one sec I'll screen. | 18:09 |
west536457640 | Wulf: it just disconnects and will not reconnect to any network - but reboot fixes it so the network and card is ok i think | 18:09 |
Wulf | west536457640: if you scan for networks, do you see anything? | 18:10 |
west536457640 | yeah sure always | 18:10 |
fragment137 | ioria, | 18:10 |
west536457640 | Wulf: ^^ | 18:10 |
Wulf | west536457640: so you see networks, but you can't connect? | 18:10 |
Wulf | west536457640: what's the error message? | 18:11 |
fragment137 | ioria, if I try to install the libraries individually I get the same result, and the packages it seems to depend on are already installed! | 18:11 |
west536457640 | Yep, it just spins the waiting icon, it will go on forever, reboot and ta-dah! its all good | 18:11 |
MonkeyDust | west536457640 try using wicd | 18:11 |
ioria | fragment137, well, i didn't do that, but you can install the 32-bit version | 18:12 |
kubunto | hw do i install a new java sdk? | 18:12 |
fragment137 | I tried | 18:12 |
fragment137 | ioria, I'm met with the same result | 18:12 |
west536457640 | MonkeyDust, sorry what is wicd and how to use it? | 18:12 |
ioria | fragment137, from where ? | 18:12 |
fragment137 | sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 | 18:13 |
fragment137 | tried to install the libraries manually | 18:13 |
MonkeyDust | !info wicd | west536457640 | 18:13 |
ubottu | west536457640: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 4 kB, installed size 46 kB | 18:13 |
fragment137 | and I get the same error message that you see in the picture. | 18:13 |
Wulf | fragment137: boot up another machine and put its wireless device into monitor mode, then check using e.g. tcpdump if your nonworking machine sends any packages when connecting | 18:13 |
ioria | fragment137, no, i mean the 32-bit version ... from Soft Cent ? | 18:14 |
fragment137 | ioria, Ah I see. I will attempt that. | 18:14 |
fragment137 | one minute. | 18:14 |
west536457640 | MonkeyDust, ok installing it now, what to do after it is installed? | 18:14 |
ioria | fragment137, wait | 18:14 |
fragment137 | ? | 18:14 |
MonkeyDust | west536457640 | 18:14 |
west536457640 | installed ok then get message: * Starting Network connection manager wicd [fail] | 18:15 |
ioria | fragment137, try to install from here | 18:15 |
fragment137 | ioria, that's where I originally installed from | 18:15 |
fragment137 | one minute... it's doing something different now o.O | 18:16 |
Amm0n | west536457640, iirc wicd stopped development.. don't use it.. debug and fix your problem with NM | 18:17 |
MonkeyDust | Amm0n west536457640 i wasnt aware | 18:17 |
fragment137 | Weird | 18:18 |
fragment137 | it's launched now.. but it still complains about the dependencies | 18:18 |
fragment137 | wtf^^ | 18:18 |
fragment137 | lol | 18:18 |
Amm0n | MonkeyDust, | 18:18 |
west536457640 | no worries MonkeyDust - no harm done | 18:18 |
fragment137 | I'm going to reboot | 18:19 |
fragment137 | when in doubt... reboot.... | 18:19 |
fragment137 | BRB | 18:19 |
MonkeyDust | learn something new everyday | 18:19 |
west536457640 | so do i need to look at some logs to find the wifi issue? | 18:20 |
ioria | dmesg | 18:23 |
Amm0n | west536457640, dmesg and/or syslogs.. or try to connect with nm-cli it will provide some output if there are issues | 18:23 |
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west536457640 | Amm0n, ok trying that all now | 18:26 |
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fragment137 | bah. no luck | 18:29 |
MonkeyDust | west536457640 find wifi radar in the repos, hope it's useful | 18:30 |
ioria | fragment137, are you using proprietary drivers ? | 18:30 |
fragment137 | like, direct from gpu manufacturer? | 18:30 |
ioria | fragment137, yes | 18:31 |
fragment137 | Yis | 18:31 |
fragment137 | downloaded from AMD's website | 18:31 |
ioria | fragment137, | 18:31 |
ioria | fragment137, seems you need the opensource, first | 18:32 |
fragment137 | hmm | 18:33 |
johnja | I'm trying to upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10 but the distribution upgrade has failed leaving me with a somewhat broken installation. From what I can tell, the problem seems to be that the packages dpkg and sysv-rc aren't installing. What can I do to correct this | 18:33 |
motheus | why does ubuntu ever worked with gnome and unity over KDE. we could have a nice default desktop and they ruined it | 18:34 |
fragment137 | ioria, removing and re-installing seems to have worked... one minute | 18:34 |
ioria | johnja, you tried do-release-upgrade from command line ? | 18:35 |
motheus | default ubuntu is so ugly it burns my eyes | 18:35 |
fragment137 | have to use AMD FOSS drivers... not flgrx | 18:36 |
fragment137 | that sucsk | 18:36 |
fragment137 | sucks, lol | 18:36 |
fragment137 | I need a new video card -.- | 18:36 |
johnja | ioria, i haven't tried that yet, but will now | 18:36 |
monojin | Had a problem yesterday on a samsung laptop where the internal dvd drive would recognize the dvd just fine, but it wouldn't play in any media player we tried. Does that ring a bell to anyone? | 18:36 |
ioria | fragment137, beforeof that try the opensource driver | 18:36 |
monojin | It was in Ubuntu MATE 14.04 | 18:36 |
fragment137 | ioria, removing the fglrx right now, going to install from software centre | 18:37 |
johnja | No new release found | 18:37 |
fragment137 | ioria, actually where do I get the opensource driver? lol | 18:37 |
ioria | johnja, you have to modify /etc/update-manager/release-upgrade | 18:37 |
tim| | hy all.. i would need a little help.. i got update related problems.. or dpkg? | 18:38 |
ioria | johnja, they should be in the kernel, by default | 18:38 |
ioria | johnja, from LTS to normal | 18:38 |
ioria | fragment137 , they should be in the kernel, by default | 18:39 |
fragment137 | ah ok | 18:39 |
fragment137 | so | 18:39 |
fragment137 | just remove the fglrx and reboot? | 18:39 |
ioria | fragment137 , i'm afraid that will be a bit more complicated | 18:40 |
fragment137 | -.- | 18:40 |
sugoiryu | when i tried the fglrx driver it screwed my system | 18:40 |
ioria | fragment137 , in any case, usepurge not remove | 18:41 |
fragment137 | done | 18:41 |
fragment137 | fglrx-core gone | 18:41 |
sugoiryu | anyone know why /usr/sbin/blueetoothd loses the execuatble bit when i reboot? | 18:42 |
teromous | hey is anyone aware of a way to offset the location of docky so that it isn't behind my menu bar? like raise it up 10 pixels? | 18:43 |
sugoiryu | teromous, u can move it by selecting the window then alt+space m | 18:44 |
fragment137 | ioria, what should I do next? | 18:44 |
teromous | what do you mean selecting the window? | 18:45 |
rori | how do i check if my usb works? from where can i open its folder? | 18:45 |
ioria | fragment137 , well if you have just did it, you can only reboot | 18:45 |
noob001 | hi guys, anyone knws where is located the about:config file or if there even is one, editable maybe? | 18:45 |
sugoiryu | teromous, just click anywhere in the docky window | 18:45 |
fragment137 | ioria, sounds good. thanks for the help | 18:45 |
teromous | I'm trying :/ | 18:46 |
noob001 | hi guys, anyone knws where is located the firefox's about:config file or if there even is one, editable maybe? | 18:46 |
teromous | can't seem to get this to work | 18:46 |
teromous | alt+space+m? | 18:46 |
Elfon_ | happy Páscoa | 18:46 |
sugoiryu | teromous, alt+space after that press m | 18:47 |
sugoiryu | see if that'll work | 18:47 |
teromous | it's not doing anything | 18:47 |
teromous | do you have docky? | 18:47 |
sugoiryu | no.. | 18:47 |
teromous | it doesn't work like a regular window | 18:47 |
sugoiryu | ah ok | 18:47 |
teromous | it's like an attachment to the desktop | 18:48 |
sugoiryu | hmm i try install it | 18:48 |
fragment137 | ioria, looks like steam is working now. thanks :) | 18:48 |
Kaby | hello | 18:48 |
fragment137 | now i just need to figure out the issue i'm having with my RAID and I'll be set to go, lol | 18:49 |
ioria | fragment137 , don't say !!! | 18:49 |
rori | how can i "ping" my usb? check that it is there | 18:49 |
rori | it doesn not seem to moun | 18:49 |
rori | t | 18:49 |
Kaby | anyone can help me please ? | 18:49 |
OerHeks | rori, open terminal: lsusb # does it show? | 18:50 |
rebs | !help Kaby | 18:50 |
bekks | Kaby: Not until you asked your actual question. | 18:50 |
johnja | when I try sudo dpkg-reconfigure sysv-rc | 18:51 |
rori | oerheks: i think so. there is wcdma something and this is a mobile usb broadband so i think that is it | 18:51 |
Kaby | well i am having problems with reading arabic letters | 18:51 |
fragment137 | yaaayyy it's working now :) | 18:51 |
Jamka | hey | 18:52 |
rori | can i open its folder somehow? | 18:52 |
teromous | any docky users here? | 18:52 |
johnja | I get /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: sysv-rc is broken or not fully installed | 18:52 |
bekks | teromous: Ah, another poll? | 18:52 |
Kaby | they are seperated from each other , in youtube its fine but other websites they are seperated | 18:52 |
johnja | How can I fix that? | 18:52 |
teromous | bekks I am trying to move my docky up like 10 or 20 pixels do you know how to do this? | 18:52 |
ioria | johnja, sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 18:55 |
sugoiryu | teromous, <-- u can try that | 18:55 |
Kaby | i asked my question if anyone can help please pm me | 18:55 |
SchrodingersScat | !pm | Kaby | 18:56 |
ubottu | Kaby: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 18:56 |
Kaby | i asked them 2 times | 18:56 |
bekks | teromous: I dont use docky, sorry. | 18:56 |
johnja | apt-get upgrade fails with a metric craploat of errors | 18:56 |
SchrodingersScat | Kaby: but taking it to pm removes the listed benefits | 18:56 |
ioria | Kaby only in browser you got problems ? | 18:56 |
Kaby | i am facing problems with reading arabic words , they are seperated in some websites , the title of the website is okay but the text inside are seperated arabic letters | 18:57 |
Kaby | ioria, yes for now | 18:57 |
rori | if i can lsusb a USB, where can i find it? | 18:57 |
rori | which folder? | 18:57 |
rori | i want to open it | 18:57 |
ioria | Kaby firefox ? | 18:57 |
bekks | rori: you have to mount it, most likely. | 18:57 |
Kaby | yes | 18:57 |
bekks | !mount | rori | 18:57 |
ubottu | rori: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also | 18:57 |
=== tim| is now known as tim|afk | ||
rori | bekks, mounting hasnt been necessary before. | 18:58 |
sugoiryu | hmm docky looks neat | 18:58 |
halfburnttoast | does anyone know if mdadm stores rebuild logs somewhere? It just ran it's auto rebuild last night and there were several messages like 'Rebuild65 event detected on md device /dev/md0'. I looked at the smartctl and the array mismatch counts and they all reported no errors. | 18:58 |
Kaby | ioria, yes but i wonder why some websites is good and some websites arabic words are seperated | 18:58 |
rori | this is a mobile broadband, it used to just pop up in the device list | 18:58 |
halfburnttoast | or is that just a periodic status update? | 18:58 |
bekks | rori: you cannot mount/open/whatsoever a mobile broadband stick. | 18:58 |
rori | i used to be able to | 18:58 |
Kaby | SchrodingersScat, okay | 18:59 |
bekks | rori: then you were able to mount the mass storage device section of it. Try mounting it manually to see whats wrong. | 18:59 |
hdon | hi all :( any advice for JFS recovery? | 19:01 |
bekks | hdon: can you pastebing "dmesg" please? | 19:02 |
hdon | sure i can | 19:02 |
ioria2 | Kaby are you using firefox ? | 19:03 |
bekks | hdon: Your disk is physically broken, you need to replace it and restore your backup. | 19:03 |
Kaby | ioria2, yes | 19:03 |
ioria2 | Kaby mine is fine ... what version ? | 19:04 |
Kaby | ioria2, 37.0 | 19:05 |
hdon | bekks, ISTR back in the day just being able to avoid the affected sectors. is this no longer the case? | 19:05 |
ioria2 | Kaby ubuntu 14 ? | 19:05 |
Kaby | ioria2, yes 14.10 | 19:06 |
bekks | hdon: the affected sector are causing your JFS to be broken, so the answer is "No." | 19:06 |
JinjaNinja | I know this is a bit of a newb question, but how do I know which partition is Ubuntuin gparted? I am dual-booting two linux distros (Kali and Ubuntu) but I want to uninstall kali | 19:06 |
JinjaNinja | Ubuntu in* | 19:06 |
=== jan is now known as Guest93492 | ||
ioria2 | Kaby well, try to install chrome and see if it solves | 19:07 |
Kaby | ioria2, okay | 19:08 |
Kaby | but the main problem would be from ubuntu or from flash player ? | 19:08 |
JinjaNinja | How do I know which partition is Ubuntu in gparted? | 19:08 |
ioria2 | Kaby youtalked about characters ... | 19:08 |
stevecoh1 | after latest upgrade of Ubuntu 14.04, I find that neither my USB mouse nor my wifi connection work. Where to begin trying to resolve. My touchpad works (though I hate it and want to turn it off ASAP) and wired networking works. | 19:09 |
hdon | bekks, hmm | 19:09 |
MonkeyDust | JinjaNinja both distro's have a file called /etc/issue boot in ubuntu and look for /etc/issue on any partition that can caontain ubuntu or kali | 19:09 |
Kaby | ioria2, let me try another browser and i'll tell you what happened | 19:09 |
MonkeyDust | contain | 19:09 |
ioria2 | Kaby ok | 19:09 |
hdon | bekks, how can i understand in more detail? i don't know anything about JFS structure, i only chose it because ten years ago i discovered that JFS worked better when creating or deleting very large files than ext3 did (even for increased filesizes) | 19:10 |
stevecoh1 | after latest upgrade of Ubuntu 14.04, I find that neither my USB mouse nor my wifi connection work. Where to begin trying to resolve. My touchpad works (though I hate it and want to turn it off ASAP) and wired networking works. | 19:11 |
stevecoh1 | How may I debug these two issues? | 19:11 |
sinasaharkhiz | Hey guys, anyone has any idea abouth this?: | 19:11 |
sinasaharkhiz | *about | 19:12 |
hdon | bekks, couldn't i partition around the broken sectors? | 19:12 |
bekks | hdon: Your disk has physically broken blocks, these are used by JFS, and reading/writing to them is necessary for repairing your JFS. Since the blocks are broken, your JFS is broken and cannot be repaired. You needto exchange the disk and restore your backup. And I'd not use JFS but ext4. | 19:12 |
bekks | hdon: the number of broken sectors is going to increase. Your disk is dying soon, very soon. | 19:12 |
hdon | bekks, you're probably right. it's quite old and the airflow in the machine has been poor for a while. it probably overheated. | 19:13 |
hdon | bekks, so what should i do? pop in a new HDD and dd the entire thing over, then try to repair the filesystem on the copy? | 19:13 |
AlphaTech | This is sort of off-topic but I really don't know where to ask... Does anyone know of a place where I can get a .net domain for a one-time non-reoccurring fee? | 19:14 |
bekks | hdon: It has physical damages on the surface of the platers. If overheating would have been the issue, you would have seen the fire. | 19:14 |
bekks | hdon: Use a new disk and restore your backup. You cannot dd the broken sectors. | 19:14 |
hdon | AlphaTech, sure. i run my own registrar. but the one-time fee is very very high compared to the non-recurring fee | 19:15 |
AlphaTech | hdon: Where is that at? A website? | 19:15 |
hdon | AlphaTech, we actually don't have a website as we don't solicit customers via the web, we just have contracts with larger companies | 19:16 |
AlphaTech | hdon: Okay, I'll query you | 19:16 |
hdon | bekks, yeah you're right | 19:17 |
Kaby | ioria2, same problem | 19:17 |
stevecoh1 | Where do I go to find out why my USB mouse has stopped working (Ubuntu 14.04 after upgrade) | 19:17 |
Kaby | ioria2, you think if i updated my language support will fix the problem ? | 19:17 |
ioria2 | Kaby yes | 19:18 |
Kaby | ioria2, because in the details about the update i saw many updates for firefox | 19:19 |
hjrs | Anyone unlocking their LUKS volumes through ssh-ing into initramfs? | 19:19 |
ioria2 | Kaby i have no language support and my arabics are good | 19:19 |
donnie | Are things going to change vastly between now (final beta) and 15.04 release in 2 weeks? I am planning to do install on a new system. I would rather not install 14.10 and upgrade to 15.04 considering the Kubuntu's swtich from 4 to Plasma 5. | 19:19 |
Kaby | ioria2, if i gave you a link can you see if you can read the arabic letters well please ? | 19:20 |
Kaby | ioria2, because i am facing this problem only in some websites not all | 19:20 |
ioria2 | Kaby sure | 19:20 |
Kaby | here or pm ? | 19:21 |
ioria2 | here | 19:21 |
Kaby | | 19:21 |
stevecoh1 | why would wifi stop working after ubuntu update? Everything worked fine until latest updates were installed? | 19:21 |
ioria2 | Kaby it's ok for me | 19:21 |
Kaby | ioria2, in the box of login you can read them ? | 19:22 |
stevecoh1 | Is this the wrong place for me to be asking these sorts of questions? I've gotten answers here before. | 19:22 |
ioria2 | Kaby wait ... i have no arabic keyboard :-P | 19:22 |
Kaby | ioria2, hahaha | 19:22 |
ioria2 | Kaby but the words are clear and united | 19:23 |
donnie | stevecoh1: you should check if anything related to wifi was actually updated or not. | 19:23 |
Kaby | ioria2, i faced this problem on my htc chacha phone years ago :P | 19:23 |
stevecoh1 | thank you donnie, can you tell me the names of things related to wifi? | 19:23 |
ioria2 | Kaby dukul and dasgil are good | 19:23 |
ioria2 | Kaby dukul and tasgil are good | 19:23 |
Kaby | aha | 19:23 |
stevecoh1 | does apt-get maintain a log telling me what it installed? | 19:24 |
ioria2 | Kaby i don't understand | 19:24 |
ObrienDave | Kaby, no language support here. | 19:24 |
Kaby | ObrienDave, yes thats what i mean in the box of login the arabic words are seperated | 19:25 |
* ObrienDave would not know the difference | 19:25 | |
ioria2 | Kaby try gedit or another editor and check if the words are correct | 19:26 |
Kaby | ioria2, ok | 19:26 |
kokut | what is landscape? | 19:27 |
bekks | kokut: In which context? | 19:28 |
kokut | dunno i dont know what it is at all | 19:28 |
ioria2 | Kaby you are right... in firefox they are divided | 19:28 |
bekks | kokut: So in which context did you see it? | 19:29 |
ioria2 | Kaby but in chrome, they are right | 19:29 |
kokut | bekks: applications menu -> system settings -> landscape settings | 19:29 |
kokut | bekks: landscape service* | 19:30 |
ObrienDave | kokut, landscape is the orientation of your screen, normally. portrait is the orientation of a normal piece of paper | 19:30 |
OerHeks | bekks, it is an icon in systemsettings, click on it kokut, and see the description: | 19:30 |
ioria2 | Kaby firefox issue with that site | 19:30 |
OerHeks | Landscape is an easy-to-use commercial systems management and monitoring service offered by Canonical that helps administrators manage multiple machines efficiently. | 19:30 |
ObrienDave | oops ;p | 19:30 |
bekks | kokut: | 19:30 |
OerHeks | payd, 1 month free trial | 19:30 |
Kaby | ioria2, thanks alot for your support but i think its a problem i cant solve | 19:30 |
ioria2 | Kaby sorry | 19:31 |
docmur | I'm trying to setup Zimbra with Heartbeat and DRBD, I have both working on there but when I try to start zimbra I get an error about lpad, this is the out:, I followed this guide: | 19:31 |
kokut | OerHeks: still not clear | 19:31 |
kokut | bekks: yea i already googled it | 19:31 |
Scheak | qsd | 19:32 |
kokut | is it like some remote administration tool? | 19:32 |
OerHeks | kokut, yes, admin multiple systems with updates, programs, plugins, configs and backups | 19:32 |
OerHeks | and deployment | 19:33 |
kokut | OerHeks: well, i dont know what are the possible uses for that really, maybe for setting up servers instead of using SSH or something? | 19:33 |
OerHeks | kokut, anything, not only servers. | 19:34 |
teromous | can anyone please tell me how to disable all of these annoying blips beeps and bongo sounds in ubuntu?? | 19:34 |
sinasaharkhiz | any ubuntu user here that uses a Thinkpad with a Lenovo Dock with 2 or more external monitors? | 19:34 |
arun_ | guys why I get Terminated as soon as I try to access ssh shell ?? | 19:35 |
dale_ | how do I turn off guest session | 19:35 |
kokut | OerHeks: like what? | 19:35 |
ioria2 | Kaby you can try installing firefox in arabic | 19:36 |
bubbely | someone help me get my wifi working please. none of these documents have a working solution. | 19:36 |
Kaby | ioria2, from the download center ? or from web ? | 19:36 |
ablest1980 | arun can be youre ban wrong login info or connection timeout | 19:36 |
fl4pjack | hello! i have a new Lenovo IdeaPad U330p and just installed Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS | 19:36 |
ioria2 | Kaby don't know, i think from web | 19:36 |
fl4pjack | the fan keeps spinning up all the time, even if im just opening a new browser tab | 19:36 |
teromous | anyone know how to disable ubuntu sound effects, login sounds, etc | 19:37 |
Kaby | ioria2, ok | 19:37 |
fl4pjack | is it possible to change the fan speed limits to avoid this? | 19:37 |
OerHeks | dale_, unity-tweak can easily disable that | 19:37 |
arun_ | ablest1980: I tried logging my own localhost too. but it gives Terminated as output and exits the shell | 19:38 |
arun_ | can't even enter the password, it doesn't prompt | 19:38 |
moushira | Hola, am upgrading 12.04 LTS via terminal with <do-release-upgrade> this keeps my data safe, right? | 19:39 |
melvin | How could i mirror 2 screen of the 3 ? | 19:39 |
OerHeks | kokut, like what, take a read | 19:39 |
kokut | anyone has some experience with ubuntu for mobile devices? | 19:39 |
bubbely | hellllllloooo | 19:39 |
ablest1980 | maybe a password is save and auto connecting? | 19:39 |
OerHeks | kokut, try #ubuntu-touch for mobile | 19:39 |
melvin | How can i mirror 2 screens out of 3? | 19:40 |
OerHeks | kokut and please don't poll here | 19:40 |
kokut | OerHeks: what do you mean poll? | 19:40 |
arun_ | | 19:40 |
melvin | How can i mirror 2 screens out of 3? | 19:40 |
kokut | i'm just wondering if i could install ubuntu on my cellphone because it came with a shitty version of android | 19:41 |
OerHeks | moushira, usually upgrade does not affect your date, but if you don't make a backup, your data is not importand. | 19:42 |
melvin | How can i mirror 2 screens out of 3? | 19:42 |
ablest1980 | arun_ try here | 19:42 |
moushira | thanks OerHeks.. | 19:42 |
bubbely | Someone plz help me set up wifi on my laptop | 19:43 |
OerHeks | kokut, join #ubuntu-touch they have a list with devices and howto's to port ubuntu | 19:43 |
bubbely | Also, does anyone know a free SIP that i can use to call landlines | 19:43 |
ablest1980 | arun_ maybe firewall? | 19:44 |
bazhang | !wifi | bubbely | 19:44 |
ubottu | bubbely: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 19:44 |
bazhang | thats offtopic here bubbely | 19:44 |
bazhang | !xrandr | melvin | 19:44 |
ubottu | melvin: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: | 19:44 |
ioria2 | Kaby something about firefox-locale-ar | 19:47 |
Kaby | aha | 19:47 |
arun_ | ablest1980: ok, so any idea how I can remove that shit out of the box ? | 19:48 |
Kaby | well ubuntu i liked it for the first day but i can't see something new i dont have it in windows | 19:48 |
ablest1980 | sorry i dont know just trying to help | 19:49 |
arun_ | ok ablest1980 | 19:49 |
arun_ | can anyone please help me with it ? | 19:50 |
=== HoloIRCUser3 is now known as Blacksocks | ||
bekks | arun_: HElp you with what exactly? | 19:50 |
johnja | I think I can might have a chance at recovering from my failed 14.04 -> 14.10 upgrade if I get get rid of one installed package called lobalogg-dev | 19:50 |
johnja | Is there a way to force the package manager to remove a single named package? | 19:51 |
arun_ | I get Terminated as soon as I try to access ssh shell ?? | 19:51 |
arun_ | bekks: ^^ | 19:51 |
bekks | arun_: Which Ubuntu is that? | 19:51 |
Blacksocks | Do you know the name of the package johnja | 19:52 |
bekks | Blacksocks: "...nstalled package called lobalogg-dev" | 19:52 |
johnja | Blacksocks: Yes. It is libalogg-dev | 19:52 |
arun_ | bekks: saucy | 19:52 |
bekks | !saucy | arun_ | 19:52 |
ubottu | arun_: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and | 19:52 |
bekks | arun_: You need to update first, please. | 19:53 |
Blacksocks | Well you can purge with the terminal but you risk breaking it even more | 19:53 |
johnja | Blacksocks: It is pretty well broken right now. | 19:53 |
arun_ | Blacksocks: I tried with putty too but same errior\ | 19:53 |
fable_ | sss | 19:53 |
fable_ | hey | 19:54 |
Bashing-om | !info | lobalogg-dev | 19:54 |
ubottu | 'lobalogg-dev' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed | 19:54 |
Blacksocks | apt-get --purge remove <package name> | 19:54 |
bekks | !info lobalogg-dev | 19:54 |
ubottu | Package lobalogg-dev does not exist in utopic | 19:54 |
ioria2 | Kaby nothing in firefox ... but chrome works for me | 19:55 |
fable_ | BackBox Linux is the best Linux i ever seen before | 19:55 |
johnja | ubottu: that's one more reason to remove it | 19:55 |
ubottu | johnja: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:55 |
Bashing-om | bekks: :) Thanks . | 19:55 |
frenda | Why this command does not have any effect in Ubuntu-Gnome: `setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:caps_toggle,grp_led:scroll us,ir` | 19:55 |
johnja | Processing was halted because there were too many errors. | 19:56 |
Blacksocks | Btw johnja why do you suspect that's the problem | 19:56 |
johnja | I think it tries to install all of the uninstallable packages before removing the one package I need to eliminate. | 19:56 |
hjrs | Are there alternatives to rsync if I want to syncronize a folder between two servers where most of the content is already in place? | 19:56 |
johnja | I can't install package dpkg because the current version conflicts with installed version of libalogg-dev | 19:57 |
hhee | guys! hi. which cloud storage can you recommended for personal use? dropbox too small for me | 19:57 |
hhee | for free i mean | 19:58 |
Kaby | is there anyway to put the apps on my desktop not on that bar on the left ? | 19:58 |
Blacksocks | You might need to mess with something else to try to fix it but it's a process johnja | 19:59 |
Mitt | hjrs there is Back In Time, backup tool | 20:00 |
johnja | Is there a way to make dpkg or apt-get or some such ignore errors and just removew the offending package? | 20:00 |
bekks | johnja: So whats the complete output of sudo apt-get purge lobalogg-dev ? | 20:00 |
Mitt | hhee you speak Chinese? | 20:01 |
hhee | which tool the best for recond stream radio? http | 20:02 |
hhee | Mitt: no, sorry for my english | 20:02 |
Mitt | hhee for file hosting look here | 20:02 |
hhee | Mitt: tnx bro :) | 20:02 |
johnja | bekks trying to figure out pastebin now | 20:03 |
Blacksocks | First back up then you can try a few things | 20:03 |
Mitt | hhee Tencent Weiyun is huge but I don't speak Mandarin too:( | 20:04 |
johnja | Blacksocks: pretend I already backed up. The system is too unstable to actually do it. | 20:04 |
johnja | | 20:05 |
Blacksocks | Are you in recovery mode | 20:06 |
Blacksocks | If so start with pkg --configure -a | 20:06 |
johnja | I'm not in recovery mode, no. | 20:06 |
Blacksocks | First step is to boot the machine to a shell that you can use to recover. This can be done in the standard system by using the Recovery Mode. Press the left shift key as the system boots up and choose a recovery mode kernel from the menu that appears – it will be labeled with “(recovery mode)” on the end. The recovery mode kernel will present you with the option to use a recovery shell. Johnja | 20:07 |
arun_ | I get Terminated as soon as I try to access ssh shell ?? | 20:07 |
aton | iiska de donde eres | 20:07 |
dreamon | Need a tip howto hide desktop icons, I dont need them anymore. using gnome-session-fallback → used gome-tweak-tool without luck | 20:08 |
hhee | aa | 20:08 |
hhee | sorry | 20:08 |
faLUCE | Hello, I have two pictures (jpeg) and a mp3 music file. Can you suggest me an EASY program for making a very simple video with these two pictures + music ? | 20:08 |
johnja | Blacksocks: when I do that I won't be able to reach IRC, so what do I need to do while in recovery mode? | 20:08 |
Blacksocks | Ok write it down ready | 20:09 |
Blacksocks | After the system has booted to the menu, select the item that says “Drop to root shell prompt with networking”. This provides you with the ability to update the software packages from the Internet. | 20:09 |
Blacksocks | When the prompt appears, start by making sure that all currently installed programs are configured: | 20:09 |
johnja | ok | 20:10 |
Blacksocks | dpkg --configure -a this is first | 20:10 |
Blacksocks | Then apt-get update | 20:10 |
Blacksocks | apt-get upgrade | 20:10 |
Blacksocks | Then the upgrade | 20:11 |
hhee | faLUCE: good question me too want same application, clip from jpegs + mp3 | 20:11 |
Blacksocks | This last step, again, may take a long time to complete. You should pay attention to the list of packages held back (listed at the top of the output from this command); these packages will have to be requested specifically. Usually, packages are held back because they require new software or other drastic changes: the Linux kernel is always held back. Use a command like this one to install these packages: | 20:11 |
Blacksocks | Example apt-get install some-package some-other-package | 20:12 |
Blacksocks | You may have to repeat this more than once until all of the packages have been installed and none are held back. | 20:12 |
johnja | ok | 20:12 |
Blacksocks | Then try the update and upgrade again | 20:12 |
johnja | I'll try this now | 20:13 |
johnja | thanks. | 20:13 |
Blacksocks | Good luck | 20:13 |
dreamon | faLUCE, ffDiaporama? | 20:13 |
faLUCE | dreamon: it doesn't accept mp3 files | 20:15 |
frenda | Why this command does not have any effect: `setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:caps_toggle,grp_led:scroll us,ir`? | 20:17 |
aton | nadie habla español...... | 20:22 |
Blacksocks | Si aton | 20:22 |
Blacksocks | Que pasa voz aton | 20:23 |
bekks | !es | aton | 20:23 |
ubottu | aton: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 20:23 |
aton | ya era hora de donde eres ...... | 20:23 |
aton | ya lo ice pero nada no se si es la señal voy de nuevo | 20:25 |
Blacksocks | Eeuu aton | 20:25 |
moushira | I am upgrading my 12.04LTS via <do-release-upgrade> I was asked about updating or keeping configurations in etc/gnu, I asked to compare both, now i can't get back to command to approve the change. Any hints? :) | 20:27 |
aton | listo.....era un error...grasias.... | 20:28 |
Blacksocks | People joining but no one talkin | 20:30 |
dreamon | Need a tip howto hide desktop icons, I dont need them anymore. using gnome-session-fallback → used gome-tweak-tool without luck | 20:31 |
Blacksocks | What icons in particular dreamon | 20:31 |
Blacksocks | Is it the trash icon and the computer or it is your own apps | 20:32 |
dreamon | Blacksocks, all the desktop icons. I dont want them anymore. want a conky background. I never used the Iocons | 20:32 |
Blacksocks | I see | 20:32 |
dreamon | there are a lot of folders there that I copied to desktop.. :( | 20:33 |
ikonia | they are not icons | 20:33 |
ikonia | they are desktop items | 20:33 |
robb-g | Hi, I've managed to wipe the /boot and /boot/uefi partitions on my xubuntu install, is there an easy way to replace these from the boot disc? | 20:33 |
ikonia | so you won't hide them | 20:33 |
Blacksocks | And your on gnome fallback, do you have any other DE's installed dreamon | 20:33 |
dreamon | ikonia, this mean.. I have to move them? | 20:33 |
ikonia | dreamon: yes, if you have "objects" on the desktop - they will stay until they are not on the deskop | 20:34 |
dreamon | Blacksocks, Yes I have.. but only use gnome-session-fallback | 20:34 |
dreamon | cant I hide Desktop from Desktop? | 20:34 |
ikonia | no | 20:34 |
ikonia | that is the point of the desktop | 20:34 |
ikonia | move them to somewhere else | 20:34 |
Blacksocks | Use gparted from install disk robb-g but it won't restore your files, you might need to reinstall to make them useable | 20:34 |
ikonia | the Desktop directory - is for the desktop | 20:34 |
stevecoh1 | after 14.04 update usb mouse no longer works. dmesg shows this: | 20:35 |
stevecoh1 | mouse works fine with other computer | 20:35 |
stevecoh1 | why might this be happening? | 20:36 |
robb-g | Blacksocks, Is it possible to get a list of the installed packages from my install without booting into it? That would make re-installing easier. | 20:36 |
stevecoh1 | Other post-update issue is that wifi no longer works. | 20:36 |
dreamon | Ok, Thanks. so many programs would now point to wrong position. | 20:37 |
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Blacksocks | Dreamon try unset /apps/nautilus/desktop/*_icon_visible | 20:38 |
Blacksocks | Robb-g it's messy to go there, unless you know what your doing, I would suggest fresh install | 20:42 |
stevecoh1 | I see this bug reported, may be problem with new kernel the update installed. | 20:43 |
johnja | I'm back. The recovery console is pretty much a no-go for me because what I type doesn't show on the screen and I'm typing very badly. I broke my regular keyboard and am using one of those $10 daily disposable POS keyboards while waiting for a regular keyboard via mail-order. Anyway... | 20:44 |
dreamon | Blacksocks, Ok, give it a try. think a reboot make it happen | 20:44 |
stevecoh1 | how the heck do I get back to what was working boefore the update? | 20:44 |
bubbely | that | 20:44 |
tytan | Hello, everyone. I just installed Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 and software RAID1. My brand new WD Black 3TB make cliching noises like a heart beat. What can cause that? | 20:45 |
bekks | tytan: A broken disk, typically. | 20:46 |
johnja | Any thoughts on how to force Ubuntu to remove an unwanted package during a failed distribution upgrade? | 20:46 |
Blacksocks | It's a bad spot johnja | 20:46 |
tytan | bekks It sounds like mdadm is doing a sync process but it isn't | 20:47 |
dreamon | BlackDex, still visible. :( | 20:47 |
bekks | tytan: Did you check the disk using smartctl? | 20:47 |
johnja | Blacksocks: You think I'm pretty much up a creek? | 20:47 |
tytan | bekks yes. didn't say anything | 20:47 |
mehrdad_ | lab | 20:48 |
bekks | tytan: Which smartctl command did you use for running a full check? | 20:48 |
Bashing-om | johnja: As we can not find "lobalogg-dev" . How did you install it ? 3rd party such that ubunti's dpkg has no control over it ? | 20:49 |
tytan | bekks Someone in #debian gave me one. I don't remember. But I didn't do a full check which would have needed 255 minutes to complete | 20:49 |
johnja | I don't know how I got it. I was ptrobably drunk when I installed it. These things happen sometimes. | 20:50 |
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Steki | there is some problems with hp cloud DNS so someone from infrastructure call/msg them - does not resolve at all | 20:50 |
ikonia | how is hat ubuntu's fault ? | 20:51 |
ikonia | they don't manage HP's DNS servers | 20:51 |
bekks | tytan: So do you run Ubuntu or Debian? | 20:51 |
tytan | bekks I ran Debian and tried Ubuntu now | 20:52 |
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johnja | I don't know. Maybe I should try smacking it with a hammer. | 20:52 |
Bashing-om | johnja: Let's see about 3rd party source .. pastebin termianl commands: cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebin it , tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | pastebinit <- see if we can find it there . | 20:52 |
MichaelTiebesl | tytan: if you have warranty on it they will replace it without any questions. | 20:54 |
jsjs | hello , i have my tp link tl-wn722n wifi adapter , is works for some time 3-4 min an then loose the adapter , i am on virtual box , anyone have similar problems??? | 20:57 |
sugoiryu | ++ | 20:58 |
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Steki | ikonia: yeah smart answer... but just imagine if there are people using UBUNTU Images for cloud they are not working ... can you imagine that :) | 21:03 |
Steki | somthing new to show you | 21:04 |
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ikonia | Steki: I can imagine that | 21:04 |
ikonia | Steki: again - how can ubuntu fix HP's dns servers though ? | 21:04 |
Steki | idea is ubuntu controls its own dns , temporary disable forward and redirect to | 21:06 |
ikonia | Steki: so raise a bug/request to get that done | 21:06 |
ikonia | rather than firing into an ubuntu community support channel | 21:06 |
esuna114 | Hello dear Ubuntu users...I'm very new to Ubuntu, is it here I can ask for help? | 21:07 |
ikonia | esuna114: sure can | 21:07 |
esuna114 | thanks very much :) | 21:07 |
Steki | heh | 21:07 |
bubbely | free SIP service with fre-phonenumber exist? | 21:07 |
ikonia | bubbely: nothing to do with ubuntu | 21:08 |
ikonia | bubbely: so nothing to do with here | 21:08 |
Steki | ikonia: i would but where :) | 21:08 |
bubbely | where can i find a channel to answer that question | 21:08 |
esuna114 | I'm trying to compile OpenElec for my new Rpi2, yet I wanted to follow this link | 21:08 |
bubbely | hm.. is this also a coding channel | 21:08 |
bubbely | or only support | 21:08 |
bubbely | i mean ubuntu dev | 21:08 |
ikonia | bubbely: this is an ubuntu OS support channel | 21:08 |
ikonia | not "find free phone number service channel" | 21:08 |
bubbely | no dev channel? | 21:08 |
ikonia | Steki: mailing the canoncial webmaster would be a tart | 21:08 |
ikonia | bubbely: dev channel is not for finding free sip services | 21:08 |
esuna114 | but I have not enough room in Ubuntu "home" they ask for 12 Go.... | 21:09 |
esuna114 | and I have this error also | 21:09 |
bubbely | ikonia: i wanted to see about access to a phoneline from a ethernet cable to contribute an app to ubuntu.. a phone rerouter for ipods and smartphones.. good enough? | 21:09 |
gsilva | hello all | 21:10 |
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ikonia | bubbely: yes, but that channel is still not here to help you find free services | 21:10 |
esuna114 | oops I meant make: execvp: ./scripts/image: Permission denied | 21:10 |
Guest66371 | Just looking | 21:10 |
ikonia | esuna114: ok so you have disk space issues, and file system permissions | 21:10 |
bubbely | ikonia: programming support though, answers about where i stand given the ubuntu version | 21:11 |
esuna114 | ikonia yes | 21:11 |
esuna114 | I would like to have the output on another drive | 21:11 |
=== Steki is now known as BManojlovic | ||
ikonia | !apps | bubbely | 21:12 |
ubottu | bubbely: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at and | 21:12 |
ikonia | bubbely: sorry - ignore that | 21:12 |
ikonia | bubbely: wrong factoid | 21:12 |
ikonia | bubbely: #ubuntu-app-devel | 21:13 |
esuna114 | Please tell me if this is the wrong channel to ask this question, or if you need more info | 21:14 |
ikonia | esuna114: what do you want from us ? | 21:14 |
stevecoh1 | latest update to 14.04 installed new kernel that broke my usb and wifi. How can I get help? | 21:16 |
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ikonia | just as k | 21:16 |
ikonia | ask | 21:16 |
ikonia | if someone knows and wants to help, they will | 21:16 |
esuna114 | Well, in the Openelec doc they say after getting the sources you have to use this command "PROJECT=RPi2 ARCH=arm make release" which I get the error above. I'd like to know how to have output files of the compilation on another place, without this error | 21:17 |
ikonia | move the source directory to a bigger file systems | 21:17 |
stevecoh1 | and if not, just sit and wait forever. How in general, can one react after such an upgrade, to get back to functionality? | 21:17 |
ikonia | it will output fo the source directory | 21:17 |
ikonia | stevecoh1: boot the old kernel | 21:17 |
ikonia | it should still be listed in the grub menu | 21:18 |
esuna114 | I did that, and still got "make: execvp: ./scripts/image: Permission denied" error | 21:18 |
ikonia | esuna114: fix the permissions then | 21:18 |
stevecoh1 | Hmm, grub does not come up when I start machine. Is there some way to make it do so? | 21:18 |
ikonia | stevecoh1: left shift key I think | 21:18 |
esuna114 | i tryed sudo but no help | 21:18 |
ikonia | esuna114: sudo does not fix the permissions | 21:18 |
ikonia | esuna114: what version exactly of ubuntu is this ? | 21:18 |
stevecoh1 | ok, thanks, will try that. | 21:18 |
esuna114 | 14.04 | 21:19 |
ikonia | esuna114: what directory do you have the source code in ? | 21:19 |
BManojlovic | esuna114: chmod u+x ../scripts/image or whatever/wherever that "image" script is | 21:19 |
esuna114 | here /media/esuna114/Starbuck/Programmes/RasPi | 21:20 |
esuna114 | ok BManojlovic, i'll try | 21:20 |
ikonia | esuna114: /media - is that on local disk ? | 21:20 |
esuna114 | nope | 21:20 |
esuna114 | not on the OS disk | 21:20 |
ikonia | esuna114: what disk ? | 21:20 |
esuna114 | it's an NTFS disk, should it be a problem? | 21:21 |
ikonia | esuna114: yes, that will be a problem | 21:21 |
esuna114 | okay | 21:21 |
esuna114 | I'll try with a FAT32 one then | 21:21 |
ikonia | no | 21:21 |
ikonia | use a linux based file system | 21:21 |
esuna114 | ah, okay! | 21:21 |
esuna114 | ext4 it is | 21:21 |
esuna114 | I'll try what you said for now, thanks :) | 21:22 |
methamp | I'm writing the next great American novel. | 21:27 |
ikonia | we are not interested in this channel | 21:27 |
ikonia | please keep to the ubuntu support topic | 21:27 |
methamp | But, I'm writing it on an Ubuntu Netbook. :-/ I shall depart. | 21:28 |
stevecoh1 | previously reported problem with new kernel install. Recommendation was to load previous kernel, using GRUB. But grub was not installed previously. It is now. Will I now be able to load previous kernel? | 21:31 |
BluesKaj | stevecoh1, have you run sudo update-grub ? | 21:32 |
stevecoh1 | just now installed grub for first time on this machine. I should run sudo update-grub? | 21:33 |
BluesKaj | yes | 21:33 |
stevecoh1 | looks like it worked, let me try now | 21:34 |
stevecoh1 | thanks | 21:34 |
TechChristoph | maybe i move to freebsd | 21:37 |
TechChristoph | because ubuntu, well it works but yeah | 21:38 |
BluesKaj | TechChristoph, that really tells us a lot :) | 21:39 |
TechChristoph | i know | 21:39 |
stevecoh1 | BluesKaj - sudo update-grub did load a bunch of kernels but on boot, pressing left-shift either continually or repeatedly did not bring up grub. Inste | 21:40 |
TechChristoph | well i play with ubuntu since 2013 | 21:40 |
stevecoh1 | Instead, ubuntu just loaded normally. | 21:40 |
BluesKaj | you can edit /etc/default/grub timeout stevecoh1 | 21:42 |
Bashing-om | stevecoh1: UEFI ? then it is the escape key that grub recognizes . | 21:42 |
stevecoh1 | change it to what? | 21:42 |
boot1 | may i ask help here relating to ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-i386.iso | 21:43 |
Bashing-om | boot1: Yeah, ask . | 21:43 |
boot1 | Bashing-om; i've tried creating a bootable using usb from ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-i386.iso using netbootin but it won't boot? | 21:45 |
boot1 | Bashing-om; (edited) i've tried creating a bootable usb from file ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-i386.iso using netbootin but it won't boot? any idea? tried also universal-usb-installer, same result won't boot | 21:50 |
Seph | hi guys | 21:51 |
Seph | i have a problem | 21:51 |
Seph | my ufw doesnt work | 21:51 |
Seph | like i even tried blocking ssh and im still connected | 21:51 |
johnja | I don't know exactly what did it, but somehow I got Synaptic to run and remove something called allegro. Allegro seems to be a undead monster that's been hanging around since Ubuntu 8.04 and it needed to be killed. dpkg --configure -a seems to be doing stuff other than complaining about errors now. | 21:51 |
NegativeFlare | Seph: I never did like ufw, try using iptables | 21:52 |
NegativeFlare | unless you want to just shut off ssh altogether | 21:52 |
NegativeFlare | lol | 21:52 |
Seph | i dont want to shut off ssh lol | 21:52 |
Seph | i just want a working firewall | 21:52 |
NegativeFlare | iptables for you then! | 21:52 |
NegativeFlare | !iptables | Seph | 21:52 |
ubottu | Seph: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See | 21:52 |
bekks | ufw is a frontend for iptables. | 21:53 |
Seph | i tried shorewall and it worked but its hard to use | 21:53 |
NegativeFlare | ufw annoys me, just use iptables | 21:53 |
NegativeFlare | Its not that hard xD | 21:53 |
Seph | i just want to test if it will work how can i block port 9987 with it | 21:53 |
NegativeFlare | Seph: Try out iptables, there's tons of docs about it on the net | 21:55 |
Seph | ok thnaks | 21:55 |
johnja | I'm going to attempt a reboot now. Wish me luck. | 22:00 |
Seph | ufw works but u gotta reboot thats lame | 22:01 |
stevecoh1 | tried several grub config changes, nothing seems to help, grub won't load. Latest ci=onfig here: | 22:02 |
bekks | Seph: You dont need to reboot. Restarting ufw is sufficient. And existing connections will not be terminated when ufw is started. | 22:03 |
stevecoh1 | how do I make grub load? | 22:04 |
OerHeks | stevecoh sudo update-grub after editting | 22:08 |
JinjaNinja | I'm having an issue with resizing a partition. | 22:09 |
boot1 | may i ask help please; i've tried creating a bootable usb from file ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-i386.iso using netbootin; but it won't boot? tried also using universal-usb-installer, same result won't boot; any idea? | 22:11 |
JinjaNinja | I'm having an issue resizing a partition. I'm booted from Ubuntu via live USB and that's fine, but gparted is giving me a hard time. I've deleted a partition, which was a total of 230.94 GiB, and I want to use that free space in my main ubuntu partition. But when I try to resize ubuntu partition to use that free space I made, it's not allowing me t | 22:13 |
JinjaNinja | o use that space. | 22:13 |
rypervenche | JinjaNinja: Was the one you deleted before or after your Ubuntu partition? | 22:15 |
JinjaNinja | it's before it | 22:15 |
JinjaNinja | it was "sda1", and it had a boot flag. I deleted it because I no longer needed it, it was a Kali OS. | 22:16 |
MonkeyDust | JinjaNinja make sure one partition is not "primary" and the other "extended"... and be sure to have backups before you start messing with partitons | 22:17 |
JinjaNinja | MonkeyDust: I have an extended partition, and under this partition is my Ubuntu partition and my swap file. | 22:19 |
rypervenche | JinjaNinja: I don't know if it is possible to extend a partition with unallocated space before it. | 22:19 |
JinjaNinja | Oh wow... That sucks. | 22:19 |
JinjaNinja | Maybe I should just reinstall ubuntu | 22:19 |
MonkeyDust | JinjaNinja yes, but backup first... and during installation, create a separate /home partition | 22:20 |
bekks | Sure it is possible to resize an extended partition. | 22:20 |
bekks | select the extended partition, resize it, then select the contained partitions, and resize them. | 22:21 |
JinjaNinja | Well, I have 230.94 GiB that is unallocated, and my extended partition is after this unallocated space. | 22:21 |
stevecoh1 | thought I was home free. Got grub to load - once. Haven't been able to do it again. Every time I try ubuntu comes up. | 22:22 |
stevecoh1 | and when I did load the earlier kernel system worked fine | 22:22 |
JinjaNinja | my extended partition is mounted, or so I think? It's not allowing me to resize it, the option is greyed out | 22:23 |
Bashing-om | boot1: I am back .. OK. 1st step. Did you check the .iso file with 'md5sum/ ? | 22:33 |
thenwkg | Anyone tried to install GNOME 3.16 on Ubuntu GNOME ? | 22:42 |
dumle29-irssi | Hey there. Currently using irssi through the ctrl alt f1 terminal. How would I go about restarting an un responsive gnome desktop? | 22:42 |
stevecoh1 | Can't reliably make grub appear on boot of Ubuntu 14.04. I need to revert kernel to earlier version due to a bug in it. I have installed and upgrade grub so the hidden timeout is non zero but grub mostly doesn't load. I got it to load - ONCE - and not since. | 22:43 |
stevecoh1 | this is driving me crazy | 22:43 |
dumle29-irssi | I was watching a youtube video in full screen, and it sorta just crapped out on me when I decided to leave fullscreen, and now the background is just the default gnome gray of the login screen. | 22:44 |
dumle29-irssi | I have had to restart once before because of that (this is a rather old laptop. First gen intel i3 with the intel HD graphics | 22:45 |
ericb | if I have a home server and want to acess it remotely, but can't use port forwarding on my router, how would ssh tunneling work? can I have someone type in my public ip in their browser and view it through ssh? | 22:46 |
dumle29-irssi | ericb: Not if the port isn't forwarded | 22:47 |
ericb | dumle29-irssi ah ok, ty | 22:47 |
dumle29-irssi | ericb: I think you might be able to do some sort of VPN, but I think #networking might be a better resource there | 22:48 |
ericb | dumle29-irssi: sounds good, ty :) | 22:48 |
dumle29-irssi | ericb: Also, I often get surprised with what you can do on a network, so don't take my words for the absolute truth :P | 22:48 |
ericb | k | 22:48 |
stevecoh1 | Is there no reliable way to force the grub menu to load every time? | 22:55 |
stevecoh1 | I need to do this because the latest kernel has a bug | 22:55 |
BlueProtoman | Is there a way, on Ubuntu 14.10, to intentionally run an OpenGL program with a lower version of OpenGL than normal, for testing purposes? (E.g. I wanna see what happens when I try to use my program with OpenGL 2) | 22:55 |
erry | hai | 22:56 |
Bashing-om | stevecoh1: UEFI system ? | 22:56 |
erry | i can't suspend (either by the ui or pm-suspend; it nevr suspends but just sits there for a while then kicks me back to where i was | 22:56 |
erry | any way to know what's up with it? | 22:57 |
erry | i pm-suspend seems to die with 128 error code | 22:57 |
stevecoh1 | Yes, system has UEFI if that is what you are asking | 22:57 |
stevecoh1 | I turned off quick boot, and always see the splash bios screen, but leaning on Shift does NOT cause grub to show, although, once it did and hasn't since. | 22:58 |
Bashing-om | stevecoh1: Then grub is looking for the escape key as the interrupt signal . | 22:58 |
stevecoh1 | lean on ESC or press it repeatedly? | 22:58 |
Bashing-om | stevecoh1: I think repeatedly as soon as the firmware screen clears, there is but a very small window for grub to recogmize the key press . | 22:59 |
stevecoh1 | well let me try that then | 23:00 |
erry | i'm on 14.04 and 3.13.0-48-generic | 23:00 |
=== kalen is now known as kalen_not-here | ||
faLUCE | Hello, I have two pictures (jpeg) and a mp3 music file. Can you suggest me an EASY program for making a very simple video with these two pictures + music ? | 23:10 |
stevecoh1 | bashing-om ok, I got grub to load and am now running the kernel I want. Everything is fine. But it was a PITA to make it happen. Sometimes pressing ESC too often caused the grub> prompt to appear and I didn't know what to do with that. | 23:12 |
stevecoh1 | If I see the grub> prompt what should I type to take me back to the list? | 23:12 |
aaron_pi_rasp | greetings everyone | 23:12 |
ramen69 | hello fellow debian user | 23:12 |
KF5WYX | hi all | 23:13 |
KF5WYX | application gMFSK wants a device string for my sound card - but I've no idea what to give it. Can anyone help? | 23:14 |
gsilva | hi all | 23:15 |
gsilva | Does anyone know any project that needs managerial/financial/economical help? | 23:15 |
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Bashing-om | stevecoh1: In the grub > prompt .. one should be able to press the escape key to return to the grub boot menu (??) . | 23:17 |
tyrog | Hi what packages do I need to install in ubuntu to have video hardware acceleration in VLC? Intel graphics here... | 23:18 |
stevecoh1 | no, that doesn't work. What happens is I keep pressing esc before the grub screen pops and if I do it too fast then GRUB loads and handles the ESC by taking me to the command line. Is there a command I can give at the command line to get back to the list? | 23:18 |
qu4nt1n | !s furious | 23:19 |
stevecoh1 | And here's another flipping thing: why the heck does Ubuntu one not allow me to paste my password into their login screen? | 23:19 |
stevecoh1 | I go to all the trouble of making secure passwords using KeePass and then the stupid web page doesn't allow pastes. | 23:20 |
l0rdn1x | lol | 23:20 |
tyrog | Does vdpau work for intel graphics? | 23:20 |
Bashing-om | stevecoh1: Sorry. do not know on either of these issues. | 23:21 |
ubuntu | hii | 23:22 |
ubroken | Hi guys. I made a big booboo. I rely on an nVidia card to run my monitor. I do not have integrated graphics. I do not have a non-nVidia card to swap in. I allowed a kernel update and failed to reinstall the nVidia drivers before rebooting. Is there any way to get a working GNOME session with a new kernel version without buying an ATI card or am I totally screwed? | 23:24 |
bekks | ubroken: Just install the nvidia drivers? | 23:26 |
zteam | Hi all! | 23:28 |
ubroken | bekks: I can't. The bleeping nvidia driver installers won't work because I have to use an old kernel version to boot. | 23:29 |
zteam | I was trying to overwrite my usb stick with DD but I got a really strange error message | 23:29 |
zteam | sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M | 23:29 |
zteam | [sudo] password for zteam: | 23:29 |
zteam | dd: error writing ‘/dev/sdb’: No space left on device | 23:29 |
zteam | 15284+0 records in | 23:29 |
zteam | 15283+0 records out | 23:29 |
zteam | 16026435072 bytes (16 GB) copied, 3955,6 s, 4,1 MB/s | 23:29 |
bekks | ubroken: Why cant you? Reboot into recovery mode and install them? | 23:30 |
bekks | zteam: "No space left on device" is pretty obvious, and expectec when running "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M". | 23:30 |
aladiah | Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet will be released wich day this month? | 23:31 |
ubroken | bekks: I have an nvidia card without installed nvidia drivers. If I try to use recovery mode I get the dreaded "switching to clocksource tsc" error followed by a flashing black/gray screen. | 23:31 |
zteam | bekks,okey so that means the overwriting was sucessful anyway? | 23:32 |
bekks | zteam: Sure. | 23:32 |
bekks | ubroken: Did you try with the nomodeset kernel option? | 23:32 |
ubroken | bekks: no. How do I do that? | 23:32 |
zteam | bekks, okey, are your sure it, just fellt very odd that it complaining about free space, then I overwrite it just free space | 23:33 |
OerHeks | aladiah, 26th, join #ubuntu+1 for more info | 23:33 |
aladiah | thanks OerHeks | 23:33 |
bekks | zteam: I am sure. You did not specify any specific amount of data to be written, so it wrote zero's until the device was full. | 23:34 |
OerHeks | zteam, that is because the mbr is not exactly full 1024 kb, so there are kbytes left. | 23:34 |
OerHeks | zteam there is an option for that, to avoid those errors, can't find it quickly | 23:35 |
bekks | zteam: The MBR is 440 bytes, followed by 64 bytes for the primary partition table. | 23:36 |
bekks | Erm, 448 bytes :) | 23:36 |
aladiah | OerHEks: none answear there ! Lubuntu 14.10 users also will receive LUbuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet automatic update with out need of new instalation fresh ? | 23:37 |
OerHeks | aladiah, sure, you all will recieve distro upgrade notice, | 23:38 |
aladiah | ok | 23:39 |
natas | evening! | 23:42 |
zteam | bekks, OerHeks, okey thanks for answers guys | 23:44 |
onca | I started /usr/sbin/sshd from the command line and forward the appropriate port before I left for work, logged in once from one system before shutting down and trying to log in again on a second system using putty, but it rejects my password. | 23:44 |
onca | I know the password is correct. | 23:44 |
onca | what am I experiencing ? | 23:45 |
EriC^^ | pwnage? | 23:45 |
EriC^^ | j/k | 23:45 |
EriC^^ | did you run any commands before you logged out? | 23:45 |
EriC^^ | touch /etc/nologin or ... i dunno? | 23:45 |
onca | I wouldn't be surprised. ;_; It would be a reocurring theme | 23:46 |
onca | I just updated my shell to fish | 23:46 |
onca | actually, no I just moved some files around | 23:46 |
onca | trivial files | 23:46 |
EriC^^ | do you have another user you could try? | 23:47 |
onca | no, root doesn't have a password. | 23:47 |
EriC^^ | has it worked from putty before? | 23:48 |
EriC^^ | maybe it's a keyboard layout thing or something? | 23:48 |
onca | yes, I logged in previously. | 23:48 |
onca | I just moved back to that computer. | 23:48 |
onca | and it won't let me log in. | 23:48 |
EriC^^ | ok so you have remote access right now? | 23:48 |
onca | no | 23:49 |
EriC^^ | i mean local | 23:49 |
onca | it says Access Denied | 23:49 |
onca | oh, I am not at home | 23:49 |
teekayh | hello. I have a problem with flash in google chrome. The latest version of pepperflash 17.x is installed and it works on firefox but not chrome. My ubuntu is 12.02. Any ideas? | 23:49 |
teekayh | 12.04* | 23:50 |
thenwkg | Hey, anyone managed to install gnome 3.16 on Ubuntu Gnome 14.10 with 3.12 ? | 23:53 |
daftykins | that's a lot of numbers. | 23:56 |
thenwkg | daftykins, lol. :D | 23:57 |
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OerHeks | teekayh, chrome has pepperflash laest buildin | 23:59 |
OerHeks | *latest | 23:59 |
=== thenwkg is now known as Nightwalekrkg |
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