
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as SonikkuAmericat
cocolopeshello people...I need help...I have my pc with xubuntu 14.10 and a nvidia gforce gt 520 connected to my LedTv using hdmi04:00
cocolopesthe thing is that when I turn off my tv...and then turn it on...Ican see nothing04:01
cocolopesits like I have no signal from pc04:01
cocolopesand I have to reboot my pc to getnit work04:05
Enkidu_akcocolopes: What shows up in the Display settings manager04:33
QuenzMy screen is zoomed in slightly and when I move my cursor around it moves the screen around. I think I accidentally triggered this with some keyboard shortcut or something but I don't know how and how to change it back.06:21
QuenzOhh okay I figured it out. It's alt+scroll06:23
=== Paulw2U is now known as PaulW2U
halunkei want to connect to a wlan and xubuntu asksfor a keyring password10:48
halunkei never set one10:48
halunkewhat is the pw?10:49
elfyhalunke: should just be your normal password to unlock that, should also ask if you want it unlocked in future (iirc)10:51
halunkeit isnt my login-password10:53
halunkei tried that10:53
halunkei changed the user-pw because i forgot the old one10:54
halunkemaybe the keychain-pw doesnt change with it10:54
elfymight help10:55
=== benonsoftware is now known as Guest70711
=== Guest70711 is now known as benonsoftware
PakyZGJUst installing xUbuntu, hope it will be a good choice for my older PC :D12:17
UsQUEHi, anyone got experience creating xubuntu template on hyper-v by using disk differencing? I always get error: Boot Failed. EFI SCSI Device. .. Anyone got idea what I'm doing wrong? Also noticed there is no efi firmware file in the bootorder.12:27
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as littlebunnyfufu
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
elhanaxfce4-mailwatch-plugin : Depends: libgnutls28 (>= 3.2.10-0) but it is not installable (xfce 4.12 ppa)21:11
Enkidu_akelhana: Try installing libgnutls separately21:30
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
MneuroIs there a way to install compton in xubuntu 15.0421:58
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
bazhang!info compton22:37
ubottucompton (source: compton): compositor for X11, based on xcompmgr. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1~beta2-1 (utopic), package size 97 kB, installed size 243 kB22:37
bazhang!info compton vivid22:37
ubottucompton (source: compton): compositor for X11, based on xcompmgr. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1~beta2-1 (vivid), package size 97 kB, installed size 243 kB22:38
bazhangach quit22:38
=== BytesAndCoffee is now known as Elsa
=== Elsa is now known as BytesAndCoffee
elhanaEnkidu_ak: E: Unable to locate package libgnutls23:35
elhanaNot that I need mailwatch plugin, was just compleining about it23:36
elhanaI guess problem is that it should be libgnutls-deb0-28 or something23:37
elhanaI mean... E: Unable to locate package libgnutls2823:38
elhanaI can't seem to find a way to report it as a bug in xfce 4.12 ppa23:43
knomeelhana, that23:52
knomeelhana, ...that's because there is no way; if it isn't reproducible without the PPA, then it's not a huge deal; you are using the PPA "at your own risk" anyway23:53

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