
=== brandon is now known as Guest49817
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thumperstub: ping - you around today?11:16
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skayARG google marked some juju emails as spam14:11
skaylazyPower: it marked some of your posts as spam. GRAR14:11
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skayI missed a nice post about Docker14:12
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drbidwellIf I have a local install of "juju-quickstart bundle:~landscape/landscape-dense-maas...", can I add my maas target to it so I can deploy on maas controlled hardware?  If so, where do I find how?15:00
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rick_h_drbidwell: so I think the trick is you have to use maas tags to target the deployment to those using contraints.15:29
rick_h_drbidwell: see https://jujucharms.com/docs/1.20/charms-constraints#maas-constraints would need to be updated in the bundle, so you'd have to edit the bundle file to add those constraints in15:29
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skaywhat is the right way to replace a block-storage-broker (it is not a subordinate) in an environment?19:15
skayI don't want to tear everything down19:15
skaywhat is the common practice? I'm going to go read the postgresql carm to see what it does when the relation is removed19:16
skaybefore I go through and remove the unit and then add a new one and then relate it19:17
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
BradyForMIn order to use juju/juju-gui on a local machine I need to set up lxc networking as a better bridge so it is not using 10.* and 192.*  ???19:53
rick_h_BradyForM: you're deploying it to an lxc juju environment?19:56
rick_h_BradyForM: not following all the way what you're heading towards is what I'm getting at19:57
BradyForMrick_h_, I ran juju-quickstart19:57
rick_h_BradyForM: with a lxc juju environment?19:57
BradyForMand it says that everything is in a container for local19:57
rick_h_so if you do juju status you should see your gui deployed to an environment on a machine there with an IP address you can use to access it.19:58
BradyForMwith a 10.X.X.X for the juju gui.  when I run juju status19:58
rick_h_BradyForM: and quickstart should auto open the gui for you once it's up and running19:58
BradyForMBut I can not acess it if it is out side my local ?19:58
rick_h_BradyForM: oh, outside of your machine elsewhere on the network?19:59
BradyForMexample I am on 192.X.X.X and the lxc contianer is on 10.X.X.X19:59
BradyForMfor the Gui ^^19:59
rick_h_BradyForM: no, you'll have to configure lxc to pull from your outside network for IP addresses19:59
lazyPowerBradyForM: you can, but it takes some doing and i wouldn't say its "officially supported" -  http://blog.dasroot.net/making-juju-visible-on-your-lan.html19:59
rick_h_BradyForM: or you'll have to proxy or ssh tunnel the gui out19:59
rick_h_well check that out, lazyPower with even written docs on it woot :)19:59
lazyPowerBradyForM: the better solution would be to use sshuttle for a quick and dirty VPN19:59
BradyForMis there a example of running juju on a VM ?19:59
BradyForMon the local20:00
BradyForMVM is bridged to my local20:00
lazyPoweryou can, we have a vagrant image for it actually20:00
rick_h_lazyPower: do you know the latest on juju and that virutalbox tool folks were working on?20:00
rick_h_vagrant, that's it20:00
BradyForMyou know for testing purposes20:00
lazyPowerBradyForM: if/when you graduate from local usage and still want to isolate you environment, we haev a docker container that has all the tools for you20:01
BradyForMthanks for all your help ! looking at that link and seeing what I can do that that.20:01
BradyForMlazyPower, that sounds great20:01
lazyPowerBradyForM: https://github.com/whitmo/jujubox - due to app armor profile restrictions this will *not* work with the local provider.20:02
lazyPowerbut its worth a bookmark and checking out later in your ventures when paired with a cloud provider like AWS or digital ocean.20:02
BradyForMlazyPower, we are thinking about using ec2 thoughts ?20:02
lazyPowerIts a solid choice. I use EC2 quite a bit myself when testing20:03
BradyForMlazyPower,  rick_h_   that worked like a charm ;)20:26
lazyPowerHappy its working for you BradyForM o/20:26
BradyForM \o20:27
rick_h_BradyForM: woot20:27
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jamessaparaI’m trying to find a guide on how to recover a juju cluster when one of the state servers ip’s have changed. AWS rebooted one of our three and juju refuses to connect to anything.20:29
BradyForMIs there a template to get started writing my own bundles or charms ?20:29
lazyPowerBradyForM: if you have the 'charm tools' package installed there is a generator20:30
lazyPowercharm create -h20:30
BradyForMlazyPower,  do you know if there is ports for debian jessie ?  for the charm tools that is20:31
BradyForMor should I add a ppa and just see if it works20:32
BradyForMhost is debian jessie20:32
lazyPowerI would think the ppa would work... but i haven't tested it tbh20:33
BradyForMlets give it a shot ! :)20:33
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