
ahoneybunI don't see how you set that color ovidiu-florin01:04
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: what color?05:48
lordievaderGood morning.08:34
lordievaderHey ari-tczew 08:38
* Riddell away today and tomorrow, easter trip to see granny09:52
lordievaderHave fun, Riddell ;)09:52
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BluesKajHi folks12:00
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freceljust had plasma and dolphin crash14:42
frecelwhere would something like that be logged?14:42
Riddellfrecel: it should bring up a drkonqi crash dialog14:43
frecelRiddell: it didn't14:43
frecelI'm on Kubuntu 15.0414:44
Riddellfrecel: it might be in /var/crash in which case you can use ubuntu-bug to send the reports to launchpad (but they need to go to bugs.kde.org to be useful)14:46
frecelodd, the only crash report in /var/crash for plasma is from March 3114:48
sneleRiddell: is KDE Applications 14.12.3 bugfix release going to be available for 14.04? at least in backports ppa?15:07
sneleis there any plans about that? :)15:08
snelethis bug pisses me off: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=105676915:10
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1056769 in kdelibs "No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceAdded(QDBusObjectPath)" [Unspecified,Closed: errata]15:10
snelewhenever i start dolphin is spams these mesages and because of that even on ssd dolphin startup is slow 15:12
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ovidiu-florinhow stable is beta 2?16:00
BluesKajovidiu-florin, have a few crashes with konversation and system-settings16:05
BluesKajjust the gui , the irc connection stays open16:06
ovidiu-florinI'll be getting a new computer at work in the next few days16:08
ovidiu-florinand I want a Kubuntu with plasma 516:08
ovidiu-florinI want to ditch Arch16:08
soeeovidiu-florin: im using Vivid on my work PC liek 2 months already16:10
soeeon my laptope even longer16:10
soeeSomeone can test for me one thing in Plasma 5 ?16:15
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BluesKajsoee, what is it ?16:22
BluesKajsoee, you have 5 mins to respond, then I have to go 16:24
ovidiu-florinWhat's this? http://m.imgur.com/j1J9r7o 16:40
ovidiu-florin__this is another: https://paste.kde.org/psfzspsxo16:44
ovidiu-florin__on a live session16:45
shadeslayerwhat's what16:45
shadeslayerovidiu-florin__: it's the driver manager16:45
shadeslayerdo you have 2 cards?16:45
shadeslayerand dat microcode :/16:46
ovidiu-florin__shadeslayer: the screenshot is from my brother's vivid (installed)16:46
soeeshadeslayer: no this happend for me on or two times after list refresh16:46
ovidiu-florin__laptop, only one video card16:46
shadeslayersomeone broke something16:47
ovidiu-florin__he sees that menu 2 or even 3 times, some times16:47
ovidiu-florin__setting anything, does nothing16:47
ovidiu-florin__shadeslayer: ^16:47
shadeslayerit's all sitter's fault16:47
shadeslayerovidiu-florin__: plz file bugs16:47
ovidiu-florin__the pastebin is what just happened to me on a live session (vivid)16:47
shadeslayerso that I can feed them to the easter bunny16:48
ovidiu-florin__shadeslayer: I can't right now, I'm o a live session16:48
ovidiu-florin__shadeslayer: can you help me start a dolphin as root?16:48
ScottKovidiu-florin__: If your live session has networking, you certainly can file bugs.16:49
shadeslayerovidiu-florin__: how are you starting it16:49
shadeslayerand what ScottK said16:49
ovidiu-florin__shadeslayer: $ kdesudo dolphin16:49
shadeslayermm fun16:49
shadeslayerit doesn't want to use the session dbus vars16:49
shadeslayernot sure16:49
shadeslayerovidiu-florin__: mind filing bugs for both?16:50
shadeslayerand plz tag them with 'kubuntu'16:50
ovidiu-florin__shadeslayer: ok, on which project?16:50
shadeslayerfor the first, kubuntu-driver-manager I think16:50
shadeslayerfor the second, I'd recommend kdesudo16:50
ovidiu-florin__shadeslayer: on launchpad, right?16:51
shadeslayerboth on launchpad16:51
soeeshadeslayer: do you remember the command that add problemresolver option ?16:53
shadeslayerjust google for it?16:53
soeecant find it :)16:53
shadeslayerit's  -o  Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true                   16:53
ovidiu-florin__shadeslayer: https://launchpad.net/kubuntu-driver-manager won't let me report bugs on it16:53
shadeslayerovidiu-florin__: wrong place16:53
shadeslayerovidiu-florin__: I'd recommend running ubuntu-bug kubuntu-driver-manager16:54
shadeslayerwould attach useful info for me16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1440801 in KdeSudo "Cannot start dolphin in Live session of Vivid" [Undecided,New]16:54
ovidiu-florin__shadeslayer https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-driver-manager/+bug/144080517:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1440805 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "i can see the driver list multiple times; selecting something has no effect" [Undecided,New]17:10
shadeslayercool, thx17:10
soeeconfirmed it17:11
shadeslayerFWIW someone should add a user visible string to /usr/share/ubuntu-drivers-common/detect/cpu-microcode.py 17:11
shadeslayerhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/202279638/UbuntuDriversList.txt < no meta info about what it is17:11
shadeslayerso hurray17:11
shadeslayerI could potentially fallback to package description17:12
ovidiu-florin__shadeslayer: any solution to open dolphin on live as root right now?17:12
shadeslayernot a clue17:12
ovidiu-florin__shadeslayer: how do I check via command line the active video driver?17:21
ovidiu-florin__if it's nvidia or nouveau?17:21
yofelyou'll see that in /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:21
freceldid I ever metion here that my screen goes black when copositing is turned on?17:21
yofeljust cat the file in konsole17:21
shadeslayerovidiu-florin__: it should be listed in the driver manager17:22
ovidiu-florin__yofel: can I grep it?17:22
shadeslayerthe checkbox should be enabled17:22
yofelsure, just not sure for what...17:22
ovidiu-florin__the driver manager (I assume) it's broken17:22
yofelovidiu-florin__: actually, nvidia should print lots of lines with NVIDIA in them17:22
shadeslayerovidiu-florin__: eh?17:23
shadeslayerovidiu-florin__: why do you think that?17:23
yofelovidiu-florin__: but if you're on live, you should be using nouveau17:23
shadeslayerisn't it just the refresh bits that are broken17:23
ovidiu-florin__shadeslayer: I'm not sure17:24
shadeslayerovidiu-florin__: FWIW from your previous screenshots it looks as if it's only the refreshing is broken17:28
shadeslayerassuming you're on the live ISO17:28
shadeslayersince it checks the correct radio box17:29
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: it's installed 17:34
shadeslayerwhats installed?17:34
ovidiu-florinNot live 17:34
ovidiu-florinVivid 17:35
shadeslayerand then you installed the nvidia driver?17:35
shadeslayeror have you changed anything on the system post install wrt drivers?17:36
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ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: let me start again17:56
ovidiu-florinmy brother installed Vivid beta117:56
ovidiu-florinit kept crashing so I recommended him to install the Nvidia driver17:57
ovidiu-florinHe tried to, and hot that list duplicated17:57
ovidiu-florinsometimes even triple17:57
ovidiu-florinI recommended hom to install it via command line17:58
ovidiu-florinso he did: sudo apt-get install nvidia-34617:59
ovidiu-florinnow X freezes when the login prompt is hsown17:59
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: try nvidia-current18:00
yofelthat's ancient (304)18:00
ovidiu-florinhe had to go....18:00
yofel340 would be worth a try maybe, that's the current legacy one18:01
shadeslayerwhy is it called current then @_@18:03
shadeslayergtg, dinner18:04
ovidiu-florinwhy not the latest?18:04
yofelI think it's named after the plan ^^18:04
yofelthen someone noticed that there's something like unsupported cards for new drivers, so the plan was changed to a ... thing18:04
lordievadershadeslayer: Because naming it lagacy would make too much sense :P18:05
ovidiu-florinsoee: ping18:06
shadeslayera thing!18:08
shadeslayera thing always solves the worlds problems18:08
yofeldoesn't it? XD18:09
soeeovidiu-florin: pong18:09
ovidiu-florinmy tasks are piling up18:09
ovidiu-florinso I want to finish the site18:09
ovidiu-florinang get it up18:09
yofelhm, using thunderbird again after a while is strangely relaxing...18:10
soeeovidiu-florin: have you seen my suggestions @ feature ture page icons ?18:10
ovidiu-florinyes, I wrote them down18:10
ovidiu-florinkdialog is not available anymore in vivid?19:05
yofelovidiu-florin: it's in kde-baseapps-bin19:07
yofelthat is the package19:08
ovidiu-florinwhy is it not installed by default?19:08
yofeldunno... what needs it?19:09
yofelovidiu-florin: got dropped from kubuntu-desktop as part of the plasma5 switch19:10
ovidiu-florinthen we offer no alternative to kdialog?19:10
yofeldoes upstream have one?19:11
ovidiu-florinor Ubuntu?19:11
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: cool, but doesn't work on Wordpress, because of Batman19:11
yofelkde. Although best ask Riddell why he dropped it19:11
yofelmaybe just because it's qt4, which isn't much of a reason19:11
ovidiu-florinyofel: where's sitter?20:41
yofelusually only online during europe working hours lately20:41
yofeljust write him a mail20:42
ovidiu-florinthe gwenview plugin thingy he made is absent in vivid20:42
BluesKajI'm not particularly visually oriented, buit that 15.04 plsama 5 splashscreen sure is boring . Hope there's some optional splshaes available soon 20:42
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BluesKaj\err splashes 20:43
lordievaderBluesKaj: Make one, start the movement ;)20:46
ahoneybunthe color sections on the feature tour20:59
ahoneybunI added a new screenshot ovidiu-florin21:00
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frecelahoneybun: do you know where all the files that khelpcenter displays are stored?21:30
ahoneybunyea let me see frecel21:34
ahoneybunfrecel: are you talking docs wise?21:35
frecelahoneybun: I started working on that spelcheck script it's already up and running, I just have to write exceptions for XML tags21:35
ahoneybunin Plasma 5 it is /usr/share/doc/HTML/$lang21:36
frecelI'm going to make a dictionary that is basically an english dictionary that ignores different spelling of words like colour etc.21:37
soee_ahoneybun: can you add LO screen in feature tour with breeze icons and maybe use some text without specllhecking ?21:37
ahoneybunyea I just need to understand how to use those sections that ovidiu-florin put in 21:38
ahoneybunsoee_: worried that I will break it even more lol21:38
soee_that i dont know :)21:39
ahoneybunsoee_: do you have a white icon in writer?21:42
soee_ahoneybun: yes, i also added a comment about it somewhere wen testin it21:42
ahoneybunwell I clicked the button so it is not to white21:44
* ahoneybun fixed it \o/21:47
ahoneybunsoee_: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/feature-tour/21:47
soee_ahoneybun: nice, now if ovidiu-florin fix the icons, this page will be ready i think. We can only verify texts here than21:51
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