[08:21] Hi === Pici` is now known as Guest51728 === Guest51728 is now known as pici === pici is now known as Pici [16:14] hi there [16:14] can someone please help me with scripted translation uploads? i'm getting an error 500 [16:23] KaZeR: you'll probably have to wait until tomorrow. pretty much all of EU/UK is on holiday today [16:24] oh right easter monday [16:24] thanks dobey [16:26] sure [19:45] dobey: are you aware of an api that would allow downloading po files without having to request them via the UI and wait for an email ? [19:46] no [19:46] ok thanks [19:47] oh, maybe that is possible [19:49] if you get the project_series for the project, you can do getTranslationTemplates() on it, which will return a set of templates, and then for each translation_template, you can get the translation_files_collection, which is a set of translation_file, which has a web link that /might/ be where you can download the .po from [19:50] hmm, or maybe not [19:50] i guess it's probably the link to the language page for that template [19:59] ha ok thanks