
BluefoxicyI googled "Ubuntu 15.04 release date"02:06
BluefoxicyWhat are the first words that appear on the page?02:06
Bluefoxicy"As the 23 April release date approaches, it's beginning to look as though Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) on the desktop will be a disappointing release. "02:06
Bluefoxicy"While the option to switch to Locally Integrated Menus (LIMs) was introduced in 14.04, this is now the default in Ubuntu 15.04, with the menus appearing in the top bar of every window."02:08
BluefoxicyWhen Ubuntu switched to MacOS-style menus, I went babbling on about the number of clicks required to access a menu for a non-focus window, and about the spatial locality of the application workspace and how it differs from the spatial locality of the screen workspace02:09
BluefoxicyThe next time someone tries to switch to MacOS-style menus, I'll just say "Ubuntu"02:09
agronholmI found the LIMs a much better solution than the stupid global manu bar02:11
Bluefoxicyagronholm:  I argued with people and gave technical explanations on why the global menu bar is not good UI design, at all.02:11
BluefoxicyOccasionally, this misguided belief that users are spatially aware of their desktop and NOT of the application window surfaces02:12
BluefoxicySo people were arguing that the application window can move around the screen, and so the user will get confused and have to go hunting for the window to find the menu, instead of reaching for the top of the screen--the top of the screen is always in the same place02:12
BluefoxicyThe problem with this is people aren't spatially aware of the screen02:13
Bluefoxicytheir minds context to the application they want; they locate it; and then they interact with it spatially.02:13
agronholmconfused? err, that's how all GUIs work except for Mac OS02:13
BluefoxicyIt's like a coffee mug02:13
Bluefoxicyyou know where the handle is on the coffee mug.02:13
BluefoxicyIf you put the coffee mug elsewhere on your desk, you locate the mug, and grab the handle.02:13
Bluefoxicyif the handle was in a fixed location on your desk, you'd have to locate the mug, then identify its spatial relationship with your desk, then use that to derive the location of the handle02:14
Bluefoxicyor... locate the handle separately02:14
BluefoxicyI've learned recently that it's pointless to argue with people02:14
BluefoxicyThey never listen.02:14
BluefoxicyI should have handled that some other way, because facts and figures don't fucking work.02:14
BluefoxicyBut they figured it out on their own.02:15
agronholmand canonical likes to do things their way02:15
agronholmfsck the users02:16
agronholmsee mir for reference02:16
Bluefoxicyoh my god02:16
BluefoxicyZDNet's writers are such shit02:16
Bluefoxicyagronholm: they're trying to make an Ubuntu phone (android, ios, winphone, yeah....) and their own desktop.02:17
BluefoxicyI'm still using Gnome 3 because it's a huge step above Gnome 202:17
BluefoxicyPeople hate Gnome 3 because they want to hunt through menus, and Gnome 3's menu hunting feature is ... shit.02:18
agronholmI expect the same amount of success as Nokia saw with their Lumia phones02:18
BluefoxicyBut people also hate on Unity for the same reason02:18
Bluefoxicywhile Canonical crams Unity down your throat lol...02:18
agronholmat least there are alternative editions02:19
Bluefoxicyyeah.  Like I said, I use Gnome 302:19
Bluefoxicygnome-ubuntu or whatevr02:19
Bluefoxicyit's just... last I used unity, it handled the desktops by showing you 4 and only 4 virtual desktops, with the applications piled onto each.02:19
BluefoxicyGnome shows you a zoomed-out view of all applications on exactly one desktop, which you switch through, create more of, or drag applications between.02:20
BluefoxicyPlus I like how in Gnome you can tap the Winkey or the Activities button and start typing, and then just hit arrows or hit enter and open the application you want.02:20
BluefoxicyThere's not a lot to say about the desktop; it's just out of my way.02:21
BluefoxicyMicrosoft and Canonical are doing this thing where they want to bring the desktop environment more into the user's face to show off how it's so bling02:21
Bluefoxicyand I just want it to hand me what I want IMMEDIATELY and then go away02:22
xinobraxBluefoxicy: some here...Unity still sucks....and usually I replace Nautilus with Nemo....Nautilus became really horrible...03:45
lordievaderGood morning.08:34
solsTiCehi. Whu does not ubuntu able todetect that the RTC clock is in UTC during install ? it leads to some afterwards. IT is just a matter of comparing RTC clock and some value from a ntp server (if there is internet obviously)09:48
lordievadersolsTiCe: That is because other OS'es can expect the clock to be in a different format.09:50
solsTiCelordievader: "format" ? it can only be UTC or localtime. yes windows set it to lcoaltime unless you tinker the register. I din't say ubuntu should change RTC clock. I said ubuntu should detect the value of RTC clokc and UTC value in /etc/default/rcS11:05
lordievaderIf you run ntpd it will correct the clock automatically.11:06
MoonUnit`looks like ntpdate is installed, seems to be a dependancy with ubuntu-minimal11:17
MoonUnit`journalctl |grep ntpdate shows it's being used, must be a systemd thing11:17
lordievaderMoonUnit`: ntpdate existed way before systemd ;)11:18
MoonUnit`no i mean having it installed11:18
lordievaderThought it was ~allways included.11:19
lordievaderAnyhow ntpd != ntpdate.11:20
MoonUnit`don't they both update in the system clock via ntp servers?11:21
lordievaderYes, but one is a daemon, the other isn't.11:22
MoonUnit`ntpdate seems to be called a lot, too much imo 11:10:47 11:19:24 11:28:2 11:36:42 11:44:5311:25
MoonUnit`10 times in the last hour11:26
lordievaderNtps is also a lot nicer in correcting time difference.11:29
MoonUnit`wonder why they chose ntpdate over ntpd11:30
lordievaderIn most cases ntpd isn't necesarry.11:30
BluesKajHi folks12:00
* Bluefoxicy puts MoonUnit` in a kangaroo pouch for no apparent reason12:16
Bluefoxicyntpdate will set your clock if it's off by more than a few seconds; ntpd won't.12:17
BluefoxicyYou need your clock topped up properly if you use kerberos tokens12:17
BluefoxicySometimes, these systems drift more than 1 minute per hour12:18
BluefoxicyUbuntu 13.10 drifted more than 1 minute per hour for me.  I don't know why. 12.10 didn't, neither did 14.0412:18
lordievaderBluefoxicy: ntpd will slowly get your clock back in sync, it avoids huge jumps.12:18
Bluefoxicyno idea if 15.04 is going to be broken or if it'll have a working clock12:18
Bluefoxicylordievader:  maybe that's why it never did anything for me when my clock was running wildly out of sync12:19
lordievaderHmm, it should get it in sync. That is, after all, it's job.12:19
BluefoxicyI was drifting by more than an hour per week o.o12:20
BluesKajthe clock works just fine on 15.04 here12:20
BluefoxicyI wonder what causes some versions of Ubuntu to have clock drift12:21
BluesKajinternal clock drifts when the pc is shut down  perhaps?12:25
lordievaderIt shouldn't, that is what the RTC and bios battery are for.12:26
penguin42Bluefoxicy: How much does it drift?12:26
penguin42oh you said12:29
penguin42hmm, an hour a week is a lot12:29
penguin42that's > 0.5%12:29
GeoMintfor some reason my laptop does not show any tty from tty1 to tty612:37
GeoMinti have xubuntu 15.0412:37
GeoMintits just shows a black screen12:37
Bluefoxicypenguin42: yeah.  Current version doesn't do it.  It's done it on and off for years.  I had it happen to me sometimes when I ran Gentoo, too, always for stretches of months at least; it's never been a one-off thing where it misbehaved for a week or something.12:38
BluesKajwhen did this happen GeoMint ?12:39
GeoMinti think some days now it has it12:39
Bluefoxicylordievader:  I thought Linux calculated time internally, using real-time CPU statistics (clock ticks)12:39
Bluefoxicycould be a CPU driver issue from time to time, but I have no idea.12:39
BluesKajGeoMint, after an upgrade , dist-upgrade or an new install?12:40
lordievaderBluefoxicy: Clould be, but I think that would result in a very unstable clock.12:40
penguin42BluesKaj: Do you ever suspend?12:40
BluesKajyes penguin42, I do on my laptop12:41
GeoMinti dont know. i am not sure. i think it did some dist upgrades. I didn't open tty's in my laptop in the last month so i can not be sure to answer you.12:41
GeoMinti am upgrading with the new updates now via apt-get12:43
penguin42BluesKaj: Sorry, that was actually a question for Bluefoxicy12:45
BluesKajpenguin42, that's fine12:46
GeoMintany ideas BluesKaj12:46
BluesKajGeoMint, gpu driver wasn't updated maybe?12:48
GeoMintidk, my tty7 (Xorg) works great12:49
BluesKajoh ok , you're the 2nd user who's encountered that problem in the last 2 days12:50
GeoMinthmmm thanks for letting me know that BluesKaj12:51
BluesKajthe VT isn't enabled somehow12:51
GeoMintthe VT? what is this?12:51
GeoMintohh you mean the ttys12:53
BluesKajpenguin42, you mentioned there was a method to switch the VT off, wonder if the same method can  be used to turn the VTs on12:54
GeoMinti upgraded with the lastest update. so i will restart my computer after that12:54
GeoMinti am talking you from this computer so i will logout and come back again12:54
penguin42BluesKaj: I remember it being an X config thing, and I think there was also an option under input settings somewhere - all about whether ctrl-alt-fn was allowed12:54
BluesKajpenguin42, ok , some users don't even have an Xconfig file12:56
penguin42BluesKaj: On kubuntu under settings, input/keyboard, advanced12:56
BluesKajmost actually12:56
penguin42BluesKaj: Possibly then the Miscellaneous compat options, special keys handled in a server?12:56
penguin42BluesKaj: Still seems to be enabled here - but hang on, are these affected users running Mir perhaps/12:56
BluesKajpenguin42, yeah , good point12:57
BluesKajGeoMint, unity desktop ?12:57
GeoMinti can upload my /etc/init/tty1.conf if you want12:58
BluesKajoh yeah , forgot12:58
GeoMinthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/10749771/ this is my conf12:59
penguin42GeoMint: If you have a working shell on your machine or ssh you can try manaually switching with the command chvt 2    (for example) - and then can switch back with chvt 7  (probabyl!)12:59
BluesKajVT1 wasn't workinghere for a while, but the rest did12:59
GeoMinti said that my tty1,2,3,4,5,6 are a black screen13:00
GeoMintso i am not sure if that works13:00
GeoMintno idea how to do what you told me13:00
penguin42ah, so oyu can switch but they're black - hmm13:00
penguin42GeoMint: If you do  systemctl | grep tty   do you see 'getty@tty2.service'13:01
penguin42and does it shows it as loaded/active/running ?13:02
GeoMintall 1-6 running13:02
penguin42oh, if that's running then hmm13:02
* penguin42 blinks - why does my machine have /dev/ttyS0..3113:02
penguin42it doesn't have any serial ports13:02
GeoMintwait a minute to restart my computer with the last updates and i come back13:03
GeoMinti am back BluesKaj13:06
GeoMintnot any change from updates13:06
GeoMintanyway. thanks for the informations BluesKaj penguin42 :) have a nice day13:12
* BluesKaj wonders what's missing that leaves the VTs disabled13:22
penguin42yeh it's odd, if systemd thinks it's running a getty13:26
BluesKajI haven't checked ...wonder if it's disabled here too13:33
penguin42no, he said he saw it in the list13:34
BluesKajworks here, just tried VT113:34
penguin42yeh, works here13:35
BluesKajbut another Kubuntu 15.04 user had the VT problem yesterday13:35
penguin42I'm an upgrade here rather than clean install13:36
BluesKajthis is a daily from 2 days ago13:37
penguin42go back a step, why are they switching vt - is it only after something has already failed?13:38
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mrpizzafaceHello im running ubuntu 15.04 BETA2 and i was wondering how do i remove a setting on a harddrive that i have that wont let me write to it even though i have used Gparted to formatt the drive to EXT415:12
BluesKajmrpizzaface, are you trying to install from live-media/usb/cd ?  if so you may need to unmount it15:38
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mrpizzafaceHello im running ubuntu 15.04 BETA2 and i was wondering how do i remove a setting on a harddrive that i have that wont let me write to it even though i have used Gparted to formatt the drive to EXT418:57
mrpizzaface(also i might have been here before but for some reason my laptop died)18:57
agronholmmrpizzaface: setting on a hard drive?19:32
agronholmand you have the file system mounted read-write?19:32
mrpizzafaceagronholm, sorry didnt get my pings but nope i fixed it told google to go *** its self up a river and used bing19:34
mokushanybody else having problems with booting up vivid with the 3.19.0-12 kernel? I'm using kubuntu, and get stuck either at a blank screen, either at the blank screen with the 219 systemd version. can't switch to a different tty or anything. If I boot with 3.19.0-11 everything works ok.19:39
agronholmI have 3.19.0-1219:40
agronholmno problems whatsoever19:40
lordievadermokush: As a matter of fact, I did. Didn't look into what it acually was. Booted the previous kernel and no problems.20:16
lordievaderHmm, same version indeed.20:17
mokushlordievader: do you have an intel gpu?20:31
lordievaderI do.20:32
mokushlordievader: if I enter recovery mode, then resume normal boot from there, I can boot the new kernel. but the resolution is all messed-up, so I guess it doesn't have the right video drivers?20:32
lordievaderRecoverymode messes up drivers to ensure a proper boot. I.e. it uses the most basic of basic.20:33
mokushlordievader: so it must be something with 3.19.0-12 and intel drivers20:44
lordievaderLooks like it.20:44
furkananybody here using the radeonsi open source driver on vivid?21:36
furkani'm just wondering if anybody else can reproduce these bugs:21:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1440602 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Graphics corruption after suspend/resume cycle" [Undecided,New]21:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1440606 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Screen garbled after changing display settings" [Undecided,New]21:37

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