
=== Pici` is now known as Guest51728
=== Guest51728 is now known as pici
=== pici is now known as Pici
desrtis everyone still on holiday today?14:11
larsudesrt: still? For most people, today is the only easter-related holiday14:22
desrtno good friday?14:23
larsunot for the French iirc14:23
desrthow about seb? :)14:23
larsusame as pitti and me. He lives in Germany, remember14:23
* happyaron is on holiday today14:38
desrtcanada has a weird approach to this holiday.  half of people are on holiday, others not.14:45
larsudepending on province?14:46
desrteven in ontario it's half and half14:46
desrtdepends on the industry, more or less14:46
desrti think anything that is covered by some form of federal regulation is on holiday14:46
desrtplus all government offices of any kind14:46
desrtand all schools14:47
desrtregulated stuff = banks, etc.14:47
desrtit's all pretty random14:47
larsudo you have the day off?14:49
desrti don't think so :)14:49
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper

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