
benonsoftwarepleia2: Heh, you're not the one who had doubts about that article. :P03:25
* PaulW2U wonders which anonymous person partly deleted pleia2's name from the prep doc ?09:35
* PaulW2U and still four summaries to write :(09:37
pleia2ugh, killed by travel and just boarded flight09:48
pleia2if this plane has wifi, I'll finish summaries and prep09:49
pleia2woo, it does have wifi, once we're flying I'll get to work :)09:50
pleia2Unit193: link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue41112:27
pleia2I'm about to fall into a sleep coma, going to see about some rest in this flying machine12:29
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PaulW2Ueditorial review done14:46
Unit193Looks good.16:42
bapoumba_Hello !19:53
bapoumba_ping anyone having access to the Fridge calendar please :)19:53
Unit193bapoumba_: I'm not it, but whatcha need?19:56
bapoumba_hello Unit193, I need to change some ubuntuforums meetings19:57
bapoumba_looks like I cannot19:57
bapoumba_Actually I need to remove some meetings19:58
bapoumba_we decided to go to one every other month rather than one every month19:58
Unit193jose, pleia2?20:01
bapoumba_Yeah, pleia2 helped me last time we needed to adjust the meeting times :)20:03
bapoumba_Sorry, time to sleep here. I'll come back later, thanks Unit193 :)20:28
Unit193Sure, sorry I didn't help.20:28
bapoumba_No problem20:28
bapoumba_I'll try again this week20:28
Unit193(This way hopefully they'll still know what you'd like changed.)20:28
bapoumba_Bye :)20:28
bapoumba_Yeah, pleia2 set up the calendar events and I cannot change them :)20:29

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