
wxlelfy: sorry, no.06:15
elfycyphermox: I see your good morning in -devel and raise you a 'do you remember the bug for the  pwconv /etc/passwd 0600 issue we were seeing recently?'14:03
elfyand have a good day if you're not working :)14:03
cyphermoxwell, no I don't remember that bug14:05
cyphermoxI can try to look it up14:05
elfyI tried too - not having much luck, was hoping flexiondotorg remembered it - he saw it first14:07
cyphermoxnot finding it either14:10
elfyI find reference to it in -release, but then it went to -devel and I obviously don't have logs for some reason14:11
cyphermoxok, what date then?14:12
elfyyou made me think more ... last time the same thing apparently caused by "infinityBut, indeed, it looks like xserver-xorg-video-all has fallen out of all the desktop seed because of the whacky xserver-xorg-core alternate dep that shouldn't be there."14:17
elfyanyway - obviously there being a reason, saw the same thing in Lubuntu yesterday - no new build yet to see14:18
=== elopio_ is now known as elopio
elopioNow I can connect to freenode again.18:27
dobeyso you say18:41
testping elopio18:56
=== test is now known as Guest16276
Guest16276ping elopio18:57
Guest16276ping elopio18:59
Guest16276ping elopio18:59
Guest16276ping elopio19:00
wxlGuest16276: that might be perceived as annoying19:00
Guest16276wxl: sorry, I'm testing some stuff. Will change to another chat.19:00
elfywxl: evening :)19:01
Guest16276I'm elopio btw, just bothering myself :)19:01
wxlhi elfy19:01

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