
Kilosmorning all05:36
Kilosty inetpro  seems the vcard thing is built in, very easy to do, you choose something to open something that finds something and fetches something. all built in to the bird thing05:38
Kilosactually , address book, tools, import vcard05:46
Kilosgoogle definitely wasnt so friendly this time06:00
Kilosyou TB followers need to tell them to update all their help pages06:01
Kilosi even slummed a bit on FB today06:48
Kilosgremble  did you forget to go to bed even06:50
Kiloswb Symmetria  what did you break07:05
Symmetriaheh power problem at home that took out my bouncer box ;p07:06
Kilosyesterday already07:06
Symmetriahttp://www.nation.co.ke/image/view/-/2677058/highRes/985778/-/maxw/600/-/10dcqwc/-/GarissaTerrortt.jpg <=== you know, that guy looks so damn normal07:06
Symmetriabut thats the guy that lead the kill squad in garissa that killed 147 people 07:07
Symmetriafucking asshole07:07
Kilosyou cant judge a book by its cover07:07
Symmetriayeah I know, its just scary that the guy who goes out and does something like that looks like a normal guy, sounds like a normal guy, acts entirely normal07:08
Symmetriauntil out of nowhere, that happens07:08
SymmetriaI mean the guy was an intelligent law student 07:08
Symmetriahe was well liked and well known07:08
Kiloshi pieter2627  07:54
pieter2627morning (oom) Kilos :P07:55
Kiloslol ai! jy ook nou07:55
Kilosthats my smiley for the day07:56
pieter2627morning to all the others too07:59
pieter2627"smiley for the day"... i think we'll try our best to get a few more for the day08:07
Kiloshahaha no man from me . its hard working thinking and looking what to type to make them08:08
Kilosi used to make 2 or 3 for the week08:08
pieter2627yea, i actually only know 208:09
Kiloswhat irc client do you use?08:15
Kiloshex or xchat i think08:16
Kilosi never found a way to see smileys with them but konversation shows them so i see you okes stick tongue out at me08:16
pieter2627hexChat which is suppose to convert them, but doesn't 08:19
Kilosi got spoiled using pidgin, you see all kinds there08:20
inetprogood mornings 08:29
inetprooh and hi oom Kilos 08:30
Kilosmorning inetpro  08:30
* inetpro hoping the fly is top notch again 08:31
inetproai! 08:32
Kilossee! you dont like your own advise08:32
Kilosactually what did you say was broken08:33
Kilosi got so many trello messages all over im lost now08:34
inetprobroken? 08:34
Kilosoh didnt one of the merges break something08:34
Kilosyou guys should have made a testtrunk from the trunk and played in there then you wouldnt have worsened the migraine08:36
Kilosthen you could have merged everything done so far08:37
Kilosai! arme apie sukkel08:43
Kilosi go sort sheep08:50
Kilosinetpro  i just ran trunk and it works here09:20
inetproKilos: I never said it was broken09:22
Kilosoh i thought you said something needs fixing09:27
Kilosyou merged into trunk hey09:27
Kilosbut only moppies stuff so far09:28
Kilosor some of it09:28
Kilosinetpro  did you read what i said about the bird?09:29
Kilosi spose you did because you kinda nosy09:29
Kilosohi Padroni  wb09:51
Padronihow are you?09:51
Kilosgood ty and you?09:51
Padronigood thanx09:51
Padronitell me09:51
Padronido you know of any good Python IDE / Editor for Windoze?09:51
Kiloseeeek 09:52
PadroniOr should I rather just keep to the one on linux I am currently using09:52
Kilosuse linux where you can09:52
Kiloswhat do you want to do09:52
Padronibusy learning python09:53
Kiloscool beans09:53
Padronibecause I found another 7 minutes of free time somehow and want to spend it wisely09:53
Kiloshave you looked at byteofpython09:53
Kiloshahaha you wanna learn python in 7 minute stints09:54
Kilosmind you you guys are fast so you can accomplish stacks in 7 mins09:55
Kilosor is that 7 mins just an addon to the other 5 hours of free time09:57
PadroniThanx Kilo10:00
Padroniwill keep those two links10:00
Kilosi started with the bottom one bgut didnt enjoy vim10:00
Kilosgot as far as hello world10:01
Kiloswb pieter2627  10:32
pieter2627ty Kilos, any new news10:37
Kilosnope pieter2627  nothing yet except application has been made for an official mailing list10:40
Kilosone of the tunisia guys applied10:40
Kilosdont you belong to our mailing list?10:41
pieter2627yes, but how can an app exist for it10:42
Kilosoh my thats corrupt10:42
Kilosnono its just to get it offiaclly recongnised by the ubuntu bosses10:42
Kiloswow i copy pasted that from our site and it shows funny stuffs10:43
Kilosshould read ubuntu-za@lists.ubuntu.com10:44
inetprohaha, I like that10:44
inetpronice way to fool the bots10:45
Kilosmy copy paste was more corrupt than my typos10:45
Kilosah thats most likely what it is ya10:45
inetproKilos: but now you messed it all up10:46
Kiloswhat now inetpro  ?10:46
inetprothe bots can now pick up the address in our logs10:46
Kilosioh in these logs10:46
Kilosooops sorry10:46
Kilosi think bots are bang to get links here10:47
inetprorather send people to https://ubuntu-za.org/getting-involved.html10:47
Kiloswe got sugarplum10:47
Kilosi will never member that man10:48
superflyI should add some js to reverse the email address on copy10:48
Kilosyou supposed to see our peeps are connected all over10:48
Kilosohi superfly  10:48
Kiloshows the head10:48
inetprosuperfly: sphinx is nice!10:50
Kilosand if we get spammed we gotr padroni to kill them and get them locked up10:50
Kilosinetpro  first enquire about the mans health before trying to add more work10:52
Kilossome peeps get them grain things for 2 days and more even10:52
inetproI know10:53
inetprooften drains all the life out of me10:55
Kilosif you put the mailing list link in topic with your at and dots added i wont make mistooks10:55
inetproKilos: I'm hoping that superfly will agree with the latest ubuntu-za merge request asap as well10:56
Kilosyou know im actually quite excited, we have done more already this year than in the last 2 years10:56
Kilosi go get gate for sis10:57
Kilosme too inetpro  10:57
inetproin that mopkop as shortened the link from getting-involved.html to get-involved.html10:57
* inetpro goes to have lunch10:57
superflyI had mine since yesterday morning. It's finally starting to settle down after I took two of the heaviest painkillers available. 10:59
Kiloseish superfly   that sucks11:00
inetprowb pieter262711:46
Kiloswb inetpro  11:46
inetpropieter2627: you may want to get yourself cloaked as well11:47
inetproKilos: you forget your job?11:47
pieter2627inetpro: cloaked??11:47
Kilospieter2627  got to #freenode and ask staff for a cloak please11:47
Kilosthen your ip doesnt show here11:48
Kilos /j #freenode11:48
pieter2627oh, luckely that the wisp's IP, but will check11:49
inetpropieter2627: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC/Cloaks11:49
Kilosmethinks it cloaks your nick so on any pc you ip wont show11:50
inetpropieter2627: you with Neotel?11:52
pieter2627Kilos: also true11:52
pieter2627inetpro: no, my WISP (WAN4U) is at Neotel11:53
inetproah, that sounds interesting11:53
Kilosthen of course when you get ubuntu membership you get another cloak on that cloak11:53
Kilosso you well hidden unless youre a blabbermouth like me11:54
Kilosthen everyone says oh him11:55
pieter2627inetpro: they are actually the only way in my location to get decent internet access11:55
inetprowhat kind of a deal is it and how much are you paiing?11:55
pieter2627Kilos: 'oh him' can be good and bad :P11:55
Kilosya its very bad when peeps like pro want to dish out work11:56
pieter2627Uncapped base at 512Kb for R570 - i usually get around 1Mbps and limits are lifted at night11:57
inetprohmm... slow but uncapped11:58
pieter2627It's the only option I have - no 3G or ADSL11:59
inetproif you get a steady 1Mbps it should be quite nice11:59
Kilosoi that channel drives me nuts12:02
Kilosoh pieter2627  you need to have your nick registered with freenode too hey12:13
Kilosinetpro  help him with registering please12:13
pieter2627already done... if I'm correct12:13
Kilos /msg nickserv register nick i think12:13
Kilosgood then cloaking will be easy12:13
inetproKilos: Registered : Mar 17 14:30:04 2015 (2w 5d 21h ago)12:14
Kilosjust ask- can staff please give me a cloak12:15
pieter2627inetpro: how did you check that?12:15
Kiloshe is clever12:15
inetpropieter2627: /nickserv info pieter262712:15
Kilosai! they slow today12:19
Kilosai! inetpro  dont ai! me all the time man. you the one with 32g ram12:22
* pieter2627 thinks Kilos may not be referring to computer ram there12:24
pieter2627inetpro, thanks12:24
inetproKilos: use trello12:25
Kilosfor what now?12:25
inetpromake yourself a card for remembering small things like these12:25
Kilosnono man12:25
Kilosi have you12:26
Kilosyou not getting out of everything12:26
Kiloseish pieter2627  you picked a bad time for this, other peeps get it done in 10 minutes12:32
Kilosmaybe all staff busy12:32
inetproKilos: it's a holiday after all13:33
Kiloswb georgl  13:57
KilosMaaz  wb13:57
MaazThank you so much Kilos my good good friend13:58
Kilosthat took a while hey13:58
inetprowb cocooncrash14:01
Kilosinetpro  find a host for QA man14:02
Kiloswhat have you fixed and what have you broken today?14:03
grembleWhat is QA?14:06
Kilosmy bot14:06
grembleYou made a bot?14:06
Kilosnono its a later version of maaz14:06
Kilosonly thing i can make is marakas14:07
Kilosand curry14:08
grembleYou mean the musical instrument?14:08
Kilosno man marakas=trouble=nonsense14:08
Kiloswe say things the internet and google dont know14:09
grembleActually, your use of the term "marakas" actually comes from the idea of making an incoherent noise, much like those instruments14:10
grembleAnd that has then come to mean making trouble14:11
Kiloswb pieter2627  14:12
inetproKilos: I've pushed my branch15:01
inetprosee: https://code.launchpad.net/~inetpro/ubuntu-africa/build-instructions15:02
Kiloslemme see15:02
Kilosi did the get this branch now dunno how to see it15:09
Kilosits not in Projects is it15:10
inetproKilos: which folder were you in?15:12
Kilosno folder15:12
Kilosfrom prompt15:12
Kilosmust i get it when in ubuntu-africa15:13
Kilosor trunk15:13
inetproin that case it is probably in your home folder15:13
Kilosjust now im gonna start spending my data money on booze15:14
inetproyou really don't like to RTFS?15:14
Kiloswell duh!15:14
Kiloswhich script now15:14
Kilosjust tell me where i must be before i bzr update15:15
inetproyou don't15:16
inetprodid you find it?15:16
* inetpro can not read your mind15:16
Kilosya got it in home15:17
inetpronow move it to ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa15:17
Kilosbut ill get it again if you tell me from what folder to do it15:17
inetprook, remove it15:17
inetprothen go to ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa15:18
Kilosi am there15:18
inetprono get it as instructed on the screen15:18
Kiloson that link you gave?15:18
inetproyes, "Get this branch:"15:19
Kilosok now i cd to build-instructions?15:20
inetproyebo yes15:20
inetproand then?15:20
Kilosnikola build && nikola serve15:21
Kiloshi captine  15:21
inetprojy't mooi geleer15:21
inetproKilos: en dan?15:22
Kilosdan sien ek afrika15:22
Kiloslocal host thing15:23
inetpronow go to http://localhost:8000/build-instructions.html15:23
Kiloswhats different15:23
Kilosdis mooi man domdonner15:25
Kilosdis n groot oooo15:25
Kilosdo van der merwes know oooo15:25
Kiloslike ooowweeee15:25
inetpronow the fly has even more work on his hands15:26
Kilosjou jumbotron ding wys net helfde15:27
Kilosprent is te hoog15:27
inetproniks van my jumbotron ding nie15:27
* inetpro didn't touch the jumbotron15:28
Kilosi saw cape coast in the first view15:28
Kilosnow refresh dont go back to it15:28
Kilosthe  Creating an SSH Key Pair  is from where15:30
Kilosor links to where15:30
Kiloswait a bit15:31
Kilosare you suggesting that anyone can work there15:31
Kiloson the site that is15:31
Kilosinetpro  ^^15:32
Kilosi thought it wiser to leave the building to za peeps15:32
KilosNeo31  are you looking15:33
Kiloshi Tonberry  15:33
KilosTonberry  you been here for years15:34
Kilosdont you want to add yourself to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members15:35
Kilosinetpro  i love sudo aptitude install bzr qbzr python-virtualenv python-webassets python-dev15:38
Kilos90% will get the message aptitude is not installed hehe15:39
Kilosyou can get it by running sudo apt-get install aptitude15:39
Kiloswell done inetpro  15:42
Kilosyou are enjoying this venture hey15:42
Tonberrywiki.ubuntu.com does not seem to like me15:42
Kilosoh my15:42
TonberryKeeps loading forever after authenticating15:43
Kilosmaybe its busy Tonberry  sometimes its very slow15:43
Kiloslet me close mine15:43
Kilosshould be better now15:48
Kilosactually inetpro  i think its cool to branch that only devs can merge new stuff right?15:53
Kilosdid moppie push all his stuff yet?15:54
Kilosty Tonberry  15:59
KilosTonberry  have you seen our new site yet https://ubuntu-za.org16:01
Kilosfly rebuilt it while you were away i think16:01
inetproKilos: fixed16:39
Kilosfixed what inetpro  ?16:40
Kilosive chatted so much since you went for supper16:40
inetprogo to my branch and do a bzr update16:40
Kilosya thats cool now16:42
Kiloswhen did you add the cape wave16:42
* inetpro didn't touch it16:43
Kilosoh my where and when did that come in16:43
inetproKilos: look at 'bzr log -p -l 1'16:43
Kilossneaky fly16:43
inetprothat shows you exactly what I changed now16:44
Kilosall in greek16:47
Kilosyou said you did nothing16:48
Kilosyou are actually getting good at this16:48
inetproKilos: or do 'bzr qlog'16:48
Kilosqlog shows min16:50
inetprotry doubleclick on any revision16:51
Kilosthis actually a great tool hey16:52
Kilosoh my fly back in bed16:54
Kiloshope he is better by tomorrow for work16:55
Kiloshi kulelu88  17:06
kulelu88hi Kilos 17:07
Kiloswb superfly  hows the head17:09
superflyDoing better thanks. 17:10
superflyI'm no longer cringing in pain when some one talks loudly, or when a light is switched on. 17:11
kulelu88superfly: possibly too much eyes on the screen17:12
superflykulelu88, the only screen I've been on in the last two days is my phone, and that only sporadically. 17:16
kulelu88has your head gotten better because of it? superfly 17:17
Kilosmethinks something you ate day before yesterday different peeps get affected by different foods17:17
kulelu88sometimes the pain is from the eyes17:18
Kilosbad news them migraines, had an ex that became just about like a corpse17:20
superflyMy only clue is stress. 17:20
Kiloscould do nothing but sleep17:20
superflyKilos, same here 17:20
Kilostoo much on the plate ya superfly  17:20
Kilosafter debconf take a long break17:21
superflyThat's in July, next year. 17:33
Kilosoh my ya17:34
Kiloswhat can you drop soon17:34
Kilosinlcluding the africa site if thats helping17:36
Kilosid rather have you around than a site with an unsure use17:37
Kilosunsure value17:38
Kilosi cant find the word17:39
inetproKilos: did you see my latest change?17:55
Kiloslatest since just now?17:55
Kiloslemme see17:56
inetproa very small change but I'm very hapy about this17:56
* inetpro starting to love reStructuredText!!!17:56
Kiloswhydoes it tell me 17:57
KilosTree is up to date at revision 4 of branch /home/miles/Projects/ubuntu-africa/build-instructions17:57
Kilosisnt it supposed to fetch something17:58
inetproshould be rev 617:58
Kilosuh oh what am i doing wrong17:59
Kilosbzr update17:59
inetpromaybe do a pull17:59
Kilosfrom miles@P64:~/Projects/ubuntu-africa/build-instructions$17:59
inetprobzr pull17:59
Kilosi dunno pull17:59
inetproKilos: have you tried it?18:02
Kilosya i got rev 618:02
Kilosmust i look at the html page18:02
Kilosor the site page18:03
inetprolook at nikola build && nikola serve 18:03
inetproand then the browser18:03
Kilosi did that18:03
Kilosdid you make the scenery bigger?18:03
Kiloswhat did you do man18:04
Kiloswhere must i look'18:04
Kilosim gonna hit you18:07
Kilosit looks good to me but i dont remember what it looked like just now so cant compare18:07
inetprodon't you look at the logs?18:09
Kilosim busy doing that now on another konsole18:10
Kiloshaha with the apt-get18:11
Kilosbut why18:12
Kilosteach peeps to use aptitude man18:12
Kilosor have you also changed18:12
inetproit's not relevant in this instance18:12
inetproI just changed it to be consistent18:13
inetpropeeps who know patitude will use it18:13
Kiloswith what or who18:13
inetproaptittude as well18:13
inetproai!... maybe should have been attitude 18:14
inetproKilos: sorry, I was on jthe phone a few minutes ago18:14
Kilosthink as if you writing stuff for me18:14
Kilosi use aptitude wherever possible18:15
Kilosapt-get is useful for installing aptitude18:15
* inetpro chops off his misbehaving finger18:15
inetproKilos: with reStructuredText we can write books now18:17
Kilosyou not we18:18
Kilosis there a simple guide i can read not a rtfs that pops my head18:18
inetproif it wasn't for superfly talking about sphinx I would never have learnt this18:19
Kilosthank him18:19
Kiloshe worries me18:19
inetprooh he's still hiding from us18:19
Kilosno he is here18:19
inetprosuperfly: thanks!!!18:19
Kiloslemme mail moppie18:20
inetproKilos: no18:21
inetproonly when the fly is ready18:21
Kiloshe hasnt pushed all his stuff up yet18:21
Kiloswasnt he supposed to?18:22
Kilosoh ok18:22
Kilosinetpro  did pieter do anything with the last page?18:27
inetprolast page?18:28
Kilosthe join us button18:28
inetproKilos: check his branch like you did mine18:28
Kiloswe can just put the irc info there and add list later18:28
Kilosnono you check18:29
inetproKilos: https://code.launchpad.net/~pieter2627/ubuntu-africa/jumbrotron-edits18:30
inetprogo to ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa and bzr branch lp:~pieter2627/ubuntu-africa/jumbrotron-edits 18:31
Kilosand when you bath wash your ears well18:31
inetprocd ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa && nikola build18:32
Kiloseish i was there this morning18:32
Kilosone more cd18:32
inetprocd ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa/jumbrotron-edits && nikola build18:32
inetproor simply:18:33
inetprocd jumbrotron-edits && nikola build18:33
Kiloseish now where is the log command again18:36
inetprobzr qlog18:37
Kilosna man the text one is easier18:37
inetprobzr log18:38
Kilosyou had other stuffs added18:38
inetproor bzr help log18:38
Kilosat least its a branch off trunk18:40
inetprono it's not18:40
Kilosi just see jumbo edits18:40
inetproat least not directly18:41
Kilosoh a branch off ubuntu-africa'18:41
Kilos  /Projects/ubuntu-africa/jumbrotron-edits$ 18:41
Kilosor is that just by me18:41
inetproKilos: that says nothing18:42
Kilosi see now18:42
Kilosafter a pull18:43
inetproyou trying to confuse yourself on purpose, what are you even trying to achieve?18:43
inetproyou forgot what you asked me?18:44
Kilosi want to see the logs of what he did18:44
Kilosmost likely ya18:44
inetpro04/06 20:27:50 <Kilos> inetpro  did pieter do anything with the last page?18:46
KilosAdded pages chat-with-us (with content) and join-us, also fixed `Get Ubuntu` link18:46
Kilosi can kinda understand these logs18:46
Kilosthat involves the last page , not so?18:49
inetproKilos: answer yourself18:50
inetproKilos: btw, can you please do some cleaning up again?18:51
Kilosyes it does18:51
inetprogo to https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-africa18:51
Kiloswhere now ive put nothing up there18:51
inetproplease delete your three branches there18:51
Kilosi didnt put them there18:52
inetprooh yes you did18:52
Kiloswhen was that18:53
Kilosi didnt look for a date18:54
Kiloswhere is moppies work18:54
inetproit's merged in already18:55
Kilosoh does it then disappear there18:55
inetproI did it last night, remember!?18:55
Kiloswell we are getting there18:58
Kiloswb captine  19:09
superflyNag mense 19:12
Kilosnight superfly  sleep tight19:17
captinehi there19:19
captinenight all.  no chatting for me... way tired.19:19
Kilos night all . sleep tight19:45

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