
slickymasterUnit193, did you forget to add the next meeting to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings18:16
Unit193slickymaster: Of course I did. :D18:51
Unit193I'll never let me login, will it?18:53
elfyUnit193: the world is against you 19:00
* genii aligns himself with Unit193 against the world19:03
elfygenii should login to the wiki for Unit193 if he really cares :p19:04
Unit193I got it I got it. :P19:16
nerdistmonkWell i tested how robust xubuntu was yesterday....LOL21:46
nerdistmonkmade a massive whoopsie yesterday on another machine21:46
nerdistmonkLong story short, i can say with confidence that xubuntu's update/upgrade system is rock solid....21:46
Unit193nerdistmonk: I think you've mistaken this for -offtopic?21:47
Unit193bluesabre: Oh, and yes fixed that.  Sorry.21:47
nerdistmonkerm, sorry i forgot robots hate socialization? ill be gone then.21:50

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