
axwkatco: thanks, sorry about that. little bit of rain and the network goes out00:00
rick_h_thumper: good time off?00:01
thumperrick_h_: yeah, a real nice break00:01
thumperrick_h_: didn't get all I wanted to get done done...00:01
thumperbut them's the breaks00:02
rick_h_thumper: never do00:02
thumperthe kids have decided they like D&D00:02
thumperand I'm kinda required as a DM00:02
thumperwhich takes time...00:02
rick_h_but of course00:02
katcothumper: awesome!00:02
rick_h_to do properly00:02
katcoaxw: no worries at all00:02
rick_h_thumper: have time today for me to bug you with a few notes on things?00:02
thumperthey were real frustrated that I had to read up on the campaign first00:02
rick_h_lol, yea been a long time here00:02
rick_h_I'd have to go reread a lot of stuff heh00:03
thumperrick_h_: yeah, at a cafe now so I can focus on design without kids around00:03
thumperthe rules changed since I last played00:03
thumperover 20 years ago00:03
axwthumper: nice :)  I never had anyone interested in playing D&D growing up00:03
rick_h_thumper: k, ping if you get free/bandwidth and if not will bring it up later but had some things come up friday/today figured I'd mention00:04
katcoaxw: same here.... somehow i was a huge nerd and never played even once00:04
axwsteve jackson books were there for me though00:04
thumperrick_h_: need to mention with voice? or irc would work?00:04
rick_h_thumper: we can try irc if you want00:04
thumperrick_h_: my mind is pretty good at reading your writing in your voice00:05
rick_h_lol awesome00:05
thumpercan also pick up most of the sarcasm00:05
thumperrick_h_: if we find it now working, we could do a call later00:06
rick_h_thumper: here, PM, or other side?00:06
thumperrick_h_: if it is sensitive PM or other00:06
thumperotherwise, I'm fine here00:06
rick_h_I don't think it is but do that just to be safe I guess00:06
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
axwkatco: it's JUJU_DEV_FEATURE_FLAGS00:13
axwyou're missing the "DEV"00:13
katcoaxw: thx00:21
axwkatco: left a few more comments. all the panics need to go, and init needs to move, otherwise trivials/suggestions00:23
katcoaxw: yeah i was going to ask about the panics... wasn't quite sure what to do there00:23
katcoaxw: i think i ran into a circular reference last time i tried to address the registration? i'll let you know here in a sec00:23
axwkatco: there should be no references from storage->openstack, only the reverse00:24
katcoaxw: i see my misunderstanding... i think i was trying to register it in storage/provider/ something or other00:29
katcoaxw: thanks for the great reviews. fresh PR up.00:38
rick_h_and like that you can ruin someone else's day bwuhahaha :)00:42
thumperkatco: it was suggested that without the _DEV_ bit, it would be too tempting for clients to try to use them in prod settings00:42
thumperwhich they would do00:42
katcothumper: i completely agree with that lol00:43
rick_h_thumper: I forgot a dinner tomorrow, can I move out sync back a few hours?00:52
thumperrick_h_: back as in later...?00:52
rick_h_thumper: yes00:52
rick_h_later in the day 3hrs00:52
thumperor is that too later?00:53
rick_h_that's peachy00:53
* thumper moves00:53
rick_h_aunt's b-day, not on my work calendar doh!00:53
axwkatco: thanks, LGTM with a few more small fixes00:54
katcoaxw: k thx... getting the dummy charm to allocate some storage will be a milestone00:54
axwkatco: did you see the email I sent out, with the reference to the hacked version of postgresql?00:55
axwkatco: or did you just want to test with something a bit leaner?00:55
katcoaxw: just wanted to start lean so i can iterate quickly00:56
axwsure, SGTM00:56
katcoaxw: i will move onto postgres afterwards since i know that's what we would like to demo with00:56
axwgood practice to write charms anyway :)00:56
katcoaxw: haha yeah :)00:56
cheryljhey axw, do you know how to get the output of the cloudinit script like is in bug 1439447?01:12
mupBug #1439447: tools download in cloud-init should not go through http[s]_proxy <cloud-installer> <landscape> <juju-core:In Progress by cherylj> <juju-core 1.23:In Progress by cherylj> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1439447>01:12
axwcherylj: one moment, I think I know, just checking01:13
axwcherylj: the instance's cloud-config is /var/lib/cloud/instance/cloud-config.txt01:15
axwit's not exactly a shell script, but has each of the commands in a YAML file01:15
cheryljaxw: Awesome, thanks!!01:15
axwcherylj: BTW regarding your last comment on that bug: yes, there will almost certainly be people that want it either way. In particular, manually provisioned machines may need to go through a proxy01:17
axwI think otherwise they'd be going direct tho01:17
thumperaxw: yeah... kinda hard to deal with that where we have a mixed environent01:18
thumperunsure just yet01:18
cheryljaxw: Thanks, providing an option is proving to be a bit difficult to implement.01:19
axwthumper cherylj: I was just thinking, don't we currently expect all nodes to communicate directly? for the API anyway?01:36
axwso... maybe just disabling the proxy isn't a problem01:36
axwI think even for manual we require things to be directly routable atm01:37
thumperthat was my reasoning too01:37
cheryljaxw, thumper:   cool, so I'll just disable the proxy when we're downloading tools for the non-bootstrap node01:41
natefinchweird, just got disconnected01:41
thumpernatefinch: I just assumed you were done :)01:42
axwcherylj: sounds good. I can't recall if there's any case where a non-bootstrap node downloads tools directly from the Internet, but if so then don't disable for that01:42
axwcherylj: I don't *think* there is such a case though01:42
natefinchthumper: not quite :)01:42
thumperaxw: we were looking at ONLY changing the curl command for acquiring tools01:43
cheryljaxw: yeah, I don't think there is01:43
thumperaxw: there is a command line option '--noproxy=*' that /should/ work01:43
axwthumper: yep, SGTM01:43
thumpercherylj: any luck getting it working from the machine not using cloudinit?01:43
natefinchaxw: did my last two comments go through, about the review?01:44
axwnatefinch: looking01:44
natefinchaxw: it was just 15 minutes ago... possibly I was already disconnected and the client didn't tell me01:45
axwnatefinch: last comment I saw from you was from 9.5h ago01:45
axwah nope01:45
natefinchok :)01:45
natefinchaxw:  I tried moving the set password stuff in the agent code directly but I couldn't find the right time in the startup sequence where it would work.  Did you have an idea of where is appropriate?  I tried just above where I'd put the converter code, at the beginning of the state worker, and pretty near the beginning of all the workers.   I got different errors for each, but unfortunately didn't copy all of them down.01:47
axwnatefinch: lemme see, one minute01:48
axwnatefinch: did you try modifyin OpenAPIState? add an "else" after the "if usedOldPassword", and call entity.SetPassword(info.Password) in it01:54
natefinchaxw: nope, but that's a good idea01:55
axwnatefinch: I expect the StateWorker would bounce until that passes, but I think it should keep retrying?01:55
natefinchaxw: it should01:55
mupBug #1440940 was opened: xml/marshal.go:10:2: cannot find package "encoding" <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1440940>01:55
axwnatefinch: initially I was thinking stateStarter could not start StateWorker until the API has connected, but I'm not sure if that'll cause problems with API server initialisation when there's only one server ...01:56
* natefinch tries it.02:01
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
cheryljthumper: It seems to be a problem using the * wildcard.  If I do --noproxy *, it still tries to go through the proxy.  But if I explicitly list the state server, it bypasses the proxy02:03
thumperI know what it is02:03
thumperthe whole command line is being pushed through bash02:04
thumper* is expanded to all the filenames in the directory02:04
cheryljI figured it was some substitution like that02:04
thumpertry wrapping it in quotes so bash doesn't expand it02:04
thumper--noproxy "*"02:04
cheryljthat worked, yay!02:05
cheryljlet me try it in the actual code now02:05
cheryljthumper: it worked!  huzzah!02:11
cheryljI'm going to turn in for the evening and write the tests for the change in the morning.02:12
katcoaxw: when i do juju storage pool, i don't see "cinder" as an option... what have i done wrong?02:17
katcoaxw: juju storage pool list rather02:17
axwkatco: you won't see any pools; there's an implicit pool for each provider, but it's not listed02:18
axw(perhaps we should change that)02:18
katcoAdded charm "local:trusty/hello-world-charm-3" to the environment.02:18
katcoERROR cannot add service "hello-world-charm": reading pool "cinder": settings not found02:18
katco 02:18
katcothat was from: juju deploy local:trusty/hello-world-charm --storage="foo=cinder,1MB"02:18
axwkatco: you *bootstrapped* with the feature flag enabled right?02:19
katcoexport JUJU_DEV_FEATURE_FLAGS=storage02:20
katcoand then juju bootstrap --upload-tools02:20
katcothis is on canonistack02:20
katcoi'll try tearing it down and retry just in case02:21
axwkatco: that's weird, the error annotation implies that the error is not a NotFound error, but the cause suggests it is02:21
axwkatco: see storage/poolmanager/poolmanager.go02:21
katcoaxw: k02:21
axwkatco: oh, there's a bug in provider/openstack/init.go  -- not sure if it's related02:25
axwkatco: there's an existing call to registry.RegisterEnvironStorageProviders02:26
axwkatco: remove the first one, which is saying that openstack supports no custom storage providers02:26
axwhmm don't think it's related tho, looks like it'll accumulate02:26
* thumper heads home02:29
katcoaxw: lol stale binary >.<02:30
axwkatco: :)02:30
katcoaxw: so it's pending... it should eventually show up?02:31
axwkatco: yes, once the instance is created, the storage provisioner should try to create it02:32
axwkatco: we need to add proper status support to storage, it's a little bit difficult to debug what's going on at the moment02:33
katcoaxw: agent is started, running hook config-changed02:35
katcoaxw: and storage is still pending. hm.02:36
katcoaxw: i'm getting some decent errors in debug-log at least02:38
katcovolume "0" not provisioned02:38
katcogetting storage source "cinder": requisite configuration was not set: auth-url not assigned02:38
katcoaxw: ah i see... there are some config options i need to set to tell it how to authenticate to canonistack. where do i do that for storage? i.e. how does it get passed into VolumeSource(...)?02:46
axwkatco: hm, why are those pool config attributes? shouldn't they just come from the env config?02:46
axwI think I glossed over that in my review02:46
axwkatco: sorry, in the VolumeSource method, it should be using environConfig to get the credentials to open a nova/cinder session02:47
katcoi'm getting them from *storage.Config02:47
katcoaxw: ah k02:47
axwkatco: see ec2/ebs.go for inspiration if required02:48
katcoi shall seek inspiration :)02:48
katcoaxw: fyi the whole provider/* vs. storage/provider/* screwed me up for a long time02:49
katcoaxw: i kept wondering if you guys just hadn't checked in the ec2 provider02:49
axwkatco: sorry. the reason it lives in provider/ is because it's closely tied to the environ provider02:49
axwnon IaaS storage providers will go in storage/provider/02:50
katcoaxw: totally my fault02:50
katcoaxw: i need to turn in, but this looks like we're pretty close. thanks for the help :)02:50
axwkatco: cool :)  no worries, talk to you tomorrow02:50
katcoaxw: have a good day!02:51
axwcheers, good night02:51
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
natefinchaxw: btw, that suggestion to put it in OpenAPIState works great.03:00
axwnatefinch: awesome03:00
natefinchaxw: added some tests and finished the cleanup & suggestions you had.   Would love to have you re-review.  The tests aren't super thorough, but they're similar to what already existed, so I don't feel too bad (I do still feel bad, but I also need to get this committed).04:00
natefinchgoing to bed.  Good night all.04:00
axwnatefinch: yep, just about to hit the button. thanks for the updates04:01
natefinchaxw: thanks for the review.  It's been a big help.04:01
axwno worries04:01
dimiternmorning all04:46
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voidspacemorning all07:34
dooferladdimitern: moeninf07:40
dooferladdimitern: morning rather07:40
dooferladok, the coffee hasn't hit07:41
dimiternvoidspace, dooferlad, morning!07:41
voidspacecoffee is a good idea07:43
TheMuemorning o/07:48
davecheneyo/ europe!07:57
TheMuedavecheney: heya, Mister Vienna07:59
dimiterndooferlad, I've landed your branches, but we need to clean up a few bits08:33
voidspacedavecheney: what are you doing in Europe - just here early for the sprint or at a conf?08:33
dooferladdimitern: yea, I spotted that. Thanks.08:34
dimiternvoidspace, I've tried to land yours but one had conflicts after the first one landed08:36
voidspacedimitern: yep, fixed and retried08:36
voidspacedimitern: just now08:37
voidspacedimitern: creating versions of those fixes for master08:37
dimiternvoidspace, sweet!08:37
voidspacedimitern: first one applied cleanly and PR created08:37
voidspacedimitern: second one the patch didn't apply cleanly, looking at now08:37
voidspacedimitern: thanks for landing the other one08:37
dimiternvoidspace, I'd appreciate if you have a look at bug 1439880 to see if my analysis is correct08:38
mupBug #1439880: Container's interfaces are all on private networks instead of host's eth0 network <lxc> <maas-provider> <network> <oil> <juju-core:Triaged by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1439880>08:38
voidspaceoh god08:38
voidspacedimitern: ok08:38
dimiternvoidspace, that's most likely the same issue (not found subnets: [])08:38
dimiternwhich you fixed already08:38
voidspacedimitern: ok, I hope so08:38
voidspacedimitern: looking08:38
dimiternTheMue, heya, any update on your maas issue?08:40
dimiternvoidspace, LGTM on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1391/ btw08:41
voidspacedimitern: thanks08:42
TheMuedimitern: I'm an dialog with rvba, lp issue is created. now I at least want to propose my little fix that doesn't stop with an error but returns the default values instead08:42
voidspacedimitern: yeah, those logs make it seem pretty likely that this is the same issue08:42
voidspacedimitern: fetching an interface with no subnet and attempting to use that08:42
voidspacedimitern: we'll see when he tries latest 1.2308:43
dimiternvoidspace, yep, sounds good08:43
dimiternTheMue, ok, but please follow through with rvba on the issue08:43
TheMuedimitern: yes, sure, just added a comment08:44
dimiternvoidspace, dooferlad, and BTW I'd appreciate a review on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1390/08:45
dooferladdimitern: *click*08:45
rvbaTheMue: the screenshot you pasted on bug 1439831 helped a great deal… but do you have access to the full console log?  It's very possible that the cause of the problem could be identified if we had all the log.08:47
mupBug #1439831: Missing lshw breaks cloudinit <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1439831>08:47
davecheneyvoidspace: sprinting with aram for a week08:49
davecheneyto get some arm64 stuff done before the close of the change window08:49
voidspacedavecheney: cool08:49
TheMuervba: I really would like to. sadly I cannot do a cut'n'paste with the vmware console at that time. as far as I know the vmware tools have to be installed at a later time08:49
voidspacedavecheney: Vienna is on my list of "must visit sometime"08:50
dimiterndavecheney, hey, so arm64 support will be released with golang-gc 1.5 ?08:50
voidspacedimitern: enjoy the sprint08:50
dimiternI wish :)08:50
TheMuervba: but I'll see what I can do08:50
dimiternTheMue, have you tried using the vmware CLI tools to capture the console log of the VM ?08:51
dimiternit should be possible08:51
voidspacedavecheney:: enjoy the sprint08:51
TheMuedimitern: they can be installed when then the OS is installed08:54
dimiternTheMue, no, I don't mean the vmware tools that you install on the vm, but the command-line vmware client you can use from the host08:55
TheMuedimitern: never heard of it, have to search for it08:56
dimiternTheMue, vmware fusion seems to come with a vmrun command - https://www.vmware.com/pdf/vix162_vmrun_command.pdf which has some interesting features, like running a script inside the guest and copying a file from guest to host - do you have vmrun?09:00
TheMuedimitern: just took a look, seems to be in the application package and I only have to set it up. sounds like a good way, indeed.09:08
davecheneyvoidspace: it's nice here09:11
davecheneyvery layed back09:11
davecheneyno forms09:11
davecheneydimitern: yes, arm64 will ship in go 1.510:21
davecheneythat's what aram and I are doing this week10:21
dimiterndavecheney, awesome!10:21
dimiterndavecheney, do you know anything about native ppc64 support in gc-go as well?10:22
davecheneydimitern: same, ppc64 will ship in go 1.510:23
dimiterndavecheney, \o/ great! I can't wait not to have to care about gccgo/ppc64 bugs :)10:26
davecheneydimitern: i'm looking forward to your support when I fight for moving everyone up to 1.4 next week10:30
dimiterndavecheney, count on it! :)10:32
dimiterndooferlad, thanks for the review btw11:08
dimiterndooferlad, as you progress with the implementation of "space list" you'll need to add a type for Space in params/network (like I did for Subnet)11:08
dimiterndooferlad, or actually, hold on.. you won't need that - you already have all the info (e.g. list of all spaces - like AllSpaces in cmd/juju/subnet), and the rest should come from a list of params.Subnet for each space's associate subnets11:13
dimiterndooferlad, most of the rendering code (and tests) could be reused between space list and subnet list, but I'd suggest copying it first and when done11:13
dimiterndooferlad, ...refactoring it to minimize duplication11:14
dimiterndooferlad, voidspace, TheMue, last step of the subnets CLI, please take a look http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1393/ (esp. proof-reading)11:23
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lazyPowero/ Good Morning - there's a member in #juju looking for which ports are required to be open on the juju state server. Does anyone happen to know these ports off the top of their heads?11:27
dimiternlazyPower, 1707011:27
dimiternlazyPower, that's the api server, not state server (mongo) which is 37070/tcp, but it's not accessible anyway11:28
lazyPowerok, so just 17070 and 22 - the rest should be fine in state: closed?11:28
dimiternlazyPower, most commonly, yeah11:28
lazyPowerright on, cheers dimitern :)11:29
dimiternlazyPower, no prob :)11:29
jamaxw: katco: I've updated http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1378/ for now I'm just commenting out the 1 non deterministic test. I'll try to work with william to get it tested again11:56
voidspacedimitern: if I add issues and then hit "Ship It", does it automaitcally become "Fix it, then ship it"?12:28
voidspacedimitern: as I can't specifically see an option for that12:29
voidspacedimitern: anyway, you have a review12:29
jamwow.... running "worker/uniter" tests causes the test suite to rebuild cmd/jujud/jujud which consumes about 700MB just for the 6l linker...12:31
jamso much for running the test suite on a 1GB VM12:31
voidspacedimitern: hmmm... no, it doesn't. Ah well. And I seem to have done it twice :-)12:31
wwitzel3jam: so it rebuilds it everytime, even if there are no changes?12:34
jamwwitzel3: I believe the issue probably has to do with JujuConnSuite building tools and "uploading" them to the environment as part of default setup. I don't quite understand why it always rebuilds jujud, but it is probably building everything in a temp dir (I would guess)12:34
=== niemeyer is now known as niemeyer_
wwitzel3jam: hrmm, wonder if there is a way to avoid that. Rebuilding everything is not an insignificant amount of time and with our test suite already being slow.12:36
jamwwitzel3: well I only noticed cause i did "go test -c" and then "./uniter.test & ./uniter.test" 10 times and my VM died to swapping :)12:37
wwitzel3jam: heh12:37
voidspacedimitern: in the "Juju Container Addressability" doc, is the greyed out section (from the bottom of page 5)12:41
voidspacedimitern: there for historical reasons only, or do I need to go through that as well?12:41
dimiternvoidspace, it's historical only12:41
voidspacedimitern: ok12:41
dimiternvoidspace, sorry, I just saw your earlier messages12:41
voidspacedimitern: I deleted one out of date bullet point and I'm adding an additional one in the "common features" section about the addresser worker12:42
dimiternvoidspace, so AIUI "Fix it, then ship it" turns to "Ship it" once all issues are resolved/dropped12:42
voidspacedimitern: right, but that wasn't the question12:42
voidspacedimitern: it was how to post a "Fix it, then ship it" in the first place12:43
voidspacedimitern: I posted a "Ship It" and it was just a "Ship It"12:43
dimiternvoidspace, ah :) well the "Fix it" part appears when you add any issues and tick the ship it box12:46
voidspacedimitern: ah!12:47
voidspacedimitern: thanks12:47
voidspaceI didn't post two "Ship It" reviews - wwitzel3 posted one within the same minute as me...12:47
voidspacedimitern: hmmm... I have a horrible feeling12:48
voidspacedimitern: we have the watcher, worker, apiserver ReleaseContainerAddresses method, api client method12:48
voidspacedimitern: but it doesn't look *to me* like destroying a container calls the ReleaseContainerAddresses method12:49
voidspaceunless I'm missing something12:49
voidspaceI really thought I did that...12:49
voidspacedimitern: the provisioner should be calling it in StopInstance12:50
dimiternvoidspace, how about adding a few ops in state around machine destruction?12:50
voidspacedimitern: so when the machine is destroyed in state release the addresses12:51
voidspacedimitern: then we don't need the api12:51
voidspaceand the logic is simpler12:52
voidspacewe have the machine ID, just find all IP addresses with that machine ID and mark Life as dead12:53
voidspaceno need for the unit agent to do it, so no need to check permissions12:53
voidspacedimitern: I'll create an issue and a kanban card *sigh*12:54
dimiternvoidspace, thanks12:57
dimiternvoidspace, yes, that sounds like a better approach - the provisioner API RCA() can still stay (for now at least)12:57
voidspacedimitern: heh, you just unassigned me from a three year old bug12:57
dimiternvoidspace, I think it's safer to do it in state though12:58
voidspacedimitern: yep12:58
dimiternvoidspace, are you still working on it? :)12:58
voidspacedimitern: I might have got round to it...12:58
dimiternvoidspace, well, in that case feel free to reassign yourself then :)12:59
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voidspacedimitern: I think I'll skip it...13:00
sinzuimgz, dimitern Can either of you review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1394/13:05
mgzsinzui: on it13:10
mgzsinzui: lgtm13:10
sinzuithank you mgz13:11
voidspaceaargh, spotify killed unity again13:12
voidspacemouse no longer works, events blocked13:12
voidspaceI can alt-tab and type13:12
voidspacebut can't use a browser very well13:12
voidspacewill reboot and go on lunch, create tickets (and work on them) after that13:12
jamsinzui: abentley: i see "inc-1.23-beta4" in the pipeline, and I'm trying to land the "remove leader-election flag for 1.23" as well.13:25
jamIt bounced once due to AddRemoveSet13:25
jambut it should land13:26
sinzuijam, yes, 1.23-beta3 was sent to the builders. we will release a 1.23-beta4 later this week or next if need be13:27
sinzuidimitern, bug 1427814 should be High, or we should remove it from the milestone. We don't commit Medium bugs to deadlines.13:28
mupBug #1427814: juju bootstrap fails on maas with when the node has empty lshw output from commissioning <bootstrap> <maas> <maas-provider> <network> <juju-core:Triaged by themue> <juju-core 1.23:Triaged by themue> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1427814>13:28
dimiternsinzui, ok, I'll retriage it as high then13:28
sinzuithank you dimitern13:29
mupBug #1427508 changed: cmd/jujud/agent: test failure <intermittent-failure> <tech-debt> <test-failure> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1427508>13:44
mupBug #1438168 changed: juju 1.23 doesn't release IP addresses for containers <juju-core:Fix Released by mfoord> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1438168>13:44
mupBug #1438683 changed: Containers stuck allocating, interface not up <add-machine> <cloud-installer> <landscape> <maas-provider> <network> <juju-core:Fix Released by mfoord> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1438683>13:44
mupBug #1438820 changed: IP address life field upgrade step and addresser worker don't play well together <juju-core:Fix Released by mfoord> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1438820>13:44
natefinchericsnow, wwitzel3: note the moved standup13:58
natefinch(in an hour)13:58
ericsnownatefinch: k13:59
perrito666ericsnow: are you not in pycon?13:59
* perrito666 looks at the calendar and acuses it of lying13:59
ericsnowperrito666: leaving for the airport in 4 hours13:59
perrito666ahh :D makes sense14:00
perrito666my calendar, given my tz, has shown me things in the wrong day before14:00
ericsnowperrito666: the calendar's right, it just doesn't show today as partial :)14:00
wwitzel3ahh, I see that now14:02
wwitzel3hangout is the best max fan speed tool for Linux, even steam doesn't get it cranked like hangout14:02
perrito666wwitzel3: get hardware accel for it14:03
ericsnownatefinch: one-on-one?14:34
natefinchericsnow: I think we can skip it unless there's something you need14:34
ericsnownatefinch: nah14:34
natefinchericsnow: cool.  See you in Nuremberg.  Have fun at pycon.14:34
ericsnowdimitern: thanks for hopping onto that vmware networking thread14:35
voidspacenatefinch: can you remove me from the list of attendees to moonstone standups please14:35
voidspacenatefinch: I don't think I can do it...14:35
ericsnowdimitern: I think we have a good enough plan going forward, but I want to be sure I'm understanding the juju networking model correctly14:35
voidspacenatefinch: I keep getting updated invitations to your standups :-)14:36
ericsnowvoidspace: were we that bad? <wink>14:36
voidspaceericsnow: yep <wink>14:36
voidspaceericsnow: you at pycon yet?14:37
ericsnowvoidspace: flying out in a few hours14:37
voidspaceericsnow: have fun, I'll miss everyone :-(14:37
ericsnowvoidspace: way only just told that the posters can be 4x8 (feet)14:37
ericsnowvoidspace: but it does allow me to fit more stuff on there :)14:38
wwitzel3less is more for posters14:39
dimiternericsnow, sure, I'll dig into the discussion so far and respond (but most likely tomorrow)14:39
ericsnowwwitzel3: pshaw14:39
ericsnowdimitern: np, thanks!14:39
wwitzel3poeple want to be drawn in by the poster, a core concept on the post that is easy to follow will generate interest and questions14:39
voidspacejust have a picture of a cloud14:40
wwitzel3a big diagram full of stuff = empty poster session14:40
ericsnowwwitzel3, voidspace: apparently there are also accommodations for a laptop, so I may demo some stuff too14:40
ericsnowwwitzel3: true14:40
ericsnowvoidspace: :)14:40
voidspaceericsnow: I would have a predeployed local environment with gui14:40
wwitzel3yeah, was just going to say, use the GUI :)14:40
ericsnowvoidspace: more homework? :)14:41
voidspaceheh, it's easy...14:41
ericsnowvoidspace: I'm probably going to set up openstack14:41
voidspacewowzer :-)14:41
voidspaceso, deploy openstack with juju and then deploy to that openstack with juju14:42
ericsnowvoidspace: :)14:42
ericsnowvoidspace: TBH, I wasn't planning on using a laptop, but it's so tempting14:42
voidspacebeing able to show a deployed environment through the gui is nice14:43
voidspaceshowing the relationships14:43
ericsnowvoidspace: yep14:43
voidspacegmail has decided, fairly reasonably in my opinion..., that all those blessed/cursed emails are spam...14:44
perrito666voidspace: I added a filter14:44
voidspaceperrito666: I have a thunderbird filter - I use imap14:44
ericsnowvoidspace: the demo openstack page that lazyPower posted inspired me14:44
perrito666voidspace: saying that these where not spam :p because I assumed they where going to be taken as such14:45
* lazyPower perks up14:45
voidspaceperrito666: but gmail is moving them to spam before I get to them14:45
perrito666voidspace: you can nevertheless add a filter in gmail14:45
voidspaceperrito666: heh14:45
voidspaceperrito666: I could do...14:45
perrito666voidspace: its no more than 5 clicks14:45
voidspaceperrito666: I wish gmail would leave my damn email alone and let me handle it thank you very much14:45
perrito666voidspace: well, I havent looked in my canonical acct, but in my regular acct I get a lot of spam so I am fairly happy with gmails filter14:46
perrito666but, I use gmail as a client14:46
wwitzel3voidspace: you can disable the spam filtering completely14:46
voidspaceyeah, I don't like web clients14:46
perrito666voidspace: I like consistent clients :p so with that I get the same client on my phone, my tablet and my laptop14:46
voidspaceit's sucky - hey, but at least it's sucky everywhere!14:47
perrito666voidspace: and I pretty much like the ui so I would really use a desktop client if it provided the same interface14:47
voidspaceI prefer the thunderbird ui14:47
perrito666the idea of labels instead of folders is the killer feature for me14:47
voidspacethat's the killer un-feature for me!14:47
voidspaceI like folders dammit14:47
ericsnowI don't mind the labels, but the filters drive me nuts14:50
ericsnowyou can't prioritize them14:50
ericsnow(they *all* get run)14:50
wwitzel3voidspace: if you create a filter for Has Words: is:spam and check never mark as spam, you essentially disable the spam filtering14:51
ericsnowwwitzel3: nice :)14:51
wwitzel3voidspace: I did that for my Canonical email after I missed a few that were sent to spam.14:51
perrito666voidspace: I am a person with difficulties making choices so If I can put an email in many folders it solves my problem :p14:51
dimiternTheMue, hey, any progress on the maas issue? Did you manage to use vmrun successfully?14:55
TheMuedimitern: hehe, just wanted to ping you. vmrun does not help, it is only a CLI tool doing the same as the UI. when wanting to get into the running machine you need a user/password.14:56
natefinchvoidspace: ha, sorry, I can fix it.14:57
TheMuedimitern: but I'm currently setting up a serial debugging console hoping to grabbing the output there14:57
TheMuedimitern: found some docs at vmware and in forums on how to set it up14:57
dimiternTheMue, that's an option yeah14:57
TheMuedimitern: I'm not aware what I'll see there, but I've got almost no other idea14:58
TheMuedimitern: one option I found too is simply do a screen recording, creating a kind of console output film14:58
TheMuedimitern: :)14:58
voidspacewwitzel3: hah, nice - thanks14:58
TheMuedimitern: if only this initial ubuntu user would have a password to login *sigh*14:59
* TheMue is frustrated15:00
voidspacenatefinch: thanks :-)15:00
dimiternTheMue, if only cloud-init did it's job :)15:02
perrito666natefinch: standup?15:02
TheMuedimitern: exactly, the a simple ssh would be no problem15:02
natefinchsinzui: what's up with https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1440940  ??  It looks like it's a build environment problem, since it's not able to find the stdlib's encoding package.15:04
mupBug #1440940: xml/marshal.go:10:2: cannot find package "encoding" <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1440940>15:04
sinzuinatefinch, I hope a developer can explain what is up so that I can fix it. We haven't changed packaging on that machine in months15:05
sinzuinatefinch, you think encoding is provided by a specific ubuntu package?15:06
natefinchsinzui: encoding is a go package that is part of the go standard library15:06
voidspaceyeah, that's odd15:07
sinzuinatefinch, stilson-07 only had kernels in /usr/src15:08
natefinchsinzui: seems like goroot is set incorrectly there15:09
natefinchsinzui: $GOROOT seems to be set to /usr/15:09
sinzuinatefinch, what should goroot be on a machine that uses gccgo?15:10
sinzuimgz can you and natefinch sort out what stilson-07 needs (that I presume stilson-08 has) to allow us to run unit tests? I am at a critical moment in a release that affects production streams15:13
natefinchsinzui: no problem15:13
natefinchsinzui, mgz:  goroot doesn't need to be set, the go tool figures it out on its own for the most part.15:14
mgznatefinch: so, you say I unset that and it compiles?15:14
sinzuimgz, since 1.23 and 1.22 works, I think something is different about the package or the Makefile15:15
natefinchmgz: I am 100% sure there's no possible way that anything else could possibly be wrong15:15
mupBug #1441206 was opened: Container destruction doesn't mark IP addresses as Dead <juju-core:In Progress by mfoord> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441206>15:15
* natefinch hopes they get the sarcasm'15:15
sinzuimgz, tarball, not package. stilson-08 takes the same tarball and made packages.15:15
natefinchmgz: unsetting it should work, but I can't be sure there's nothing else wrong15:15
mgznatefinch: paste.ubuntu.com/1076314415:17
natefinchmgz: what does `go env` return ?15:18
mgzthe reason trunk is broken and 1.23 is not is that the xml package from the stdlib was forked as a dep15:18
mgzand that's what's not compiling15:18
mgzsinzui: ^that change is on trunk only15:18
mgznatefinch: GOROOT=/usr15:19
natefinchmgz: it sounds like the installation of go is messed up15:19
mgzI can purge it and reinstall15:20
mupBug #1441206 changed: Container destruction doesn't mark IP addresses as Dead <juju-core:In Progress by mfoord> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441206>15:21
mgznatefinch: stilson-08 also says /usr for GOROOT through go env15:22
natefinchmgz: how did you guys get Go installed on those machines?15:22
mgznatefinch: apt-get install15:24
natefinchmgz: oh, yeah, I guess that's actually the correct goroot...  I had forgotten how it works when you use apt-get15:26
rogpeppe1natefinch: hiya15:27
natefinchrogpeppe1: howdy15:28
rogpeppe1natefinch: just wondering if you know how to quote an arbitrary argument passed to cmd.exe; we're trying to write a platform-general "open link in web browser" package15:28
natefinchmgz: still, that means there should be a /usr/src/pkg/encoding/encoding.go15:29
rogpeppe1natefinch: and i don't trust the implementation https://github.com/toqueteos/webbrowser/blob/master/webbrowser.go15:29
mgzrogpeppe1: just look at the python module and do that?15:29
rogpeppe1mgz: link?15:29
alexisbdimitern, ping15:29
dimiternalexisb, pong15:29
mgzrogpeppe1: there's a function in subprocess.py that does quoting, and webbrowser does what you're doing15:30
rogpeppe1mgz: it's not just normal quoting unfortunately15:30
rogpeppe1mgz: it's quoting past cmd.exe, which is somewhat harder, i think15:30
mgzrogpeppe1: `vi /usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py`15:30
* perrito666 suggests rogpeppe1 asks gsamfira 15:31
rogpeppe1mgz: not really keen on that implementation15:31
natefinchmgz: hmm... except that installing it locally doesn't do that either....15:31
rogpeppe1mgz: it doesn't seem to respect user web browser preferences, although i may not have seen that bit15:31
mgzrogpeppe1: /list2cmdline15:32
natefinchmgz: ahh... when I install go from apt, it gives me goroot = /usr/lib/go15:32
mgzrogpeppe1: it looks at the BROWSER envvar on nix, not sure if it looks up the registry setting or whatever on windows15:32
mupBug #1441206 was opened: Container destruction doesn't mark IP addresses as Dead <juju-core:In Progress by mfoord> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441206>15:33
rogpeppe1mgz: isn't list2cmdline just for executing a command directly?15:33
mgzI also don't like webbrowser much, but it'll cover a bunch of cases you don't think if otherwise15:33
rogpeppe1mgz: whereas what we are thinking of doing is running cmd /c start $url15:33
rogpeppe1mgz: and in that case there are a bunch of cmd.exe metachars that would need quoting (& being the most obvious)15:34
mgzrogpeppe1: see also `if shell:` in _execute_child15:34
rogpeppe1mgz: link?15:34
mgzsame file15:34
mgzfurther down15:34
ericsnowrogpeppe1: did you see the shell package in the utils repo?15:35
ericsnowrogpeppe1: it has code for shquoting15:35
rogpeppe1mgz: i don't see it inhttps://hg.python.org/cpython/file/2.7/Lib/webbrowser.py15:35
rogpeppe1ericsnow: ah, in windows too, cool15:35
ericsnowrogpeppe1: both powershell and cmd.exe, I believe15:36
ericsnowrogpeppe1: powershell is easier, BTW15:36
natefinchrogpeppe1:  wow, I was totally confused about what you meant by quoting15:36
natefinchrogpeppe1: would just putting quotes around it not work?15:37
rogpeppe1natefinch: probably not15:37
rogpeppe1natefinch: because they'll get quoted by the Go syscall quoting mechanism, i think15:38
natefinchrogpeppe1: Oh I see15:38
mgzrogpeppe1: you were asking about the subprocess function, that file15:39
rogpeppe1i think this (from winCmdEscapeMeta) has what i need: const meta = `()%!^"<>&|`15:40
natefinchrogpeppe1: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1327431/how-do-i-escape-ampersands-in-batch-files15:40
rogpeppe1natefinch: yeah, i know about ampersands15:40
rogpeppe1natefinch: it was all the other stuff that you can find in urls that i'm concerned about15:41
natefinchrogpeppe1: right ok15:41
natefinchsinzui, mgz: can we mark #1440940 as not blocking trunk?  It's not a code issue that dev can fix.15:45
mupBug #1440940: xml/marshal.go:10:2: cannot find package "encoding" <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1440940>15:45
natefinchof that I'm 100% sure15:45
mgznatefinch: have you successfully built on gccgo locally with trunk?15:48
natefinchmgz: not recently, but I can give it a go15:48
mgznatefinch: I think unblocking trunk when know one knows if t15:51
mgzit actually builds or not on one of our supported platforms, is probably not a good idea15:52
natefinchmgz: I actually had thought we decided that errors with gccgo builds weren't going to block trunk, but maybe I misunderstood.   I am compiling with gccgo now, btw.15:52
sinzuinatefinch, I think the issue is that Ubuntu require this to work and we need to prove it is a compiler issue that they manage, not a code issue in Juju15:54
natefinchsinzui: well, it's certainly a compiler issue.  It can't find a package from the standard library.   FWIW, I just finished a build of trunk with gccgo with no issues15:59
sinzuimgz: This atrociously long log shows gccgo did compile the ppc64el package on stilson-0816:00
natefinchsinzui: my suggestion is to remove and reinstall golang on that machine... maybe the installation got corrupted somehow16:00
sinzuinatefinch, but isn't this about xml being forked. 1.22 and 1.23 build fine16:01
natefinchsinzui: the error from the compiler clearly says that it can't find the encoding package from the standard library. it's not about the forked xml package... that's just the leaf-most package that happens to import encoding, and therefore shows the error.16:02
natefinchsinzui: those other branches build fine on the same machine?16:03
sinzuinatefinch, yes16:04
mgznatefinch: it really is about the change that introduced that, it's when it started breaking16:05
natefinchsinzui: hmm.... so before, we didn't import encoding directly in our code at all, only indirectly through importing xml.  Now we do it directly.  I wonder if that somehow is triggering this issue.16:06
sinzuineither stillson has golang* package installed16:06
natefinchsinzui: where is it getting the go tools from, then?16:07
sinzuimgz, is xml defined in dependencies.tsv?16:07
sinzuinatefinch, I think they get it from gccgo16:07
mgzsinzui: our forked version is, for trunk16:09
sinzuimgz, yes, which is why I think Ubuntu can say the issue is in Juju's code16:09
natefinchsinzui: the problem is that the standard library package "encoding" isn't there.  That's not a bug in juju's code.16:10
mgzyeah, I wanted to grab dave or someone to work out what about the root package import is unhappy on gccgo16:11
mgznatefinch: but all the encoding/blah imports are fine16:11
sinzuimgz, stilson-08 will work because it is packaging...debian deps will ensure the fakeroot will get the source.16:14
natefinchmgz, sinzui: can one of you try copying this program to a file on that machine and doing gccgo run <thatfile>?  http://play.golang.org/p/6b1LdO_13i16:18
sinzuimgz stilson-07 doesn't have golang-go src and it hasn't needed it because I think the tarball gets all the golang go pakages needed. GOROOT is irrelevant for the tarball because the static link rules require we provide everything that ubuntu needs to audit16:19
sinzuimgz, so I wonder if xml is being removed when the tarball is created because it isn't stated to be required16:19
mgznatefinch: yeah, that does not compile16:21
mgzsinzui: we shouln't be tarring up stdlib bits16:21
mgzsinzui: so, I'm pretty sure the tarball is just fine, it has the forked xml16:22
sinzuimgz, then lets install std libs on stilson-0716:22
sinzuimgz, the are not there and I don't think they every were16:22
mgzsinzui: okay, I think there is an actual bug here, but I'm fine just sticking golang on if that's enough16:23
natefinchmgz, sinzui:  certainly if that 12 line program doesn't compile, it's not a juju issue.   Something is fubared with the environment.  It seems like installing the go compiler on the machine on which you intend to compile go code should be uncontroversial ;)16:35
natefinchI have to run for a couple hours to do tax stuff.16:36
sinzuinatefinch, mgz, apt tells me that golang-src isn't available for ppc64el16:36
natefinchsinzui: it's pretty easy to build from source16:36
sinzuinatefinch, I really don't know what provided xml or encodings in the past16:36
* natefinch shrugs16:36
natefinchI gotta run, sorry.    http://golang.org/doc/install/source16:37
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
sinzuinatefinch, the machine is setup using the juju Makefile so we don't create custom setups16:37
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
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mupBug #1423936 changed: Juju backup fails when journal files are present <backup-restore> <cts> <juju-core:Fix Released by niedbalski> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Released by niedbalski> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1423936>18:27
mupBug #1436191 changed: gce: bootstrap instance has no network rule for API <firewall> <gce-provider> <juju-core:Fix Released by dimitern> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1436191>18:27
mupBug #1436390 changed: GCE provider config should support extracting auth info from JSON file <gce-provider> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1436390>18:27
mupBug #1436397 changed: map-order sensitive test in md/juju/storage needs to be fixed <map-order> <juju-core:Fix Released by anastasia-macmood> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1436397>18:27
mupBug #1436415 changed: vivid local template container "juju-vivid-lxc-template" did not stop' <ci> <lxc> <tech-debt> <vivid> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1436415>18:27
mupBug #1436655 changed: gce provider should stop using deprecated zone europe-west1-a <gce-provider> <juju-core:Fix Released by wwitzel3> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by wwitzel3> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1436655>18:27
mupBug #1436988 changed: juju backup/restore is upstart-specific <backup-restore> <systemd> <vivid> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1436988>18:27
mupBug #1437038 changed: 1.23b2 fails to get IP from MAAS for containers, falls back to lxcbr0 <addressability> <maas-provider> <network> <juju-core:Fix Released by mfoord> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by mfoord> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1437038>18:27
mupBug #1437220 changed: gce provider often can't find its own instances <gce-provider> <observability> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1437220>18:27
mupBug #1437296 changed: apt-http-proxy being reset to bridge address <local-provider> <proxy> <juju-core:Fix Released by anastasia-macmood> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Released by anastasia-macmood> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by anastasia-macmood> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1437296>18:27
mupBug #1437366 changed: MAX_ARGS is reached when calling relation-set <charm> <landscape> <relations> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1437366>18:27
mupBug #1438748 changed: Use of /tmp/discover_init_system.sh is a security vulnerability. <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1438748>18:27
mupBug #1439398 changed: GCE low-level RemoveInstances fails if firewalls are not found <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1439398>18:27
mupBug #1439761 changed: AWS V4 signing does not work <ec2-provider> <juju-core:Fix Released by cox-katherine-e> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by cox-katherine-e> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1439761>18:27
voidspaceright, I'm off18:28
voidspaceg'night all18:28
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
mupBug #1441302 was opened: Vivid unit tests are not reliable enough <test-failure> <vivid> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441302>18:46
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
mupBug #1441319 was opened: failed to retrieve the template to clone: template container juju-trusty-lxc-template did not stop <lxc> <oil> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441319>20:01
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=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
natefinchsinzui: anything I can do to help with that gccgo problem?20:42
natefinchwwitzel3: you going to be on the release call tonight?20:43
sinzuinatefinch, I update the bug with what I learned. gccgo doesn't use goroot. The libgo5 package is still installed and the encoding package is there20:44
sinzuinatefinch, I an currently attempting a reinstall because I I cannot think of anything wlse to do20:44
davecheneywhich bug is this ?20:44
mgzah, dave is who I wanted20:45
natefinchdavecheney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/144094020:45
mupBug #1440940: xml/marshal.go:10:2: cannot find package "encoding" <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1440940>20:45
davecheneytada, i'm here in your timezone20:45
davecheneynatefinch: that bug is because someone wrote code with Go 1.4 features20:45
davecheney(i think)20:45
* perrito666 managed to organize a go meetup in his city tonight, the whole go community is coming... al 8 of them20:45
mgzdavecheney: so, it started happening because we copied the encoding/xml package into our namespace20:46
davecheneywhy they heck did you do that ?20:47
davecheneysounds like you solved a big problem by lighting a massive house fire20:47
mgz"to make marshalling of namespaced attributes work correctly"20:47
davecheneyin short, we won't get that fix til next year20:47
mgzanyway, for whatever reason, the import of just "encoding" from that package doesn't work on a vanilla install of gccgo on trusty, for reasons I don't understand20:48
davecheneymgz: which commit was this ?20:50
mgzbutI believe it came in with the new charmstore api20:51
natefinchdavecheney: note that a simple gccgo run of this code fails on that machine (though it works fine on my machine): http://play.golang.org/p/6b1LdO_13i20:52
mgzdavecheney: note, a trivial script that imports encoding also fails20:52
davecheneymaybe that package doesn't exist in gccgo20:52
mgz(unless you have golang installed as well I believe)20:52
davecheneymgz: if installing go as well as gccgo fixes the problem20:53
davecheneythat is extremely super bafd20:53
davecheneythat is extremely super bad20:53
mgzI can confirm that on a fresh amd64 vm if that would be helpful20:53
davecheneyin terms of getting a fix20:54
davecheneyyou have to roll that back if you want to be able to release this week20:54
davecheneygetting a fix into gccgo-4.9 is impossible on that timeframe20:54
mgzthe other option maybe is... also forking the root encoding package into juju/20:54
katcoo/ thumper20:54
davecheneymgz: this sounds like taking a bad situation and making it worse20:55
mgzof course :)20:55
mgzor copying in the TextMarshalelr class to the forked package, 's all it uses20:57
wwitzel3natefinch: yep21:01
natefinchwwitzel3: cool, thank you.  My main concern is this CI bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1440940) that is blocking me from getting my HA stuff in.   My position is that this is just an environmental problem, not a bug in our code, since they can reproduce the problem with trivial code that doesn't even use juju.21:06
mupBug #1440940: xml/marshal.go:10:2: cannot find package "encoding" <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1440940>21:06
natefinchI gotta run, sorry guys.  Good luck.21:06
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
davecheneyi thought we had a standing rule to revert any change which was blocking CI21:19
mgzdavecheney: yeah, so that hasn't happened in practice, and this was a complex one anyway21:20
mgzthe forking of the package happened a while before it was added as a dep to juju-core,21:20
mgzand the fact we reuse ppc machines for packaging meant this wasn't caught immediately,21:22
mgzand everyone whines if we actually block trunk on ppc issues21:22
mgzso we don't do that any more, but we still need to actually *release* a working juju on ppc21:22
davecheneythis sounds like double speak21:23
davecheneyppc either blocks releases or it doesn't21:23
davecheneyand from what i'm hearing, it doesn't21:23
katcoaxw: do you mind if i ping you later for the standup?23:10
axwkatco: no problem, how much later? I may need to go back downstairs23:10
katcoaxw: hour or so from now?23:10
axwkatco: okey dokey23:10
axwschool holidays atm, so I'm easy23:11
katcoaxw: is now a good time?23:57

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