[00:01] ericokl: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseSchedule === steven__ is now known as Steven_Dale [01:30] hello! my kubuntu 14.10 plasma5 just crashed plasmashell and now the desktop is gone, rebooting loggin in gives an empty black background with a grey bottom bar. Am lost. === darthanubis is now known as darthanubis|NotH === darthanubis|NotH is now known as darthanubis [03:39] Kubuntu 15.04 still have many bugs ? === tuv0k is now known as tuv0k|NotHere === tuv0k|NotHere is now known as tuv0k === tuv0k is now known as darthanubis === kevin is now known as Guest3455 === shantanu is now known as shan17j === darthanubis is now known as darthanubis|NotH [08:23] Good morning. [09:01] where do I find a list of applications included with each distro, mainly version numbers. I just the programs that would be in the kmenu === soee_ is now known as soee [09:34] hello [09:34] Good morning DragonSpirit [09:35] Thanks, I am looking for an old old friend [09:35] :) [09:35] Been forever since I'd been on this irc server [09:35] anyone know Hawkwind? [09:36] nickserv does. and he just told me that this individual was last seen on freenode 25 weeks ago. [09:36] wow guess he isn't around anymore [09:36] well he has been 25 weeks ago. ;) [09:38] apparently freenode has memoserv, so you could try to leave a message that way [09:38] DragonSpirit: google find this https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2006-November/000110.html [09:38] Thank you kindly [09:38] so to this nick you have name: Cliff Wade (Hawkwind) [09:39] you've been great thanks, I know its not a technical question, but the communities on here have always been great even years back when I used to come here [09:40] DragonSpirit: https://twitter.com/cliffwade [09:40] "#Techie #Geek #TeamAndroid #OpenSource" sounds about right [09:41] yeah thats him for sure, I know the name [09:41] Ha awesome, its been like.... over 5 years === kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch === kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik [12:12] Hiyas all === batman is now known as Guest94190 [13:07] so alt f1 doesnt open kmenu anymore? [13:11] robotdevil, it does here on 15.04 [13:15] weird [13:16] 14.04 fresh install doesnt work [13:16] clt alt f1 goes to tty1 thou [13:17] robotdevil, have you updated,upgraded and dist-upgraded since the install ? [13:17] yes [13:18] upto date for 14.04.02 I guess [13:18] media keys and stuff works === kevin is now known as Guest22652 === george is now known as mrgeo [14:42] this may be the wrong channel to ask this, but does anyone know whether krusader is actually getting a port to kde frameworks 5.x? [14:42] seems like there was quite a bit of activity recently after a long dry spell [14:46] i thought about giving it another try, but seeing as there'll be a switch to plasma 5 soon anyway, there wouldn't be much of a point if it's about to get virtually abandoned anyway [14:46] s_20, dunno for sure, but I'm running 15.04 aith plsama 5 as default and krusader is available in the repos, altho the dependency list doesn't mention KF5 [14:47] alth = with [14:48] the dependency list for krusader in muon that is [14:48] BluesKaj: looks like it is exactly the same package as in 14.10 [14:48] same version string anyway [14:50] ok , a lot of kde4 stuff is still not ported to plasma 5 yet and may not be , even after 15.04 is official [14:51] kde5 is not even close to being a testable desktop apparently [14:53] s_20: http://developer.kde.org/~cfeck/portingstatus.html [14:56] lordievader: so it's WIP, thank you! [14:57] s_20: ;) === mike_ is now known as user23904 [16:41] hey guys [16:42] I have some issues installing Kubuntu 15.04 beta 2 [16:42] it keeps on hanging [16:42] during the install I mean [16:47] fcomtois, did you do an md5sum check on the iso before installing ? [16:47] yeah [16:47] BluesKaj: yes [16:47] BluesKaj: also tried with the latest daily build [16:48] are you on the live-media now , fcomtois? [16:49] BluesKaj: it crashes whenever I try to install [16:49] BluesKaj: I am on my laptop right now [16:49] Kubuntu works fine on my X200 [16:50] is said pc less then 5 yrs old ? [16:50] BluesKaj: yes [16:50] Ivy Bridge CPU [16:50] Nvidia Ti550 [16:50] could be the UEFI/BIOS problem [16:50] I got that warning when installing [16:50] !uefi [16:50] UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [16:54] BluesKaj: thanks, let me give it a shot [16:55] fcomtois, if all else fails , come back and we can do the legacy install as a last resort , unless you want to keep windows 8 or some such [16:56] BluesKaj: LTS works fine [16:56] BluesKaj: not my first rodeo :) [16:56] BluesKaj: but your offer is well appreciated [16:57] yes, but uefi can be a tricky procedure , a deliberate shot at linux and mac by microsoft [16:57] BluesKaj: yeah [16:57] it wasnt an issue before [16:58] but it's strange the issues I have been experiencing with 15.04 [16:59] Whenever there's a big change under the hood there will be hiccups for a while afterwards. [16:59] yeah I reckon [16:59] * genii thinks about the KDE 3.x to 4 jump and shudders [17:00] yeah, actually I hadnt used KDE since KDE3 [17:01] KDE5 is actually pretty good from my POV [17:02] yeah genii , I recall ..was just getting used to kde3 and I hated dolphin at first and still can't stand pulseaudio altho i have to use it with this soundcard [17:03] KDE 5 is a good improvement [17:03] plasma5 and KF5 are still a bit "off" and some of my fav features a re gone [17:04] BluesKaj: by the way, the url you gave me earlier worked [17:04] I disabled Intel Smart connect [17:04] and now seems to be installing fine [17:04] BluesKaj: which feature was removed? [17:04] fcomtois, good , some find those insrtuctions confusing [17:05] different backgrounds for Virtual desktops for one [17:05] oh [17:06] BluesKaj: do you know how to mount AFP shares with Dolphin ? [17:06] it works fine on Nautilus [17:06] no drop down of previopus entries in krunner [17:06] but not on Dolphin [17:09] mac files ? [17:09] yeah [17:10] my firm still runs on older xserve servers [17:10] I think the file sharing is on snow leopard [17:14] fcomtois, did you try add a network folder in dolphin networking [17:15] no, I have not, but I just tried to click on the folder [17:15] BluesKaj: by the way, the system installed without any problem, but now it hangs ever logging in [17:16] does 15.04 use kde applications 14.12? [17:16] fcomtois, ok, can you get to a tty/vt ? [17:16] no [17:16] BluesKaj: completely hangs [17:17] fcomtois: was that to my question? [17:17] Roberth1990: sorry no, it was in reply to BluesKaj [17:17] bummer , then try the recovery kernel fcomtois [17:18] BluesKaj: I can get a TTY if I don't log into SSDM [17:18] I am doing a dist-upgrade now [17:19] Roberth1990, plasma 5/KF5 is the default desktop in 15.04 , but some plsama 4 libs are still used [17:19] so odd, because it worked flawlessly in the past [17:19] BluesKaj: I love my X200 because of that, it just works [17:20] yeah, it's a new bug , about 3days old [17:20] x200? [17:20] Thinkpad [17:20] ok [17:21] BluesKaj: just out of curiosity, how old are you? hope you do not mind me asking [17:22] O.o [17:22] I have a lenovo g500 and it's a great laptop , althjo I did wipe it clean of w8.1 and all the crazy partitions that it came with and installed W7 and Kubuntu in legacy mode [17:24] fcomtois, I'm old , I'm 71, why do you ask? [17:25] BluesKaj: awesome, just curious :) [17:25] BluesKaj: where do you hail from ? [17:27] fcomtois, Canada, about 400Km North of Toronto [17:27] BluesKaj: I am from Montreal, but live in Hong Kong [17:27] fcomtois, you're in Hong Kong [17:28] cool :) [17:29] fcomtois: yeah I practice law here [17:30] must know the language there then ...my son's wife is from Macau , he met her in Taipei [17:32] BluesKaj: not as well as I should [17:33] BluesKaj: I installed the nvidia driver over the command line and it appears to have fixed the issue [17:34] fcomtois, which nvidia gpu , I have a 8400gs and it uses the nvidia-340 driver and seems fine so far on 15.04 [17:34] ti 550 [17:35] I think the issue was with nouveua [17:35] *nouveau [17:35] because I am on 340 now [17:35] ok , nice card [17:35] it works fine [17:36] yeah , the 346 wouldn't work with my entry-level pci , but the 340 does the job [17:36] I really love Plasma 5 [17:36] so did you re-enable sddm? [17:36] probably my favourite DE [17:37] with i3 as a close 2nd [17:38] yeah, I've heard good things about i3 in a workplace environment === Draken is now known as Faker === Faker is now known as Drakenex [17:45] Hi [17:45] D: [17:45] are you there ? [17:46] Drakenex, ask your question [18:42] Hey Kubuntu fan and users, I'm in need of help to install redshift. Can anyone please help me? [18:43] !info redshift [18:43] redshift (source: redshift): Adjusts the color temperature of your screen. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8-0ubuntu6 (utopic), package size 42 kB, installed size 356 kB [18:44] spanston, it's in the repos/package manager [18:44] spanston: It's in the Universe repository, if you add that repo in Muon you will be able to install it [18:45] Thanks for the answers, will try to do that. [18:47] Awesome, thanks for the help. This software is an eye saver! [18:55] Hey guys, I got a little problem with the software Redsifht. I just managed to install in from the software center. But when I try to run it, it doesn't work. Only shows that it's about to start but then disappears. I'm using the 15.04 beta, can that be the cause? [18:59] hola [18:59] hola [18:59] hola [18:59] hola [18:59] hola [18:59] hola [18:59] ol [18:59] pc21 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted [19:00] spanston: It's entirely possible. But for Vivid questions you should use the #ubuntu+1 channel for questions, since it's not in official release yet [19:01] That's sad, this beta version is perfect except that redshift doesn't work [19:01] will try there as well then [19:54] just installed redshift, works for me. [19:57] here too [20:02] MoonUnit`: I'm on 14.10 though, not 15.04 ... what are you using? [20:02] 15.04 === mike_ is now known as Guest46232 [20:14] hello [20:14] I am trying to conect to a cisco anyconnect vpn [20:14] any advice on what to do? everything I've done faied so far === mkv is now known as m4v === kevin is now known as Guest96043 === mkv is now known as m4v === littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica === PintoBean is now known as PintoBeans === PintoBeans is now known as SpamArtist === aaron is now known as ahoneybun === BurgerHam is now known as BurgerHams === BurgerHams is now known as SpamArtist === SpamArtist is now known as Guest51394 === BurgerHam_ is now known as SpamArtist === SpamArtist is now known as Guest68783 === Guest51394 is now known as SpamArtist === SpamArtist is now known as Guest39311 === Guest68783 is now known as SpamArtist === SpamArtist is now known as Guest4423 === Guest39311 is now known as SpamArtist === marcon is now known as NamorLin === marcon is now known as hhihwdoih