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davidcalleMorning all o/07:43
nerochiaroballoons: hi, I have been told that you can maybe help me figure out how to have graphical unit tests running while using debuild08:41
popeybzoltan: zbenjamin I'm having trouble with the sdk - I keep getting "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop." and somehow via random clicking i can make it work, but don't know what makes it work again.10:42
popeylp:~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/pdfview-show-hide-header is the branch I am trying to build10:42
zbenjaminpopey: lets see10:42
popeyI am branching that, then "qtcreator CMakeLists.txt"10:42
popeythen add -DCLICK_MODE=on10:42
popeythen go to the publish tab and try to build.. and I get this:-10:43
zbenjaminpopey: does the same happen if you open qtcreator and use the "open project" dialog to open it?10:46
popeylemme see10:47
popey(sdk takes a very long time to start)10:47
zbenjaminpopey: i see the problem, you need to open the project tab and assign kits to the project when you open it the first time10:48
zbenjaminpopey: normally QtC should show the tab by default10:48
zbenjaminpopey: weird that it doesn't10:48
popeyalso, while I'm reporting things http://i.imgur.com/7BUsVyx.png10:48
popeylook at the bottom middle10:48
popeylooks like raw code where a blog post should be10:49
zbenjaminpopey: seems its actually a post with that code :D10:49
popeywhere do I assign a kit?10:50
popeyI already have one I think?10:50
zbenjaminpopey: yes you have one. Its still not working?10:50
popeywell i already had one at the start of this conversation10:51
popeybut launching sdk then opening the project seems to be building now...10:51
popeyrather than from the cli10:51
zbenjaminpopey: its possible that your schroot session is broken10:56
popey\o/ it built10:56
popeyalan@deep-thought:/tmp/pdfview-show-hide-header$ mount | grep schroot | wc -l10:57
popeycan we fix that?10:57
popey 11:57:17 up  1:30,  4 users,  load average: 2.19, 2.91, 3.0810:57
zbenjaminpopey: omG10:57
popeyI know, right?10:57
zbenjaminpopey: sudo schroot --all-sessions -e10:57
popeyit happens _all_ the time10:57
zbenjaminpopey: then run click-chroot-agent -r10:58
zbenjaminpopey: i know, schroot is the weak spot in the SDK atm10:58
popeyhmm, one is busy10:58
popeyE: 10mount: umount: /var/lib/schroot/mount/click-ubuntu-sdk-14.10-amd64-130f3373-f078-4f8e-8a84-863aa59f3b1d/dev/pts: target is busy10:58
popeybut I have no sdk open10:58
zbenjaminpopey: no idea where the busy flag is coming from, bzoltan also had his fight with that problem a few days ago11:00
popeythanks for the help zbenjamin !11:02
zbenjaminpopey: np11:02
ogra_bzoltan, for a start with snappy i'd go with supporting nodejs snaps ... that gives you a javascript based server part your app can use and is most easy to package (you just need the node binary and a way to pull npm mudules in)11:10
ogra_(for the combined click/snap idea)11:11
bzoltanpopey: that is horror11:34
popeybzoltan: ya!12:01
bzoltanpopey:  what I wonder about is that I could not figure out what locks those mount points. I could not find a process what uses those directories. So I needed a massive cleanup and reboot to get rid of the zombie mounts12:28
ogra_bzoltan, do you mount /proc ans /sys inside ?12:29
ogra_thats typically holding it ...12:29
bzoltanogra_:  I do .. .or better say the click/schroot does12:30
ogra_right, you should check they get properly unmounted12:31
bzoltanogra_: do you think that schroot would work without those mounts?12:31
ogra_no, they are needsed by some packages during install12:31
ogra_but they should get cleanly unmounted along with the schroot12:32
bzoltanogra_: I see.. to be frank I have never check out what schroot does inside. I would expect it to mount-umount automatically12:32
ogra_me too12:32
ogra_perhaps you just discovered a bug :)12:32
bzoltanogra_:  I am a bit worried that now as schroot is part of the snappy story we built an even bigger project on this pretty unstable and unreliable tool12:33
* ogra_ never used schroot ... i cant judge ... 12:34
ogra_i just use a chroot inside an ubuntu-core tarball and cars for mounting needed stuff manually12:34
bzoltanogra_:  if you have used click than you have used schroot :)12:34
ogra_huh ?12:35
ogra_why would building a click use schroot12:35
* ogra_ always just does "click build ." with the right metadata files in place12:35
ogra_... the same way i build a snap :)12:36
bfillerrpadovani: thanks for making those fixes to settings branch for browser13:08
bfillerrpadovani: seems to be working better13:08
bfillerrpadovani, oSoMoN : one question, is there supposed to be a search engine setting on the page? I think it showed up once but now is not being displayed at all13:09
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oSoMoNbfiller, only when there’s more than one custom search engine definition in $HOME/.local/share/webbrowser-app/searchengines/13:10
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oSoMoNbfiller, it’s relatively hidden for now, on purpose. In the future I’d like us to ship several search engine definition by default, but that will require more changes to the backend13:11
bfilleroSoMoN: ok13:11
oSoMoNbfiller, in a way, this setting entry is an easter egg :)13:11
bfilleroSoMoN: where on disk is the settings file stored?13:12
oSoMoNbfiller, ~/.config/webbrowser-app/webbrowser-app.conf13:12
bfilleroSoMoN: just want to test again with the file not present13:12
oSoMoNbfiller, note that this used to be ~/.config/webbrowser-app/settings.conf, but with the migration to Qt.labs.settings, the filename had to change13:13
bfilleroSoMoN: thanks13:13
bfilleroSoMoN: I think the branch is good to go now, adding the validation for the url would be nice, but not critical I think13:15
oSoMoNbfiller, agreed. I’m working on a branch that adds the "clear cache" option, and I’d like to land them all together if possible though, so it should give rpadovani a bit more time to add the validation if he wants13:17
bfilleroSoMoN: great, hopefully we can land by tomorrow13:17
bzoltanogra_:  where the target APIs come from if not from a schroot?13:52
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ogra_bzoltan, which target APIs ?14:16
ogra_bzoltan, if i write a website i also dont need any chroots :) i dont use C++14:17
ogra_QML is happy without a chroot for rolling a click14:17
bzoltanogra_:  like your system is an LTS and you develop for a 15.10 based device14:17
bzoltanogra_:  OK, you do not use code completion and syntax highlight :) and you do not care if you accidentally use non existing APIs :)14:18
ogra_bzoltan, i usually develop on my device ... i roll an empty click with Main.qml in it ... and then start editing in /opt/click ... once i have the code working fine on the device, i sync it back to the PC and build the final click14:21
bzoltanogra_:  yes, I remember you explained it... it is the safest one14:22
ogra_so i know the APIs work :)14:22
bzoltanogra_:  it would be fun to hijack the device (or the emulator) rootfs and use it as SDK14:22
rickspencer3kalikiana, hi14:23
rickspencer3so, I am running into a weird thing with u1db14:23
rickspencer3in a nutshell, it seems to write records slowly on my desktop, which is making it hard on my tests14:24
ogra_bzoltan, well, thats efeectively waht i do :) i have thre terminals open with ssh to the device, one with vim, one where i constantly tail -f the apps log file and one to run/stop the app14:24
bzoltanogra_: yes, that is the way :)14:28
bzoltanogra_:  I wish to make an SDK like that with IDE. It is totally possible and feasible.14:28
ogra_bzoltan, indeed it is :) but i think the majority of useers will use the full SDK anyway14:31
bzoltanogra_:  We could totally do a full SDK with on device development :)14:47
rpadovanibfiller, thanks to you for the review :-) oSoMoN working on the url right now!16:07
rpadovanipopey, do you have 5 minutes for a query?16:08
bfillerrpadovani: no problem, thanks for the code :)16:08
popeyfor you, always16:08
nerochiaroballoons: ping16:28
rpadovanibfiller, oSoMoN should be ready to land now16:34
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oSoMoNrpadovani, not sure how that happened, but there is a conflict now when merging your branch17:05
rpadovanilolwut, on it17:06
rpadovanioSoMoN, there was an edit to looksLikeAUrl() function (I based to the one I had in my branch). I reflected it in UrlManagement.js, should work now17:11
oSoMoNrpadovani, thanks! now there is another conflict when merging first the qt-labs-settings branch into trunk then yours, no idea why, I’m looking into it17:18
rpadovanioSoMoN, lol. Should I merge your branch in mine?17:18
oSoMoNrpadovani, well it doesn’t seem to do anything17:20
* oSoMoN is puzzled17:20
oSoMoN"bzr help criss-cross" has some hints as to what might have happened17:23
oSoMoNrpadovani, merging your branch with --weave fixes the issue, I wonder if there’s a way to have the CI train use that option when merging…17:25
rpadovanioSoMoN, probably both of use merged from trunk, and so we had criss cross17:26
oSoMoNyeah, that’s unfortunate17:26
oSoMoNrpadovani, I can probably remove my MR from the list though, as yours is based on it anyway17:27
oSoMoNI’ll do that17:27
rpadovanioSoMoN, ok, thanks, let me know if there is something I can do to thelp17:31
oSoMoNrpadovani, all good now, rebuilding in the silo17:32
nik90ahayzen: ping17:37
ahayzennik90, pong17:37
nik90ahayzen: hey in your day delegate expand branch, couldn't we use ListItem.Expandable + UbuntuListView combination? That would give us the benefit of ensuring automatically that when the listitem is expanded it will be fully visible17:39
nik90so we wouldn't have to define that ourselves by adjusting the flickable contentY17:39
ahayzennik90, i'll have an investigation :) ... also note the expandable part will have a big label at the top then a sortof list thing below17:39
nik90true, but the ListItem Expandable is essentially an empty listitem..it gives us all the freedom to define whatever we need inside it17:40
ahayzenok i'll have a look thanks :)17:41
nik90ahayzen: the reason I am suggesting this is because we then wouldn't have to worry about normal or expanded states along with their transition since that will all be taken care for us17:41
nik90ahayzen: but it looks and works great atm17:41
ahayzenas long as I can keep the slick animations i'll try and use the expandable :)17:41
nik90ahayzen: one more general question if you got time17:44
nik90ahayzen: realistically I think that the new weather app could replace the old weather app when the phone makes the vivid transition..I was thinking may be we should start using the new listitems in Ubuntu.Components 1.217:45
nik90ahayzen: although after typing it out, I realized I wouldn't be able to develop it on my phone running RTM17:45
ahayzennik90, i guess :) ... i should be jumping from utopic -> vivid this week...but yeah i'm on rtm as well...tbh with most of my projects i'm waiting for rtm to sync with vivid before i make the jump otherwise development will be a pain17:46
nik90ahayzen: fair point..it is best to wait for rtm to sync with vivid17:47
mardywhat is the right way of translating the .desktop files, in click apps? X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain or Name[<lang>]?19:08
mardypopey: you might know ^19:09
ahayzenwe have an _ before the thing that needs to be translated in music http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/remix/view/head:/com.ubuntu.music_music.desktop.in.in i think cmake does the rest of the magic? IIRC19:12
mardyahayzen: but if I open the ~/.local/share/applications/com.ubuntu.music_music_2.0.846.desktop file, I see it's full with Name[]...19:16
ahayzenas i said cmake does the magic :)19:16
ahayzenso Name[<lang>] is probably correct19:17
mardyahayzen: and now I see that /usr/share/applications/ubuntu-system-settings.desktop uses X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain instead... I'm confused19:18
ahayzenugh :/19:18
mardySaviq: do you know how the shell translated the applications' name?19:19
Saviqmardy, from the .desktop file19:42
Saviqmardy, it reads Field[locale]= from there19:42
mardySaviq: how come that the System Settings is translated, even though it has none of those? It uses X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain, but that doesn't seem to work in my app19:43
Saviqmardy, it does fall back to gettext indeed19:43
mardySaviq: maybe X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain works for system apps, and not for clicks?19:44
Saviqmardy, yeah, we're not looking in the right dir19:44
Saviqmardy, this could be potentially be added, actually19:44
Saviqmardy, file a bug with qtmir please19:44
mardySaviq: it would indeed make me happy :-)19:44
Saviqmardy, you can easily put the translations in the .desktop file in the mean time19:45
Saviquse intltool-merge19:45
mardySaviq: I'm trying to, it's a bit hard with qmake :-)19:45
mardySaviq: thanks, I'll file the bug soonish19:45
mardySaviq: bug 1441320, FYI19:57
ubot5bug 1441320 in QtMir "Translating .desktop files with X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain fails for click apps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144132019:57
mrqtrospopey ping20:38
mrqtrosmhall119 ping20:42
mhall119mrqtros: pong20:43
mrqtrosmhall119 hello, how are you?20:44
mhall119going fine, and yourself?20:44
mrqtrosI'm fine too :)20:46
mrqtrosI want to ask... Shorts were removed from basic installation of Ubuntu Phone?20:46
mhall119mrqtros: popey would know that, it's on my phone but I havne't wiped it clean and re-flashed in agest20:48
mhall119mrqtros: also, it may be one the N4 images but not the Bq ones, or vice versa, the choice of which to pre-install is done per-device-image20:48
mrqtrosmhall119 seems that I am right. I just installed OS from scratch and have not seen it20:49
mhall119mrqtros: is it in the store so people can still get it?20:49
mrqtrosIn my case it was n420:49
mhall119ok, cool20:49
mrqtrosBut I like to see it in basic set of apps...20:49
mhall119yeah, I know some others were removed (or never made it in)20:49
mhall119the more apps in the image, the more tests need to be run on each image, and the more chance of a test failing and blocking image promotion20:50
mhall119really, the fewer apps in the image itself the better from the QA/CI perspective, but we still want to ship enough that the default image is usable20:50
mhall119mrqtros: some apps were removed, and then later re-added after they had more work, so there's still a possibility of shorts being re-added :)20:51
mrqtrosWhat do you mean when saying "had more work"? That Shorts become low-quality app and must be reworked?20:52
mrqtrosBoth I and Joey ready to develop it more20:53
mrqtrosBut there are no official designs20:53
mrqtrosmhall119 we want to make reboot of our app - use C++, change visual design and so on20:55
nik90mrqtros: at the moment, shorts app is pretty much the only app which still has a old design..the gradient backgrounds were deprecated long time back. I presume once the design is up to date, it might make its way back into the default set of apps20:55
nik90mrqtros: the calendar app was also removed some time back, but with a good redesign it made its way back into the default collection20:56
mhall119I think even Music was removed at one point20:56
nik90mrqtros: and that's what mhall119 suggested with "had more work" .. no one is suggesting that shorts-app is a low quality app or anything20:57
mhall119nik90: weather still uses the old gradients too20:57
mhall119but that was made with collaboration from the weather channel, so it's going to be slower to change20:57
nik90mhall119: Have you checked out weather reboot? Its a radically new design that removes those old gradients20:57
mhall119nik90: no I haven't, is it in the store?20:57
mhall119mrqtros: I certainly didn't mean shorts wasn't high quality20:58
nik90mhall119: not yet, its being worked on at the moment by myself, victor thompson, ahayzen and martin20:58
nik90mhall119: we are hoping to release a beta to the store when it is a bit more ready20:58
ahayzenweather reboot \o/20:59
mrqtrosmhall119 it's looking like you are comforting me :)) All is ok, I can see problems20:59
mrqtrosAnd I want to solve them20:59
mrqtrosBut process is slow. Very slow. We are awaiting, awaiting with no hope :)21:00
mrqtrosSo can we made changes and propose them?21:00
mhall119mrqtros: absolutely, it's your app21:01
mrqtrosBoth I and Joey are extremely accurate in that aspect21:01
mhall119mrqtros: if the design team isn't being responsive we can take it up with them, but don't feel like you can't work on things based on your own ideas or user feedback21:02
mrqtrosmhall119 we will copy UI trends from all other apps21:04
mrqtrosmhall119 nik90 thanks guys for your participation in discussion21:06
mrqtrosWe will make Shorts reboot in ~month.21:07
nik90mrqtros: I initially worked with mihir on the calendar app to improve its design when it got removed. After a good amount of work, it was then picked up by the design team as well. You could do the same by getting the shorts app in line with the current set of apps in terms of background, UI components like the bottom edge etc.21:08
nik90mrqtros: Good luck!21:08
rpadovanior you can just ignore design team, create an awesome app and live happy :-)21:09
nik90rpadovani: to be honest, the design team are being overwhelmed at the moment..way too many things to design with fewer people on it..no can be blamed here21:09
rpadovaniI don't want to blame them at all, I fully understand that. Just, we know they are busy, so we take care of our own ;-)21:10
mrqtrosrpadovani ok, thanks)21:16
* popey reads backscroll21:22
popeyI agree with what everyone says :)21:24
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