
dpmpopey, mhall119, who is doing the Q&A today? I've not been in the last two, so I'll be on it14:11
popeyI was on the last two.. soo... :)14:11
mhall119I think I was on the last one14:28
mhall119dpm: I'll go on with you, since the rest of our team are slackers14:28
elfygood day people14:28
mhall119morning elfy14:28
dpmthanks mhall11914:29
dpmhi elfy14:29
dpmsetting up the hangout now14:29
dpm(for later)14:29
mhall119dpm: we have our call now, right?14:30
dpmmhall119, yeah14:30
dpmmhall119, let me post on the social networks and join the call, I'll be 1 min14:31
dpmmhall119, ok, hangout set up and uoa page updated for later15:15
* mhall119 prepared adequate caffiene15:30
dpmpopey, any core apps updates you'd want us to highlight?15:58
popey1. music app was updated in the store yesterday with some bug fixes in15:59
popey2. reminders was bumped by QA due to a couple of crashes and UI bugs (which is good because it shows our QA process works) :)15:59
popey4. Calculator struggling with one UI issue and once done we'll submit to QA16:00
popey3. Docviewer full screen viewing of PDFs (i.e. top toolbar hidden, indicator shown) landed in trunk, will update in the store a bit later.16:00
popeythat's it for now.16:00
czajkowskiKAPMAN is my new favourite game in the software center16:01
czajkowskidid not know it existed!!!16:01
czajkowskiI know it's not an app app but just felt like sharing :)16:01
mhall119czajkowski: in the phone store or desktop store?17:13
czajkowskidesktop store17:15
czajkowskinot had a chance to properly play with new phone as need curent phone for working apps for work17:15
czajkowskialso need to get a new sim card so I can use it while not unplugging curren phone from network as need it for calls17:16
czajkowskimay take the Ubuntu phone to NYC for mobile week :D17:16
dpmthanks popey, we mentioned the updates at the Q&A17:28
PabloRubianesmhall119: have a minute for a PM?17:57
mhall119PabloRubianes: you can PM  me any time, no need to ask :)17:59
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