
mhall119BobJonkman: genii: I've created http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3075/ for you00:51
geniimhall119: Thanks :)00:51
Kilosevening nhaines  and other peeps in the states05:01
Kilosand morning to everyone else05:08
KilosTaeheeJang  well done05:09
TaeheeJangKilos: haha you're welcome. Thankyou!05:09
Kilosany time05:10
TaeheeJangI'm talking with Karl Wortmann, and he will join IRC again.05:11
nhainesGood evening, Kilos.  :)06:11
BobJonkmanYay! Thanx, mhall11906:24
Kiloshi boon  07:11
boonhi kilos.....anything good happening in the chat room or Wat07:13
Kilosvery quiet here boon  07:14
Kilosonly new news is that korea have a running LoCo07:14
Kiloshi toddy  07:26
toddyhi Kilos 07:26
Kiloshi dpm  07:38
TaeheeJangumm.. exactly korea team has operated by previous leader, and we voted new leader, and made a renewed council.09:58
Kilosat least its up and running again09:59
Kilosthats what counts09:59
TaeheeJangyes right. haha.10:00
Kilosget the guys to read and understand http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/conduct10:00
Kilosits all about helping each other and working together10:01
Kilosthe leader must lead by example10:01
Kilosthen others enjoy following10:01
TaeheeJangyes i will. thx!10:02
Kiloshi PabloRubianes  15:59
PabloRubianeshi Kilos15:59
Kiloshi ShawnK  16:24
=== Kilos is now known as Kiloswhat
=== Kiloswhat is now known as Kilos
wxlnhaines: i forgot. did you say you were planning on coming to lfnw or oscon?21:25
nhaineswxl: I was thinking of coming to OSCON, but I'm not sure if my schedule will work out.  I'll know after the end of the month.21:38
wxlnhaines: alright cool, well keep me in the loop. they haven't opened registration yet, so no rush, but i'm hoping to use lfnw as a dress rehearsal of sorts.21:38
nhainesOoh, a good idea.21:39
wxli gotta get my freaking pi2 set up already21:41
wxlif you're going to come to oscon, let me know and i'll leave the ubuntu phone side of things in your hands XD21:41
nhainesHaha, thanks!  Yeah, I'll definitely keep you filled in.  I had just been thinking about OSCON last week.21:44
wxlit would be nice to actually have the bq phone there rather than just my crappy old nexus 4 :)21:46
nhainesHopefully that'll be something that Canonical can make happen by then.  :)  But the truth is that the two phones seem to work very similarly.21:48
wxlnhaines: i realize that but the officialness of it will certainly make those less personally familiar with ubuntu ooh and ahh :)21:48
nhainesI found that this actually seemed to be a secondary concern.  A lot of people were happy to see Ubuntu on our N4s at SCALE and then just briefly look at or hold the bq phone before leaving.21:50
nhaines(This was a pleasant surprise.)21:50
wxloh hm21:52
wxlkind of makes sense21:52
wxland really the bq isn't marketed for the us, so that makes sense!21:52
nhainesYeah.  There was a lot of "When will this phone be available in the US?"  "Never."21:52
wxl(aside: at first i didn't grok what you meant by n4 and thought there was some arm server i didn't know about) XD21:53
nhainesNope!  The bq phone is Europe-only.21:53
wxli thought canonical had announced there was to be an announcement21:53
wxlnot "touch" you mean "bq"21:53
wxlyeah, makes sense21:53
nhainesWe had the "announcement in the next 6 months" timeframe back then, and I would surmrise with the attendee that a US-based phone would probably be speced more appropriately for US tastes.21:54
wxlthe bq isn't 4g is it?21:54
nhainesIt can do European HSPA+ but not US HSPA+ or LTE.21:55
wxlhas lte even hit europe at all?21:55
nhainesOr 3G for that matter.  So here it's 2G.21:55
nhainesI believe they've been using LTE for a while but the frequencies are different.21:55
nhainesI donno.  I just buy Nexus phones so I don't have to worry about it.21:55
wxlheheh yeah21:56
nhainesHeck, T-Mobile doesn't even charge me for international data roaming anymore.  :D21:56
wxlwell i know that 3g is far more common there21:56
nhainesOr texts either, I think.21:56
wxlwhereis here 4g is an expectation21:56
nhainesYeah, I'd mention how great the phone is in the European market, and note how smooth and fast Ubuntu was on low-mid-end hardware.21:57
wxlhm so i'm probably using hspa+ with t-mobile21:57
wxli didn't realize that21:57
nhainesSo if the US wants a flagship phone, well, just think of how well Ubuntu will run on that.21:57
* wxl grins widely21:57
nhainesRegardless of the fact that it's true anyway, everyone seemed to buy into that.21:58
wxlhow close is lte speed to hspa+?21:58
nhainesOr when someone asked how Ubuntu ran on the N5, I'd say "It's the best way to run Ubuntu if you hate Bluetooth."21:58
nhainesHSPA+ is slower than LTE now but was faster than the first LTE phones out there.21:58
wxlaccording to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_wireless_data_standards#Overview it seems that hspa+ has the potential to annihilate lte22:01
nhainesProbably, but everyone seems to have picked LTE anyway.  :)22:04
wxldoesn't make sense to me considering we have to create new infrastructure22:09
wxlUNLESS it is proven tha ttechnically lte can exceed all possible improvements in hspa+22:09
nhainesOr if the hardware's cheaper.  But when T-Mobile rolled out HSPA+ they made the towers software upgradeable to LTE.22:11

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