
flexiondotorgelfy, cyphermox I remember the /etc/passwd 0600 thing. I'll check my notes...09:02
flexiondotorgelfy, cyphermox That was mentioned in relation to Language selection not being available in Ubiquity.09:04
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elopioping jibel. I set up snappy on a kvm to get started, this is easy in case you want to give it a try: http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/tools/snappy#snappy-local13:49
elopiofgimenez: brendand: rhuddie: vila: stand up?14:03
brendandelopio, i knew i forgot someone :)14:04
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jibelHey elopio, thanks for the link. I'll give it a try14:07
elopiojibel: now I'm looking at this: http://www.wefearchange.org/2015/04/creating-python-snaps.html14:24
elopioLooks nice to get started with the packaging.14:24
elfyflexiondotorg: thanks14:24
elopiovila: ^ you might want to take a look too, for the sprint.14:24
elfyand good afternoon quality channel peeps :)14:24
vilaelopio: I read it indeed a few days ago14:35
flexiondotorgelfy, Are you about?16:45
flexiondotorginfinity, Regarding - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-drivers-common/+bug/143457916:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1434579 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "Unable to install VirtualBox Guest Service in 15.04" [High,Confirmed]16:47
flexiondotorginfinity, I've just tested because it is marked a Fix Released, but it is not fixed as far as I can tell :(16:47
infinityflexiondotorg: Hey, yeah, got distracted a bit, will be working on it shortly.16:47
infinityflexiondotorg: The only part that's Fixed Released was the kernel task. :P16:47
infinityflexiondotorg: There are several more bits that need fixing.16:48
flexiondotorginfinity, Oh. OK, fair enough :)16:48
flexiondotorginfinity, How are High and Critical bugs "handled"? Is there someone who collates a list of important stuff and monitors progress?16:49
flexiondotorginfinity, Just wondering who has visibility.16:49
infinityflexiondotorg: There are some tags for release tracking (See: http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-v-tracking-bug-tasks.html), but this bug isn't so tagged, since I was working on it anyway.16:50
flexiondotorginfinity, Don't get me wrong. I was not referring to this bug.16:50
infinityflexiondotorg: As much as it would be nice to track by "high" and "critical" there are too many of those to get a handle on most of the time.16:50
flexiondotorginfinity, It was a general question. I realise there are many High and Critical bugs.16:51
flexiondotorginfinity, I'm trying to work out how to help progress some of the Critical bugs that have been picked up in QA.16:52
infinityflexiondotorg: So, that tag tracking page is what some Canonical teams use internally.  But there are as many ways to slice the bug database as there are ways to break a computer, so others are welcome to come up with their own views and find things that need escalating within their own teams (or to us).16:53
flexiondotorginfinity, Understood.16:53
infinityflexiondotorg: bdmurray probably has a better handle on how we do all of this more formally, I tend to just sort of wing it when people bring me things on IRC that sound appropriately scary enough to be worth panicking about, or small enough to be worth spending five minutes fixing.16:54
flexiondotorginfinity, Thanks for explaining.16:57
elopiozsombi: how can we help?16:58
zsombielopio: I tried to create the JSON file under ~/.config/url-dispatcher/urls for the temp app, but somehow I failed to get the app launched...16:59
elopiozsombi: we need two apps. The first one opens, but when you click the link on that one, the second one doesn't open. Is that right?17:01
zsombielopio: so, in order to launch the app thru url-dispatcher, we must drop an <appid>.urldispatcher file in the path I mentioned. I failed to do that :(17:01
zsombielopio: we don't necessarily need two apps, or maybe yes... cannot teh AP launcher do the job?17:01
elopiozsombi: there is a command line tool url-dispatcher that can do it.17:02
zsombielopio: like the current app launcher has also a url parameter, wouldn't that do the job in this case?17:02
elopiowow, it's really hard to remember. One of you guys was working with uri parameters. The other was working with URL dispatcher.17:04
elopiozsombi: can you tell me again what was the test you were doing?17:04
zsombielopio: I've added you to the SDK trello board/card17:04
zsombielopio: I was trying to extend the test branch kalikiana gave me on the StateSaver branch, but wasn't successful17:05
zsombielopio: and btw, the feature only works on the device17:05
zsombielopio: no support on desktop QPA :(17:05
elopioright, I remember that.17:06
elopiozsombi: at the moment, I can't spend much time in this because I have to finish the tasks for our sprint. You need to talk with brendand so we plan some time to spend in this.17:07
elopiothe sprint finishes on thursday, so this is a good time.17:07
zsombielopio: ok, thx17:08
zsombibrendand: r u with us? :)17:08
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elfyflexiondotorg: on and off17:49
brendandzsombi, hello17:55
zsombibrendand: hello, I need elopio's help - or someone else's - on the url-dispatcher tests in uitk17:56
brendandzsombi, can you attend our prioritization meeting tomorrow?17:57
zsombibrendand: time?17:57
brendandzsombi, it's at 1600UTC17:57
zsombibrendand: uuuhh... I can try... that's 7pm for me...17:57
brendandjfunk, the sdk team need some time to work on url-dispatcher tests17:58
jfunkbrendand: needs help from us, or time to do it themselves17:59
brendandjfunk, some of our time, i meant17:59
zsombibrendand: jfunk: more precisely on a FW in UITK launcher where we can launch an app as it would have been invoked by url-dispatcher17:59
brendandjfunk, zsombi is not sure he will be able to attend the prio meeting18:00
zsombijfunk: there are two ways to launch an app in toolkit AP, the old way (the QML app is an embedded string) or the new way - the QML app is a physical file18:01
zsombijfunk: sorry, I call it as fw, though it's a CPO :D18:01
zsombijfunk: so, the string version as well as teh file version creates some desktop file with fake exec line in ~/.shared/..... folder18:02
zsombijfunk: tedg said an <appid>.urldispatcher file must be created in ~/.config/url-dispatcher/urls which would list the protocols the app can handle18:03
zsombijfunk: I tried that, and nothing happened :/18:03
jfunkzsombi: brendand: is this a confirmed bug in AP?18:05
jfunksounds like the tests are not what is needing help, however testability enablement18:06
zsombijfunk: I don't think it is, tbh all teh apps are click-packed, which are launched well with AP18:06
zsombijfunk: what I'd need is a solution for temporary test apps18:07
brendandzsombi, jfunk - doesn't sound like a whole story, but you just need a little help to figure this out?18:07
zsombibrendand: kinda yes...18:07
brendandif anything there's an issue with url-dispatcher i think18:07
zsombibrendand: I'd need it to test the StateSaver behavior with url-dispatcher18:07
elopioit could be a problem with how we make the test application.18:07
zsombibrendand: well... the fake exec line may also be a problem, and I'm not that familiar with AP so I could dig that out18:08
jfunkbrendand: elopio: has anyone spend the "1-hr vanguard" investigation time?18:08
elopioor a url dispatcher problem. Or we are missing one step to make it work.18:08
jfunkif it ends up taking more I'll create a card18:09
brendandjfunk, i don't think so18:09
zsombielopio: that ~/.config/... path thing is also for testing, and has not been used for years...18:09
zsombiso it may not even work...18:09
brendandelopio, can you spend an hour and co-ordinate with jfunk if a whole story is needed18:09
jfunkwho is vanguard right now>18:09
elopiojfunk: I think it will take more than one hour to understand what it's going on. More like 3.18:09
brendandjfunk, it would be elopio since everyone else if (officially) eod18:10
jfunkok, well, 3 hours is a little long18:10
brendandobviously i'm here but just going to have dinner and eod18:10
om26erubuntu-qa I have been trying to run autopilot tests on my device and have consistently had issues. phablet-click-test-setup fails with http://paste.ubuntu.com/10764820/18:10
jfunkzsombi: how urgently do you need18:10
om26eradt-run on the other throws dbus permission errors18:11
elopiojfunk: brendand: yes, I'm vanguard. But I would prefer to have a card for this, so somebody works with zsombi and tedg early on the next sprint.18:11
zsombijfunk: we have a pretty high priority bug on it, blocking messaging app, and bfiller18:11
brendandom26er, are you running on rtm?18:11
elopioom26er: report a bug to phablet-tools?18:12
jfunkzsombi: which bug, what milestone is it targeted at?18:12
jfunkbfiller: ^18:12
om26erbrendand, yes18:12
jfunkbfiller: do you concur that this is urgent enough that is cannot wait unti mid-week next?18:12
brendandom26er, you need to tell it that18:12
zsombijfunk: seems it had not been prioritized for system images... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/142989918:12
brendandom26er, --distro=ubuntu-rtm --series=14.0918:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1429899 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "StateSaver should not restore when app launched from content-hub" [High,In progress]18:13
jfunkzsombi: so you're saying it can wait for help unti mid-week next?18:13
zsombijfunk: so it looks like...18:14
om26erbrendand,  oh boy, that seems to be downloading atleast18:15
bfillerjfunk, zsombi : it's blocking a story that is supposed to land end of week, but it can wait till mid-next week if you guys are busy18:24
bfillerso not super critical but would like to get it done soon18:24
jfunkbfiller: ack, we'll create a spike story to investigate start of next week18:25
davmor2om26er: did you try the adt way of running them that seems to work atleast18:25
om26erdavmor2, both adt and direct from device give me this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10764980/18:26
om26erelopio, ^18:26
davmor2om26er: no idea then18:26
elopioom26er: do you have the latest adt-run?18:28
elopioom26er: and when running directly from the device, did you do the dbus probe?18:28
om26erelopio, 3.12ubuntu118:28
om26erelopio, no, I hadn't, doing now.18:30
elopioadt-run should do it for you. So report a bug affecting autopkgtest, gallery-app and autopilot. If you have time, debug it to understand why it's not working.18:31
om26erelopio, the problem I found with adt-run was on each run it tried to re-download the source, makes things kind of slow18:33
om26eralso I did dbus probe and I am still having the same problem18:33
om26erelopio, how can I duplicate whats running in the lab do you know ?18:33
elopioom26er: http://ubuntu-test-cases-touch.readthedocs.org/en/latest/18:37
elopioom26er: sounds like a problem in autopilot or the gallery then.18:37
om26erelopio, thanks for the link. I'll flash clean just to be sure.18:38
tedgelopio, I'm back, sounds like things were punted, but I can answer questions if needed.19:00
ToyKeeperubuntu-qa, where can we find screenshot artifacts after a failed automated sanity test run?  I see some mentioned in the test log but can't seem to find the actual files.20:47
veebersToyKeeper: it will be available in the subunit file20:48
veebersToyKeeper: I suggest using the trv tool that thomi created to view the file20:49
dobeythey *should* be in the subunit file21:29
dobeybut the version of testtools in ubuntu is quite outdated and has many bugs, one of which results in often things not being attached in the subunit file, as they should be21:30
dobeybut the testtools in ppa:dobey/testtools makes it much better21:30
dobeyit only has packages for trusty and vivid though, at the moment21:31
dobeyso probably won't be very helpful on rtm :-/21:32
dobeyanyway, time for me to go21:32
elopioveebers: nuclearbob: lets make the schedule for the vanguard during the second part of the day.22:57
elopiohere comes a proposal...22:57
elopioelopio: 17:00 UTC - 20:00 UTC22:59
elopionuclearbob: 20:00 UTC - 23:00 UTC22:59
elopioveebers: 23:00 UTC - 2:00 UTC22:59
elopioI'm not sure if that's too late for you nuclearbob. We can switch if so.22:59
veeberselopio: good idea, works for me23:02
elopioveebers: nuclearbob: I'm making a new calendar.23:13
elopioveebers: do we have autolanding on the power branch?23:19
veeberselopio: oh good question, I can't remember asking for that to be setup, so probably not23:21
elopioveebers: I will add it as a task in the card to add unit tests.23:23
elopiodoesn't make a lot of sense to have autolanding with no tests.23:23
veeberselopio: hmm, autolanding is nice as it takes care of the merging once 'Approved'23:24
elopioveebers: ok, I'll ping CI. I added on the card the task to make sure we tell CI to add the tests to the autolanding run.23:25

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