
nhainesembrik: you can look for the right tools in the PPA, but it wasn't until Ubuntu 14.04 that they started shipping with Ubuntu.00:12
nhainesMTP support works out of the box, and you can use adb or phablet-shell (with phablet-tools installed) to get a terminal on your phone via USB.00:13
nhainesThe phone simply doesn't have Bluetooth support outside of headset support yet.  It's a work in progress.00:13
=== _salem is now known as salem_
muka_is there a way to press ctrl+x  in terminal?01:02
danrikwhat phone can I buy that I can install ubuntu image on?01:08
danrik^so it works more or less reliably....01:08
danrikwhat phone can I buy that I can install ubuntu image on?01:25
lotuspsychjedanrik: nexus 501:31
lotuspsychje!devices | danrik01:31
ubot5danrik: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices01:31
lotuspsychjedanrik: but you might wanna investigate whats working and what still in progress, before you buy01:32
lotuspsychjedanrik: for tablet nexus7 works pretty nice01:33
danriklotuspsychje, any 5.5 inch smartphones?01:42
lotuspsychjedanrik: check the XDA forums for more projects, the nexus devices are the most supported devices for the moment01:42
lotuspsychjedanrik: and 2 brands sell the smartphones with ubunut: BQ and Meizu01:43
danriklotuspsychje, meizu doesnt sell em yet - right?01:46
lotuspsychjedanrik: wont take long i think01:47
danriklotuspsychje, yeh. thats what they say :(01:47
lotuspsychjedanrik: im sure other companys will follow in the future01:48
lotuspsychjedanrik: but for now, if you can get a grab of a nexus5 think its your nicest bet (cheapest perhaps)01:49
lotuspsychje2nd hand nexus5 maybe01:49
danriklotuspsychje, and even nexus 5 it says that bluetooth doesnt work and has power issues.....01:51
danriksigh. ive been waiting for a long time. but now mmy phone is busted and I think Ill just get another android.01:52
lotuspsychjedanrik: android is just so unsafe..01:52
lotuspsychjedanrik: you dont like Bq specs?01:52
danriklotuspsychje, yeah - specs is a killer :(01:53
lotuspsychjedanrik: so why not buy the Bq with ubuntu then? its 169 euro01:53
danriklotuspsychje, because bq phone has small screen and other low specs?01:54
lotuspsychjeok then wait for meizu :p01:55
danriklotuspsychje, cant unfortunately. :( work stuff. gotta have a phone. been waiting using  (sigh) 5year old dropid incredible. - but now it broke.01:55
lotuspsychjedanrik: i hear roomers they installed ubuntu touch on a one+one smartphone also01:56
lotuspsychjemaybe investigate this?01:56
danriklotuspsychje, YES!01:56
danriklotuspsychje, i was gonna buy that one anyway cuz of low price and cyanogen.01:57
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lotuspsychjecheck youtubes on that one with touch01:57
danrikfucking ubuntu. it's like J.J. MArtinsen - "ohh don't worry - dragons are coming"01:58
danrik"hope and change" bitches01:58
lotuspsychjelets keep it familly friendly here :p01:59
danrikwhatever:) I'll just get one plus for now :)01:59
lotuspsychjedanrik: check the ubuntu touch video's on 1+101:59
danriklotuspsychje, hmm. it says blutooth, mobile data and wifi arent working. heh.02:03
danriklotuspsychje, guess im gonna be rocking cyanogen for now.02:03
DonkeyHoteidanrik: the development model has been the nexus4, not the nexus502:34
DonkeyHoteivideo playback doesn't work on the nexus5 either02:34
danrikDonkeyHotei, heh. that's fine. I've already ordered one plus one.02:36
DonkeyHoteione plus one support is a work in progress02:37
danrikDonkeyHotei, yeah. so im gonna be using android for now I guess.02:37
DonkeyHoteimost things don't work on the one plus one yet02:37
danrikDonkeyHotei, when ubuntu phone with acceptable hardware gonna gonna come out - Ill  just buy it.02:38
DonkeyHoteilike the meizu mx4?02:38
danrikDonkeyHotei, well - whatever gonbna come out. mx4 or m1 note or whatever. :)02:39
phixlotuspsychje: I don't know many kiddies that use IRC these days :)02:53
=== James is now known as Guest75847
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Guest75847Hi : I see the location in platform-api/src/ubuntu/application/ubuntu_application_api.cpp file and know the location is a .so library, but the implement of src/ubuntu/application/common/application/location/instance.h is invoke the ubuntu-location-serviced daemon through dbus-cpp, so exactly what is the location of "IMPLEMENT_VOID_FUNCTION1(location, xxx,xxx)" in ubuntu_application_api.cpp ?05:28
Guest75847and I do not find .so file named location.so in /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ directory of device05:32
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
OscarBookwormSome issues after installing devel on Nexus 10: earphone jack won't work, music app title won't start, browser is very buggy, does anybody else have these experiences?06:16
nhainesThe music app isn't (I believe) working in devel-proposed at all whatsoever for anyone right now.  But should be in a week or two.06:17
nhainesThere's basically no attention being given to the tablet right now.  I suspect that will change some time in the next 6 months.06:17
OscarBookwormI followed the official installation instructions and installed devel, anyway which image will currently fit at best for the Nexus 10?06:20
nhainesProbably devel-proposed, but as I said, no one's working on the tablet.  Everything's still focused on the phones at the moment.06:20
nhainesI get a Nexus 7 in the mail some time in the next 48 hours.  Hopefully it'll be useful but I'm expecting to spend a lot of time dual-booting between Ubuntu and Android until 15.10.06:21
OscarBookwormok, I'm going to test a little bit more and wait for better times. How can I officially report ubuntu-touch bugs to Canonical?06:23
nhainesUbuntu Touch isn't really something that exists separately from Ubuntu, so you'll need to report the bug against the specific software exhibiting the problem on Launchpad.06:24
nhainesSomeone here can probably help you find out what software package if you have something specific in mind.06:24
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georg1982Hi is there a way to change the partition layout on a ubunutu phone running on a nexus 5 during runtime?08:22
Guest75847Hi : I see the location in platform-api/src/ubuntu/application/ubuntu_application_api.cpp file and know the location is a .so library, but the implement of src/ubuntu/application/common/application/location/instance.h is invoke the ubuntu-location-serviced daemon through dbus-cpp, so exactly what is the location of "IMPLEMENT_VOID_FUNCTION1(location, xxx,xxx)" in ubuntu_application_api.cpp ?08:24
Guest75847and I do not find .so file named location.so in /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ directory of device08:24
ogra_Guest75847, wow, thats pretty detailed, i think tvoss and ricmm should be able to help you08:26
tvossGuest75847, what are you exactly trying to do? :=)08:27
tvossGuest75847, IMPLEMENT_VOID_FUNCTION1 is a macro defined by the platform api impl.08:28
ogra_Laney, what do we do with silo4 now ?08:35
Laneyogra_: thought you had an idea08:35
LaneyI don't08:35
Laneymaybe take didrocks stuff which doesn't have this issue, not sure how many changes that is08:35
didrocksI guess you are talking about whoopsie-preferences and such08:37
Laneymutilating the code to work around this limitation would be quite sad08:38
ogra_so we just discussed it in the landing meeting08:38
didrockswhoopsie-preferences is for vivid-only08:38
didrocksor rather, with latest whoopsie08:38
didrockswhich moved the conffiles08:38
ogra_my idea was to change livecd-rootfs the same way we do for timezone and hostname settings08:38
ogra_so that the file actually lives in a writable dir08:39
Laneythat required hacks in systemd too08:39
Laneypitti bears the scars08:39
ogra_then we can write atomically to it08:39
ogra_but ....08:39
didrocksI'm really out of context about the issue/what you are trying to solve08:39
ogra_thats to big of a change to do it right now08:39
ogra_so we will prepare it but not land it ... and can land it after the OTA *if needed*08:40
didrocksLaney: for whoopsie? no systemd hacks AFAIK08:40
Laneyfor /etc/timezone & co08:41
ogra_right, but vivid doesnt use /etc/default anymore08:42
ogra_so there we shouldnt need the hack08:42
didrocksah ok08:42
ogra_unless you atomically write to the .override file08:42
didrocksogra_: I guess you can forget about the atomic call as long as we have all those bindmounts…08:43
didrocksapart if you make the dir writable, of course08:43
oSoMoNrpadovani, hey, good morning! I added one more comment to https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/webbrowser-app/settings-page/+merge/25397508:43
ogra_(which would then be really tricky ... since we cant draw the same trick for upstart jobs)08:43
Guest75847Hi tvoss: I know the macro, and the macro implement eventually will load a library, and the library name will be passed from declare place such as in "IMPLEMENT_VOID_FUNCTION1(location, xxx,xxx)" location is the library name ?08:47
Guest75847hello tvoss?08:48
tvossGuest75847, the library loading is handle by http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/platform-api/trunk/view/head:/src/bridge/bridge.h08:54
tvossGuest75847, where Bridge means the bridge between bionic and glibc world08:54
tvossGuest75847, the IMPLEMENT_VOID_FUNCTION* macros only resolve symbols from the loaded library08:55
robin-heroHi all! When will be the next OTA update release this week?08:55
ogra_sil2100, jibel ^^^08:55
ogra_robin-hero, i think it goes to bq first for sign off, before it goes public08:56
robin-heroogra_: And what is this mean?08:56
ogra_that it might not be this week :)08:57
tvossGuest75847, does that answer you question?08:57
robin-heroogra_: Oh, I am very sad, I can't wait for the new update because the better battery life :( :D08:57
Guest75847so where is  location.so in "IMPLEMENT_VOID_FUNCTION1(location, xxx,xxx)" ?08:58
ogra_yeah, i guessed so08:58
robin-heroogra_: is the proposed channel enough stable for every day use?08:58
ogra_robin-hero, i might be worng, thats why io pinged jibel and sil2100, one of them should know08:58
ogra_sil2100, do you knwo if we push out the image directly or does it go to bq first ?09:00
sil2100robin-hero: due to the holiday-delays, I suppose the OTA will be made available to the users next week, since we will start the release process for it later today09:00
sil2100ogra_: BQ needs to sign it off as well09:01
sil2100So it's a 2 step sign-off process indeed :)09:01
ogra_sil2100, we should make that more clear in the landing mails09:01
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy World Health Day! :-D09:01
sil2100ogra_: right, I'll do that09:01
ogra_i.e. that "we release this week" means nothing to the user09:01
robin-herosil2100: Thanks for the answer.09:01
ogra_(apart from "wait for bq now" ... )09:02
nhaines I'm happy because unless UPS intentionally sits on my package, I'll get my Nexus 7 later today!  :D09:02
nhainesI guess that devel-proposed is still the best channel for tablets?09:03
sil2100ogra_: usually BQ signs it off in around a day, so in the best case it shouldn't be much delay09:03
sil2100But yeah09:03
ogra_nhaines, yeps09:03
nhainesogra_: thanks.  :)09:03
ogra_sil2100, right, we just need to get user expectations right, to not cause ddisappointment09:03
robin-heroogra: So my question again: Is 14.09-proposed channel enough stable for everyday use? If yes, how can I change to this channel?09:05
ogra_robin-hero, if it is only for getting the OTA earlier, i wouldnt ... after the OTA that channel might see breakage until it is stablized for the next OTA09:06
ogra_(if it is to help testing and fixing  such breakage, sure then switch, but be aware that there might be issues after the OTA went out which you will likely have to deal with)09:08
nhainesogra_: can you roll back updates?09:09
ogra_you will, once we base on snappy :)09:09
ogra_but not now, no ...09:09
ogra_you can re-flash with a former version09:09
nhainesIs that a 15.10 thing?09:09
ogra_snappy ? yeah, kind of ...09:09
ogra_we still have some issues with the age of the device kernels that arent easy to solve09:10
robin-heroogra_: but I think every update in 14.09-proposed channel needs a QA signoff, it isn't true?09:10
ogra_(snappy requires systemd, our systemd version (latest upstream) dropped support for older kernels)09:10
nhainesYes, of course.09:10
nhainesrobin-hero: no, 14.09-proposed is where the updates land and then the QA reports lead to the next version as they stabilize so that a promotion to 14.09 can happen.09:11
ogra_robin-hero, the package bundles (silos) need QA signoff ... but that might not catch issues that only happen if the silo is built into the image ... every release from -proposed to the actual OTA channel needs QA (and bq) signoff09:11
ogra_but we dont test every single -proposed image09:12
robin-heroogra_: nhaines: Ah, now it is clear, thanks09:12
Guest75847Hi tvoss: QtLocation will call to these interface about location in platform-api/src/ubuntu/application/ubuntu_application_api.cpp eventually ?09:13
tvossGuest75847, QtLocation will call to http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/platform-api/trunk/view/head:/include/ubuntu/application/location/service.h09:14
tvossand http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/platform-api/trunk/view/head:/include/ubuntu/application/location/session.h09:14
tvossGuest75847, QtLocation does not know anything about the implementation of the platform api09:14
ZacharyI123Whenever I try to locate myself, the app/scope/whatever I am using does not manage to locate me even if location detection and GPS are on. The only way I manage to locate myself is through being connected to a wireless network. I am using a nexus 4 running stable 14.09. Help?09:18
ogra_ZacharyI123, the nexus4 images do not have the HERE location provider installed, GPS needs up to 20min to get a sattelite fix ...09:19
EdwardMorbiushi, how can I move .crash file from the phone? I used sudo to change permissions for it (copied it to Documents) but phone refuses to attach it in gmail, and desktop says libmtp error cannot get file from device09:19
ZacharyI123GPS is always on, I never turn it off. Still getting no location :(09:20
ogra_EdwardMorbius, they get deleted automatically a while after they got uploaded automatically09:20
ogra_ZacharyI123, being outdoors ?09:20
ZacharyI123The map app always says geoloction failed unless wifi is on09:20
EdwardMorbiusogra_ I have the file copied to Documents09:20
ZacharyI123Outdoors, indoors and driving09:20
EdwardMorbiusand this one wasnt uploaded according to whoopsie09:20
ogra_there is a "SensorStatus" app in the store09:21
ogra_that should give a little more info about GPS (just a little thouh)09:21
ZacharyI123I will just get it now brb09:22
ogra_EdwardMorbius, sudo /usr/share/apport/whoopsie-upload-all09:22
ogra_EdwardMorbius, that should trigger an upload of the file09:23
EdwardMorbiusogra_ ok thanks  I will try that now09:23
Guest75847thanks for the answer!  and would you please talk about the calling process, such as QtLocation (QML)->QtLocation(C++)->....service.h/session.h? I don't know I need to09:23
ogra_you can watch the progess in /var/log/upstart/whoopsie.log09:23
Guest75847 use QtLocation (QML) or QtLocation(C++)09:24
ZacharyI123ogra_ SensorStatus installed. The GPS bit has a green tick for Found supported backend, the Mathod says Satelite, and everything else is blank. What can I do?09:24
EdwardMorbiusogra_ I got an error for the file09:24
ogra_EdwardMorbius, what error ?09:24
EdwardMorbiuserror processing compressed file ended before the end-of-stream-marker etc09:25
EdwardMorbiusthat is for the crash file I wanted to move from the phone09:25
ogra_thats inside the file ? or when opening it09:25
EdwardMorbiusthat is reported in the terminal whey I type the command you provided09:25
EdwardMorbiusfile corrupted maybe or something?09:26
ogra_well, i'm not sure it makes actual sense to upload a corrupt file09:26
ogra_probably it crashed whhile compressing09:26
EdwardMorbiusoh too bad its corrupted, it was related to unity8 freeze.09:26
ZacharyI123<ogra_> I have tried SensorStatus. The GPS bit has a green tick for 'Found supported backend', the 'Method' says 'Satelite', and everything else is blank. What can I do?09:27
ogra_Saviq, ^^^ do you gain anything from EdwardMorbius uploading a corrupt crash file for unity809:27
Saviqogra_, EdwardMorbius, nope, sorries09:27
ogra_ZacharyI123, well, that looks like GPS is on but doesnt have a sattelite fix09:27
EdwardMorbiusSaviq ok then I was just planning to update the bug report and say the file is corrupted but no need now09:28
ogra_on the N4 i actually have to leave the device outside on the window shelf for 20-30 min to get GPS at all09:28
ZacharyI123Strange. Could a case interfere? Tbh I haven't reflashed for ages so I may try that. Maybe one of the devel/devel-rpoposed builds will give me more luck09:28
ZacharyI123That's not good. I hope the bq/meizu are a damn lot better!09:29
ogra_what channel are you on currently ?09:29
ogra_thats really ancient09:29
ZacharyI123haha, what should I go for?09:29
ogra_and yes, bq and meizu ship the nokia HERE provider ...09:29
ZacharyI123that's good, can I change my channel without reflashing?09:30
ogra_well, dveel-proposed is still a bit bugy, but there location should work09:30
ogra_devel (without proposed) is also pretty old (december) but i dont know if location is fixed or not in that image09:30
ZacharyI123so is it only devel-rpoposed that has the location fixed?09:32
ZacharyI123and how can I change the channel (if possible) without reflashing?09:32
ZacharyI123ogra_ ???09:36
ogra_via adb ...09:37
ogra_see the system-image-cli command, it has a --switch option09:37
ZacharyI123fab, thanks! right, is it only devel-proposed that has location fixed?09:38
ogra_(needs sudo to execute ... no sudo to read the --help output ;) )09:38
ZacharyI123ok :)09:38
ogra_i dont know, i havent touched an N4 in a long time ... but if it is fixed, proposed is the most likely channel to have the fix09:38
ZacharyI123ok thanks!09:39
ZacharyI123at least the release devices work, very tempted to get the bq, or the meizu when its out09:40
ZacharyI123with the nexus, due to limited ram, my background apps close as I am using them :(09:40
ogra_that is by design though09:40
ogra_apps you put in bg get sig-stopped ... if the ram is used up they get sig-killed, if you foreground them, they should start again though09:41
ZacharyI123yeah, still lose your place09:42
ZacharyI123I am waiting for meizu, any clues when and how it will be out?09:42
nhainesZacharyI123: Meizu decides all that internally.09:44
nhainesEven if anyone outside of Meizu *did* know, it'd be under NDA.09:44
ZacharyI123right, should be soon though?09:44
nhainesSoon: http://i.imgur.com/9QQh8qT.jpg09:51
tvossogra_, please note that the LastSeen timestamps on wifis in vivid are corrupt09:53
tvossZacharyI123, ^09:53
tvosswith that, network-based positioning might not work at all or be flaky09:54
tvossGuest75847, QML or C++ is up to you, both just works (tm), modulo bugs in the positioning stack09:55
Guest75847OK, thank tvoss, I'll try!09:57
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
Anon_189473Hello! I had originally planned to purchase a Nexus7 for Ubuntu Touch. I had ordered two stickers to 'personalise' the device (see www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161646250081 and http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111507947637 ). Unfortunately I did not get on with UT on my E4.5, which I have subsequently returned. I have no interest now in purchasing the Nexus7 and as such as the stickers are surplus. Would anybody like these? (Ideally UK). L10:15
ogra_Anon_189473, oh :(10:17
ogra_Anon_189473, why did you not get along with the bq ?10:17
Anon_189473ogra_: Just too many things not quite there for use as a daily phone for me (bluetooth support for handsfree being one significant example). I understand it's a platform in development and I'm still excited about it but it's just a little too green for me at this stage... Maybe in the future? :-)10:18
ogra_ah .. well, the next OTA (within this or early next week) will fix a ton of these issues10:19
ogra_but yeah, if you feel it is to "green" then it isnt for you indeed10:19
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
* ogra_ uses an ubuntu phone as daily driver since about 1 year ... no android around me ... and i havent looked back yet ... but my demands are probably different10:20
Anon_189473ogra_: Maybe I should have waited another week then. Or maybe the UT release should have been held another week? Either way, some people can live with it and some not. As I say, I'm still really interested in the project and you guys should proud of where you're at with it, but it's just too soon for me.10:21
Anon_189473And - on that note - that's why I don't need those stickers. I could toss them in the bin but I gathered it was worth checking if anybody else was interested before I did so... I know putting stickers on your gadgets is not something some people are happy with though :-)10:22
ogra_well, reality is that we cant really test all corner cases, external hardware etc etc ... so we kind of need reports from community people that catch such issues we didnt or couldnt test10:22
ogra_i think for an 1.0 release we did pretty well ... definitely not worse to IOS 1.0 or android 1.010:23
ogra_and with the ~8 days of battery life i get with the current OTA proposed image i think we even advanced beyoond them10:23
* Anon_189473 was always quite fond of Android on the HTC Dream/G1 - But I suppose that was many years a go and expectations change :)10:24
popeyreminds me ogra_, next time you reboot your phone, please pull the sd card out :)10:27
ogra_popey, oh, i still owe you an info, right10:27
ogra_(i'm pretty convinced any SD will work though, i'D like to test a 128G one one day)10:28
dednickseb128: hey. trying to run AP tests for system settings. getting an error:10:56
dednickdbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.dbus.exceptions.DBusException: ('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.DoesNotExist', 'Access point with SSID [fake ssid] could not be found')10:56
dednickany idea?10:56
Guest75847Hi tvoss?10:59
Guest75847I find two libubuntu_application_api.so, one is in platform/android/hybris/, and aother is in platform/src/ubuntu/application/11:01
Guest75847Do you know the difference?11:03
ogra_dednick, looks like the device isnt set up properly to allow dbus11:08
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ogra_did you do all the preparation stuff needed for AP tests ?11:08
dednickogra_: hm. I might have reflashed since i last did that. thanks11:09
seb128dednick, unsure, check with jgdx11:12
seb128that seems like the recent dbusmock changes11:12
dednickseb128: yeah. i just saw there were changes to those tests. i've merged latest and rebuilding now.11:13
tvossGuest75847, you only need to consider the one that is installed in /usr/lib/${arch}/lib...11:15
Guest75847I see libubuntu_application_api.so/.so.2/.so.2.9.0,and the 3 so all can work!11:20
Guest75847in /usr/lib/${arch}/ directory11:20
cottonhi everyone11:21
cottonAny news about the date for the next April ota update ?11:23
ogra_cotton, i just answered the same question on the mailing list11:24
Guest75847thank tvoss, see you!11:25
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tvossGuest75847, yup11:25
jgdxdednick, hey, do a sync with trunk, the fix for that should be in there.11:37
sturmflut-workJust out of curiosity, am I the only one "fighting" with Mundo Reader Germany's customer service?11:47
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sturmflut-workHmmm, I put my Aquaris E4.5 down five minutes ago and it automagically rebooted into Fastboot mode. What to do now?11:59
ogra_weird, havent seen that12:00
sturmflut-workOkay, holding POWER+VOLUME_UP got me into the boot menu and now it is back up again12:00
sturmflut-workogra_: This is the first time this happened, but I only got the phone yesterday evening12:01
ogra_battery charged ?12:01
sturmflut-workogra_: Jep, 34% charged12:01
popeyone of my "friends" managed to poke the phone into fastboot in a bar at fosdem12:01
ogra_popey, by putting it down ?12:01
popeynot sure what he did, i handed it to him, he handed it back and said "not ready for prime time"12:02
popeyat the time i didn't know the special move to get out of fastboot which was frustrating12:02
ogra_worst case juts hold power until it hard reboots12:02
sturmflut-workogra_: I did, how long do you have to hold the power button on the E4.5 until it aborts fastboot mode and reboots? Because I held it for like 20 seconds and nothing happened12:03
ogra_pretty long i think12:03
popeylonger than you think12:04
ogra_john-mcaleely would know i guess12:04
dednickjgdx: ta12:05
sturmflut-workHmmm, I somehow automatically expected that it was about ten seconds because it is about ten seconds on the Android devices I have12:05
sturmflut-workMy fault12:05
ogra_it is a few secs in all other modes iirc12:06
popeyi do like the "powered by ubuntu" thing on the retail phone12:06
popeyand the origami background12:06
ogra_mine is still in the box :)12:06
sturmflut-workIt is actually a pretty neat device. I was surprised by how much lighter than the Nexus 4 it feels12:07
ogra_it is also impressingly fast compared to the N$12:08
ogra_(mostly thanks to the small resoultion i thinnk)12:09
adexmonthi :)12:13
adexmonti'm here to get some information about ubuntu-touch and parallella platform12:14
adexmontis there anyone that already tryed this ?12:14
popeyAlanBell: did you get your parallella?12:15
davidcalleadexmont, parallella have their own Ubuntu spin12:15
davidcalleadexmont, https://github.com/parallella/pubuntu12:16
adexmontyes, i know that, just looking for some other lightweight os alternatives12:16
davidcalleOh, ok12:16
ogra_adexmont, there are snappy images for parallella ...12:17
ogra_cant get any lighter ubuntu (though snappy doesnt have any UI bits yet)12:17
adexmonti was looking for a sort of android instead of ubuntu (maybe on arm can perform better ?) but i will not able to compile from scratch12:20
ogra_you think java performs better on arm ?!?12:20
ogra_if you have an android 4.4 tree you could try porting ubuntu though :)12:21
adexmontdon't know, just looking at smartphone that run a worst cpu than zynq7020 and perform better12:21
ogra_(we use the binary drivers from android in ubuntu, you need a minimal tree to build the container we run after startup)12:21
AlanBellpopey: yes, but I have no clue what to do with it12:24
cleitongood day, anyone know how to install or configure ubuntu with the features of ubuntu-touch?12:26
cleitonbom dia, alguem sabe como instalar ou configurar o ubuntu com as funcionalidades do ubuntu-touch?12:32
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sturmflut-workcleiton: you can install Ubuntu 15.04 and then install unity8. But it isn't ready for primetime yet.12:40
ogra_yu can also try the desktop-next images12:40
ogra_(on a PC )12:40
cleitonsturmflut-work: thanks!!12:44
robin-heroI didn't find the file uploading option in messages in the Facebook webapp. Is it possible that it isn't supported?12:46
ogra_robin-hero, what kind of file ?12:49
robin-herolike pictures12:49
robin-heroI want to share a picture in the messages12:50
cleitonDoes anyone know how to configure ubuntu with accelerometer functionality, automatic rotating screen?12:50
ogra_robin-hero, you need to open the allery app (or camera), opne the pic ... there is a menu at the top right ... select "share" and then select facebook from the popup dialog12:50
robin-heroogra: but this is share the picture on my wall, right? But I want to share it in the chat.12:51
* ogra_ has no facebook account ... i donw know the difference :)12:52
robin-heroI can send stickers, but not photo/picture12:52
robin-heroogra_: When will be your new G+ webapp available? I don't like the actual version.12:53
ogra_robin-hero, you can sideload my click ...12:54
sturmflut-workcleiton: There is an article by John Wells about Ubuntu on tablets, http://www.jfwhome.com/2014/03/07/perfect-ubuntu-or-other-linux-on-the-asus-transformer-book-t100/ , and there he mentions a script he wrote to rotate the screen, https://github.com/jfwells/linux-asus-t100ta/tree/master/rotation/lib/udev12:54
sturmflut-workcleiton: But it doesn't use the accelerometer yet12:54
sturmflut-workcleiton: I don't know if the rotation feature in Unity8 makes use of accelerometers on "normal" tablets and PCs, or if it just works on the phone.12:55
cleitonsturmflut-work: ok12:56
dbarth_alex-abreu: ^^ about sharing on facebook12:56
alex-abreudbarth_, robin-hero there is an issue w/ the user agent there that makes it not possible to access some fb photo share bits, I need to fix it12:57
DrGnomageHello everyone, just wondering is the screen dimming while playing a video a bug or should it be dimming after ~40 seconds?12:57
ogra_robin-hero, download http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/google-plus.ogra_0.2_all.click ... enable developer mode and push it via adb to /home/phablet/ .... then log in and run: pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted google-plus.ogra_0.2_all.click12:58
cleitonsturmflut-work: I'm from Brazil and here the information are very few on touch technology.12:59
cleiton sturmflut-work: Thank you for your attention12:59
ogra_alex-abreu, hey ho ... so i'm looking for a way to get direct photo and video sharing from camera and gallery to work in my alternate G+ app... ken pointed me to your latest G+ commits, but i dont really see how you do the picasa uploads (or youtube), is that actually supposed to work in your last commit ?12:59
sturmflut-workcleiton: No problem! What kind of device are you using?12:59
ogra_alex-abreu, i would expect some C++ handler that does the login and pushing to the photos/video places G+ uses13:00
alex-abreuogra_, I dont do picassa uploads13:00
ogra_but how do you upload then ?13:00
robin-heroalex-abreu: thanks, is there a bug report for it?13:00
cleitonsturmflut-work: Lenovo yoga 2 1313:00
alex-abreuogra_, g+ is very nasty as an app, there are no g+ apis for uploads etc.13:00
ogra_the /share? url only takes a URL parameter13:00
ogra_right, i know13:00
ogra_i'm banging my head against this since two weeks :)13:01
alex-abreuogra_, so it is very very inconvenient to work w/, ... so the only option there was to play w/ the dom and the webview internals13:01
ogra_oh !13:01
alex-abreuogra_, yeah this is depressingly bad13:01
alex-abreuno apis and such13:01
ogra_nah ... just inconvenient13:01
alex-abreurobin-hero, yes hold on a sec13:01
ogra_there are apis for picasa and for youtube13:01
ogra_you just need to somehow get them integrated13:01
sturmflut-workcleiton: Nice! Please do report back about your progress.13:01
ogra_(which is rather a bigger thing to do indeed)13:02
alex-abreuogra_, well more than that, ... the code is very britle since it relies on a given dom structure, and google made it so that you have no anchor point in terms of class/id, everything is "anonymized"13:02
ogra_yeah, they seem to use some random number generator for names :)13:03
alex-abreuogra_, the picassa api afaik are somewhat deprecated, and they dont allow you to post on your g+ wall anyway13:03
ogra_but they usually dont change at least13:03
cleitonsturmflut-work: ok13:03
ogra_they allow you to use the lh3.googlecontent url ...13:03
ogra_so you upload to picasa/google-photos ... obtain that url ... and re-use the /share url13:04
ogra_same should work with youtube13:04
alex-abreuogra_, pretty much as dirty as the dom thing :)13:04
ogra_but will give you video too :)13:05
alex-abreuogra_, video upload is not so much of an issue, the same dirty dome bit would work13:05
* ogra_ will take a look 13:05
ogra_is that in a userscript ?13:06
alex-abreurobin-hero, https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/139233113:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1392331 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Unable to share photos directly on the facebook webapp (or via browser)" [High,Confirmed]13:06
alex-abreuogra_, it's a mix13:06
ogra_i got in-app photo sharing working OOTB ... just not the external bits13:06
ogra_(as well as URL sharing from content-hub)13:07
robin-heroalex-abreu: Thanks13:07
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Giordanosi parla italiano?13:29
ogra_Giordano, generally we speak english here ... but there might be italians in the channel13:30
TrevinhoGiordano: if you need some italian guidance, join #ubuntu-it-dev13:31
jgdxmpt, hi, do you have apn designs in your backlog?13:40
mptjgdx, yes, working on them right now13:40
jgdxmpt, cool. Wondering if you saw https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1388222/comments/413:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1388222 in Ubuntu UX "APN editor: only names of existing APNs are visible" [Medium,Triaged]13:40
jgdxdednick, green test run on mako. Great.13:46
jgdxdednick, no, wait. Looking at the wrong MP.13:48
mptjgdx, yes, I think the way to fix that is switching from instant-apply to a preview screen with an “Apply” button13:49
jgdxmpt, yes, and give us more elbow room to e.g. inform the user on failure.13:57
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pittidoes anyone know how I open a link in a new tab (in the phone browser)?14:07
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jgdxpitti, press and hold — open in new tab14:10
jgdxpitti, btw, I added a pr to p-dbusmock.14:12
pittijgdx: that doesn't seem to work on http://zeit.de -- if I do that it marks the paragraph and puts a blue border around it and gives me a "copy" button14:12
pittijgdx: yes, I saw, thanks! back from the long Easter weekend, catching up14:12
pittijgdx: ah, tapping on the headers works, just not tapping a bit below (these also work as links, just not for the menu)14:13
jgdxpitti, cool. Hope you had a nice Easter. Thank you.14:15
pittijgdx: I did, we had some nice days with family and friends in Dresden; how about you?14:16
mptawe_, jgdx: Do IA (LTE) APNs have any different fields from “default” APNs?14:18
jgdxpitti, awesome. Had a lovely time on our farm with Family and friends. Classic Poirot and candy. :)14:19
jgdxmpt, I don't know. abeato might :) ^^14:20
abeatompt, APN, user and password is enough14:21
jgdxabeato, thanks14:22
abeatojgdx, np14:22
dednickjgdx: Seems like a bunch of the WIfi tests are being skipped because of a problem in the AP tests. WifiPage.have_wireless is looking for "SwitchMenuItem" rather than "SwitchMenu". And it seems to be hiding another failure in test_connect_to_hidden_network_then_cancel14:24
dednickAttributeError: 'WifiTestCase' object has no attribute 'active_connection_mock14:24
jgdxdednick, I saw the same thing during Easter.14:24
dednickjgdx: ok, I'm fixing the rename in my branch14:25
jgdxdednick, rename?14:25
dednickunless you think it should be separate14:26
dednickit was changed to SwitchMenu awhile ago, but looks like the AP tests were overlooked14:26
jgdxdednick, can I do the rename in a separate branch?14:27
dednickjgdx: sure14:27
mptthanks abeato14:39
abeatompt, np14:39
karatsuhi, i ve just bougth bq ubunt phone .. and i'm using ubuntu as main os for desktop .. is there any app usefull on desktop to use with the mobile ?14:40
lotuspsychjekaratsu: you mean instant messaging?14:40
dobeykaratsu: the phone does not yet do full convergence, if that is what you're asking14:41
karatsuno .. i remember a time showing video where user can send and view sms from ubuntu14:42
lotuspsychjekaratsu: telegram app?14:42
karatsuat least can i remote display phone app on desktop ?14:42
dobeykaratsu: that was probably the convergence video. that is not doable yet really14:42
dobeyno, you cannot remote display the phone screen on a PC yet14:43
karatsu@lotuspsychje : i ve install and test telegram .. seems good alt to whatsapp14:43
Anon_189473dobey: As a matter of interest, when you do you expect the full convergence (as intended for Ubuntu Edge) to make it into a release?14:43
dobeyAnon_189473: when it's ready :)14:44
lotuspsychjedobey: isnt there a new teamviewer touch app out?14:45
dobeyAnon_189473: it will of course also require a phone with a certain level of hardware to really be useful, as well14:45
karatsuas a matter of interest when will be the next release .. currently using r20 (stable) but seems there's more recent version (dev) ?14:45
Anon_189473I know you cannot make a public commitment, and that's not really what I'm after... But are we talking 1 month, 1 year, 3 years?14:45
ogra_Anon_189473, the public commitment we made was "in 16.04"14:46
dobeylotuspsychje: i don't know, but it wouldn't let you view/use the phone on another device really, as the security model doesn't allow it14:46
ogra_but also only on hardware that cn do it14:46
Anon_189473Just this was first talked about some years a go and with Windows 10 apparently doing something similar (I don't know the details - It was news to me too) I wonder if Ubuntu will get there first or not.14:46
dobeykaratsu: another OTA will be coming soon to the stable channel14:46
ogra_most likely not, unless you grow canonical by factor 100 ...14:47
Anon_189473ogra_: 16.04 - So is that ~year?14:47
ogra_microsoft has a few more employees :)14:47
karatsuis it safe to use terminal and apt-get on mobile like in desktop ? because i think there jre in repo ..14:47
ogra_Anon_189473, thats an ubuntu release version14:47
Anon_189473Yes but release for 16.04 is approx 1 yr away?14:47
ogra_and by then you will see the very first iteration of that feature ...14:48
ogra_which doesnt mean it will be available on all phones right from there on or something14:48
popeykaratsu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/599488/how-to-install-a-deb-file-in-ubuntu-touch14:48
ogra_to have a laptop in your pocket ... you ... well ... need laptop hardware inside a phone case14:49
Anon_189473It's one of those difficult things - Being open Ubuntu (understandably) wants to demo the best features but it seems the good ones get snapped up by people with more time + money. And this means the average shopper probably does not even realise the importance that Ubuntu had in that vision.14:49
ogra_devices with decent amoount of ram rae still non-existent14:49
davmor2ogra_: not fair, it's more like 1000 not 10014:49
Anon_189473But I guess there is no other way aside from keeping it secret which is not particularly in fitting with the philosophy.14:49
popeywho said it's secret?14:49
popeyhe said the answer - when it's ready14:49
ogra_davmor2, we'd get along with x100 to surpass development speed though ;)14:49
popey(which it isn't)14:49
davmor2ogra_: oh indeed14:50
Anon_189473I did not say it was secret - quite the opposite unless I've mistyped (will read back)14:50
popeymaybe I misread14:50
Anon_189473what I meant to say is 1) Ubuntu come out with a good idea (publically) 2) Some other company with more people and money implement it first14:50
ogra_we can live with that :)14:50
ogra_many of our phone concepts showed up in the past iphone too :)14:51
popeyand android14:51
popeyandroid material design builds a lot on our origami / suru concepts14:51
Anon_189473And that's the shame of it because the vast majority of users of phones will not know this and never give Ubuntu the credit the software deserves.14:51
Anon_189473And the only way I see around that is to not make the ideas public but I understand that's not the philosophy..14:51
ogra_Anon_189473, canonical has ~600 employees, we dont need to be the leadin entitiy in the phone busines ... 1-.3% of the market would even enable us to easily break even and hire more people14:52
Anon_189473I really hope that happens14:52
Anon_189473(Given the innovation we so often read about)14:52
ogra_(and only a very small margin of these 600 are developers ... and an even smaller one work on phone stuff)14:53
davmor2and even less are QA ;)14:53
cwayneand even less are davmor214:54
davmor2cwayne: everyone emulates me though, they have all started thinking how will Dave break this I'm sure of it ;)14:55
cwaynedavmor2, :)14:59
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dobeyemulate is a strong word15:11
davmor2dobey: so you're not hard working, diligent, and all about quality hang you head in shame ;) oh and sarcasm by the boatload we all need that LD15:14
davmor2:D even15:14
dobeydavmor2: it's just not possible to emulate you15:15
davmor2dobey: haha15:16
mptabeato, awe_: Can Ubuntu tell automatically *whether* you need LTE APN settings? (different from telling what those settings should be)15:42
awe_mpt, no, other than whether provisioning returns a specific APN for LTE15:43
mptawe_, where “provisioning” means looking in the database?15:44
awe_and it's possible that the carrier in question may not have an APN defined in our db15:44
awe_which is why the editor needs to be able to enter one15:44
awe_mpt, ack15:44
awe_if there's not an APN defined, then we use the default APN for this15:45
awe_which isn't 100% guaranteed to work15:45
awe_again, the problem is that the db will never be 100% accurate...15:45
awe_as new carriers can sprout up, and old ones may fail...15:46
mptSo we can’t even say, oh, this carrier uses WiMAX for 4G, therefore you won’t need LTE APN settings15:46
awe_WiMax is dead15:46
mpt(I’m just wikipediaing here)15:46
awe_so basically, if an LTE APN exists for the SIM's carrier15:47
awe_then we use it15:47
awe_otherwise we use the same APN as used for Internet15:47
awe_if this *fails*, then the user may need to manually enter one15:47
mptThis is one thing I didn’t understand until today15:47
mptSo when we try activating an Internet APN, we try it with LTE (and MMS?) too, just in case it works?15:48
awe_an LTE APN ( of type "IA" in the database ) is used for just that15:48
awe_if we find one, we send it to rild *before* we ever get to worrying about setting up the internet connection15:49
awe_if we don't find one, then we use the default APN ( ie. the one that's used for Internet )15:49
awe_when we get to setting up the Internet connection, we try APNs of the type=Internet only15:50
mptSo for LTE, it’s (1) see if it’s in the database, and if not or if it fails, (2) see if Internet is in the database, and if not or if it fails, (3) leave for you to set as custom15:50
mptWhile for Internet, it’s just (1) see if it’s in the database, and if not or if it fails, (2) leave for you to set as custom15:51
awe_I'm not sure if the "if it fails" applies, you'd have to ask abeato15:51
awe_please keep this new type separate from Internet15:51
mptOh, for sure15:51
awe_it's (a) if we find a type=ia, use it, else use the internet apn ( not sure about the fallback case )15:52
mptI was just wondering if there was a way we can avoid the fields being there in cases where they aren’t useful (e.g. my carrier doesn’t offer 4G yet)15:52
awe_for internet, NM tries each APN w/type=Internet in sequence till it finds one that works15:52
awe_if a user enters a custom APN for Internet15:53
mptoh yeah, I forgot about the multi-DB-entry case15:53
awe_we tell NM to try it immediately15:53
awe_and then if it fails, it goes round-robin again15:53
awe_we've added support for a 'Preferred' tag to ofono15:53
mptso “if not or if it fails” -> “if there are none or if they all fail”15:53
awe_this hasn't yet landed15:53
awe_and we still have to add support to NM for this15:53
awe_once we do, the APN editor will be able to mark an APN as preferred, regardless of whether or not mobile data is active15:54
awe_NM will then *only* use the APN(s) marked 'Preferred'15:54
mptThat reminds me of NM’s 2005-era eagerness to cycle through all open wi-fi networks it could see, looking for one that worked15:56
mptAlbeit that an APN database entry is much less likely to be dodgy than a wi-fi network :-)15:57
dednicktsdgeos: my device gdb isnt picking up qt5 symbols? any idea why?16:00
dednicktsdgeos: after installing them i mean :)16:01
tsdgeosdednick: not really, it usually works here, can you paste the backtrace?16:01
dednicktsdgeos: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10763549/16:04
tsdgeosdednick: which package di dyou install?16:04
dednicktsdgeos: libqt5core5a-dbgsym libqt5dbus5-dbgsym16:05
tsdgeosdednick: try qtbase5-dbg16:06
tsdgeosfor some reason sometimes i have issues with the dbgsym packages16:06
dednicktsdgeos: ah. ok16:06
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spazzymotoHey guys, can one of you take a look at my dmesg if you get a chance and let me know if you can see a reason my partitions in the android container dont seem to get mounted on startup http://pastebin.com/xSjPMfiT16:27
spazzymotoNot sure if these have anything to do with it16:27
spazzymoto[    1.905960] 8941_l22: Failed to create debugfs directory [    1.906014] 8941_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory16:27
spazzymotootherwise it seems to go pear shaped around line 75616:28
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Bogdani have a bug with youtube video on ubuntu touch from bq. If is here someone interested for a log file i am available17:16
BogdanThe problem is that i dont see video, just audio17:17
ogra_better file it in launchpad so it doesnt get lost :)17:17
ogra_Bogdan, is that with the default install ? nothing made writable or tinkered with ?17:18
BogdanI made an update to v. 2017:18
BogdanDefault install, yes17:19
BogdanI made an system update, not from terminal17:19
BogdanI will open a bug after 2 days, i have only phone, no computer for 2 days17:20
ogra_yes, please do17:21
ogra_thats definitely not normal ... and nothing we have seen with a default install17:21
BogdanI can copy paste some logs17:23
dobeypmcgowan was saying yesterday there is already a bug for that17:23
dobeysomething about an issue with "target-densitydpi" not being supported17:24
dobeypmcgowan: ^^ do you know the bug # for that issue?17:24
pmcgowanyes I reopened a bug on it one sec17:24
BogdanYes, its that bug17:25
pmcgowan https://launchpad.net/bugs/130399717:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1303997 in Oxide "youtube no video The key "target-densitydpi" is not supported" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:27
pmcgowanBogdan, I added your paste to that bug,17:27
pmcgowanbut I have no idea why you see that and others dont17:27
pmcgowanits as if the content is different17:27
dobeywell, i guess taiebot saw it :)17:28
ogra_pmcgowan, that might well be ... youtube uses gelolocking17:32
ogra_pmcgowan, i can only watch ~30% of the music videos that davmor2 posts at times ... youtube germany locks me down for them17:32
pmcgowanogra_, but that key its using is long deprecated, seems just like bad html17:33
dobeymardy: signon is in github, or i should propose changes to the bzr branch in LP? (did you move it off google code yet?)17:37
davmor2ogra_: use a vpn then you can enjoy all the tunes ;)17:41
ogra_davmor2, i know ... not all my firefoxes are set up fo rthat though17:42
spazzymotoAnyone know if the messages from line 34 are a problem or normal? http://pastebin.com/3MZ2g0mY generate by enabling debugging on lxc17:52
Bogdani will complete the bug about youtube on bq in the next days17:57
BogdanI am the user mention on launchpad17:58
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ogra_spazzymoto, well, does: "ps ax|grep /init" show you a process called /init ?18:06
spazzymotoogra, ill check now have to reflash cause i broke it lol.18:14
spazzymotoim sure init is running tho as i can log into the container?18:14
ogra_well, if you see an "/init" (additionally to /sbin/init), thats the android init process inside the container18:15
ogra_to enter the container you can use: lxc-console -t0 -nandroid18:16
ogra_to read logs from the container you can directly call /system/bin/logcat ...18:17
spazzymotops ax|grep /init    -> http://pastebin.com/dwaAgppa         looks good18:19
mardydobey: if you can, please propose it here: https://gitlab.com/accounts-sso/signond18:19
mardydobey: the github transition was temporary, I'll delete those projects18:19
dobeymardy: hmm, i see the debian/ dir is not in those repos. should i propose packaging changes to lp:signon or lp:libsignon-glib then?18:23
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mardydobey: yes, if it's about packaging you should propose them in launchpad18:25
dobeyok great18:32
roeeidobey thanks for your reply last night, sorry i fell asleep18:34
roeeiabout whatsapp and exchange18:34
roeeii bough a bq 4.5 specifically to try ubuntu18:35
roeeiits the next best thing in the mobile world18:35
roeeii really cant wait for t18:37
roeeimobile/desktop convergence18:37
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Bogdani have updated the bug with youtube. 1303997 bug18:40
BogdanIf you have any question i can atach any log file18:41
dadexix86is there a way to access the phone memory without mtp? on the italian irc there is a guy who cannot access it on ubuntu 14.04. investigating it a bit more, turned out that the phone shows up correctly in lsusb and dmesg, but gvfs does not see it, since it is not present in /run/user/1000/gvfs19:28
brunch875try enabling developer mode and accessing via adb19:28
jgdxcyphermox, hey, if you do not pass a specific object to AddAndActivateConnection for a wireless connection, what are the consequences?19:30
cyphermoxI don't know19:31
cyphermoxisn't it written in the doc?19:31
jgdxit's pretty vague19:31
cyphermoxmmkay :)19:31
Se7hi guys19:38
brunch875Hello Se719:39
brunch875welcome back!19:39
Se7strange think...i can t swich off wifi when i slide down the icons19:39
brunch875sometimes the menu glitches19:40
brunch875reboot the phone and tata19:40
brunch875I believe it has to do with the stuff behind crashing19:40
Se7i ll try19:40
Se7because if i swich off come on again by himself19:41
Se7and the icon where i m connected doesn t change19:41
Se7i reboot and tell you if it s change19:41
Se7see you later :)19:42
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Se7_tnx brunch875 he work now :*19:46
Se7_i m at work..see you soon beautiful ppl19:47
jgdxWellark, ping19:47
matv1is ofonod already a default package on 14.10 desktop?19:56
matv1or rather ofono19:57
matv1because i just saw a massive crash of my desktop and apport is saying ofonod was the proces that crashed20:04
matv1I didnt think that ofono was already part of 14.10 desktop distribution20:09
jgdxmatv1, seems like it is. Do you have the crash file?20:16
tobstarrhi, it seems there is no longer a package for git in the most recent version of ubuntu touch?20:28
tobstarris there a ppa where I can install it from?20:28
jgdxmatv1, if you have a crash file, $ ubuntu-bug <crash file> # would upload it and create a bug.20:32
matv1jgdx i do have a ofonod crashfile yeah. I will do that. But just to satify my curiosity: Is ofono already part of 14.10 desktop by default? or did i get that from installing the sdk?20:36
jgdxmatv1, I'm not that informed, but looking at [1] gives the impression that it is default in utopic. [1] https://lists.canonical.com/archives/utopic-changes/20:37
dobeytobstarr: apt-get is not supported on the phone images, and no, git is not in the archive for ubuntu-rtm20:39
dobeytobstarr: if you need to do something with git on the phone, the best thing to do is create a chroot in the home directory and install packages you need within that chroot20:39
matv1jgdx yes you are right. And its in my own proceslist. wow! And who said convergence wasnt happening :)20:47
jgdxmatv1, it's in trusty as well. Yeah, it's great!20:51
dobeyofono (from ofono) is seeded in: ubuntu-desktop-next: daily-live ubuntu-touch: daily-preinstalled20:56
dobeyso no, not installed by default20:57
matv1dobey ah so i got it with the sdk install i guess?20:57
tobstarrdobey: but I am running apt-get on my phone?20:58
tobstarrdobey: not supported or not recommended?20:58
dobeytobstarr: either20:59
tobstarrdobey: strange, it does work quite well20:59
dobeymatv1: probably not? i don't have ofono installed here21:00
tobstarrthis is also what I read to e.g. run golang apps on ubuntu touch21:00
dobeytobstarr: it does not work quite well21:00
dobeyyou don't need apt to run go apps on the phone. you need go apps built to run on the phone21:00
matv1dobey but the link to the utopic archive changes does sugest that an ofono package was accepted there21:01
tobstarrdobey: but if I want to e.g. use qt I need cgo so I cannot cross compile21:01
tobstarrhow would I do that?21:01
dobeymatv1: i'm not sure what you mean by accepted. a new version was uploaded?21:01
matv1I mean the link that jgdx mentioned ^^21:01
dobeytobstarr: use the SDK21:01
matv1yes i guess21:01
dobeythe link jgdx posted is the index to a mailing list archive21:02
dobeyi'm not going to troll through all those mails to find which one has ofono mentioned in it :)21:02
tobstarrdobey: thanks, will look into the sdk21:02
dobeytobstarr: what are you trying to do exactly?21:02
tobstarrdobey: current status is to play around a bit, see what is possible21:03
tobstarrwill probably not use it as my goto phone21:03
dobeytobstarr: if you want to use apt on the phone you either make a chroot in ~/ and do stuff in that chroot, or you give up upgrading the system image, or you lose any changes you made with apt, when you install the next update21:03
dobeyalso / is not a very large partition, so it will get filled up very fast if you make it writable and start playing with apt21:04
tobstarrdobey: how do updates work on the phone? do they replace all of the root partition?21:04
idlestabilizerI am currently stuck while trying to flash UT on my Nexus 5. Always ends at the "This phone needs restoring from a PC or servcice center."21:04
tobstarrdobey: yeah, I already ran into disk space issues21:04
dobeytobstarr: pretty much, yes21:04
matv1dobey oh ok. sorry just trying to get my head around why i have ofono running on regular 14.10 desktop. seems kind of weird. and I am not evenr unning the sdk atm.21:04
dobeytobstarr: the system is read-only for a reason :)21:04
dobeymatv1: do you have the "ubuntu-touch" meta-package installed as well?21:05
tobstarrdobey: well, it is only day 2 for me :)21:05
tobstarra lot of things to learn21:05
tobstarrdobey: can you also use the sdk from a CLI level? I would like to use vim for the actual coding and just need some cross-compiler etc.21:06
dobeytobstarr: updates are a file pulled off the image server, and unpacked on the device; not very different from android OTA updates21:06
matv1dobey I dont think so but let me check21:06
dobeytobstarr: well, you can code and use some tools, but not the sdk itself.21:06
tobstarrdobey: are there any cli build tools?21:07
dobeytobstarr: i don't use the sdk much myself, except to build things or play test with some qml UI; i mostly write code in emacs21:07
jgdxmatv1, or any of the packages listed after apt-cache rdepends ofono21:07
jgdxmatv1, it's in the archive, maybe not default install. Not sure how you figure that out on second thought.21:08
dobeytobstarr: the ubuntu sdk ide is just a nice interface that runs whatever CLI tools are required to build the thing21:08
dobeyso g++, gcc-go, click, etc…21:08
dobeyjgdx: the seeded-in-ubuntu tool21:08
dobeyjgdx: it tells you if what seeds have it :)21:09
idlestabilizerI read that the "This phone needs..."-msg is often seen while flashing and that people should wait - but for how long?21:09
tobstarrdobey: I am running in the same issue I run on the cli (C source files not allowed when not using cgo(21:09
jgdxdobey, thanks21:09
tobstarrthis is why I tried to compile on the device21:09
dobeytobstarr: i don't know much about go, sorry; if there's no way to cross-compile, it should be possible to build on a device (but you should do that via a chroot, not by messing with /), or you can use qemu to do the build on a workstation21:10
dobeyor laptop or whatever21:11
dobeyidlestabilizer: you need to flash the stock android 4.4 back on it, boot up into the android welcome screen, reboot to the bootloader, and then do ubuntu-device-flash --bootstrap ...21:11
idlestabilizerdobey, ok. tried to flash it from lollipop21:12
tobstarrdobey: is there anything I could read about chroot on the device?21:12
dobeyidlestabilizer: you can't have android 5.x if you want to replace android with ubuntu. it has some incompatible changes21:12
tobstarrdobey: would that be something like debootstrap?21:13
idlestabilizerdobey, ok, good to know...21:13
dobeyidlestabilizer: you need to have 4.4 on the phone. if you have 5.5 you can maybe use the multirom app from the play store, if you want to dual boot21:13
idlestabilizerno dual boot necessary21:13
dobeytobstarr: i don't know if there's a wiki page or anything about setting up such a chroot. i guess debootstrap might work to create one, i'm not 100% sure on what it does exactly either21:14
tobstarrdobey: one more thing: how would I reset my device (if I fucked things up)? :)21:15
dobeytobstarr: "click chroot create" might work too, but i don't see how to specify what directory to put it in21:15
dobeytobstarr: reflash with ubuntu-device-flash i guess21:16
tobstarrdobey: thanks, for the time being I did not break anyting I guess21:16
dobeytobstarr: unless you destroy existing files in / you should be mostly fine though. worst you'll end up doing to stuff in ~ is losing your own data, or screwing up permissions by running something with sudo :)21:17
idlestabilizerbtw. what's the most recent stable version of UT?21:17
brunch875r20, isn't it?21:18
dobeywhatever the latest in the stable channel is the most recent stable version :)21:18
dobeybrunch875: image numbers aren't aligned across devices and channels unfortunately21:18
tobstarrI just use it as a toy, I am thinking of some stuff I would otherwise put on a raspi, nothing I can not afford loosing21:18
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dobeyfor N5 the latest "stable" version is 1721:19
idlestabilizerdobey, thank you!!21:20
idlestabilizerok, I am back at Android 4.4 will try to flash v17 now21:23
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idlestabilizerwow. Up and running! Thanks dobey21:36
mandelogra_, around?22:28
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