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Mirvtsdgeos: I see there has been more DBus activity, and not all merged. if you can still keep track on what's being updated etc, and when it would seem ready, then another pastebin of "update these and add these" would be very nice.08:50
MirvI think though we can't easily land it even if it would fix Plasma issues.. we would need permission from Kubuntu team and they might deem it too risky. we're one week from final freeze.08:51
Mirvbut if we first have a PPA that finally seems working both plasma desktop and phone, then we could at least initiate the discussion.08:51
tsdgeosMirv: sure working on that08:53
tsdgeosMirv: so this is what i could find http://paste.ubuntu.com/10759851/09:14
tsdgeosonly one updated and one new09:14
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TrevinhoMacSlow: hey14:34
TrevinhoMacSlow: you remember that flickering you was telling me about some weeks ago with qmlscene...14:35
TrevinhoMacSlow: was that happening on fullscreen windows?14:35
MacSlowTrevinho, sure remember this...14:39
MacSlowTrevinho, no... it was not restricted to fullscreen-windows14:39
MacSlowTrevinho, do you have a patch you want to see tested elsewhere?14:40
TrevinhoMacSlow: mh, ok.... as I got it with full-screen windwos when fullscreen windows redirection was enabled, but not in restored ones14:40
SaviqTrevinho, I think I've the same with unredirected kodi14:41
TrevinhoMacSlow: it was enough to disable redirecting in ccsm composite for me to get things working, but yours seems something different14:41
SaviqTrevinho, I added Kodi to the unredirect window pattern to fight tearing videos14:42
SaviqTrevinho, adverse effect is that now the Kodi UI flickers when video is playing in the back14:42
TrevinhoSaviq: mhmhmh14:42
TrevinhoI've not tested kodi here, I'll give that a look14:43
Trevinhowhat I've noticed is that qmlscene fullscreen has some flickers unless I don't (class=QtQmlViewer)14:44
Trevinhoon the blacklist...14:44
SaviqTrevinho, I added "& !(class=Kodi)"14:45
TrevinhoI see14:45
tsdgeosdednick: why did you resubmit https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/autopilot_test_failures/+merge/255373 ?14:50
tsdgeosdandrader_: seen my comment? the laucnher still collapses here with your branch15:00
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dandradertsdgeos, ah yeah, there's more to the Launcher.qml patch15:05
dandradertsdgeos, will post the full patch in a minute. let me try it out15:07
dednicktsdgeos: i've deleted the resubmit15:11
tsdgeosdednick: oki15:11
dandradertsdgeos, this is the full patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10763187/15:21
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Mirvtsdgeos: I installed plasma 5 for myself again, still segfaults on startup with the updated patches (=qtbase ubuntu7~test1)16:31
tsdgeosMirv: damn :/16:58
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TheMusoTrevinho: I asked bregma and bschaefer last week about why there are 2 separate slightly different private ExpanderView class implementations in dash/FilterExpanderLabel.cpp and unity-shared/SearchBar.cpp and they didn't know, but suggested you might.22:34
TheMusoTrevinho: I'm wanting to wrap that class for accessibility related stuff for the filter controls.22:35
TrevinhoTheMuso: let me check...22:35
TrevinhoTheMuso: Mh, I guess it was mostly legacy stuff... I mean, the code inside SearchBar was a leftover, and no one had the time to change things so that we could reuse ExpanderView inside SearchBar too....22:40
TrevinhoI cleaned that up a little when changing things for hdpi support, but I didn't get rid of that not to break things22:40
TrevinhoIndeed it would be nicer to have just one implementation...22:40
TrevinhoErr, one base implementation...22:41
* bschaefer does not know22:42
TheMusoMakes sense.22:42
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