
cmaloneyHow's the day so far?16:57
rick_h_will let you know in an hour16:58
rick_h_meeting time16:58
cmaloneyWoo woo17:01
ibouvousaimehello guys I'm trying to use a nvidia card with blender but blender doesnt seem to see it I get his log when I'm trying to see if the gpu is active http://ur1.ca/k4jsr my driver info is http://ur1.ca/k4jto  I already have the nvidia seting manager installed and have libcuda1-346 installed19:00
cmaloneyibouvousaime: I'd check to see if the card is still supported20:09
ibouvousaimeOkay cmaloney21:55
ibouvousaimeso cmaloney is it supported ? sorry my internet went down for a moment21:59
ibouvousaimeohh xD22:01
ibouvousaimemisread what you said22:02
greg-gwelp, neighbor kids are over, time to be done with work I guess :)23:36
greg-g3 boys between 3 and 6... :)23:36
_stink_batten down the hatches23:51

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