
Kilosmorning all.04:31
Kiloshi Tonberry  04:45
inetprogood mornings05:43
Kilosmorning inetpro  thats good05:44
Kilosit will rain when you have the time right05:44
Kilosek bly man, my korea kontak het sy loco aan die gang05:46
Kilosif only africa was as easy05:46
Symmetriamy god05:51
SymmetriaCNN is as bad as fox news05:51
Symmetriawhat do you notice about that map05:51
ThatGraemeGuynothing sells like sensationalism06:01
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:02
ThatGraemeGuySymmetria: is all the hubbub over there affecting you much?06:02
ThatGraemeGuy'lo Kilos :)06:02
SymmetriaThatGraemeGuy they have tightened security in Nairobi, heavily06:02
Symmetriawhich is a good thing I suppose06:03
Symmetria*shrug* it makes certain things slightly more difficult but nothing 2 bad06:03
Symmetria(for example, I went to the shopping centre near my house on Saturday and the defense force was searching every car coming in)06:03
ThatGraemeGuyI know the media tends to blow things up a little06:03
ThatGraemeGuymake it sound like you need to GTFO right now06:04
Symmetria*shrug* Nairobi is perfectly safe if you stay outta eastleigh (which is basically little somalia)06:04
ThatGraemeGuyso pretty much same as here. some shitty areas, some shitty people, but the media would have you believe the whole place is a warzone06:05
ThatGraemeGuyanyone know which shops sell ADSL filters? think mine is on the blink06:31
Symmetriaincredible corruption06:43
Symmetriahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABADuZxfruk <=== from minute 13:30, a debate on cyber security that I was moderating 06:49
Kiloshi barrydk  06:50
pieter2627morning all06:50
Kiloshi pieter2627  06:51
Kilosanother day another dollar guys06:59
Kilosshoot me someone, i just made coffee but put it in my jungle oats instead of my coffee mug07:11
Kilosthey talk about ouderdom, the ouder is nothing its the dom thats the prob07:13
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: sound like you just invented a way to save time at breakfast :-D07:18
Kilosdoesnt taste too bad either07:19
Kilosjust needed more sugar07:19
ThatGraemeGuysugar is evil :-p07:20
Kilosyeah i know but it tastes so lekker07:20
barrydkMore almal07:23
Kiloshi TinuvaMac  07:50
TinuvaMacmorning Kilos07:51
Kiloshmm... you have added yourself to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members yet07:52
TinuvaMacdont know07:53
TinuvaMacwhat is that for?07:53
Kilosactive za members07:53
TinuvaMacit says "Ubuntu" enthusiats...07:53
TinuvaMacI don't see myself as one07:53
Kiloslaunchpad say we have 80 but i never see so many now im collecting those that are active there07:54
TinuvaMacI am a general *nix enthusiast sure, but thats where I will leave it07:54
Kilosya well we accept nix enthusiasts07:55
Kiloshavent you got ubuntu running anywhere07:55
TinuvaMacwe definitely do, for customers :P07:56
Kilosthats good enough07:56
Kilosbecome part of our community07:56
Kiloswhen you install for customers tell them about this support channel please08:01
Kilosstick a lable on their pcs08:01
Kiloshi Padroni  09:15
Kilosyou battling at work?09:15
Kilosat/with work?09:16
Kilosyo drussell  hows davey09:17
psyatwhi Kilos 09:17
psyatwhi Padroni 09:18
Padroniyeah, busy at work 09:18
Padronihi psyatw09:18
Kiloshi psyatw  sorry didnt see you09:18
psyatwKilos, no problem, I didn't even see myself as there is no mirror here at work09:18
drussellKilos: hey! All good, back from a week and a half of holiday, refreshed and ready to go :oD How's you?09:36
Kilosim good ty, glad you get refreshed, others need to go to work to rest after hols09:37
* Kilos waves to tumbleweed and confluency11:25
MopkopHello all!13:23
Kiloshi Mopkop  13:23
MopkopYou know the biggest hurdle with converting people to linux is no longer that they are used to windows (you can thank Windows 8 for that), but the gaming. The linux community should start focussing on making it worthwhile for companies to port to linux. Maybe by making distribution very easy.13:30
MopkopLike an opensource steam or something.13:30
ThatGraemeGuysomeone should ask Valve to port Steam to linux13:32
ThatGraemeGuymaybe they can get some games ported too to get things started13:32
ThatGraemeGuynah, that's crazy talk13:32
Kilosim sure i played steam games here before13:53
Kilosonly they use data13:53
Kiloshi Private_User  13:54
Kiloswhats happening there by you?13:54
Private_Userhey Kilos13:55
Private_Userah nothing much, been offline the entire weekend, connected today but not sure why but my connecting was not stable13:55
Kiloseish you still struggling13:56
Kiloscellc was it13:56
Private_Useryeah this thing is sometimes working 100% lekker and then at other times its like it not good at all13:57
MopkopI was thinking of an opensource alternative to steam, which is intergrated into Ubuntu, and publishers do not have to pay a fee. Kind of like the software centre, but with all the nice gadgets steam has. 14:19
ThatGraemeGuywho would do that?14:20
ThatGraemeGuyi.e. where's the money? open source is all good and well but it sucks at paying rent :)14:20
Kilosi was just going to say them theyll start charging for ubuntu14:22
ThatGraemeGuyfor now there's steam for distros, or SteamOS if you want something more appliance-like14:22
ThatGraemeGuyI think it may be too late to try and be the competitor there, they have a pretty solid head start. whatever you come up with would need to work on all 3 platforms Steam is already on14:23
Padroni_kilos that python book is actually quite good14:29
Padroni_I am using it in conjunction with my course material14:30
Kilosits what fly recommended14:30
Padroni_I'm off14:52
Padroni_see tomorrow14:52
Padroni_Have a good one.14:52
Kilosgo well14:52
MopkopWhat book was that?14:53
MopkopI want one too!14:53
Mopkopmaaz google byteofpython14:54
MaazMopkop: "A Byte of Python - Swaroop CH" http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/python/ :: "A Byte of Python - Swaroop CH" http://files.swaroopch.com/python/byte_of_python.pdf :: "A Byte of Python - Ibiblio" http://www.ibiblio.org/g2swap/byteofpython/read/ :: "A Byte of Python (PDF) - Ibiblio" http://www.ibiblio.org/swaroopch/byteofpython/files/120/byteofpython_120.pdf ::14:54
Maaz"A Byte of Python" http://www.byteofpython.info/ :: "Free PDF: A Byte of Python by Swaroop…14:54
MopkopThank you Maaz, Kilos.14:55
MopkopThe problem with getting new books, is you to read through most things you already know.14:56
Kilosits easy with a pdf you just scroll past14:57
MopkopIf I do that, there is that one line I missed which will make everything else difficult to understand. I'll just speed-read through it. :)15:03
Kiloslol then read everything man15:09
Kilosspeed kills15:10
MopkopHello pieter2627!16:08
Kiloswb pieter2627  16:08
pieter2627Hi Mopkop, Kilos and all others16:09
Kilosohi superfly  hows the heqad?16:43
Kiloshead as well16:44
superflymostly OK16:45
Kilossjoe mostly16:46
Kilosi go eat17:01
magespawngood evening17:07
Maazmagespawn: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell magespawn What is the link to the monkeys study wiki page ?" 2 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes and 24 seconds ago17:07
Maazmagespawn: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell magespawn Did you get the dbnlug mail from edrich about work?" 6 hours, 58 minutes and 9 seconds ago17:07
magespawnKilos: ping17:14
Kiloshi magespawn  pong sorry17:28
magespawnMaaz tell Kilos http://linux-studies.za.net but the permissions have changed, i am not sure if there was a sign on, i think superfly is hosting it, if i recall correctly17:28
Maazmagespawn: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode17:28
MaazKilos: By the way, magespawn on freenode told me "tell Kilos http://linux-studies.za.net but the permissions have changed, i am not sure if there was a sign on, i think superfly is hosting it, if i recall correctly" 33 seconds ago17:29
magespawnno worries Kilos, i did see that mail thanks17:29
Kilosmonkey got probs17:30
Kiloshe gets lug mail hey17:30
magespawni think so, if not they will know how to get hold of him17:31
magespawnwhat problems does he have now?17:31
KilosMaaz  studiessite is <reply> http://linux-studies.za.net17:31
MaazKilos: If you say so17:31
Kilosouta work and had to leave room as house was sold17:31
magespawnmight want to put a space in there17:32
KilosMaaz  studiessite17:32
Kiloshow come no one told you im eating17:33
magespawni thought he was a programmer?17:33
Kilossies man pieter2627  Mopkop  17:33
magespawni am too17:33
magespawnthey are all fast asleep too17:33
MopkopKilos: ?17:33
Kilosas ek weg is groet mense asb en se hulle waar ek is17:34
MopkopLol, sorry oom :(17:34
MopkopSal onthou in die vervolg.17:34
magespawnKilos i thought he is a programmer?17:34
Kilosprogrammers must know how to do anything17:35
Kilosfly is also a programmer but he builds sites and lots more17:35
Kilosif you out of work you must take what you can17:36
magespawndo you know what kbmonkey does exactly?17:36
Kilosremember when we get him back that we find ou17:36
Kilosnot lekker having empty tummy long time17:37
Kilosi fasted once for 4 days17:37
Kilosfirst and second days are heavy17:37
magespawnno your tummy runs everything17:37
Kilosyou got experience with that system magespawn  17:40
Kilosi forget what17:40
Kilosthe one the first lpi course used17:40
Kilosoh my17:44
Kilosonly one i dont chase is inetpro  17:44
Kiloshe just ignores me17:45
magespawnback again Kilos 17:53
=== Kilos is now known as Kiloswhat
Kiloswhatwb what broke17:54
Kiloswhatoh my17:54
=== Kiloswhat is now known as Kilos
magespawnlooks like empangeni just went on load shedding17:54
Kilossometimes konversation forgets where i must type17:55
MopkopLoadshedding in 2 mins :(17:59
inetproSanibonani nonke emhlabeni18:09
Kilosja jy ook18:09
Kiloshi inetpro  18:09
magespawnhi inetpro18:10
inetproohi Kilos18:10
inetprohow are things going here this evening?18:12
Kilosvery quiet18:12
Kilosyou havent been here to chase peeps18:12
Kiloswb Mopkop  18:12
Mopkop1Lol, power not off yet...18:13
Kilosnot here18:13
Mopkop1Eskom is waiting for me to do something engaging, and then cut me off in the middel.18:13
Mopkop1nick Mopkop18:14
Kilosthats why i cant use a ssd18:14
=== Mopkop1 is now known as Mopkop
magespawnis that not always the way it works18:14
Kilosjust now dont worry18:15
Kiloshow you spell that inetpro  ?18:15
Kilosoh paw here too18:16
inetproKilos: you mean to say ngikohliwe?18:16
inetproyou forgot what?18:16
Kilosja ek het vergeet18:17
inetprowat het jy vergeet oom?18:17
Kiloswhere did i say i forgot18:17
Kilosn ot me man the dodo that was supposed to turn the power off18:18
inetproahh, ukohliwe18:18
Kilosty ill try member that18:19
Kilosyou got trello work18:19
Kilosand ty for the sphinx warning18:19
inetprotell me about the work Kilos18:19
Kiloswhere is the COC walk through18:19
Kilosi got more work18:19
Kilosthis time in asia somewhere18:20
=== magespaw3 is now known as magespawn
inetproKilos: https://trello.com/c/olme2bfK18:20
magespawnwhy asia?18:20
Kiloswhere was it inetpro  18:20
Kilosi just helped korea get a loco going magespawn  and there are some hassles in an asian loco18:21
inetproKilos: in Current Activities18:21
Kilosai! ty inetpro  18:21
Kilosmethinks best way to smooth out a loco with internal strife is to get them to read and sign the COC18:22
magespawnsounds like a good idea, get everyone on the same page18:23
Kiloswhy cant other locos run like ours18:23
Kiloswe got a lekker LoCo18:23
inetproKilos: sorry for ignoring you on that18:24
Kilosnp inetpro  18:24
magespawnthey are not as intelligent?18:24
inetprobut you had me confused for a moment and then I forgot to go check again18:24
Kiloshe is offline anyway18:24
inetproKilos: you added that to 'done for March 2015'18:24
Kilosoh my18:25
inetpronot making sense there18:25
Kiloshow do we save it18:25
Kilosoh in maaz18:25
inetproKilos: you can just archive it now18:25
inetproKilos: you just failed to RTFS again :-)18:26
Kilosim blinder man18:26
inetproKilos: no worries18:26
* inetpro fails all day every day18:26
Kiloswhere can we save that info and remember it18:27
Kilosi think slexy removes old posts dont they18:27
inetproleave that card there for now until someone has time to put it up nicely18:27
inetprowe have more important things to deal with now18:27
inetprohmm... we actually need superfly to come help us 18:28
magespawnKilos have you tried things like evernote?18:28
Kilosnope magespawn  18:28
inetpromagespawn: don't come with even more things now man18:29
Kilosoh the site inetpro  18:29
Kilosmagespawn  you do that for us18:29
magespawninetpro: just an idea18:29
Kilosget the COC walk through and post it somewhere safe18:30
Kilosits in trello18:30
inetproKilos: one step at a time18:30
inetproit's safe in trello18:30
inetprofor now at least18:30
Kiloshim not me man18:30
Kilosya but do i give the trello link to someone in asia?18:31
inetproKilos: does he really need it?18:31
inetproobviously, anyone can read that18:32
Kiloswell youve seen peeps battle with COC18:32
inetproit's public information on our Trello board18:32
Kilosim gonna use kaans there in future18:32
inetproKilos: just like here18:33
Kilosya but here i see them18:33
Kilosand greet them18:33
Kilosand check if their hair is combed18:34
inetproKilos: but the, you don't really18:34
inetprohundreds are reading what you say here later via the irclogs18:35
Kiloshi spinza  18:35
Kilosyou are way behind18:35
Kilosthats fine18:35
Kilosthey must that poor group18:35
MopkopWe still have this...18:37
Mopkopmaaz code of conduct18:37
Kilosty Mopkop  18:38
MopkopBeen meaning to make a better one, but at least it's foolproof.18:38
Kilosmaaz COC is <reply> http://bin.snyman.info/rcecy18:38
MaazKilos: If you say so18:38
Kilosso which part of your pc does the COC align with inetpro  ?18:40
Kilosif i change cpu will i need to do it again18:41
Kilosi dont think it will be ram related18:41
* Mopkop is not following the discussion.18:42
magespawnthey key is stored on your harddrive Kilos18:43
Kilosthe gpg thing i think18:43
MopkopYea, the gpg key. It's just a text file.18:43
Kilosoh so only the drive is recognised18:43
Kilosif you change drives you need to make a new one18:44
MopkopDeja dup will keep it backed up, I Think.18:44
MopkopNo you can just import the old one.18:44
inetprohas anyone figure why you really need the GPG key even?18:45
magespawnyou can copy the key to ther locations, and as far as i know devices18:45
Kilosnono Mopkop  18:46
Kilosit recognises something in your pc18:46
inetprodo we still have peepe who use GPG?18:46
magespawninetpro: it 'proves' who signed the code of conduct18:46
MopkopKilos: Oh I see. The only thing I can think of is the Harddrive's serial number.18:47
Kiloscantried taking the key to another machine and it didnt work18:47
Kilosit even makes you type some more at time to make the key18:48
Kilosits a serious thing that18:48
inetproKilos: serious!?18:49
Kilosya hard to break from another pc18:49
MopkopIt chould also be the machine name, or username like with SSH keys.18:49
magespawnis there a better way inetpro?18:49
inetpromagespawn: not that I'm aware of18:50
* inetpro just forgot the process due to doing it so long ago18:50
inetprohaven't needed the key ever again18:51
Kilosya its only for signing the COC isnt it18:51
inetprocan't remember it being difficult 18:52
magespawnyou can also use your key to sign all sorts of things, like email or other documents18:52
Kilosfly had to help me twice on this machine and old one18:52
Mopkopgpg can also be used for sending secret (encrypted) messages with Thunderbird.18:53
inetproI sent a few secret emails at the time just for the fun of it18:53
inetprogave up because nobody else was using it18:53
inetprocan't believe we still use email after all this time18:54
Kilostoo much like hard work to get one18:54
magespawnit not only 'ensures' the privacy of the mail, but authenticates who it is from18:54
inetproit's a yuck technology18:54
inetproalmost like FTP18:55
inetproI just wish I had the brains to replace it with something much better18:55
magespawnit is what people are comfortable with, those same people might sa the same about irc18:55
Mopkopmagespawn has a point18:56
Kiloshmm... not sure anymore but dont think i battled much with irc18:57
inetprono!! Please don't touch my IRC!!18:57
Kilosthe fly was there all the way18:57
Kilosgo fly18:57
magespawngotta go, getting chased up to my room, bbl if i can18:58
Kilosok magespawn  18:58
inetpromagespawn: go, go, go!18:58
MopkopI heard a disturbing thing from a friend who develops military software.19:10
MopkopApparently many military units (from all over the world, including South Africa) do not not change their passwords. So the passwords are something like 'admin' or 'password12' or 'qwerty'19:11
MopkopDoesn't make me feel very safe.19:11
MopkopIt's more difficult hacking a home computer than hacking the many of the army's installations.19:13
inetproMopkop: don't tell anybody19:14
MopkopSometimes those "installations" have guns. I know my friend is working on computerized barbed wire. If someone touches it, it sends the location to cameras and guns.19:14
Mopkopinetpro: too late, these things are logged :(19:15
inetproKilos: where's Padroni when we need him?19:15
Kiloslol day time only19:15
Kilosand all windows pcs Mopkop  19:16
pieter2627night all19:24
Kilosnight piesleep tight19:24
Kilosnight all. sleep tight. i gotta crash too19:27
Kilosinetpro  gaan slaap man19:27
Kilosso you not tired tomorrow19:28
inetprotoo early19:28
Kilos8 hours sleep will make you young and beautiful19:28
inetprosleep time is at midnight19:28
Kiloshee hee19:28
inetprooh serious!?19:28
* inetpro will think about it19:29
Kilosnight toppie19:29
inetproKilos: slaap lekker!19:29
MopkopNight Kilos!19:29
* superfly is wondering who or what he needs to save20:25
inetprosuperfly: hmm...20:28
inetprosuperfly: you mean you want to look at merging now? 20:56
superflyI can have a peek20:57
inetprostart with https://trello.com/c/9GVSB9pC20:59
inetproand on Ubuntu Africa check what I merged first before you go to https://trello.com/c/xYVal5XG21:01
superflyinetpro: if you add new revisions after proposing a merge, you need to re-propose the merge21:01
inetprogood to know that, ty21:02
inetprosuperfly: so I add another comment and choose resubmit?21:04
superflyNo, click on "resubmit" on the top right21:05
superflycomments = comments, they have no effect21:05
inetprooh I missed that, thanks21:05
inetproand do I tick "Start afresh"?21:07
inetprosuperfly: ^^21:07
inetprodone as well21:10
superflyinetpro: the ubuntu-africa site needs Nikola 7.3 or higher21:11
superflyinetpro: Kilos used that, and I worked off his initial copy, so I had to install it in a virtualenv to be able to generate the site21:11
inetproso apt-get install won't work?21:13
inetprochanging the note to simply, "Minimum version of Nikola required is 7.3 or higher"21:15
inetprobut doesn't sound right21:15
inetprodo you fix grammer when merging or not?21:16
inetprosuperfly: oops, you should actually have looked at https://trello.com/c/9jKkuos5 before my build instructions21:19
superflyinetpro: you fix what needs to be fixed, I'm not fixing anything when I merge. That's the point of the proposal.21:20
inetprocool, just curios to know the thinking and approach21:21
inetproai! curious*21:22
inetprosuperfly: thanks for the reviews21:24
inetprodoes that mean I get to sleep now?21:25
inetprosuperfly: anything else you don't like in the build instructions that I need to change?21:31
inetprobefore I request another merge21:31
superflyI'm not sure, I haven't looked through it properly yet21:32
inetprohmm... you want me to rather wait another day?21:32
inetproI can wait21:33
inetproor I guess I can just resubmit with every small change... done :-)21:39
inetprogood night everyone21:44

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