
ochosimorning folks07:51
brainwashali12341: do you know something about transmission and it's indicator menu? bug 144099208:52
ubottubug 1440992 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "transmisson menu wording error in Xubuntu session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144099208:52
brainwashali12341: thanks10:11
brainwashelfy: is bug 1437180 still present? no one else has confirmed it yet in the report10:22
ubottubug 1437180 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Desktop Icons show on the install only desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143718010:22
ochosinot sure but i thought bluesabre mentioned the same thing too10:23
ochosiif someone confirms it we should add it to the bugs blueprint10:24
brainwashit's already linked to the blueprint10:25
brainwashbut there is no progress10:25
ochosii'm unsure what we can do about it and why it didn't happen in the first place, i.e. when xfdesktop was added to our ubiquity session to draw the wallpaper10:31
ochosithe most straight-forward solution would be to replace xfdesktop with feh10:32
ochosibluesabre: thoughts on this? ^10:32
brainwashideally yes10:32
brainwashUnit193 has tested ubiquity with xfdesktop, so he should have noticed the icons I'd guess10:33
brainwashor maybe "it's not a bug, it's a feature" :)10:34
bluesabrexfdesktop wasn't recently added to ubiquity to draw the wallpaper, we've used it for years10:52
bluesabrethe black background was due to it becoming a zombie process as I recall10:53
bluesabreand a newer xfdesktop release gave us desktop icons10:53
bluesabreI'd say its a bug, albeit minor, and I would not be opposed to switching to feh to draw the ubiquity background in 15.10, since that desktop doesn't do anything else10:55
brainwashbluesabre: is there some config file for xfdesktop when run in live mode? or are any parameters passed?11:05
brainwashI assume that the right click context menu works also11:05
bluesabreI'm not sure11:05
brainwashso, switching to feh would be the best option11:06
bluesabreI just know that we changed nothing except a new xfdesktop and started seeing icons11:06
elfyquestion re feh, currently if you start install and quit - the live media boots to the livesession - that going to get affected?11:24
ochosibluesabre: yeah, i'd also say it's minor and prolly too late to switch to feh now11:28
ochosibut yeah, everything else (context menus) works with xfdesktop in the live session11:29
ochosiwhich means ppl can basically run any programme they want or even use multiple workspaces...11:29
ochosiso apart from the panel, there's little diff between the install only and the live session atm11:29
elfywhich begs the question why do it then? 11:30
elfyand also begs the other 'why test installs from install and not try' question too :)11:30
elfyochosi: btw - 2 different names for the QA incentive this time :)11:31
knomewoot :)11:32
elfyyep, I was pleased too ;)11:34
elfyhi bluesabre :)11:34
bluesabreelfy: the live session won't be affected, it would only be the ubiquity installer session that would use feh, live desktop would be normal11:35
bluesabrehey elfy11:35
elfybluesabre: you misunderstand slightly, start livemedia, accidentally hit install11:36
elfyquit - you get to the livesession11:37
elfywith feh and not xfdesktop - what happens in that scenario? 11:37
ochosielfy: that looks great! (re: qa incentive)11:39
ochosiwe should definitely blog a roundup of this11:39
ochosithat will hopefully further motivate people11:39
bluesabreif I recall, the installer is its own session, so when you quit that, all open apps are closed, then the desktop session is started, so feh is closed and xfdesktop is started11:39
elfybluesabre: ok - thanks :)11:40
elfyochosi: yea - was contemplating doing so *just* before RC/Final Release - hoping to drag a few extras in then11:40
ochosigood idea11:41
elfyI have them sometimes 11:42
* bluesabre wishes he had them more often11:42
elfyI'd share mine bluesabre - but it's 2015 and I've only had one since 1999 11:42
elfyluckily my 3 kids never read this oldfashioned irc stuff :p11:43
ochosibluesabre: you back at work or still on easter break?11:57
bluesabreeaster break for me was saturday/sunday :)11:58
ochosioh right :)11:59
bluesabresorry Unit193, won't be able to make it to your meeting, but feel free to leave pings for me on anything that needs uploaded11:59
bluesabreI'll be doing a greeter-settings translations release/upload today, and maybe one for x-d-s if the workaround for the greeter white-screen works12:00
ochosithanks bluesabre 12:02
ochosibrainwash, elfy: just confirmed the xfdesktop icon bug in today's daily build and also noted that in the bugreport14:10
ochosibrainwash: since you've been poking xfdesktop a bit lately, any clue why the icons started appearing? my best guess so far is that our default settings weren't loaded correctly or at all before14:12
ochosibluesabre: ok, i added an idea for a workaround: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/1437180 (it's not pretty, but sorta okayish for 15.04)14:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1437180 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Desktop Icons show on the install only desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:21
elfyochosi: did you look at the incentive spreadsheet for the names - if so happy for me to announce them tonight ?14:23
elfyif you didn't can you - or trust me lol 14:23
ochosii did and i am! :)14:23
elfyyou can't - QA team #info :D14:23
ochosiwasn't aware that you wanted/needed an ack (yeah, i do trust you ;))14:23
elfywell - as xpl I guess you should do one or the other :p14:23
ochosiyeah, since i've become xpl my feelings have turned binary. i either feel one thing or the other :)14:24
knomeochosi, no kidding.. :P14:24
elfyha ha 14:25
ochosiwell either kidding or no kidding. there's no "kidding you a little" for me14:25
* knome slips a whoopee cushion on ochosi's bench14:26
ochosithanks, i've wanted one of those for ages!14:26
knomehaha :)14:26
* elfy removes the tacks from the cushion14:26
elfybad knome 14:27
knomei don't put tacks on whoopee cushions :P14:27
knomethere are problems with them though14:27
knomethe small ones give a pathetic sound14:27
elfyyea for sure 14:27
knomeand the large ones are impossible to hide...14:27
=== boxer- is now known as Nexasoft
=== Nexasoft is now known as boxer
knomeslickymaster, FYI, we have some strings landing at some point soon for the slideshow once the template from jacks changes propagates back after an upload19:27
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Apr  7 20:00:18 2015 UTC.  The chair is Unit193. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.20:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick20:00
Unit193#chair knome20:00
meetingologyCurrent chairs: Unit193 knome20:00
Unit193Howdy everyone.20:00
elfyevening 20:00
Unit193welcome to the Xubuntu community meeting.  Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings20:00
Unit193Anyone else around?  If not, this'll be nice and short.20:01
Unit193#topic Open action items20:01
elfywho knows20:01
Unit193elfy: Did we tie up everything for xubuntu-core testing?20:02
Unit193Great, same here.  I didn't see anything else needing testing.20:02
Unit193#done Unit193 to tie up with elfy for xubuntu-core upgrade testing needs20:02
Unit193#done elfy to add the "game issue" into the meeting agenda20:02
Unit193knome: Did you talk to ochosi about setting up a team vote?20:03
* ochosi doesn't recall being talked to20:04
* Unit193 gives ochosi a stern talking to.20:04
ochosibut it couldn have happened a longer time ago so maybe i don't remember20:04
Unit193Alright, we'll carry forward...20:04
ochositeam vote about what?20:04
Unit193"ACTION: knome to follow up with ochosi on setting up a team vote - or allowing more time for discussion"20:05
Unit193That's what I see.20:05
ochosiyeah, i know20:05
ochosibut no topic20:05
Unit193That's all I know.20:05
ochosiawesome :)20:05
elfyanother one of those carried forward ad infinitum that we've all forgotten the topic off now? 20:05
ochosii guess i'll just "allow more time for discussion" :D20:05
elfyha ha ha 20:06
Unit193#nick knome20:06
Unit193#action knome to follow up with ochosi on setting up a team vote - or allowing more time for discussion20:06
meetingologyACTION: knome to follow up with ochosi on setting up a team vote - or allowing more time for discussion20:06
Unit193#topic Team updates20:06
Unit193Free for all, any updatese?20:06
elfyperhaps there should be a #action make the agenda make sense ... 20:06
slickymastersorry for being late guys, but it's dinner time over here and the little doesn't make any compromises20:07
ochosi#info ochosi pushed some fixes to Greybird, but likely too minor for 15.0420:07
elfy#info testing for b2 went ok, bugs about - more global than us20:07
elfy#info figures in for QA incentive 20:07
ochosi#info ochosi prepared a (hacky) patch for ubiquity-dm to hide the desktop icons in bug #143718020:07
ubottubug 1437180 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Desktop Icons show on the install only desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143718020:07
Unit193#info exo and thunar fixes uploaded to vivid.20:07
Unit193ochosi: Ah good.20:08
elfy#info March sticker pack winner is PaulW2U 20:08
elfy#info Final Beta sticker pack winner is saqman206020:08
elfy#action elfy to tie up with pleia2 re contacting them both20:08
meetingologyACTION: elfy to tie up with pleia2 re contacting them both20:08
ochosiif any of you wanna chime in about the ubiquity-dm fix, feel free to get in touch20:09
slickymasterI had some #info items, but I don't know now where I placed them :P20:10
ochosielfy: well i dunno, if you have an opinion on it etc20:10
elfyoh 20:10
elfythe icon issue? 20:10
elfyI only really had one thing to find out - and bluesabre put my mind at rest20:11
ochosithe question (partly) is: is the situation bad enough that we want a hacky fix pushed that we'll have to revert in 15.1020:11
Unit193We could move this to discussions. :P20:11
micahgis there a bug in xfdesktop?20:11
elfyI would agree they look a bit daft - but maybe better to leave well alone over the next 3 weeks20:11
knomei'm here.20:12
ochosiUnit193: agreed, let's discuss it a bit later (also re: micahg :) )20:12
Unit193#topic Discussion items20:12
Unit193ochosi: Want a subtopic right now?20:12
pleia2elfy: thanks, happy to ship off the stickers this week20:12
ochosiUnit193: yeah, let's do that20:12
Unit193#subtopic Desktop Icons show on the install only desktop20:13
Unit193ochosi: Have at it.20:13
elfypleia2: cool - I'll mail them as QA and cc you in as we did last time20:13
* pleia2 thumbs up20:13
ochosiok, so the problem is quite easily explained, we use xfdesktop to draw the wallpaper in our ubiquity install-only session20:13
ochosiin 15.10 we'll likely switch to feh for drawing the wallpaper20:14
ochosijust makes more sense, xfdesktop has far too many features and all we really want is a wallpaper below ubiquity20:14
ochosiso the diff i attached on the bugreport basically switches the icons on the desktop setting off via an xfconf-query call20:14
ochosiit's really not a pretty solution20:15
ochosibut it'll do the trick20:15
ochosimicahg: thoughts? ^20:15
micahgif that's the best option and only affects us, I think that's fine20:16
ochositbh i don't know about "best"20:16
ochosibut the release date is closing in on us, and we might want a fix20:16
Unit193micahg: By default, it'll affect Studio too.  Myth doesn't release except for LTSes though.20:16
ochosiyeah, that's true20:17
Unit193Generally speaking, studio is less concerned with the desktop, and more interested in a/v.20:17
micahglooks relatively harmless20:17
ochosiyeah, i tested the xfconf command in a ubiquity live session20:17
ochosiactually there's even a second setting i would change, but i don't want to add another 6 lines for almost nothing20:18
ochosi(disable the right-click menu on the desktop, which allows launching of any other app)20:18
ochosiwell, possibly20:19
ochosiyou mean in case xfsettingsd hasnt started yet?20:19
ochosidunno whether these commands are called synchronously or async20:19
ochosigenerally speaking, calling xfsettingsd and then xfdesktop could also be considered racy20:20
Unit193Alright, well either way bluesabre isn't here, so.20:21
micahglet's keep an eye on timing, final freeze is next week20:21
Unit193#action ochosi to get in touch with bluesabre about the patch for ubiquity, and xfdesktop icons.20:22
meetingologyACTION: ochosi to get in touch with bluesabre about the patch for ubiquity, and xfdesktop icons.20:22
Unit193Any other remarks on this topic?20:22
elfynot from me20:22
micahgthe trick with patching ubiquity is if there's a problem later, it's much harder to change20:22
micahgjust FYI20:22
Unit193#subtopic GIMP in the default seed (mailing list discussion)20:22
micahgooh, idr seeing that20:23
Unit193knome: ^20:23
knomewell, it's the mailing list discussion.20:24
knomei don't think there is a conclusion20:24
micahgoh, was a while ago20:24
elfyyea - these have been dragging their heels, mostly because 15.1020:25
knomethe gimp discussion wasn't also very long20:25
Unit193Same discussion every time, it's overkill, but there's no good simple editors.20:25
knomei think the thing that we know now (again) is that there isn't really a suitable replacement, because there really isn't20:25
dkesselIs pinta an option?20:25
knomeso maybe the question is: does the still want to stick with GIMP?20:25
knome*the team20:26
knomeor is it a valid option to drop it20:26
Unit193dkessel: There were a couple reasons, but mono is the biggest one.20:26
micahgpinta will pull in mono20:26
ochosiknome: what would be your main argument for dropping it?20:26
Unit193micahg: o/\o20:26
knomeochosi, it's huge, it's much more than a regular user needs20:26
slickymasterwhat about MyPaint?20:27
knomei don't think it has ever specifically contributed to the "xubuntu experience", we've been shipping it because some users and team members like it shipped 20:27
* Unit193 20:28
micahgDescription-en: paint program for use with graphics tablets20:28
knomemicahg, that's misleading, but it's not like gimp, it's a drawing app more than an image editor20:29
slickymasterthanks Unit193 20:29
ochosiyeah, the gimp does both20:29
Unit193The pictures are scaring me.20:29
knomemicahg, and it is better with graphic tablets.20:29
Unit193So, seems to be something we're not looking at.20:30
ochosiso we'd have to first think what aspect of gimp we'd like to replace with *something*20:30
* knome facepalms20:30
knomethat discussion has come and gone20:30
ochosiyeah :)20:30
knomeyou can refer to the old comparison in the wiki20:30
Unit193Yes,and ristretto still hasn't learned how to resize. :P20:30
ochosiit probably would make sense to do one of those20:30
knomethe fact is that there is no suitable app that does it20:30
knomeit being the features we want to replace in gimp20:31
Unit193So while it's overkill, it does what we need and can't find something else to do it.20:31
knomebut instead of shipping the huge gimp because there isn't an alternative, and kind of giving up, why don't we drop it?20:31
micahgxpaint seems to have the same "features" in th wiki20:32
ochosiwe could also switch back to shipping gthumb and drop ristretto and gimp20:33
geniiToo bad theres no gimp-minimal20:34
Unit193Meh, always thought gthumb was useless.20:34
knomemicahg, no version update since precise20:34
micahgisn't it a little late in the cycle to be updating seeds?20:34
knomeyeah, let's not reintroduce gthumb20:34
Unit193micahg: For wombat.20:34
Unit193I'd like to table this so we can move on to the next disucssion that's neverending. :P20:34
knomeochosi, we can write a small script set that allowed the user to handle their images from thunar20:35
knomeochosi, just link that to a custom action for all images.20:35
knomeresize, rotate, you name it20:35
ochosiyou mean via imagemagick?20:35
knomethose who need more complex tools can install one from the repositories20:36
ochosiwe can also try to add those features to ristretto at some point20:36
knomeimagemagick can even write text20:36
knomeso you can do a lolcat generator20:36
micahgwhat about shutter?20:37
knomewell i mean, wasn't that one of our prerequisites for the iamge editor...20:37
knomemicahg, the right place to do proposals for apps is the mailing list thread20:37
knomei don't think it's a good use of everybody's time to mull over those in a meeting20:38
Unit193We're discussing it now. :P20:38
ochosiisn't that a screenshot tool?20:38
micahgyes, but it does have a nice editor in it20:38
ochosii didn't know about that20:38
micahg2 for 1 :)20:38
knomewe have the xfce screenshooter..20:38
Unit193Description does seem very screenshooter centric.20:39
knomeUnit193, and their website is awful without js..20:39
dkesselDoesn't look like it can open existing files, or can it?20:40
micahgyes, it can20:41
ochosigenerally speaking, i don't mind dropping one of our apps for 15.10, also in terms of getting user feedback (i know, the vocal minority and all, but better than no feedback)20:42
knomeset up a team vote and get on with it.20:42
ochosiwe can do one now if you guys and gals agree that that's a good idea :)20:43
ochosiit's sorta funky timing with 15.04 not even released, but whatever20:43
elfyit'll get some votes done, rest of team can vote on m/l 20:44
* slickymaster agrees with elfy 20:44
knomeUnit193, shall you set the poll up?20:45
Unit193#vote Drop The GIMP from the default seed20:45
meetingologyPlease vote on: Drop The GIMP from the default seed20:45
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:45
knomedoes +1 mean drop?20:45
meetingology-1 received from Unit19320:45
knomejust making sure.20:45
meetingology+1 received from knome20:45
meetingology-1 received from micahg20:45
meetingology+0 received from elfy20:45
meetingology+0 received from ochosi20:45
knomeelfy, ochosi: does "+0" mean that you don't mind if it's in the seed or not? and if yes, wouldn't it mean it's better not to be on the seed since it can save space and hassle?20:46
knomenot trying to impact your opinion, just asking.20:46
meetingology+0 received from slickymaster20:46
meetingologyVoting ended on: Drop The GIMP from the default seed20:46
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:2 Abstentions:320:46
meetingologyMotion denied20:46
knomeslickymaster, ^ same question to you20:46
elfyI've no opinion on it - hence sitting on the fence20:46
slickymasterexactly what you said knome, I don't mind if it's on the seed or not.20:47
Unit193So, ochosi to carry over to the mailing list?20:47
knomeslickymaster, what about the second question?20:47
Unit193#action ochosi to follow up with the gimp discussion on the list.20:48
meetingologyACTION: ochosi to follow up with the gimp discussion on the list.20:48
* slickymaster lost that one20:48
slickymasterwhat was it again knome?20:48
ochosiknome: it can save space, not sure it'll really save us hassle. so far i don't remember any really critical bugreport related to gimp for us20:48
ochosibut yeah, i'm open to dropping it20:48
elfymoving on perhaps 20:48
knomeslickymaster, that if you don't care, wouldn't it pragmatically be better to drop it since it would save space and potential hassle20:48
ochosinot convinced, but ok with it20:48
Unit193#subtopic Default office applications (mailing list discussion)20:48
Unit193elfy: Please, yes.20:49
ochosioh man, and another one...20:49
knomebut yeah, no need to stretch the discussion...20:49
slickymastertbh I usualy uninistall it knome 20:49
elfywe've had the discussions haven't we? 20:49
Unit193Yeah, so LO is much bigger, but more compatible.20:49
Unit193elfy: Not in meeting.20:49
knomeelfy, yes, on the mailing list20:49
elfyI'm putting the kettle on ... 20:50
ochosielfy: make some for me too20:50
Unit193Right, so it's been discussed.  Anyone ready to make a motion as to voting?20:50
ochosibut the vote would be to just drop abiword/gnumeric or replace them with LO?20:51
Unit193ochosi: Exactly, hence why I didn't just make one.20:51
ochosiknome: ?20:52
knomeochosi, i imagine two polls.20:52
Unit193There's also online docs which people use, so dropping is an option.20:52
knomeochosi, 1) frop abiword/gnumeric or not?20:52
knomeochosi, if 1) yes, 2) install LO?20:52
elfyyes - but vote 2 could depend on vote 120:52
ochosik, i'd be fine with two20:52
knomeelfy, yep.20:52
Unit193#vote drop gnumeric/abiword from the seed20:52
meetingologyPlease vote on: drop gnumeric/abiword from the seed20:52
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:52
meetingology-1 received from micahg20:52
meetingology+1 received from ochosi20:52
meetingology+1 received from elfy20:52
knomeand to make sure, +1 is DROP, -1 is NO DROP20:52
meetingology+1 received from slickymaster20:52
ochosiknome: yeah yeah ;)20:53
meetingology-1 received from Unit19320:53
knomeochosi, for the log readers and all.20:53
meetingology+0 received from knome20:53
Unit193Think that's everyone now.20:53
meetingologyVoting ended on: drop gnumeric/abiword from the seed20:53
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:2 Abstentions:120:53
meetingologyMotion carried20:53
Unit193Right, anyone wanting to carry that to the list? knome?20:54
elfyand the next one is to have calc and writer only? 20:54
ochosiknome: sure you do ;)20:54
knomeochosi can do that in the same email20:54
Unit193#vote Add Libreoffice or parts of it to the seed20:54
meetingologyPlease vote on: Add Libreoffice or parts of it to the seed20:54
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:54
meetingology-1 received from Unit19320:54
meetingology-1 received from micahg20:54
meetingology-1 received from knome20:54
meetingology+1 received from elfy20:54
meetingology+1 received from slickymaster20:54
ochosiknome: no, that would be too confusing20:54
knomeochosi, :P20:54
knomeochosi, i'll do it then... but in a way, this vote makes no sense until the vote on the ML has ended20:55
Unit193ochosi: Votre, man!20:55
knomebecause if most people want to keep abiword/gnumeric, we aren't installing LO..20:55
meetingology+0 received from ochosi20:55
meetingologyVoting ended on: Add Libreoffice or parts of it to the seed20:56
meetingologyVotes for:2 Votes against:3 Abstentions:120:56
meetingologyMotion denied20:56
knomeochosi, hah :P20:56
slickymasterso, no LO, no abiword and gnumeric20:56
Unit193#action ochosi to follow up the office discussion on the ML.20:56
meetingologyACTION: ochosi to follow up the office discussion on the ML.20:56
knomeyeah, based on this portion of the team20:56
knomeoopsie. now ochosi has to do it20:56
ochosiUnit193: maaaan20:56
Unit193#subtopic Default game change (mailing list discussion)20:57
micahghrm, I really think it needs to be one vote, unless we're looking to not have a replacement (or there are other alternatives besides LO(20:57
elfyand this one - I assume we're talking about sgt ? 20:57
Unit193micahg: Well, technically online docs or the KDE one.20:57
Unit193elfy: It's whatever you put on there. :D20:57
knomei would vote for the sgt-puzzles on ONE CONDITION20:58
elfyUnit193: I didn't ... 20:58
Unit193It doesn't look so ugly?20:58
knomethat somebody (bluesabre) makes a game selector app for it20:58
knomeand that it only appears as one menu item, not bazillion20:58
knomecurrently it's too obtrusive.20:58
elfyI'd not say that 20:58
knome...in my opinion20:59
elfyunless you happen to have bunches of games installed :)20:59
elfythen I'd agree with you 20:59
knomei have a few to tenish depending on the machine20:59
knomethe sheer amount of games is baffling.21:00
knomei wouldn't say it would be best to split them to separate packages...21:00
knome...but i'd like that personally. i only fancy less than 10 of them anyway21:00
elfyshall we shelve this and see what bluesabre's opinion on that possibility is first? 21:01
ochosifwiw, i'll put the office vote-stuff in one email since the votes are directly related21:01
knomeochosi, yep.21:01
knomeelfy, he's said it's possible, i wouldn't have brought it up otherwise :)21:01
Unit193elfy: Yes, was thinking the same.21:01
elfyknome: I assumed but that gets tricky in months time ;)21:02
knomeelfy, because?21:02
elfybecause then I find that what I assumed isn't the case ;)21:02
Unit193knome: How would you like to carry it on?  Re: meetingology?21:03
knomewe can surely get an official response from sean to this21:03
elfyand it'spossible isn't the same as it's possible and I've got time 21:03
knomei guess: what do other people feel about sgt-puxxles?21:03
elfys'ok 21:03
knomeis it worth even investigating to creating a game selector21:04
slickymasterI don't know it, but I honestly don't pay attention to games21:04
elfyI just think that 'games' in our install is stale - all we seem to have done is remove a couple and leave it21:04
knomebriefly, it's a collection of dozens of small puzzle games21:04
knomethat are a great short distraction21:04
knomenot something you'd play for hours21:05
Unit193So, I'm hearing a "Why bother?" "I don't really care." and "They are a short distraction."21:06
slickymasterthe way I see the discussion about the games is that everyone always use the argument that people paly them while installing the iso21:06
knomeUnit193, i was trying to give a brief description for them. i'm all +1 if we can get the number of menu items down.21:07
elfyand I'm +1 for ringing the changes 21:07
Unit193knome: Right, yours seems to reflect that.21:07
micahgneeds to use exo-open or xdg-open21:07
micahgwith that change, I'd be ok including it21:07
knomeon the other hand, if we decided to ship no games, i would be completely fine with that too21:07
Unit193Alright, so lets carry this forward to when bluesabre is here, alright?21:08
knomeso to be crystal clear...21:08
elfythen if we go that way and no abiword/gnumeric or replacement - just work with core 21:08
knomei'm "+0" on "ship games or not ship games", but if we are shipping, then i'm "+1 sgt-puzzles if they have a single launcher"21:08
Unit193Good to know.21:09
knomeelfy, but ff/tb/etc21:09
Unit193elfy: There's still afew things.21:09
elfyUnit193: I'm good with getting bluesabre's input before deciding 21:09
elfyUnit193: yea :)21:09
elfyknome: ^^21:09
knome#action knome to be in touch with bluesabre on sgt-puzzles launcher21:09
meetingologyACTION: knome to be in touch with bluesabre on sgt-puzzles launcher21:09
knomemove on.21:09
Unit193#subtopic March/Beta 2 Incentive winners21:10
elfyagain ...21:10
elfyI info'd that 21:10
elfyand I've mailed them both already21:10
Unit193Yep, it was there, wasn't sure if there's anything else to discuss.21:10
Unit193Alright, so we're moving on then.21:10
elfyI do have a point21:10
elfyhowever ... 21:10
Unit193Ah, great.21:10
elfyall the time we've been discussing this I've been - shouldn't include team21:11
elfybut as I do the figures every month I feel rather sorry for jjfrv8 ;)21:11
elfywho tests like a ninja21:11
ochosiwe could give him an honorary sticker?21:12
elfyor do a whole cycle for team winner set 21:12
elfyexcluding me though21:12
ochosiright, i'd be fine with either21:13
ochosipersonally, i dont think we have to make a rule up for everything21:13
elfyok - I'll check with pleia2 to make sure we've got enough - pretty sure we do21:13
Unit193Action? :D21:13
elfyunless anyone has an issue with that ofc21:13
knomepractically, we will run out of non-team testers who haven't won soon anyway...21:13
* knome hides21:13
slickymasterbad knome 21:14
elfyknome: I'm only too aware of how few people we have testing that tell us :(21:14
elfyUnit193: if nothing else - point made :)21:15
Unit193elfy: Ta.21:15
ochosii'm actually more optimistic after seeing the numbers21:15
Unit193#topic Announcements21:15
elfyfinal freeze next week 21:15
knomethe numbers aren't too bad.21:16
elfyand RC testing21:16
elfyif they do that21:16
Unit193#info 9th Non-Language Pack Translation Deadline21:16
elfyif not Final Release testing the following week21:16
slickymasternext thursday that one Unit193 21:16
Unit193#info 16th Final Freeze21:16
knomeslickymaster, "9th"21:17
Unit193slickymaster: Calendar seems to think 9th.21:17
elfyslickymaster: not according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseSchedule21:17
Unit193#info 26th Xubuntu 12.04 EOL21:17
Unit193Any others? micahg ?21:17
slickymasterbtw knome, did you saw isn't next thursday the 9th?!21:17
elfyoh yea - we going to do an announce on blog for 12.04 ? 21:17
slickymasterisn't next thursday the 9th?!21:17
micahgUnit193: you mean 10.04 EOL?21:17
micahgoh, no, that's right21:18
Unit193micahg: Xubuntu went for 3.21:18
knomemicahg, no, xubuntu 12.04 has only 3 years support..21:18
Unit193Hah, oh well. D:21:18
knomeslickymaster, Unit193 is right.21:18
knome#info 16th LanguagePackTranslationDeadline21:18
Unit193#topic anything else?21:20
Unit193Schedule next meeting21:20
knomewho's in turn order :P21:20
elfyslickymaster next21:20
Unit193Great, slickymaster has to schedule it, and all that jazz! :D21:20
slickymasterI'll do that later21:20
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Apr  7 21:20:58 2015 UTC.  21:20
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2015/xubuntu-devel.2015-04-07-20.00.moin.txt21:20
slickymasternot sure of my schedule for the coming days21:21
elfythanks Unit193 for your impeccable hanging about to run it for us :)21:21
slickymasterthanks Unit193 21:21
ochosik, mails sent21:23
elfythanks 21:23
Unit193Great, danke.21:23
* knome bows21:24
Unit193micahg: Thanks for turning up, always nice to have you.21:24
knomeUnit193, "...as lunch"?21:24
knomeom nom nom nom nom21:24
micahgUnit193: thanks21:25
Unit193He knows processes real well, very handy.21:25
Unit193== PART2 (only if PART1 is carried) ==  you mean, don't ship bother LO and GNOME office? :(21:26
knomeUnit193, ship lo, oo, gnome office and m$ word.21:27
ochosiwe'll ship all of that for 16.04 ;)21:28
elfyI'll hang about a bit longer then 21:28
Unit193knome: calligra too!21:29
elfycan we swap gmb for clementine now then21:29
knomeUnit193, and openttd.21:30
Unit193Sure, no problem.  Ship nightingale too.21:30
knomeelfy, no, but we can ship them both.21:30
ochosiand vlc!21:30
elfyha ha ha 21:30
knomeeg. every media player on the repositories21:30
* elfy bets a cuppa he's tried them already21:31
knomejust a cuppa... no gamble there21:32
elfyok  .... 21:32
drccuppa of 20 year old scotch21:33
* elfy bets the first cuppa of the day he's tried them already21:33
knomeelfy, doesn't the second one become the first then? :(21:33
elfytoo confusing by half21:34
knomefancy. Unit193 uses pad21:36
Unit193Only because I'm already logged in, won't touch it again though.21:36
elfyso you started it - but won't get to the end? 21:37
Unit193Nope, Ubuntu login will anger me and disallow me to login.21:38
bluesabregooooooooooooood evening!21:46
elfybluesabre: !!!21:46
elfywe pinged you loads :p21:46
bluesabrethunderstorming here, so likelyhood of having internet long is low21:46
bluesabresaw all the pings21:46
bluesabrewhere to start... :)21:46
bluesabreochosi: your proposed xfdesktop patch will leave us with no icons on the desktop if ubiquity fails or is cancelled21:47
bluesabresince it sets the xfconf settings21:47
bluesabremaking a launcher should be fairly simple, may need some artwork drawn, or a mockup of what we want21:48
bluesabrewe might be able to take it further and embed the game windows, maybe21:49
bluesabrebut a launcher is easier and faster21:49
knomebluesabre, just a dropdown or selection list would suffice.21:49
bluesabreknome: how many games are in the package?21:50
knomeartwork? i guess you can use the game icons if you want to be fancy :)21:50
knomebluesabre, like 20-3021:50
bluesabreyeah, I was thinking of a nice icon or card-style launcher21:50
knomebluesabre, and it's possible that it grows, so the solution needs to take that into account21:50
bluesabrek, good to know21:50
elfybluesabre: on a 1920x1080 monitor - expanding whisker to top - just about grabs them all 21:51
elfyyep - yikes21:51
bluesabreI might start hacking something together for that this week21:51
bluesabremaybe even a more generic xfce games launcher like settings manager21:52
elfyso entirely possible and something that we could get voted on next time then 21:52
bluesabreyeah, definitely doable21:52
ochosibluesabre: if ubiquity fails? but yeah, i mean that's the same that would happen with feh... and we still have a right-click menu on the desktop21:53
bluesabrewith feh, the normal session is start21:53
bluesabrewith xfdesktop, the normal session is started21:54
bluesabrethe difference is that xfconf holds the persistent setting that we apply21:54
knomebluesabre, start with one for sgt-puzzles, and consider the work you need to do to add it in the package too :P21:54
ochosiyeah, but only in the ubiquity-dm-only sessio21:54
bluesabrexfconf settings are per-user, does the ubiquity session use a different user?21:55
ochosihm, let me quickly test that21:55
elfycan I just ask a question here, why do we actually have the extra screen at all? 21:55
ochosiwell, it's already there, i don't think we can do anything about it21:56
elfylubuntu doesn't have it 21:56
ochosiit doesn't?21:56
elfynot that I remember 21:56
bluesabreextra screen as in Install/Live ?21:57
elfyI'll shut up now till I double check that21:57
ochosii guess the installer session only makes sense if it uses significantly less memory21:59
elfycan't check lubuntu fails with that horrid pwconv /etc/passwd 0600 issue atm 22:00
ochosi243MiB for the installer22:00
pleia2elfy: we have plenty of stickers, just tell me where to send them and happy to22:00
elfypleia2: okey doke :)22:01
pleia2elfy: also, at the end of the cycle I think maybe a blog post that lists all the winners and thanks them again22:01
pleia2since we haven't done a great job of celebrating them on social media (my fault)22:01
elfypleia2: that sounds useful for sure22:02
elfyand next week or so will do a reminder of it pre-final testing, so when that comes up - social mediaing it would be good :)22:02
elfyand with that - the day's done for me :)22:03
elfynight all22:03
ochosibluesabre: crap yeah, so it's persistent :/22:03
pleia2elfy: yep, just ping me, I'm traveling again next week so will need poking :)22:05
* bluesabre is delighted and saddened that he is right at the same time22:05
ochosiso installer (243MiB) vs. live (297MiB)22:06
ochosielfy: ^22:06
ochosiactually the xfce session itself is really light (~215MiB), ubiquity is a huge memory hog22:07
Unit193ochosi: Helps more for Unity.22:10
ochosiyeah ofc22:10
ochosibluesabre: i pushed some tiny fixes/improvements to parole today btw22:46
bluesabreochosi: I saw, nice work :)22:47
ochosioh, and i updated the parole docs22:49
ochosiadded that hidden setting there22:49
ochosi(the timeout for hiding the controls)22:49
Subsentientochosi: you're an XFCE dev then?22:51
Subsentientochosi: On the topic of parole, I can't get it to link against gtk2.22:51
SubsentientI'm using 0.5.x as a result22:51
ochosiyeah, we dropped gtk2 support after 0.522:51
ochosiso that's very much expected22:52
SubsentientCouldn't just keep both available?22:52
SubsentientI suppose I can kinda see why that might be, but it's unfortunate nonetheless.22:53
micahgI don't know if we'll get rid of GTK2 for 16.04, hopeful for 18.0422:53
SubsentientIt's a shame. I liked gtk2.22:53
micahgyes, but it's not really supported anymore22:54
micahg(by GNOME)22:54
SubsentientI know.22:54
SubsentientIt's still good code. I'll miss it. GTK 3 is alright, but I'd still rather have gtk 2. :^)22:54
Subsentientochosi: Oh, BTW, I should probably put it on the tracker but I'm lazier than a slot stuck in tar, so I wanted to just ask if the devs were aware of clicking "arrange icons" usually placing some of them offscreen on 4.1222:57
ochosii think there are some fixes for that already23:00
SubsentientYeh I compiled 4.12 the day after it came out. :^D23:01
SubsentientThe new power manager is pretty nice23:01
knomeSubsentient, i very much encourage you to report bugs and test results. it helps us as lot.23:02
Unit193Subsentient: Whatcha doin' with aqu4?23:11
SubsentientUnit193: I just like keeping her around in channels I frequent for logging and utility purposes. She won't bother anyone.23:12
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.23:22
knomeSubsentient, may i ask you, what might the utility purpose be? and, are the logs private only, or can somebody else get access to them as well?23:27

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