
=== mgagne is now known as Guest39926
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
smosercn28h, hm...13:33
smoseryou might be able to use 'vendordata'13:33
smoserto accomplish what you want.13:33
smoserharlowja_away, directory structure ? in a file ?13:34
smoserit has to be multi-part file. tar would work, but it has to be some sort of archive as user-data is only single thing.13:34
cn28hsmoser: is that an alternative datasource? Trying to find details in the docs13:38
smoservendor-data is user-data for vendors13:39
smosercloud-inti reads from those 2 places13:39
cn28hah, I see what you are saying13:39
smoserthe user wins13:39
smoserbut your user (the ap thats using user-data) wont trump anything you're putting into vendor-data.13:39
smoseryou can set vendor-data in openstack13:39
smoseras implemented in openstack, its static, but the class that does it allows it to be dynamic if you needed that.13:40
smoseri think you're in the position where you could do that, right ?13:40
smoserwhere you could set vendor data 13:40
cn28hpotentially -- the other wrinkle is that the service that's launching the VM instance doesn't allow us to have much control over the details of how they get launched (it's intended to be an abstraction layer with jclouds, but right now only supports openstack so mostly just gets in the way :x)13:41
smosercn28h, right. you dont have to.13:44
smoservendor-data goes to every instance.13:44
cn28hoh I see13:44
cn28hactually that could be pretty useful13:44
cn28hand vendor data is per tenant I'm hoping?13:45
smoserwell, its global as implemented in openstack.13:45
smoserbasically there is a config option13:45
smoserthat says what class to load13:45
smoserand by default it loads the one that just reads a static json file on the nova compute host13:45
cn28hah, hm13:46
smoserbut you can replace that class with whatever you want and it returns a python dictionary that is then proviced.13:46
smoserit'd be pretty easy to add your own implementation there, and it has access to stuff it would need to make it per-tenant.13:46
cn28hyeah, that could be interesting, hm13:47
smoserthe class configured in the config file is provided the instance, address, extra_md, network_info.13:48
smoseri suspet from the instance you can get the user13:48
cn28haha, cool13:49
suro-patzWith some locally committed modification, I built the rpm using 'make rpm' - Now when I am trying to install the rpm onto RHEL6 system, it is complaining about pyserial, even though I manually installed pyserial-2.6, as the local python version is 2.6.616:18
suro-patzHas anybody encountered something similar?16:18
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
harlowjasuro-patz do u have any more information than that?17:22
harlowjalike what is the error...17:22
harlowjasuro-patz how did u manually install pyserial?17:22
harlowjasmoser maybe a tar file; why couldn't the sturcuture just be userdata/data and child directories if that includes others...17:23
harlowjawith some kind of sequencing of those children so we know the order17:24
harlowjasuro-patz if u manually installed it via pip, well pip and rpm aren't aware of each other (they are different package managers)17:24
smoserharlowja, for sure we could support tar as the userdata/data format.17:25
smoserbut we'd still want to have a mime-type like info in there.17:25
harlowjasure; so that could also existing in a data.metdata file or something17:26
harlowjaif we wanted17:26
smoserright? ie, so your '#!/bin/sh' could be 'boot-hook' or 'user-script'17:26
smoserwe can definitely do that. also there is the other archive format17:26
harlowjajust thinking that regular files with some defined layout could do the same17:26
smoserwhich is something to that effect.17:26
smoserbut tar is an option also.17:26
harlowjaya, something to think about17:26
harlowjatar would be nice17:27
smoseror , as we support and embrace our windows bretheren , zip17:27
harlowjai try not to embrace windows to muhc17:27
harlowjabill gates and i don't embrace to well17:27
smoseron interesting thing about mime is that it *is* streaming17:27
harlowjahaven't hugged in a while17:27
alexpilottiharlowja: I can hear you! :-)17:27
smosereach pice can be operated on and reacted to as its reaad17:27
smosertar is too, but not if you shove an index in it :)17:28
harlowjaalexpilotti do u and billy g. hug alot?17:28
harlowjaor i guess its the new CEO guy17:28
harlowjawhats his name17:28
smoserbilly g gives more hugs though17:29
=== Guest39926 is now known as mgagne
smosermy favorite bill g clip: https://vimeo.com/7049860117:29
harlowjasmoser nice17:31
harlowjabilly g so mean, lol17:31
harlowjasmoser alexpilotti claudiupopa u will be in vancouver?17:33
claudiupopaharlowja: no, I won't be there.17:34
suro-patzharlowja: Yes I had installed pyserial manually using pip. Finally I could go around using —nodeps option for rpm, as I could all the dependencies were present17:36
harlowjasuro-patz ya, u can't mix pip packaging and rpm and expect them to be aware of each other17:36
harlowjathey don't know of each other17:36
harlowja*since they are independent packaging systems17:37
suro-patzThe error was a simple/generic one - "error: Failed dependencies:17:37
suro-patzpyserial is needed by cloud-init-0.7.7-bzr1083.el6.noarch"17:37
harlowjayup, thats because of all that i mentioned above17:38
alexpilottiharlowja: I will be in Vancouver18:38

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