
jrandallI'm hoping someone here might be able to help with a failed `juju upgrade-juju` - I ran it a few hours ago to upgrade from 1.21.1 to 1.22.0, but it failed and now my agent is stuck in an error state01:15
jrandall(I also emailed juju@lists.ubuntu.com, but thought I'd try here as well)01:16
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apuimedolazyPower: ping06:31
lazyPowerapuimedo: o/ pong06:31
apuimedolazyPower: what kind of timezone are you in?06:32
lazyPowerEDT - but you're on my watch list so i get pings sent to my mobile.06:32
lazyPowerWhats up?06:33
apuimedoomg, I'm so sorry about that. ping me when you get up in the morning06:33
apuimedoit's just to discuss about the review you sent me ;-)06:33
lazyPowerNo worries mate06:33
lazyPowerI'll be around in ~ 5 or 6 hours.06:33
apuimedovery well :-)06:34
apuimedoEnjoy some rest06:34
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vilaI can't 'juju status' anymore on a local deployment I made last week-end12:55
vilavivid/1.22.0-0ubuntu1 (hmm, upgraded from 1.20 this morning... can this be related ?)12:56
vilajuju status just hangs12:56
vilawhat can I do to get some better diagnosis ?12:56
vilaafter a long timeout (~10mins given my previous msg ;) juju status dies with: WARNING discarding API open error: unable to connect to "wss://localhost:17070/environment/65ccd21a-868f-42fe-85b2-72084fb6ceb9/api"13:05
vilasome question remains though: how do I debug this further ?13:05
schkovichvila: do you have a firewall enabled on juju state server?13:47
lazyPowerapuimedo: pong )13:48
vilaschkovich: nope, no firewall13:49
vilabut I was finally able to boot vivid with systemd instead of upstart and I wonder if that may explain it...13:49
lazyPowervila: systemd wasn't supported until 1.23 - here's a mailing list post on it13:50
vilafinally == I got a fix this morning so I could stop booting with upstart instead of the default systemd13:50
lazyPowerif you're working with 1.22 - it makes sense that you're running into issues, really sorry about that.13:50
vilalazyPower: that's expected when running a dev release isn't it ;-) Thanks for confirming, I already feels much better !13:51
lazyPowerwell 1.23 is the dev release currently :)13:52
vilalazyPower: yeah, was referring to vivid but same idea ;)13:52
lazyPowergood call :D13:53
vilalazyPower: I was forced to use upstart until today and I didn't realize this could have an impact on juju until I tried 'juju status' ;)13:53
vilabut my juju deployed lxc container did start and works properly13:54
vilalazyPower: so, I'd like to keep running vivid/systemd, I can re-create my local deployment if needed, will I be able to do that with juju 1.23 knowing that I want to deploy on trusty and precise lxc containers ?13:56
vila(and I'd prefer to switch back to stable juju asap but that can wait a bit if needed ;)13:57
lazyPowervila: yeah, 1.23 should be fine for you to use in dev. I'm using it daily here and its been pretty stable but i'm also on trusty13:59
lazyPowerso ymmv - but i know that 1.23 in vivid is better supported than 1.22 - and you get the added benefit of the new features enabled by default like juju actions13:59
lazyPowerupgrading from 1.23 when it lands as stable should be no trouble as well, just juju upgrade-juju14:00
vilalazyPower: ack, thanks14:00
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lfformangood morning16:29
lfformani am new to juju, and i am trying to add an existing DigitalOcean machine to my juju environment, with the add-machine command. my issue is that the ssh port to this server is not the standard port 22, where do I state the ssh port I want to use?16:31
lazyPowerlfforman: great question, let me spin up a DO environment and inspect16:32
lazyPower1 moment16:32
lfformanok, thanks16:32
lazyPowerlfforman: this is taking a moment, it appears my node(s) are getting hung up in provisioning on DO16:45
lazyPowersorry about the delay16:45
lfformanlazyPower: I had to get off my computer for a minute i am back16:55
lazyPowerok, i'm reconfiguring the node to accept ssh on a non standard port atm16:55
lazyPowerfinally got my machines out of pending in the DO gui16:55
lazyPowerit was strange, it doesn't normally give me fits like this :) it must know i'm up to no good16:56
lazyPowerlfforman: i'm not seeing a clear path forward to do this addition,t he command simply errors out with positional arguments :|17:02
lazyPowerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/10774659/ is what i'm seeing17:02
lfformanthis is the same result i’ve got17:04
lazyPowerlfforman: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/144174917:06
mupBug #1441749: Add-Machine does not support non-standard ssh port <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441749>17:06
lfformani am going to have lunch, thank you for the help17:06
lazyPoweryou may want to mark that bug as affects you so you can follow along with any new developments.17:06
lazyPowersorry about not having good news, cheers mate17:07
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apuimedolazyPower: hi. I hope it's not too late20:44
lazyPowero/ apuimedo nope not too late.20:47
apuimedolazyPower: I fixed the markdown20:49
apuimedomoved the .venvs to each charm20:49
lazyPoweryeah :| sorry about that - but you'll thank me when we get this in CI20:49
lazyPowerhaving the .venv in ../ was going to cause problems20:50
apuimedolazyPower: I'm still wondering about if I should just give up and have it all in bazaar20:50
lazyPoweryou can still track upstream and vendor into bzr20:50
lazyPoweri wrote a tool fo rthis20:50
apuimedolazyPower: that would come in handy :P20:50
apuimedoThe icons I'll handle next week20:51
lazyPowerits relatively new, so if you encounter any bugs with git-vendor bugs are welcome :)20:51
apuimedolazyPower: I wish I had time20:51
lazyPowerthe changelog support is pending, but tag exports are working well, I've been using it on the docker/kubernetes charms20:51
apuimedoI'd write a guide on the service framework too20:51
apuimedoafter having read the code20:52
apuimedoto find the small things20:52
lazyPowernew stuff for that as well - the services framework has some backwords incompatible changes coming that cory_fu will be sending out as soon as the docs are sorted20:52
apuimedothat sounds like it's going to keep me busy20:53
lazyPowerare you installing charmehlpers from pip?20:53
cory_fuThe changes are not that significant, really20:53
lazyPowerif you're following the embedded pattern no change is required.20:53
apuimedoI gave up on that20:53
apuimedoI failed two deployments due to some breaking commit20:53
cory_fuThe docs for the new version are available here, for comparison, if you want a heads-up: http://big-data-charm-helpers.readthedocs.org/en/latest/20:54
apuimedowell, a change will be required the next time I want to rebase ;-)20:54
apuimedowhich I'd like to be in the same 6 months cycle as openstack20:54
apuimedolazypower: about the purpose of the midonet-repository interface20:55
lazyPowerah yes, do tell20:55
apuimedoit's a configuration provider charm20:55
apuimedobasically, the charms that relate to it20:55
lazyPowerok, so its essentially an orchestrator for the services, and covers all the charms shared config?20:55
apuimedoget the repository and release information20:55
cory_fuHere's a side-by-side comparison of the changes: http://i.imgur.com/lR9Z60W.png  I'm hopeful it won't be too onerous20:56
apuimedoso that they can render that information as part of their puppet hiera.yaml20:56
apuimedolazyPower: only the repo info for now20:56
apuimedono more shared things20:56
apuimedoit saves you from having many subordinate deploying going around20:56
lazyPoweri understand why you chose that pattern, makes sense to me20:57
apuimedoand the rendering is common20:57
apuimedoso it's not really code duplication, it's similar to charm-helpers embedding20:57
lazyPoweri still have 3 of the midonet charms to look at, but everything i saw in the first three was extremely good - just some minor nit cleanups for the store really.20:57
apuimedoonly that instead of pulling, I push from my git repo into the charms20:57
lazyPowerhave you built a bundle for the midonet stack?20:57
apuimedolazyPower: thanks ;-)20:57
apuimedolazyPower: I'm doing so now20:58
apuimedothis week20:58
lazyPowerbundle + tests will = quick win during final review20:58
apuimedoI'm basing it off the openstack bundle20:58
apuimedostill fighting some minor issues in some hooks though20:58
lazyPowerthats exactly what I was looking for - to see if you were going to consume the existing openstack bundle, and bolt onto it20:58
apuimedoyes, something like that20:59
lazyPowerhttps://jujucharms.com/openstack/ <-- this will become a topic page in the next week or so when the UI Engineering team finishes the release20:59
lazyPowerbut i think this is a good place to get started anyway :)20:59
apuimedoone thing I wanted to ask. To submit my change to charm-helpers and neutron-api I did it in the next branches20:59
apuimedoso that it would be upstreamed20:59
lazyPoweryep, thats the process - submit against next, the charmhelpers guardians review + release.20:59
apuimedobut for deployment in production, how crazy is it to deploy that neutron-api?21:00
apuimedo(my changes over next)21:00
lazyPowerneutron is always the troublemaker for me21:00
apuimedolazyPower: s/me/everybody/21:00
lazyPower^ that21:00
apuimedocory_fu: thanks for the comparison21:00
cory_funp.  I didn't want you getting scared from what lazyPower said.  :p21:01
lazyPower:D its not untrue21:02
apuimedoso I think I'll backport the changes to neutron-api for current production21:02
lazyPowerjust call me lazy, master of FUD21:02
apuimedoFun Understanding and Discipline?21:03
apuimedocory_fu: have you considered having the services framework be provided by the agent?21:07
apuimedoin a juju namespace21:07
apuimedofrom juju.helpers import services21:07
cory_fuWe hadn't, really, no.  Seems like the same could be suggested of most of the things in charmhelpers21:09
apuimedocory_fu: I think it would make quite a bit of sense21:10
apuimedothings like hookenv and such21:10
apuimedobundled with agent releases21:10
apuimedoon the same cycle21:10
cory_fuI don't really disagree.21:10
apuimedowell, that's almost an agreement :P21:11
blrcory_fu: how's the service framework refactor going?21:12
cory_fuI think the main argument against is that Juju is intended to be as language agnostic as possible.  So, bundling specific language bindings with the agent, and more so single language only features like the framework, go against that21:13
cory_fu(Though, I'd also like to work toward making the patterns, at least, of the framework more language agnostic, as well)21:13
cory_fublr: Really well.  I think it's just about ready to MP against upstream.  I linked a preview of the docs for the new version above (http://big-data-charm-helpers.readthedocs.org/) as well as a side-by-side comparison image that I'm going to include in my upgrade path doc (http://i.imgur.com/lR9Z60W.png)21:15
blrcory_fu: neat, will have a look.21:15
blrcory_fu: looks good, 'requires', 'callback' and 'cleanup' are clearer.21:21
blrcory_fu: partial is new presumably?21:22
blroh that's from functools, nvm :)21:22
cory_fupartial is built-in, part of functools21:22
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blrcory_fu: are you working on systemd support yet?21:26
lazyPowerapuimedo: the takeaway is you're almost ready for teh final review? like in the mid to late 90% range?21:27
cory_fuNope, but I think that would just involve a change to host.service_*21:27
blrcory_fu: will that release break the api? By the looks of it, upgrading our charms should be quite easy however.21:30
cory_fuThe new version of the framework will definitely not be entirely backwards compatible, but, as you said, I don't expect the changes required to be too bad.  If deemed necessary, we could possibly even come up with a compatibility layer to ease the transition, but I'm reluctant to do that unless really necessary.21:32
blrcory_fu: ok, will convey that to ci, they've been using the services framework too.21:33
cory_fuThanks.  Do let me know if a compat layer is something that we should look into21:34
blrour charms are reasonably simple, but I can't speak for others.21:34
apuimedolazyPower: :-)21:35
apuimedoI'll be as soon as my bundle works21:35
apuimedoI'd say 90%21:36
apuimedolazyPower: not for the amulet part, unfortunately21:36
apuimedoso the 90% is over-optimistic because of that21:36
lazyPowerWould it be helpful if we sta down and had a quick hour long charm school over amulet tests?21:37
lazyPowerwe can riff and start writing tests while pairing21:37
apuimedolazyPower: that sounds really good for next week. I'll talk with my team tomorrow morning CEST and I'll shoot you an email ;-)21:39
lazyPowerSound good, i know for sure theres no way i can do it on Monday - but later on next week it shouldn't be an issue21:39
cory_fuAlright, I have to head out.  Got to finish packing to head to Germany tomorrow.  :)21:45
apuimedocory_fu: have a nice trip21:46
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