
=== rperier_ is now known as rperier
Peace-vividi am testing kubuntu 07:15
Peace-vividand :07:15
Peace-vividdolphin freeze when i open a file with kate07:16
Peace-vividenergy saving stuff doesn't work i mean i can't ge my monitor always turn on even putting 99 minutes07:16
Peace-vividi have seen a lots of crash of plasma 07:16
Peace-vivid:D it's a disaster 07:16
Peace-vividplasma 5 it's not ready 07:17
xennex81i would agree that plasma5 is nowhere near ready, from what I've seen07:26
xennex81after upgrade (live upgrade) to 15.04, kde wouldn't even log me out, and logging in takes very long07:27
xennex81it's worthless to me at present. Themes also don't work well, by default you cannot select Air with good panel (taskbar) look, and Breeze Dark wouldn't even apply. Icon theme takes a restart (or logout/login) to register or make it through. I get half my icons then in the old theme, half in the new. All weird.07:28
xennex81most window decoration themes are too transparent to even be useful because the window behind always shines through and makes text hardly readable.07:29
xennex81at least everything to do with oxygen and the like07:29
xennex81transparency is a killer here and not a good one07:30
xennex81they are pushing it with the default configuration and nothing else, but that's not KDE07:31
xennex81the change to SDDM in itself is questionable07:31
xennex81when the old configuration was not even up to par yet, too many changes too fast07:33
Peace-vividi dunno but for me another release with kde4 would be better 07:35
Peace-vividthis kubuntu would be like the old ages kde4.0 disaster release07:36
Peace-vividmaybe a little better07:36
Peace-vividkde4 was very terrible with 0 release 07:36
valoriehmmm, I have breeze dark07:46
valoriedolphin doesn't freeze when it starts a file with Kate07:47
valorieand no plasma crashes07:47
valoriebut I have a fresh install07:47
valorieI had the first crash today for weeks07:48
valorieand that was apport, nothing to do with plasma 07:48
sitterRiddell, ScottK: konversation 1.6 final on its way to the queue07:58
xennex81i don't know, I think the upgrade should be similar to the fresh install, but the alpha 2 fresh install did not have those issues at least not the login/logout issues for me08:18
xennex81and hi val08:19
xennex81but at present i am seriously thinking of just debugging the plasma-desktop issues myself08:20
xennex81that i have08:20
xennex81just dedicate a few weeks to reading its source and starting to see what's wrong or what could be wrong08:20
xennex81profiling etc.08:21
xennex81that is, after all, the beautiful thing of open source ;-).08:21
xennex81but I don't even have KDE installed right now, I'm in Ubuntu GNOME08:22
xennex81trying to see how it compares08:22
xennex81and the customizability is great, it is just impossible to find at first08:22
soeeoh you dont know what is good :D08:35
soeexennex81: if you want to dig into plasma, you will get  help at #plasma08:36
xennex81right thanks08:36
xennex81there is just a resource hog inside that process that kills my fun in kde4/kubuntu 14.1008:37
xennex81plasma5 is now blazing fast in comparison08:37
Peace-vividvalorie: i did a fresh install new user but i got crashes08:37
xennex81but I still don't know yet if it has to do with SDDM/Lightdm or not at all...08:37
soeetrue, and hey this week Plasma 5.3 beta will be released :)08:37
xennex81so kde4/kubuntu 14.10 boots up real fast I'm in the system within a minute easily, but it slows down after a few minutes and in the end it is so unresponsive that i can't use it anymore08:38
soeeoh wait, tars this week, beta next08:38
Peace-vividvalorie: try this , go in the home directory , then try to open bashrc file with kate08:38
xennex81i think it works for her, but there may be anomalies due to whatever? GPU drivers?08:39
soeewell vivid migt be slower when booting, dunno how much it is related to switch to systemd08:39
xennex81not sure... at all.08:39
Peace-vividxennex81: could you try this too ?08:39
xennex81so many changes makes it hard to single out the causes for any user08:39
Peace-vividtry this , go in the home directory , then try to open bashrc file with kate xennex8108:39
xennex81i don't have kubuntu installed right now08:39
xennex81maybe in a few days again08:39
xennex81i am just bitching about in Gnome :P08:40
Peace-vividio have kubuntu 15.04 and kubuntu 14.0408:40
xennex81to get a better grasp of the Ubuntu ecosystem/phletora08:40
soeePeace-vivid: opens fine for me08:40
xennex81i guess08:40
xennex81but the annoyance that has been there for a while is:08:40
Peace-vividsoee: open righ t, then try to work now on dolphin 08:40
soeebut mu .bashrc is a symlink to file in my cloud server08:40
Peace-vividsoee: it should be freezed 08:40
soeePeace-vivid: works fine08:41
xennex81"open folder" in firefox opens up in either wine-browser or in gwenview-explorer08:41
xennex81but not in dolphin08:41
Peace-vividsoee: have you tried to enter in another folder ?08:41
xennex81i have seen a report about that before, months ago08:42
soeePeace-vivid: yes, i can navigate, view files, show hidden etc etc08:42
Peace-vividxennex81: that shoudl be easy to fix08:42
xennex81i know, i guess08:42
xennex81but if its the default that it don't work08:43
xennex81that's very annoying for a regular or new or even experienced user08:43
xennex81because it means you need to spend time fixing small things08:43
Peace-vividsoee: damn why i have this shit then http://i.imgur.com/bLhyqUu.png08:43
xennex81and there can be many08:43
xennex81you said kate uses dolphin to open a file right08:44
xennex81and it locks or anything08:44
Peace-vividxennex81: no08:44
soeePeace-vivid: i have no idea tbh. try starting dolphin from konsole and see if it outputs some data08:44
Peace-vividxennex81: dolphin => select a text file => right click => open with kate => back to dolphin => dolphin freezed08:44
xennex81dolphin tries to open Kate on a file?08:44
xennex81back to dolphin means: close Kate, or alt-tab?08:45
Peace-vividdo not close anythging 08:45
Peace-vividjust switch app08:45
xennex81sounds perhaps like a permission thing to me, but not sure of course08:45
Peace-vividxennex81: it's not permission08:47
Peace-vividxennex81:  soee look at this http://i.imgur.com/ZeeqWRi.png08:47
soeePeace-vivid: what if you disable samba 08:48
soeethose locations that use it08:48
Peace-vividmm i guess i have not samba 08:49
Peace-vividlet me check 08:49
Peace-vividinfact no samba installed08:49
xennex81lol i could install kate and see what it does with nautilus, but I don't think that will help :P08:49
Peace-vividi will try to install then 08:49
soeealso check if you might have some extra services enabled in dolphin that might cause it08:50
xennex81nah don't worry08:50
soeebut it happens only when kate is running ?08:50
xennex81i would see if there is anything other, different file types, etcetera08:50
xennex81it would be weird if it was singled out to just kate right?08:50
xennex81what about another editor?08:50
Peace-vividafter close kate i got this 08:50
Peace-vividwait for upload08:51
xennex81the key to chaining into kate can't be all that special, even if its a homeborn kde app08:51
soeePeace-vivid: some not so ogn bug report https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33909408:51
ubottuKDE bug 339094 in general "Dolphin hangs up when opening a file in Kate from it. Only happen when using a already open kate session." [Normal,Resolved: fixed]08:51
soeePeace-vivid: read the last bug comment what it fixes08:52
Peace-vividsoee: mm try the solutiion 08:52
xennex81i've had issues before in plasma5 that a regular app would not start08:52
xennex81that i started using alt-F208:52
xennex81at one point I could not open a Konsole that way, I believe08:53
xennex81exactly the same right? Peace-vivid08:54
soeebut this shoudl work in BEta 2 as it uses 5.2.208:54
soeePeace-vivid: are you running Vivid with latest updates ?08:55
Peace-vividsoee: i guess so 08:55
Peace-vividi did  my wonderfull alias yesterday 08:55
Peace-vividi just did u ; g -y and i got   sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade08:56
xennex81so dolphin hangs because it wants to display the error message "cannot open /usr/bin/kate"08:56
xennex81and the -b flag to kate would not stall it because it goes into daemon mode or something08:56
xennex81or background08:56
xennex81i don't know08:57
Peace-vividin backgroud i tried to remove -b 08:57
Peace-vividand it at least doesn't hangs08:57
xennex81oh, to remove it08:57
xennex81right, so same thing exactly?08:57
xennex81the patch changed Kate08:58
xennex81not dolphin (weird place to fix it then...)08:59
Peace-vividi guess i solved my problem soee thank you for diggin out the solution08:59
soeePeace-vivid: cool :)08:59
xennex81easy patch too :P09:00
xennex81i am still not too happy about using git myself09:00
xennex81it is or seems to extremely complicated09:00
xennex81just working in another branch has its score of difficulties09:00
soeegit ? :)09:01
=== Peace-vivid is now known as Peace-
xennex81how to you branch and then selectively add or commit the changes when you merge?09:01
xennex81i still don't know09:01
soeeoh well i wont argue as i m using it since i started versioning code and dont know alternatives :)09:01
xennex81i can go into a branch, then do a git stash (or git stash -u I guess)09:01
xennex81then checkout that stash into the branch09:02
xennex81then drop the stash for the remainder09:02
xennex81and then merge that I guess09:02
xennex81but I haven't done it very well yet, I'm still learning09:02
xennex81i only used SVN momentarily back in the day09:02
xennex81but it uses absolute copies of branches, which feels safe09:03
xennex81real copies09:03
Peace-xennex81: i use git with dolphin :D09:03
sitterthat sounds awfully complicated regardless of what you want to do :P09:03
xennex81it may very well be :P09:03
xennex81when i change something i want to work in a fresh directory09:03
xennex81that's the definition of a branch mostly09:03
xennex81but git only has a working directory09:04
xennex81so you branch and you checkout and then the working directory is your branch09:04
xennex81feels unsafe, but okay, but still...09:04
xennex81your safety depends on knowing how not to ruin things :P09:05
xennex81that is git to me :)09:05
xennex81i learned that you also need a rebase option to pull or you get in trouble with merges09:05
sittergit doesn't really have a directory at all. git has commit objects that contain stuff and when put together they form the repo content09:06
xennex81i have often had a rebase followed by a pull and the pull adds all of the commits of the remote (origin) to the stack that is already there09:06
xennex81so then suddenly I have not 20 commits (for example) but 4009:06
xennex81which cannot be applied all, because they conflict09:06
xennex81and the only way I have been able to go aroudn that is to use push -f or push origin +master09:07
xennex81haha yeah09:07
soeesitter: your eyes ... :D09:07
sitterI think you should read a guid to merge and rebase :P09:07
xennex81i ahve09:07
xennex81i have09:07
xennex81not all yet09:07
xennex81there is a very good guide somewhere09:07
xennex81i have been printing it09:07
xennex81but it says very very very little on merges09:07
xennex81maybe because it should already be clear, I skipped a part09:08
xennex81anyway I am just learning and experimenting09:08
xennex81i can't print at this point, printer driver not installed etc09:10
xennex81i use git log --oneline a lot now09:11
xennex81and git log --stats09:11
xennex81but git does have a working directory, it just changes the structure of the visible directory(ies) to whatever you have checked out09:11
xennex81which means constantly moving and deleting and adding files09:11
xennex81or perhaps I don't know09:11
xennex81let's say it maintains a working directory09:12
xennex81can you reproduce that working directory when you just have the .git directory? Of course, should be possible with checkout?09:13
xennex81but i like pushing the stash and then doing checkout -p09:14
xennex81checkout -p stash i think09:14
xennex81i really like reviewing my changes09:14
xennex81before commit.......................09:14
Riddelltsdgeos: about distro ended up in kinfocenter for kinfocenter10:18
BluesKajHowdy folks10:59
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=== clockwork is now known as benonsoftware
soee_konversation update landed in vivd :)11:08
Riddellsitter: plasma-sdk is likely to come to plasma 5.3, is it on the todo list fo CIing?11:13
sitternever heared of it11:15
* sitter thinks people should announce changes like moving into a release scope and porting on the release team list11:17
sitterRiddell: I'll take a look once I am done breaking the volume applet11:17
sitterRiddell: also I am not sure I am confident with moving it into plasma 5.3, might be better to have it do a standalone release allowing for faster iteration and then move into 5.411:19
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
Peace-soee: :) i did my job   look at the minimize maximize close buttons :D http://i.imgur.com/Jb6nwqL.png13:19
soeePeace-: now close button is most important on whole desktop :D as it is biggest one13:23
sitteryofel: you'll be happy to hear that I just wrote a lint test to make sure CI'd builds have a Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git|Bzr set ;)15:52
ovidiu-florinis kubuntu-backports ppa still valid?17:40
ovidiu-florindoes it provide KF5? os just KDE SC 4?17:40
Riddellovidiu-florin: kubuntu-ppa/backports is the PPA, it provides backports to the more recently released version of kubuntu which 14.10 KDE SC 417:42
Riddellbut it will provide backports of Plasma 5 for vivid once that's out17:42
ovidiu-florinwe're starting to get adoption of KDevelop and other KDE applications at work17:43
ovidiu-florinand of course everybody wants the latest17:43
ovidiu-florinbut they are mostly using Ubuntu LTS17:43
ovidiu-florinso I'm looking for which ppa do they need to get the latest KDE on the latest Ubuntu LTS syste17:44
Riddellmm, lts is stable and doesn't tend to get updates17:44
ovidiu-florinthey won't run Plasma17:44
ovidiu-florinever IMO17:44
ovidiu-florinthey just need the applications,17:45
ovidiu-florinso no kwin, no plasma, nothing else17:45
ovidiu-florinjust apps and their depencencies17:45
ovidiu-florinso is kubuntu-ppa/backports what I'm looking for?17:48
Riddellovidiu-florin: yep, it has KDE SC 4.14.2 in it17:50
ovidiu-florinRiddell: I see in backports I still have KDevelop 4.7.017:52
ovidiu-florinKDevelop 4.7.1 was release almost 2 months abo17:52
ovidiu-florinif not more17:52
Riddellovidiu-florin: right nobody is doing those backports currently, it needs more person-power17:59
soeewe need good kubuntu promoton to get more users willing to help :)18:00
Riddellmaybe xennex81 wants to become an elite packager and do more backports :)18:02
xennex81huh, what? :P18:02
ovidiu-florinxennex81: do you want to package KDevelop 4.7.1?18:02
xennex81you mean backports from a newer version of Kubuntu to an older?18:03
ovidiu-florinRiddell: I thought the packaging process was automatic. Isn't it?18:03
xennex81I don't know I don't have the stability yet18:03
xennex81to do anything fancy18:03
Riddellxennex81: stability of what?18:04
xennex81personal life18:04
soeeshouldnt we support current and LTS ?18:04
soee(with packages)18:04
Riddellovidiu-florin: alas not yet18:04
Riddellsoee: ideally yet, but person-power is lacking18:04
ovidiu-florinRiddell: why not yet?18:05
xennex81personally I think I will be sticking to 14.10 versions and the like, I like that for some reason. But I also wanted to install a Ubuntu Server thing and then KDE on it.18:07
xennex81I never got that far though because I couldn't get any wifi going in Ubuntu Server back then (few months ago)18:07
xennex81so perhaps if I am better settled and know a bit more about everything I might take up something like that, don't know yet18:08
xennex81it would then center on the .10 versions18:08
xennex81i seriously want to debug plasma-desktop on 14.10 :P18:09
xennex81maybe next month18:09
ovidiu-florinRiddell: why not yet?18:09
xennex81i still hate the Kubuntu/Ubuntu/Linux ecosystem though in some way but I just couldn't stand staying with Windows.18:10
xennex81nothing to do, and not a good platform for coding and experimenting18:10
xennex81I feel the Linux brand should disappear and be replaced by Ubuntu/Debian ;-).18:10
ovidiu-florinxennex81: did you know you can't find the word "linux" on the Ubuntu.com website?18:11
xennex81right :) :)18:11
xennex81very good :D18:11
ovidiu-florinwe're proud of our heritige18:12
xennex81I've always been with Debian, as long as I can count :p at least since I first managed a home server18:12
xennex81when cable internet was new18:12
xennex81i'm really dying to get some work done, to contribute somewhere in some way...18:13
xennex81quite literally a bit because my own projects have disappeared on me it seems18:14
xennex81don't know18:14
xennex81perhaps in two days I will install a full fresh 15.04 again18:15
xennex81my skill lies mostly with Java and PHP, if I still have any skill...18:17
xennex81and nowadays Bash lol18:17
xennex81trying to make everything or most of it Dash compatible, as per the great Steve Riley :p.18:18
Riddellovidiu-florin: packaging isn't automatic because while harald's stuff can scoop in the latest from git that's different from scooping in the latest from tars18:21
soeeoh interesting, notifcations stared to show up where they should18:24
soeesystem should't install any packages that are useless for me, like some packages related to radeon :(18:25
ovidiu-florinRiddell: I fail to see how that's different18:30
ovidiu-florinOMG hte feedback....18:30
ovidiu-florinyou people like to type18:30
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ping18:31
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: can you please take care of the text/content feedback?18:31
ovidiu-florinI'll take care of the visual, and technical18:31
ovidiu-florinRiddell me and jose are planning to put the site on a Canonical server. So I'm confirming that18:32
ovidiu-florinthe Download page needs a complete redesign18:32
ovidiu-florinas do other pages18:32
Riddellfrecel: want to become an elite kubuntu packager?18:43
frecelRiddell: it's hard to say no when the title includes the word "elite" ahaha18:44
Riddellfrecel: all kubuntu packagers are elite18:44
Riddelland good looking18:44
Riddellby packaging for kubuntu you become elite and good looking18:44
frecelI'm sold, how do I get started?18:45
Riddellfrecel: I can give you a tutorial if you are free for an hour or two18:45
Riddellthere's also lots of guides to read18:45
Riddelland well practice is the main way :)18:46
frecelactually you just caught me home because I'm an a lunch break18:46
frecelI have to go back to work in 10 minutes18:46
Riddellonce your siesta is done? :)18:46
RiddellI know you canadians love your siestas18:46
frecelWhen I work, I work hard, when I rest, I rest properly18:48
frecelRiddell: Can you pm me links to the stuff I need to read, I have made some deb packages before but it's been a while so it won't hurt to refresh my memory18:52
frecelanyways I gotta run back to work, ttyl18:54
Riddellfrecel: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ but ignore the UDD stuff that's just confusing18:56
Riddellfrecel: https://wiki.debian.org/IntroDebianPackaging is a quick intro18:56
Riddellhttps://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ probably more involved18:56
Riddelland to test it out you could try backporting kdevelop to 14.10 and 14.0418:56
Riddellor you could try packaging the new digikam18:56
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: I'll get to it.18:57
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
* Riddell high fives ahoneybun and ovidiu-florin 18:58
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: whos feedback should I follow? VDG?18:58
ovidiu-florinwhich ever talks about text or images content, and not the website arancement or functionality18:59
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ^18:59
ahoneybunok let me check the thread18:59
* ahoneybun high fives Riddell bac19:00
* ovidiu-florin does a three way high five19:00
ovidiu-florin4, including soee19:00
* yofel hugs everyone19:01
yofelyou're awesome XD19:01
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: On the features page, several of the images could be cropped or slimmed down a bit; another trick might be overlaying the text on top of visually uninteresting (white-space) portions of the screenshots - maybe having a bit of background under the text overlay to ensure legibility. 19:02
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: the ideea is good, but we can't do that only for a few images19:02
ovidiu-florinwe should do that for all, or none19:02
ahoneybunthe IM is KDE Telepathy right?19:08
Riddellahoneybun: yep19:11
Riddellalthough the name doesn't tend to be used in UI19:12
ovidiu-florinRiddell: why?19:12
Riddellovidiu-florin: I guess the devs don't think another random brand is useful and want it to just be "IM"19:12
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: I could preview like images for the screenshots, use less space19:19
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: ^19:23
ovidiu-florinI'm not sure I get it19:23
RiddellScottK: bug 1400730 is verified if you're in a useful mood (the security dudes asked it to be done as they want to update it)19:30
ubottubug 1400730 in libxext (Ubuntu Utopic) "libxext fills up .xsession-errors log files" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140073019:30
joseovidiu-florin, Riddell: just to confirm, we're hosting @ Canonical's and I'll file tickets and get everything moving once the final version is all ready19:35
josethey're just waiting for us19:35
Riddelljose: there's only 2 weeks until release, and I guess release time is busy for sysadmins, maybe it's best to start that process now?19:37
joseRiddell: I'd need to have the site and exports and everything as it'll be on their servers with me to start the process19:37
josebut elmo's aware19:37
Riddellovidiu-florin: so maybe best to process the current load of feedback then get it moved to canonical?19:39
ovidiu-florinRiddell: that was the plan19:40
ovidiu-florinas I mentioned in my email19:40
joseI'm ready when you guys are. if I'm not that responsive, I've gone to university, but I can always respond to Hangouts or email.19:41
ahoneybunRiddell: around?19:42
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: I made some changes to the text on the homepage19:44
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: remove break line from first line19:46
ovidiu-florin" worldwide community of"19:46
Riddellhi ahoneybun 19:48
ahoneybunI changed the homepage a bit19:49
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: I think the break is needed19:50
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: why?19:51
ahoneybunspaces out the paragraphs19:52
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: someone made a comment about the linux icon being old so I found this one http://imgur.com/IV3PjAD19:53
ovidiu-florinRiddell: what do you think about the picture?19:54
ovidiu-florinpersonally I don't like the font19:54
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: the paragraph alingment is aligned by visual elements19:55
ovidiu-florinnot line breaks19:55
ahoneybunit does not seem to work19:55
ovidiu-florinyou're removing the wrong break line19:56
ovidiu-florinnot the space between the paragrapsh19:56
ovidiu-florinthe " worldwide community of" and "developers,testers..." should be on the same line19:56
ahoneybunfixed ovidiu-florin?19:58
ovidiu-florinmay I edit?19:58
ovidiu-florinyes, now it's fixed19:58
ahoneybunyea I need to go fax something19:58
ovidiu-florinwhere and who do I have to ping to get my userbase translator account?19:59
Riddellovidiu-florin: what changed? what picture?20:04
ovidiu-florinRiddell: take a look, adding the contribute menu item is too much20:04
ovidiu-florinone or 2 items have to go20:04
ovidiu-florinthe new linux picture that ahoneybun proposed20:04
ovidiu-florinshall I copy the link here again?20:05
ovidiu-florinQuintasan: ping20:05
ahoneybunRiddell: http://imgur.com/IV3PjAD20:10
Riddellahoneybun: lovely :)20:14
Riddellovidiu-florin: I think it looks fine20:14
xennex81"Kubuntu is a way to use your computer that does not break away from the ideal of being around friends."20:26
xennex81what do you think? :P20:26
ovidiu-florinwhat online tool can I use to make a pool that poeple can vote on?20:52
Riddellovidiu-florin: http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/ ?20:55
ovidiu-florinRiddell: doodle also has a voting option20:56
ovidiu-florinnot just schedule20:56
ovidiu-florinRiddell: what does "Additional ifneedbe answer for busy participants." mean?21:00
ovidiu-florinfound it: Yes-No-Ifneedbe Poll: In a basic poll, the people you invite can only respond “Yes” or “No.”  This option adds a third possible response, “If need be,” to give you more detailed information on participants’ availability and flexibility.21:02
Riddellit's a "maybe" option21:03
ovidiu-florinall read the description before you vote21:13
* Riddell snoozes21:19
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: ^^21:27
ovidiu-florinsoee: ^^^21:27
shadeslayerI'm too tired21:27
valorieah, peace is away, but opening ~/.bashrc works without a hitch21:51
valorieoops, not enough time this afternoon -- bbl21:54
soeevalorie: he fixed it21:56
soeethis was known bug, and fixed in 5.2.2 i think21:56
* soee taking a bath21:57

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