
wgrantcjwatson: Moved the LP meeting back to its traditional time for you, let me know if that isn't ideal.01:07
cjwatsonwgrant: Thanks, it'll do for now and we'll see for the next one in a couple of weeks08:42
cjwatsonGood holiday?08:42
wgrantYep, pretty good08:44
wgrantNice lunar eclipse on Saturday night, and perfect weather for it.08:44
cjwatsonOh, shiny.08:45
cjwatsonAny talk of putting together a sprint agenda in last night's meeting?08:46
wgrantIt was discussed, indeed. I need to put my list in writing and then the three of us should compare notes.08:47
wgrantReceiving objects:   0% (4588/4587073), 1.74 MiB | 6.00 KiB/s09:12
wgrantMy connection to Canonical is marvellous tonight.09:12
wgrantI wonder if we're exacerbating the LFP problem somehow.09:15
wgrantcjwatson: Are the ddeb-retriever changes largely done except for that LP MP?11:35
cjwatsonwgrant: Yes11:39
wgrantcjwatson: Excellent. Do I want to know how long it will take to catch up when a new series is initialised?11:41
cjwatsonwgrant: Not sure yet, can't do much realistic testing until the webservice extension is in place11:42
wgrantcjwatson: Indeed, but we can guess.11:42
cjwatsonIt won't re-download everything, but it'll have a whole bunch of BPPHs to look at11:42
wgranteg. does it skip a BPPH early if it sees it has that version already?11:42
cjwatsonIt's not as early as it should be yet.11:43
cjwatsonAt the moment I'm just going by whether the file exists in the pool to avoid having to stand up a separate database; I want to see how long it would take to get to that point when initing a new series before deciding how much to optimise that.11:44
cjwatsonOh, blast, did I break turnip ...11:44
cjwatson[2015-04-08 11:39:18,904: DEBUG/PoolWorker-2] "GET /repo/4/refs HTTP/1.1" 503 None11:44
cjwatsonprobably :-/11:45
wgrantThat sounds like the WSGI app failed to start.11:45
wgrantWhich is odd.11:45
cjwatsonVersionConflict: (pygit2 0.22.0 (/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('pygit2>=0.21.0,<0.22.0'))11:45
wgrantIf you check the name, version and arch of each BPPH as you see it and compare it to the pool, you should be able to throw away all the duplicates before making any O(bpphs) calls at all.11:45
cjwatsonOi, turnip, I upgraded you11:45
cjwatsonComparing to the pool requires getting at the source name.11:46
wgrantThat is a good point.11:46
cjwatsonWell, unless I map it through the already-published Packages.11:46
cjwatsonWhich is a possibility.11:46
cjwatsonThat's my next optimisation candidate.11:46
wgrantcjwatson: YOu set requirements.txt, but I didn't see a setup.py change in the diff.11:47
cjwatsonOh, blah, thanks11:47
wgrantIn fact, the change you made doesn't get used by the charm at all :P11:47
cjwatsonDidn't notice that11:47
wgrantpygit2-requirements.txt is separate precisely so the charm can avoid it.11:47
wgrantcjwatson: btw, not sure if you saw the Asana notifications, but the work to get merge diffs from pygit2 turns out to be 0, since merge_commits was added in 0.21.4 and merge_trees in
wgrantSo the feature was added a couple of weeks after I determined it didn't exist.11:50
cjwatsonAh, I was also using the wrong mojo manifest, sigh.11:55
cjwatsonwgrant: I didn't notice that, thanks.  Glad that this upgrade work has value :-)11:55
cjwatsonturnip's better again.11:59
wgrantcjwatson: unset SUDO_USER; Ctrl+R upg; is what I usually do.12:01
wgrantWhich manifest did you try?12:01
cjwatsonThe default because I did C-r mojo rather than C-r upg.12:15
cjwatsonAnd didn't look closely enough :)12:15
wgrantSo just a very long no-op.12:19
cjwatsonSo noisy it's hard to notice.12:20
wgrantThe best thing about turnip's ssh frontend is that it doesn't invoke a new Launchpaddy Python process per startup, so checking updatedness is reasonably quick...12:21
wgrantRather than spending 4-7 seconds on top of the SSH negotiation.12:21
wgrantblr: What's this Charm Framework thing?23:22
blrwgrant: the new name for the services framework23:40
blrwgrant: the api will most likely not be backwards compatible, we'll have to update our charms.23:41
wgrantAh, good.23:41
wgrantHopefully the API is less broken!23:41
blrit does look better23:41

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