=== benonsoftware is now known as clockwork === clockwork is now known as benonsoftware [19:39] when you expect Lubuntu 15.04 to come? [19:40] !release | suncokret [19:40] suncokret: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases [19:41] oops wrong one [19:41] suncokret: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseSchedule [19:41] tl;dr apr 23 [19:41] i know that :) [19:41] i mean for this new [19:41] it will be for about 10 days? [19:41] april 23 [19:42] 23 - 8 ≠ 10 :) [19:42] and how long is in plan to keep lxde? [19:42] until lxqt is released [19:42] hopefully 15.10 will be lxqt [19:43] and 16.04 will be lts? [19:43] yep [19:43] so it is in plan for 16.04 to be LTS with lxqt? [19:43] there is no set in stone plan [19:44] lxqt needs to be 100% good before we can release it [19:44] so it have posibility to 16.04 still be with lxde? [19:44] it's possible [19:44] i hope [19:44] everything's possible [19:44] because i like lxde [19:44] but lxde is going away [19:44] there's really no development of it happening upstream [19:44] and gtk is fraught with problems [19:45] and tell me, if 16.04 will be with lxqt, will we have posibility to install lxde too? [19:45] no [19:45] i mean i'm sure it will still be in the repos but we're not going to support it [19:46] it's not going to be a checkbox like "choose between lxqt or lxde" [19:46] if you want to do the work to switch everything out, you can, but you're on your own [19:46] so it will be in repos like xfce, and we will can install it from repos? [19:46] yep [19:46] until it dies on the vine [19:46] which will eventually happen [19:47] i didn't try lxqt, is it have very similar look like lxde? [19:47] um [19:47] no [19:47] unless you think lubuntu and kubuntu look a lot a like :) [19:48] so in future if somebody use lxde it can be problem to run some programs? [19:49] basically the difference between the two is the graphics libraries [19:49] so let's go through some examples: [19:49] * you have lxde (and thus the gtk libraries) [19:50] * you want to use a program that uses qt [19:50] * you install the qt libraries [19:50] * it works [19:50] and vice versa for lxqt and a gtk app [19:50] but: [19:50] you have lxqt and want to use some lxde application (like the old lxpanel or something) -- might be a little funky [19:53] what is vice versa [19:53] ? [19:53] in latin, it means "the other way around" [19:54] so lxqt will have similar lightweight and it will be more configurable? [19:54] and it will use qt libraries [19:54] ? [20:00] which version of Lubuntu you use? i plan to use 14.04 until new LST come, or maybe until it have support :) [20:34] suncokret: yes, lubuntu is still about being lightweight. [20:34] suncokret: i use 14.04 mostly but that's mainly because i'm lazy :) [20:36] wxl: From what I have read LXQT uses only slightly more resources that LXDE uses. [20:36] Most of us are going to bloat it up anyway. [20:36] MajB: no, what you read was that at that current point in development, it used slightly more [20:37] the goal, of course, is to get it on par or less [20:37] which should be attainable [20:37] i am lazy too, but i think it is better to use 14.04 because it is LTS [20:37] i wouldn't call it "better" [20:37] sometimes more recent software is better [20:38] I use 14.04 but have 14.10 also installed. [20:38] i've used bleeding edge versions full time and never really ran into problems [20:39] for me is better because it have 3 years support [20:39] I have not had a problem with 14.10 and do not expect to have a problem with 15.04. [20:40] Let's not hang on to 14.04 just because it is LTS. Remember when there was no LTS. [20:40] I have used Lubuntu since before it was an approved flavor. [20:41] Every 6 months we waited to see what the new version would bring. [20:42] There are always problems and most of them get fixed or patched before the release. If not the smart guys/gals come up with a work around. That is part of the fun of using Linux. [20:48] i don't have time to set 14.10, or 15.04... 14.04 works great for me, i don't have problems [20:49] Great. That too is the beauty of Linux. [20:52] i have problem... how i can have sound on speakers when i put headphones in? [20:56] when i put headphones cable in, then i don't know how to change sound to go to speakers, only way is to take headphone cable out [21:05] well said, MajB. with that atittude, i'm surprised you're not an ubuntu member and/or a regular contributor [21:05] suncokret: That is the generally desired outcome. Plug in the headphones and that automatically mutes the speakers. [21:05] suncokret: unmute the speakers [21:07] how to unmute speakers? [21:07] wxl: I contribute to the Ubuntu forums, Ask Ubuntu, and the LXDE forum. Never got around to applying for membership. Having too much fun doing other stuff. [21:09] suncokret: alsamixer [21:09] suncokret: alternately are running pulseaudio? [21:10] suncokret: you can check with with `ps aux | grep [p]ulse` [21:10] suncokret: Google is a Linux user's second best friend. http://www.googlubuntu.com/results/?cx=006238239194895611142:u-ocqbntw_o&q=How+to+get+speakers+to+work+when+headphones+are+plugged+in&sa=Search&cof=FORID:9 [21:13] i use pulseaudio [21:13] suncokret: if you're running pulse, see here for lots of workarounds https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/921397 [21:13] Launchpad bug 921397 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Speaker audio channel goes mute after plugging in the headphone" [Undecided,Triaged] [21:13] and in out devices i have analog headphones [21:13] and analog out [21:14] out is out :) [21:14] when i choose analog out speakers still don't work [21:14] only when i plug out headphones, then speakers work [21:14] you need to make it unmuted and pump up the volume [21:15] suncokret: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16306867/xfce-speakers-stays-on-when-headphones-is-connected also might be useful [21:15] * wxl doesn't like using pulse because then you have to make sure that both pulse and alsa are on the same page [21:15] MajB: ahh well coool. thanks for the help. if you want some help applying for membership, i'd be happy to help. [21:16] MajB: it does have its benefits https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership#Benefits_of_Membership (includes a nice cloak on irc so i can't see what your ip address is anymore) [21:16] that is not same problem [21:17] suncokret: the first one is [21:17] i go to pulse mixer [21:17] and when i in out devices choose analog out [21:17] it is not mute [21:17] is it up all the way? [21:18] but i hear sound on headphones [21:18] nothing on speakers [21:32] now i have sound on speakers too, i disable option auto-mute in alsa mixer, now i have sound on speakers and no headphones [21:32] is there option auto-mute in pulse audio? [22:15] thanks for help, good night