
cwayne_rvr, thanks for catching00:08
rvrcwayne_: You're welcome00:08
cwayne_rvr, so would it just be Fotos de Telegram then?00:20
rvrcwayne_: Right00:20
cwayne_rvr, fix pushed, building image now00:52
rvrcwayne_: Ack00:52
cwayne_rvr, image ready for you tomorrow morning :)  ill flash now and give it a looksie01:18
rvrcwayne_: Oki doki! :)01:19
cwayne_rvr, looks good, please shoot me an email when it's ready (I'll start early tomorrow so I can push as soon as we're ready)01:26
rvrcwayne_: I just flashed it01:26
rvrMis fotos de Facebook, that's +101:28
rvrNow login in Telegram01:28
rvrFotos de Telegram01:29
rvrMensajes recientes01:30
rvrcwayne_: It's ok01:30
cwayne_so what happens now, can I push, or do I need to wait for sil?01:30
rvrI don't know! :)01:31
cwayne_I guess I can't push without a +1 from someone on landing team..01:32
rvrTo which channel is the image being pushed?01:32
rvrrobru: You there?01:33
robrurvr: hi01:33
rvrrobru: ^01:33
robrurvr: what? Are you talking about a silo?01:34
rvrrobru: cwayne_ wants landing team approval before pushing the proposed-customized image to 14.09-proposed01:34
robrurvr: cwayne_: well I'm not aware of any reason why not...01:35
cwayne_good enough for me01:37
rvrrobru: cwayne_ will blame you if he breaks Internet ;)01:37
cwayne_rvr, just to double check, you checked the functioanlity and stuff earlier right? i.e. you weren't *just* testing i18n01:37
robrurvr: cwayne_ I'm a bit confused, are you talking about printing an image?01:37
cwayne_robru, 'promoting' the custom tarball, so it gets pulled into 14.09-proposed01:38
rvrcwayne_: Some minutes ago, I logged into Telegram, and checked that the photos and messages are displayed both in Today's scope and in Photos scope01:38
cwayne_from 14.09-proposed-customized01:38
rvrcwayne_: Earlier today, in previous images: «Exploratory testing with Today, NearBy, Photos, Telegram and Fitbit scopes. Logged in Facebook Photos, Telegram, FitBit, Instragram and Flickr. All of these are ok.Exploratory testing with Today, NearBy, Photos, Telegram and Fitbit scopes. Logged in Facebook Photos, Telegram, FitBit, Instragram and Flickr. All of these are ok».01:39
robrucwayne_: yeah I'm not really up to speed with those kinds of decisions... Maybe check with pmcgowan if you really need some kind of approval.01:39
cwayne_rvr, ah great, and the only things that've changed since then is translations, great01:40
rvrcwayne_: You can leave an email to sil2100 and jibel for tomorrow if you prefer01:40
rvrcwayne_: I guess sil2100 can promote from one channel to another, right?01:40
rvrAnd that's a quick process, isn't it?01:40
cwayne_yeah it's very quick, I'll just shoot an email to sil and do it tomorrow morning, should've gotten a +1 from sil earlier, but oh well01:42
rvrTime to sleep, see you tomorrow!01:46
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imgbot=== IMAGE 165 building (started: 20150408-02:10) ===02:10
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imgbot=== IMAGE 165 DONE (finished: 20150408-03:40) ===03:40
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/165.changes ===03:40
robruveebers: ah, no vivid silos available at the moment. I sent an email asking people to clean up some silos that seemingly aren't being used, hopefully one will free soon04:11
veebersrobru: ack, thanks :-) I'll make sure the rest of the team is aware so that when possible we start testing (once we get a silo)04:12
veebersrobru: hmm, when I tried to close the spreadsheet page it complained that some data might not get saved, also while filling out the row it also complained a couple of times about fatal errors04:19
veebersdo I need to double check anything?04:19
* veebers eyeballs the row04:19
veebersseems good to me04:19
robruveebers: yeah i just got that as well, it seems the spreadsheet is imploding again. Not much we can do04:19
veebersack, thanks robru. As long as it wasn't my fault :-)04:21
robruveebers: nope, this is well known pain and misery04:21
robruveebers: you're welcome04:21
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dbarth_good morning trainguards; i have an oxide 1.5.6 release update on line 6407:17
seb128hey there, is there any plan to free vivid silos?07:18
Mirvdbarth_: seb128: we're still out of silos and 5 lines waiting for silo07:39
seb128Mirv, right, hence my question07:40
seb128Mirv, we have several dirty silos and experimental ones (like the new qt)07:42
seb128maybe some can be reclaimed to make space for pending landings?07:42
Mirv3 of the waiting ones are ubuntu-system-settings while there's already 006 with u-s-s too. I wonder if any of those could be combined.07:44
seb128Mirv, oh, in fact 11 seems available, maybe it can be assigned :-)07:44
Mirvseb128: not without pinging, and with yesterday's poll none could be relieved.07:44
Mirvseb128: yes, I'm trying to assign that to the next one in queue07:44
Mirvspreadsheet is acting up07:44
seb128Mirv, well, settings is only in 1 by itself, the other 2 silos it's in that's part of a transition/bigger changes07:45
seb128in fact it's only in 207:45
Mirvseb128: yes, but there are also 2/3 (2 set to ready) pending landings of u-s-s07:45
MirvI just mean that there's a bottleneck in landing those fixes as they go in one after another07:46
Mirvnot in terms of silo usage but simply that it takes maybe too much time to get all of those in07:46
sil2100I wonder is silo 004 is still needed07:47
seb128Mirv, oh right, but landing are limited nowadays right? like we need an approval for fixes and QA verification, can't just batch a stack of bugfixes and get that in easily...07:47
Mirvsil2100: I think that could be a good candidate for freeing even without asking, since it's cheap to rebuild07:48
Mirvseb128: yes sure if not all of those are on the vivid milestone bug list they'd need separate approvals.07:48
seb128Mirv, need to check with jgdx and kenvandine07:48
sil2100We might need to poke some release team members about the UNAPPROVED silos I guess07:49
Mirvsil2100: we could also have 10 sru silos... :)07:49
seb128Mirv, then you would ping the SRU team ;-)07:50
seb128speaking of which, I've a trusty SRU, I'm pondering doing out of the CI due to that07:50
MirvI mean, SRU silos could have a separate quota since they tend to keep on the silos for a longish time (approval + minimum 7 days in -proposed)07:50
Mirvpinged #ubuntu-release on the unapproved ones. compiz and unit have been there for 3+ weeks07:53
Mirvsil2100: fatal errors dance in the spreadsheet again, but some changes possible07:59
Mirvbfiller: cleaning 004 for now, ubuntu-keyboard build copied to ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-proper07:59
sil2100Mirv: oh no...08:07
sil2100Mirv: that's too soon!08:07
Mirvdbarth_: ^ copied and silo status refreshed08:09
sil2100I give up, I have no idea what now caused the spreadsheet to go wild again08:09
sil2100There's not so many users even08:09
dbarth_Mirv: yup; seen that; thank you!08:11
sil2100Yeah, officially since 3 in the night the spreadsheet is not refreshing again08:13
sil2100This is bullshit, we only had a week of peace from those issues08:19
* sil2100 is disabling stuff again08:20
Mirvthanks to infi_nity for reviewing the unapproved queue for us08:51
Mirvimmediately it'll help with getting only 1 silo since those trusty SRU:s will be in the SRU queue for at least 7 days08:51
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sil2100jibel, ogra_, Mirv, davmor2: how about I kick a new image now?09:12
ogra_go for it09:12
jibelsil2100, +109:12
sil2100Actually not sure if we had anything landing inbetween, would have to check, but I think I remember some changes happening09:13
sil2100And this way maybe I'll force the importer to use the new custom09:13
jibelsil2100, new unity8 to fix a GPS issue09:14
jibelwith the new custom tarball, I think that's all09:15
Mirvno problem09:16
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 265 building (started: 20150408-09:20) ===09:20
popeysil2100:  you have mail :)09:25
* davmor2 deletes said mail09:27
sil2100popey: thanks! Will add it in a few moments09:30
sil2100Mirv: either google stopped reporting errors to me or the time-driven scripts stopped erroring-out09:40
sil2100Which might be a good sign09:41
cwayne_sil2100, hiya10:07
sil2100cwayne_: hey! :)10:07
sil2100cwayne_: I see it picked up the tarball now10:07
sil2100cwayne_: took much longer than I expected, especially that the importer is running every 5 minutes10:08
cwayne_sil2100, \o/ its supposed to be all automagic so that;s good10:08
sil2100But yeah, it happened automagically10:08
cwayne_sil2100, weird, it's often done in a matter of minutes10:08
sil2100Thanks again :)10:08
cwayne_unless it;s doing something else which is taking its time10:08
cwayne_sil2100, np, sorry for all the troubles10:09
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cwayne_sil2100, let me know if there's any other issues and I'll get em fixed10:11
cwayne_in the meantime, 6am calls for coffee10:11
sil2100cwayne_: go back to sleep! :)10:14
sil2100ogra_: image build 265 seems to have finished on the cdimage side10:16
ogra_thats good :)10:16
ogra_ogra@nusakan:~$ ps ax|grep import10:17
ogra_13887 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/sh -c TMPDIR=/srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/tmp /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/bin/import-images10:17
ogra_13894 ?        R      1:33 /usr/bin/python /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/bin/import-images10:17
ogra_24979 pts/5    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto import10:17
ogra_import-images only runs since 1:33 :)10:17
ogra_patience ;)10:17
sil2100I was worried something got b0rken ;p10:18
sil2100Thanks for checking10:18
oSoMoNubuntu-qa: any chance silo 27 will be signed off today?10:24
sil2100jibel, davmor2, rvr: ^ ?10:25
rvroSoMoN: I'll take it right now10:25
davmor2rvr: nice one10:26
sil2100ogra_: seems the importer is slowich today10:26
ogra_not really10:27
ogra_it usually takes 30min +10:27
oSoMoNrvr, awesome, thanks!10:28
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 265 DONE (finished: 20150408-10:50) ===10:50
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/265.changes ===10:50
ogra_there you go :)10:50
sil2100Somehow today I'm really impatient10:55
sil2100Ok, I drive out for lunch now11:06
brendandsil2100, veebers made a request to get a vivid silo for autopilot yesterday, apparently there were none free. do you know anything?11:07
Mirvbrendand: no such request is visible on the spreadsheet at least. we're constantly out of silos despite constant attempts to free them... currently 1 free11:38
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brendandMirv, oh - hope it didn't get lost12:05
Mirvbrendand: there's nothing regarding autopilot on the spreadsheet unfortunately, but we also haven't heard reports yet of anything being magically removed on the new(est) spreadsheet.12:13
Mirvoh well12:14
Mirvoh well12:14
Mirvuntil now12:14
Mirvsil2100: backups..?12:14
ogra_hiccups rather12:14
Mirvbrendand: my check up was anyway _before_ it now started resetting itself :D12:14
Mirvogra_: also resetted to yesterday12:15
Mirvalthough it errors out constantly and reloads so it's hard to say. but from sil2100's backups it will be possible to restore the lines once the spreadsheet is even somewhat functional.12:16
ogra_yesterdays hiccups then :)12:16
ogra_we are trapped in a time loop !!!12:16
jibelsil2100, Mirv I approved line 53 3 times but the spreadsheet doesn't want it. Can you publish? silo 005/address-book-app12:32
pmcgowanjibel, sil2100 everything good? will be offlie for a bot12:32
jibelpmcgowan, we are waiting on a device tarball to trigger a new build which will be our promotion candidate. It won't include the touch panel fix.12:36
pmcgowanjibel, thats too bad12:36
john-mcaleelyjibel, sil2100 I've pushed the brightness tarball you +1'd12:38
jibelpmcgowan, we'll start testing if the touch panel fix can land before tomorrow we can always respin an image with the fix12:38
jibeljohn-mcaleely, thanks12:38
Mirvjibel: sure12:38
pmcgowanjohn-mcaleely, any eta on the panel fix?12:38
john-mcaleelypmcgowan, working on it now. not clear if it's an hour or a day12:38
ogra_pmcgowan, for how long will you be offline ?12:40
ogra_pmcgowan, ycheng did set up a meeting about the OTA stuff we discussed yesterday ... in 20min ... i was about to ask if you could participate12:41
pmcgowanogra_, well I am double booked then but I can try12:41
pmcgowanogra_, changing my offline plan then12:41
sil2100Mirv: yeah, it seems it started being broken again12:55
sil2100It seemingly worked from 12:30 till 14:15, now I again get error logs from google on every timed event12:55
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jibelsil2100, can you trigger a new build with the device john-mcaleely pushed so we can start testing?13:00
jibeldevice tarball*13:00
jibelsil2100, nm, it's 26613:03
sil2100jibel: it should automatically create the new image, but it might take the importer a few moments to pick it up13:03
sil2100I thought it's instant, but sometimes it can take a few minutes13:03
jibelsil2100, actually it was pretty fast and thought it didn't build yet13:04
jibelsil2100, so 266 is the candidate for now13:04
sil2100Strange, since I have waited for the custom tarball to appear for like 15 minutes13:04
sil2100I heard the news about the device tarball, indeed no need to wait for it to start testing13:05
sil2100Too much time would be wasted13:05
sil2100Mirv: sometimes I feel as if all these spreadsheet problems don't have anything to do with our actual trigger-scripts, but actually related to the number of people viewing the spreadsheet13:07
sil2100Mirv: when the spreadsheet got better today, I saw there were only 5 people using it - now it was around 913:07
sil2100Mirv: I suppose google spreadsheet syncs combined with the triggers and formulas leads to the backend breaking13:08
Mirvsomething like that..13:10
jibeltrainguards you can publish ubuntu/silo-001 approved yesterday13:14
davmor2rsalveti, Mirv, sil2100: silo9 pulse corking good to go incase there is an issue with SS still13:15
sil2100jibel: ah, ok, let me publish then13:16
sil2100davmor2: same here :)13:16
sil2100ogra_: can you +1 a packaging change for me? There's no mention of the recommends-addition in the changelog, but I suppose it's less serious than not mentioning dep-changes: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-001-2-publish/98/artifact/indicator-power_packaging_changes.diff13:19
ogra_sil2100, ACK, looks fine13:20
sil2100Thanks :)13:21
sil2100jibel, davmor2: both silos are publishing13:21
ogra_why does a silo from a core dev need manual acking ?13:22
ogra_(referring to the last queuebot msg)13:22
davmor2ogra_: because a woodchuck could chuck wood?13:23
ogra_would a woodchuck chuck wood if it could ?13:23
davmor2ogra_: wait no, take their hats off, no that is popes in a beetle, the answer will come to me at some point13:24
sil2100ogra_: it's complicated13:25
ogra_davmor2, haha13:26
sil2100ogra_: we would have to either: 1) base that on who's set as the lander or 2) auto-analyse the changelog to make sure that the only change visible is made by a core-dev13:26
ogra_well, 2 would be nice in general :)13:26
sil2100In case of 1), this is a potential security leak as we would have to doublecheck that someone didn't simply include someone's else name in the field - with 2), well, it's work to implement that and I'm not sure it's a big deal without it ;)13:27
davmor2I love it all this work just fell into the abyss13:27
sil2100Since when I see a change made only by a core-dev I anyway override it and auto-approve13:27
ogra_sil2100, well, i'D already be happy if my changelogs wouldnt be reduced to the very last entry if i built my source package with -v ....13:28
ogra_i think our changelog handlin could need some love as a whole13:28
ogra_(but yeah, low prio task ... definitely)13:29
seb128http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/ has a weird status for 02413:36
seb128it's a u-c-c desktop landing and status has "ready to build" but also "Migration: indicator-datetime is in the UNAPPROVED queue. "13:36
seb128the migration part is weird13:37
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seb128gra, the "build" url is pointing to a wrong jenkins as well13:38
seb128or not13:39
seb128how confusing13:39
* ogra_ doesnt see the queuebot pick up his rebuild of silo 19 :/13:40
rvrsil2100: About to approve silo 2713:41
rvrsil2100: "Note: requires a FFe, granted at bugs/1441232"13:42
rvrLooks good13:43
rvrWill the spreadsheet work?13:43
rvrThe action you're trying to perform is causing a fatal error and cannot be performed.13:44
seb128the CI table keeps hitting backend error and loosing edits13:48
oSoMoNtrainguards: can silo 27 be published, please?13:48
MirvoSoMoN: sure, trello is enough even if spreadsheet keeps resetting13:56
Mirvogra_: core dev ack for https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-027-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/webbrowser-app_packaging_changes.diff ? are in main.13:57
ogra_oSoMoN, Mirv, NACK, please mention the added dependencies in the changelog13:58
Mirvogra_: thank you for reviewing. it does make sense to enforce more directly describing the packaging changes.13:59
Mirvfolder list model is not mentioned at all, settings is mentioned but not that it adds a dep14:00
oSoMoNogra_, I agree that it would be useful, but it should be automatically done by the CI train, now it’s going to take a rebuild just to add a line in the changelog…14:00
ogra_right, i warned that i would do this about 6 months ago ... and poked people about it for the last 6 months but still acked ... i think after 6 months it is now the time to expect it to be proper14:00
Mirvthat would be a good feature request for train, filing14:01
Mirvbug #1441638 . cihelp, do you have some project to file future CI Train replacement feature requests under?14:04
ubot5bug 1441638 in Ubuntu Landing Team "Feature request CI: mention in changelogs when adds package dependencies" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144163814:04
oSoMoNMirv, I updated the commit messages on the relevant MRs, I’ll trigger a rebuild of silo 2714:08
pmcgowansil2100, 266 is building?14:13
ogra_pmcgowan, i think it is done14:16
davmor2pmcgowan: 266 is done14:16
ogra_was only a tarball update14:16
pmcgowanah great14:17
ogra_(they are fast and not noticed by the bot)14:17
sil2100pmcgowan: yeah, QA is already testing it14:17
ogra_sil2100, any idea why the queuebot didnt pick up my watch-only rebuild of silo 19 ?14:17
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sil2100ogra_: he might be a bit confused because of the spreadsheet reverting its state, but normally it shouldn't have any problems14:22
jdstrandcwayne_: fyi, apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu 1.3.10 on vivid uploaded (not sure if you are doing custom tarballs yet for vivid)14:23
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: ATTENTION! Silo shortage, ubuntu-rtm landing gates closed, new CI Train spreadsheet broken AGAIN!
elopioping trainguards, any vivid silos available today to release autopilot?14:25
sil2100elopio: hey14:25
sil2100We currently have 2 free vivid silos14:25
sil2100We're not sure about the number of landing requests as the spreadsheet reverted itself to the state of last night14:26
elopiosil2100: can we get one of those to autopilot before somebody else take it?14:26
sil2100elopio: try filling in a request and I'll try assigning it to you14:26
elopiosil2100: ok.14:27
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seb128sil2100, I've some pending, if you can try that as well :-)14:28
sil2100seb128: I see them now ;) Probably got reverted as well, right?14:28
seb128sil2100, yeah, some of them14:29
sil2100Sorry for the spreadsheet troubles again guys14:29
seb128not your fault14:29
om26erjibel, during silo 14 testing I found a regression. During flight mode, Not network or SIM lock, the app title becomes blank in the right edge switcher.14:32
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om26erjibel, salem_ says they are aware of it and its something they can't fix right now14:32
seb128bfiller, you put a landing up for settings with the storage panel fix for arale, did you see that there was another landing request from jgdx in the list including that and some other fixes? would have been nice to picked the other fixes as well rather than superseeding with a more limited set14:33
om26erjibel, I have blocked the landing, what do you say ?14:33
jibelom26er, it is a regression introduced by the silo?14:35
om26erjibel, yes it is.14:35
salem_jibel, hi, so, the original problem is that apps can be sigpaused at any time, and in this specific case, dialer will be frozen with a certain header title that might not reflect the current state anymore when you invoke the carousel with a right-> left swipe14:36
jibelom26er, ok, so we land bug fixes, not new bugs when we find them. It's correct to reject14:36
salem_bfiller, ^14:36
kgunnMirv: sil2100 ...hey, we can manage giving back silo 014:39
elopiosil2100: added the autopilot row.14:40
elopiothat was hard.14:40
sil2100elopio: yeah... let me refresh as I didn't see your row14:41
elopioyes, my nick disappeared. Filled now.14:42
elopioIt seems I was fighting seb128 and dbarth_ on the spreadsheet.14:42
sil2100Yeah, the spreadsheet doesn't sync14:43
elopiocool :)14:43
elopiosil2100: after hitting build, I don't have to fill anything on jenkins, right? Last time I did this was long ago.14:46
bfillerseb128: no I didn't see that14:47
bfillerseb128: feel free to change, just trying to get this fix landed as it was on the arale list14:47
seb128bfiller, k, just a note for next time to maybe check pending requests then :-)14:47
seb128bfiller, well, now it's in a silo so I guess we can as well get the landing through14:48
bfillerom26er, jibel : I wouldn't say it's a regression14:48
seb128bfiller, but if somebody wants to include the other ones feel free14:48
sil2100elopio: nothing :)14:48
bfillerom26er, jibel : it's an expected change as there is no other way to solve the bug14:48
sil2100elopio: only if some special care is needed14:48
bfillerseb128: will do14:48
elopiook, thanks.14:48
seb128bfiller, thanks14:49
elopioI don't really understand that.14:51
om26erbfiller, jibel it clearly looks like a regression, user drags from right edge and poof no title. I remember we still have issues on the design side as they are trying to show app icon in the right edge switcher. So now with no title in this case is a regression14:51
sil2100popey, ogra_, robru, davmor2, rvr: let's skip the evening meeting14:52
ogra_sil2100, +114:52
sil2100elopio: this means that your trunk branch, so the branch to which you want to merge to, doesn't seem to have all the released versions merged14:52
* ogra_ had/has enough meetings today, one less will be good :)14:52
bfillerom26er, jibel: a regression is something unintended. this was known and deemed an acceptable tradeoff to fix the bug at hand14:52
sil2100elopio: so probably someone released autopilot to the archive directly and didn't merge that back to trunk14:52
sil2100Or at least didn't merge the changelog14:53
bfillerom26er, jibel : I agree it's not ideal, but better than showing the wrong state when the app is brought to the foreground which is the case today14:53
davmor2the cancelmonger strikes again +1 though :)14:53
om26erits a regression until approved by design IMO.14:53
sil2100davmor2: ;)14:53
rvrsil2100: Ack14:54
sil2100robru: just so you know - spreadsheet b0rken againz14:54
cwayne_jdstrand, ack, thank you, will kick a vivid build14:54
elopiosil2100: I'm looking at the 1.5 branch, that's what we release. It seems I filled the wrong branches. Trying again now.14:56
popeysil2100: ok14:56
dbarth_o/ trainguards; hi, can i get a silo for line 68 please?14:57
sil2100dbarth_: hey! Let me refresh and try assigning14:57
elopiosil2100: I updated the MPs, now rebuild?14:59
jdstrandcwayne_: thanks!15:01
sil2100elopio: you only modified the code in the MPs, right? Or did you change the MPs in the spreadsheet row?15:03
elopiosil2100: changed the MPs in the spreadsheet.15:03
sil2100elopio: this needs a reconfigure15:03
sil2100Let me try reconfiguring for you as the spreadsheet is brokennish15:04
elopiosil2100: yes please. I can't find that landing tools menu.15:05
sil2100elopio: should be reconfigured and ready to build15:06
elopiothanks sil210015:06
fgintherMirv, I think the current home for bug #1441638 is a good place for wishlist items, eventually these would be requested based on their priorities15:20
ubot5bug 1441638 in Ubuntu Landing Team "Feature request CI: mention in changelogs when adds package dependencies" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144163815:20
fgintherMirv, so these should live where other tasks for the ci-train are tracked15:21
rvrBad news. I found a regression in image 266, related to wizard and Oxide.15:39
rvrFilling bug.15:39
boikotrainguards: can I get vivid silo 21 reconfigured? I added new components there (telephony-service and history-service)15:46
rvrmterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/144170815:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1441708 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[Wizard] Crash clicking term and conditions" [Undecided,New]15:53
rvrmterry: That's a regression in RTM proposed 26615:54
mterryrvr, sounds like the affected version of oxide got backported to rtm15:55
mterryor at least, the patch did15:55
rvrmterry: Yes, jibel told me that we have the same version in Vivid and RTM.15:55
mterryrvr, of oxide?  bummer15:56
mterryrvr, ok will mark as dup of main bug and open a subtask15:56
sil2100boiko: hey!15:56
sil2100boiko: ok, let me reconfigure while the spreadsheet still keeps the state15:56
boikosil2100: I got a fatal error at the spreadsheet, is it broken again?15:57
sil2100boiko: yep, see the topic, it's bullshit again15:57
sil2100But we're working with google on that15:57
boikosil2100: ok15:57
sil2100I mean, we try to :|15:57
rvrmterry: I would say this is a high priority bug, as can prevent promoting OTA3. Not that I am the one who makes those decisions, but...15:59
sil2100boiko: could you refresh the spreadsheet and double-confirm the right branches are in your row?15:59
sil2100rvr: wow, I knew we had this in vivid, but now it's in rtm as well?15:59
rvrsil2100: Yes15:59
mterryrvr, chrisccoulson is probably the guy to quick-fix this -- it's a two line fix, but needs to be applied to the rtm branch16:00
boikosil2100: let me see16:00
boikosil2100: yep, it is the three branches there plus telepathy-qt (which was a source upload)16:01
rvrchrisccoulson: ^^16:01
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sil2100boiko: reconfiguring then16:03
boikosil2100: thanks!16:05
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rvrbfiller: ping17:04
bfillerrvr: pong17:04
rvrbfiller: https://bugs.launchpad.net/telephony-service/+bug/144174617:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1441746 in telephony-service ""Missed calls" not translated to Spanish" [Undecided,New]17:04
bfillersalem_: ^^^17:05
salem_rvr, can you miss another call from the same number just to make sure the bug is still reproducible with 2?17:10
rvrsalem_: Right, let me check17:10
rvrsalem_: "2 missed calls"17:12
rvrsalem_: http://people.canonical.com/~vrruiz/missed-calls.png17:14
robruseb128: the thing about the two different statuses in the dashboard is that the lower, smaller-font one comes from the spreadsheet, so that's just a side effect of the spreadsheet being totally busted.17:42
sil2100robru: are you getting fatal errors right now? Since I again stopped getting errors from the time-driven scripts from the spreadsheet17:42
robrusil2100: I just did an assignment without any errors17:43
sil2100(which might mean it's temporarily working)17:43
robrubfiller: got you silo 1517:43
sil2100Who knows, maybe google is *actually* looking into it17:43
robrusil2100: did you report the issues to them?17:43
sil2100robru: yeah, but Didier said he did that in the past as well and they didn't do anything, but maybe this time it was different17:44
robrusil2100: I'm starting to think we should rip *all* the code out of the spreadsheet and use it purely as a dumb data-store, and do all the calcuations/formulas in jenkins, where we can write things testably.17:45
sil2100robru: might be a good way forward, although I think it actually might not be directly related to the scripts themselves... I suppose the thing that triggers it is simply the internal google sync-between-open-clients code17:46
robrusil2100: yeah the syncing is definitely impacted, but I have a hard time believing that google is incapable of making a service that can sync among 30 people. google is known for scalability, it must be our scripts/formulas that are dragging it down17:47
sil2100robru: all in all, I wouldn't waste time on this as our top-priority should be the replacement - I would push more on getting some google people actually working on this instead17:48
robrusil2100: yeah, the ticket system isn't as far along as we previously thought. I'm not sure how long it will take before it will be ready. I think we really need to stop the bleeding before we can consider the replacement. think of all the man-hours lost to spreadsheet fuckery, how many more months can we sustain that for?17:49
sil2100I would say let's then assign more resources to the replacement and get this done faster then, at least until we know that there's nothing that google can do to help17:51
sil2100Me and Steve will be poking about that the CI team tomorrow17:53
sil2100Since the recent problems popped-up, we want much much more priority set on it17:53
robrusil2100: yeah, if we can get people on it that would be great17:54
sil2100robru: let's discuss all the possibilities tomorrow, we'll know more about the current priorities and we can set the plans accordingly17:55
sil2100And there's next week too, we can discuss it further17:55
robrusil2100: yeah next week will be good17:56
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john-mcaleelyfresh rtm tarball for krillin18:20
john-mcaleelysil2100, pmcgowan ^18:20
sil2100davmor2: hey, I guess you'll be EOD pretty soon, right?18:20
john-mcaleelysil2100, ping me in telgram if you get a +1 I can action tonight18:21
john-mcaleely(or the mobile in the corp. dir)18:21
pmcgowanjohn-mcaleely, thanks18:21
davmor2sil2100: indeed18:21
davmor2jibel: who will be best for this om26er maybe or do you want to leave it till the morning18:22
john-mcaleely(also in the tarballs & clicks tab of the spreadsheet)18:23
bzoltanogra_: any chance to push this out, to keep mzanetti happy? https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-seeds/add_libssl_and_qtpim_devs/+merge/25490218:27
loolHi folks, I'm not sure what's happening with silo 1221:28
loolit doesn't seem to be up in the QA board, actually I thought it had passed yesterday21:29
lool(this is for vivid)21:29
looltrainguards ^21:29
robrulool: looks like you need to run the build job. The train doesn't think anything has been done there which is why it isn't submitted for qa21:31
robrulool: i see you uploaded a package but you haven't done anything to inform the train of this21:31
loolaha, thanks21:32
loolI'll just press build then?21:32
robrulool: yep21:32
loolOk, so it's "packages built" now; I guess I dont need to press anything for the QA dashboard addition though?21:34
loollooks good in trello now21:36
robrulool: yep ;-)21:37
john-mcaleelypmcgowan, so, om26er has given a +1 to the device tarball. I'll push it now, so there's a build with it in21:58
pmcgowanjohn-mcaleely, great22:01
pmcgowanI think someone needs to kick a build22:02
pmcgowanrsalveti, still about?22:02
john-mcaleelypmcgowan, generally, the machines spot new tarballs and do that22:02
john-mcaleelyunless that's been turned off22:02
john-mcaleelygive it 10 mins22:02
john-mcaleelyimgbot, status 26722:17
imgbotError: No rootfs build found, was this a device or custom build ?22:17
john-mcaleelypmcgowan, ^ imgbot tells all :-)22:18
john-mcaleely267 contains the device tarball22:18
rsalvetipmcgowan: yup, what's up?23:24
rsalvetipmcgowan: yeah, the device tarball is kind of automatic23:25

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