
phillwgsilva: the couple of people I know on here are benonsoftware cprofitt eagles0513875_ pleia2 and pmatulis But, you should really introduce your self and what your plans are.00:12
gsilvasure phillw, I'll ask around to see a possible method for me to implement00:13
=== benonsoftware is now known as clockwork
=== clockwork is now known as benonsoftware
phillwpmatulis: there is a young manual doc person from lubuntu with the the nick gislva I ask that you and the others give this young man ever assistance.20:59
pmatulisphillw: a manual doc person?21:00
phillwpmatulis: yup for lubuntu manual, but has to work with ubuntu manual21:00
pmatulisphillw: i didn't know there was a lubuntu manual.  i also thought the ubuntu manual was defunct.  anywhoo, i'll keep my eye out for gislva21:01
phillwit was a bit of a bolt of the blue21:02
phillwubuntu manual is for each LTS21:02
phillwbut, gs wants to overhaul the lubuntu docs system, which is fine by me.21:03
pleia2phillw: knome was helping them yesterday, did they need more?22:34
pleia2(before you joined)22:34
pleia2wb gsilva22:34
knomei believe a lot more is needed, though i think it would need some team-internal research on what they want first22:35
pleia2yeah, the links you gave them will be useful22:35
gsilvahi, pleia222:35
gsilvathank you22:35
pleia2if they really want a manual rather than documentation, they should ask the ubuntu manual folks though, they are in #ubuntu-manual and have a launchpad.net mailing list that's different from the doc team22:36
phillwpleia2: knome I believe he has got his head around the basics of pulling in the manual22:36
knomei have very little knowledge on the ubuntu manual22:36
gsilvaYes, thank you though. I had to bash my head around what I could do22:36
knomethere are several ways to achieve a similar thing22:36
phillwgsilva: ah, thanks for hanging on in.. .the people here will answer and help you.22:36
gsilvaso, I managed to learn the basics of Git, but apparently it's better for both - including Ubuntu - if I do that in Bazaar22:36
pleia2gsilva: yeah, we use bzr22:37
gsilvaSo... No worries :) I have a plan, although I'm not sure if that will work. Hopefully it will.22:37
gsilvaI'm just not sure how you guys are compiling the final file, but I have an idea22:37
knomebzr/git are very similar22:37
gsilvaI never used tex before, so I'll have to learn another thing22:37
pleia2bzr and git are pretty similar, they are both distributed RCSs22:37
pleia2tex is only used by the ubuntu manual team, which again, is not us :)22:37
pleia2xubuntu and the server guide uses docbook, ubuntu docs use mallard22:38
gsilvaNo worries, I got my head around things. Hopefully I'll manage to do something22:38
phillwpleia2: and knome thanks for your help, he's getting there23:10
gsilvaoh yes, of course I appreciate your help23:14

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