
flexiondotorgcyphermox, I have a question about oem-config on the Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Rpi2 image when you have a sec. It so very nearly worked. Just want to pick your brain to see if it can be made to work correctly.14:28
flexiondotorgcyphermox, oem-config gui appeared, took input and completed. But when the desktop was due to be started I got a console with "Failed to start oem-config.service"14:38
flexiondotorgcyphermox, I symlinked oem-config.target as default as we discussed yesterday.14:39
flexiondotorgIs there something more I should do to "fake" the prepared state?14:39
cyphermoxwell, you need to have oem-config installed14:40
cyphermoxit's what will carry oem-config.service14:40
flexiondotorgoem-config-gtk and ubiquity-frontedn-gtk are installed.14:40
cyphermoxotherwise when you boot, look at the output of systemctl status oem-config, it may be able to tell you why it failed to start14:41
cyphermoxmaybe there was something else it expected that wasn't there?14:41
flexiondotorgcyphermox, I can't because the system has booted far enough to get tty to login 😞14:41
cyphermoxwell, try again with the oem user14:41
flexiondotorghas not14:41
cyphermoxyou might need it anyway14:42
cyphermoxyou can also adjust the oem-config.target to Wants=getty@tty2.service or something, so that you have a way of logging in14:42
flexiondotorgcyphermox, OK. Can you point to the bit in Ubiquity that creates the 'oem' user so I can be sure I do it the correct way?14:42
cyphermoxnot off the top of my head, but it's a normal user AFAICT14:43
cyphermoxjust make sure it's in the right group for sudo access14:43
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Like the  Wants=getty@tty2.service idea.14:43
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Thanks.14:43
cyphermoxyou might want to make sure it's tty2, not tty1, as oem-config may be doing funny stuff with tty114:49
cyphermoxI know for sure it uses it for the text-mode oem-configf14:49
flexiondotorgAre these lightdm related?14:51
flexiondotorgset_question passwd/auto-login true14:51
flexiondotorgset_question passwd/auto-login-backup oem14:51
flexiondotorgDriven from ubiquity/plugins/ubi-usersetup.py14:52
flexiondotorgcyphermox, BTW, do you need help testing any of the other install fixes you're working on?14:54
cyphermoxah, if you want to use lp:~mathieu-tl/+junk/vm and run multipath.sh, then try to install the updated multipath-tools from ppa:mathieu-tl/installer-dev that would be a second pair of eyes on that fix, and would help14:58
cyphermoxyes, it's for auto-login14:58
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Will do. What is this testing/fixing exactly?15:01
cyphermoxIt's changing how the system would pick devices to boot for multipath, so not something to land this cycle, but it could be landing early in W provided it's tested enough15:02
cyphermoxie. making sure the picked device is the right, multipath one, from the UUID15:03
cyphermoxrather than risking to pick just one of the paths15:03
flexiondotorgI'll have a play when I get home :)15:04
flexiondotorgWhat about these? Any testing I can do?15:05
flexiondotorgcyphermox, ^^^15:24
cyphermoxI don't have a fix for casper to catch the enter key yet15:24
cyphermox1359689 needs someone with a nvidia card to re-test the latest kernel, see if the full-disk encryption passphrase prompt shows up properly (it doesn't here), but then also to test the mainline kernels for the same thing15:25
cyphermoxas I recall, 3.19-rc1 and 3.19 did work, so it's possibly an issue with some sauce patch, but I haven't had time to try it again15:26
flexiondotorgI can try and test 1359689 on a cufty nvidia machine at home. Do I need nouveau or blobs?15:27
cyphermoxthe swap thing looks like it works here, but it would probably be best if kirkland and pitti checked it out to be sure15:27
flexiondotorgcyphermox, OK. I'll test that.15:27
flexiondotorgI'll test the swap thing now.15:28
cyphermoxoh wait, I'm full of..15:28
* flexiondotorg waits...15:28
cyphermoxI meant ATI15:28
ogra_... chocolate ?15:28
cyphermoxso, radeon, rather than fglrx15:28
flexiondotorgcyphermox, OK I have crufty radeon machine too.15:28
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Spotted a theme yet ;)15:29
flexiondotorgSo, I'll test 135968915:29
cyphermoxlucky you, I don't think I have a nvidia system purposed for putting linux on it15:29
flexiondotorgAs for the crypt swap, I'll test in a VM in a bit.15:29
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Everytime a family member gets rid of a computer I snag it.15:30
cyphermoxthanks for the help, kinda busy with some networking bugs on touch right now15:30
flexiondotorgMy newest computer is ~2008.15:30
flexiondotorgcyphermox, No probs.15:30
flexiondotorgcyphermox, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/953875 is a bigger issue with the change to systemd.16:03
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Now the system will have a massively delayed boot while it fails to mount swap.16:03
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Still an issue with todays daily.16:04
flexiondotorgcyphermox, My comments are still relevant16:04
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Are you aware that using Ubuntu 15.04 (any flavour) to do a fresh install, using the whole drive in LVM mode on a EFI secure boot system, fails to boot after installation?16:23
flexiondotorginfinity, ^^^^16:23
cyphermoxno, I did that last week and it was working ;)16:28
cyphermoxI was planning on doing another soon16:28
cyphermox(ie. reinstalling my laptop prior to sprinting)16:28
flexiondotorgcyphermox, So fixed in daily images?16:39
cyphermoxI don't know, it depends if it's just a straight crypto install or if there is some other thing at play16:41
flexiondotorgcyphermox, I'll get the user who is chatting to me to test a daily.16:41
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Sadly, this is still and issue in today's daily :( I've requested the bug is reported.16:50
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Not crypto used.16:51

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