
Bashing-ombyerley: Well, GPT partitioning, I do not think it matters. As all partitions are primary partitions. That said, used to be that Windows wanted to be installed at the start of the hard drive . // IF you have enough ram installed, and do not intend to hibernate - a swap partition is not required .00:01
byerleyBashing-om: good to know, thanks.00:03
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Bashing-ombyerley: Hands down GPT is the way to go, but takes Prior Prudent Planning .. need a separate /boot partition.00:04
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=== Cyber923 is now known as Cyber023
Cyber023I need some help...... When I put my laptop into suspend mode by closing the lid and wake it up again I get a Light Display Manager login screen 50% of the time and my password does not work i' ve tried every fix i could find anybody have any tips00:19
Cyber023And a cant switch user at that login screen00:20
pbxCyber023, your password doesn't work... so what do you do then?00:20
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Cyber023pbx, reboot00:20
grioThere we go. That was getting obnoxious.00:20
Cyber023pbx, but I loose everything obviously00:21
pbxCyber023, trying a different DM comes to mind00:21
Cyber023pbx, how do I do this do you have a link00:21
pbxCyber023, my suggestion may not be a wise one, but in any case some login/display managers (which you can install by name via apt) are: gdm, ldm, xdm, sdm, wdm, kdm, slim00:25
Cyber023pbx, thanks00:26
pbxCyber023, you could also check this guide to see if there are any config options you could twiddle or untwiddle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM00:26
ianorlinpbx I think there is also lxdm00:26
pbxsurely there are others yeah00:26
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest19139
=== Guest19139 is now known as mrmee
mivsomeone can give some info01:02
mivabout gdm01:02
SchrodingersScat!gdm | miv01:02
SchrodingersScator not01:02
SchrodingersScat!ask | miv01:02
ubottumiv: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:02
mivwhen you log in to your account , you got report message that you havent valid context this is selinux issue01:03
mivshould i releabel gdm binary01:04
Ben64miv: stop that01:07
nagerst1Hi, simple question: How do i make sound work in pepper flash in ubuntu without pulseaudio? I have hardware mixing and sound sounds an extraordinary amount better with ALSA only.01:13
nagerst1pulseaudio makes the sound all crackly and crappy01:13
Jordan_Unagerst1: I would argue that you should join #pulseaudio and ask them why your sound is crackly when using pulse.01:15
Jordan_Unagerst1: Or file a bug report. (or both)01:15
nagerst1Jordan_U: ALSA works fine in all other applications. Is pulse an dependecy? if so, why is it not installed when installing pepperflash?01:16
decadence18Is there a place to get help on (attempting) to correctly set up an nginx web server? I apologize if this is not the right place to even ask that; I had no idea where to start.01:16
daftykinsdecadence18: so you've installed the package presumably?01:16
nagerst1I can listen to music with cmus and clementine, i can watch youtube with html5 and watch movies with mplayer2 and cvlc01:16
daftykinsif not then there's no point asking for help until you've tried01:17
nagerst1only pepperflash poses any thourble01:17
decadence18daftykins: Yes, I installed both the nginx package and the php-fpm (or whatever it is) package. My main problem is I'm also running a LAMP server as well01:17
daftykinsdecadence18: and why are you attempting to run both on the same host? :P01:18
nagerst1If it requires pulse it should not be in the recommended stack, but required stack.01:18
daftykinsnagerst1: pepperflash comes from chrome right, so Google PPA's - so not ubuntu's problem01:19
decadence18A job I am attempting to obtain is asking about my Wordpress abilities. I want to try to refamiliarize myself with Wordpress fully, without bothering my personal apache server01:19
ianorlindecadence18: run ubuntu-server on your own vm?01:20
Jordan_Unagerst1: I don't know. Have you tried https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio/Troubleshooting#Glitches.2C_skips_or_crackling for fixing the crackling in pulse?01:20
nagerst1daftykins: Good point, but as regular flash does not work any more on most sites. What can we do? It is not like gnash is going to leap forward like a beast very soon.01:20
decadence18@ianorlin I'm already running a server I'm just trying to use both nginx and apache. @daftykins I replied but forgot to have your name in front, sorry01:20
nagerst1Jordan_U: The goal is to NOT have pulseaudio. As i have very strange hardware.01:21
Jordan_Unagerst1: Why is that your goal?01:21
ianorlinnagerst1: lubuntu ocmes without pulse audio but it is easy to install something that pulls it in01:21
nagerst1Jordan_U: I have a Yamaha device.01:21
decadence18Daftykins: Let me restart and give a bit more detail. I already have the packages installed and moved from port 80 to port 81. I now have two issues: Port forwarding nginx is not working, and a php page utilizing phpinfo(); is completely blank abet the exact code in the php file.01:23
daftykinsdecadence18: set it up in a VM01:23
daftykinsnagerst1: i don't see that as being anything 'we' need to work on :)01:24
Jordan_Unagerst1: What is the significance of that?01:24
daftykinsdecadence18: sounds like the PHP module isn't enabled with nginx perhaps01:24
decadence18How would I do this? I followed the comments to the best of my ability and removed the appropriate lines in the sites-enabled file to allow it to use php01:25
timdotrbgood evening, all01:25
decadence18daftykins: How would I do this? I followed the comments to the best of my ability and removed the appropriate lines in the sites-enabled file to allow it to use php01:28
daftykinsdecadence18: google's top result - http://askubuntu.com/questions/134666/what-is-the-easiest-way-to-enable-php-on-nginx01:29
decadence18I'm not sure if i've tried this or not (My search results may be slightly different as I don't use Google)01:30
daftykinsVMs really are your friend though, you could've gotten away without messing with your own setup01:30
nagerst1daftykins and Jordan_U I am not asking you to fix it. Juse if you know of a non-pulse sollution. All other software works perfectly fine with the hardware mixer and dsp. If i install pulse i only get certain functionality.01:30
decadence18daftykins: I was considering VMs but I'm not 100% sure on how to use those either. I'm not even in college yet so...01:31
nagerst1If i have to accept no flash sound, that is acceptable as long as i get the hardware mixing that i have payed for.01:31
daftykinsdecadence18: install virtualbox and go nuts!01:31
xanguanagerst1: try firefox and flashplugin-installer01:31
daftykinsbeing at a College has nothing to do with making use of virtualisation, it's amazing tech.01:32
nagerst1xangua: i will, but that will put me with 11.* right?01:32
nagerst1xangua: a very good suggestion. I only need flash for enjoyment purposes anyways.01:32
decadence18daftykins: Oh, I know. I'm almost completely self-taught with what I know is all I was saying, so there are many things I don't know01:32
daftykinsas am i :P01:33
somsipnagerst1: personally, I run firefox without flash, and have chrome installed with its built in flash which I use when I need it01:34
decadence18daftykins: Could it possibly be not registering the PHP module because I'm using a non-default directory?01:35
nagerst1somsip: chrome has pepperflash. regular flash in firefox works.01:35
daftykinsdecadence18: what's non-default?01:35
daftykinsyou installed the packages, follow that link01:35
somsipnagerst1: yes, but if you're worried about safety (as I am) it is a way to keep flash from running on your main browser. An dI understand Chrome uses a sandboxing thingy that is safe, and updates come quicker than to FF if/when new flash vulnerabilities are found. YMMV01:36
decadence18daftykins: I changed where it looks for the .html & etc files01:36
somsip*quicker to Chromer than to FF...01:36
daftykinsdecadence18: the document root? just follow the link...01:37
daftykinsdecadence18: when you learn for yourself do you actually follow guides and manuals or keep guessing? ;)01:37
decadence18daftykins: I use guides and manuals and forums and etc  and on occasion I'll just guess (:01:38
somsipbenjaminkingtech: do you have a support question?01:38
akkadikonia: why would you kick someone for reporting a broken mirror or two?01:38
Jordan_Unagerst1: Why do you consider hardware mixing a feature? Software mixing allows for higher quality, and does not require a lot of CPU (especially with newer CPU extentions added primarily for audio mixing).01:38
nagerst1Jordan_U: I do mixing on the yamaha 256mb card. It has perfect ALSA support but it does not work well with pulse.01:39
benjaminkingtechyes, i was wondering if Ubuntu 14.04.2 well work on old xp hardware.01:39
nagerst1Jordan_U: I could have bought a terratech card, but it has even less support for linux01:40
xanguawhat's an old xp hardare¿ benjaminkingtech01:40
xanguabenjaminkingtech: if you are looking for some light dekstop there is Lubuntu and Xubuntu01:40
nagerst1benjaminkingtech: Fluxbuntu is about as light as you get in ubuntuland unless you are prepared to go cli and ncurses01:41
benjaminkingtechwell i have a windows xp computer with a Pentium 4 ht in it.01:41
elitedeamonHello anyone help me with setting a primary monitor on a triple monitor setup01:42
daftykinsbenjaminkingtech: those are pretty rubbish for all purposes now, things like youtube won't work properly.01:42
Jordan_Ubenjaminkingtech: It depends on the hardware (for instance, are there quality 3D drivers available for your graphics card) and also what you're doing. I'm currently working on a 10 year old Latitude D810 laptop using Xubuntu, and IRC and C development / git usage are great. Surfing the web can be painful though.01:42
nagerst1benjaminkingtech: As long as you do not have a old ATI card you can run any version of ubuntu on that machine.01:42
elitedeamoni have a R9 29001:42
benjaminkingtechthanks for the help i well try them soon thanks!01:42
nagerst1P9? as in Mobile radeon P9? (relabeled 7500), Those work fine.01:43
elitedeamonI have tried running a ArandR command in the startup to set my middle monitor as primary and it doesnt work01:43
nbros652I have a script that runs @reboot. The script uses both xset and xinput. These of course require access to the X server. DISPLAY=:0 is not working. Any ideas?01:44
akkadWow... Let's ban people who matter *** Ban for *!*@zeniv.linux.org.uk on #ubuntu set by ikonia01:44
akkad"Sorry Alan Cox, you can't join #ubuntu01:44
Jordan_Unagerst1: What does this script do? What is your end goal?01:44
ianorlinakkad: not the place for this discussion01:44
nagerst1Jordan_U: i have posted no script.01:45
somsipnbros652: you need to make sure X is running first. So @reboot may not be the best place for those sort of commands. How about something like .xinitrc ?01:45
Nixusanyone know a good youtube player other than minitube?01:45
Jordan_Uakkad: #ubuntu-ops is the place to ask about bans and discuss channel policy.01:45
akkadianorlin: sorry. will do thanks.01:46
Nixusmaybe that supports sign in01:46
decadence18daftykins: I've followed both the forum/tutorial you sent me and the one that it links to01:46
decadence18daftykins: Still only shows "phpinfo(); ?>"01:46
elitedeamonAnyone at all on the subject of setting primary monitor no?01:46
Jordan_Unagerst1: Sorry, mistab :)01:46
somsipdecadence18: missing '<?php' at start of file?01:46
daftykinsdecadence18: you know you have to restart the server first?01:46
Jordan_Unbros652: What does this script do? What is your end goal?01:47
decadence18somsip: No, but I may have figured out the problem01:47
nbros652somsip, will that run with root privileges? Event with X running, it doesn't work in ctrl+alt+F1. I should also mention that the script runs in the background and still fails after X has started.01:47
decadence18daftykins: I know01:47
decadence18daftykins: I got php to work, now I just have to get nginx port-forwarded01:47
daftykinsdecadence18: ok, you don't need to give me a step by step update btw...01:48
nbros652Jordan_U, screenlock replacement basically. Checks to see if my fitbit is close by, disables all inputs if not and blanks the screen. Re-enables all inputs and brings screen back when I get close to my computer.01:48
nbros652Jordan_U, works fine if I run manually from within X01:49
nbros652... as root01:49
somsipnbros652: not in ~/.xinitrc but maybe /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc would be worth looking at01:51
nbros652somsip, I'll take a look at that. It may be what I need.01:52
Jordan_Unbros652: Does it work if you set it to run in a cron tab 1 minute from now (or similarly with at)? It may be that the script is running before X has started, or it may even need to be run after your specific gnome session has started.01:52
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Jordan_Unbros652: Ahh, your most recent command answers my question.01:53
nbros652Jordan_U, strangely it does not work in crontab one minute from now either.01:56
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somsipnbros652: are you using envs in the script that are not setup by the cron environment?01:56
nbros652somsip, I specified DISPLAY, but that's all.01:58
nbros652somsip, Jordan_U: gonna give xinitrc a whirl01:58
=== Termana is now known as Guest49659
spacebison?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 002:03
nbros652somsip, Jordan_U: not sure why, but the X stuff still doesn't work from xinitrc either. The script starts, but xset and xinput don't work02:06
intelburnzhello everyone02:06
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Jordan_Unbros652: Why don't you just send gnome-screensaver lock and unlock events?02:07
NegativeFlareok then02:07
nbros652Jordan_U: the unlock stopped working with 14.04 I think02:08
somsipnbros652: so you've got the right place to trigger the script. One step closer at least02:08
Jordan_Unbros652: How are you trying to unlock the screen? What happens when you do?02:08
nbros652somsip, actually it ran before in cron. It's behaving the same way in xinitrc as it did in cron.02:09
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somsipnbros652: ah - ok02:09
Jordan_Unbros652: I now see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/1307163 , but it's still more secure (and probably simpler) to use an existing locking implementation. You could possibly switch to xscreensaver or another lock screen.02:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307163 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "not work gnome-screensaver-command -d" [Low,Confirmed]02:11
nbros652Jordan_U, I don't actually lock the screen. I disable all inputs (xinput) and blank the screen (xset). Then I reverse everything to "unlock"02:11
Jordan_Unbros652: I know, and I'm suggesting that since your end goal is to have the session "locked", you should instead use purpose built software to accomplish it.02:12
nbros652Jordan_U, I just might go that route. I was thinking of doing that.02:13
nbros652I'm still curious though because I was still thinking of blanking the screen using a similar script for other reasons (not locking).02:13
nbros652Jordan_U, somsip: Thanks for the input. I'll keep playing with it02:21
Jordan_Unbros652: You're welcome.02:21
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somsipnbros652: np02:24
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scavmartindoes anyone know of a working sudo package with sssd support for freeipa on Ubuntu 12.04?02:32
themusicgod1if the launcher disappears in fallback gnome in 14.04 (possibly by something being clicked) is there a way to re-enable it?02:37
fishdealerhey trying to use xrandr to change resolution of monitor VGA1 anyone know command to do this?02:47
daftykinsxrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x76802:49
zauharitest brother02:56
gunndawgCould someone explain to me why unchecking "use system title bar and borders" gets rid of the minimize, maximize, close buttons on chrome?03:10
ianorlingunndawg: because those are provided by the system title bar03:11
=== kalen is now known as kalen_not-here
=== Zachary_DuBois is now known as Tokyo
vitpradogoogle is down?03:27
vitpradoor only here?03:28
daftykinsi don't know where you are in the world.03:28
daftykinsso answering that would be foolish03:28
daftykinstry www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com :P03:28
vitpradois already normal =)03:29
shortstraw8Anyone have a good recommendation for a very basic free autoCAD for linux?03:37
timer159can anyone read my msg?03:38
shortstraw8Yes timer15903:38
daftykins!test | timer15903:39
ubottutimer159: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )03:39
timer159oh.why can't I post message at some other channel?03:39
timer159like archlinux?03:39
MrPPSHey guys, I've got an FDE setup (done at installation time of my distro from the Live CD). I'm adding an additional hard drive, and I'd like this to be encrypted also. Is there a "best method" approach to this scenario?03:40
ubuntuser13i installed oald8 successfully in ubuntu. Desktop icon also created. but when i run it by clicking on Desktop icon. nothing happens.why?03:40
MrPPSIdeally, I was thinking of having it encrypted with the same key, auto mounted as /home at boot time, but, if this is not possible, does anyone have a suggestion as to the best alternative? Thanks03:40
ubuntuser13i'm running ubuntu 14.04 64bit.03:40
daftykinstimer159: go ask #freenode please.03:40
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ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )03:41
timer159what/who is ubottu?03:42
daftykinsa bot for this channel.03:42
timer159aha. Thanks.03:42
daftykinstimer159: now this is an ubuntu channel for support only, so...03:42
shortstraw8I have seen those daftykins. Any experience with them?03:42
timer159sorry. I see. Thank you guys.03:42
datakid_I'm trying some upstart init scripts for the first time03:48
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datakid_they are not working03:48
datakid_the docs would indicate that creating the conf files and checking them with init-checkconf is sufficient for them to start working03:49
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datakid_the init-checkconf comes up good03:52
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datakid_but post reboot nothing is running03:53
datakid_well, neither of my init's03:53
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Jonno_FTWhi, I have a .so file that is in a non-standard location, how do I make it visible when running programs?03:56
azizLIGHTwhen i try to open my archive in archive manager it complains that "could not open 'data.ext4.win000' Archive type not supported." .... whats the problem? how do i fix it? its suppose to be a multi-part archive win000 win001 win002 win003 and win00404:00
daftykinscreated by what?04:00
azizLIGHTby a backup utility for anndroid. it says it makes tar files04:02
daftykinsso name them appropriately04:03
azizLIGHTi tried to rename a archive who only has 1 file, with .tar, and it worked. but i cannot figure out what the file names should be for a multi part win files04:03
daftykinsor run "file <filename>" on them04:03
azizLIGHTi have tried .tar, .tar.000 .tar.001 and so on04:03
daftykinswell you can't just make things up04:03
azizLIGHTwhat do you mean?04:03
daftykinsrun the above04:04
azizLIGHTit says "data.ext4.win000: POSIX tar archive (GNU)04:04
azizLIGHTdata.ext4.win001: POSIX tar archive (GNU)04:05
daftykinsit might actually be that they're not spanned04:05
azizLIGHTwhat does that mena04:05
daftykinsthey might be freestanding04:05
azizLIGHToh, like indepenent archives that dont rly on each other04:05
daftykinsso rename the first to win000.tar and see if it opens04:06
daftykinsthe reason that it segmented them is because likely your card is not exFAT and cannot handle a huge single file04:06
daftykinsi bet they're all a similar size, yeah?04:06
daftykinsls -hl /path/where/they/are/04:06
azizLIGHTyes it opened04:06
azizLIGHTyeah theyre all 1.6gb except forthe last one04:07
azizLIGHTand i had a fat32 filesystem to backup to04:07
daftykinsah-har, that'll be why then04:07
azizLIGHTi just thought they were multi-part files. like how many archvives are04:08
azizLIGHTnever seen independent archives that are named numerically04:08
daftykinsonly for certain illegal obtaining of content :P04:08
azizLIGHTyeah lol04:08
daftykinsbut naturally nobody here would do any of that...04:08
azizLIGHTthanks daftykins now i can check out my files04:09
ubuntuser13Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit  how to solve these?04:10
Ben64ubuntuser13: more details are required04:11
azizLIGHTinsufficient data for meaningful answer04:11
ubuntuser13Ben64: actually i installed a java based software in ubuntu. but unable to run it. java7 installed properly. but unable to execute program.04:12
daftykinsubuntuser13: you need to tell us what you did to get that error04:12
daftykinswe're not mind readers, you see04:12
=== kalen is now known as kalen_not-here
ubuntuser13in terminal i type:  /usr/bin     /home/***/isg/1sg2 where isg is program name. it shows following errors.04:13
daftykins"/usr/bin program" ? no that can't be right.04:14
ubuntuser13daftykins: sorry /bin/sh04:14
daftykinsbut that's a shell...04:14
Ben64ubuntuser13: pastebin the *exact* command and the full error04:14
ubuntuser13daftykins:  yes software is executable.  like isg.sh.04:15
daftykinsyou're running it wrong, if it has a proper shebang then you would chmod +x then "./script.sh"04:15
ubuntuser13daftykins: i did that. program installed correctly.04:16
Ben64what is the program04:17
ubuntuser13Ben64: http://searchgurbani.com/sgdv/isg for ubuntu/unix04:17
daftykinswhat happens when you type "java -version" ?04:18
ubuntuser13daftykins: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10769835/              it shows java version.04:19
Ben64ubuntuser13: looks like you were here on november 19th with the same problem with the same program. maybe contact whoever makes it and ask them for help04:21
ubuntuser13Ben64: please tell me how to see logs at freenode?04:23
daftykinsmaybe you don't have a JAVA_HOME04:23
ubuntuser13Ben64: this  problem occured due to java errors . not because of that software.04:24
ubuntuser13daftykins: how to get JAVA_HOME?04:25
Ben42_ubuntuser13: you should not be so sure, java is likely working fine04:26
ubuntuser13Ben42_: i think i should reinstall java.04:27
Ben42_ubuntuser13: no, you should ask whoever made that software04:28
ubuntuser13Ben42_: these errors connected with java not with that software.04:29
OerHeksDoes java have a debug option?04:29
ubuntuser13Ben42_ java could not create a virtual machine. this is a java problem.04:29
Ben42_java -version works, so java works04:30
Ben42_whatever that script does is not working properly04:30
OerHeksubuntuser13, that software is written in the time of 'java 6 or higher'04:30
OerHeksubuntu btw this software is in beta 1.0 http://beta.searchgurbani.com/sgdv/isg04:31
OerHeksworth a try04:31
jason__I just downloaded it and it worked for me. o_O04:32
ubuntuser13OerHeks: see the first line , updated April, 2015.04:32
ubuntuser13jason_: this is a sikh religious Software.04:34
jason__yeah I just downloaded it out of curiosity04:35
jason__I ran the shell script and it opened an installer window.04:35
wmwhey, i need some help04:36
ubuntuser13jason_: so please use this, according to sikh customs and traditions. this program installed correctly on my system also but i unable to run it due to java errors.04:36
=== max_ is now known as Guest67753
azizLIGHTwhy cant i make exfat via gparted for a usb drive04:37
azizLIGHTits grayed out04:38
azizLIGHTi even did 'sudo apt-get install exfat-utils exfat-fuse'04:41
OerHeksazizLIGHT, known isue, gparted only detects exfat > sudo mkfs.exfat -n LABEL /dev/sdc1 # where sdc1 is your usb drive04:43
azizLIGHThm ok04:45
azizLIGHTwhy even bother listing it04:45
azizLIGHTlets tease the user with something he cant make04:45
OerHeksazizLIGHT, after making exfat, does the drive have GPT ?04:50
OerHeksthen i think you should try an other usb drive, remove the mbr and create GPT, maybe the option is then not greyed out04:51
OerHeksthat 'greyed out' bothers me, the opton is there,04:52
azizLIGHTOerHeks: how do i check if its gpt?04:53
OerHekssudo fdisk -l # fdisk will complain about gpt04:53
azizLIGHTit didnt complain about gpt04:55
azizLIGHTabout my /dev/sde04:55
OerHeksoh oke, ofcourse not, with those fuse utils.. does it say gpt?04:56
azizLIGHTwhich fuse util? how do i use it to check gpt?04:56
DuvyDudecould someone help me? i keep getting this hang up during boot: http://dpaste.com/0QKMJ9K04:56
OerHeksazizLIGHT, fdisk shows here > Disklabel type: gpt04:57
azizLIGHTOerHeks: i dont see anything like that in sudo fdisk -l04:59
daftykinsazizLIGHT: fdisk doesn't support GPT :P05:00
daftykinshey wait a minute :P since when...05:04
daftykinsi thought it usually detected GPT then threw its' hands up and said "i'm not touching that!"05:04
OerHeksthat was my 1st reaction too05:05
OerHeksit will give an error complaining about GPT, so it is 99% certain it is GPT05:05
OerHeksso how does your fdisk look like azizLIGHT ?05:08
TurtleDanI keep gettin these errors when I update.  Should I just ignore them? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10770110/05:08
daftykinsPPA is dead, remove it05:09
OerHeksTurtleDan, see https://launchpad.net/~jon-severinsson/+related-packages05:11
OerHeksppa-purge would restore to the original files05:11
TurtleDanThank you.05:11
daftykinsubuntu ditched ffmpeg so there won't be any, i think?05:11
OerHeksmaybe it returns, not sure05:12
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azizLIGHTOerHeks: i just made it exfat from Disks05:19
DuvyDudecould someone help me? i keep getting this hang up during boot: http://dpaste.com/0QKMJ9K05:35
daftykinsand what do you do? skip?05:35
daftykinsedit /etc/fstab and check the entries against 'sudo blkid'05:36
AfterDarknesshello, when i do 'fdisk -l /dev/sdc' (my sd card) i get type BBT. what is bbt?05:38
AfterDarknesshow can i mount a BBT type?05:40
daftykinswhat about 'sudo parted -l' ?05:41
AfterDarknesspartition table: unknown05:42
daftykins!info pmount05:42
ubottupmount (source: pmount): mount removable devices as normal user. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.23-3 (utopic), package size 71 kB, installed size 721 kB05:42
AfterDarknessi have it installed but dont know how to use it to be honest, have to look at the man page05:42
AfterDarknessbut i should use pmount instead of mount right?05:43
daftykinssee the post before last on there05:43
AfterDarknessError: device /dev/sdc4 does not exist05:44
daftykinsdon't just paste things randomly, read the post there and use your head :)05:44
AfterDarknessI did read that exact link before coming here tho :D05:44
AfterDarknessthat is when i installed pmount05:45
ANJ7I install code blocks in my ubuntu by source code. Now I cannot run it. How can I run it?05:45
cachedso i know this isn't ubuntu related, but are there any freenode ops here around? some dude is spamming the heck out of #python and #freenode and neither seem to have anyone around to take care of it05:45
daftykinsyou shouldn't install software that way if you can avoid it.05:45
daftykinscached: you're right, that is completely irrelevant to this channel :)05:46
ANJ7how can I run it now?05:46
daftykinsdepends if your compilation worked and where that put the files05:46
daftykinsi have no idea :)05:46
daftykinsthis is why you should use packages05:47
ANJ7it gives an error05:47
ANJ7codeblocks: error while loading shared libraries: libcodeblocks.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:47
daftykinsyeah so it can't find that05:47
ANJ7but I did every step ./configure, make and sudo make install05:48
ANJ7i know but atleast once I want to build it from source and run05:49
daftykinsprobably came with a readme, or has one on their site05:49
AfterDarknessdaftykins, gparted say that the device has only an unallocated partition, but on my other PC I can see that there are files05:50
geniiANJ7: Do you have package libcodeblocks0 installed?05:50
AfterDarknessonly one*05:50
genii!info libcodeblocks005:50
ubottulibcodeblocks0 (source: codeblocks): Code::Blocks shared library. In component universe, is optional. Version 13.12-3 (utopic), package size 1765 kB, installed size 6279 kB05:50
gr33n7007hANJ7: edit /etc/ld.so.conf05:50
ANJ7gr33n7007h, what should I edit ?05:52
gr33n7007hANJ7: add /usr/local/lib into that file05:52
ANJ7oh, ok05:52
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ANJ7gr33n7007h, its already there05:53
gr33n7007hANJ7: type sudo ldconfig then try open code blocks again?05:54
ANJ7gr33n7007h, thanks its opening now :)05:55
gr33n7007hANJ7: np05:55
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makarahi. From bash how can I tell if I'm using ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop?06:06
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daftykinsone has a GUI. one does not.06:06
hateballPre-installed, that is06:07
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n-iCeWhich one is lighter, mate xubuntu or lubuntu06:10
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ablest1980is lubuntu light ubuntu?06:11
n-iCemate looks promising06:12
gr33n7007hmakara: [ `uname -r | grep -qs "\-server"` ] && echo "server" || echo "desktop"06:22
geirhamakara: Why does the distinction matter?06:27
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gr33n7007hgeirha: s\he's either lost their fingers or fell asleep06:30
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makaragr33n7007h: that doesn't work06:51
makarageirha: just wondering06:51
daftykinsmakara: surely you know what you have installed on your own systems?06:51
makaradaftykins: a bundled droplet with a whole lot of crap services06:52
makarai know, its pretty daft. Just check for X06:53
daftykinsthat's not actually an answer to my question06:53
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makarawhat was your question?06:53
daftykinsyou can see it above06:53
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htqpmakara: apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop* | grep '\*\*\*'07:10
htqpwhere ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop,etc. are the metapcakages for the respective ubuntu flavors07:10
daftykinswhat if someone had avoided the meta packages and installed X components manually? ;)07:11
htqpand what if I install the server version then the desktop packages without the meta-package?07:12
daftykinsi feel like you just repeated what i said07:13
sweb1how to edit fstab saftly ... i dont have VNC .. i just have ssh07:16
sweb1if i miss somthing i cant access my server after restart07:16
makarasweb1: you could attach that disk to another VM and edit the fstab from there07:17
makaraI've done that07:17
makarahtqp: comes up blank on both desktop and server07:19
k1l_sweb1: use a cli editor over ssh like nano. is not a big issue07:19
k1l_*it is07:19
gr33n7007hmakara: what does uname -rv say?07:21
gr33n7007hor does ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server use the same generic kernel now?07:22
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k1l_gr33n7007h: yes they do07:22
gr33n7007hk1l_: ah ok scrap that then makara07:22
daftykinsgr33n7007h: have done since 12.0407:23
daftykinsdespite the factoids being wrong still07:23
gr33n7007hdaftykins: I'm way behind the times :P07:23
k1l_the sources.list should name the install media in the header07:24
k1l_and you can lookup if you got a *dm installed and running.07:25
adoniscikI'm trying to coax grub into seeing a new operating system I installed after buying a new hard drive. upgrade-grub2 didn't do it. Can someone lend a hand?07:26
QwertyDragon"sudo update-grub"  In terminal might work.07:32
adoniscikthat's the same as update-grub2 though07:34
geirhagr33n7007h: even if it did end in -server, your test will always claim it's desktop07:45
gr33n7007hgeirha: I know, was to early in the morning ;P07:49
gr33n7007hmy brain doesn't function properly till about dinner07:50
daftykinsyou need a coffee injection :)07:50
gr33n7007hon my fourth cup already :)07:50
hawahow do i open different application in different window using terminal??? i tried to do it using wmctrl bt it did not work. May be I was doing something wrong... my machine is ubuntu12.0407:51
MouzzIs there a way to specify a preferred dns server which is always used/tried first? I use one internal dns server (which resolves local names and redirects other requests to a public dns) and a public dns for when the nternal one is unreachable. The problem now is that Ubuntu seems to be switching to the second (public) dns I have entered in NM...07:52
cfhowlettMouzz, yes you can use a custom DNS.   Over my head, but perhaps ##linux or #ubuntu-server would know the details.07:52
daftykinsMouzz: maybe if you kept the external only and hardcoded your internal hosts that you need to hit, you could bypass that07:52
digitsmI still have problem with installing ubuntu on a PC with Nvidia GTX 750 Ti07:54
daftykinsdigitsm: boot with nomodeset?07:54
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:54
daftykinsonce installed you need to add the xorg-edgers PPA then install the nvidia-346 package07:55
digitsmI installed xubuntu 14.04, followed this instructions http://askubuntu.com/questions/425140/unable-toboot-with-nvidia-gtx-750-ti-even-with-latest-beta-drivers07:55
digitsmThen updated and driver doesn't work now07:55
daftykinsoh so i suppose i have to read that to help you, huh? :)07:55
daftykinsdigitsm: so you downloaded the driver from nvidia direct?07:55
digitsmdaftykins, Yes07:56
daftykinsok that was a bad move07:56
Mouzzcfhowlett: daftykins: I'll try the suggested #'s thnx. And I use an internal dns for a reason :) Too much work to copy around the growing and changing the (local-)hosts file like in the 70ies :)07:56
daftykinsthat is why it's broken now07:56
daftykinsdigitsm: you need to re-run the installer if you want to fix it as-is.07:56
digitsmdaftykins, Do you suggest using xorg-edgers?07:56
daftykinsbut you'll need to remove what you have now for that to be an option07:56
digitsmdaftykins, really?07:57
daftykinsdigitsm: yes07:57
digitsmYou mean I have to uninstall the driver I downloaded from nvidia? how?07:57
daftykinsrun the nvidia uninstaller07:57
digitsmdaftykins, I only ran a .run file07:59
daftykinsdigitsm: type "nvidia" then hit tab, it might resolve a -uninstall07:59
digitsmdaftykins, you mean running "NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-334.21_2.run" again?07:59
daftykinsno i do not08:00
digitsmdaftykins, I found command nvidia-uninstall08:00
daftykinsi mean running what i said08:00
digitsmdaftykins, After uninstalling nvidia-uninstall, should I go to tty1?08:00
digitsmbecause xorg will go off I think08:00
skepticleHey folks, having an issue with my new ubuntu install. about 20px on each side of my monitors is hidden, i have changed the resolution and still have the same issues. i have also adjusted the overscan on both monitors and even when set to 4:whatever the portions of the screen are still missing but with a massive gap where the aspect ratio is changed. any info08:01
daftykinsyou should add xorg-edgers first, uninstall, then apt-get update && apt-get install nvidia-34608:01
daftykinsskepticle: graphics hardware + driver?08:02
digitsmnvidia 346 instead of 349?08:02
digitsmdaftykins, Thank you very much for helping. I stuck with it for 3 days08:02
daftykinsi don't think 349 is in the xorg edgers PPA, let me see08:02
digitsmdaftykins, it is08:02
daftykinsah ok that's recent then08:03
skepticleDaftykins XFX 7750HD with AMD catalyse propietary drivers for linux have been updated to no avail08:03
daftykinsskepticle: you've queried the scaling options within the CCC though?08:03
skepticledaftykins: there is no CCC gui08:04
daftykinsi've seen pics of it and guides for resolving overscan, so you must be mistaken08:04
skepticledaftykins: then i may or may not have done something wrong D:08:04
skepticleone sec.08:05
digitsmdaftykins, I uninstalled manually installed nvidia driver, but my Xorg didn't went down (I mean tty7 is still running)08:08
digitsmdaftykins, Is it ok?08:08
digitsmdaftykins, p.s. I also blacklisted nouveau08:09
daftykinsjust follow the steps then reboot after08:09
digitsmdaftykins, OK08:09
daftykinsyeah the guide you followed was pretty terrible08:09
MeinskurDigitsm, remember to remove the USB after you've installed Ubuntu, I had that problem last night xD08:10
digitsmdaftykins, Oooh08:10
daftykinsMeinskur: it's already an installed version08:11
trijntjeis there a way to get man to write its output to stdout or a file?08:11
Meinskurallright :D08:11
skepticledaftykins, think i fixed my mistake, gonna restart and find out ^.^ Danke08:12
ahmetalpbalkanHi folks, how can I find the list of the URLs downloaded to the machine during an 'apt-get install'. I'm trying to do this to measure network performance of the repos I'm using and I'm planning to curl to /dev/null and measure download time to isolate disk speed in this equation.08:13
daftykinskind of a waste on the repos, no? :)08:14
daftykinsubuntu already has a 'find best mirror' function, you know?08:14
ahmetalpbalkandaftykins: I'm pretty sure what I'm doing :D08:14
ahmetalpbalkanI need to measure speed of the best the mirror used08:14
daftykinsperhaps if i can understand what you're trying to achieve, there might be an easier way08:15
gunndawgIs there any way to adjust picture quality for flash (mostly live streams) using Ubuntu 14.04 and chrome? Seems the same streams I usually go to are somewhat lesser quality than when viewed on my windows machine.08:15
daftykinsthat'll be down to Google who provide pepperflash, not ubuntu08:16
daftykinssee if they offer an HTML5 version perhaps?08:16
ahmetalpbalkandaftykins: I work at a cloud provider and I want to measure network speed of the repos we have from VMs and compare with others08:16
ahmetalpbalkanI thought finding out what blobs downloaded and downloading them without writing them to disk and measuring download times would be a bit apples to apples comparison08:16
ahmetalpbalkanbecause cloud providers provide different disk write speeds and I want to take that out of equation08:17
skepticledaftykins: Got it sorted, You're the real MVP :D08:17
daftykinsmost vicious penguin \o/08:17
daftykinsskepticle: was the scaling option responsible?08:17
skepticleDaftykins: Yeah, apparently i installed like a complete moron, my linux skills be rusty :308:18
daftykinsit's no wonder when drivers are like AMDs :(08:18
skepticlelol i know right, too cheap for intel though >.<08:19
skepticleAnyways, Thanks for the help. I owe you a beer! :D08:19
daftykinshehe enjoy08:20
digitsmdaftykins, I can't "sudo aptitude install nvidia-346" It waits for headers forever :(08:24
daftykinsdigitsm: you update'd first yes?08:24
digitsmdaftykins, yes08:24
daftykinsalso why do people use aptitude when apt-get comes built in08:24
yongxinghuiubuntu 14.04 can not rotate 90 degree with Intel GMA3600: My video card is Intel integrated GMA3600, when I choose to rotate 90 degrees in "Display Setting", the display show the message "the Signal is Lost". what can I do to support it?08:25
daftykinsdigitsm: ctrl+c and try again, maybe it's your connection08:25
digitsmdaftykins, I connect through a VPN08:26
digitsmdaftykins, But I can view webpage of xorg-edgers08:26
daftykinswell, do what you have to08:27
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digitsmdaftykins, How can I know if PPA of xorg-edgers is available or not?08:29
digitsmI mean its url08:29
digitsmI don't have its URL to test it08:30
daftykinsdigitsm: if you've having issues, look at the packages it wants to grab, download them manually and install via sudo dpkg -i blah.deb08:32
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digitsmdaftykins, I want to exactly do so, but how could I find that package?08:33
xsi"apt-get install gnome-sound-recorder"08:33
xsino gnome-sound-recorder08:33
gr33n7007hhawa: something like: wmctrl -s 1 && program &08:34
hawagr33n7007h, turns out, unity has only one workspace split int 4 viewport... I have to use my screen coordinates...08:34
daftykinsdigitsm: what do you mean?08:35
digitsmdaftykins, Nothing, I found it08:35
gr33n7007hah, yes I forgot about that08:35
digitsmBut it seems that downloading from launchpad is extremely slow. Maybe the firewall of my company is filtering the files08:36
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Logic1Its always kind of slow for me08:37
AndreeeCZhi! how can i check what cpu scheduler i'm using?08:39
digitsmdaftykins, I temporarily reinstalled nvidia 334.21 which I downloaded from Nvidia website08:41
digitsmAfter installing enough packages (like proxies, etc.) I will retry installing from xorg-edgers08:41
digitsmdragly, Thanks08:41
vltHello. What tool can I use to compare two images and get an amount of similarity? For example: Image A is a screenshot of a movie and I want to compare it to (a sequence of still images of the) movie and find the timestamp it was taken. Any idea?08:46
shafoxHi, I have installed jenkins, now i switched to jenkins user using sudo su - jenkins, i tried to print which java, which javac it gave nothing. while in my username i can see those values. How can i set those to jenkins user as well ?08:48
Ben64vlt: findimagedupes08:48
vltBen64: Thanks, I’ll have a look at it.08:49
vitimitiHello, I have bought a new USB2.0, and when I put it into my Ubuntu machine it is mounted as a DVD and I can't format it or change its contents, how can I fix this?08:49
hateballvitimiti: by USB2.0, do you mean a thumbstick/flashdrive?08:51
vitimitihateball, yes08:51
hateballvitimiti: Check that it does not have one of those hardware read-only switches08:51
vitimitihateball, I don't see any, I do see it comes with an antivirus inside of it08:52
vitimitiOh, I forgot, this is the dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10771119/08:52
Ben64vitimiti: http://media.kingston.com/support/downloads/DTVP_userManual_002.pdf08:53
hateballInteresting, a manufacturer that makes the effort to support Linux08:54
vitimitiBen64, thank you08:54
daftykinshateball: don't worry, it won't last08:56
digitsmHmmm. I want to install ubuntu 14.04.1 on a new PC (and then update it so it won't update its kernel to latest)09:01
digitsmFrom where could I download 14.04.1 iso for amd64?09:01
daftykinsyeah that works fine, i do that to avoid having the utopic HWE of 14.04.209:02
daftykinsoh they've culled the .1 ISOs now =/09:03
digitsmdaftykins, yes :(09:03
daftykinsdigitsm: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/14.04.1/release/09:04
daftykinsthere you go09:04
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digitsmdaftykins, the link doesn't exist09:05
daftykinsi don't know what you mean, but actually that just has the mac edition ISOs :<09:06
yongxinghuixubuntu 14.04 can not rotate 90 degree with Intel GMA3600: My video card is Intel integrated GMA3600, when I choose to rotate 90 degrees in "Display Setting", the display show the message "the Signal is Lost". what can I do to support it?09:07
daftykinsdigitsm: there's always the mini.iso - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/trusty/09:09
iptabledigilink, http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/09:12
daftykinssame thing. same issue.09:13
iptabledigitsm, http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/09:13
iptableyou can download full ISO from there for 14.04.109:13
daftykinsiptable: if you follow the actual link it's got the same issue as my links09:13
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Ben64whats the issue?09:14
digitsmdaftykins, At last I found a link to download it from a download center from my country09:14
digitsmBen64, nothing :-"09:14
daftykinsBen64: 14.04.1 ISOs have been culled at last :( some of us don't want to use the utopic HWE09:15
iptabledaftykins, what's the problem?09:15
iptabledaftykins,  ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64+mac.iso   is there!09:15
Ben64daftykins: they're literally in the link you gave09:15
daftykinsiptable: yeah that's the mac spin though09:15
iptabledaftykins, no, that's amd6409:15
iptableand mac09:15
daftykinsthey were always separate in the past09:15
Ben64not anymore09:16
cfhowlettdaftykins, no more "mac" spin.  AMD 64 is now mac standard09:16
Ben64if you notice, there is no 14.04.2 amd64 without mac either09:16
daftykinsweird how the ones i downloaded didn't have mac in the name then09:16
swizgard_i have a weird ram-problem. i upgraded (completely replaced) ram in my laptop. with one piece of ram i get a kernel panic after "decompressing kernel", with two i get a beep and restart. but when i use a ubuntu live system from usb stick i come as far as choosing "try" or "install" (with one piece of ram)09:16
iptabledaftykins, on official download they may be called different09:16
swizgard_does that make any sense to someone here?09:17
daftykinsswizgard_: memtest with all configurations09:17
daftykinsor perhaps BIOS update09:17
Ben64memtest first, its the easiest09:17
swizgard_daftykins: how do i memtest with these new live systems? there is no option for that anymore...09:18
daftykinsshould be09:18
daftykinsswizgard_: if you don't see 'test memory' then just make up a bootable medium with memtest86+ on09:18
iptableswizgard_, when you put in liveCD/USB of ubuntu server, you have memtesst option. for desktop one, you may need to hold ctrl (or shift?) while booting to see grub boot menu. you shouldn't need to though. Go to "advanced options" and memtest is there09:19
iptableswizgard_, alternatively, on memtest website itself, they have pre-built ISOs: http://www.memtest.org/#downiso09:20
daftykinsa fine echo :)09:21
AntiSolI'm having trouble with the patch utility and was hoping somebody could help me09:23
daftykinsask away with detail on one line09:23
lonelybyte how to solved  No apm support in kernel?09:23
AntiSolI'm trying to apply the patch from http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.ext4/18338. I did apt-get source e2fsprogs and saved the patch from that page. when I do 'patch -p1 < patchfile.patch' it tells me that it's patching the files but it doesn't make any changes to the files.09:24
lonelybyteNo apm support in kernel  why this problem?09:25
AntiSoli also tried patch --verbose but it doesn't give any insight, seems to indicate that everything is ok. but the files dont change. am I missing something obvious?09:25
daftykinsAntiSol: permissions perhaps?09:32
daftykinsi gotta run, ttfn09:32
AntiSolno it's not permissions akaik, I have write access to everything.09:33
AntiSolpatch gives a 0 return code as if everything is ok09:33
davevanloohey all, i was wondering if any one knows of a way to get a flash player full screen on a non primary monitor. from what i have read its prety impossible, accept for youtube.. but then id have to use html 5 ( aka firefox nightly )09:33
shafoxIn this answer http://stackoverflow.com/a/8185849/1460910, it is written that  it must be available for the user that starts Jenkins. How can I give jenkins user to have java_home variable09:35
RoryCan I get the "old" right-click->appearence application back? I installed shiki-colors and don't know how to set the theme09:36
RoryI'm wearing my Jaunty Jackalope shirt. I liked Jaunty Jackalope a lot. I could always find the theme selector there.09:36
davevanlooshirts of software you like do rule! :)09:38
norctouch /tmp/foo; chmod +x /tmp/foo; export PATH=/tmp/:$PATH; su - citt -c "foo"09:45
norcWhy doesnt this work?09:45
norcWhy isnt su - user -c "some_command" using the PATH?09:46
norc(Executing `su -c user -c "echo $PATH"´ shows that the PATH is properly set within the command)09:46
pandbso i know this isn't exactly the channel for it, but what exactly can I *do* with d-bus?09:47
rbasakpandb: you can provide an API to other applications over it, and you can access the API of any application that provides an API through d-bus.09:50
davevanloodang you beat me! :P09:50
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yossarianukhi - reading this http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-15-04-Launches-in-Two-Weeks-Will-Be-Based-on-Linux-Kernel-3-19-3-477904.shtml09:52
yossarianukit looks like ubuntu 15.04 is going to be based on kernel 3.19.309:52
yossarianuk does that  mean BTRFS users are screwed ?09:52
yossarianuki.e https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Gotchas - you need 3.19.4 + or you may have an unbootable system with btrfs09:53
basichashshould "sudo usermod -aG docker user" return any output?09:54
basichashi.e. how can i tell if it was successful?09:55
EriC^^basichash: cat /etc/passwd09:55
EriC^^basichash: it won't have a home dir though09:55
EriC^^also i think it's not -aG09:55
EriC^^just -G , -aG is for usermod09:55
EriC^^ah nevermind09:56
EriC^^basichash: type groups user to see the groups09:56
basichashEriC^^: yeah doesn't appear to be there09:56
EriC^^basichash: logout and back in09:56
EriC^^type or type sudo login user09:56
basichashEriC^^: thanks09:58
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zennyHi, trying to create a multiseat as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiseatTeam/Instructions with "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Caicos [Radeon HD 6450/7450/8450 / R5 230 OEM]" card which has an hdmi, vga and dvi ports. But I could not figure out how to create a 99-multiseat.conf as described here (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiseatTeam/Instructions#Example_.232) for ati radeon cards with fglr10:10
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thegrreatHello amade10:16
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digitsmdaftykins, At last I successfully installed nvidia 346 and it works like a charm10:19
digitsmdaftykins, I had to you proxychains + tor to access launchpad though!10:20
davevanloodigitsm, i did the same yesterday :)10:20
davevanlooi even got SLI to work properly ^10:20
digitsmdavevanloo, :)10:20
fishdealerusing xrandr how do I set VGA1 to res 1920x1080. xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1080 isn't working10:21
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aaspwhich is the best distribution linux10:24
davevanlooaasp: there is not "best" distribution its all about personal taste and requirements10:25
davevanloooke.. lol10:25
zennyRepost: Hi, trying to create a multiseat as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiseatTeam/Instructions with "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Caicos [Radeon HD 6450/7450/8450 / R5 230 OEM]" card which has an hdmi, vga and dvi ports. But I could not figure out how to create a 99-multiseat.conf as described here (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiseatTeam/Instructions#Example_.232) for ati radeon cards w10:26
dreamer_hi anyone here10:28
dreamer_i installed cakephp version since minutes ago10:28
dreamer_and when i run ./bin/cake server10:29
dreamer_and in my browser http://localhost:876510:29
dreamer_CakePHP is NOT able to connect to the database.10:29
jaykilleenwhats the cli command to upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04? has it released yet?10:31
dreamer_CakePHP is NOT able to connect to the database10:31
dreamer_apt-get dist-upgrade10:32
DJonesjaykilleen: Its not been released yet, if you upgraded, you'd only have the development version10:32
trijntjewhat is the best way to run third party apps in isolation so they cannot read or write any files I dont want them to?10:40
nejma vm maybe?10:40
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hateballtrijntje: there are several ways, as for what is "best" depends on your criterias10:41
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hateballchroot, vm, container like docker... etc10:41
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hateballmerely running the apps as a separate user account without read-rights to your usual users $home could be enough10:42
trijntjehateball: I dont want to use a vm since I'll probably end up using a bunch of them at the same time10:43
Ben64vm really is the best choice for that, could even revert back to a known good image after you shut down10:44
chotaz`wtrijntje, vagrant might help u?10:44
MonkeyDustoddly, i havent been able to launch linux desktops with vagrant10:45
trijntjeBen64: but its such a pain to get files into and out of a vm10:45
Ben64...not really10:46
hateballtrijntje: Suppose it depends on the apps you intend to run10:48
hateballYou could create a new partition with a filesystem that supports snapshots, put a new users $home there, run apps as that user. Then you can restore using filesystem level snapshots as well...10:48
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trijntjehateball: I want to use many different apps as part of a workflow, so logging in as another user or running part in a vm isnt really an option10:50
Ben64then give up on having them not affect anything10:51
hateballtrijntje: you dont have to end your primary users session just to run single apps as a different user10:51
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hateballAnyhow, it sounds like trying to create 10 problems rather than solving 110:53
trijntjehateball: sure, but what is the point of logging in as another user if you then cannot access the files of the primary user which you need?10:54
hateballtrijntje: I thought that was the entire point of your operation10:54
hateballPerhaps if you explain exactly what you're trying to achieve it's easier to find a "best" solution10:55
MonkeyDusti guess trijntje and hateball are not talking about the same thing10:55
trijntjehateball: the entire point of the operation is to have it only touch the files I wnat it to, not just everything10:55
chotaz`wI still think something like vagrant or puppet would help u, if you have such specific different workflows that can't interact with each other.10:55
trijntjeI'm just looking for a way to restrict a program to reading/writing in one folder. If I want to use it I just copy the data to that folder, when I'm done I copy the output out of it10:56
BluesKajHowdy folks10:59
hateballtrijntje: If it's a certain app you could probably achieve it using AppArmor11:00
__zug__All of a sudden (like the last week or so) I keep getting "Error interpreting JPEG image file (Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x52 0x49)" when I try to view saved .jpg files. Every file on discogs and other random places is doing this so it's not just one website doing it. From what I see on stackoverflow the file is a .png file but didn't change it. Anyting I can do on my on my end to stop this?11:00
hserra0Just use a sandbox for that application then?11:00
Ben64__zug__: stop what11:01
__zug__Ben64: why is this doing this?11:01
Ben64__zug__: didn't you just explain that it is a png file labeled jpg11:02
__zug__I can't open any files11:02
__zug__hold on...11:02
trijntjechotaz`w: vagrant looks interesting, since it does a lot of the work of setting up a vm.11:02
chotaz`wvagrant up and your good to go.11:03
MonkeyDusttrijntje  http://www.vagrantbox.es/11:03
__zug__Ben64: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11310220/why-am-i-getting-the-error-not-a-jpeg-file-starts-with-0x89-0x50 All this tells me is the files that I am download use to be .png files but no solution to fix the issue. Can I even fix the issue, supposedly it's the mistake of all the websites, not me. Do you thing this is true? If so, there's an awful lots of websites renaming there files from .png to .jpg all of a sudden.11:05
Ben64__zug__: what websites, what are you doing, explain more, where are you opening this stuff11:05
victorhello! I'm trying to sync my iphone music to my computer but Clementine doesn't 'see' my iphone, any idea?11:06
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hateball!iphone | victor11:06
ubottuvictor: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod11:06
__zug__Ben64: discogs.com is one site and that's a huge webiste. right off hand, another one would be: http://www.stockhausen-verlag.net/img_posters/Verlag_Poster_23.jpg these are not the only website just two of the recent ones.11:08
Ben64__zug__: thats a jpg11:09
__zug__yeah, i know that11:09
MonkeyDust__zug__  yes, it shows a picture of some convention, what's wrong with it11:09
__zug__it doesn't on mine, that's why i'm aksing wtf11:09
eax1hello, guys!11:10
Ben64__zug__: on your what!11:10
eax1is way to add hotkey in ubuntu to boot time?11:10
EriC^^eax1: what are you trying to do?11:10
__zug__Ben64: When i save the file to the desktop and try and open it11:10
Ben64__zug__: with what!11:10
eax1EriC^^: I wann launch my application if some button is pressed at boot time11:11
eax1how to do that?11:11
EriC^^what do you mean at boot time?11:11
EriC^^after you login?11:11
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eax1when ubuntu just starts11:11
MrElendigand just what app do you want to spawn?11:12
MrElendigand why?11:12
EriC^^at the login screen?11:12
eax1after loading drivers, autoload applications etc11:12
eax1before X will startx11:12
__zug__Ben64: with my default image viewer (The GNOME image viewer).11:12
eax1I want press down a button "u" and catch this event11:13
Ben64__zug__: what is the output of "file /path/to/the.jpg"11:13
EriC^^eax1: are you trying to write a keylogger?11:13
eax1EriC^^: huh, may be keyloggers use same technique11:14
EriC^^eax1: what application do you want to start?11:14
eax1EriC^^: I want to start my-own writted application11:14
Ben64eax1: not possible, make it start on boot or something11:15
EriC^^lightdm can start apps..11:15
EriC^^eax1: what's the application do?11:15
eax1EriC^^: It will setup networking11:16
eax1beauty network configurator11:16
Ben64you know, ubuntu can already configure the network11:17
eax1huh! getchar() !11:17
MonkeyDusttrijntje  i have 1404-server (32 bit) running through vagrant, it's very easy11:18
eax1Ben64: ugly configurator? Oh no ... NEVER!11:18
EriC^^eax1: why don't you start it after you login?11:19
EriC^^you want tit system-wide?11:20
eax1EriC^^: because it is must be hidden from user, and just service-personal must know about "magic button"11:20
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iptableeax1, make the application a shell (unity or other) plugin with a keyboard shortcut that will trigger it11:41
iptableeax1, or alternatively setup a keyboard shortcut in the shell to start your app11:41
trijntjeMonkeyDust: I'm reading the docs now, and its pretty cool that there are already a whole lot of boxes available for download11:42
lotuspsychjetrijntje: have you been able to fix that issue the other day?11:43
* iptable salutes11:45
lotuspsychje!fr | pandark11:45
ubottupandark: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:45
pandarkoups sorry i forget to add -fr11:45
pandark!br | pandark11:46
ubottupandark, please see my private message11:46
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arcskyi did apt-get update && upgrade, i have still OpenSSL 1.0.1f  which are vulnerable11:47
trijntjelotuspsychje: yes, the recompiled driver seems to work a lot better. I still get some disconnects but not more then under windows ;)11:48
emilsparcsky, which version are you running ?11:48
lotuspsychjearcsky: wich ubuntu version11:48
lotuspsychjetrijntje: wich driver did you use exactly, im curious11:48
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trijntjelotuspsychje: I ended up following this website: https://www.sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/reserve-711:49
lotuspsychjetrijntje: interesting url tnx11:50
lotuspsychje!info openssl trusty11:51
ubottuopenssl (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.11 (trusty), package size 467 kB, installed size 900 kB11:51
lotuspsychjearcsky: this is default 14.04 version of openssl11:51
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marianne_hello, does anyone know a way to get blu-rays to show the menu when using VLC to play them?11:52
lotuspsychje!blueray | marianne_11:52
ubottumarianne_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:52
lotuspsychjemarianne_: maybe the #videolan guys might also know11:53
norcHi, Ive asked a question earlier today, but got no response so Ill just repeat it:11:53
norctouch /tmp/foo; chmod +x /tmp/foo; export PATH=/tmp/:$PATH; su - citt -c "foo"11:54
norcWhy does this result in a "Command not found" error? Executing "puts $PATH" shows that the path is set appropriately.11:54
Fr3d3r1cI would like mount (correct sentence ?) a permanent ssh connexion please. How must i do this ?11:56
Fr3d3r1cSorry, i'm French11:56
lotuspsychje!ssh | Fr3d3r1c11:56
ubottuFr3d3r1c: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)11:56
lotuspsychje!fr | Fr3d3r1c11:56
ubottuFr3d3r1c: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:56
iptableFr3d3r1c, you mean you want to mount an scp/sftp location to local location?11:56
SchrodingersScat!info autossh11:57
Fr3d3r1ci want to mount a local disk to my server11:57
ubottuautossh (source: autossh): Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4c-2 (utopic), package size 27 kB, installed size 111 kB11:57
iptableFr3d3r1c, if truing to use ssh for that, you can use sshfs (which is a fuse filesystem)11:57
iptableFr3d3r1c, ssh doesn't do mounts otherwise per-se. sshfs my-remote-user@my-remote-host:/home/my-remote-user remotefs/11:58
norcOh my the headache. "echo $PATH" expands $PATH before being passed to su. Nevermind, this makes sense now.11:58
bccso I tried to update mailman from ubuntu, running 14.04 and got http://paste.ubuntu.com/10772196/ (update-rc.d: warning: default stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match mailman default-stop values (none))11:58
Fr3d3r1ci have already add the public key on my server11:58
iptableFr3d3r1c, you can share public key (ssh-keygen && ssh-copy-id) to the server and execute the command on the server on boot in one of the rc scripts to mount automatically without needing password11:59
Kira9204Fr3d3r1c: in that case add it to fstab and it will automaticalky mount on startup11:59
iptableKira9204, does fstab accept fuse mounts?11:59
Kira9204or when you run mount /fir11:59
Kira9204iptable: yes11:59
Kira9204i have several SSHFS mounts tunneled thru SAMBA12:00
iptableKira9204, oooh, didn't know :). In that case, that IS the easiest option. Fr3d3r1c check out fstab sshfs (google?), that's what you need12:00
Fr3d3r1cthe problem is not mouting the server on boot but to maintain ssh connexion if i do not use it while a long time12:01
DominiqueWith Ubuntu 14.04 it seems impossible to get into grub when booting a VM in a virtual environment. Holding shift does not seem to reveal grub.. any tricks? It's within openstack.12:04
iptableFr3d3r1c, ssh connection, or sshfs filesystem mount? you want to access one filesystem via a mount from another server, right?12:05
iptableFr3d3r1c, in that case sshfs will retain the connection (or reconnect)12:05
Fr3d3r1cyes iptable12:05
iptableFr3d3r1c, or are you talking about just being ssh'd in to the server forever so you can execute commands on it?12:05
lotuspsychje_Dominique: are you using virtualbox?12:06
Dominiquelotuspsychje_: No, OpenStack.12:06
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Fr3d3r1csshfs does not maintain the connexion12:06
Fr3d3r1ci have tried yesterday12:06
iptableFr3d3r1c, it will restart it though, no?12:06
lotuspsychje_Dominique: maybe the #openstack guys might know12:07
iptableDominique, how are you connecting to the VM? vnc?12:07
Dominiquelotuspsychje_: well I believe this is more a thing with Ubuntu rather than OpenStack12:07
Fr3d3r1cno iptable12:07
DominiqueWith CentOS I can get into grub just fine.12:07
Dominiqueiptable: noVNC12:07
iptableFr3d3r1c, well, you could try doing ls on it from a screen/tmux session in a loop - while (true); do ls /some/location; sleep 60; done12:08
lotuspsychje_Dominique: from virtualbox, this should be possible, so it must be an openstack thing12:08
Kira9204Fr3d3r1c: i use the following http://paste.ubuntu.com/10772313/12:08
lotuspsychje_Dominique: ask in #openstack plz12:08
iptableFr3d3r1c, that will force query every 60 seconds. but most likely its an issue with network more than anything. tbh, you should use NFS or other for that purpose. sshfs/fuse mounts are a bad idea for production12:08
iptableDominique, for a start you could change the grub config in client to just always show grub menu12:08
DominiqueIt boots so fast that the grub thing flies by12:09
lotuspsychje_iptable: good idea :p12:09
Kira9204Fr3d3r1c: it has been up for several weeks now without truble12:09
iptableDominique, make it stay there for 10 seconds. it's a .cfg config file12:09
DominiqueSure, but that doesn't help right now if one of your colleagues managed to break his Ubuntu machine12:09
iptableDominique, can't you mount the virtual drive somewhere to do the change? or use a more sane vnc solution to access so that you can send a sticky key to grub?12:10
Fr3d3r1ci'm looking for nfs12:10
DominiqueNot really12:10
emilspthis is what happens when people don't use qemu12:11
iptableDominique, ither mount the drive and change config then boot it, or use another vnc solution, or ask on #openstack, as suggested12:11
DominiqueAlready asked12:11
iptableqemu+kvm rules!12:11
Dominiquefunny because OpenStack uses that iptable12:11
iptableDominique, I know. + 5000 other things to complicte your life.12:12
iptableDominique, use another VNC client then12:12
DominiqueSurely there is a trick to connect to it via virtual machine manager12:12
DominiqueI have not bothered to try yet12:12
emilspwait, openstack uses qemu and you're using anything other than spice ?12:12
iptableDominique, virt-manager connects to libvirt, if it's installed, you can connect to it12:12
Dominiqueemilsp: Not exactly my choice12:12
emilspDominique, I feel thy pain12:12
Dominiqueiptable: I realize that, however user authentication is where the problem would be12:13
iptableDominique, then tell whoever decides that you cannot do it unless you use another connection solution12:13
iptableDominique, we can't help you if you / someone in your organisation / chose to use a solution that does not work. have you tried pressing SHIFT quickly instead of holding it?12:14
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DominiqueIt's not a decision made by anyone, it's simply an issue with the Ubuntu cloud image booting too fast.12:14
lotuspsychje_Dominique: what about F1 instead of shift, to enter boot options like nomodeset?12:14
Dominiquelotuspsychje_: thanks I'll try that12:15
iptablefirst time soneone complains an OS boots too fast :P enable grub menu for 5 seconds for everyone to avoid future issues12:16
DominiqueIt worked much better in Ubuntu 12.04 tbh12:17
DominiqueSeems rather painful to get into grub with 14.0412:17
lotuspsychje_makes no sense, 14.04 is rocksolid12:17
* iptable coughs12:19
iptableDominique, no, it's just fine for users, if you are running user's desktops on openstack you should make correct provisions12:19
DominiqueThey're servers.12:20
DominiqueNot desktops12:20
iptableDominique, first thing I do on servers is enable grub for 10 seconds on boot12:21
DominiqueWell yeah, should be in the Ubuntu cloud image by default tbh12:22
DominiqueOr at least a few seconds12:22
emilspisn't the whole idea behind teh klod that you can boot up instances effortleslly and almost instantly ?12:23
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* lotuspsychje_ doesnt like the cloud12:23
iptableemilsp, yup12:25
DominiqueEffortlessly unless someone decides to break his fstab, quite stupid of them tbh12:25
DominiqueShould punish them by recreating the vm12:25
iptableDominique, mount the drive on the host somewhere, make grub changes or chroot to it, fix issue, unmount, boot12:25
iptableDominique, that's how I fix kvm/qemu issues when booting is not possible. mount, chroot12:25
Dominiqueiptable: Honestly that's not worth the trouble, if I cannot do it through what is already available12:25
DominiqueIt's a 5 second fix if you can get to grub12:26
Dominiquejust init=/bin/bash12:26
Dominiquefix fstab12:26
Dominiquereboot, done12:26
iptableDominique, it's a 5 second fix once you mount the virtual partition too...12:26
DominiqueYes, but it's not as easy to mount partitions12:26
boichevIf I have a custom apt repo with 2 versions of the same package but with different release number 5.3.29-3 and 5.3.29-2 ... on a machine I have the 5.3.29-2 installed, but the apt-get uprade does not tell me that I can upgrade this package.... What can be the problem ?12:27
iptableDominique, ugh, fdisk -l /your/drive/image.img, then losetup with offset to access partition and mount the loop device. that's 3 commands12:27
k1lboichev: run a apt-get update12:28
boichevk1l tried that and no change...12:28
iptableDominique, I would urge you to try and learn it. for the future, great experience12:28
Dominiqueiptable: really that's not the reason.. I know how to use Linux mate12:28
DominiqueI'm a RHCE, I know my way around Linux12:28
k1lboichev: can you pastebin the "apt-cache policy packagename" form both amchines?12:28
DominiqueI could even use guestfish to fix it for all I care12:28
DominiqueBut our storage is quite restricted and I'm not the one maintaining it, the guys who do are not in the office today ;)12:29
iptableDominique, that's nice. I was MCSE once too :O Also TOGAF, RHCE and CCNA. You ask, we give you a way to fix it. move on.12:29
iptableDominique, multiple ways: sppice, other vnc solution, mount disk and fix ...12:29
boichevk1l ahhh I saw it..... ;) -2 has 100 in /var/lib/dpkg/status and the -3 has only 10 because of the weight of the repo12:31
boichevk1l so installed package has a default weight of 100 and if I want to upgrade a package my apt-repo should be bigger than  10012:32
boichevrighe ?12:32
k1lboichev: is that a PPA? or a own repo? did you change the weights or used apt-pinning?12:43
boichevk1l own repo12:43
k1lusually apt will install everything that got a higher number as default12:44
boichevk1l I fixed it with pin 20012:44
boichevI had it to 1012:44
boichevnot knowing about the default 100 for installed packages12:44
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k1lboichev: see http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man5/apt_preferences.5.html12:47
cryptic0I need to install HDF5 in order to satisfy dependency for another software.  But I am seeing a long list of HDF5 packages for Ubuntu.  Which one do I need?12:47
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VoyageHi, I am using kubuntu, my desktop screen flickers sometime and gets stuck/held/no mouse-keyboard accessable then. My internet  connection gets stuck (stays connected but does not works. this is not a fault of ISP. other devices work). I tried deleting .kde but no use. Using kubuntu 14.10 LTS fresh install.12:53
MonkeyDustVoyage  1) 14.10 is not LTS12:54
MonkeyDustVoyage  didi ubuntu work normally, before?12:55
davevanlooi would suggest you join #kubuntu for help specific to kubuntu 14.10 is also supported12:55
iptableVoyage, does it work on ubuntu/xubuntu/gubuntu, or broken too? question to identify issue. Also, when you ctrl+alt+f2, then ctrl+alt+f7 (or f8) to get to GUI, does it unstick?12:56
who_mehi. I'm seeing a candidate for Unity "Candidate: 7.2.4+14.04.20141217-0ubuntu1" but it's not offered as an upgrade. It also appears on this page: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty-updates&keywords=unity  So, what is going on?12:56
who_meI'm running Trusty12:57
k1lwho_me: please show the  output of "apt-cache policy unity" in a pastebin12:57
who_mek1l, http://pastebin.com/PzUCYZDB12:58
k1lwho_me: and now a "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get upgrade"12:59
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Voyage_MonkeyDust,  ipitydaf00  disconnected again12:59
Voyage_iptable,  what will ctrl alt f* do?12:59
Voyage_MonkeyDust,  how can I get my exact distro number?12:59
iptableVoyage_, moves you out of GUI to command terminal and back (f7 or f8 will be your GUI terminal)13:00
who_mek1l, yeah, now unity showed up in apt-get's summary... but why would the GUI updater not offer it?13:01
Voyage_iptable,  MonkeyDust  oh my God, its DISTRIB_RELEASE=14.0413:02
iptableVoyage_, so you have 10.0413:02
MonkeyDustVoyage_  cat /etc/issue13:02
iptableVoyage_, is it up to date?13:02
Voyage_DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS"13:02
k1lwho_me: its not a security update. they get only offered like once a week (iirc) so they get bundled.13:02
MonkeyDustVoyage_  14.04 is LTS, that's fine13:02
Voyage_yes. its apt-get updated and upgraded13:02
Voyage_Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l13:03
who_mek1l, I remember having it there for longer than that :/13:03
Voyage_I think I am having issues with drivers.13:03
Voyage_what do you people think?13:03
iptableVoyage_, apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade13:03
Voyage_iptable,  yes. done that13:03
iptableVoyage_, tried 14.10 to see if it works? I found 14.04 is too old for my laptop. 14.10 works, 14.04 gets wifi and GPU issues13:04
who_mek1l, thanks for helping me out :)13:04
PCatineanHey guys doing lspci -nn | grep 0280 revelead my broadcom wireless card but apparently I canno see any wireless networks, what could be causing this? I have ubuntu 14.04 and Dell Inspiron 156413:04
Voyage_iptable,  LTS is more stable . thats why I tried to stay way from non lts13:04
PCatineanAny help is greatly appreciated13:04
Voyage_iptable,  my laptop is much older. its dell 620 core 2 duo13:05
RoryVoyage_: It's not that LTS is more stable necessarily. It's that those releases recieve updates for a longer period of time13:05
iptableVoyage_, not necessarily. I have had desktop stability issues with 14.04 as it's too old for my laptop13:05
iptableVoyage_, well that laptop should be supported by 14.04 no problems. ut try 14.10, it's got loads of WiFi improvements13:05
RoryVoyage_: So if you wanted to deploy a fleet of servers with the same OS, it makes sense to use a LTS so you don't have to do it again in 18 months13:05
Voyage_point taken13:06
RoryVoyage_: Our base image is Ubuntu 12.04 based, and we'll keep using it until the updates stop :)13:06
Voyage_going to enable non-LTS  sources in the sources list. is that enough to get on ubuntu 14.10?13:06
iptableVoyage_, my servers are 12.04 and 14.04. My desktops 14.10, I will reinstall when it's out of support13:06
iptableis 15.04 out?13:06
MonkeyDustiptable  3 weeks from now13:07
iptableVoyage_, no, its not. get a liveCD/liveUSB of 14.10 and run on it, see how stable it is. no need to break current system to test13:07
iptableMonkeyDust, cheers13:07
Voyage_iptable,  I have so much on my current system. I just want to upgrade to 14.1013:07
Voyage_going to enable non-LTS  sources in the sources list. is that enough to get on ubuntu 14.10?13:07
IceBot3000Also you might consider Debian if stability is crucial - consider that Ubuntu is based on the testing version of Debian, says a lot13:08
iptableVoyage_, no, it's not. there is an upgrade procedure, which I can't remember13:09
Voyage_MonkeyDust,  Rory  are you there  (or it seems I got disconnected again)13:09
Roryaye. I didn't see you disconnect.13:09
iptableVoyage_, I would still ask you to be sensible and  get a liveCD/liveUSB of 14.10 and run on it, see how stable it is. no need to break current system to test13:09
iptabledo not install, just use the liveCD/USB for a while to see if it breaks too13:09
Voyage_iptable,  Rory  MonkeyDust  do you guys use mac?13:10
Sovereignentitywhat program creates the text file with nthe right click menu13:10
RoryNo, sorry. Linux on a Thinkpad like literally every other developer I know13:10
iptableVoyage_, no, do you?13:11
RorySovereignentity: gedit13:11
iptableVoyage_, is that a MAC you are using?13:11
Sovereignentitythanks Rory13:11
MonkeyDustVoyage_  yes13:11
Voyage_iptable,  I was just wondering. mac is more issue free. why do you guys prefer linux?13:11
Voyage_MonkeyDust,  ^13:11
Voyage_for desktop use I mean13:11
themusicgod1what command in 14.04 runs the launcher?13:12
pbxVoyage_, i suspect this sort of debate is outside the charter of this channel13:12
iptableVoyage_, mac is not issues free13:12
ObrienDaveVoyage_, because linux is FREE13:12
themusicgod1(if you're in gnome and it doesn't run automatically)13:12
MonkeyDustVoyage_  no, I use a frankenstein-laptop, with nuts and bolts and wires, hardly a "portable" anymore13:12
Rorythemusicgod1: alt-F213:12
frankensteinGive me back my laptop.13:12
mcphailVoyage_: That isn't an Ubuntu support question and should be asked elsewhere. For what it matters, I find OSX a real pain to use and it is far from "issue free". It has not aged well as an OS13:13
iptableVoyage_, I had to use a mac for 4 months. it was a nightmare. The controls are ugly, they have a nasty excuse for a British keyboard, you need to memorise key sequence to write the character # and on top of that multiple-deskto support is just broken13:13
RoryVoyage_: I've never used a mac. And I don't have "issues" with Linux. Why do you use a mac when Linux is more issue free?13:13
iptableVoyage_, now, back to linux13:13
cryptic0Can someone tell me what's going on here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10772851/13:14
pbxVoyage_, notice how even when people are trying to redirect you away from this topic they can't resist throwing in some extra commentary.  which means you've successfully trolled the channel, intentionally or not13:15
IceBot3000iptable: Not sure why you had issues with a keyboard - I use a standard British keyboard with my Mac, works fine. You must have chosen the wrong setting13:15
iptableIceBot3000, uhm, no, the keys have pictures on them. They don't match then. let's not go there.13:16
Voyage_iptable,  ObrienDave  you just use linux because its free? (mac is less in issues if not issueless) Rory  pbx  (amm. will take this discussion out of #ubuntu. I am a fan of linux but just discussin)13:16
Rory#ubuntu-offtopic Voyage_13:16
halfburnttoastshouldn't you all be going to ubuntu-offtopic or something?13:16
BluesKajpbx, spamming the chat periodically isn't really trolling13:16
help_laggerubuntu laggs on my computer13:17
pbxBluesKaj, but getting people's hackles up so that they can't help themselves from arguing offtopic is13:17
halfburnttoastjust use whatever OS you want, lets just please avoid this whole win/mac/lin debate for the umpteenth billion time on the main support channel13:18
help_laggerathlon II x2 x64 dualcore 2.1 nvidia geforce/nforce 6150SE onboard 2gb ram13:18
Voyage_I have a genuine pain question. The office that linux use are not exactly compatible with docs of windows. is there a solution to that ( I know people have tried to make it compatible but still issues when I get files from windows users)13:18
help_laggerhelp me ubuntu laggs13:18
rishiklfor unix db consultant , what topics must one know for mysql db development?13:18
pbxrishikl, join #mysql13:18
BluesKajpbx, not going to argue the point :)13:18
help_laggeri just installed 14.04 i think the latest one LAT13:19
help_laggerand it laggs what do13:19
rishiklnot able to talk on that channel13:19
halfburnttoasthelp_lagger, you need to give more information. What is lagging? When does it happen? is it only certain things? What does it look like when lagging? etc13:20
davevanloohelp_lagger: we would need some more information then simply it lags.., what kind of lag are you having?13:20
rishikleven after registering Nick13:20
help_laggerhalfburnttoast: davevanloo it laggs on login it laggs on typing it laggs on webpages loading and laggs especcialy when im searching something in that new unity search tool area13:20
k1lVoyage_: tell them users to use open standards and not closed source microsoft office fileformats. although libreoffice can open and handle most of those formats13:20
Picirishikl: nick registration help in #freenode, and you aren't identified at all right now.13:21
MonkeyDustrishikl  were you banned from that channel?13:21
help_laggerlagg on pretty much anything13:21
Voyage_k1l,   but still issues when I get files from windows users13:21
IceBot3000Not very realistic to expect businesses to switch from MS Office, it's a defacto standard13:21
davevanloohelp_lagger: are you running a live envirement or did you properly install ubuntu?13:22
k1lVoyage_: read what i said. or run ms office in wine.13:22
help_laggerdavevanloo: installed with encryption it has allocated the whole disk no dual booting no vm13:22
rishiklnot sure,someone else maybe using my Nick,I have tried registering with both my email id's,now non left to register13:22
help_laggerused the reccomended/express install option13:23
k1lIceBot3000: i am not expecting anything. i am just telling where the source of the issue is. its not to blame non ms office to not fully support the closed source file formats.13:23
k1lrishikl: ask in #freenode for help on how to use the freenode irc network and how to register and log into your account.13:24
davevanloohelp_lagger: your still reffering to the lag as lag.. how does it lag.. as lag can come in many different forms.. and have many different causes..13:24
help_laggerdavevanloo: graphical lagg13:24
help_laggeri think this is graphically intensive13:24
help_laggerhow do i get the classic theme version of this13:24
IceBot3000If you have time, you could contribute to the LibreOffice project and improve compatibility13:25
help_laggerlaggs when selecting text,laggs when typing, its like 500ms lagg on everything13:25
davevanloohelp_lagger it could be related to your grapical drivers aswel.. standard x-server drivers often have a sort of laggy feel to them.. you could look into installing proprietary drivers13:26
help_laggeri already switched to the propriatery ones13:26
help_laggerxorg didnt even want to load the DE it crash each time13:26
* iptable goes to shop13:27
davevanloohelp_lagger: what grapics card does your system have? i had simular problems with mine becouse my 900 series card is quite new13:27
help_laggerdavevanloo: i wish it was 900 series. its 6150SE nvidia13:28
help_laggerit runs windows xp fine tho, really fine13:28
davevanloohelp_lagger i found the following article about gnome theme.. the gnome tweak tool might help you get better desktop performance: http://askubuntu.com/questions/141277/how-can-i-change-gnome-shell-theme13:29
help_laggerdavevanloo: but isnt this unity and not gnome13:30
ObrienDavehelp_lagger, you can also try a 'lighter' DE13:30
davevanloohelp_lagger & ObrienDave I would tend to agree13:30
ObrienDavei use xfce13:31
ObrienDaveno lag here13:31
help_laggeri want to use i3 but im noob and using i3 on this bloated distro would be an abomination13:31
IceBot3000i3 CPUs are perfectly supported13:31
ObrienDavei3 DE ;P13:32
help_laggerany tutorials on how to get a new DE i3 window manager13:32
davevanlooand should perform well enough aswel13:32
davevanlooalthough i have always had i5 + myself, currently i7 4970k :)13:32
ObrienDaveIceBot3000, i3 Desktop Environment ;P13:32
davevanlooops! ObrienDave13:32
* davevanloo quickly hides in a corner13:33
thegrreatcan someone explain why my lowercAse A wont show up in TerminAl13:33
thegrreatWhen writing LowercAse A it Becomes A spAce13:33
thegrreatThe lowercAse A Does not show up in terminAl help me pleAse XD13:34
k1lhelp_lagger: if you know about i3, then you are able to install a minimal install and setup a i3 from there, right?13:36
help_laggerill try but i always fail at everything linux13:36
Harishello all13:37
ObrienDaveso, rather than doing a little research, you want us to show you how to do it13:37
Harisis there a mirror where I can find old releases or their files in extracted (from the ISO) state13:38
Harisarchive.ubuntu.com doesn't go as far back as I need13:38
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Harisgot it. thanks13:40
hkrrsxhelp_lagger: See this YouTube video on how to install i3-wm from the Software Center13:40
chotaz`wmy laptop doesnt detect any proprietary gpu drivers, is this usual?13:42
Voyage_k1l,  can I run ms office in wine?13:43
xanguaor just use libreoffice13:43
k1lchotaz`w: what video card do you got?13:43
Harishello all13:43
Harisdoes precise have git-daemon-sysvinit in contrast to git-daemon-run ?13:44
Harisneed to get rid of -run13:44
Harishow far back is precise ?13:44
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120413:44
ObrienDave3 years13:45
Harisis precise EOL/EOS ?13:45
cfhowlettHaris, no, it's LTS13:45
ObrienDaveUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS13:45
Harisdoes precise have git-daemon-sysvinit in contrast to git-daemon-run ?13:45
Harissomething that's supported, at last :D13:46
Haris...that's still+ support...13:46
Harisguys ?13:48
Hariswhat comes after 12.04.4 ?13:49
Haris13.04 ?13:49
cfhowlettHaris, 12.04.513:49
HarisI mean the release version13:49
* PCatinean likes the troll13:49
cfhowlettHaris, 12.10 now EOL13:49
rsvi want to install java6 to  a particular directory using apt-get13:50
rsvis this possible?13:50
Harisok, precise, quantal and then raring ?13:50
lolcatDoes zfs work in 15.04? Does graphic drivers?13:51
nearzthi lolcat13:51
iptableHaris, it's Year.Month13:51
cryptic0c++ error libhdf5_cpp.a  libhdf5_hl_cpp.a : no such file or directory.  What does this mean?13:51
iptableHaris, 12.04 is 2014 April13:51
cfhowlett!ubuntu+1 | lolcat,13:51
ubottulolcat,: Vivid Vervet is the codename for Ubuntu 15.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+113:51
k1llolcat: #ubuntu+1 for 15.0413:51
Hariswhat can I upgrade 12.04.4 to ?13:51
hellknightHello. Which program or package should I use on Ubuntu to learn Java? And, is gedit a good program editor or should I use something else?13:51
iptableHaris, that's LTS, then we had short support 12.10, 13.04, 13.10. LTS again 14.04 and now we have short term support 14.10.13:51
Harisraring and then going up 1 release at a time ?13:51
cfhowlettHaris, 14.04, 14.1013:51
k1lHaris: you can use the LTS upgrade from 12.04 to 14.0413:51
Hariswhat sources can I use for it13:52
iptableHaris, upgrade 12.04 to 14.04 to keep being on LTS (long term support).13:52
iptableHaris, http://ubuntuserverguide.com/2014/06/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-server-12-04-to-ubuntu-server-14-04-lts.html13:52
k1lHaris: dont edit the sources. use the update-manager13:52
iptableHaris, follow the guide in the link if you want to have a working system13:53
Harisnot fimiliar with it yet13:53
k1lHaris: no dont use that13:53
cfhowlettHaris, assuming you've localized your sources, just do-release-upgrade will get you to 14.04.113:53
k1liptable: that is a very bad howto, dont suggest that13:53
k1lHaris: are you running a server or a desktop?13:53
ObrienDaveHaris, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntu-release-cycle-2.png13:53
iptablek1l, worked for me13:53
k1liptable: to blindly advice -d switch is a nogo13:54
iptablek1l, then please share a better howto link. just helping here13:54
rsvhi, can i make apt-get install to a particular directory13:55
MrElendigrsv: trying to make a chroot?13:55
rsvno i want to install 2 different java versions13:55
k1liptable: if the release-prompt is set to LTS a do-release-upgrade is fine. the -d will just cause issues if its not setup correct13:55
rsvi want one to be in /opt13:55
iptablersv, you don't. you can debootstrap a chroot environment and install inside.13:56
Harisdoes do-release-upgrade prompt for upgrading before upgrading ?13:56
Harisafter checking packages, dependencies, etc etc13:56
hkrrsxk1l: iptable: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html13:56
rsviptable: how can i do that?13:56
iptableHaris man do-release-upgrade13:56
k1lHaris: are you running a server or a desktop?13:56
iptablersv, install debootstrap, man debootstrap13:56
iptablersv, or http://glonek.co.uk/tips-tricks/ubuntu-debootstrap-and-chroot/13:57
Haris-s seems ok13:57
* iptable goes for a break13:57
researcher123is there a software which can be used for on-line teaching?13:59
researcher123!live communication14:00
cfhowlettresearcher123, many.  narrow the focus of your question?14:00
MrElendigrsv: make a .deb that installs oracle java to /opt14:00
MrElendigrsv: or better, stop using java :p14:00
researcher123cfhowlett: I want to teach my students by sharing my screen n audio. Can it be done with  a ready software in Ubuntu?14:01
cfhowlettresearcher123, I've found the online platforms to be more reliable and user friendly, e.g. adobe collaborate14:01
nearztresearcher123, how bout teamviewer presentation ?14:02
nearztcfhowlett, and hi. long time not see u ( im offline a lot lately )14:02
cfhowlettnearzt, greetings!14:02
researcher123nearzt: cfhowlett: I want to share screen n audio with many students at a time14:02
cfhowlettresearcher123, wait 1, I read a recent article on this very topic14:03
Voyage_k1l,  can I run ms office in wine?14:03
researcher123cfhowlett: waiting14:03
cfhowlett!wine \ Voyage_, up to 2010 perhaps.14:03
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:03
k1lVoyage_: yes, some work in wine.14:04
k1l!wine | Voyage_14:05
ubottuVoyage_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:05
otwieraczWhat can I do if ruby-rdoc has dependency ruby1.9.1 and both those packages provide file /usr/bin/rdoc causing file conflict?14:10
otwieracz(another package requires ruby-rfov)14:10
otwieracz(another package requires ruby-rdoc))14:10
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MrElendigrvm all the things14:11
neurosis-is xubuntu a official flavour of Ubuntu14:11
xanguayes neurosis-14:12
otwieraczMrElendig: Yes, great. But foreman-installer required ruby-kofa which requires ruby-rdoc.14:12
cfhowlettneurosis-, most definitely14:12
neurosis-cool thanks xangua14:12
neurosis-and cfhowlett14:12
cfhowlettresearcher123, adobeconnect      OS agnostic, browser based solution.  does everything you requested.  I can't seem to find the linux (?) alternative.14:14
cfhowletthttps://iatefl.adobeconnect.com/_a875541554/p8r64oslafv/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal            for example14:14
researcher123cfhowlett: thanks.let me try n then report here14:14
Voyage_is kubuntu 15.04 launched?14:14
cfhowlettVoyage_, nope.14:14
k1l!vivid | Voyage_14:14
ubottuVoyage_: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142514:14
neurosis-in your opinion which is the best to download 14.10 or 14.0414:15
k1lneurosis-: do you want to upgrade every 6 months?14:15
cfhowlettneurosis-, 14.04 is Long Term Support.  14.10 is 9 months support.14:15
Voyage_cfhowlett,  why make 2 flavours? why not just give longterm support?14:16
neurosis-k1l no14:16
k1lneurosis-: then go for 14.0414:16
Voyage_cfhowlett,  why make 2 flavours? why not just give longterm support? k1l14:16
cfhowlettVoyage_, some folks want bleeding edge14:16
xanguaVoyage_: ubuntu is released every 6 months14:16
neurosis-cool thanks14:16
k1lneurosis-: that is LTS and is supported for 5 years. if you go for 14.10 you need to upgrade to 15.04 after 9 months at least and so on until 16.04 is reached14:17
neurosis-does 14.10 have newer packages is more bleeding edge14:17
cfhowlettVoyage_, some folks want stability and long term support.  FLOSS  = choice14:17
PiciVoyage_: keeping things maintaiend for long term support takes manpower, and thats not really unlimited. Thus they get released every 2 years.14:17
Voyage_cfhowlett,  can you elaborate14:17
Voyage_xangua,  so why not make it release LTS every 6 months14:17
cfhowlettVoyage_, see pici's statement14:17
IceBot3000Bleeding edge is needed because Linux is silly, and thousands of bits of software is distributed as part of the OS which takes massive maintenance. Rather than it being agnostic to each distribution14:18
Voyage_Pici,  so ltc only gets in market after every 2 years14:18
Voyage_Pici,  so its just about longter support. thats it?14:18
PiciVoyage_: Right.  Plus thats more time and less pressure for corporations to plan their upgrades around... and yes.14:18
Voyage_Pici,  in terms of stability, is LTS and normal the same?14:18
cfhowlettVoyage_, an LTS release is a fairly major undertaking balancing upgrades/updates against stability and maintenance.  Not really something that can be done every 6 months.  you know who DOESN'T want to upgrade every 6 months?  corporations,  and sysadmins.14:19
PiciVoyage_: normal tends to be slightly less stable.14:19
Voyage_cfhowlett,  yes. but both are equally stable?14:20
Voyage_Pici,  hmm  slightly?14:20
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researcher123how to enable java script in firefox14:20
neurosis-thank you for the info fellas14:20
k1lif you think about stableness you should only consider LTS anyway14:20
cfhowlettVoyage_, it really is user choice.  if you're comfortable riding the bleeding/bloody edge, go for it. Me?  LTS only.  I upgrade every 2 years and I'm quite happy with the outcome.14:20
Voyage_cfhowlett,  I had issues with screen and network. so I had to upgrade from lts to normal14:21
PiciVoyage_: For example, the transition to systemd is happening now, in the non-lts releases.  By the time that we get to the LTS release, the transition should be complete... but in the meantime, things are in a state of flux.14:21
cfhowlettVoyage_, understood.  there are reasons for non-LTS.14:21
Voyage_cfhowlett,  hm ok. debian only launches one type. LTS/stable?14:22
cfhowlettVoyage_, I'm not sure debian would co-sign that description.  you'd have to ask #debian for details.14:22
f00dWorkstahi I have a question about /var/log/syslog.... It grew to 22G within a span of 5min, I have emptied it and it seems fine now, but am wondering why14:23
cfhowlettVoyage_, I might add, lts vs. interim releases vs. "rolling releases" has all the earmarks of a religious debate in the world of *nix.  And I'm an atheist, so I don't indulge.14:23
ciurkuthiho i have a problem with booting mint/ubuntu from live usb14:24
cfhowlettciurkut, sorry, but mint is not supported here.14:24
ciurkut(shiet wrong enter) xd14:24
Bluekinggot access gateway replaced. today. Got home today after work   it seems  ip address on linux box connected to access gateway wasn't updated, and needed to do service networking restart to force pc/ubuntu to update eth0 (interface connected to access gateway)   not sure if it's hardware(mobo) or ubuntu that doesn't update itself auto ?14:24
f00dWorkstaboth syslog and kernel.log grew to 22G14:24
ciurkutwhat is the channel for mint?14:24
cfhowlett!mint | ciurkut14:24
ubottuciurkut: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:24
Voyage_cfhowlett, hm14:25
f00dWorkstaThis is the error I get over and over again: NetworkManager[913]: <warn> error requesting auth for org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.system: (3) GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get UID of name ':1.33': no such name14:26
f00dWorkstathis is another repeating offender: wpa_supplicant[1293]: nl80211: send_and_recv->nl_recvmsgs failed: -3314:27
cfhowlettf00dWorksta, maybe ask #networking14:27
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f00dWorkstacfhowlett: ok thanks, I'll try there14:28
lolcatI updated my kernel, now my mouse doesn't work14:30
ObrienDaveto what version?14:31
lolcatno idea14:31
k1lwhat gives "uname -a"14:31
lolcatI guess I will just upgrade to 14.10 and hope for the best14:31
f00dWorkstaoo I found a bigger block of error: mmc0: Got command interrupt 0x00080000 even though no command operation was in progress.14:33
lolcatk1l: Is it likely that updating more will make it better?14:33
k1llolcat: dont know what the source of that issue is. did you try a reboot?14:33
f00dWorkstathat repeats about once every 0.000005 seconds14:33
lolcatk1l: I did not14:34
ObrienDavealways reboot after a kernel change14:35
lolcatObrienDave: I think I did right after, then the trackpad didnt work14:36
ObrienDaveyou said mouse earlier, which is it?14:37
kulelu88Hello, is there a channel for gpg/gnupg??14:40
f00dWorkstaThis error was repeated 153million times: mmc0: Got command interrupt 0x00080000 even though no command operation was in progress.14:45
pbxkulelu88, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=gpg+irc+freenode14:45
medamaybeHow would I go about updating software to a version higher than available in the software center?14:46
xangua!latest | medamaybe14:47
ubottumedamaybe: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:47
ObrienDavemedamaybe, find the PPA for the package14:47
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:47
f00dWorkstaerror ran over a span of 1hr14:47
cfhowlettpbx, much as I am also tempted, please don't use lmgtfy.14:48
k1lpbx: we dont use lmgtfy in here. although we have alis for channel search on freenode14:48
k1l!alis | kulelu8814:48
ubottukulelu88: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:48
pbxcfhowlett, fair enough.  i did feel a bit like a cad14:48
pbxk1l, ^^14:49
kulelu88I found the channel, thank you folks14:49
medamaybeThanks. How about when there is a newer version available that is not in a ppa? Do I uninstall from the software center and download/compile it manually?14:49
cfhowlettmedamaybe, if it's in software center, no need to compile, just install.  what pacakage specifically?14:49
medamaybeNone specifically at the moment. Just trying to figure out how things work. I was doing to some research to get cmake working, and noticed that there is a newer version of curl available than I can find in the software center.14:51
jzp113hi guys some know which channel talk about ifid?14:51
jzp113hi guys some know which channel talk about rfid?14:51
cfhowlettmedamaybe, compiling from source is an option *IF* you must and there are no other options.14:51
Fuchsjzp113: once is sufficient :p14:51
Fuchsjzp113: you can search for channels with alis, see /msg alis help list. /msg alis list *searchterm* looks for channel names containing searchterm. /msg alis list * -topic *searchterm* looks for channel topics containing searchterm.14:51
Giwrgarasanyone with win 7 on a virtualbox?14:51
Giwrgarasi have trouble running microsoft office do you have any idea why that might be?14:52
medamaybecfhowlett: what are the downsides of it? I'm assuming one of them is that it won't  auto-update anymore.14:52
cfhowlettGiwrgaras, in future, don't ask "anyone" questions.  regarding the office question, not all versions work.14:52
k1lGiwrgaras: for issues with ms office inside windows7 better ask the windows support14:53
Giwrgarasok cfhowlett14:53
cfhowlettmedamaybe, installing from source means no upgrade options offered.  I think the rule is compile  >> compile again to upgrade14:53
cfhowlettObrienDave, nope.  they killed that factoid.  for some reason.14:53
ObrienDaveyea, i saw that. sheesh14:53
Giwrgarascfhowlett:  is a bot?14:54
ObrienDaveall the good ones14:54
ObrienDaveGiwrgaras, ubottu is a bot14:54
cfhowlettGiwrgaras, no.  factoid.  available on command if one knows where to look.14:54
medamaybeThank you.14:54
neurosis-what is the best size for swap14:58
k1lthe size of ram14:58
Fuchsneurosis-: depends, on a mobile system (notebook) or another system where you want suspend to disk: 1.2 to 1.5 times the RAM size14:58
cfhowlettneurosis-, 1.5 - 2 x RAM seems to the be unwritten rule.14:58
Fuchsneurosis-: on other systems: about the size of the RAM, unless that is HUEG, then smaller amounts (4-8 GB) are sufficient14:58
neurosis-so if I have eight gigs of RAM I would want 18 gigs of swap14:58
Fuchsneurosis-: 18 gig of swap is madness14:59
neurosis-eight not 18 sorry14:59
Fuchshaving a bit more swap than memory helps for a suspend to disk14:59
neurosis-sorry I'm doing speech to text not working out so well lol14:59
Fuchsbut aside from that, swap is so terribly slow that you don't want it, unless for emergencies14:59
Fuchsand there it just needs to be sufficiently big so you notice that your machine is swapping before OoM killer kicks in14:59
mcphailneurosis-: swap is barely necessary these days for most workloads, unless you want to hibernate the machine (rather than suspend or power off)14:59
neurosis- I would like to hibernate it15:00
mcphailneurosis-: then have at least as much as RAM. Prob 1.5 - 2x15:00
ObrienDave10GB will be enough swap15:01
ObrienDavein your case15:01
neurosis-mcphail if I have eight gigs of RAM do I do eight gigs of swap15:01
neurosis-ObrienDave ok15:01
mcphailneurosis-: as a minimum. As ObrienDave says, 10G is reasonable15:01
neurosis-cool thank you all15:01
ObrienDavefor hibernate, yes you need 1x - 1.2x RAM for swap15:02
neurosis-thank you15:02
mcphailneurosis-: remember, suspend to RAM is much quicker than hibernate to disk and a full boot is fairly quick as well. Hibernation doesn't offer many advantages and can be buggy at times15:03
ObrienDavebut suspend does NOT turn off the machine. hibernate does15:04
mcphailneurosis-: a couple of years ago there was talk of hibernation support being deprecated and removed. I don't know if that is still the case15:04
kostkonmcphail: it is disabled by default in Ubuntu15:05
neurosis-I thought hibernate and suspend was the same thing I guess all I wanted to do is suspend15:05
mcphailkostkon: aah. Interesting15:05
mcphailneurosis-: you need hibernation if you need to avoid any power consumption15:06
mcphailneurosis-: if you only need suspend, there is no need for 10G od swap15:06
neurosis-to be on the safe side I just do 10gs for the swap15:07
neurosis-I'm off to install thank you all15:08
* mcphail prefers no swap at all on an 8G RAM machine15:11
* iptable puts 4GB of swap on all machines 8GB RAM+. Disk space is cheap, I can afford 4GB and it means I can turn off a rogue RAM-eating process without actually having the machine die.15:17
iptablePlus it makes sense to move out stuff you don't use often from RAM to swap if you intend to run RAM-intensive apps15:17
=== Rory is now known as Rory_
Voyage_what is the licens of ubuntu and all linux apps? gpl?15:34
mcphailVoyage_: lots of different licences. Quite a lot is gpl15:35
Voyage_mcphail,  isnt there ONE license for ubuntu OS?15:36
mcphailVoyage_: no, of course not. ubuntu is made of thousands of packages15:36
iptableVoyage_, 100s of 1000s of people wrote software. then a company packaged different software to work together and made ubuntu15:37
iptableVoyage_, all those small packages carry their own licensing15:37
geirhaNo one seems to be able to agree on what "free" and "open" should mean :)15:39
Voyage_iptable,  how come ubuntu sell it / distribute it?15:39
iptableVoyage_, no one sells it15:39
Voyage_iptable,  how come ubuntu sell it / distribute it? if there are so many licences.  anyone of the apps might restrict ubuntu?15:39
cfhowlettiptable, strictly speaking, false.  there have been sales of ubuntu.15:39
iptableVoyage_, the packages that are used in ubuntu allow the company to package them and give themout like this15:39
Voyage_iptable,  oh. so ubuntu only gives support?15:39
Voyage_iptable,  ok15:40
iptableVoyage_, if a package restricts it, it doesn't come with ubuntu. we choose alternative15:40
Voyage_can anyone just copy debian or ubuntu os, make some customizations on top of it, sell it with its own license?15:40
iptablecfhowlett, well, removing corner cases15:40
Francoo\msg NickServ15:40
iptableVoyage_, sell no15:40
iptableVoyage_, distribute it - yes15:40
iptableVoyage_, you can sell support for it.15:40
iptableVoyage_, if you want to repackage something and sell it, check FreeBSD with BSD license. much more leaning15:41
iptableVoyage_, you can distribute repackaged ubuntu and have your own repositories for it and charge people to have access to the repos (like RedHat does)15:41
* iptable goes shops15:41
geirhaalso gpl15:41
Voyage_iptable,  MIT and apache licensed apps can be suplicensed too like BSD?15:42
Voyage_iptable,  i see15:42
iptableVoyage_, I don't know. Read them, they state what you can and cannot do in them15:42
Voyage_iptable,  is there a linux distro with BSD license?15:43
cfhowlettVoyage_, freeBSD15:43
Voyage_cfhowlett,  fantastic example15:43
Voyage_cfhowlett,  thats what mac did. built mac on top of freebsd and sell it15:44
Voyage_cfhowlett,  iptable  no?15:44
FuchsI guess that'd be rather hard to achieve, given a lot of Linux thingies being (L)GPLed, which doesn't mix terribly well with BSD licenses.15:44
Voyage_cfhowlett,  iptable  s/no/right??15:44
mcphailNothing stops you selling GPL software.15:44
cfhowlettVoyage_, as i understand it, that's approximately correct but you might ask #OSX15:44
Voyage_mcphail,  ho///? you cant sell GPL. can you? GPL is opensource15:44
iptableVoyage_, freeBSD is not linux. it's a BSD. comes from same roots, more or less, as linux, but it's not linux. no linux kernel15:45
Voyage_iptable,  yes. I know15:45
mcphailVoyage_: read the GPL. Your comment is misinformed15:45
MonkeyDustguys, take this bsd/gpl discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, please15:46
Voyage_mcphail,  http://choosealicense.com/licenses/15:46
iptableVoyage_, Apple did in fact put their own GUI and packaging system on BSD and call it their own (not like them, they invented it!), so it's BSD-based distro.15:46
geirhaGPL requires that you provide the source code. It does not restrict you in taking money for it15:46
Voyage_mcphail,  gpl can not be sublicensed. you have to disclose source code too.15:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:46
iptableVoyage_, but google for "Open SOurce LIcenses", you will get to open group website which lists them. read them to find out what they let you do with them15:46
Voyage_iptable,  hm15:46
Voyage_geirha,  I agree with you. mcphail , if you give your source code with same license as GPL, even you sell it, there is no point in selling it as anyone else can sell what you made too. and you cannot stop it. correct? 2. to my understanding, there is a way to sell it without giving code. sell it as SAAS on network but if its AGPL , you have to disclose source again for the A.15:48
mcphailVoyage_: as mentioned, this is offtopic for this channel15:49
MonkeyDustVoyage_  take this bsd/gpl discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, please15:49
Voyage_mcphail,  lets talk in ubuntu-oftopic if you have information15:49
iptableVoyage_, I PMd you15:49
Voyage_geirha, ^15:49
=== zz_AlphaTech is now known as AlphaTech
MSLinuxHello Everyone!! :)16:07
=== Rory_ is now known as Rory
MonkeyDustwhat's the correct syntax to specify a display, again? I forgot16:08
=== Yukkii is now known as Dhs92
MSLinuxok guys I'm goin to install ubuntu 14.4.02 lts on my laptop and i wanted to know if switcable graphics is supported or not coz last time when i installed ubuntu i couldnt get my graphics to work16:10
MSLinuxim a newbie with ubuntu and wanna learn linux so opted for ubuntu..16:10
emilspMSLinux, what's the model of your discrete gpu ?16:10
MSLinuxintel 3000 and mad 6770m16:11
emilspmyah, I've no experience with AMD, but nvidia sort of works, and since you'd be using free drivers for amd anyway, I guess it should work/work better than before16:11
yossarianuk hi - is it possible to have multiple VPN connection in KDE using network-manager ?16:12
yossarianukit seems to drop existing connection when I connect to the 2nd one....16:12
yossarianukI can connect to multiple vpn connections using the cli just not network-manager16:12
MSLinuxok thank you emilsp16:12
davevanlooHej all, does any one know were KDE/Plasmaś themes are stored so i can manually ad some to it?16:12
MSLinuxshould I install 14.4 lts or 14.10?16:13
MSLinuxwhat is the difference?16:13
chotaz`wdoes Nautilus have a metapackage? I'm on ubuntuMATE and want to switch caja for nautilus for some integration with my dev tools, simply installing nautilus and switch the fm would do the trick? or am I missing something?16:13
compdocI use 14.04 LTS16:13
chotaz`w!lts > MSLinux16:13
ubottuMSLinux, please see my private message16:13
compdoc14.10 will stop being supported soon16:14
mcphailMSLinux: 14.10 will be out of support very soon. I would advise you install the LTS or wait a few weeks for 15.0416:14
ioriaMonkeyDust,  you mean export / import/set   DISPLAY=0.016:14
Voyage skype : Depends: skype-bin16:14
VoyageE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.16:14
chotaz`wyou either stick to a LTS version or keep upgrading to get proper and updated support :)16:14
=== mara is now known as Guest61417
MSLinuxwill i need to install drivers on ubuntu like how i do on windows?16:15
=== pat__ is now known as pmcgowan
chotaz`wthat raises me a question, do new features/improvements from non-LTS versions get added to the current LTS version?16:15
MSLinuxsorry i m askin too  many questions i m jus gonaa strt off with ubuntu in sometime so just prepping up16:15
mcphailMSLinux: not necessarily. On some of my machines the free (bundled) drivers are better than the proprietary ones16:16
Voyagechotaz`w,  I had skype on ltc, now on 14.10 getting this issue16:16
chotaz`wVoyage, I'm running UbuntuMATE 15.04 at home and skype runs flawlessly. Wouldn't really be of much help16:16
MSLinuxlast question do i need to install firewall and antivirus like in windows?16:17
Voyagechotaz`w,  that is 15.x beta16:17
mcphailMSLinux: no, not usually16:18
MSLinuxThank you mcphail16:18
emilspMSLinux, you only install additional drivers if something doesn't work16:18
mcphailMSLinux: enjoy16:18
MSLinuxmcphail can I pm you?16:18
mcphailMSLinux: no - I only chat in channel16:18
mcphailMSLinux: sorry16:18
MSLinuxok no problem..16:19
MSLinuxwho can pm ere coz i have soo many questions about ubuntu before installing it16:19
mcphailMSLinux: this is the Ubuntu support channel. Why not ask here and anyone who knows can answer?16:20
bazhang!manual | MSLinux start here16:20
ubottuMSLinux start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:20
mcphailMSLinux: and, if it isn't a support question, there's #ubuntu-offtopic16:20
bazhang!rute | MSLinux and here16:20
ubottuMSLinux and here: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com16:20
MSLinuxcoz i'm a pro windows user and i wanna switch to linux to learn linux like after installing windows there are things i need to setup iinorder for os to function correctly in ubuntu is there anythin i need to do or it works perfectly jus outta the box?16:20
chotaz`wVoyage, yes.16:21
bazhangplease check the manual and the links I just gave you MSLinux16:21
mcphailMSLinux: it might work perfectly for you. You won't know until you try :)16:21
MSLinuxawesome thank you soo much for all this info16:21
ioriaMSLinux,  ubutu user manual, i recomend16:21
MSLinuxreally appreciate it16:21
chotaz`wMSLinux, Coursera.org has a great linux introduction course, check it out :) also ubuntu is a great place to start but you probably wont stop here :P16:21
Voyageanyone else knows how to run skype on 14.10?16:22
Voyage skype : Depends: skype-bin16:22
VoyageE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.16:22
emilspMSLinux, you can't really forsee any problems if you don't have any prior linux experience on a particular set of hardware16:22
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:23
mcphailMSLinux: Ubuntu is very different to Windows so you might find a few problems or differences at first. Try to stick with it (and ask for help on here). In a while you'll get to understand things and will be anle to make a decision if it is right for you16:23
Voyagechotaz`w,  whats the name of 15.x?16:23
bazhanghttp://ubuntu-manual.org/  <--- MSLinux16:23
bazhang!vivid | Voyage16:23
ubottuVoyage: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142516:23
chotaz`wLTS vs non-LTS Questions: Do new features and improvements from non-LTS versions get added to the current LTS version, or do you pay the price for the long term support?16:24
Voyageno one with a skype solution?16:24
mcphailchotaz`w: generally, no. Features aren't backported. There are some exceptions.16:25
Picichotaz`w: not sure if you're asking this or not... but, features aren't backported.16:25
mcphailchotaz`w: If you want the latest-and-greatest, LTS is not for you16:25
dewdropHi, is there a really good alternative that could match Notational Velocity/Nvalt apps of Mac? The ones that I checked like Nvalt jsut does not have the features of the Mac ones.16:25
bazhangVoyage, skype from the partner repos? where did you install it from, and what is the exact issue16:25
chotaz`wmcphail, Pici thanks for teaching me a new term and answering the question, I'm sticking to upgrading every 6 months then :)16:25
LXLEanybody have a script to disable screensaver everytime a video is playin??16:26
chotaz`wLXLE look for caffeine-plus16:26
bazhangdewdrop, what is nvalt, and what does it do16:26
=== Rory is now known as Rory_
chotaz`wLXLE it doesnt work for me on 15.04, but you can try for your version, people have reportedly gotten it to work on 14.04 and 14.10 although it never did for me.16:26
Voyage skype : Depends: skype-bin16:26
VoyageE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.16:27
bazhangVoyage, you didnt answer any of my questions16:27
VoyageI had skype on ltc, now on 14.10 getting this issue16:27
LXLEchotaz'w so is that the only way, im tryin not to install anymore apps, im a revived laptop where storage is gettin low16:27
dewdropbazhang: Sorry not Nvalt (thats for Mac), I meant NvPy, it is a simple note taking app, that stores tesxt in plain text files http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/nvpy-simplenote-linux-app-third-party16:27
Voyagebazhang,  yes, from partner16:27
LXLEi want the breathing room for personal files if possible16:27
Voyagebazhang,  followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype16:27
bazhang!info nvpy16:28
ubottunvpy (source: nvpy): Simplenote-syncing note-taking tool. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.5~git20130806-1 (utopic), package size 122 kB, installed size 307 kB16:28
bazhangthat one? dewdrop ^16:28
MSLinuxThank you giys for your help.. I'll me dropping by more often just downloaded 14.04.2 lts will install that and check it out! :)16:28
dewdropbazhang:  yes16:28
chotaz`wLXLE, caffeine supposedly doesnt let the computer sleep when a fullscreen flash video is playing and it also lets you toggle the screensaver from the traybar, and its merely a few kbs16:29
chotaz`wLXLE, I don't know any alternatives, but if you find one let me know, as caffeine-plus is just not working for me at all.16:29
LXLEchotaz'w ok i will check it out, thx16:29
kikeroMy nm-applet has disappeared from both of my xubuntu laptops some time ago, but I was okay with that as long as it knew to connect to the wifi network I had.16:30
kikeroWhen I changed places, though, it stopped working. What could I do?16:30
fishdealerhow do I change my resolution on display VGA1 using xrandr16:31
MonkeyDustfishdealer  arandr is a gui for xrandr16:32
fishdealerMonkeyDust, oh really going to install that.16:32
MSLinuxHi which course is availbe for ubuntu on Coursera.org?16:33
MSLinuxi just checked it but cant find an ubuntu course16:33
=== mchelen1 is now known as mchelen2
VoyageCannot install 'libqtwebkit4:i386'16:34
fishdealerMonkeyDust, just asking because xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1080 only works sometimes16:34
MonkeyDustMSLinux  maybe because it's not there, i'm sure there are other courses you can follow, or start with the !manual16:34
MSLinuxsearched for linux also dint find it16:34
dewdropMSLinux: You may try searching youtube  Ubuntu tutorial for beginners16:36
MSLinuxchotaz which course did you recommend me from Coursera.org?16:36
MSLinuxok dewdrop16:36
MSLinuxi ll check it out thanks16:37
chotaz`wMSLinux, I remember doing a "Linux Introduction Course" there, don't know if it's persistently available like some other courses.16:37
Kabyhello guys on ubuntu 14.10 any software like virtual machine to add w system on it ?16:37
Voyagebazhang,  now I am having more issues16:37
VoyageThe "wine" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade:16:37
VoyageDepends: wine, but it is not installable16:37
chotaz`w!virtualbox | Kaby16:37
ubottuKaby: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox16:37
dewdropMSLinux: Also "using uuntu" gives sshows nice beginner videos16:37
fishdealerhow do I change the resolution to 1920x1080 with xrandr? arandr isn't helpful16:37
emilspKaby, I'd recommend qemu/kvm with libvirt16:37
Voyagewhy skype and wine is not installable now as I just upgraded from 14.04 lts to 14.1016:37
MSLinuxthank you chotaz..16:37
MSLinuxthanks dew!! :)16:38
Kabyemilsp, can i find these in the download center ?16:38
emilspyou should be able to16:38
Kabyi found the launcher16:38
* Voyage waits16:39
Kabyemilsp, can you help by giving me the full name of the software in download center ?16:39
=== talos_ is now known as derTalos
chotaz`wVoyage, try this: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get install skype-bin skype16:41
chotaz`wVoyage, you seem to be having an underlying issue with packages, not just skype's or wine's, I wouldn't know what it is, but both packages just installed straight-forwardly for me16:42
Kabyand 1 more question if you cna help me , how to increase the storage of ubuntu? i gave it 40 gega but i want to increase the space , i have dual boot win 7 and ubuntu16:42
Voyagechotaz`w,  The following packages have unmet dependencies:16:43
Voyage skype-bin:i386 : Depends: libqtwebkit4:i386 (>= 2.2~2011week36) but it is not going to be installed16:43
Voyage                  Depends: libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 but it is not going to be installed16:43
Voyage                  Recommends: libasound2-plugins:i386 but it is not going to be installed16:43
VoyageE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.16:43
emilspKaby, in a second16:43
Kabyemilsp, sure tyt16:43
=== sayan is now known as Guest55122
epx998is there something similiar to centos's spacewalk - for ubuntu?16:43
emilspKaby, just type in virt manager and the package Virtual Machine Mnager should come up16:43
Kabyemilsp, i found something called Aqemu16:45
LXLEchotaz'w it doesnt work, screensaver still runs =/16:46
emilspKaby, qemu is just the backend16:49
chotaz`wLXLE, what ubuntu version are you on? I get the exact same result, had to opt to completely turn the screensaver off when I wanted to watch a movie16:49
LXLElxle 14.0416:49
LXLEchotaz'w lxle 14.0416:50
emilspKaby, and aqemu is rather old, Virt Manager should work better16:50
trismVoyage: pastebin the results of: sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx:i386; say no if it tries to remove anything16:50
Kabyoh ok16:50
Voyagetrism,  ok16:50
Voyagetrism,  The following packages have unmet dependencies:  libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 : Depends: libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 (= 10.3.2-0ubuntu0.1) but it is not going to be installed   E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.16:52
=== Badger_t is now known as noob-newt
trismVoyage: repeat the process with libgl1-mesa-dri:i38616:54
Voyagelibgl1-mesa-dri:i386 : Depends: libllvm3.5:i386 (>= 1:3.5~+rc3) but it is not going to be installed16:54
Voyagetrism, ^16:54
trismVoyage: and with libllvm3.5:i38616:56
Voyagetrism,  it ended to  libedit2:i386     and to install libedit2:i386 , it says it will download alot of packages.  0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 248 to remove and 0 not upgraded.16:56
VoyageNeed to get 72.5 kB of archives. After this operation, 872 MB disk space will be freed.16:56
trismVoyage: no16:56
Voyagewhat now then?16:56
trismVoyage: but pastebin apt-cache policy libedit2:i38616:56
Voyagetrism,    Installed: (none) Candidate: 3.1-20140620-1 Version table:  3.1-20140620-1 0      500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ utopic/main i386 Packages16:57
karstenkHow can I check if a installed package is required?16:58
trismVoyage: this time actually use pastebin with the full results of trying to install libedit2:i38616:58
trismVoyage: cause that looks fine16:59
trismVoyage: but say no again16:59
Voyagetrism,  http://pastebin.com/U2N4425s16:59
trismVoyage: no that was fine before it was everything, I mean: sudo apt-get install libedit2:i386; then say no but pastebin all the output17:00
trismVoyage: we need to figure out why it won't install it17:00
Voyagetrism,  http://pastebin.com/4haUKefL17:01
darius93have anyone used ksplice on ubuntu 14.04?17:01
trismVoyage: actually: sudo apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes install libedit2:i386; it is going to be alot of output17:03
trismVoyage: actually no, do that with libllvm3.5:i386 instead17:03
trismVoyage: might be less output17:03
Voyagetrism,  my console got ful http://pastebin.com/MTThYWeA17:04
Voyagepaste is for sudo apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes install libedit2:i386;17:05
Voyagetrism,  http://pastebin.com/h7bD6cap17:07
trismVoyage: what is apt-cache policy libllvm3.5:amd64 libedit2:amd6417:08
Voyagetrism,  http://pastebin.com/vB3nntTi17:09
Guest34131Oh yeah17:10
trismVoyage: there's the problem old package from some ppa or somewhere, try: sudo apt-get install libedit2:amd64/utopic;17:10
=== Rory_ is now known as Rory
trismVoyage: don't do anything if it tries to do more than downgrade a single package17:10
Guest34131hello ochiottes17:11
Voyagetrism,  it says The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:17:11
Voyage  libedit217:11
trismVoyage: yeah that is fine17:11
Voyagedone installing17:11
Voyagenow what?17:11
trismVoyage: try skype again17:11
Voyageafter an update?17:12
trismVoyage: if you want to update first that is fine17:12
Voyageit says After this operation, 130 MB of additional disk space will be used.17:12
VoyageDo you want to continue? [Y/n]17:12
trismVoyage: I would need to see more than that17:12
Voyagedoing it after yes17:12
Voyagetrism,  now,  thanks for all that long help.17:13
trismVoyage: so it installed?17:13
Voyagetrism,  I wanted to ask that what might be the reasons of such issues17:13
Voyagetrism,  downloading17:13
Voyagetrism,  If I would not be a deep tech like you. I would never had solved it.17:13
Voyagetrism,  who are you? do you work for ubuntu?17:13
trismVoyage: your libedit2 package was from either a ppa or you installed it from some place else, and so you couldn't install the repository version of libedit2:i386 because they need to match, we just downgraded to the repo version17:14
trismVoyage: no I'm just an ubuntu user17:14
Voyagetrism,  great. what OSs do you use?17:15
dopiehey all how do i check what processes are running memory?17:15
Voyagetrism,  can I know more about you?17:15
Voyagetrism,  private chat?17:15
trismVoyage: no, I have to go17:16
Voyagetrism,  skype installed17:16
Voyagetrism,  email?17:16
trismVoyage: excellent17:16
Voyageskype id17:16
=== gnu is now known as Guest56524
ioriadopie ps -A17:19
ioriadopie top17:20
RoryVoyage: The people in this channel are volunteers, and if they want to give you personal info they will do so so don't ask17:22
VoyageRory,  without asking they wont.17:22
RoryVoyage: Exactly.17:23
VoyageRory,  so its good to as. ONCE17:23
VoyageRory,  exactly ?17:23
RoryRead between the lines and stop being creepy17:23
fxmulder_so I have ubuntu 14.04.2 server running and I've installed freeradius 2.2.6 and it won't start stating  Refusing to start with libssl version OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014 (in range 1.0.1 - 1.0.1f).  Security advisory CVE-2014-0160 (Heartbleed)17:36
ubottuThe (1) TLS and (2) DTLS implementations in OpenSSL 1.0.1 before 1.0.1g do not properly handle Heartbeat Extension packets, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory via crafted packets that trigger a buffer over-read, as demonstrated by reading private keys, related to d1_both.c and t1_lib.c, aka the Heartbleed bug. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0160)17:36
adacGuys I'm having huge problems with the native graphical driver in ubuntu (notebook lenovo T430s)and my monitor (DEll U2414H) connected trough a docking station17:36
adacIt does not really reconginze the monitor. And it hangs sometimes forever on detection17:37
adacwaht can I do?17:37
vineetmenondoes it work with windows?17:37
vineetmenonhave you tried?17:37
adacvineetmenon, sometimes it even works with ubuntu. But only sometims. MOs of the time it just hangs. when I unplug the HDMI and re plig it it then sometimes I got it working17:38
vineetmenonadac: oh.17:39
vineetmenondoes lenovo support any drivers for ubuntu? that *may* help17:39
adacvineetmenon, I tried nvidia driver, but with that one my lenovo just hangs up from time to time17:41
adacso it seems that using the nvidia driver is currently not an option17:41
vineetmenonadac: ..and what about default driver?17:42
vineetmenonnvidia drivers sometimes cause problem17:42
vineetmenontry removing that.. i mean disabling it.17:42
adacvineetmenon, the default driver is nouveau right?17:43
adacwith nouveau my external monitor does not work most of the time17:43
vineetmenonadac: yes17:43
vineetmenonadac: might help http://askubuntu.com/questions/360761/cannot-get-rid-of-nvidia-drivers-restore-nouveau-driver-and-get-desktop-working17:44
OerHeksadac did you try to reset the monitor with its own menu?17:44
OerHekssometimes helps17:44
adacOerHeks, not yet no17:46
adaccadaIts me adac. Sorry my notebook crashed once I tried putting it back on the dockingstation vineetmenon OerHeks17:51
PCatineanCan anyone point to a quick and easy way of permanently mounting my hdd caddy as a permanent hard-drive?17:51
vineetmenonPCatiean: entry in fstab/mtab17:52
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:52
vineetmenonadaccada: ack17:52
archhereticHi is there a way that I can ping a router throught their SIDD?17:53
darkseid_hack3radding a tarball to backbox, dont laugh I know its easy but am not having any success with adding it17:53
adaccadagot it working again now. After several unplugging of the mini HDMI and pressing the detection of the monitor vineetmenon andd OerHeks17:53
julian-delphikiarchheretic: whats an SIDD17:53
DJones!backbox | darkseid_hack3r17:53
ubottudarkseid_hack3r: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.17:53
vineetmenonadaccada: anything special you did?17:53
gunndawgjulian-delphiki: I thin he means SSID, come on...17:53
archhereticIm not connected to that wireless network, but i wlan0 finds it, so its a neightbour wifi17:53
archhereticyes sorry17:54
julian-delphikigunndawg: calm, i'm just making sure.17:54
julian-delphikiarchheretic: no, theres no way to do it if its secured.17:54
PCatineanvineetmenon, enter what?17:54
PCatineansome say only fstab17:54
adaccadavineetmenon, actually follwoing the link you send me and reinstall xorg and the other package17:54
adaccadavineetmenon, but sometimes I just got it working also before17:54
archhereticOkey, so no way to ping it then =/17:54
tewardarchheretic: there's no way to ping the router of a network without connecting to it, AFAIK - and if it's a secured network you have no method of access for that as well17:54
julian-delphikiarchheretic: no, why would you want to.17:54
vineetmenonPCatinean: mount it normally, search for entry in mtab, copy the line and paste it into fstab17:55
adaccadaso sometimes it just works, sometimes (most of the time) I need severeal times to unplug17:55
vineetmenonPCatinean: it should work.. normally.17:55
adaccadaand in the worst case my notebook slowes down and does not react anymore17:55
PCatineanwhere is mtab again?17:55
vineetmenonadaccada: Oh nice.. congrats17:55
PCatineangot it17:55
vineetmenonPCtinean: /etc/mtab17:56
PCatineanvineetmenon, no UUID?17:56
OerHeks!fstab | PCatinean complete howto17:56
ubottuPCatinean complete howto: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:56
PCatineanthere is no entry in mnt17:57
=== Silenced is now known as Silenced|afk
vineetmenonPCatinean: it will be best if you can read this, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab17:58
littlebithi people, I have been trying to setup and configure a bridge between 2 interfaces, but it isn't working. During startup I get the following message: Cannot bring up device "br0" Bind socket to interface: No such device Failed to bring up br017:58
littlebithere is my config http://pastebin.com/XFyicigY17:59
littlebitcan someone help???17:59
PCatineanWhat permission does the mount point need to have in order for automatinc mounting to work properly OerHeks ?18:02
OerHeksPCatinean, he guide is clear, just run "sudo mkdir /media/<whatever>" no extra settings needed18:04
PCatineanasked about the mountpoint options in fstab18:04
OerHeksPCatinean, depends, what type of partition.18:04
PCatineanUUID=51DDB6994E6674F0 /mnt/Caddy ntfs rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096 0 018:04
PCatineanI got this from mnt directly18:05
OerHeksPCatinean, why @ /mnt/ ???18:06
littlebithi people, I have been trying to setup and configure a bridge between 2 interfaces, but it isn't working. During startup I get the following message: Cannot bring up device "br0" Bind socket to interface: No such device Failed to bring up br018:06
littlebithere is my config http://pastebin.com/XFyicigY18:06
littlebitcan someone help???18:06
PCatineanbecause that's where I usually place mounted drives?18:06
EriC^^PCatinean: auto automounts it18:07
EriC^^it's a mount option, use it at the end though cause if you use defaults first it includes noauto i think18:10
=== kpease_ is now known as kpease
[976497]AHas anyone here got any experience with single-board computers (like Raspberry) with Ubuntu?18:18
PCatineanHow can I determine the best drivers for my Nvidia card so I can play CS-GO properly?18:19
LenryHi. I'm new to ubuntu(14.04 lts). And i have a problem with my sound. I own a microphone and headphones, seperate, and use a Y-Cable to combine them (ultrabook only has one jack-in slot).18:21
LenrySo i sometimes get sound, but no microphone input. sometimes microphone sound but no sound on my headphones18:22
OerHeks[976497]A, only rasp pi 2 can run ubuntu AFAIK18:22
Fr3d3r1ci have a question ! Can i expand my windows to 90% of my desktop to keep in view my background ?18:22
MrElendigFr3d3r1c: sure, how depends on your wm18:23
Fr3d3r1cI'm on ubuntu with unity18:23
Fr3d3r1ci don't know my windows manager18:24
smoking-peanutsI am having a wireless network problem.  the connection seems to drop occasionally .  The problem doesn't appear to happen with in windows. It also doesn't seems to happen on all network. But it is happening on the current network that I am working on. I used lspci -nn and found a wireless adapter of[0280]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8188EE Wireless Network Adapter [10ec:8179].  I have done some searching whi18:24
smoking-peanutsch helped me get the wireless working. But, the drops have continued on this network that I am connected to. any ideas?18:24
[976497]AOerHeks: no, there are other single board machines and I'm looking for a channel or people to chat about it.18:25
ioriaLenry, the micro is enabled in  alsamixer  ?18:25
smoking-peanutsI am using ubuntu 14.04 kernel version 3.13.0-4918:26
emma_how can i add Multiverse and medibuntu repositories ??18:27
Lenryioria. yeah i guess. dont know exactly. i just turned everything up18:27
ikoniaemma_: mediubuntu is dead18:27
ikoniaemma_: multiverse is already there - you just enable it18:27
emma_i must install this tutoriel https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-12218:27
k1l_emma_: see system settings - > software and updates18:27
ioriaLenry, type alsamixer and check if there are MM is muted18:28
emma_and i have made one time but i forget the process18:28
ikoniaemma_: the packages from medibuntu should now be included in the ubuntu repos18:28
Lenryioria, i guess it's not muted. i turned down the internal mic. and headphone speakers & headphone mic up18:30
emma_i go try alone18:33
ioriaLenry, what's your sound card ?18:33
Lenryioria, i tried to figure that out yesterday. intel chip 7series or something like that18:34
ioriaLenry, lspci -k | grep Multimedia -A 418:35
k1l_[976497]A: so you want to talk abtou ARM boards. there is #ubuntu-arm18:36
[976497]Ak1l_: thx18:36
Lenryioria, nothing with your line. with lspci -k | grep Audio    -> Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)18:36
oalHow is battery life on Macbooks with Ubuntu these days? Anywhere near what you get in OSX?18:37
OerHeksoal, battery life, depends what you do with the machine.18:38
oalJust regular use. Last time I tried Ubuntu on mine, it used a lot of battery even in sleep mode. In OSX I can leave it over night, and it's only down tops 1% in the morning18:39
ioriaLenry, lsmod | grep snd ?18:40
OerHeksoal, when was 'last time'?18:41
oalHmm, early 201418:41
Lenryioria, bunch of stuff :D18:41
oalJanuary/February, OerHeks18:41
ioriaLenry, ok ...18:41
OerHeksoal videodriver might be better / more economic now, but generally ubuntu uses more power, that is true.18:41
Lenryioria, need everything ?18:42
ioriaLenry, no,if  there is snd_intel8x018:42
Lenryioria, nope. just snd_hda_intel18:44
ioriaLenry, do you have a  /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf ?18:45
Lenryioria, yep. i already changed something there.18:45
Lenryioria: options snd-hda-intel model=118:46
ioriaLenry, try  options snd-hda-intel model=generic18:46
Lenryioria, reboot i guess. then what should i see ? or how do i know if it worked ?18:47
smoking-peanutsoal: I have windows 8 on my machine and it seems to gets better battery life then my ubuntu. but that might also be because of a power management my wireless issue18:48
ioriaLenry, if the mic works as expected...  otherwise,reverse with the previous  options18:49
Lenryioria. okay, well i come back maybe :D and thanks so far, no matter if it works or not18:49
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john_doe_jrI have appended my PATH variable in ~/.profile and it it not being read after doing a echo $PATH…any ideas why?18:52
dcarmichIs there any way to see what Xorg driver Ubuntu is using?18:53
dcarmich(when there is no xorg.conf.)18:53
oalsmoking-peanuts, I run Windows 7 too on my Macbook, but it is a lot more battery hungry than OSX. But that seems to be normal with Windows on Macs afaik18:53
bekksdcarmich: The /var/log/Xorg.0.log should give you that information.18:54
dcarmichThanks.. just checked that, but also want to see if there's an up-to-date version of MesaGL.18:54
smoking-peanutsoal: Windows 8 is lighter on the memory than windows 7 i think18:55
oalhmm, yeah, probably. But I'll wait for Windows 10 before I upgrade :)18:56
zeleftikamwhat is this? Error mounting /dev/sda5 at /media/zeleftikam/2410DA0110D9D9BE: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sda5" "/media/zeleftikam/2410DA0110D9D9BE"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).18:56
zeleftikamMetadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.18:56
zeleftikamFailed to mount '/dev/sda5': Operation not permitted18:56
zeleftikamThe NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown18:56
zeleftikamWindows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume18:56
zeleftikamread-only with the 'ro' mount option.18:56
crepplehas less updates tho - lets see after sp2 :)18:56
darius93zeleftikam, disable fast boot maybe?18:56
grioJumpin' in here today.18:56
darius93i think fast boot and hibernation will cause that error18:56
OerHekszeleftikam, so "The disk contains an unclean file system "means use windows and chkdsk to correct problems18:57
zeleftikamalso can't get any external usb or memory cards to mount18:58
zeleftikamtried various commands googling, nothing helps18:58
zeleftikamsubmitted bug report, no help18:59
bekkszeleftikam: When did you submit it?18:59
zeleftikami've submitted bug reports over several weeks and they are all in this "undetermined" status and nobody seems to look at them19:00
zeleftikamlet alone anyone who could fix it19:00
bekkszeleftikam: Do you have the links for them?19:00
zeleftikamyes but i'm not posting them to IRC because it would connect my nick to my real identity and i don't want that19:01
OerHeksioria, i would say: my bug is simular to this guy: url19:04
ioriaOerHeks, -^_^-19:04
=== DarkDevil is now known as darkdevil
step21hey ... any idea what to do about a package which seems to not properly install/uninstall and block apt-get with that?19:13
step21apt-get -f install didn't help19:14
bpromptstep21:     what errors are you getting?   can you paste the error messages ?19:14
baxxhow do I test whether KVM is currently enabled? I currently have this http://paste.ubuntu.com/10775740/19:14
baxxdoes that mean that it's running alright?19:14
step21bprompt, http://pastebin.com/DscTd5yB19:16
bpromptbaxx:     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation19:18
baxxbprompt: yeah - it doesn't have a command to test whether it's already set or not though, I'm not sure if this is something that's already been done or not19:19
ki7mtstep21, well, part of the problem is package related, as the pre-removal script (prerm) is not handling the error very gracefully. What package is this your having issues with?19:19
bpromptstep21:    doesn't tell us much.... if you do a -> sudo apt-get -f install;   does it give you an error? which error does it give you?19:19
intrinanyone use ispconfig 3?19:20
OerHeksstep21, what package? build it yourself, downloaded somewhere, softwarecenter ?19:20
bpromptbaxx:    hmmm that page indicates a few things about whethere is running or not,  is not just about installation19:20
OerHeks!details | step2119:20
ubottustep21: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)19:20
baxxbprompt: fair, I can't seem to find something other than what I pasted in regards to testing whether its already set up, and I'm not sure whether that paste means its running or that it's able to run19:22
studentkawho can help me?19:22
OerHeks!ask | studentka19:23
ubottustudentka: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:23
q_whats the name of that multi format uncompress CLI utility again ?19:23
bekksstudentka: How do we know? Did you ask your real question already?19:23
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bpromptbaxx:     yeah... looks not very specific... but I'd think it may seem to indicate it's19:25
Tiberioshey guys19:25
studentkai have a laptop pentium 3 850 with 256 ram. i have problem with the browser it is too slow. i want to use this laptop just fo surfing nothing more. which linux i should to install?19:25
OerHeks!7zip | q_19:25
ubottuq_: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression19:25
OerHeksoh, not cli19:26
baxxbprompt: its.... don't leave me on a cliff hanger! ;)19:26
halfburnttoaststudentka, probably lbuntu. But it's a P3, it's never going to be fast19:26
TiberiosI'm having an issue with the unity panel on ubuntu 14.04.2, basically none of the indicator applets show up in it at all19:26
q_hmm, I know there is one for CLI too I just forget it , OerHeks19:26
TiberiosI've done a reinstall of unity and ubuntu-desktop but that hasn't helped...19:27
bpromptbaxx:     seems to indicate that It IS19:27
studentkahalfburnttoast do you think upgrade ram to 512 will improve it?19:27
halfburnttoaststudentka, it'll probably help prevent the computer from using swap for a little longer, but the P3 is just old. Too old too keep up with the modern internet for most things19:28
halfburnttoasta replacement computer would be a better choice, if possible19:28
bagginsDKHello Guys! I have a major problem with my laptop battery! It doesn;t change no matter what i tried. My ac adapter is working good but on Ubuntu 14.04 my battery is not charging. I have to mention that on Xubuntu 14.04 is charging as well as on Fedora 21 xfce19:28
studentkai see. so i should to sell it for 20 euro19:28
halfburnttoaststudentka, I mean, if that's the only computer you have avaliable right now, it'll work. It just wont be fast19:29
Tiberiosanyone got any suggestions?19:29
bpromptstudentka:     smallest footprint *nix you can isntall, would be Puppylinux IIRC19:29
=== katherine_temp is now known as katherine
studentkai had install too another linux. 64mb in ram. but unlucky i can not to use internet. i think it can not to recognize the LAN19:31
halfburnttoastyeah, puppy would probably be better than lubuntu for that amount of ram19:31
studentkait worked from cd. i had not to install it19:31
halfburnttoaststill, 256M is not a lot to work with, puppy linux or not19:31
step21ki7mt, bprompt the output to pastebin is the error part of the output of apt-get -f install19:31
studentkaproblem is ram. i see that when i open browser it use all the ram19:32
step21package is click ( from ubuntu sources or ubuntu-sdk19:32
bekksstudentka: Thats expected when havong 64M RAM only.19:32
halfburnttoaststudentka, it's not just ram. even if you had gigs of ram, you're still pushing it all through a pentium 319:33
bpromptstudentka:     well.... to be fair.... you "can" get online with say.... .hmmm something like ubuntu 9.04... or even ubuntu 7.04   too, now, the browsers however, will be so outdated, that many pages will be broken, or patched up with some shim which will cause overhead19:33
halfburnttoastit'll never be fast19:33
halfburnttoastnot with the modern internet19:33
studentkai see. i thinked that the problem was the graphic card 8mb. i thinked that i had to install the driver which there arent for linux..19:34
bpromptstudentka:    now, if you want to get online with a decent up-to-standards browser, then you'd need  something like ubuntu 10 or up..... I think you can squeak by with 9.04 btw, but flash plugin was sorta not-so-great back then, and that'd make the browser slow as well19:34
halfburnttoastbprompt, uhh, why reccomend versions of ubuntu that aren't supported?19:36
xangua_bprompt: studentka if what you are looking is for a light ubuntu flavor use lubuntu or xubuntu.19:36
bpromptstudentka:     8mbs for a graphic cards...goodness, come on now, I used to use a 8mbs videocard back in 2002, that machine sounds good for.... a vms or something.... or even a printer server or fileserver19:36
=== AlphaTech is now known as zz_AlphaTech
halfburnttoastcurrent lubuntu will work with 256M, it just wont be pretty19:36
bprompthalfburnttoast:   for it may work in his/her scenario, he never asked for a supported version for that matter, or even ubuntu distribution either19:36
ki7mtstep21, Ok, I'd have to pull apart the package ( pkg brain surgery), but -f install is just forcing deps to be installed, I dont think that is the issue.19:37
step21ki7mt, yeah, well mostly the issue is that somehow if the package is interacted with, it depends on a working /usr/bin/click and as that is not there, it fails hard instead of gracefully19:38
step21interacted = removed,reinstalled, etc ...19:39
studentkathis computer is old i know.. i will try xubunt. but it dont need 256 ram?19:39
halfburnttoaststudentka, you'll need at least that just to run the installer19:40
step21ki7mt, it is ubuntu core package, but maybe current version is from ubuntu-sdk19:40
halfburnttoastminimal cd probably uses less, though19:40
studentkaok. i will try it thx19:40
step21(according to apt-cache show)19:40
ki7mtstep21, Yeah, the import command in the module is failing, for some reason. I'm not overly familiar with click, though I have used it in the past. I would start by posting a Bug on it as what's happening is a broken behavior, rather than installation failure.19:41
halfburnttoaststudentka, xfce has higher requirements than lubuntu, though. You might try that or puppy linux first19:41
halfburnttoastboth are supported19:42
halfburnttoastor rather, still being updated19:42
TiberiosI'm having an issue with the unity panel on ubuntu 14.04.2, basically none of the indicator applets show up in it at all19:42
TiberiosI've done a reinstall of unity and ubuntu-desktop but that hasn't helped...19:42
Tiberiosanyone got any suggestions?19:42
step21ki7mt, ok, will do that19:42
baxxDoes anyone know where the JDK is for java 8 on ubuntu? javac -version gives me javac 1.8.0_31, but I can't find where the JDK is actually installed19:42
step21ki7mt, I tried the import stuff manually, the module it tries to import is there, but the name it tries to import from the module is not19:43
htqpbaxx: why do you want to know? what is the real goal/problem?19:43
baxxhtqp: I'm trying to follow some guide on setting up android studio and I need to point it to the location of the jdk19:44
baxxhtqp: by default it's pointing to /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle19:44
ki7mtstep21, yes, thats a core a function issue rather than install, unless the installation requires the import which would be really odd.19:44
step21ki7mt, yeah.19:45
htqpbaxx: no experience with android studio, but command ''which javac'' will give you the path of javac executable19:45
baxxhtqp: cheers, think it's a symlink lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root          23 Feb 15 14:52 javac -> /etc/alternatives/javac19:47
htqpls -l /etc/alternatives/javac19:47
htqp(alternatives should be a symlink as well)19:48
htqp(I meant, /etc/alternatives/javac)19:48
=== Guest51551 is now known as antismap
ki7mtbaxx, that's normal for multiple Java installs on a system, update-alternatives allows you to select which JDK to use, if installed19:48
=== antismap is now known as pierogilover
ki7mtbaxx, More info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java19:49
baxxcheers htqp , ki7mt -> I'm expecting to find something that's explicitly called `jdk` or with that in the name but I'm not, I'll have a look at the link thanks19:49
baxxki7mt: basically what's at this video at this time : https://youtu.be/JTSlJV1EzKg?t=41719:50
ki7mtbaxx, You find the binaries in something like:  /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.8.0/jre/bin/java 3 or similar.19:50
New_User_ubuntuDear All\19:51
New_User_ubuntucontinous reboot of ubuntu 14.0419:52
New_User_ubuntunothing much i could find in the logs19:52
=== ExtreGhost is now known as Extreminador
New_User_ubunturequesting help19:52
New_User_ubuntuWrite failed: Broken pipe19:53
baxxki7mt: yeh, In /usr/lib/jvm I have http://paste.ubuntu.com/10776062/19:53
New_User_ubuntugetting this error when i am connected via ssh to the servers19:53
ObrienDavecould you use the enter key for punctuation just a bit more often? ;p19:54
baxxI'll see if anyone over at android-dev knows, not sure if this is a Linux, Ubuntu, or anroid issue though?19:54
=== FunnyLookinHat_ is now known as FunnyLookinHat
Kabyhello all19:55
bagginsDKNobody faced issues with his/her laptop battery?19:55
bekksbagginsDK: What if? :)19:56
tgm4883baxx: I didn't look at all teh backlog, but sounds like you need the JDK and not the JRE19:56
KabybagginsDK, what battery ?19:56
bagginsDKI am running ubuntu 14.04 on a laptop and my battery is not charging.19:57
baxxtgm4883: cheers - I thought that the command I ran showed that I had that installed though, javac -version  javac 1.8.0_3119:57
pavlosbagginsDK, that could be hardware issue19:57
k1l_bagginsDK: look up if that is a known issue for your make and model. or test it if its a hardware issue19:57
bagginsDKI have no problems with xubuntu 14.0419:58
ki7mtbaxx, I would think then, by using update-alternatives you could set 8 as your default and continue on.19:58
tgm4883baxx: that doesn't show much, is there more output?19:58
baxxtgm4883: that's all I get from that command19:58
bagginsDKI thought it is a kernel problem19:58
KabybagginsDK, your mixing bro between hardware issues and software issues19:59
bagginsDKMaybe some configuration that i am missing19:59
monojinPackage management question: what is the difference between an "upgradeable" package as I see it in Synaptic and one that the software updater upgrades automatically?19:59
bagginsDKDoes anybody know how to calibrate laptop battery in Ubuntu19:59
KabybagginsDK, Well 90 % of the battery problems would be hardware issue , but some times it could be software issue the icon show that the battery not charging but in fact it is working 100 %20:00
Anosssubuntu works on all windows psc20:00
bagginsDKKaby, it is showing the icon and when i remove ac adapter it still runs for some minutes but i have no indication20:01
tgm4883baxx: you need to do an ls -l of /etc/alternatives/javac20:01
bagginsDKThe icon still says 0%20:01
Fr3d3r1ci want maximize my windows at 90 % for viewving my background, is it possible (bad english) sorry20:01
baxxtgm4883: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10776139/20:01
KabybagginsDK, your battery need to be changed20:02
ki7mtmonojin, short version, upgradeable means there are no package conflicts for the target of interest. Automatic upgrades happen for those packages where the dependencies can be met.20:02
KabybagginsDK, what laptop do you have ? hp toshiba lenovo acer20:02
baxxki7mt: I'll have a look at update-alternatives, I've not used it before.20:02
Kabyyes take your battery or laptop to any computer support center and buy a new battery20:03
ki7mtbaxx, here's a relevant example: http://askubuntu.com/questions/492029/update-alternatives-install20:03
pavlos_bagginsDK, right click on battery icon, settings20:03
k1l_bagginsDK: see my last message20:04
baxxki7mt: cheers - what's the idea behind this? I don't really understand what it's for - telling the system what version of java I'm using?20:04
pavlos_bagginsDK, show battery status in menu bar: when battery is present20:04
bagginsDKpavlos, i keep following you20:05
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bagginsDKpavlos_, then?20:05
pavlos_make sure the whne batter is present is selected20:05
pavlos_when battery20:05
Kabypavlos_, when it is plugged showing 0 % and unplugged showing also 0 % then hardware issue20:06
monojinki7mt: I just ran software updater and it wants to upgrade these packages after all; thought there was a difference. Thanks for your answer20:06
pavlos_I have NO suspend for the top row20:06
ki7mtbaxx, It's used for many things, editors, browsers, compiler too-chains, etc.  It allows the suer to select which, if multiple versions exist, to use as the system default.20:06
pavlos_Kaby, he said it works on Xubuntu ... just making sure the settings are ok20:06
step21ki7mt, kinda seems like this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+bug/1386354 though not really as I was already at a ppa package and never tried upgrading to 14.1020:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1386354 in click (Ubuntu) "package click failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [High,Confirmed]20:07
baxxki7mt: I'll note that I can use Java at the moment for Processing programmes, not sure if that makes any difference20:07
pavlos_bagginsDK, when lid closed ... suspend20:07
baxxki7mt: I'm going to try the advice on that forum post now20:07
bagginsDKpavlos_, what do you mean?20:07
pavlos_bagginsDK, I'm describing the options you see in the power settings window20:08
ki7mtbaxx, Some Java applicaitnos require later versions that others, same with compilers, so it simply allows you to use whatever your needed for the source code needs.20:08
baxxki7mt: though I still don't get it - I don't seem to have ANY jdk versions, let alone multiple ;)20:08
bagginsDKpavlos_, i have removed my ac adapter and still working20:09
pavlos_bagginsDK, http://imgur.com/x58I1Pw20:09
bagginsDKpavlos_, Maybe if i  dry my battery....20:09
ki7mtbaxx, Save I have Nano and Vim install, and I want want my default editor to be Nano.  If I type "editor" in the command line, Vim pops open. If I change the alternative to Nano, then type "editor" nano opens up.20:10
bekksbagginsDK: Dry your battery? You want to entirely kill it? :)20:10
baxxki7mt: yes but you have Nano and Vim in this scenario , I don't seem to have anything called jdk20:10
bagginsDKpavlos_, i have the same settings as you have. I make this dump question because my ui is in German20:11
ki7mtbaxx, it's the same for JER's, compilers and so on. update-alternates allows you to set the default. If you dont have it installed, that's another matter entirely.20:11
ayahia56hi everybody i have problem with bluetooth can you help?20:11
baxxki7mt: that's what I'm confused about - the command that's meant to test whether it's intstalled doesn't return error, but I can't find anything called jdk20:12
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ki7mtbaxx, What's the coommand your using to test20:12
baxxki7mt: javac -version20:13
baxxki7mt: javac 1.8.0_3120:13
pavlos_bagginsDK, run without the adapter, let the battery drain, then plug in adapter and boot. Maybe that will help ...20:13
ki7mtbaxx, Ok, and what javac version or JRE do you need / want ?20:14
bagginsDKpavlos_, That's my thought. I will give it a go. I am very confused because on Xubuntu & Fedora 21 xfce i did not have problems20:14
ki7mtbaxx, just fyi, JDK is short for Java Development Kit .. it's not a binary20:14
baxxki7mt: I'm after the jdk, I think 8 is fine, in the android install the default location that it comes up with is /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle20:14
bagginsDKpavlos_,  thank you very much20:15
baxxki7mt: in this video https://youtu.be/JTSlJV1EzKg?t=417 it's located in /usr/local20:15
pavlos_bagginsDK, np20:15
baxxki7mt: I don't have it there though :/20:15
easkerI'm trying to understand how to password protect editing of grub menu entries only. When I follow the steps to password protect here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Passwords, all I get is a system that I can't boot until I enter a password. Am I missing something or is it not possible to only protect editing of menu entries in grub 2?20:16
ki7mtbaxx, /usr/local would indication and source build isntallation. if you type: java --version and it renders something like: java version "1.8.0_40" .. you have JDK 8 installed.20:17
ki7mt../usr/local would be an indication .. ..20:17
ubottuUbuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.20:18
baxxki7mt: thanks : java version "1.8.0_31"20:18
baxxJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_31-b13)20:18
=== AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT
baxxJava HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.31-b07, mixed mode)20:18
baxxYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.20:18
ki7mtbaxx, As a side note, I would *not* recommend building JDK from source, use the Web8 PPA or repository package for installation.20:18
ubottuUbuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu.  End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details.20:18
baxxki7mt: I don't want to build from source - but looking at that implies that I have the jdk installed, so why can't I find it like the vidoes?20:19
xanguaAaronMT: you can consult ubbotu in private20:19
nullbyte_java aways is vulnerable20:19
AaronMTWhy EOL?20:19
ki7mtbaxx, Find it like the video's ? I dont understand what your asking.20:20
bekksAaronMT: warty and hoary are horrible outdated.20:20
AaronMTWhere can I download?20:20
baxxI don't have the jdk in the location that's in the video, or a directory named it that I can find anywhere else ki7mt20:20
pavlos_AaronMT, 5.04 was april 200520:20
bekksAaronMT: Hopefully nowhere.20:20
pavlos_AaronMT, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/20:21
ki7mtbaxx, You have JDK 8 .. proven by running: java --version .. I've not watched the Vid, so there installation may be miles away from what you currently have installed., thus the danger of Vid installations :-)20:22
baxxki7mt: indeed, but I would expect there to be a jdk directory somewhere, but I can't find it! I need to point the android studio to it :/20:22
Bursihidohello, http://pastie.org/private/xq2ddptccw1l9py1z6a20:23
Bursihidoapt-get erros20:24
Bursihidocan't get it right ..20:24
ki7mtbaxx, Again, JDK is an acronym, not a package name, folder name or  binary. JRE (Jave Runtime Environment) on the other hand, usually gets a folder name suffixed with the version.20:24
baxxki7mt: ah shit, so it's just not got JDK in the name in the one I've installed?20:25
ki7mtbaxx, +120:25
bagginsDKHello, how can i see installed applications/packages from terminal?20:25
baxxki7mt: ffs20:25
wawrekhello, I am trying to increase the amount of memory allocated to apache. how can I do that?20:25
baxxki7mt: thanks for your help, I'll just presume that the programme guessed right for now then !20:26
dreamer_nick #docker-dev20:26
gr33n7007hbagginsDK: dpkg -l20:26
pavlos_bagginsDK, dpkg -l | grep ii20:26
ki7mtbaxx, If the apps your developing need 1.8.xx, and java --version is spitting back 1.8.31, your probably in good shape, as that is the default at the moment.20:27
Bursihidohello, http://pastie.org/private/xq2ddptccw1l9py1z6a20:27
Bursihidoerros on apt-get install20:27
charlesW_Is there a way for me to make a program start up automatically ubuntu 14.04lts boots up?20:27
charlesW_after boot up20:27
bekks!autostart | charlesW_20:28
ubottucharlesW_: If you want to edit your Autostart programs, open the Unity dash and search for Startup Programs. If you're on XFCE, use menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Session and Startup, if you're on KDE, use Kickoff -> Computer -> System Settings -> Autostart. For more details see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup. For LXDE see http://ubottu.com/y/420:28
baxxki7mt: cool, i was just trying to find the dir that actually had jdk in it, but yeh, as fun a way to spend half an hour as any i guess ;)20:28
bagginsDKgr33n7007h, pavlos_  thank you!20:28
pavlos_charlesW_, using Dash, find startup apps, add yours.20:28
ki7mtbaxx, Plan on spending allot more time than 30 minutes :-) .. that's just the beginning.20:28
coffee-thanks a neat command pavlos_ ty20:29
charlesW_ok, thanks...20:29
baxxki7mt: looking for directories or actually doing stuff?20:29
ki7mtbaxx, Both :-)20:29
baxxki7mt: be nice if I could spend ages looking for a file next time, switch it up a bit20:29
ki7mtbaxx, That's mush easier actually .. "find" is your friend in that case.20:30
Fr3d3r1chow waking up a sshfs connexion every hours per example20:39
bekksJust use the ssh keepalive settings.20:39
Fr3d3r1cactually, i have added a sshfs connection on boot of my computer20:40
ki7mt+1 what he said ^ ServerAliveInterval xx20:40
Fr3d3r1cwhere is keepalive settings ?20:40
Fr3d3r1cit's on distant server ?20:40
ki7mtFr3d3r1c,  ~/.ssh/config20:40
Fr3d3r1cit is not recommanded i believe20:40
=== nate254 is now known as saucereyes
ki7mtFr3d3r1c, By whome, and why ?20:41
Fr3d3r1cby some users on internet for security20:41
ki7mtsome users? .. not the SSH developers?20:42
Fr3d3r1cfrench users on irc20:42
=== Bursihido is now known as Bushido
johnhopeI'm kinda new to linux but I'm a gamer and too many things are uncompatable with linux so I'd like to uninstall linux and get windows back. I have a copy of windows on a disc but I'm missing the bios password. So what I was thinking was to make linux unrecognizable as a OS and have my pc to be forced to run the disc.20:43
bekksjohnhope: SO who has the BIOS password?20:43
johnhopeMight be the defult20:43
pavlos_Bushido, did you try sudo apt-get install -f20:43
johnhopeCouldn't find it20:43
pavlos_Bushido, the -f flag fixes things20:44
ki7mtFr3d3r1c, If you've properly secured your SSH server, this is not an issue.20:44
Bushidopavlos_: help option s opened20:44
cn28hcan't the bios normally be reset with a jumper or such?20:44
Fr3d3r1ci have created a public key and phrase20:44
bekkscn28h: Depends on the mainboard.20:44
Fr3d3r1csecret phrase, i don't remember20:44
cn28hwell sure20:44
Fr3d3r1cit's enough secured ?20:44
johnhopeI don't know how to do that though I do think I read something like that20:45
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htqpjohnhope: sometimes you can reset the bios settings (including the password) by removing its battery, waiting a little, then putting it again20:45
ki7mtFr3d3r1c, Too much to go into here, but Disabling Root Access, Password logins, Access by keys only, Changing the port, things of that nature.20:45
Bushidopavlos_: sudo apt-get install -f dpkg20:46
Bushidoit's not fixing it20:46
bekksjohnhope: It should be documented in the manual of your computer.20:46
pavlos_Bushido, the is no dpkg at the end, just "sudo apt-get install -f"20:46
johnhopeWhere's the battary? And I got this 2nd hand without the manual20:46
Bushidopavlos_: it open help menu20:46
Bushidoi thsow the help options20:47
htqp(assuming MBR) I don't see how 'making linux unrecognizable' could work, because the bios does not know about partitions, bios only knows about hdd or cd, once it boots off the hdd you are in the realm of grub which decides what os to run20:47
htqpso if you 'make linux unrecognizable' (assuming bios/mbr) you are only going to ask bios to boot an unbootable hdd = failure20:47
Brb23Need some help here my laptop wont connect to WiFi it sicks at the message User authentication required.. but never gives me the screen to enter the password20:48
johnhopeBut once I get the password wrong a couple times a different display shows and other stuff happens20:48
bekksjohnhope: Which "other stuff"?20:48
johnhopeThen I have ubuntu the differnt versions of ubunto show including safety and if I exit that I get some terminal20:50
johnhopeAnd I don't see a battery20:50
Fr3d3r1coO ? there is nothing in config file20:51
ki7mtFr3d3r1c, Is this a Ubuntu Server?20:53
Brb23Need some help here my laptop wont connect to WiFi it sicks at the message User authentication required.. but never gives me the screen to enter the password20:53
Fr3d3r1con internet, a website say : /etc/ssh/ssh_config20:53
ki7mtFr3d3r1c, Is should be located in: /etc/ssh/sshd_config20:53
Fr3d3r1cscuse me, on server side, it's : /etc/ssh/ssh_config20:54
ki7mtFr3d3r1c, Make a Backup before editing, and ensure you have asscess via your keys "before" disabling root access.20:54
Fr3d3r1cbut we can make this client side20:54
ki7mtFr3d3r1c, I would start by reading here first: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring20:55
mjuszcza_with the realm tool, is there a way to get it so that sssd does not start automatically?20:55
ki7mtFr3d3r1c, and further reading here: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/openssh-server.html20:56
mjuszcza_or should I just use adcli instead?20:56
=== Fahrenheit is now known as Absolute0
cnnxhow is uubntu's power management system on a thinkpad vs win7? i had to reformat win7 few weeks ago and now same problem, just hangs when trying to boot windows.. so im trying ubuntu on the thinkpad20:57
k1l_thinkpads are quite well supported by the linux kernel20:57
cnnxgood to her20:57
Fr3d3r1cok i will read it20:58
cnnxi run gentoo on my main system but the thinkpad is only an i3, didnt wanna compile everything20:58
=== Absolute0 is now known as krunkpirate
kokutHello, anyone knows how to remove/rescan cmus library?21:00
MetalHead77I'm creating a bash script to calculate the weekday within the calendar year 2011. My script should accept two input parameter values (MONTH DATE) and use the following formula to calculate weekday:21:01
MetalHead77WEEKDAY = 5 + MONTH + DATE21:02
MetalHead77The value of MONTH is based on an offset, seen in the table below:21:02
MetalHead77To calculate the number for DATE, the following formula should be used: date entered % 721:02
MetalHead77Once the formula for WEEKDAY is calculated, the table below is used to determine weekday. N.B - if the calculated value for weekday is more than 7 then do the following before using the table below: calculated value % 721:02
MetalHead77Here is the table below:21:02
MetalHead77What's the best way to go about doing this?21:02
ki7mtkokut, assuming Banshee hee, back up: ~/.config/banshee-1/banshee.db mv it out the way, then re-scan21:02
=== Brb23 is now known as jema3
jema3Wil this adapter work on linux https://www.sitecom.com/en/usb-30-network-gigabit-adapter/ln-032/p/153321:03
kokutki7mt: mmh nvm i just deleted the cache21:03
ki7mtkokut, be sure to export your playlists :-) ..21:04
kokutki7mt: i won't be using that functionality for now, i'm just using it to play music without using much resources21:04
kokutki7mt: do you know how to sort files by length?21:05
daftykinsjema3: i clicked 'support' - windows and mac drivers only, so no it's unlikely21:05
kokutki7mt: in the browser view21:05
ki7mtkokut, no, not right off hand, but could search for it.21:06
studio_alguém aí fala portugês?21:06
k1l_!pt | studio_21:06
ubottustudio_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.21:06
ki7mtkokut, command line is easy, then it always is: ls --sort=size -l21:07
ki7mtkokut, or more human readable: ls -l -S -h ~/my-cool-stuff/* | more21:08
jema3daftykins, yeah but thats the utility the chipset that drives the apadter might work21:09
mjuszcza_Is it still okay to use adcli join instead of realm join?21:11
daftykinsjema3: and thus this is your time to contact the maker and find out what it is - 'cause that's not down to us :)21:11
kokutki7mt: that command on cmus?21:11
ki7mtkokut, that command is for any folder ,, I knot know the best way to sort in the GUI View21:12
ki7mt.. dont know ..21:12
ph_there is someone who can help me ?? when i try apt-get update in a terminal an error submit : Pontarlier21:12
jema3daftykings, Thanks21:12
ph_W: Impossible de récupérer http://mirrors.ircam.fr/pub/ubuntu/archive/dists/trusty-updates/main/i18n/Translation-en  Somme de contrôle de hachage incohérente21:13
ph_please !!21:13
daftykinsyou could at least run it via a translator, ph_ :P21:13
k1l_ph_: try a different mirror or wait until the mirror you use got the updated packages21:13
MonkeyDustph_  I speak french... somme de control is control sum, that's md521:14
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:14
ph_do you think if i try ap-get update later the probleme was resolv ?? or must i change mirror21:14
stoogenmeyerhey is the wheel group equivalent to the sudo group ?21:15
ki7mtkokut, :update-cache -f should update it, but not according to file size, I think that sorts by time. Need to search a bit more.21:15
MonkeyDustph_  yes, try changing the mirror21:15
ph_ok thank you !!21:16
kokutki7mt: found the search command, it did what i needed, ty21:18
ki7mtkokut, looking at the manpage, there is pl_sort and View three, lots of ways to sort: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man1/cmus.1.html21:18
kokutki7mt: yea, just found that, ty21:22
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Bray90820Can someone help me auto mount a qnap SMB share on ubuntu 14.1021:27
MonkeyDustwhat's qnap?21:27
bekksA company selling NAS solutions.21:27
Bray90820MonkeyDust: A QNAP is a NAS Box21:28
kartfor some reason i read the last 2 lines as " a company selling monkeydust "21:30
bekkskart: No no, they dont sell unicorn dust.21:31
=== JeDa is now known as Lif3Shroom
* Bray90820 kart here is your monkey dust http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/e5a7/21:32
MonkeyDustkart  you have "daily ..." (dyslexia) ... fill out the three dots21:33
=== user is now known as Cyber023
ph_just for information if the person who anwser me about my update error !! i change mirror and the problem whas resolv thanks !!21:38
ph_good night21:38
dima666Brothers, How to Prevent cookie for deleting?21:41
dima666if they're timed out or something else21:41
=== rylinaux is now known as rcx
hheeguys, how can i turn off trash in ubuntu? unity21:42
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hheeand how can i write out cache on disk? ssd in my case21:43
notalanturinghhee, what do youe mean with turning off?21:44
bekks!trim | hhee21:44
ubottuhhee: Many Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.21:44
hheenotalanturing: i want that file go right to the /dev/null :) with out take some drive space21:45
hheebekks: thx bro!21:45
ki7mthhee, use shift+delete .. or you can bypass the ole trash can if desired.21:46
hheeki7mt: well , you right.21:46
hheeguys you all awesome :)21:48
ki7mthhee, in File >> Preferences >> Behavior .. enable Include Delete command that bypasses Trash .. be warned whenthey get deleted, they are gone without performing surgery on the drive.21:48
hheeki7mt: tnx tnx! that's it!21:49
coffee-what is the repo for google products, ie earth chrome, and how would i add it and update from it21:53
k1l_install the chrome .deb package that will ad it21:53
coffee-kk thanks k1l_ , and the command for updating is sudo apt-get update?21:54
coffee-kk thanks a bunch :)21:54
k1l_well, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade21:54
coffee-oh ok ty :)21:54
k1l_apt-get update only gets the new list from the servers. it doesnt update the installed packages21:54
coffee-that makes sense21:55
bradlandtrying to get password-less sudo working on a fresh 14.04 server install22:05
bradlandi have the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10777027/22:05
=== joseph is now known as Guest27494
embrikI try to render a project including, video, sound and images, and keep getting this crash-report: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'22:06
embrik  what():  std::bad_alloc22:06
bradlandnevermind. sorry :\22:06
embrikusing ubuntu 1404 and heroine cv 2.222:07
embrikcan anybody help me? I've tried batch rendering as well. There are free resources on my computer22:08
daftykinsembrik: system is stable in general? checked your hard disk health + memtest'd just to be sure? that's the only input i can give22:09
embrikdaftykins, thanks, yes it's stable and in good health. Moved to Cinelerra-channel22:12
CharlieTheCabbiehi all.  can someone please explain to me how to disable the active corners on the display please? I keep hitting one and wind up with my display breaking up into about 5 windows22:15
=== JeDa_ is now known as Lif3Shroom
q_CharlieTheCabbie, hmm I know there is a way I usually turn that off also22:25
q_CharlieTheCabbie, https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/118/no-topleft-hot-corner/ does that work ?22:26
pbxafter i've installed something from ubuntu software center, why isn't there (or is there?) an "open this" command? seems so obvious22:26
q_pbx, I know right ?22:27
q_pbx, plus the package that installs sometimes has a weird executable name22:27
pbxwell, that i can roll with. but given that the app exists to put a friendly face on apt, why not add this obviously friendly touch?22:28
pbxthought maybe i'd just missed an obscure UI bit22:28
CharlieTheCabbieAh, that won't work. I'm running studio and I have KDE & Plasma as my base22:29
rkrzewski\j google-containers22:30
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OerHeksCharlieTheCabbie, you might want to ask in #kubuntu too, but plasma should have a settings page for that22:33
CharlieTheCabbieFound it.  Settings/System Settings/Workspace Behavior/22:36
CharlieTheCabbieThanks for the point :)22:36
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TrfsrfrI ran sudo apt-get install gimp in the terminal. Is this all I need to do to install the program?22:41
TrfsrfrIt doesnt show up in unity when I tried to run it...22:42
pbxTrfsrfr, did the install process appear to succeed (i.e. not end with an error)?22:49
pbxTrfsrfr, does `gimp` in the terminal launch the app?22:49
pbxTrfsrfr, by "in unity" you mean in the dash when you press super, or something else?22:50
Trfsrfrpbx, I mean the ubuntu button at the top of the unity bar. The where you search your files22:51
pbxTrfsrfr, what are the answers to my other questions?  what does `which gimp` say in the terminal?22:59
Trfsrfrpbx, sorry didnt see you other questions23:00
pbxTrfsrfr, scroll back, they all start with your nick23:00
Trfsrfrpbx, yes the install appeared to be good.23:00
kostkonTrfsrfr, it should show up when you search for it23:00
Trfsrfrlet me try in in terminal23:01
TrfsrfrOkay, it says its not installed. let me try again.23:01
Trfsrfrsudo apt-get install gimp, or sudo apt-get gimp?23:02
kostkonTrfsrfr, sudo apt-get install gimp23:03
Trfsrfrkostkon - thank you. I tried the other one before. gimme a min.23:03
pbxTrfsrfr, that explains it. the latter command would have died immediately with 'Invalid operation gimp'23:04
TrfsrfrI got a warning about packages that cannot be authenticated. Install w/o verification?23:04
pbxi would23:04
kostkonTrfsrfr, paste them on paste.ubuntu.com23:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:05
kostkonTrfsrfr, you are using an EOL release, an unsupported version of Ubuntu. That explains why you are not able to install gimp since the repositories for that release have been taken down, actually moved to old-releases.ubuntu,com23:08
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:08
kostkonTrfsrfr, i would suggest upgrading to 14.04 LTS23:09
JervacI just deleted about everything important on my computer23:09
grioSo I think something just clicked: Installing via PPA means easier auto-updating, instead of manually updating each time with a .deb package... #epiphany23:09
wafflejockgrio, that's true it also means you're trusting the package maintainer with whatever is in the compiled code and updates23:10
TrfsrfrOkay, that makes sense. I cant do it right now though. Can I still get the gimp from the old-releases, ubuntu.com23:10
griowafflejock, had that thought, too. I guess it comes down to installing trustworthy PPAs, then?23:11
kostkongrio, try using only official projects ppas, definitely not from random people23:11
wafflejockgrio, yup just be cautious don't add things from untrusted sources23:11
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griokostkon, exactly. No ppa:joeblow/gpg for me.23:11
wafflejockgrio, anyone can pretty easily package up some software and setup a PPA and whatever they compiled in there is what you're getting so best to avoid unless you know/trust the source23:12
kostkonTrfsrfr, you would need to update your sources.list file to point to old-releases.ubuntu.com  some partial instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#Update_sources.list23:12
griowafflejock, the revelation came from searching for a bitcoin PPA. I was looking for something that keeps it updated, but, you know, doesn't steal my wallet...23:12
Trfsrfrkostkon, pbx, thank you for your help23:13
kostkonTrfsrfr, np23:13
wafflejockgrio, yeah ideal if you can look through the source for something and compile it yourself to be sure you know what's in there if you're seriously concerned about security, but requires that you can make sense of the code, can also use things like wireshark to see if an app is phoning home but filtering to figure that out can be difficult23:14
wafflejockgrio, pretty sure canonical has a security team that goes through that kind of stuff for you which is why it's best to stay in the walled garden unless you know what you're dealing with23:15
griowafflejock, I work in the VOIP field, so Wireshark and I are intimate. I don't add PPAs at random. I just had a moment's clarity after 6 months of using Ubuntu as my primary desktop.23:16
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wafflejockgrio, yeah can definitely be useful just always try to steer people away from them here since they're typically new users and won't be able to deal with the problems, intentional or not, that can come from adding a bunch of PPAs, also when you upgrade you have to deal with those sources possibly not being updated... there are pluses and minuses23:17
kostkongrio, but yeah the bitcoin client ppa is an "official" one https://bitcoin.org/en/download23:19
griowafflejock, I'm guilty of doing that at the beginning when I was learning. Added a PPA that broke gnome hard, and since then, I'm cautious.23:19
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coffee-what does PPA stand for?23:21
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge23:21
coffee-oh ok thank yee :)23:21
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html23:22
kokutHello, is it possible to change my system's name without causing any trouble?23:25
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rkrzewskikokut: sure, just edit /etc/hostname and reboot23:28
kokutrkrzewski: but will that cause any trouble..?23:28
kokuti dont have time atm to have trouble23:28
rkrzewskiit shouldn't23:29
rkrzewskiyou can always edit the file again and restore original name23:29
kris_polhey everybody. I`m seeking for common use programs running on terminal . currently using cmus, sap translator. any suggestions?23:33
kris_poland lynx23:35
Bashing-omkokut: When you change /etc/hostname ; also make the same edit in /etc/hosts .23:37
kokutdunno man im a lil scared23:37
ross_how do you fix http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-security/universe/binary-i386/Packages  40423:37
kokutbut i really need t change my hostname its a lil embarrasing and i take my computer to work every day and my coworkers probably think im stupid23:38
Bashing-omkokut: Not a big deal, no need of concern. See : http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/change-hostname-ubuntu1404/ .23:39
zykotick9!hostname | kokut23:43
ubottukokut: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.23:43
vincehello anyone have experience with ubuntu and Configuring Gmail as a Sendmail email relay?23:49
jnewti'm trying to create a boot image from a tarball.  i do mount /dev/sdb1 boot and then tar -xvf bbb.tar.gz -C boot/ an dget a bunch of "Cannot change ownership to uid, gid 1001", even if i run with sudo.  so, i setup the root password, and logged in as root, same problem. what could be the issue?23:50
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ikoniajnewt: thats nothing to do with ubuntu23:51
ikoniavince: ubuntu doesn't use sendmail by default23:52
jnewtikonia: thank you for the help.23:52
ikoniavince: you should be using postfix, and that can be configured to relay out of gmail23:52
vinceikonia, for some reason my ubuntu install has sendmail and not postfix, should I apt-get insta  postfix instead for easier process in setting up relay??23:54
ikoniavince: it's not a default ubuntu install then23:54
ross_Ahh Precise went end of life.23:56
k1l_no, precise is still in support23:57
ross_well 404 on this is usually what you get when a release has gone EOL http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-security/universe/binary-i386/Packages23:58
ikoniaross_: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-security/universe/binary-i386/23:58
ikoniait's there23:58
ikoniajust compressed23:58
k1l_run a "sudo apt-get update"23:58
ross_apt-get update is what is yielding said error23:58

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