[00:04] knome: Oh sorry was afk [00:05] knome: The logs are private but are accessible from the outside to those with the password -- just me and close friends. [00:05] Utility involves: [00:05] $help tell [00:05] [$tell ]: Used to tell someone a message the next time they enter a channel or speak. [00:05] $help sticky [00:05] [$sticky ]: Used to save a sticky note. sticky save saves it, sticky save_private saves a private sticky, sticky read reads it, sticky delete deletes it, but only if it's your sticky. For admins, sticky reset deletes all stickies. sticky list lists the names of the owners and times of creation for all stickies, and sticky search returns a list of sticky IDs that match your search. [00:05] do /msg aqu4 commands to see the rest. [00:11] Subsentient, ok, in that case, could you please remove the bot from the channel [00:12] knome: As you wish. [00:12] $part [00:12] Assuming you mean this channel. [00:12] Subsentient, yes; thanks, and thanks for understanding :) [00:12] yes we can only one george orwellian overlord at a time in here [00:13] knome: I like to bring it along with me :^) [00:14] i like ubottu <3 [00:14] You thought you could bring your own creation into an open source operating system chatroom full of developers?....muahaha...well erm.. actually no, no you can't. [00:14] knome: Oh, if you're interested: http://github.com/Subsentient/aqu4bot [00:15] Subsentient, i briefly peeked there already O;) [00:15] knome: hah, clever girl. [00:15] Subsentient, but not really, i'll try to avoid any code at all costs... [00:15] girl? o.O [00:15] knome: Jurassic Park. [00:15] it's just an expression :^) [00:16] Unit193, Gladiator. [00:16] Subsentient, i see... thanks mom. [00:16] O:) [00:16] knome: Any time sweetie [01:23] knome: still around? [01:23] 10 minutes of hacking http://i.imgur.com/E4bEqaB.png [01:23] bluesabre: He went to bed several minutes ago. [01:23] aww [02:05] knome: for when you get back, https://youtu.be/kuei-Xk0g6E === Unit193 changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Support at #xubuntu | http://ubottu.com/y/vv | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | Daily testing with results: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ [07:24] wow, both gimp and LO are in a tight spot, just like pleia2 likes it i guess :) [07:26] we should have had 1 vote for the abiword thing [07:29] to prevent us from shipping no office stuff at all? [07:33] the vote doesn't prevent us doing that [07:33] i think that was knome's (not-so-secret) plan all along [07:33] bbl [07:34] let's drop everything [07:34] ship nothing that isn't a core part of xfce from xfce.org [07:35] :) [07:35] that was bizarre ... [07:35] anyway - work for me now [07:37] it's funny that people want a cut down paint program, but they don't want the cut down word processor and spreadsheet that they currently have [07:40] Hey now, look at my votes! They don't do that! :P [07:40] i have no problem with gnumeric, but abiword sucks [07:45] actually it shouldn't be very hard to add basic image editing functions to ristretto (rotate, flip), but i think stephan arts was always really opposed to that [07:45] "print" would be nice [07:46] yeah, eog has that [07:47] ochosi: http://www.abisource.com/release-notes/3.0.1.phtml wasn't good enough? [10:33] the problem isn't wanting minimalistic applications, rather that Abiword is usually a nest of bugs [10:34] if it wasn't so bad, I don't think we'd even have the conversation about replacing it [10:38] bluesabre, ochosi: did xfdesktop even draw the background before the ubiquity devs messed around with opting out feh or using some gsettings voodoo? [10:53] I think that xfdestkop always showed desktop icons by default, so why weren't they visible before? === benonsoftware is now known as clockwork === clockwork is now known as benonsoftware [13:28] bluesabre, cool [13:29] ochosi, not really.. [13:29] :P [13:30] not really what? [13:30] my plan to not ship any office suite [13:30] oh, ofc :) [13:30] bbabl [13:30] aha [13:31] hey knome [13:34] hello slickymasterWork [13:43] soryy knome [13:43] * sorry [13:43] what? :) [13:44] knome, have you thought about krytarik's MP? [13:44] sorry for the delay [13:44] hmph. [13:45] * slickymasterWork hates when knome answers hmph [13:46] i'm still not happy with all of the details of it [13:46] mostly the cross reference handling [13:46] but as Unit193 said, we'll need a part of that merge proposal anyway [13:47] exactly, and we already changed x-d-s because of it [13:47] so i would say we should go ahead with the other changes *now* and poke bluesbre for an upload [13:48] can't do anything right now~ [13:48] later at home [13:48] unless you have five minutes to spare and do it knome [13:49] i can do it later too [13:50] lol, which one of us that manages to do it will do it ;) [13:51] yep [18:10] nate254: yea - 6 monthly [18:11] so vv will release in April, then we start looking at the next - which will be October (15.10) [18:11] which will be followed by the next LTS 16.04 - then the cycle starts again [18:13] Here's a question: is it normal that upgrading from 14.04 LTS to 14.10 breaks the system? [18:14] nate254: no [18:15] elfy: Okay. I suppose I've never had much luck with it then [18:27] slickymaster: could be worse, you could have no answer from knome at all === nate254 is now known as saucereyes === saucereyes is now known as ryclik [21:50] slickymaster, did you merge the proposal as is or without the cross reference part? [21:51] I merged as it was knome [21:51] ok [21:51] wasn't it supposed to be merged entirly knome? [21:51] I'm guessing not :P [21:52] need an upload? [21:52] if you'd be so kind bluesabre [21:52] pretty please? [21:52] slickymaster, well i said i wasn't completely happy with the cross references and that we probably should merge the other parts now [21:52] but if you merged it already... [21:52] * knome shrugs [21:52] hey folks [21:52] sorry knome [21:52] my bad [21:52] it's not an LTS, we can act next cycle too [21:52] nah, it's ok [21:53] you're the doc lead anyway [21:53] hullo ochosi, bluesabre [21:53] I knew you weren't too happy about the cross references [21:53] and hello slickymaster officiall too :P [21:53] slickymaster, yeah, they were part of the MP [21:54] but I got the impression that wouldn't bother it to be merged now and afterwards rollbacked if needed [21:54] well that's the other option [21:54] next question is, what am I uploading? [21:54] bluesabre, -docs [21:54] yes [21:54] and hey officially also knome, bluesabre and ochosi [21:57] btw, we need a new upload for the slideshow [21:57] iirc, dylan, the project driver, is working on it, but i'm not sure. [21:58] oh, why's that? [21:58] well, because dylan merged some content changes from jack [21:58] but didn't update the translation templates [21:59] so a few strings will be non-translated for all languages [21:59] unless we have a new upload that allows people to actually translate those messages [21:59] and we need the upload because the translations are done for the ubuntu package, not the upstream [22:00] we're pushing to change this for the next cycle though, so uploads would only be needed AFTER the translation work is done [22:00] exactly [22:00] (now it's needed BOTH BEFORE and AFTER) [22:00] which is something we're wishing to change from next cycle on [22:00] didn't i say that? :P [22:01] ah ok [22:01] so yeah [22:01] the merging was... [22:01] well not unwelcome, but unexpected [22:01] i would have personally waited for 15.10 with that [22:01] basically because of this need of uploads we now have [22:02] (and because it was after string freeze and all..) [22:02] yeap [22:05] anything else need to go into -docs, or are they good to go? [22:05] too late to revert? [22:05] ochosi, slideshow? not really, but then it would need an upload too.. [22:06] bluesabre, good to go (just make sure changelog looks sane) [22:07] knome: thanks, will upload shortly [22:07] thanks bluesabre [22:07] ochosi, i mean, the changes itself are okay, nothing wrong with them; they just landed quite late and gave us this translation issue [22:07] on the worst bad timing possible [22:20] k [22:43] hey pleia2 [22:43] first of all, nice interview in the fridge! [22:44] hey ochosi [22:44] thanks :) [22:45] secondly, i'm curious about your tie-breaking skills :] [22:45] ah yes, I saw mention of gimp and libreoffice [22:46] at least iirc you were the last one to vote, which makes it all the more fun [22:47] ochosi, what's the situation now? [22:47] are we dropping abiword/gnumeric anyway? [22:47] yeah [22:47] great [22:47] but both gimp and LO are in tight spots [22:47] i mean... [22:47] it's progress. [22:47] ;) [22:48] despite having a team vote result, we might have to discuss those two further in the 15.10 cycle [22:49] (assess how much space things take and if we go for LO, we need to settle on what parts we'd go for) [22:49] how are they in tight spots? [22:49] gimp: pro: 3, con: 3, 0: 3 [22:49] same for LO [22:49] pleia2, you being the tiebreaker [22:49] glad I voted yesterday [22:50] pleia2, well not the tiebreaker, but the deciding vote... [22:50] did we drop gimp at some point? [22:50] nope [22:50] pleia2, unless you vote +0, when ochosi's vote becomes tiebreaker [22:50] pleia2, no :( [22:50] oh wait, did we? [22:50] when we wanted to fit a CD [22:50] then we reintroduced that and abiword and gnumeric [22:50] I thought we did, but I forget now [22:50] surely we did that [22:50] pleia2: no rush, take your time to read up on the discussion - you still have a week until time runs out [22:51] I think we drop gimp (as much as I love it so, my poor, darling gimp!), and bring on LO (i've felt this way for ages) [22:51] "Gnumeric and GIMP are reintroduced on the ISO" <- 13.04 release [22:51] yay for dropping gimp [22:51] pleia2: that sounds like a good outcome [22:51] I don't need to read more about LO [22:51] boo for bringing LO :P [22:51] :) [22:52] sounds good to me [22:52] ochosi, set a vote for the components to include... [22:52] LO looks more like Gtk than abiword and gnumeric oftentimes [22:52] also because it's maximum change, and 15.10 is still for trying things out before we settle on something for the LTS [22:52] LO always looks more like an office suite [22:52] based on feedback on mailing lists and social media from our users, LO is what people use [22:52] yes [22:52] true [22:53] slickymaster, be ready to rewrite the documentation... [22:53] lol [22:53] knome: gave you something to do https://code.launchpad.net/~bluesabre/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/255596 :) [22:53] i'll do that right now [22:54] oh man [22:54] what kind of conflict do i have now [22:54] * knome rebranches [22:56] lol [22:56] just setting history straight :) [22:57] done [22:57] yay [22:58] actually, should have made that string shorter, woops [22:58] Unit193 will pick on me for that one later [22:59] lol [22:59] Unit193 is Mr. Pickles [23:03] mhm [23:03] sent mail to -devel, please discuss :) [23:03] Unit193 CookieMonster Pickles