[00:05] the known applications list in my notification area is blank, does anyone know how to fix this? [01:24] hello [01:24] i need help with triple monitor and setting a primary display anyone help? [01:28] anyone why youtube videos are lagging on my netbook? [01:29] what's your netbook? [01:30] thinkpad x121e [01:30] "decent" [01:31] idk, whenever I bump it up to 720p, it goes to 5 fps [01:33] might be a video driver issue [01:33] hmm [01:38] Nixus: You have trouble watching video @ 720p anywhere else or just Youtube? [01:38] anything video on the internet [01:39] Any video anywhere on the 'net? [01:39] yes [01:40] flash player issue? [01:40] I have tried flash games, 1 fps [01:40] use chrome? [01:41] You said "netbook"...they are notoriously underpowered and Flash is notoriously ravenous... [01:42] http://www.pcworld.com/product/808324/lenovo-thinkpad-x120e-05962ru-notebook.html [01:43] Probably not :) [01:44] 6410 is OK, though am used to nvidia stuff. I have a 670 4gb on my other machine [01:44] 6310* [01:44] Try this, run another distro's LiveUSB and see if you have the same problem (SolydX has all codecs OOTB). [01:45] ok, I'll try that out! thanks for the time! [01:46] Nixus: The one thing you never said anything about was your Net Connection/ISP. Your Up/Down specs fast enough to run video on the net? [01:46] yes [01:46] OK...best to ask the easy ones first :) [01:47] speed test says 43 down 9 up [01:48] That'll do donkey...that'll do.... :) [01:48] provider says 100, lol [01:48] maybe on ethernet [01:48] 100 when pigs fly :) [01:49] :) [07:22] xubuntu 14.04 can not rotate 90 degree with Intel GMA3600: My video card is Intel integrated GMA3600, when I choose to rotate 90 degrees in "Display Setting", the display show the message "the Signal is Lost". what can I do to support it [07:27] who can help me? [07:57] xubuntu 14.04 can not rotate 90 degree with Intel GMA3600: My video card is Intel integrated GMA3600, when I choose to rotate 90 degrees in "Display Setting", the display show the message "the Signal is Lost". what can I do to support it? SOS [07:58] xubuntu67w, ask in [07:58] #ubuntu [08:00] @cfhowlett ??? [08:01] xubuntu67w, ask in the main #ubuntu channel = more eyes === azeam_afk is now known as azeam === maijin_ is now known as maijin === azeam_afk is now known as azeam === benonsoftware is now known as clockwork === clockwork is now known as benonsoftware [13:14] hi, i want to install xubuntu on usb with full encryption and also to be able to store data (persistence). is it possible and most important how? [13:15] best way is to use the live DVD and install to the USB stick. [13:15] I have several of those [13:16] ObrienDave: should i make partitions first? [13:16] you can use unetbootin or pendrivelinux but the "persistance" is limited for some reason [13:17] not on USB stick. let the installer use the whole USB stick [13:17] i have used unetbootin but it doesn't give me the choice of full encryption [13:18] only from the DVD installer [13:19] boot live DVD. from that desktop install to USB stick using entire drive and encryption [13:20] how about persistance, when i can do that? [13:21] i guess it will do that automatically, as it was a hard disk [13:22] you don't need to if you install like i described. only programs like unetbootin, pendrivelinux and yumi give you a persistence option [13:22] ok, thanks [13:23] the reason is unetbootin, etc. format the stick fat32, where live DVD uses ext4 [15:14] I'm having pretty bad samba configuration issues. Running `sudo apt-get purge samba && sudo apt-get autoremove --purge` didn't actually remove the samba configuration files. What gives? [15:14] a simple `find / | grep samb` returns that key files such as /etc/samba/smb.conf [15:15] still exist [15:26] would it be alright to just delete /etc/samba/smb.conf manually? [15:28] maybe better to rename it? sudo mv /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak or something [15:29] aha [15:29] I did `mv /etc/samba /etc/samba.bak` then re-installed samba [15:29] and now it appears to be working [15:36] Well, thanks elfy. I've gotta go now [15:36] GeekIrssi: gald it helped :) [16:20] Hey! [16:23] My nm-applet has disappeared from both of my xubuntu laptops some time ago, but I was okay with that as long as it knew to connect to the wifi network I had. [16:24] When I changed places, though, it stopped working. [16:26] What could I do about it? [16:43] where would I find screensaver options in Xubuntu 14.04? [17:01] TimeVirus: It's been a while (and I don't have 14.04 installed anymore to check), but seeing as how no one else is answering, I'd start here. http://xubuntu.org/news/screen-locking-in-xubuntu-14-04/ [17:03] ok thanks drc [17:04] third from bottom response seems to favor have a television nearby - lol and not what I was thinking about! [17:07] Used to have a very good screensaver that made my monitor look very much like a tropical, saltwater fish tank - did like that one for quite some time [17:07] Wish I could help more, but 1) It's been awhile; 2) I never used screensavers anyway, just turn them off and 3) IIRC this was in the middle of the Great Screensaver Controversy :) [17:07] no worries [17:07] not a big deal [17:08] I also like the saving of electroons [17:08] electrons* [17:09] Yeah, I hear there's an electron shortage looming on the horizon. [17:09] especially when relying on a limited source of said electrons [17:09] ie: Li-ion electron storage device [17:10] Lot's of quarks but an electron shortage :) [17:10] indeed [17:14] I'm getting a couple "System program problem detected" messages at boot. Where can I find out which programs are crashing? [17:16] logs? [17:17] nate254: the crash logs will be in /var/crash if you've not allowed them to be reported [17:17] better to let it try to do so, it *should* stop when it's a dupe [17:32] elfy: thanks. what do you mean by a dupe [17:34] an already reported bug [17:34] it should ask you if you want to 'me too' it [17:34] hard to tell for me - not run a released version for about 5 years [18:00] I wasn't aware that you could get prereleases :P [18:05] nate254: I'll be running what you'll call 15.10 the day after 15.04 releases, you can do that, you can also contribute to what others get in October ;) http://xubuntu.org/contribute/ [18:08] Yup. Saw that page. Thats why I'm in #xubuntu-devel :P [18:08] good ;) [18:09] Where'd you find the "15.10" thing though? How does that work? Is it a rolling release structure? [18:09] Coming from arch and gentoo, I'm not sure if I like the idea of having to upgrade every six months. So that would be awesome lol [19:35] Hey all, Im having an issue with dpkg and am wondering if it is something common. When install Vagrant via deb on 14.10 (kernel 3.17.8), I keep getting 'unable to open x' when unpacking, on different files sometimes. Aside from the kernel upgrade and some dev stuff it's mostly a vanilla install. [19:35] a kernel upgrade and some dev stuff (if that means different package versions in use) isn't a small thing really.. [19:36] Haha I guess it's not that small, but I only started yesterday [19:40] (Started the install) [19:41] I was planning on downgrading and reinstalling stuff but wanted to see if anyone had any guesses first. I had a bit of ssd troubles a while back, so I don't know [19:44] Nevermind, I figured out it was the AV [20:29] which xubuntu is better to use, 14.04 or 14.10? [20:29] 14.04 is LTS, 14.10 is latest [20:29] i know, which you use? [20:30] it depends completely on your usecase [20:31] i use lubuntu 14.04, maybe i will use xubuntu in future, but i don't know advantages of xubuntu :) [20:32] if i will not lxqt then i will maybe use xfce [20:32] *if i will not like lxqt [20:32] suncokret: http://xubuntu.org/press/ are some of the reviews about Xubuntu. Asking here will only get you biased answers :) [20:36] is 14.04 have 5 years support? [20:36] IIRC, 3 years [20:36] to keep it in line with xfce's support. [20:38] LTS is 3 years and all other releases are 9 months. [20:38] so new LTS it is plan for 16.04 and also 3 years? [20:39] Unless things change, yes. === nate254 is now known as saucereyes [20:44] i seen that ubuntu lts have 5 years of support, i thought that only lubuntu have 3 years and that xubuntu and kubuntu have 5 years [20:44] nope [20:44] xubuntu is 3 [20:44] the most efforts are put on the main flavor/unity desktop [20:45] and server related packages also have 5 years on LTS === saucereyes is now known as ryclik [20:46] i didn't know where to see that, now i find on wikipedia for xubuntu [20:47] i also see for kubuntu, it have 5 years [20:47] Basically, things in Main are 5 years, and whichever flavors opt-in for 5. Kubuntu (I believe), and the Unity flavors went for 5, Xubuntu and Lubuntu didn't. [20:47] More folks == more workers :) [20:49] yes, and mint is also 5 [20:51] TBH, I know very few folks that use xfce that need more than 3 years...server distro's yeah, desktop nope. [20:52] Sooner or later they start complaining about out of date apps :) [20:54] i don't know, i use lubuntu 14.04 and i plan to use it until it have support :) [20:54] or maybe i will try new version 16.04, and then i will maybe try xubuntu too [21:19] you can try xubuntu now. sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop [21:25] i was try xfce on lubuntu. It is very similar as lxde. [22:15] thanks for help, good night [22:37] I have three computers (two desktops and a really old laptop) running Xubuntu. I wanted to install the same version of Libroffice on all three. The two desktops are 14.10 but the laptop is MUCH older. If I do sudo apt-get install libreoffice in the terminal of the laptop will I still get the latest version of LibreOffice (the same as I'll get from the terminal in the desktops)? [22:38] if you are running the same version (14.10) and repositories, then yes [22:39] That's what I'm saying, the laptop is MUCH older. (It was asking if I wanted to install 14.04) [22:40] xubuntu39w, if you are running 12.04 on it, you should upgrade; the support for xubuntu 12.04 ends this month [22:41] I would upgrade but it's so slow. It might take ten hours. What happens if I don't upgrade? [22:41] then you will have no official support [22:41] and if bugs arise, they will not be fixed [22:42] and you can't get new libreoffice on it anyway [22:42] true [22:42] So what will I get? [22:42] the latest libreoffice packaged for 12.04 [22:43] the version that came out in 2012 [22:43] And if I upgrade to Trusty Tahr? [22:43] http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libreoffice [22:43] shows you the versions of packages per release ^^ [22:44] 4.2.7 with 14.04, 4.3.3 with 14.10 [22:44] (and 3.5.7 for 12.04) [22:45] I've got on there now (I had to install it manually) so no point in trying to get anything more. [22:45] I really should get a new laptop. :) [22:46] knome, pleia, thanks very much for your help! === alexandr1 is now known as alexandros_c