=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away === [1]claudiupopa is now known as claudiupopa === harlowja_away is now known as harlowja [18:51] smoser shall we make a tag/branch for 0.7.x on https://github.com/stackforge/cloud-init ? [18:51] now that i see it has the full history there :-P [18:51] didn't know it had that, ha [18:52] i guess the last bzr move-over is https://github.com/stackforge/cloud-init/commit/d90bfd6268e8 ? [18:53] and then i guess stop accepting bzr changes, ha [18:54] harlowja, hm.. [18:54] and/or create a 0.7.x branch from that commit; update it [18:54] and have master be 2.x === [1]claudiupopa is now known as claudiupopa [18:54] i think keep 0.7.x on bzr [18:55] seems like its on stackforge though :-P [18:55] what do you mean ? [18:55] https://github.com/stackforge/cloud-init 2678 commits, ha [18:55] so there is some history there :-P [18:55] afaik nobody has done that many commits yet, lol [18:55] so seems useful to have some kind of branch at least [18:56] also then removes the need for https://github.com/number5/cloud-init [18:56] ^ which is doing similar mirroring... [18:56] ^ whoever that is... [18:56] hm.. [18:57] well, i basically consider 0.7.x in maintenance [18:57] and figure just as well to do that in bzr on launcpad. [18:57] but id ont know. [18:57] yeah, i think keep it there for now. [18:57] ok, i'd make it easier for yahoo, but sureeee, since we wanted to mirror bzr -> internal git [18:57] makes it real easy if stackforge already does it :-P [18:58] :) [18:58] sooo how about that :-P [18:58] well, i'm not really opposed to it i guess. [18:59] i can push up a branch for the current 0.7.x on git (which seems to be from revision 1046 from bzr) [18:59] do we know of anythign that can mirror for us ? so that github.com/cloud-init/cloud-init is a mirror of stckforge/cloud-init ? [18:59] and get someone to update that branch [18:59] unsre [18:59] poke #openstack-infra folks? [18:59] i would think they would know something (some tool or other) [19:00] so i'll push up 0.7.x branch on stackforge [19:00] ok dokie? [19:01] so you'll push 0.7.x branch to stackforge... how do you do that ? [19:01] magic [19:01] lol [19:01] that wont force review ? [19:01] clone the stackforge repo [19:01] nope, no reviews for this [19:02] $ git checkout d90bfd6268e8 [19:02] $ git checkout -b 0.7.x [19:02] $ git push gerrit 0.7.x:0.7.x [19:02] ^ is the sequence === [2]claudiupopa is now known as claudiupopa [19:03] arg, didn't work [19:03] ha [19:04] hnm. [19:04] well punt for now [19:04] but if we wanted, i think we can make bzr (on launchpad) be a mirror of github easily enough [19:04] launchpad supports that [19:04] harlowja, so please confirm... python in rhel 6 is 2.6 ? [19:05] if thats the case, i think it kind of forces 2.6 for cloud-init 2 [19:06] yup [19:06] that is the case [19:06] stupid rhel6 [19:06] lol [19:07] ok. so 2.6 requirement for cloud-init 2. :-( [19:10] boo [19:10] lol [19:10] ya [19:10] not that hard, just pita, lol === [1]claudiupopa is now known as claudiupopa [19:19] guess i need https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172179/ to go in before branches can be made... [19:19] arg [19:23] guess we'll need that anyway so might as well get the ACLs over with... [19:34] claudiupopa, if i wanted to write what versions of windows we'll support [19:34] what would i write ? [19:35] harlowja, can you make the above not refs/heads/stble/* [19:35] but refs/heads/0.7.X ? [19:35] or somethign to that affect. [19:35] ie, at the point when there is sstable 2.0.0, we dont want you going out of control [19:35] i think so [19:36] updated; let's see if people are ok with that [19:37] ha [19:37] u go out of control first, not me, ha [19:37] whats the yum equivalent of 'apt-get update' [19:37] ie, not upgrade [19:37] hmmm, forgot, thought it did the scanning automatically or something [19:38] yum clean && yum list (?) [19:38] i think that has similar effect [19:39] makecache [19:39] i think [19:39] could be [19:39] how do i get python3? [19:42] in rhel6? [19:42] u don't, ha [19:42] :-P [19:42] u compile it, lol [19:43] then make altinstall or whatever [19:43] smoser: we currently support windows 2003+ upwards, but it will be EOL after 17 june (if I remember correctly). So starting from vista should be fair to document. [19:43] XP ftw! [19:43] lol [19:44] ;-) a decent os nevertheless. [19:44] def, my mom still runs it afaik [19:44] ha [19:44] guess i should fix that someday, lol [19:48] claudiupopa, for the windows novice (i've just heard about this cool thing from seatle) what is that list ? [19:49] ie, i dont knwo windows server names othe rthan the ones you have just told me about above :) [19:49] one moment. ;-) [19:50] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724832%28v=vs.85%29.aspx [19:50] Everything starting with Vista. [19:50] from Vista* [19:57] forgot all the 9x versions.... jeez [19:57] lol [19:57] or millenuim (the best version ever) [19:59] claudiupopa, thanks. [20:00] * smoser saw windows 8.X for the first time this weekend on sisters new laptop [20:00] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_ME was the best version ever ;-P [20:00] lol [20:01] now i've used it for 3 minutes. uninstalled the antivirus software (norton or something) that was on there, and set windows defender instead. [20:01] last of the weird crappy windows versions, ha [20:01] ya, remove the crapware if the first thing i usually do, lol [20:01] *is the first [20:03] oh, you'd have liked this, harlowja [20:03] my sister was using yahoo to search for videos (youtube). [20:03] man, thats weird, ha [20:03] i made a comment about not knowing i'd stepped into a time warp and being thrown back to 2002 [20:04] :) [20:04] whattttt [20:04] haha [20:04] i guess yahoo paid HP some money (or someone some money) to make it the default search engine in IE there. [20:04] * harlowja can no longer associate with smoser [20:04] nice, ha [20:06] well thx for supporting me smoser [20:07] every click u do i get 1 piece of rice [20:07] so thx! [20:07] hoohoo. [20:07] * harlowja has to feed all my kids... [20:07] who would otherwise starve... [20:13] wow: http://www.ec2instances.info/ [20:13] * smoser remembers the days of m1.small, m1.large and m1.xlarge [20:20] ha [20:20] ya [20:20] crazy amount of choices there [20:20] to many... [20:21] way to many... [20:21] ^ is not what the cloud is supposed to be, lol [20:21] (for my version of cloud, ha) [21:38] hi [21:39] in our new version deployed by cloudguys at our grid site, they introduced a power_state: mode: reboot, which should reboot the machine at the end of the cloudinit work [21:39] but at that time runcmd and bootcmds are already executed, nebula is reporting vm as running [21:40] so i wonder how should i detect that vm is really ready after final reboot ? so i can start to really use the machine ? [21:40] anyone has some trick beside sleep X to do it ? === rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz [21:51] use /var/lib/cloud/data/status.json [21:51] and examine that [21:51] ex http://paste.ubuntu.com/10786345/ [21:53] great thanx [21:53] meanwhile i'm trying to use write_files to modify rc.local which is executed after the final reboot ;) [21:54] but it that would not work i will try the status file [21:54] thnakx [22:21] write_files does not work ;( rc.local is still executed after cloudinit but before reboot so the file is there too soon