
valoriesoee: super00:23
ahoneybunis here01:58
valoriedoodle done02:29
ScottKRiddell: Looks like someone got it already.03:19
xennex81morning (has spoken)08:12
* sitter wonders if kubuntu notification helper should be a plasmoid instead of a kded09:51
sitterRiddell: oh thanks for sdk copyright09:52
sitterRiddell: and btw, what do I do with the about-distro repo now?09:55
sitteradd a readme pointing to kinfocenter or is there something else we'd do?09:56
Riddellsitter: nothing it's in unmaintained https://projects.kde.org/projects/unmaintained/about-distro09:57
Riddelland I'll add it to the notes for the plasma 5.3 which I'll start on today09:57
sitterRiddell: surely we shoudl scrap the content and add a readme?09:57
Riddell5.3 beta09:57
sitterit's not like someone cloning kde:about-distro would know it is deprecated09:57
Riddellsitter: just add it to the description on projects.k.o I think https://projects.kde.org/projects/unmaintained/about-distro09:57
Riddelladd a readme to the git repo if you really want09:58
RiddellI'm not super happy about it being in kinfocentre, previously it was easy to find because system settings is in the kickoff favourites but kinfocentre isn't at all09:58
Riddelland kinfocentre has a crappy name09:58
sitterwell, it really does not fit in systemsettings09:59
sitterthe only reason we put it there was discoverability09:59
* sitter never was super happy with that09:59
Riddellmaybe system settings needs a toolbar button to launch kinfocentre09:59
sitteractually... maybe systemsettings needs a fake-module that launches kinfocenter10:00
sitterof course then one has the same problem xD10:00
sitterRiddell: maybe just put it in the help menu?10:00
Riddellthat seems messy, it's why I suggested a toolbar button10:00
sitterof systemsettings10:00
* sitter would find a toolbar button cluttering the toolbar10:01
sitterit's not really relevant to the operation of systemsettings10:01
Riddellanyway, plasma 5.3 beta tar time, is releaseme in a good shape?10:01
sitterI don't think I did any changes recently10:01
sittermeh, everytime someone touches phonon's cmake things blow up :S10:06
sitterRiddell: I feel like muon master is being a bit regressing 10:08
sitternotifier spams while doing a cache update, updater doesn't reset state after install -.-10:08
sitterRiddell: btw, when is 5.3 branching?10:08
Riddellsitter: hopefully this afternoon10:08
* sitter twiddles the ci settings10:09
Riddellnotifier spam is because we fixed kubuntu-notifier, I don't think muon has changed in that regard10:09
Riddellwe just never notiticed because kubuntu-notifier didn't notify10:09
sitterthat notification isn't from kubutnu notifier10:09
sitterRiddell: it did, the entire event for that was removed10:09
sitteroh, maybe the reboot notification is being the thing that gets triggered10:10
sitteralthough that would be odd 10:11
Riddellreboot, system update and system release upgrade notification is kubuntu-notifier10:11
Riddellmuon just has the green shield icon in the systray10:11
sittersystem update shouldn't go through kubuntu-notifier wtf10:12
* sitter wonders if prison ever gets a release10:12
sitterRiddell: is bluez-qt already going to be part of the beta?10:14
Riddellsitter: yep10:15
Riddelland libbluedevil will disappear10:15
Riddellsitter: so will plasma-sdk10:15
BluesKaj'Morning all10:16
soee_Good morning BluesKaj10:19
BluesKajHey soee_10:19
=== soee_ is now known as soee
sitterRiddell: bluez-qt no epoch?10:47
Riddellsitter: hmm, I don't think there's plans to make it a framework10:47
sitterOriginally, I wanted to move it to frameworks. But if i think about it again,10:49
sitterI plan to extend the library with new features which may break the ABI.10:49
sitterRiddell: from the original mail that is... so that doesn't exlucde it moving to frameworks later on10:49
Riddellbest keep without an epoch then10:49
sittersomeone review please: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/plasma/bluez-qt.git/tree/debian?h=kubuntu_unstable10:50
sitterRiddell: btw, I really object to random plasma libs using the kf5 prefixing10:51
sitterthat entirely deludes the public perception of separation between the two and whats worse to a random third party  it looks as though the plasma lib is a framework lib (i.e. abi stable)10:52
Riddellsitter: you are right but send your wrath to plasma-devel may be more productive :)10:52
Riddellbluez-qt dude says.. 11:53 < nowrep> Riddell: actually i need to revise some parts of api, after that we can make it a framework10:53
Riddell11:53 < nowrep> i'm not sure when i'll have time for it though10:54
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
BluesKajwhat happened to Kmix in the panel , no longer available ?11:35
soee_it is11:39
BluesKajnowhere to be seen here , not in system tray settings 11:42
soee_start it11:43
BluesKajI did and it's set to dock in system tray , but it doesn't show11:48
Riddellsitter: I need a .yml file, got any examples?11:53
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
sitterRiddell: yml for what?11:54
Riddellsitter: for plasma-workspace-wallpapers in svn11:55
sitterRiddell: https://github.com/apachelogger/releaseme/blob/master/test/data/projects/valid-svn.yml11:55
shadeslayerLove me some yaml11:57
Riddellsitter: what am I doing wrong? https://paste.kde.org/pyjtyqhob12:00
sitterRiddell: your repository url is wrong12:02
sitteryou need to point to the actual path12:02
Riddellyou example was crap :)12:02
sitterwell it was a test12:02
sitterI pasted my actual example like 5 times already and you never tested it :P12:02
Riddellit failed my test :)12:02
RiddellI know12:03
sitteror some such12:03
=== soee_ is now known as soee
Riddellpresumably --origin doesn't affect svn and I need to update the .yml for the branch on the bug fix releases12:08
sitterRiddell: yes12:09
sitteryou can simply create another config though12:10
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
sitterthe tarball name is derived from the identifier key, so you can have foo.yml and bar.yml with both containing identifier: foobar and they will both yield foobar-123.tar.xz12:11
sitterso I'd suggest you simply create a config plasma-workspace-wallpapers.yml and plasma-workspace-wallpapers-5.3.yml12:12
sitterwe could consider making origin influence it though. that would need some refactoring in various parts so it's nothing immediately possible12:13
Riddellsitter: it doesn't seem entirely happy although it has made the tar https://paste.kde.org/p1nxmpmgr12:14
sitterprobably craps out on release_data12:14
Riddellrelease_data is empty12:16
xennex81I'm doing a write up on the 5 sections thing for the website, if anyone would eventually be interested in it. But it is coming together nicely I think, just a long process of getting to the essence.12:16
xennex81Writing it in Calligra now lol.12:17
xennex81On Gnome :P.12:17
sitterRiddell: that raises the question what tagme and branchme should do with this12:18
sitterRiddell: would it be acceptable to simply exclude the tarball from release_data for now?12:18
sitteronce I redesign the data format this can be handled better, right now everything assumes that the repo data in release_data is git, so if we insert any garbage to do with svn the other tools will fall over dead12:19
Riddellsitter: I guess so I just do a manual branch and tag anyway without checking the revisions too closely12:19
sitterRiddell: pull12:22
sittersvn releases should now be excluded from being written to release_data altogether until the new data format lands12:23
sitterRiddell: fwiw, we can automate checking build.kde.org probably if you want. querying crap out of jenkins is relatively straight forward12:27
Riddellsitter: so releaeme checking build.kde.org build status? and doing what with it?12:34
sittercould be another script really reporting everything that is red with link to build log12:35
sitteror releaseme could and warn, but I fear that might drown in all the output12:35
Riddellhmm, dunno if that would save time compared to me just looking at http://build.kde.org/view/Plasma%205%20master/ it's the checking the issues and pinging people that takes time12:37
sitter*shrug* just a thought :P12:38
sitterbluez-qt seems to pass integration now \o/12:49
Riddellsitter: what does that mean?12:52
sitterRiddell: that I didn't entirely screw up the packaging12:57
soeeoh bukai is web developer at kubuntu ? :)13:17
Riddellsoee: he did a season of kde project to re-do the website13:19
Riddellwhich is what ovidiu-florin then took to make the one we're testing13:19
soeeRiddell: yes i remember, im asking because he invided me on linkedit and i see he has title: Web Developer at Kubuntu13:20
soeeso i thought maybe he somehow is involved atm in kubuntu stuff13:20
Riddellsitter: for the weekly iso tomorrow I'm about to branch and I guess people will push big changes like I know vishes wants to push a whole new baloo database so maybe best take packages from today?13:21
Riddellas long as they have the new wallpaper in it for screenshots :)13:21
sitterit does say so at least13:26
sitterI wonder what to do with bluedevil and its unpromotability for snapshots13:26
sittersurely we aren't getting bluez5 yet again13:26
Riddellseems not :(13:26
soeeRiddell: are there going to be any 5.3 beta test builds for vivid or nothing until 15.04 is released ?13:28
Riddelldunno, depends if someone has time13:29
Riddellit would be nice13:29
* soee is listening to Brother Louie by Modern Talking on VOX FM [Amarok]13:31
sitterRiddell: I think we actually want to switch the ISO to stable until release13:40
sitterpre-release testering and whatnot13:41
sitterI am rolling an unstable ISO to be on the safe side though13:41
sitterRiddell: any time estimate on when you'll be branching?13:41
Riddellrerolling plasma-desktop now then I'll branch13:42
Riddellthe wallpapers man has just told me he has another 18 wallpapers to add so I'll not branch plasma-workspace-wallpapers13:42
sitter1 gig just for wallpapers13:42
Riddellprobably a good thing to not include it in the main breeze tar :)13:44
sitterit's not like it would make that much of a difference. I did a git pull on breeze this morning, took probably 5 minutes or so for a month of history since my last pull ...13:45
sitterit's terrible how badly git handles binary assets13:46
RiddellI know but at least the batch we're getting tonight won't be in it13:46
soeehiho Peace-14:02
Peace-soee: :) http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/minimize+maximize+close+buttons+plasma+5?content=16963314:06
Peace-soee: well i need todo something but at least i can work like in plasma 4 somehow 14:06
soeePeace-: nice, but this does not remove buttons from widnow decoration no ?14:07
Peace-no no14:07
Peace-soee: you need to set kwin properly 14:07
Peace-ah well i should write that to 14:07
soeealso you should provide deb fiel for it i think :)14:08
Peace-soee: BorderlessMaximizedWindows=true 14:08
soeeyou could also run own ppa so people can grap it easliy14:08
Peace-in kwinrc14:08
Peace-soee: i have my ppa but ... i am lazy hihih14:09
soeeoh you... :D14:09
soeePeace-: but woudl it be hard to make such builds in ppa ? is it something more tahn pushing code there ?14:10
Peace-soee: well it's easy yes but i did not that thing since years 14:11
Peace-and well installation it's very easy task :D14:12
Peace-at least for me :D14:12
soeePeace-: yea but not sor new or not experianced users14:12
soeewe should make their life easier :)14:12
Peace-soee: i did the job but i hope to NOT BE the maintainer for long even because i basically edited another plasmoid 14:14
Peace-active windows control 14:14
Peace-but it's ugly for me  it doesn't make sense to have buttons on the title 14:15
Peace-so ... tweaked 14:15
soeewe shuld make a group of people that will run ppa for such fancy addons to plasma514:15
Peace-i have written to him but ... it seems he like his own ..14:16
Peace-soee: i did a tons of service menu :D14:16
soeed_ed: i see you have some commend without response :) http://blog.davidedmundson.co.uk/node/9114:16
soeePeace-: im waiting for colorpicker in Plasma 5 ;D that is the most missing part for me -.-14:17
Peace-soee: look at this http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/kde-service-menu-aptk?content=10808714:17
soeenice :)14:18
Peace-ah Riddell installing service menu fails on kubuntu 15.0514:18
Peace-servicemenuinstallation 14:19
Peace-/usr/bin/servicemenuinstallation:7:in `<main>': undefined method `length' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)14:19
Riddellhmm, ruby, I'm not surprised14:19
Riddellinfact, dolphin should depend on ruby :(14:19
Riddelloh it does recommend it14:20
Peace-Riddell: sudo apt-get install ruby says i have already installed 14:20
sitterRiddell: breeze decoration in ubiquity is broken for some reason14:26
sitterI saw a always-use-shadow change recently which might be causing it14:27
sitterit's all black and terrible14:27
sitterPeace-: works just fine you are using it wrong14:27
Riddellbreeze decoration is supposed to be black and horrible no? it's just like unity14:28
sitterbroken horrible14:29
Peace-let me see14:29
Peace-mm i have upgraded 14:30
sitterRiddell: http://i.imgur.com/5J13xhW.jpg14:30
Peace-now it works 14:30
Peace-Riddell: sorry for bothering you 14:30
Peace-i did an upgrade and now it seem it's working anyway 14:31
sitterRiddell: it doesn't affect the actual session though, hence why I suspect the recent always-shadow change is causing it14:31
sitterwhich is gonna fall us on the head come 15.1014:31
RiddellPeace-: it seems like an upstream bug anyway, if you get it again do report it14:31
sitterthere is no bug14:31
sitterI checked the code14:31
sitterthat error only happens when you use it incorrectly14:32
Peace-sitter: it should exit properly btw sitter14:32
Peace-i got before issues because it did not install the service menu 14:33
Peace-i don't know why 14:33
sitterthat thing is not meant to be used directly14:35
sitterit's used from inside dolphin14:35
sitterit does feature rather shitty code though I will say14:36
sittershadeslayer: random hack project if you are interested ... sevicemenuinstallation in dolphin could do with some less shitty code ;)14:37
sitteralso there is a legit bug14:37
sitteroh no14:37
sitterdolphin is still kde414:37
sittershadeslayer: just sayin :P14:38
shadeslayerget me a time machine mate14:38
shadeslayeror actually14:38
Peace-i can build one14:38
shadeslayercloning machine plz14:38
sitterRiddell: ah meh, its getting late and I have a bit of a headache I think we'll just go with today's iso for tomorrow if everything turns red overnight. going to do the 5.3 move and branch mergery tomorrow14:41
* sitter out14:43
soeehow can i restart kwin ?15:17
Peace-soee: in plasma 5^15:19
rdietersoee: kwin --replace15:27
rdieter(or I guess in plasma5, kwin_x11 --replace)15:28
soeerdieter: thanks, had to reboot anyway as i crashed plasmashelll totally ;)15:28
Quintasanovidiu-florin: Hi15:54
soeePeace-: ping16:05
* Riddell out16:12
Peace-soee: kquitapp5  kwin_x11 ; kwin_x11 --replace 16:36
soeePeace-: no no :D16:36
Peace-soee: what?16:36
soeePeace-: do you know how can i set plasmoid icon that will be shown on panel ?16:37
Peace-mmm in qml ?16:37
Peace-soee: ^16:37
Peace-i guess no but :D16:37
soeePeace-: in metadata.desktop16:37
Peace-soee: ah well i do in this way , right click on metadata.desktop ==> choose icon :P16:38
Peace-soee: Icon=arrow-up16:38
Peace-for example16:38
soeePeace-: ok and i have custome one with extension16:39
soeeit hows up in widgets list16:39
soeebt not when i add to panel16:39
soeebyt maybe i do something wrong here16:39
* Darkwing peers in16:42
Peace-soee: mmm uh?16:52
soeeRiddell: i see that some fix has been released to make nvidia-prime work wih sddm, so in what package exactly the chnages were made ?17:19
Riddellsoee: in sddm and nvidia-prime packages19:21
Riddellsoee: please do test them19:21
soeeRiddell: there are no updates available yet19:21
Riddellsoee: nvidia-prime 0.8.1  and sddm 0.11.0-0ubuntu919:23
soeebut they are old i think19:23
soeein archive liek week or more19:23
Riddellsddm 0.11.0-0ubuntu9 is 21 hours old19:24
Riddellnvidia-prime is a week old19:24
soeeuhm, ok let me check if it will work19:24
soeeRiddell: i was able to boot without any serious problems19:29
soeenow i try to install propriety drivers19:29
soeeRiddell: the good news - we can install nvdia-prime and boot system fine19:46
soeeRiddell: the bad news, we still cn't use propriety drivers, booting ends with black screen before sddm19:47
soeewith some 3 messages, where first one is: ACPI PCC probe failed19:47
ovidiu-florinwhen starting TeamViewer it opens a new window where it shows the system tray icon19:50
ovidiu-florinit' start's as a wine application AFAIK19:50
xennex81I am writing a piece about those 5 elements for the website but it is going deeper and deeper by the hour....20:15
xennex81If you want I can shed a little insight but I believe the website is already formatted according to some deeper truth :P.20:15
xennex81It is amazing and it is alchemical.20:16
xennex81I can hardly grasp it myself :P.20:16
xennex81seriously :).20:16
xennex81It goes deeper by the hour that I am writing and I have been writing all day mostly20:16
xennex81apart from dealing with crashes in Calligra20:17
xennex81ANYONE lol ? :)20:17
KDDAxennex81: no idea what you are talking about!20:38
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
xennex81ovidiu asked on the mailing list to come up with (it was a poll) the five parts to the header bar we'd want on the new site20:39
xennex81or he'd want, you'd want20:39
KDDAoh right20:39
xennex81i submitted a reply there but it started me thinking20:39
xennex81why i chose those 5 and what it meant20:39
xennex81and i realized in the end that there is a deep structure to any message or product you want to sell20:40
xennex81and that there are 5 base categories of doing that stuff20:40
xennex81and that knowing those five instantly reveals which the 5 navigational elements (or parts to the website) should be more or less20:40
xennex81it just started out as an email but now it is an ODT document :p20:41
xennex81only "insanity lingers at the brink of such" and I need a break I think20:41
xennex81but those elements would be, to make it short: Overview, Features, Community, Involvement, and Foundation20:45
xennex81and the four calls to action on the front page should not be what it is now, but rather: Downloads, Feature Tour, Feedback, Installation/Setup.20:46
xennex81There is also an element missing on the front page, and it is a news section, or a news feed.20:47
xennex81Some elements are not rightly ordered, the introductory text has to be above the CtA20:47
xennex81and the news feed should really be below that, not all that important perhaps but still20:47
xennex81There should really not be a dedicated News section, or it should be a sixth element, but not one of the five20:48
xennex81Those are my results in short20:48
ovidiu-florinxennex81: you lost me.....20:48
ovidiu-florinabout an hour ago20:49
xennex81haah it is so hard to write this also in a decriptive way20:49
ovidiu-florinmaybe I'm just too tired20:49
xennex81yeah me too20:49
soeeovidiu-florin: do you plan any changes on forntpage and teh banner ?20:49
xennex81and it is a bit complex for now.....20:49
xennex81but the last things I said were understandable right20:49
xennex81the document I write seeks to reveal it more understandibly, but it is hard for me20:50
ovidiu-florinand I've been working on this task for far to long20:50
xennex81hah, me too today20:50
xennex81but can i try to explain in short?20:50
xennex81i guess i need the full document for that, but still, i have till the 15th i guess20:50
xennex81i am just proposing a few changes and the document is only to make it ... erm... to explain why20:51
ovidiu-florinsoee: if someone has any ideas on how to improve it, most likely20:51
ovidiu-florinxennex81: may I ask you what's your real name?20:51
ovidiu-florinso I know If I seet it somewhere20:51
xennex81Bart Schouten20:51
xennex81I was and am list@xenhideout on the mailing list20:52
xennex81if I have to mention that....20:52
ovidiu-florinxennex81: so you''re the one with the novel feedback20:52
xennex81you mean the lengthy feedback? :P :(20:53
xennex81it could  be me :p .....20:53
ovidiu-florinit's very hard to go through it20:53
xennex81i'm trying to condense you know20:53
xennex81that's because I don't spend enough time on it20:53
xennex81I know20:53
ovidiu-florinyou should be more specific and to the point20:53
xennex81usually if I rewrite it a few times it shrinks to 20%20:53
ovidiu-florine.g.: do this ... because .... done20:54
xennex81i'm doing everything I can, but it takes time for me at current20:54
xennex81so this time instead of rushing a message out I'm just doing what I can to condense it first :P20:54
xennex81let's say I am thinkign aloud20:55
xennex81and that is why it is long20:55
xennex81because I have no one else to talk to and thinkign to myself is hard here also20:55
xennex81I'm kinda locked up somehwere20:55
xennex81but need to call a girl, brb20:55
ovidiu-florinwhen ever I'm undecided on something, I talk with someone, usually my wife, a she understands me best20:56
ovidiu-florinnext, if it's Kubuntu related I give Riddell a ring20:56
xennex81yeah and I'm so envious of having someone normal to talk to20:56
ovidiu-florinand then write a message to the community20:56
xennex81I'm surrounded by... people I do not want to relate to20:56
ovidiu-florinthat's why we're here20:57
ovidiu-florinbut, xennex81, IMO, the brainstorming place is here (IRC) and archive and decision making is on the mail list20:57
ovidiu-florinif you send your brainstorming on the mail list, poeple will tend to ignore you20:58
ovidiu-florinif you need, we can organize a mumble room20:58
ovidiu-florinand talk, instead of typing20:58
ovidiu-florinxennex81: P.S. Mention someone if you want to draw their attention on IRC21:00
ovidiu-florinuse tab to autocomplete their nick21:00
ovidiu-florinthis will help you find them easy21:00
xennex81oh, that is good information21:03
xennex81I know they ignore me, I would ignore myself, and I usually do21:03
xennex81which is why I am in so much trouble.21:03
ovidiu-florinI'm off to bed21:03
* ovidiu-florin Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......21:03
xennex81@ ovidiu-florin ;-)21:03
xennex81oh, that was a name-change :P21:04
xennex81he beat me to it 21:04

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