
honestemuI recently installed lubuntu and I am getting this weird graphical bug. It happened while I was installing it as well. I'm seeing a bunch of black squares. Like things haven't rendered completely. Luckily, I knew where all of the buttons were, so I was able to complete the install. But that didn't fix it. Any idea?00:34
dani have lubnutu 14.04 installed and preferences > language support menu is missing09:55
danhow do i add it ?09:55
dani have lubnutu 14.04 installed and preferences > language support menu is missing11:06
zy3pDdan, is the package language-selector-gnome installed?11:10
zy3pDbtw running gnome-language-selector does the same11:10
danno its not  , installing11:11
danokay now menu is there11:12
danthanks zy3pD11:12
zy3pDnp daker11:12
zy3pD*np dan11:12
danguys i have "Sinhala" in my Installed Languages , yet there is no "Sinhala" input methods on ibus ? does anyone familiar wiith this ?11:21
zy3pDdan, do you need multiple keyboard layouts?11:22
honestemuI recently installed lubuntu and I am getting this weird graphical bug. It happened while I was installing it as well. I'm seeing a bunch of black squares. Like things haven't rendered completely. Luckily, I knew where all of the buttons were, so I was able to complete the install. But that didn't fix it. Any idea?13:36
KenbAnyone have a working driver solution in US for Roper Class 1 USB bluetooth adapter?14:44
Kenb<Kenb> Or a reccomendation for USB Bluetooth adapter at a low cost.14:44
wxlaladiah: um?20:49
aladiahSome one help me upgrade to the ultimate wireless driver  to Lubuntu 14.10 64 bits ?  this one here work for me https://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php , i already tested with http://paste.ubuntu.com/10785698/20:49
aladiahShould this be the right part of the manual INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS http://paste.ubuntu.com/10785720/20:50
wxlwhy is this the ultimate driver?20:52
aladiahi dont see none with yearlier release20:53
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:53
aladiahwxl thats it is unrealistic for me .  to much  hi tech20:54
aladiahtoo much information20:54
wxlyou're talking about compiling a driver20:55
wxlit *IS* hi tech20:55
aladiahi need to test if with that driver works the bluetooth20:55
wxlwell anyways, what's your question?20:55
aladiahmy broadcom is two in one ... blutooth and wifi. wifi works, bluetooth not20:55
aladiahiam sure that it is the right driver  for my broadcom20:57
wxljust follow this section https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#A12.04_.28Precise_Pangolin.2920:57
aladiahlets try20:57
wxlfour lines and you're done20:57
wxlno compiling or anything else necessary20:57
aladiahwxl : Do you mean this 4  lines http://paste.ubuntu.com/10785753/  ?20:58
wxllines 3-4,10-11 of that paste20:59
aladiahthanks lets try20:59
wxlas long as you have 12.04 or greater, you will get the same version21:00
wxlyou can see all the different versions with rmadison bcmwl-kernel-source21:00
wxlif that doesn't work, you can either compile the driver yourself from broadcom or you can use ndiswrapper https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper21:01
wxl1either way is certainly "technical" so i wouldn't recommend it21:01
aladiahwxl i should type all that commands up to point 6.x ?21:04
wxlaladiah: um, no, you type lines 3-4,10-11 of the last paste you sent21:04
aladiahwxl : my blutooth still dont work21:18
aladiahwxl : what it is it you another idea ?21:56
wxlaladiah: well i've never use broadcom for bluetooth. you might want to seek support with them directly. ultimately this is a broadcom issue not a lubuntu one.21:57
wxlaladiah: ndiswrapper uses the windows drivers to make it work21:58
wxlaladiah: none of the alternatives will be easy, per se. good luck!21:58
aladiahthats why i ask your help to teach me install this new driver from broadcom website21:59
wxlaladiah: and what i'm telling you is that we don't claim to support it per se. you should ask broadcom for further help.21:59
wxlaladiah: especially given what you just did essentially replicates the process of compiling that driver. sounds to me like it doesn't work. again, that's a broadcom issue.22:00
aladiahit works perfectly on windows. on windows i just dowloaded the driver, then execute it , done22:05
wxlaladiah: then you can complain at broadcom for providing less than optimal drivers for linux22:05
aladiahwxl but i didn t tryed their driver yet . i dont know how to install it22:06
aladiahfor linux22:06
wxlaladiah: you already did is what i'm telling you22:06
wxlread the PRECOMPILED DRIVER section of the readme for more information there22:07
wxlyou should also note at the very bottom of the readme they have the same exact instructions22:07
aladiahyes https://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README_6.30.223.248.txt22:09
aladiahthey say ; Some distros (Ubuntu and Fedora at the least) already have a version of this driver in their repositories precompiled,22:10
aladiahhow could i know iam using the same distro now or not ?22:10
wxlaladiah: and they do, and that's what you installed22:10
aladiahwxl : Dont you think i can put # in some of lines in  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf22:14
wxlaladiah: yep, that's one way to comment things out22:14
aladiahremember me how to edit22:14
aladiahgedit doesnit ?22:14
wxlthat's one way to do it22:15
aladiahlets see22:15
aladiahwxl : wich of this ones in blacklist could need a # before each line ?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10786543/22:18
wxlaladiah: why do you think you need any?22:23
aladiahi think maybe one of those is bluetooth  and it is on black list22:23
wxlwhy would that be?22:24
aladiahmy old machine, only works with wireless when i put a # before bcm4311 line22:25
aladiahon that file ...22:25
wxlso at some point you got this to work on some other machine?22:27
aladiahbluetooth ? my old machine dont have bluetooth , only wifi22:28
aladiahbut to make it work, i always need to put # before bcm 4311 line22:29
aladiahwxl : They say :  Building this driver requires that your machine have the proper tools, packages, header files and libraries to build a standard kernel module.22:29
aladiahwxl:  how can i be sure i have the proper pakacges to start build it22:30
aladiahwxl: they say: tar xzf <path>/hybrid-v35-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz  ,  i should put something where say PATH ?22:33
wxlaladiah: then it's probably not related22:34
wxlaladiah: as for what you're asking about, i wouldn't recommend it. for one, it's already done for you and it didn't work. secondly, it's extremely complicated22:34
aladiahwxl do you have knowledge to do it ?22:35
aladiahwxl : if was your laptop , you were able to do it for yourself ?22:36
wxlaladiah: yes22:36
wxlaladiah: if i reached the point you have reached, i'd probably seek support from broadcom.22:36
aladiahwxl : do you want acess my machine via chrome remote acess and do it ?22:36
wxlaladiah: absolutely not.22:36
aladiahwxl : its normal when we open up the blueman , a box with a message saying Bluetooth switched off!  The bluetooth must be swithec off to let the device manager work! OUT or Activate bluetooth ?22:39
aladiahwhen you open your blueman do you have this message?22:39
wxlaladiah: no.22:40
wxlaladiah: have you tried a reboot?22:40
aladiahif i click, activate bluetooth, the box closes and nothing happen, even if i try to reopen blueman. If i reboot, and try again, and choose OUt, then reopen blueman, and choose activate , the blueman opens up but no buttons works , except help button22:41
wxlaladiah: have you tried to contact broadcom?22:42
aladiahno yet22:42
aladiahbut i will22:42
wxlyou should22:42
aladiahwhat i should say them?22:42
wxlthat you have the latest driver installed and bluetooth doesn't work and explain it further22:42
aladiahthats it22:42
wxlwell i would certainly expound and be more detailed22:43
aladiahwxl : what you thinmk about this http://paste.ubuntu.com/10786727/ ?22:50
wxlaladiah: add that you installed the precompiled binary from the ubuntu repos22:51
wxlwait a minute22:51
wxlbah chatzilla22:52
aladiahlike this http://paste.ubuntu.com/10786733/   i will send to https://www.broadcom.com/contact/feedback.php22:53
wxlhold on aladiah22:54
wxlaladiah: you get anything from `lspci | grep -i bluetooth`?22:57
aladiahlet me try22:58
wxlwhat about `lsusb | grep -i bluetooth`?22:59
aladiahbut bluetooth is not usb, it is embedded22:59
wxli am aware of that23:00
wxlk well weird, but whatever23:01
aladiahi have dual boot, i tested on windows, work fine23:01
aladiahshowld be a blueman problem ?23:02
aladiahisnt an alternativa app to test it ?23:02
wxlno, but i'm thinking the kernel doesn't see the hardware23:02
wxlwe'vbe been looking at bcm4365 but that's the wifi chip23:02
aladiahwhy this wxl ?23:02
wxlthe bt is a separate chip23:02
wxllspci should show a separate entry for it23:03
wxl1you might want to provide the whole content of lspci23:03
aladiahhow ?23:03
aladiahwxl: lspci result23:04
wxlyeah i see nothing there at all23:05
wxlmaybe the card is not seated all the way or a cable is disconnected23:05
aladiahwxl, it works on windows23:05
aladiahi tested this afternoon23:06
wxlthen i am baffled23:06
aladiahconnected with my nokia E6323:06
wxleven if it cannot understand how to work with a piece of hardware, the kernel should be able to recognize it23:06
aladiahMaybe it start work with the 15 version23:07
wxl111what's the output of `dmesg | grep -i bluetooth`?23:07
aladiahsome months ago ICEDTEA  dont work for me . . . no one could helped me to , then an update came, and voilaaa it work23:07
wxlalso `rfkill list all`23:07
aladiahwxl: results for dmesg | grep -i bluetooth : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10786852/23:09
aladiahwxl: results for rfkill list all      http://paste.ubuntu.com/10786860/23:10
wxlweird there's no bluetooth there23:11
aladiahno ?23:11
aladiahthe driver . .23:11
aladiahthe problem is the driver . .23:11
aladiahdoesnit '23:11
wxlthere's no reason to be sure of that23:11
aladiahbecause the wifi and bluetooth is the same piece of hardware doesnit ?23:12
wxlwhat about `hcitool dev`?23:12
wxlit's on the same card, but not on the same chip23:12
aladiahthe driver is apropriate to wifi , but they forgot the bluetooth lololol23:12
aladiahwhat else?23:12
wxlyou can think of it like a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich. the two components ARE seperate even though they're on the same thing.23:13
wxlthe problem is that the bluetooth is not foudn23:13
wxlbluetooth ≠ wifi23:13
wxltotally different protocols23:13
aladiahyes it is different23:13
aladiahlolol how do you put that sign "different" ?23:14
aladiahits a keyword combination ?23:14
wxlit is if you use altgr23:14
wxlerr compose key23:14
aladiahi dont see that sign on my keyboard23:15
wxlit's not23:15
wxlset up compose and it should be as easy as something like ralt = /23:15
wxlbut what about `hcitool dev`?23:15
aladiahwxl : results for  "hcitool dev" http://paste.ubuntu.com/10786924/23:17
aladiahMaybe i shloud add to broadcom ticket  , this past.ubuntu . . . . too doesnit ?23:22
aladiahwxl : look to the ticket to broadcom now, with commands yhou ask my add to it :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10786973/23:29
aladiahits more complete now doesn i t?23:29
wxlgood luck aladiah23:30
wxlplease share the solution with us when you find it23:31
wxlyou can email the mailing list23:31
aladiahshould i included your nick too as channel lubuntu support ?23:31
* wxl shrugs23:31
wxli doubt they'll pop into irc and ask questions :)23:31
aladiah but i will23:31
aladiahwxl : read the latest paragraph please http://paste.ubuntu.com/10787004/23:35
aladiahlets see23:36
aladiahwxl : you will not believe, when i submitt the ticket , the ticket is not accepted, because this:  The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Please try again.23:38
ianorlinaladiah: I think the driver you installed is for the wifi part of the chip23:38
aladiahWhat recaptcha, there is no re captcha .23:38
aladiahianorlin, that is what i think too23:38
ianorlinI don't know of a broadcom bluetooth driver but I don't actually have anything bluetooth23:40
aladiahok done, lets see what they have to say about it !23:49

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